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569 lines
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/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "twp/twp.h"
#include "twp/detection.h"
#include "twp/resmanager.h"
#include "twp/object.h"
#include "twp/room.h"
#include "twp/squtil.h"
#include "twp/clipper/clipper.hpp"
namespace Twp {
static ObjectType toObjectType(const Common::JSONObject &jObject) {
if (toBool(jObject, "prop"))
return otProp;
if (toBool(jObject, "spot"))
return otSpot;
if (toBool(jObject, "trigger"))
return otTrigger;
return otNone;
static Direction parseUseDir(const Common::String &s) {
if (s == "DIR_FRONT")
return dFront;
if (s == "DIR_BACK")
return dBack;
if (s == "DIR_LEFT")
return dLeft;
if (s == "DIR_RIGHT")
return dRight;
error("invalid use direction: %s", s.c_str());
static Math::Vector2d parseParallax(const Common::JSONValue &v) {
if (v.isIntegerNumber()) {
return {(float)v.asIntegerNumber(), 1};
if (v.isNumber()) {
return {(float)v.asNumber(), 1};
if (v.isString()) {
return parseVec2(v.asString());
error("parseParallax expected a float, int or string, not this: %s", v.stringify().c_str());
static Walkbox parseWalkbox(const Common::String &text) {
Common::Array<Vector2i> points;
size_t i = 1;
size_t endPos;
do {
uint32 commaPos = text.find(',', i);
int x = (int)strtol(text.substr(i, commaPos - i).c_str(), nullptr, 10);
endPos = text.find('}', commaPos + 1);
int y = (int)strtol(text.substr(commaPos + 1, endPos - commaPos - 1).c_str(), nullptr, 10);
i = endPos + 3;
points.push_back({x, y});
} while ((text.size() - 1) != endPos);
return Walkbox(points);
static Scaling parseScaling(const Common::JSONArray &jScalings) {
float scale;
int y;
Scaling result;
for (auto it = jScalings.begin(); it != jScalings.end(); it++) {
const Common::String &v = (*it)->asString();
sscanf(v.c_str(), "%f@%d", &scale, &y);
result.values.push_back(ScalingValue{scale, y});
return result;
static ClipperLib::Path toPolygon(const Walkbox &walkbox) {
ClipperLib::Path path;
const Common::Array<Vector2i> &points = walkbox.getPoints();
for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
path.push_back(ClipperLib::IntPoint(points[i].x, points[i].y));
return path;
static Walkbox toWalkbox(const ClipperLib::Path &path) {
Common::Array<Vector2i> pts;
for (size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) {
const ClipperLib::IntPoint &pt = path[i];
pts.push_back(Vector2i(static_cast<int>(pt.X), static_cast<int>(pt.Y)));
return Walkbox(pts, ClipperLib::Orientation(path));
static Common::Array<Walkbox> merge(const Common::Array<Walkbox> &walkboxes) {
Common::Array<Walkbox> result;
if (walkboxes.size() > 0) {
ClipperLib::Paths subjects, clips;
for (size_t i = 0; i < walkboxes.size(); i++) {
const Walkbox &wb = walkboxes[i];
if (wb.isVisible()) {
ClipperLib::Paths solutions;
ClipperLib::Clipper c;
c.AddPaths(subjects, ClipperLib::ptSubject, true);
c.Execute(ClipperLib::ClipType::ctUnion, solutions, ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd);
ClipperLib::Paths solutions2;
ClipperLib::Clipper c2;
c2.AddPaths(solutions, ClipperLib::ptSubject, true);
c2.AddPaths(clips, ClipperLib::ptClip, true);
c2.Execute(ClipperLib::ClipType::ctDifference, solutions2, ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd);
for (size_t i = 0; i < solutions2.size(); i++) {
return result;
Room::Room(const Common::String &name, HSQOBJECT &table) : _table(table) {
setId(_table, g_twp->_resManager->newRoomId());
