2021-04-15 21:20:36 +02:00

1150 lines
34 KiB

/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "audio/audiostream.h"
#include "audio/decoders/wave.h"
#include "common/config-manager.h"
#include "common/file.h"
#include "common/system.h"
#include "graphics/managed_surface.h"
#include "graphics/palette.h"
#include "image/bmp.h"
#include "image/image_decoder.h"
#include "cryomni3d/mouse_boxes.h"
#include "cryomni3d/font_manager.h"
#include "cryomni3d/versailles/engine.h"
namespace CryOmni3D {
namespace Versailles {
bool CryOmni3DEngine_Versailles::showSubtitles() const {
return ConfMan.getBool("subtitles");
void CryOmni3DEngine_Versailles::drawMenuTitle(Graphics::ManagedSurface *surface, byte color) {
int offY;
int oldFont = _fontManager.getCurrentFont();
int titleX, titleY, subtitleX, subtitleY;
if (getLanguage() == Common::FR_FRA ||
getLanguage() == Common::ES_ESP ||
getLanguage() == Common::KO_KOR ||
getLanguage() == Common::PT_BRA) {
titleX = 144;
titleY = 160;
subtitleX = 305;
subtitleY = 160;
} else if (getLanguage() == Common::DE_DEU) {
titleX = 122;
titleY = 80;
subtitleX = 283;
subtitleY = 80;
} else if (getLanguage() == Common::JA_JPN) {
titleX = 144;
titleY = 125;
subtitleX = 144;
subtitleY = 145;
} else if (getLanguage() == Common::ZH_TWN) {
titleX = 130;
titleY = 160;
subtitleX = 340;
subtitleY = 160;
} else {
titleX = 100;
titleY = 80;
subtitleX = 261;
subtitleY = 80;
offY = _fontManager.getFontMaxHeight();
_fontManager.displayStr(titleX, titleY - offY, _messages[23]);
offY = _fontManager.getFontMaxHeight();
_fontManager.displayStr(subtitleX, subtitleY - offY, _messages[24]);
if (getLanguage() == Common::FR_FRA ||
getLanguage() == Common::ES_ESP ||
getLanguage() == Common::KO_KOR ||
getLanguage() == Common::PT_BRA ||
getLanguage() == Common::ZH_TWN) {
surface->vLine(100, 146, 172, color);
surface->hLine(100, 172, 168, color); // minus 1 because hLine draws inclusive
uint CryOmni3DEngine_Versailles::displayOptions() {
Common::Array<int> menuEntries;
#if 0
// Music on HDD setting
// 1 is for volume box
MouseBoxes boxes(menuEntries.size() + 1);
bool end = false;
int drawState = 1;
uint volumeCursorMiddleY = _sprites.getCursor(102).getHeight() / 2;
uint volume = CLIP(ConfMan.getInt("music_volume"), 0, 256);
uint soundVolumeY = ((283 * (256 - volume)) >> 8) + 101;
byte volumeForeColor = 243;
Graphics::ManagedSurface optionsSurface;
Image::ImageDecoder *imageDecoder = loadHLZ("option.hlz");
const Graphics::Surface *bgFrame = imageDecoder->getSurface();
optionsSurface.create(bgFrame->w, bgFrame->h, bgFrame->format);
uint hoveredBox = uint(-1);
uint selectedBox = uint(-1);
int selectedMsg = 0;
uint volumeBox = uint(-1);
bool resetScreen = true;
bool forceEvents = true;
while (!shouldAbort() && !end) {
if (resetScreen) {
setPalette(imageDecoder->getPalette(), imageDecoder->getPaletteStartIndex(),
// _cursorPalette has only 248 colors as 8 last colors are for translucency
setPalette(_cursorPalette + 240 * 3, 240, 8);
resetScreen = false;
if (drawState > 0) {
if (drawState == 1) {
drawMenuTitle(&optionsSurface, 243);
_fontManager.displayStr(550, 407, _messages[39]);
optionsSurface.vLine(544, 402, 429, volumeForeColor);
optionsSurface.hLine(544, 429, 613, volumeForeColor); // minus 1 because hLine draws inclusive
uint boxId = 0;
uint top = 195;
uint bottom;
uint width;
for (Common::Array<int>::iterator it = menuEntries.begin(); it != menuEntries.end(); it++) {
if (*it == 30 && !ConfMan.getBool("subtitles")) {
*it = 31;
} else if (*it == 32 && (ConfMan.getBool("mute") ||
ConfMan.getBool("music_mute"))) {
*it = 33;
#if 0
else if (*it == 34) {
// What to do with music on HDD setting?
