Orgad Shaneh 75bfc1290b ICB: Use nullptr
Using clang-tidy modernize-use-nullptr
2021-11-14 15:51:59 +02:00

1203 lines
38 KiB

/* ResidualVM - A 3D game interpreter
* ResidualVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the AUTHORS
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* Additional copyright for this file:
* Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Revolution Software Ltd.
* This code is based on source code created by Revolution Software,
* used with permission.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "engines/icb/common/px_common.h"
#include "engines/icb/mission.h"
#include "engines/icb/global_objects.h"
#include "engines/icb/global_switches.h"
#include "engines/icb/direct_input.h"
#include "engines/icb/p4.h"
#include "engines/icb/remora.h"
#include "engines/icb/icon_list_manager.h"
#include "engines/icb/sound.h"
#include "engines/icb/string_vest.h"
#include "engines/icb/sound_logic.h"
#include "engines/icb/timer_func.h"
#include "engines/icb/mission_functions.h"
#include "engines/icb/common/datapacker.h"
#include "engines/icb/res_man.h"
#include "engines/icb/options_manager_pc.h"
#include "engines/icb/cluster_manager_pc.h"
#include "common/util.h"
#include "common/textconsole.h"
namespace ICB {
// Short term global until we stop supporting old save game format
uint32 packData;
bool8 Setup_camtest_mission() {
// create a null mission and session for camtest viewer mode
return FALSE8;
void _mission::Set_new_session_name(const char *ascii) {
// record the name of the next session
/* // name to lower
for (uint32 j = 0; j < strlen(ascii); j++)
if (Common::isUpper(*(ascii + j)))
*(ascii + j) = tolower(*(ascii + j));*/
Set_string(const_cast<char *>(ascii), new_session_name, TINY_NAME_LEN);
new_session = TRUE8; // trigger a new session
void _mission::Set_init_nico_name(const char *ascii) {
// record the name of the init nico
Set_string(const_cast<char *>(ascii), init_nico_name, TINY_NAME_LEN);
init_nico = TRUE8; // trigger a new session
bool8 _mission::Is_there_init_nico() {
// return init nico status
return (init_nico);
void _mission::Reset_init_nico() {
// remove the name of the init nico
init_nico = FALSE8; // reset
const char *_mission::Return_init_nico_name() { return ((const char *)init_nico_name); }
bool8 Setup_new_mission(const char *mission_name, const char *session_name) {
// Just to be tidy
// Stop any previous sounds
// Pause the sound engine
// create a new mission object deleting any current one
// fix names to lowercase on the PC ONLY
/* uint32 j;
for (j = 0; j < strlen(mission_name); j++)
if (Common::isUpper(*(mission_name + j)))
*(mission_name + j) = tolower(*(mission_name + j));
for (j = 0; j < strlen(session_name); j++)
if (Common::isUpper(*(session_name + j)))
*(session_name + j) = tolower(*(session_name + j));*/
// check if session exists
// If we are using the straight paths check for the cluster
// Otherwise make up the path to the psx name format cluster
// Make the filename equivalent of the hash'ed version of mission name
char h_mission_name[8];
HashFile(mission_name, h_mission_name);
char h_session_name[8];
HashFile(session_name, h_session_name);
// convert hashes to lower-case for FS operations
for (int32 i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
h_mission_name[i] = (char)tolower(h_mission_name[i]);
h_session_name[i] = (char)tolower(h_session_name[i]);
sprintf(temp_buf, SESSION_TEST_PATH, h_mission_name, h_session_name);
#if 1 // was #ifdef FROM_PC_CD
// Need the mission data present on hard-disk for it to destruct properly
// so do this here for the pc before we shunt stuff about
if (g_mission)
// Call the runtime cluster manager to install mission data on minimum install
// Need a mission id number fist of all
MISSION_ID m = (MISSION_ID)FindMissionNumber(mission_name);
// Initialise the install for this mission
// This function also checks that the correct CD is in the drive too
if (g_theClusterManager->StartMissionInstall(m)) {
// Keep calling this until it's done. I know this prevents windows
// from doing anything but that's a useful thing for installing stuff.