_name = name;
_scene = Common::SharedPtr<Scene>(new Scene());
Room::~Room() {
Common::SharedPtr<Object> Room::createObject(const Common::String &sheet, const Common::Array<Common::String> &frames) {
Common::SharedPtr<Object> obj(new Object());
obj->_temporary = true;
HSQUIRRELVM v = g_twp->getVm();
// create a table for this object
sq_getstackobj(v, -1, &obj->_table);
sq_addref(v, &obj->_table);
sq_pop(v, 1);
// assign an id
const int id = g_twp->_resManager->newObjId();
setId(obj->_table, id);
g_twp->_resManager->_allObjects[id] = obj;
Common::String name = frames.size() > 0 ? frames[0] : "noname";
sqsetf(obj->_table, "name", name);
obj->_key = name;
debugC(kDebugGame, "Create object with new table: %s #%d", obj->_name.c_str(), obj->getId());
obj->_sheet = sheet;
// create anim if any
if (frames.size() > 0) {
ObjectAnimation objAnim;
objAnim.name = "state0";
obj->_layer = layer(0);
return obj;
Common::SharedPtr<Object> Room::createTextObject(const Common::String &fontName, const Common::String &text, TextHAlignment hAlign, TextVAlignment vAlign, float maxWidth) {
Common::SharedPtr<Object> obj(new Object());
obj->_temporary = true;
HSQUIRRELVM v = g_twp->getVm();
// create a table for this object
sq_getstackobj(v, -1, &obj->_table);
sq_addref(v, &obj->_table);
sq_pop(v, 1);
// assign an id
const int id = g_twp->_resManager->newObjId();
setId(obj->_table, id);
g_twp->_resManager->_allObjects[id] = obj;
debugC(kDebugGame, "Create object with new table: %s #%d", obj->_name.c_str(), obj->getId());
obj->_name = Common::String::format("text#%d: %s", obj->getId(), text.c_str());
Text txt(fontName, text, hAlign, vAlign, maxWidth);
Common::SharedPtr<TextNode> node(new TextNode());
float y = 0.5f;
switch (vAlign) {
case tvTop:
y = 0.f;
case tvCenter:
y = 0.5f;
case tvBottom:
y = 1.f;
switch (hAlign) {
case thLeft:
node->setAnchorNorm(Math::Vector2d(0.f, y));
case thCenter:
node->setAnchorNorm(Math::Vector2d(0.5f, y));
case thRight:
node->setAnchorNorm(Math::Vector2d(1.f, y));
obj->_nodeAnim = nullptr;
obj->_node = node;
obj->_layer = layer(0);
return obj;
void Room::load(Common::SharedPtr<Room> room, Common::SeekableReadStream &s) {
GGHashMapDecoder d;
Common::ScopedPtr<Common::JSONValue> value(d.open(&s));
// debugC(kDebugGame, "Room: %s", value->stringify().c_str());
const Common::JSONObject &jRoom = value->asObject();
room->_name = jRoom["name"]->asString();
room->_sheet = jRoom["sheet"]->asString();
room->_roomSize = parseVec2(jRoom["roomsize"]->asString());
room->_height = jRoom.contains("height") ? jRoom["height"]->asIntegerNumber() : room->_roomSize.getY();
room->_fullscreen = jRoom.contains("fullscreen") ? jRoom["fullscreen"]->asIntegerNumber() : 0;
// backgrounds
Common::StringArray backNames;
if (jRoom["background"]->isString()) {
} else {
const Common::JSONArray &jBacks = jRoom["background"]->asArray();
for (size_t i = 0; i < jBacks.size(); i++) {
Common::SharedPtr<Layer> layer(new Layer(backNames, Math::Vector2d(1, 1), 0));
// layers
if (jRoom.contains("layers")) {
const Common::JSONArray &jLayers = jRoom["layers"]->asArray();
for (size_t i = 0; i < jLayers.size(); i++) {
Common::StringArray names;
const Common::JSONObject &jLayer = jLayers[i]->asObject();
if (jLayer["name"]->isArray()) {
const Common::JSONArray &jNames = jLayer["name"]->asArray();
for (size_t j = 0; j < jNames.size(); j++) {
} else if (jLayer["name"]->isString()) {
Math::Vector2d parallax = parseParallax(*jLayer["parallax"]);
int zsort = jLayer["zsort"]->asIntegerNumber();