else if (*it == 26 && !_isPlaying) {
*it = -26;
} else if (*it == 29 && !_isPlaying) {
*it = -29;
} else if (*it == -42 && canVisit()) {
*it = 42;
} else if (*it == 48) {
uint omni3D_speed = ConfMan.getInt("omni3d_speed");
switch (omni3D_speed) {
case 1:
*it = 51;
case 2:
*it = 52;
case 3:
*it = 49;
case 4:
*it = 50;
// If it is another value, menu text is 48 (normal speed) and there is nothing to do
if (*it > 0) {
int msgId = *it;
bottom = top;
top += 24;
// Patch on the fly the text displayed
if (_isVisiting) {
if (msgId == 26) {
msgId = 44;
} else if (msgId == 29) {
msgId = 45;
width = _fontManager.getStrWidth(_messages[msgId]);
//Common::Rect rct(144, top - 39, width + 144, bottom);
//optionsSurface.frameRect(rct, 0);
boxes.setupBox(boxId, 144, top - 39, width + 144, bottom);
if (boxId == hoveredBox) {
} else {
_fontManager.displayStr(144, top - 39, _messages[msgId]);
volumeBox = boxId;
boxes.setupBox(boxId, 525, 101, 570, 401);
optionsSurface.transBlitFrom(_sprites.getSurface(102), Common::Point(553, soundVolumeY),
g_system->copyRectToScreen(optionsSurface.getPixels(), optionsSurface.pitch, 0, 0, optionsSurface.w,
drawState = 0;
if (pollEvents() || forceEvents) { // always call pollEvents
forceEvents = false;
Common::Point mouse = getMousePos();
uint boxId = 0;
Common::Array<int>::iterator it;
for (it = menuEntries.begin(); it != menuEntries.end(); it++) {
if (boxes.hitTest(boxId, mouse)) {
if (hoveredBox != boxId) {
hoveredBox = boxId;
drawState = 2;
// We met a hit, no need to look further
if (it != menuEntries.end()) {
if (getDragStatus() == 2) {
selectedMsg = *it;
selectedBox = hoveredBox;
} else {
// no menu selected, check volume
if (boxes.hitTest(volumeBox, mouse)) {
if (volumeForeColor != 240) {
volumeForeColor = 240;
drawState = 1;
if (getCurrentMouseButton() == 1) {
if (soundVolumeY != getMousePos().y - volumeCursorMiddleY) {
soundVolumeY = CLIP(getMousePos().y - volumeCursorMiddleY, 101u, 384u);
drawState = 1;
volume = CLIP(((384 - soundVolumeY) << 8) / 283, 0u, 256u);
// Global setting
ConfMan.setInt("music_volume", volume);
// As we modify speech volume, let's unmute it
// Using in-game settings resets all scummvm specific settings
ConfMan.setBool("speech_mute", false);
ConfMan.setInt("speech_volume", volume);
} else if (getDragStatus() == 2 &&
!_mixer->hasActiveChannelOfType(Audio::Mixer::kMusicSoundType) &&
_mixer->getVolumeForSoundType(Audio::Mixer::kMusicSoundType) > 0) {
// Finished dragging
do {
Common::File *audioFile = new Common::File();
if (!audioFile->open("ORGUE.WAV")) {
warning("Failed to open sound file %s", "ORGUE.WAV");
delete audioFile;
Audio::SeekableAudioStream *audioDecoder = Audio::makeWAVStream(audioFile, DisposeAfterUse::YES);
// We lost ownership of the audioFile just set it to nullptr and don't use it
audioFile = nullptr;
if (!audioDecoder) {
_mixer->playStream(Audio::Mixer::kMusicSoundType, nullptr, audioDecoder, SoundIds::kOrgue);
// We lost ownership of the audioDecoder just set it to nullptr and don't use it
audioDecoder = nullptr;
} while (false);
} else {
if (hoveredBox != uint(-1)) {
hoveredBox = uint(-1);
drawState = 2;
if (volumeForeColor != 243) {
