2014-07-04 23:14:44 +02:00

744 lines
19 KiB

#include "common/endian.h"
#include "graphics/tinygl/zbuffer.h"
namespace TinyGL {
static const int NB_INTERP = 8;
#define SAR_RND_TO_ZERO(v,n) (v / (1 << n))
template <bool depthWrite>
FORCEINLINE static void putPixelMapping(FrameBuffer *buffer, int buf, unsigned int *pz,
Graphics::PixelBuffer &texture, int _a, unsigned int &z, unsigned int &t, unsigned int &s,
int &dzdx, int &dsdx, int &dtdx) {
if (buffer->compareDepth(z, pz[_a])) {
buffer->writePixel(buf + _a, texture.getRawBuffer()[((t & 0x3FC00000) | s) >> 14]);
if (depthWrite) {
pz[_a] = z;
z += dzdx;
s += dsdx;
t += dtdx;
template <bool depthWrite>
FORCEINLINE static void putPixelFlat(FrameBuffer *buffer, int buf, unsigned int *pz, int _a,
unsigned int &z, int color, int &dzdx) {
if (buffer->compareDepth(z, pz[_a])) {
buffer->writePixel(buf + _a, color);
if (depthWrite) {
pz[_a] = z;
z += dzdx;
template <bool depthWrite>
FORCEINLINE static void putPixelDepth(FrameBuffer *buffer, unsigned int *pz, int _a, unsigned int &z, int &dzdx) {
if (buffer->compareDepth(z, pz[_a])) {
if (depthWrite) {
pz[_a] = z;
z += dzdx;
template <bool depthWrite>
FORCEINLINE static void putPixelSmooth(FrameBuffer *buffer, int buf, unsigned int *pz, int _a,
unsigned int &z, int &tmp, unsigned int &rgb, int &dzdx, unsigned int &drgbdx) {
if (buffer->compareDepth(z, pz[_a])) {
tmp = rgb & 0xF81F07E0;
buffer->writePixel(buf + _a, tmp | (tmp >> 16));
if (depthWrite) {
pz[_a] = z;
z += dzdx;
rgb = (rgb + drgbdx) & (~0x00200800);
template <bool depthWrite>
FORCEINLINE static void putPixelMappingPerspective(FrameBuffer *buffer, int buf,
Graphics::PixelFormat &textureFormat, Graphics::PixelBuffer &texture, unsigned int *pz, int _a,
unsigned int &z, unsigned int &t, unsigned int &s, int &tmp, unsigned int &rgba, unsigned int &a,
int &dzdx, int &dsdx, int &dtdx, unsigned int &drgbdx, unsigned int dadx) {
if (buffer->compareDepth(z, pz[_a])) {
unsigned ttt = (t & 0x003FC000) >> (9 - PSZSH);
unsigned sss = (s & 0x003FC000) >> (17 - PSZSH);
int pixel = ((ttt | sss) >> 1);
uint8 c_a, c_r, c_g, c_b;
uint32 *textureBuffer = (uint32 *)texture.getRawBuffer(pixel);
uint32 col = *textureBuffer;
c_a = (col >> textureFormat.aShift) & 0xFF;
c_r = (col >> textureFormat.rShift) & 0xFF;
c_g = (col >> textureFormat.gShift) & 0xFF;
c_b = (col >> textureFormat.bShift) & 0xFF;
tmp = rgba & 0xF81F07E0;
unsigned int light = tmp | (tmp >> 16);
unsigned int l_r = (light & 0xF800) >> 8;
unsigned int l_g = (light & 0x07E0) >> 3;
unsigned int l_b = (light & 0x001F) << 3;
unsigned int l_a = (a / 256);
c_a = (c_a * l_a) / 256;
c_r = (c_r * l_r) / 256;
c_g = (c_g * l_g) / 256;
c_b = (c_b * l_b) / 256;