while (g_theClusterManager->InstallMission())
if (rs_bg->Test_file(temp_buf)) {
if (g_mission)
g_icb_mission->___init_mission(mission_name, session_name);
return (TRUE8);
return (FALSE8);
void _mission::___init_mission(const char *new_mission_name, const char *session_name) {
// mission object constructor
// creates a session too
Zdebug("___init_mission %s %s", new_mission_name, session_name);
// camview mode
if (camera_hack)
chi_following = FALSE8; // store a mission wide session independent record of whether or not chi has been initialised
num_bullets = 0;
num_clips = 0;
num_medi = 0;
inited_globals = FALSE8;
if (new_mission_name == nullptr)
Fatal_error("new mission no mission name");
if (session_name == nullptr)
Fatal_error("new mission no session name");
// Work out which CD we should be using
g_px->current_cd = WhichCD(new_mission_name);
// Need a mission id number fist of all
MISSION_ID m = (MISSION_ID)FindMissionNumber(new_mission_name);
// Initialise the install for this mission
// This function also checks that the correct CD is in the drive too
if (g_theClusterManager->StartMissionInstall(m)) {
// Keep calling this until it's done. I know this prevents windows
// from doing anything but that's a useful thing for installing stuff.
while (g_theClusterManager->InstallMission())
// When using clusters keep items withouth the root so the correct hashing
// start point can be maintained
strcpy(mission_name, new_mission_name);
Set_string(new_mission_name, tiny_mission_name, TINY_NAME_LEN);
Set_string(session_name, tiny_session_name, TINY_NAME_LEN);
// Make the filename equivalent of the hash'ed version of mission name
HashFile(new_mission_name, h_mission_name);
Zdebug("-- Begin new mission - %s", (const char *)new_mission_name);
// setup mission sound
// Reset the widescreen and fade effects
// set pointer :this is so things inside session->__init can use MS e.g. remora & inventory initialisation
g_mission = g_icb_mission;
// set sessions private resource manager to have no defragging - will fail as soon as a file cannot fit
// setup the starting session
// note - objects will need their initialise-objects call making outside of this because mission->session-> must be inited
session = g_icb_session;
session->___init(mission_name, session_name);
// set mission status to ok - a script can reset to !0 to end the entire mission
mission_status = 0;
// camera will follow the player when this is 0 - change to another id to follow that instead
camera_follow_id_overide = 0;
// Don't think this matters but better be safe.
remora_save_mode = -1;
// total micro sessions saved
number_sessions_saved = 0;
// reset new session flag
new_session = FALSE8;
init_nico = FALSE8;
Zdebug("~___init_mission %s %s", new_mission_name, session_name);
void _mission::___delete_mission() {
// mission object deconstructor
Zdebug("deleting mission");
// kill the pointer which doubles as an inited yes/no flag
g_mission = nullptr;
// Close any existing menu
// This kills any lists that are lying about (that script writers may have created but forgotten to destroy). It
// won't kill the inventory though, because that has GAME_WIDE scope and we are only killing to MISSION_WIDE.
// This is the call that removes all the icons in the inventory list WITHOUT destroying the list itself.