volumeForeColor = 243;
drawState = 1;
if (getNextKey().keycode == Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE && _isPlaying) {
selectedMsg = 26;
if (selectedMsg == 27 || selectedMsg == 28 || selectedMsg == 40 || selectedMsg == 42) {
// New game, Load game, Quit, Visit
if (!_isPlaying || _isVisiting) {
end = true;
} else {
Common::Rect rct;
if (getLanguage() == Common::DE_DEU) {
rct = Common::Rect(286, 433, 555, 475);
} else if (getLanguage() == Common::ES_ESP ||
getLanguage() == Common::IT_ITA) {
rct = Common::Rect(250, 420, 530, 465);
} else if (getLanguage() == Common::JA_JPN) {
rct = Common::Rect(245, 420, 505, 465);
} else {
rct = Common::Rect(235, 420, 505, 465);
end = displayYesNoBox(optionsSurface, rct, 57);
drawState = 1;
if (!end) {
selectedMsg = 0;
if (selectedMsg == 25) {
// Documentation area
drawState = 1;
resetScreen = true;
forceEvents = true;
selectedMsg = 0;
} else if (selectedMsg == 26) {
// Continue game
end = true;
} else if (selectedMsg == 28) {
Common::String saveName;
bool wasVisiting = _isVisiting;
_isVisiting = false;
uint saveNumber = displayFilePicker(bgFrame, false, saveName);
if (saveNumber == uint(-1)) {
_isVisiting = wasVisiting;
drawState = 1;
selectedMsg = 0;
} else {
_loadedSave = saveNumber;
end = true;
} else if (selectedMsg == 42) {
Common::String saveName;
bool wasVisiting = _isVisiting;
_isVisiting = true;
uint saveNumber = displayFilePicker(bgFrame, false, saveName);
if (saveNumber == uint(-1)) {
_isVisiting = wasVisiting;
drawState = 1;
selectedMsg = 0;
} else {
_loadedSave = saveNumber;
end = true;
} else if (selectedMsg == 29) {
Common::String saveName;
uint saveNumber = displayFilePicker(bgFrame, true, saveName);
if (saveNumber != uint(-1)) {
saveGame(_isVisiting, saveNumber, saveName);
drawState = 1;
selectedMsg = 0;
} else if (selectedMsg == 30) {
ConfMan.setBool("subtitles", false);
drawState = 1;
menuEntries[selectedBox] = 31;
selectedMsg = 0;
} else if (selectedMsg == 31) {
ConfMan.setBool("subtitles", true);
drawState = 1;
menuEntries[selectedBox] = 30;
selectedMsg = 0;
} else if (selectedMsg == 32) {
ConfMan.setBool("music_mute", true);
drawState = 1;
menuEntries[selectedBox] = 33;
selectedMsg = 0;
} else if (selectedMsg == 33) {
ConfMan.setBool("mute", false);
ConfMan.setBool("music_mute", false);
drawState = 1;
menuEntries[selectedBox] = 32;
selectedMsg = 0;
#if 0
// Music on disk settings
else if (selectedMsg == 35) {
drawState = 1;
menuEntries[selectedBox] = 34;
selectedMsg = 0;
} else if (selectedMsg == 34) {
drawState = 1;
menuEntries[selectedBox] = 36;
selectedMsg = 0;
} else if (selectedMsg == 36) {
drawState = 1;
menuEntries[selectedBox] = 35;
selectedMsg = 0;
else if (selectedMsg == 39) {
// Volume
selectedMsg = 0;
} else if (selectedMsg == 47) {
// Unknown
selectedMsg = 0;
} else if (selectedMsg == 48) {
ConfMan.setInt("omni3d_speed", 1);
drawState = 1;
menuEntries[selectedBox] = 51;
selectedMsg = 0;
} else if (selectedMsg == 51) {
ConfMan.setInt("omni3d_speed", 2);
drawState = 1;
menuEntries[selectedBox] = 52;
selectedMsg = 0;
} else if (selectedMsg == 52) {
ConfMan.setInt("omni3d_speed", 3);
drawState = 1;