buffer->writePixel(buf + _a, c_a, c_r, c_g, c_b);
if (depthWrite) {
pz[_a] = z;
z += dzdx;
s += dsdx;
t += dtdx;
a += dadx;
rgba = (rgba + drgbdx) & (~0x00200800);
template <bool interpRGB, bool interpZ, bool interpST, bool interpSTZ, int drawLogic, bool depthWrite>
void FrameBuffer::fillTriangle(ZBufferPoint *p0, ZBufferPoint *p1, ZBufferPoint *p2) {
Graphics::PixelBuffer texture;
float fdzdx = 0, fndzdx = 0, ndszdx = 0, ndtzdx = 0;
int _drgbdx = 0;
ZBufferPoint *tp, *pr1 = 0, *pr2 = 0, *l1 = 0, *l2 = 0;
float fdx1, fdx2, fdy1, fdy2, fz0, d1, d2;
unsigned int *pz1 = NULL;
unsigned char *pm1 = NULL;
int part, update_left, update_right;
int color = 0;
int nb_lines, dx1, dy1, tmp, dx2, dy2;
int error = 0, derror = 0;
int x1 = 0, dxdy_min = 0, dxdy_max = 0;
// warning: x2 is multiplied by 2^16
int x2 = 0, dx2dy2 = 0;
int z1 = 0, dzdx = 0, dzdy = 0, dzdl_min = 0, dzdl_max = 0;
int r1 = 0, drdx = 0, drdy = 0, drdl_min = 0, drdl_max = 0;
int g1 = 0, dgdx = 0, dgdy = 0, dgdl_min = 0, dgdl_max = 0;
int b1 = 0, dbdx = 0, dbdy = 0, dbdl_min = 0, dbdl_max = 0;
int a1 = 0, dadx = 0, dady = 0, dadl_min = 0, dadl_max = 0;
int s1 = 0, dsdx = 0, dsdy = 0, dsdl_min = 0, dsdl_max = 0;
int t1 = 0, dtdx = 0, dtdy = 0, dtdl_min = 0, dtdl_max = 0;
float sz1 = 0.0, dszdx = 0, dszdy = 0, dszdl_min = 0.0, dszdl_max = 0.0;
float tz1 = 0.0, dtzdx = 0, dtzdy = 0, dtzdl_min = 0.0, dtzdl_max = 0.0;
// we sort the vertex with increasing y
if (p1->y < p0->y) {
tp = p0;
p0 = p1;
p1 = tp;
if (p2->y < p0->y) {
tp = p2;
p2 = p1;
p1 = p0;
p0 = tp;
} else if (p2->y < p1->y) {
tp = p1;
p1 = p2;
p2 = tp;
// we compute dXdx and dXdy for all interpolated values
fdx1 = (float)(p1->x - p0->x);
fdy1 = (float)(p1->y - p0->y);
fdx2 = (float)(p2->x - p0->x);
fdy2 = (float)(p2->y - p0->y);
fz0 = fdx1 * fdy2 - fdx2 * fdy1;
if (fz0 == 0)
fz0 = (float)(1.0 / fz0);
fdx1 *= fz0;
fdy1 *= fz0;
fdx2 *= fz0;
fdy2 *= fz0;
if (interpZ) {
d1 = (float)(p1->z - p0->z);
d2 = (float)(p2->z - p0->z);
dzdx = (int)(fdy2 * d1 - fdy1 * d2);
dzdy = (int)(fdx1 * d2 - fdx2 * d1);
if (interpRGB) {
d1 = (float)(p1->r - p0->r);
d2 = (float)(p2->r - p0->r);
drdx = (int)(fdy2 * d1 - fdy1 * d2);
drdy = (int)(fdx1 * d2 - fdx2 * d1);
d1 = (float)(p1->g - p0->g);
d2 = (float)(p2->g - p0->g);
dgdx = (int)(fdy2 * d1 - fdy1 * d2);
dgdy = (int)(fdx1 * d2 - fdx2 * d1);
d1 = (float)(p1->b - p0->b);
d2 = (float)(p2->b - p0->b);
dbdx = (int)(fdy2 * d1 - fdy1 * d2);
dbdy = (int)(fdx1 * d2 - fdx2 * d1);
d1 = (float)(p1->a - p0->a);
d2 = (float)(p2->a - p0->a);
dadx = (int)(fdy2 * d1 - fdy1 * d2);
dady = (int)(fdx1 * d2 - fdx2 * d1);
if (interpST) {
d1 = (float)(p1->s - p0->s);
d2 = (float)(p2->s - p0->s);
dsdx = (int)(fdy2 * d1 - fdy1 * d2);