// Turn the in-game timer off
void _mission::End_mission() {
// cause the mission to end and shutdown
mission_status = 1;
: session(nullptr), camera_follow_id_overide(0), remora_save_mode(0), ad_time(0), lt_time(0), set_time(0), flip_time(0), cycle_time(0), logic_time(0), resman_logic_time(0),
los_time(0), event_time(0), sound_time(0), xtra_mega_time(0), nActorsDrawn(0), nActorsConsidered(0), old_hits_value(0), chi_following(0), num_bullets(0), num_clips(0),
num_medi(0), inited_globals(FALSE8), mission_terminate(0), mission_status(0), number_sessions_saved(0), new_session(FALSE8), init_nico(FALSE8) {
memset(new_session_name, '\0', TINY_NAME_LEN);
memset(init_nico_name, '\0', TINY_NAME_LEN);
memset(mission_name, '\0', ENGINE_STRING_LEN);
memset(tiny_mission_name, '\0', TINY_NAME_LEN);
memset(tiny_session_name, '\0', TINY_NAME_LEN);
memset(h_mission_name, '\0', 8);
for (int32 i = 0; i < MAX_sessions; i++) {
memset(micro_sessions[i].session__name, '\0', ENGINE_STRING_LEN);
micro_sessions[i].number_of_micro_objects = 0;
for (int32 j = 0; j < MAX_session_objects; j++) {
memset(micro_sessions[i].micro_objects[j].lvar_value, 0, MAX_lvars * sizeof(int32));
micro_sessions[i].micro_objects[j].total_lvars = 0;
micro_sessions[i].micro_objects[j].status_flag = OB_STATUS_NOT_HELD;
memset(micro_sessions[i].fvars, 0, MAX_fvars * sizeof(int32));
_mission::~_mission() { Zdebug("*mission destructing*"); }
uint32 _mission::Game_cycle() {
// run a cycle for the current session in the current mission
// returns 0 ok
// 1 finish the mission
// safety check for no session
if (session == nullptr)
Fatal_error("no session");
if (new_session == TRUE8) { // a new session has been requested
// save the session data to a micro session
// remove existing session - taking the view with it
// set sessions private resource manager to have no defragging - will fail as soon as a file cannot fit
// initialise the new one
session->___init((const char *)mission_name, (const char *)new_session_name);
// set the tiny session name
Set_string(new_session_name, tiny_session_name, TINY_NAME_LEN);
// create gameworld and structs
// reload object values if the session has been saved
// init the objects
// reload object coordinates
// must reset to NULL
new_session = FALSE8;
// cancel init nico
camera_follow_id_overide = 0; // cancel previous watch
remora_save_mode = -1;
// help out rs_anims
// update the sound engine
// now do a loop of logic
// get start time
MS->prev_save_state = MS->Can_save(); // get previous state - used by lifts to see if player is active
MS->Set_can_save(FALSE8); // cant save as default - this is reversed by states that allow save this game cycle
g_px->logic_timing = TRUE8;
logic_time = GetMicroTimer();
resman_logic_time = 0; // reset
xtra_mega_time = 0;
// work out overall time
logic_time = GetMicroTimer() - logic_time;
g_px->logic_timing = FALSE8;
// cancel SAVE if watching another mega
if (g_mission->camera_follow_id_overide)
session->Process_conveyors(); // conveyor belts
// Update global timer by a tick
g_globalScriptVariables->SetVariable("missionelapsedtime", g_globalScriptVariables->GetVariable("missionelapsedtime") + 1);
// call the camera director which will pick a view depending upon the player objects position
return (mission_status);
void _mission::Save_micro_session() {
// save all object lvars to a micro session
c_game_object *object;
uint32 j = 0;
uint32 i, k;
uint32 total_fvars = 0;
Tdebug("micro_session.txt", "\n\nSAVING session %s", Fetch_tiny_session_name());
// see if this session has ever been saved
for (j = 0; j < number_sessions_saved; j++) {
if (!strcmp((const char *)(micro_sessions[j].session__name), Fetch_tiny_session_name())) {
Tdebug("micro_session.txt", " session found - slot %d", j);
// are we creating a new one
if (j == number_sessions_saved) {
// j is slot number
Set_string(Fetch_tiny_session_name(), micro_sessions[j].session__name);
Tdebug("micro_session.txt", " saving in slot %d", j);
// save number of em
micro_sessions[j].number_of_micro_objects = session->Fetch_number_of_objects();