Common::SharedPtr<Layer> layer(new Layer(names, parallax, zsort));
// walkboxes
if (jRoom.contains("walkboxes")) {
const Common::JSONArray &jWalkboxes = jRoom["walkboxes"]->asArray();
for (auto it = jWalkboxes.begin(); it != jWalkboxes.end(); it++) {
const Common::JSONObject &jWalkbox = (*it)->asObject();
Walkbox walkbox = parseWalkbox(jWalkbox["polygon"]->asString());
if (jWalkbox.contains("name") && jWalkbox["name"]->isString()) {
walkbox._name = jWalkbox["name"]->asString();
// objects
if (jRoom.contains("objects")) {
const Common::JSONArray &jobjects = jRoom["objects"]->asArray();
for (auto it = jobjects.begin(); it != jobjects.end(); it++) {
const Common::JSONObject &jObject = (*it)->asObject();
Common::SharedPtr<Object> obj(new Object());
const int id = g_twp->_resManager->newObjId();
Twp::setId(obj->_table, id);
g_twp->_resManager->_allObjects[id] = obj;
obj->_key = jObject["name"]->asString();
obj->_usePos = parseVec2(jObject["usepos"]->asString());
if (jObject.contains("usedir")) {
obj->_useDir = parseUseDir(jObject["usedir"]->asString());
} else {
obj->_useDir = dNone;
obj->_hotspot = parseRect(jObject["hotspot"]->asString());
obj->_objType = toObjectType(jObject);
if (jObject.contains("parent"))
obj->_parent = jObject["parent"]->asString();
obj->_room = room;
if (jObject.contains("animations")) {
parseObjectAnimations(jObject["animations"]->asArray(), obj->_anims);
obj->_layer = room->layer(0);
// scalings
if (jRoom.contains("scaling")) {
const Common::JSONArray &jScalings = jRoom["scaling"]->asArray();
if (jScalings[0]->isString()) {
} else {
for (auto it = jScalings.begin(); it != jScalings.end(); it++) {
const Common::JSONObject &jScaling = (*it)->asObject();
Scaling scaling = parseScaling(jScaling["scaling"]->asArray());
if (jScaling.contains("trigger") && jScaling["trigger"]->isString())
scaling.trigger = jScaling["trigger"]->asString();
room->_scaling = room->_scalings[0];
room->_mergedPolygon = merge(room->_walkboxes);
// Fix room size (why ?)
int width = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < backNames.size(); i++) {
Common::String name = backNames[i];
width += g_twp->_resManager->spriteSheet(room->_sheet)->getFrame(name).sourceSize.getX();
Common::SharedPtr<Layer> Room::layer(int zsort) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < _layers.size(); i++) {
Common::SharedPtr<Layer> l = _layers[i];
if (l->_zsort == zsort)
return l;
return NULL;
Math::Vector2d Room::getScreenSize() {
switch (_height) {
case 128:
return {320, 180};
case 172:
return {428, 240};
case 256:
return {640, 360};
return {_roomSize.getX(), (float)_height};
Common::SharedPtr<Object> Room::getObj(const Common::String &key) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < _layers.size(); i++) {
Common::SharedPtr<Layer> layer = _layers[i];
for (size_t j = 0; j < layer->_objects.size(); j++) {
Common::SharedPtr<Object> obj = layer->_objects[j];
if (obj->_key == key)
return obj;
return nullptr;
Light *Room::createLight(const Color &color, const Math::Vector2d &pos) {
Light *result = &_lights._lights[_lights._numLights];
result->id = 100000 + _lights._numLights;
result->on = true;
result->color = color;
result->pos = pos;
return result;
float Room::getScaling(float yPos) {
return _scaling.getScaling(yPos);
void Room::objectParallaxLayer(Common::SharedPtr<Object> obj, int zsort) {
Common::SharedPtr<Layer> l = layer(zsort);
if (obj->_layer != l) {
// removes object from old layer
if (obj->_layer) {