dsdy = (int)(fdx1 * d2 - fdx2 * d1);
d1 = (float)(p1->t - p0->t);
d2 = (float)(p2->t - p0->t);
dtdx = (int)(fdy2 * d1 - fdy1 * d2);
dtdy = (int)(fdx1 * d2 - fdx2 * d1);
if (interpSTZ) {
float zz;
zz = (float)p0->z;
p0->sz = (float)p0->s * zz;
p0->tz = (float)p0->t * zz;
zz = (float)p1->z;
p1->sz = (float)p1->s * zz;
p1->tz = (float)p1->t * zz;
zz = (float)p2->z;
p2->sz = (float)p2->s * zz;
p2->tz = (float)p2->t * zz;
d1 = p1->sz - p0->sz;
d2 = p2->sz - p0->sz;
dszdx = (fdy2 * d1 - fdy1 * d2);
dszdy = (fdx1 * d2 - fdx2 * d1);
d1 = p1->tz - p0->tz;
d2 = p2->tz - p0->tz;
dtzdx = (fdy2 * d1 - fdy1 * d2);
dtzdy = (fdx1 * d2 - fdx2 * d1);
// screen coordinates
int pp1 = xsize * p0->y;
pz1 = zbuf + p0->y * xsize;
switch (drawLogic) {
pm1 = shadow_mask_buf + p0->y * xsize;
pm1 = shadow_mask_buf + p0->y * xsize;
color = RGB_TO_PIXEL(shadow_color_r, shadow_color_g, shadow_color_b);
color = RGB_TO_PIXEL(p2->r, p2->g, p2->b);
_drgbdx = (SAR_RND_TO_ZERO(drdx, 6) << 22) & 0xFFC00000;
_drgbdx |= SAR_RND_TO_ZERO(dgdx, 5) & 0x000007FF;
_drgbdx |= (SAR_RND_TO_ZERO(dbdx, 7) << 12) & 0x001FF000;
texture = current_texture;
texture = current_texture;
assert(texture.getFormat().bytesPerPixel == 4);
fdzdx = (float)dzdx;
fndzdx = NB_INTERP * fdzdx;
ndszdx = NB_INTERP * dszdx;
ndtzdx = NB_INTERP * dtzdx;
_drgbdx = ((drdx / (1 << 6)) << 22) & 0xFFC00000;
_drgbdx |= (dgdx / (1 << 5)) & 0x000007FF;
_drgbdx |= ((dbdx / (1 << 7)) << 12) & 0x001FF000;
Graphics::PixelFormat textureFormat = texture.getFormat();
for (part = 0; part < 2; part++) {
if (part == 0) {
if (fz0 > 0) {
update_left = 1;
update_right = 1;
l1 = p0;
l2 = p2;
pr1 = p0;
pr2 = p1;
} else {
update_left = 1;
update_right = 1;
l1 = p0;
l2 = p1;
pr1 = p0;
pr2 = p2;
nb_lines = p1->y - p0->y;
} else {
// second part
if (fz0 > 0) {
update_left = 0;
update_right = 1;
pr1 = p1;
pr2 = p2;
} else {
update_left = 1;
update_right = 0;
l1 = p1;
l2 = p2;
nb_lines = p2->y - p1->y + 1;
// compute the values for the left edge
if (update_left) {
dy1 = l2->y - l1->y;
dx1 = l2->x - l1->x;
if (dy1 > 0)
tmp = (dx1 << 16) / dy1;
tmp = 0;
x1 = l1->x;
error = 0;
derror = tmp & 0x0000ffff;
dxdy_min = tmp >> 16;
dxdy_max = dxdy_min + 1;
if (interpZ) {
z1 = l1->z;
dzdl_min = (dzdy + dzdx * dxdy_min);
dzdl_max = dzdl_min + dzdx;
if (interpRGB) {
r1 = l1->r;
drdl_min = (drdy + drdx * dxdy_min);
drdl_max = drdl_min + drdx;
g1 = l1->g;
dgdl_min = (dgdy + dgdx * dxdy_min);
dgdl_max = dgdl_min + dgdx;
b1 = l1->b;
dbdl_min = (dbdy + dbdx * dxdy_min);
dbdl_max = dbdl_min + dbdx;
a1 = l1->a;
dadl_min = (dady + dadx * dxdy_min);
dadl_max = dadl_min + dadx;
if (interpST) {
s1 = l1->s;
dsdl_min = (dsdy + dsdx * dxdy_min);
dsdl_max = dsdl_min + dsdx;