for (i = 0; i < session->Fetch_number_of_objects(); i++) {
object = (c_game_object *)session->objects->Fetch_item_by_number(i);
Tdebug("micro_session.txt", "\n object %d %s, %d vars - status %d", i, object->GetName(), object->GetNoLvars(), session->Fetch_object_status(i));
micro_sessions[j].micro_objects[i].status_flag = session->Fetch_object_status(i);
// if mega then save coord
if (session->logic_structs[i]->image_type == VOXEL) {
if (!session->logic_structs[i]->mega->pushed) {
Tdebug("micro_session.txt", " mega");
micro_sessions[j].fvars[total_fvars++] = ((int32)session->logic_structs[i]->mega->actor_xyz.x);
micro_sessions[j].fvars[total_fvars++] = ((int32)session->logic_structs[i]->mega->actor_xyz.y);
micro_sessions[j].fvars[total_fvars++] = ((int32)session->logic_structs[i]->mega->actor_xyz.z);
} else {
Tdebug("micro_session.txt", " mega *pushed*");
micro_sessions[j].fvars[total_fvars++] = ((int32)session->logic_structs[i]->mega->pushed_actor_xyz.x);
micro_sessions[j].fvars[total_fvars++] = ((int32)session->logic_structs[i]->mega->pushed_actor_xyz.y);
micro_sessions[j].fvars[total_fvars++] = ((int32)session->logic_structs[i]->mega->pushed_actor_xyz.z);
micro_sessions[j].fvars[total_fvars++] = ((int32)(session->logic_structs[i]->pan * PAN_SCALE_FACTOR));
micro_sessions[j].micro_objects[i].total_lvars = 0;
if (object->GetNoLvars() > MAX_lvars)
Fatal_error("object [%s] has too many lvars - has %d, only %d allowed", object->GetName(), object->GetNoLvars(), MAX_lvars);
for (k = 0; k < object->GetNoLvars(); k++) {
if (!object->IsVariableString(k)) {
Tdebug("micro_session.txt", " saving lvar %d %s value %d", k, object->GetScriptVariableName(k), object->GetIntegerVariable(k));
int32 value = object->GetIntegerVariable(k);
// Using 14-bits to pack lvar's
int32 packMin = -(1 << 13);
int32 packMax = +((1 << 13) - 1);
if ((value < packMin) || (value > packMax)) {
// Don't do a message box for a CD build of the game!
Message_box("Object '%s' lvar %d '%s' is too big to pack please try and reduce %d range is %d->%d", object->GetName(), k,
object->GetScriptVariableName(k), value, packMin, packMax);
packData = 0;
// Using 16-bits as a maximum to store lvar's
int32 lvarMin = -(1 << 15);
int32 lvarMax = +((1 << 15) - 1);
if ((value < lvarMin) || (value > lvarMax)) {
Fatal_error("Object '%s' lvar %d '%s' is too big to save %d range is %d->%d", object->GetName(), k, object->GetScriptVariableName(k), value,
packMin, packMax);
micro_sessions[j].micro_objects[i].lvar_value[micro_sessions[j].micro_objects[i].total_lvars++] = value;
void _mission::Restore_micro_session_vars() {
// reload all object lvars from a micro session
c_game_object *object;
uint32 j = 0;
uint32 i, k;
uint32 lvar;
Tdebug("micro_session.txt", "\n\nRestore_micro_session_vars session %s", Fetch_tiny_session_name());
// see if this session has ever been saved
for (j = 0; j < number_sessions_saved; j++)
if (!strcmp((const char *)(micro_sessions[j].session__name), Fetch_tiny_session_name())) {
Tdebug("micro_session.txt", " session found - slot %d", j);
// restore lvars
for (i = 0; i < session->Fetch_number_of_objects(); i++) {
object = (c_game_object *)session->objects->Fetch_item_by_number(i);
Tdebug("micro_session.txt", "\n object %d %s, %d vars - status %d", i, object->GetName(), object->GetNoLvars(),
session->Set_object_status(i, micro_sessions[j].micro_objects[i].status_flag);
lvar = 0;
for (k = 0; k < object->GetNoLvars(); k++) {
if (!object->IsVariableString(k)) {
Tdebug("micro_session.txt", " restoring lvar %d %s to %d", k, object->GetScriptVariableName(k),
// reset lvar value
object->SetIntegerVariable(k, micro_sessions[j].micro_objects[i].lvar_value[lvar++]);
Tdebug("micro_session.txt", " session NOT found", j);
void _mission::Restore_micro_session_coords(bool8 from_disk) {
// reload all object lvars from a micro session
c_game_object *object;
uint32 j = 0;
uint32 i;
uint32 index = 0;
Tdebug("micro_session.txt", "\n\nRestore_micro_session_coords session %s", Fetch_tiny_session_name());
// see if this session has ever been saved