menuEntries[selectedBox] = 49;
selectedMsg = 0;
} else if (selectedMsg == 49) {
ConfMan.setInt("omni3d_speed", 4);
drawState = 1;
menuEntries[selectedBox] = 50;
selectedMsg = 0;
} else if (selectedMsg == 50) {
ConfMan.setInt("omni3d_speed", 0);
drawState = 1;
menuEntries[selectedBox] = 48;
selectedMsg = 0;
} else if (selectedMsg == 43) {
drawState = 1;
resetScreen = true;
forceEvents = true;
selectedMsg = 0;
if (selectedMsg == 42) {
_abortCommand = kAbortLoadGame;
// For return value
selectedMsg = 28;
} else if (selectedMsg == 28) {
_abortCommand = kAbortLoadGame;
} else if (selectedMsg == 40) {
_abortCommand = kAbortQuit;
} else if (selectedMsg == 27) {
_abortCommand = kAbortNewGame;
_isVisiting = false;
} else if (shouldAbort()) {
// Fake a quit
selectedMsg = 40;
// shouldAbort called earlier has already set _abortCommand
// If GMM is called on main menu in game, return value is ignored so quit isn't important
// If GMM is called on main menu out of game, GMM can only quit game and don't load
delete imageDecoder;
return selectedMsg;
uint CryOmni3DEngine_Versailles::displayYesNoBox(Graphics::ManagedSurface &surface,
const Common::Rect &position, uint msg_id) {
uint confirmWidth = _fontManager.getStrWidth(_messages[53]);
uint cancelWidth = _fontManager.getStrWidth(_messages[54]);
uint oldFont = _fontManager.getCurrentFont();
surface.frameRect(position, 243);
_fontManager.setupBlock(Common::Rect(position.left + 5, + 5, position.right - 5,
position.bottom - 5));
MouseBoxes boxes(2);
boxes.setupBox(1, position.left + 5, position.bottom - 15, position.left + confirmWidth,
position.bottom, &_messages[53]);
boxes.setupBox(0, position.right - cancelWidth - 5, position.bottom - 15, position.right,
position.bottom, &_messages[54]);
bool end = false;
bool redraw = true;
uint result = uint(-1);
while (!shouldAbort() && (!end || redraw)) {
if (redraw) {
for (uint boxId = 0; boxId < 2; boxId++) {
if (boxId == result) {
} else {
boxes.display(boxId, _fontManager);
redraw = false;
g_system->copyRectToScreen(surface.getPixels(), surface.pitch, 0, 0, surface.w, surface.h);
if (pollEvents()) {
Common::Point mouse = getMousePos();
uint hit_result = uint(-1);
if (boxes.hitTest(1, mouse)) {
hit_result = 1;
} else if (boxes.hitTest(0, mouse)) {
hit_result = 0;
if (!end && hit_result != result) {
result = hit_result;
redraw = true;
if ((getCurrentMouseButton() == 1) && (result != uint(-1))) {
end = true;
Common::KeyCode keyPressed = getNextKey().keycode;
if (keyPressed == Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE) {
result = 0;
redraw = true;
end = true;
} else if (keyPressed == Common::KEYCODE_RETURN) {
result = 1;
redraw = true;
end = true;
return result;
uint CryOmni3DEngine_Versailles::displayFilePicker(const Graphics::Surface *bgFrame,
bool saveMode, Common::String &saveName) {
bool autoName = (_messages.size() >= 148);
Graphics::ManagedSurface surface(bgFrame->w, bgFrame->h, bgFrame->format);
drawMenuTitle(&surface, 243);
int subtitleId;
if (_isVisiting) {
subtitleId = saveMode ? 45 : 46;
} else {
subtitleId = saveMode ? 29 : 28;
_fontManager.displayStr(164, 214, _messages[subtitleId]);
// Draw an empty screen before we list saves