t1 = l1->t;
dtdl_min = (dtdy + dtdx * dxdy_min);
dtdl_max = dtdl_min + dtdx;
if (interpSTZ) {
sz1 = l1->sz;
dszdl_min = (dszdy + dszdx * dxdy_min);
dszdl_max = dszdl_min + dszdx;
tz1 = l1->tz;
dtzdl_min = (dtzdy + dtzdx * dxdy_min);
dtzdl_max = dtzdl_min + dtzdx;
// compute values for the right edge
if (update_right) {
dx2 = (pr2->x - pr1->x);
dy2 = (pr2->y - pr1->y);
if (dy2 > 0)
dx2dy2 = (dx2 << 16) / dy2;
dx2dy2 = 0;
x2 = pr1->x << 16;
// we draw all the scan line of the part
while (nb_lines > 0) {
switch (drawLogic) {
int pp;
int n;
unsigned int *pz;
unsigned int z;
unsigned int s, t;
n = (x2 >> 16) - x1;
pp = pp1 + x1;
if (interpZ) {
pz = pz1 + x1;
z = z1;
if (interpST) {
s = s1;
t = t1;
while (n >= 3) {
if (drawLogic == DRAW_DEPTH_ONLY) {
putPixelDepth<depthWrite>(this, pz, 0, z, dzdx);
putPixelDepth<depthWrite>(this, pz, 1, z, dzdx);
putPixelDepth<depthWrite>(this, pz, 2, z, dzdx);
putPixelDepth<depthWrite>(this, pz, 3, z, dzdx);
if (drawLogic == DRAW_FLAT) {
putPixelFlat<depthWrite>(this, pp, pz, 0, z, color, dzdx);
putPixelFlat<depthWrite>(this, pp, pz, 1, z, color, dzdx);
putPixelFlat<depthWrite>(this, pp, pz, 2, z, color, dzdx);
putPixelFlat<depthWrite>(this, pp, pz, 3, z, color, dzdx);
if (drawLogic == DRAW_MAPPING) {
putPixelMapping<depthWrite>(this, pp, pz, texture, 0, z, t, s, dzdx, dsdx, dtdx);
putPixelMapping<depthWrite>(this, pp, pz, texture, 1, z, t, s, dzdx, dsdx, dtdx);
putPixelMapping<depthWrite>(this, pp, pz, texture, 2, z, t, s, dzdx, dsdx, dtdx);
putPixelMapping<depthWrite>(this, pp, pz, texture, 3, z, t, s, dzdx, dsdx, dtdx);
if (interpZ) {
pz += 4;
pp += 4;
n -= 4;
while (n >= 0) {
if (drawLogic == DRAW_DEPTH_ONLY) {
putPixelDepth<depthWrite>(this, pz, 0, z, dzdx);
if (drawLogic == DRAW_FLAT) {
putPixelFlat<depthWrite>(this, pp, pz, 0, z, color, dzdx);
if (drawLogic == DRAW_MAPPING) {
putPixelMapping<depthWrite>(this, pp, pz, texture, 0, z, t, s, dzdx, dsdx, dtdx);
if (interpZ) {
pz += 1;
pp += 1;
n -= 1;
unsigned char *pm;
int n;
n = (x2 >> 16) - x1;
pm = pm1 + x1;
while (n >= 3) {
for (int a = 0; a <= 3; a++) {
pm[a] = 0xff;
pm += 4;
n -= 4;
while (n >= 0) {
pm[0] = 0xff;
pm += 1;
n -= 1;
unsigned char *pm;
int n;
unsigned int *pz;
unsigned int z;
n = (x2 >> 16) - x1;
int buf = pp1 + x1;
pm = pm1 + x1;
pz = pz1 + x1;
z = z1;
while (n >= 3) {
for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
if (compareDepth(z, pz[a]) && pm[0]) {
writePixel(buf + a, color);
if (depthWrite) {
pz[a] = z;
z += dzdx;
pz += 4;
pm += 4;
buf += 4;
n -= 4;
while (n >= 0) {
if (compareDepth(z, pz[0]) && pm[0]) {
writePixel(buf, color);
if (depthWrite) {
pz[0] = z;
pz += 1;
pm += 1;
buf += 1;
n -= 1;
unsigned int *pz;
int buf = pp1 + x1;