for (j = 0; j < number_sessions_saved; j++)
if (!strcmp((const char *)(micro_sessions[j].session__name), Fetch_tiny_session_name())) {
Tdebug("micro_session.txt", " session found - slot %d", j);
// restore lvars
for (i = 0; i < session->Fetch_number_of_objects(); i++) {
object = (c_game_object *)session->objects->Fetch_item_by_number(i);
Tdebug("micro_session.txt", "\n object %d %s, %d vars - status %d", i, object->GetName(), object->GetNoLvars(),
session->Set_object_status(i, micro_sessions[j].micro_objects[i].status_flag);
// if mega then restore coord
if (session->logic_structs[i]->image_type == VOXEL) {
// from disk, or doesnt have exclusives or (does have exclusives) but is chi and chi is not
// following
if ((from_disk) || (!session->logic_structs[i]->mega->has_exclusive_coords) ||
((session->chi_id == i) && (session->chi_think_mode != __FOLLOWING))) {
session->logic_structs[i]->mega->actor_xyz.x = (PXreal)micro_sessions[j].fvars[index++];
session->logic_structs[i]->mega->actor_xyz.y = (PXreal)micro_sessions[j].fvars[index++];
session->logic_structs[i]->mega->actor_xyz.z = (PXreal)micro_sessions[j].fvars[index++];
session->logic_structs[i]->pan = (PXreal)(micro_sessions[j].fvars[index++] / (PXreal)PAN_SCALE_FACTOR);
} else { // skip as the data IS saved regardless
index += 4;
Tdebug("micro_session.txt", " session NOT found", j);
void _mission::Save_game_position(const char *filename, const char *slot_label, uint32 timeplayed) {
// save the current game position to disk
// save mission/session names
// globals
// micro-sessions
uint32 i, j, k;
int32 avalue, fval;
int16 lval;
uint8 atinyvalue;
int32 l;
uint32 numIcons;
char *iconnames[ICON_LIST_MAX_ICONS];
uint32 iconHashes[ICON_LIST_MAX_ICONS];
uint32 iconCounts[ICON_LIST_MAX_ICONS];
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", "\nsaving file [%s]", filename);
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " mission [%s]", Fetch_tiny_mission_name());
// As a default we are trying to pack the data
packData = 1;
// save the CURRENT session data to a micro session
// Check the lvar's to see if we can pack them or not
uint32 nlvars = 0;
for (j = 0; j < number_sessions_saved; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < micro_sessions[j].number_of_micro_objects; i++) {
nlvars = (uint8)micro_sessions[j].micro_objects[i].total_lvars;
for (k = 0; k < nlvars; k++) {
lval = (int16)micro_sessions[j].micro_objects[i].lvar_value[k];
// Using 14-bits to pack lvar's
int32 packMin = -(1 << 13);
int32 packMax = +((1 << 13) - 1);
if ((lval < packMin) || (lval > packMax)) {
Message_box("Jake says : packData = 0");
packData = 0;
// first save the index file which contains the session name and mission name that we're currently running - and hence want to
// restore to later
Common::WriteStream *stream = openDiskWriteStream(filename); // attempt to open the file for writing
if (stream == nullptr)
Fatal_error("Save_game_position cannot *OPEN* [%s]", (const char *)filename);
// specific stuff for pc save game menu
stream->write(slot_label, MAX_LABEL_LENGTH);
atinyvalue = SR_VERSION;
avalue = strlen(Fetch_tiny_mission_name()) + 1;
stream->write((const char *)Fetch_tiny_mission_name(), avalue);
avalue = strlen(Fetch_tiny_session_name()) + 1;
stream->write((const char *)Fetch_tiny_session_name(), avalue);
// now write the globals out
atinyvalue = (uint8)g_globalScriptVariables->GetNoItems();
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %d globals", atinyvalue);
for (j = 0; j < atinyvalue; j++) {
avalue = (int32)g_globalScriptVariables->GetVariable((*g_globalScriptVariables)[j].hash, nullptr, 0);
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %d 0x%08x = %d", j, (*g_globalScriptVariables)[j].hash, avalue);
// get the icon information
numIcons = g_oIconListManager->GetList(ICON_LIST_INVENTORY, iconnames, iconHashes, iconCounts);
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %d unique icons", numIcons);
for (j = 0; j < numIcons; j++) {
// write length of icon name then the string
avalue = strlen(iconnames[j]) + 1;