g_system->copyRectToScreen(surface.getPixels(), surface.pitch, 0, 0, surface.w, surface.h);
Common::Array<Common::String> savesList;
int nextSaveNum;
getSavesList(_isVisiting, savesList, nextSaveNum);
Common::String saveNameBackup;
MouseBoxes boxes(10); // 6 files + Yes/No/Up/Down buttons
// Yes/No buttons
const Common::String &okMsg = _messages[53];
uint okWidth = _fontManager.getStrWidth(okMsg);
boxes.setupBox(6, 246, 430, 246 + okWidth, 450, &okMsg);
const Common::String &cancelMsg = _messages[54];
uint cancelWidth = _fontManager.getStrWidth(cancelMsg);
boxes.setupBox(7, 146, 430, 146 + cancelWidth, 450, &cancelMsg);
// Up/Down buttons
boxes.setupBox(8, 428, 320, 448, 340);
boxes.setupBox(9, 428, 360, 448, 380);
surface.transBlitFrom(_sprites.getSurface(162), Common::Point(428, 320), _sprites.getKeyColor(162));
surface.transBlitFrom(_sprites.getSurface(185), Common::Point(428, 360), _sprites.getKeyColor(185));
uint fileListOffset = CLIP(ConfMan.getInt(_isVisiting ? "visits_list_off" :
"saves_list_off"), 0, 100 - 6);
uint boxHovered = uint(-1);
uint boxSelected = uint(-1);
bool textCursorState = false;
uint textCursorNextState = 0;
uint textCursorPos = uint(-1);
bool autoRepeatInhibit = false;
uint autoRepeatDelay = 250;
uint autoRepeatEndInhibit = 0;
bool finished = false;
bool filesListChanged = true;
bool redraw = false;
while (!finished) {
if (filesListChanged || redraw) {
if (filesListChanged) {
for (uint file = 0, fileY = 280; file < 6; file++, fileY += 20) {
boxes.setupBox(file, 146, fileY, 408, fileY + 14, &savesList[file + fileListOffset]);
// Redraw background as file list changed
surface.blitFrom(*bgFrame, Common::Rect(116, 280, 408, 400), Common::Point(116, 280));
filesListChanged = false;
// Don't redraw the scroll buttons
for (uint box = 0; box < 8; box++) {
if (box == boxSelected) {
// Selected
} else if (box == 6 && boxSelected == uint(-1)) {
// Ok and no file selected
} else if (box == boxHovered) {
// Hovered
} else {
// Other cases
if (box == boxSelected && saveMode) {
Common::Rect boxRct = boxes.getBoxRect(box); -= 2;
surface.blitFrom(*bgFrame, boxRct, Common::Point(boxRct.left,; += 2;
if (textCursorState) {
surface.vLine(textCursorPos,, + 11, 240);
boxes.display(box, _fontManager);
if (box < 6) {
// Draw line below
surface.hLine(116, 280 + box * 20 + 15, 407, 243); // minus 1 because hLine draws inclusive
// Display file number
_fontManager.displayInt(126, 280 + box * 20, fileListOffset + box + 1);
redraw = false;
g_system->copyRectToScreen(surface.getPixels(), surface.pitch, 0, 0, surface.w, surface.h);
Common::KeyState key = getNextKey();
uint mousePressed = getCurrentMouseButton();
if (!mousePressed) {
bool boxFound = false;
// Don't handle scroll arrows hovering
for (uint box = 0; box < 8; box++) {
if (boxes.hitTest(box, getMousePos())) {
boxFound = true;
if (boxHovered != box) {
boxHovered = box;
redraw = true;
if (!boxFound && boxHovered != uint(-1)) {
boxHovered = uint(-1);
redraw = true;
if (key == Common::KEYCODE_RETURN || (mousePressed == 1 && boxHovered == 6)) {
// OK
if (boxSelected != uint(-1)) {
Common::String &selectedSaveName = savesList[boxSelected + fileListOffset];