unsigned int z, rgb, drgbdx;
int n;
n = (x2 >> 16) - x1;
pz = pz1 + x1;
z = z1;
rgb = (r1 << 16) & 0xFFC00000;
rgb |= (g1 >> 5) & 0x000007FF;
rgb |= (b1 << 5) & 0x001FF000;
drgbdx = _drgbdx;
while (n >= 3) {
putPixelSmooth<depthWrite>(this, buf, pz, 0, z, tmp, rgb, dzdx, drgbdx);
putPixelSmooth<depthWrite>(this, buf, pz, 1, z, tmp, rgb, dzdx, drgbdx);
putPixelSmooth<depthWrite>(this, buf, pz, 2, z, tmp, rgb, dzdx, drgbdx);
putPixelSmooth<depthWrite>(this, buf, pz, 3, z, tmp, rgb, dzdx, drgbdx);
pz += 4;
buf += 4;
n -= 4;
while (n >= 0) {
putPixelSmooth<depthWrite>(this, buf, pz, 0, z, tmp, rgb, dzdx, drgbdx);
buf += 1;
pz += 1;
n -= 1;
unsigned int *pz;
unsigned int s, t, z, rgb, a, drgbdx;
int n;
float sz, tz, fz, zinv;
n = (x2 >> 16) - x1;
fz = (float)z1;
zinv = (float)(1.0 / fz);
int buf = pp1 + x1;
pz = pz1 + x1;
z = z1;
sz = sz1;
tz = tz1;
rgb = (r1 << 16) & 0xFFC00000;
rgb |= (g1 >> 5) & 0x000007FF;
rgb |= (b1 << 5) & 0x001FF000;
a = a1;
drgbdx = _drgbdx;
while (n >= (NB_INTERP - 1)) {
float ss, tt;
ss = sz * zinv;
tt = tz * zinv;
s = (int)ss;
t = (int)tt;
dsdx = (int)((dszdx - ss * fdzdx) * zinv);
dtdx = (int)((dtzdx - tt * fdzdx) * zinv);
fz += fndzdx;
zinv = (float)(1.0 / fz);
for (int _a = 0; _a < 8; _a++) {
putPixelMappingPerspective<depthWrite>(this, buf, textureFormat, texture, pz, _a, z, t, s, tmp, rgb, a, dzdx,
dsdx, dtdx, drgbdx, dadx);
pz += NB_INTERP;
buf += NB_INTERP;
sz += ndszdx;
tz += ndtzdx;
float ss, tt;
ss = sz * zinv;
tt = tz * zinv;
s = (int)ss;
t = (int)tt;
dsdx = (int)((dszdx - ss * fdzdx) * zinv);
dtdx = (int)((dtzdx - tt * fdzdx) * zinv);
while (n >= 0) {
putPixelMappingPerspective<depthWrite>(this, buf, textureFormat, texture, pz, 0, z, t, s, tmp, rgb, a, dzdx,
dsdx, dtdx, drgbdx, dadx);
pz += 1;
buf += 1;
n -= 1;
// left edge
error += derror;
if (error > 0) {
error -= 0x10000;
x1 += dxdy_max;
if (interpZ) {
z1 += dzdl_max;
if (interpRGB) {
r1 += drdl_max;
g1 += dgdl_max;
b1 += dbdl_max;
a1 += dadl_max;
if (interpST) {
s1 += dsdl_max;
t1 += dtdl_max;
if (interpSTZ) {
sz1 += dszdl_max;
tz1 += dtzdl_max;
} else {
x1 += dxdy_min;
if (interpZ) {
z1 += dzdl_min;
if (interpRGB) {
r1 += drdl_min;
g1 += dgdl_min;
b1 += dbdl_min;
a1 += dadl_min;
if (interpST) {
s1 += dsdl_min;
t1 += dtdl_min;
if (interpSTZ) {
sz1 += dszdl_min;
tz1 += dtzdl_min;
// right edge
x2 += dx2dy2;
// screen coordinates
pp1 += xsize;
pz1 += xsize;
if (drawLogic == DRAW_SHADOW || drawLogic == DRAW_SHADOW_MASK)
pm1 = pm1 + xsize;
void FrameBuffer::fillTriangleDepthOnly(ZBufferPoint *p0, ZBufferPoint *p1, ZBufferPoint *p2) {
const bool interpZ = true;
const bool interpRGB = false;
const bool interpST = false;
const bool interpSTZ = false;