stream->write((const void *)iconnames[j], avalue);
// write the hash value
avalue = (uint32)iconHashes[j];
// write the count value
atinyvalue = (uint8)iconCounts[j];
// save the micro-sessions
// save number of micro-sessions
avalue = number_sessions_saved;
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %d sessions", avalue);
// The DataPacker object
DataPacker dpack;
for (j = 0; j < number_sessions_saved; j++) {
// write the session name out
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " save session [%s]", (const char *)micro_sessions[j].session__name);
avalue = strlen(micro_sessions[j].session__name) + 1;
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " name len %d", avalue);
stream->write((const void *)micro_sessions[j].session__name, avalue);
for (l = 0; l < MAX_fvars; l++) {
fval = micro_sessions[j].fvars[l];
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %d", fval);
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %d objects in session", avalue);
for (i = 0; i < micro_sessions[j].number_of_micro_objects; i++) {
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " \nobject %d", i);
// first write state flag
atinyvalue = (uint8)micro_sessions[j].micro_objects[i].status_flag;
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " status %d", atinyvalue);
// save out lvars
atinyvalue = (uint8)micro_sessions[j].micro_objects[i].total_lvars;
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %d lvars", atinyvalue);
// Pack the lvar data using the data packer object
// Initialise the data packer object for writing
DataPacker::ReturnCodes dret = DataPacker::OK;
// Are we storing the raw data or using the packer ?
DataPacker::PackModeEnum packMode = DataPacker::PACK;
atinyvalue = 0;
if (packData == 1) {
packMode = DataPacker::PACK;
atinyvalue = 1;
} else {
packMode = DataPacker::DONT_PACK;
atinyvalue = 0;
dret =, packMode);
if (dret != DataPacker::OK) {
Real_Fatal_error("DataPacker::Open failed dret %d", (int32)dret);
for (i = 0; i < micro_sessions[j].number_of_micro_objects; i++) {
nlvars = micro_sessions[j].micro_objects[i].total_lvars;
for (k = 0; k < nlvars; k++) {
lval = (int16)micro_sessions[j].micro_objects[i].lvar_value[k];
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " lvar %d = %d", k, lval);
dret = dpack.put(lval, stream);
if (dret != DataPacker::OK) {
Real_Fatal_error("DataPacker::Put failed dret %d", (int32)dret);
dret = dpack.close(stream);
if (dret != DataPacker::OK) {
Real_Fatal_error("DataPacker::Close failed dret %d", (int32)dret);
// now save special chi follow information
if ((session->is_there_a_chi) && (session->chi_think_mode != __NOTHING) && (session->chi_history != session->cur_history)) {
// there is a chi and she is following and not on our floor
atinyvalue = 1; // yes
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", "\nsaving CHI data");
// save x,y and z to restart chi @
fval = (uint32)session->hist_pin_x;
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %d", fval);
fval = (uint32)session->hist_pin_y;
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %d", fval);
fval = (uint32)session->hist_pin_z;
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %d", fval);
} else {
// no chi
atinyvalue = 0; // no
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", "\nNOT saving CHI data");
// save ammo, bullets, medis
atinyvalue = (uint8)g_mission->num_bullets;
atinyvalue = (uint8)g_mission->num_clips;
atinyvalue = (uint8)g_mission->num_medi;
// manual cameras
if (session->manual_camera) {
atinyvalue = 1; // yes
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", "\nsaving manual camera");
// save name
stream->write(session->manual_camera_name, ENGINE_STRING_LEN);
// cam number
} else {
// no manual camera
atinyvalue = 0; // no
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", "\nNOT saving manual camera");
// game script pc
avalue = gs.pc;
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " gamescript pc %d", avalue);
// save timed events
// Save the Remora's locations-visited information.