if (!selectedSaveName.size()) {
selectedSaveName = _messages[56]; // No name
redraw = true;
finished = true;
} else if (mousePressed == 1) {
if (boxHovered == 7) {
// Cancel
boxSelected = uint(-1);
finished = true;
} else if (boxHovered != uint(-1) && boxHovered != boxSelected) {
// This can only be a file
bool existingSave = (savesList[boxHovered + fileListOffset] != _messages[55]);
// Don't allow to save on slot 0 when visiting to avoid problems with original visit save
bool validSave = !(_isVisiting && saveMode && boxSelected == 0);
if ((saveMode || existingSave) && validSave) {
// Restore old name
if (saveMode && boxSelected != uint(-1)) {
savesList[boxSelected + fileListOffset] = saveNameBackup;
filesListChanged = true;
boxSelected = boxHovered;
// Backup new one
saveNameBackup = savesList[boxSelected + fileListOffset];
if (saveMode) {
if (!existingSave) {
// Not an existing save clear free name
savesList[boxSelected + fileListOffset] = "";
if (autoName) {
// Apply autoname to text
if (_currentLevel < 8) {
savesList[boxSelected + fileListOffset] = Common::String::format(_messages[146].c_str(),
} else {
savesList[boxSelected + fileListOffset] = _messages[147];
savesList[boxSelected + fileListOffset] += Common::String::format(" - %d", nextSaveNum);
redraw = true;
if (boxSelected != uint(-1) && saveMode && !autoName) {
if (key.keycode != Common::KEYCODE_INVALID) {
// Reference means we edit in place
Common::String &selectedSaveName = savesList[boxSelected + fileListOffset];
if (key == Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE && selectedSaveName.size() > 0) {
textCursorNextState = 0;
redraw = true;
} else if (key.ascii >= 32 && key.ascii < 256 && selectedSaveName.size() < 20) {
selectedSaveName += key.ascii;
textCursorNextState = 0;
redraw = true;
if (g_system->getMillis() > textCursorNextState) {
textCursorNextState = g_system->getMillis() + 200; // Blink at 200ms period
uint width = _fontManager.getStrWidth(savesList[boxSelected + fileListOffset]);
Common::Rect boxRct = boxes.getBoxRect(boxSelected);
textCursorPos = boxRct.left + width;
textCursorState = !textCursorState;
redraw = true;
if (!autoRepeatInhibit) {
bool autoRepeatTrigger = false;
uint oldFileListOffset = fileListOffset;
if (mousePressed) {
if (boxes.hitTest(8, getMousePos()) && fileListOffset > 0) {
autoRepeatTrigger = true;
} else if (boxes.hitTest(9, getMousePos()) && fileListOffset < 99 - 6) {
autoRepeatTrigger = true;
} else if (key == Common::KEYCODE_UP) {
if (fileListOffset > 0) {
autoRepeatTrigger = true;
} else if (key == Common::KEYCODE_DOWN) {
if (fileListOffset < 99 - 6) {
autoRepeatTrigger = true;
} else if (key == Common::KEYCODE_PAGEUP) {
if (fileListOffset > 6) {
fileListOffset -= 6;
} else {
fileListOffset = 0;
} else if (key == Common::KEYCODE_PAGEDOWN) {
if (fileListOffset < 99 - 6 - 6) {
fileListOffset += 6;
} else {
fileListOffset = 99 - 6;
if (autoRepeatTrigger) {
// Restore old name
if (saveMode && boxSelected != uint(-1)) {
savesList[boxSelected + oldFileListOffset] = saveNameBackup;
boxHovered = uint(-1);
boxSelected = uint(-1);
autoRepeatInhibit = true;