if (_depthWrite)
fillTriangle<interpRGB, interpZ, interpST, interpSTZ, DRAW_DEPTH_ONLY, true>(p0, p1, p2);
fillTriangle<interpRGB, interpZ, interpST, interpSTZ, DRAW_DEPTH_ONLY, false>(p0, p1, p2);
void FrameBuffer::fillTriangleFlat(ZBufferPoint *p0, ZBufferPoint *p1, ZBufferPoint *p2) {
const bool interpZ = true;
const bool interpRGB = false;
const bool interpST = false;
const bool interpSTZ = false;
if (_depthWrite)
fillTriangle<interpRGB, interpZ, interpST, interpSTZ, DRAW_FLAT, true>(p0, p1, p2);
fillTriangle<interpRGB, interpZ, interpST, interpSTZ, DRAW_FLAT, false>(p0, p1, p2);
// Smooth filled triangle.
void FrameBuffer::fillTriangleSmooth(ZBufferPoint *p0, ZBufferPoint *p1, ZBufferPoint *p2) {
const bool interpZ = true;
const bool interpRGB = true;
const bool interpST = false;
const bool interpSTZ = false;
if (_depthWrite)
fillTriangle<interpRGB, interpZ, interpST, interpSTZ, DRAW_SMOOTH, true>(p0, p1, p2);
fillTriangle<interpRGB, interpZ, interpST, interpSTZ, DRAW_SMOOTH, false>(p0, p1, p2);
void FrameBuffer::fillTriangleMapping(ZBufferPoint *p0, ZBufferPoint *p1, ZBufferPoint *p2) {
const bool interpZ = true;
const bool interpRGB = false;
const bool interpST = true;
const bool interpSTZ = false;
if (_depthWrite)
fillTriangle<interpRGB, interpZ, interpST, interpSTZ, DRAW_MAPPING, true>(p0, p1, p2);
fillTriangle<interpRGB, interpZ, interpST, interpSTZ, DRAW_MAPPING, false>(p0, p1, p2);
void FrameBuffer::fillTriangleMappingPerspective(ZBufferPoint *p0, ZBufferPoint *p1,
ZBufferPoint *p2) {
const bool interpZ = true;
const bool interpRGB = true;
const bool interpST = false;
const bool interpSTZ = true;
if (_depthWrite)
fillTriangle<interpRGB, interpZ, interpST, interpSTZ, DRAW_MAPPING_PERSPECTIVE, true>(p0, p1, p2);
fillTriangle<interpRGB, interpZ, interpST, interpSTZ, DRAW_MAPPING_PERSPECTIVE, false>(p0, p1, p2);
void FrameBuffer::fillTriangleFlatShadowMask(ZBufferPoint *p0, ZBufferPoint *p1, ZBufferPoint *p2) {
const bool interpZ = true;
const bool interpRGB = false;
const bool interpST = false;
const bool interpSTZ = false;
if (_depthWrite)
fillTriangle<interpRGB, interpZ, interpST, interpSTZ, DRAW_SHADOW_MASK, true>(p0, p1, p2);
fillTriangle<interpRGB, interpZ, interpST, interpSTZ, DRAW_SHADOW_MASK, false>(p0, p1, p2);
void FrameBuffer::fillTriangleFlatShadow(ZBufferPoint *p0, ZBufferPoint *p1, ZBufferPoint *p2) {
const bool interpZ = true;
const bool interpRGB = false;
const bool interpST = false;
const bool interpSTZ = false;
if (_depthWrite)
fillTriangle<interpRGB, interpZ, interpST, interpSTZ, DRAW_SHADOW, true>(p0, p1, p2);
fillTriangle<interpRGB, interpZ, interpST, interpSTZ, DRAW_SHADOW, false>(p0, p1, p2);
} // end of namespace TinyGL