// save gfx init info for initing a set...
delete stream;
void _mission::Restore_micro_session_from_save_game(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) {
// restore the micro-sessions for the mission
uint32 i, j, k;
int32 avalue;
uint8 atinyvalue;
char buf[256];
uint32 total_sessions;
uint8 total_lvars = 0;
total_sessions = stream->readUint32LE();
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %d sessions", total_sessions);
// set the total saved flag
number_sessions_saved = total_sessions;
// The DataPacker object
DataPacker dpack;
for (j = 0; j < total_sessions; j++) {
// read the session name
// length of name
avalue = stream->readSint32LE();
// name
stream->read(buf, avalue);
Set_string(buf, micro_sessions[j].session__name);
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " load session [%s]", (const char *)micro_sessions[j].session__name);
for (k = 0; k < MAX_fvars; k++) {
avalue = stream->readSint32LE();
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %d", avalue);
micro_sessions[j].fvars[k] = avalue;
micro_sessions[j].number_of_micro_objects = stream->readUint32LE();
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %d objects in session", micro_sessions[j].number_of_micro_objects);
DataPacker::PackModeEnum packMode = DataPacker::PACK;
// The new way
for (i = 0; i < micro_sessions[j].number_of_micro_objects; i++) {
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " \nobject %d", i);
// read in state flag
atinyvalue = stream->readByte();
micro_sessions[j].micro_objects[i].status_flag = (_object_status)atinyvalue;
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " status %d", atinyvalue);
// read in lvars
total_lvars = stream->readByte();
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %d lvars", total_lvars);
micro_sessions[j].micro_objects[i].total_lvars = (uint32)total_lvars;
atinyvalue = stream->readByte();
if (atinyvalue == 1) {
packMode = DataPacker::PACK;
} else {
packMode = DataPacker::DONT_PACK;
// read in info for all objects
// Unpack the lvar data using the data packer object
// Initialise the data packer object for reading
DataPacker::ReturnCodes dret = DataPacker::OK;
dret =, packMode);
if (dret != DataPacker::OK) {
Real_Fatal_error("DataPacker::Open failed dret %d", (int32)dret);
for (i = 0; i < micro_sessions[j].number_of_micro_objects; i++) {
total_lvars = (uint8)micro_sessions[j].micro_objects[i].total_lvars;
for (k = 0; k < total_lvars; k++) {
dret = dpack.Get(avalue, stream);
if (dret != DataPacker::OK) {
Real_Fatal_error("DataPacker::Get failed dret %d", (int32)dret);
micro_sessions[j].micro_objects[i].lvar_value[k] = avalue;
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " lvar %d = %d", k, avalue);
dret = dpack.close(stream);
if (dret != DataPacker::OK) {
Real_Fatal_error("DataPacker::Close failed dret %d", (int32)dret);
__load_result Load_game(const char *filename) {
// load a save game
Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = nullptr; // file pointer
uint32 avalue;
uint8 atinyvalue;
char mission_name[64];
char session_name[64];
char icon_name[MAXLEN_ICON_NAME];
uint32 icon_hash;
uint32 j;
uint32 num_icons;
int32 fvar;
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", "\nLoad game [%s]", filename);
// open the index file
stream = openDiskFileForBinaryStreamRead(filename); // attempt to open the file for reading
if (stream == nullptr)
return __NO_SUCH_FILE;
char label[MAX_LABEL_LENGTH]; // load into here cause i'm too thick to know how to skip it (tw)
fvar = stream->readUint32LE(); // load and discard time played
stream->read(&label, MAX_LABEL_LENGTH); // load and discard user label name
// load schema and check
atinyvalue = stream->readByte();
if (atinyvalue != SR_VERSION) {
delete stream;
Real_Message_box("Old version save games are not supported file:%d code:%d", atinyvalue, SR_VERSION);
// read the mission name
// length of name
avalue = stream->readUint32LE();
// name
stream->read(mission_name, avalue);
// read the session name