autoRepeatEndInhibit = g_system->getMillis() + autoRepeatDelay;
filesListChanged = true;
if (shouldAbort()) {
return uint(-1);
if (autoRepeatInhibit && g_system->getMillis() > autoRepeatEndInhibit) {
autoRepeatInhibit = false;
autoRepeatDelay = 60; // Next rounds will wait 60ms after first one
if (!mousePressed && key == Common::KEYCODE_INVALID) {
// Nothing was clicked or pressed: set back autoRepeatDelay to 250ms
autoRepeatDelay = 250;
if (boxSelected != uint(-1)) {
if (autoName) {
saveName = Common::String::format("AUTO%04d", nextSaveNum);
} else {
saveName = savesList[boxSelected + fileListOffset];
ConfMan.setInt(_isVisiting ? "visits_list_off" : "saves_list_off", fileListOffset);
return boxSelected + fileListOffset + 1;
} else {
return uint(-1);
const MsgBoxParameters CryOmni3DEngine_Versailles::kWarpMsgBoxParameters = {
9, 241, 22, 2, 1, 36, 18, 20, 10, 5
const MsgBoxParameters CryOmni3DEngine_Versailles::kFixedimageMsgBoxParameters = {
3, 241, 22, 2, 1, 40, 20, 20, 10, 3
void CryOmni3DEngine_Versailles::displayMessageBox(const MsgBoxParameters &params,
const Graphics::Surface *surface, const Common::String &msg, const Common::Point &position,
const Common::Functor0<void> &callback) {
Graphics::ManagedSurface dstSurface;
dstSurface.create(surface->w, surface->h, surface->format);
uint width = params.initialWidth;
uint height = params.initialHeight;
uint lineCount = 0;
Common::Point pt = position;
Common::Rect rct;
bool notEnough = true;
bool tooLarge = false;
while (notEnough && !tooLarge) {
width += params.incrementWidth;
height += params.incrementHeight;
rct = Common::Rect::center(pt.x, pt.y, width, height);
if (rct.left < 10) {
rct.left = 10;
if (pt.x < 320) {
pt.x += 10;
if (rct.right >= 630) {
rct.right = 630;
if (pt.x > 320) {
pt.x -= 10;
if ( <= 10) { = 10;
if (pt.y < 240) {
pt.y += 10;
if (rct.bottom >= 470) {
rct.bottom = 470;
if (pt.y > 235) { // sic.
pt.y -= 10;
if (rct.left == 10 && == 10 && rct.right == 630 && rct.bottom == 470) {
tooLarge = true;
lineCount = _fontManager.getLinesCount(msg, rct.width() - 12);
if (lineCount && lineCount * _fontManager.lineHeight() + 18 < (uint)rct.height()) {
notEnough = false;
rct.setHeight(lineCount * _fontManager.lineHeight() + 12);
if (rct.bottom > 479) {
rct.bottom = 479;
Graphics::Surface subSurface = dstSurface.getSubArea(rct);
makeTranslucent(subSurface, surface->getSubArea(rct));
g_system->copyRectToScreen(dstSurface.getPixels(), dstSurface.pitch, 0, 0,
dstSurface.w, dstSurface.h);
uint disappearTime = g_system->getMillis() + msg.size() * params.timeoutChar * 10;
bool finished = false;
while (!finished) {
if (g_system->getMillis() > disappearTime) {
finished = true;
if (getCurrentMouseButton() == 1) {
finished = true;
// Restore image
g_system->copyRectToScreen(surface->getPixels(), surface->pitch, 0, 0, surface->w, surface->h);
void CryOmni3DEngine_Versailles::displayMessageBoxWarp(const Common::String &message) {
Common::Point mousePos = getMousePos();
mousePos += Common::Point(0, 32);
if (mousePos.x > 639) {
mousePos.x = 639;
if (mousePos.y > 479) {
mousePos.y = 479;
displayMessageBox(kWarpMsgBoxParameters, _omni3dMan.getSurface(), message, mousePos,