int i = find(obj->_layer->_objects, obj);
// adds object to the new one
// update scenegraph
obj->_layer = l;
void Room::setOverlay(const Color &color) {
Color Room::getOverlay() const {
return _overlayNode.getOverlayColor();
void Room::update(float elapsed) {
if (_overlayTo)
if (_rotateTo)
for (size_t j = 0; j < _layers.size(); j++) {
Common::SharedPtr<Layer> layer = _layers[j];
for (size_t k = 0; k < layer->_objects.size(); k++) {
Common::SharedPtr<Object> obj = layer->_objects[k];
void Room::walkboxHidden(const Common::String &name, bool hidden) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < _walkboxes.size(); i++) {
Walkbox &wb = _walkboxes[i];
if (wb._name == name) {
// 1 walkbox has changed so update merged polygon
Common::Array<Math::Vector2d> Room::calculatePath(const Math::Vector2d &frm, const Math::Vector2d &to) {
if (_mergedPolygon.size() > 0) {
if (_pathFinder.isDirty()) {
_mergedPolygon = merge(_walkboxes);
return _pathFinder.calculatePath(frm, to);
return {};
Layer::Layer(const Common::String &name, const Math::Vector2d ¶llax, int zsort) {
_parallax = parallax;
_zsort = zsort;
Layer::Layer(const Common::StringArray &name, const Math::Vector2d ¶llax, int zsort) {
_parallax = parallax;
_zsort = zsort;
Walkbox::Walkbox(const Common::Array<Vector2i> &polygon, bool visible)
: _polygon(polygon), _visible(visible) {
bool Walkbox::concave(int vertex) const {
Math::Vector2d current = (Math::Vector2d)_polygon[vertex];
Math::Vector2d next = (Math::Vector2d)_polygon[(vertex + 1) % _polygon.size()];
Math::Vector2d previous = (Math::Vector2d)_polygon[vertex == 0 ? _polygon.size() - 1 : vertex - 1];
Math::Vector2d left{current.getX() - previous.getX(), current.getY() - previous.getY()};
Math::Vector2d right{next.getX() - current.getX(), next.getY() - current.getY()};
float cross = (left.getX() * right.getY()) - (left.getY() * right.getX());
return cross < 0;
bool Walkbox::contains(const Math::Vector2d &position, bool toleranceOnOutside) const {
Math::Vector2d point = position;
const float epsilon = 2.0f;
bool result = false;
// Must have 3 or more edges
if (_polygon.size() < 3)
return false;
Math::Vector2d oldPoint(_polygon[_polygon.size() - 1]);
float oldSqDist = distanceSquared(oldPoint, point);
for (size_t i = 0; i < _polygon.size(); i++) {
Math::Vector2d newPoint = (Math::Vector2d)_polygon[i];
float newSqDist = distanceSquared(newPoint, point);
if (oldSqDist + newSqDist + 2.0f * sqrt(oldSqDist * newSqDist) - distanceSquared(newPoint, oldPoint) < epsilon)
return toleranceOnOutside;
Math::Vector2d left;
Math::Vector2d right;
if (newPoint.getX() > oldPoint.getX()) {
left = oldPoint;
right = newPoint;
} else {
left = newPoint;
right = oldPoint;
if ((left.getX() < point.getX()) && (point.getX() <= right.getX()) && ((point.getY() - left.getY()) * (right.getX() - left.getX())) < ((right.getY() - left.getY()) * (point.getX() - left.getX())))
result = !result;
oldPoint = Common::move(newPoint);
oldSqDist = newSqDist;
return result;
float Scaling::getScaling(float yPos) {
if (values.size() == 0)
return 1.0f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
ScalingValue scaling = values[i];
if (yPos < scaling.y) {
if (i == 0)
return values[i].scale;
ScalingValue prevScaling = values[i - 1];
float dY = scaling.y - prevScaling.y;
float dScale = scaling.scale - prevScaling.scale;
float p = (yPos - prevScaling.y) / dY;
float scale = prevScaling.scale + (p * dScale);
return scale;
return values[values.size() - 1].scale;
} // namespace Twp