Common::Functor0Mem<void, CryOmni3DEngine_Versailles>(this,
void CryOmni3DEngine_Versailles::displayCredits() {
Graphics::ManagedSurface creditsSurface;
Image::ImageDecoder *imageDecoder = loadHLZ("credits.hlz");
if (!imageDecoder) {
const Graphics::Surface *bgFrame = imageDecoder->getSurface();
byte palette[256 * 3];
memset(palette, 0, 256 * 3);
// getPalette returns the first color not index 0
memcpy(palette + 3 * imageDecoder->getPaletteStartIndex(), imageDecoder->getPalette(),
3 * imageDecoder->getPaletteColorCount());
copySubPalette(palette, _cursorPalette, 240, 8);
creditsSurface.create(bgFrame->w, bgFrame->h, bgFrame->format);
Common::File creditsFile;
if (![LocalizedFilenames::kCredits])) {
warning("Failed to open credits file: %s",
delete imageDecoder;
char line[256];
bool end = false;
bool calculatedScreen = false;
uint lineHeight = 20;
uint currentY = 0;
int32 fileOffset = 0;
bool skipScreen = false;
while (!end && creditsFile.readLine(line, ARRAYSIZE(line))) {
// Remove line ending
line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0';
if (!strncmp(line, "###", 3)) {
// Prefix for commands
if (!strncmp(line + 3, "ECRAN", 5)) {
// ECRAN command
if (calculatedScreen) {
g_system->copyRectToScreen(creditsSurface.getPixels(), creditsSurface.pitch, 0, 0,
creditsSurface.w, creditsSurface.h);
if (skipScreen) {
// Just display palette
setPalette(palette, 0, 256);
} else {
skipScreen = false;
// Wait
uint endScreenTime = g_system->getMillis() + 6000;
while (g_system->getMillis() < endScreenTime && !skipScreen) {
if (pollEvents()) {
if (getCurrentMouseButton() == 1) {
skipScreen = true;
Common::KeyCode kc = getNextKey().keycode;
while (kc != Common::KEYCODE_INVALID) {
if (kc == Common::KEYCODE_SPACE) {
skipScreen = true;
} else if (kc == Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE) {
skipScreen = true;
end = true;
kc = getNextKey().keycode;
if (shouldAbort()) {
skipScreen = true;
end = true;
if (!skipScreen) {
currentY = 0;
fileOffset = creditsFile.pos();
calculatedScreen = false;
} else {
// We just finished calculated all lines, roll back and display them, SEEK_SET);
calculatedScreen = true;
if (currentY <= 480 - lineHeight) {
// Center in screen
currentY = (480 - lineHeight) / 2 - currentY / 2;
} else {
currentY = 3;
} else if (!strcmp(line + 3, "T0")) {
lineHeight = _fontManager.getFontMaxHeight() + 10;
} else if (!strcmp(line + 3, "T1")) {
lineHeight = _fontManager.getFontMaxHeight() + 10;
} else if (!strcmp(line + 3, "T2")) {
lineHeight = _fontManager.getFontMaxHeight() + 10;
} else if (!strcmp(line + 3, "T3")) {
lineHeight = _fontManager.getFontMaxHeight() + 10;
} else if (!strcmp(line + 3, "T4")) {
lineHeight = _fontManager.getFontMaxHeight() + 10;
} else if (!strcmp(line + 3, "T5")) {
lineHeight = _fontManager.getFontMaxHeight() + 10;
} else {
warning("Unknown ### command : %s", line + 3);
} else {
// Text
if (calculatedScreen) {
uint width = _fontManager.getStrWidth(line);
// Center around 315
_fontManager.displayStr(315 - width / 2, currentY, line);
currentY += lineHeight;
delete imageDecoder;
} // End of namespace Versailles
} // End of namespace CryOmni3D