// length of name
avalue = stream->readUint32LE();
// name
stream->read(session_name, avalue);
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", "mission [%s] session [%s]", mission_name, session_name);
// number of globals
atinyvalue = stream->readByte();
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %d globals", atinyvalue);
if (atinyvalue != (uint8)g_globalScriptVariables->GetNoItems()) {
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " globals mismatch");
for (j = 0; j < atinyvalue; j++) {
avalue = stream->readSint32LE();
g_globalScriptVariables->SetVariable((*g_globalScriptVariables)[j].hash, avalue);
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %d = %d", j, avalue);
// delete any existing mission
if (g_mission)
g_icb_mission->___init_mission(mission_name, session_name);
// read number of icons
num_icons = stream->readUint32LE();
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %d icons", num_icons);
for (j = 0; j < num_icons; j++) {
// string length
avalue = stream->readSint32LE();
stream->read(icon_name, avalue);
// read hash value
icon_hash = stream->readUint32LE();
// read count
atinyvalue = stream->readByte();
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " [%s] hash %X %d", icon_name, icon_hash, atinyvalue);
while (atinyvalue--)
g_oIconListManager->AddIconToList(ICON_LIST_INVENTORY, icon_name, icon_hash);
// setup the major session components
// rebuild the micro-session
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", "restored micro session");
// reload object values if the session has been saved
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", "restored vars");
// run the init scripts
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", "initialised objects");
// reload object coordinates
MS->Set_init_voxel_floors(); // v important for some logics that will begin by checking a floor number
// setup player history to new restored coordinate/floor
MS->pre_interact_floor = MS->logic_structs[MS->player.Fetch_player_id()]->owner_floor_rect;
// restore chi if she was following
atinyvalue = stream->readByte();
if (atinyvalue) {
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", "\nrestore CHI");
// chi x
fvar = stream->readSint32LE();
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %d", fvar);
MS->logic_structs[MS->chi_id]->mega->actor_xyz.x = (PXreal)fvar;
// y
fvar = stream->readSint32LE();
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %d", fvar);
MS->logic_structs[MS->chi_id]->mega->actor_xyz.y = (PXreal)fvar;
// z
fvar = stream->readSint32LE();
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %d", fvar);
MS->logic_structs[MS->chi_id]->mega->actor_xyz.z = (PXreal)fvar;
g_mission->chi_following = TRUE8; // she was following so set the master flag - may or may not be required but lets go for safety
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", " %3.1f %3.1f %3.1f", MS->logic_structs[MS->chi_id]->mega->actor_xyz.x, MS->logic_structs[MS->chi_id]->mega->actor_xyz.y,
} else {
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", "\nNOT restoring CHI");
// save ammo, bullets, medis
atinyvalue = stream->readByte();
g_mission->num_bullets = (uint32)atinyvalue;
atinyvalue = stream->readByte();
g_mission->num_clips = (uint32)atinyvalue;
atinyvalue = stream->readByte();
g_mission->num_medi = (uint32)atinyvalue;
// manual camera?
atinyvalue = stream->readByte();
if (atinyvalue) {
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", "\nrestoring manual camera");
// save name
stream->read(MS->manual_camera_name, ENGINE_STRING_LEN);
// cam number
MS->cur_camera_number = stream->readUint32LE();
MS->manual_camera = TRUE8;
char h_buf[8];
HashFile(MS->manual_camera_name, h_buf);
MS->Initialise_set(MS->manual_camera_name, h_buf);
} else {
Tdebug("save_restore.txt", "\nNOT restoring manual camera");
// gamescript pc
gs.pc = stream->readUint32LE();
// timed events
// Restore the Remora's knowledge about where the player has been.
// load gfx init info for initing a set...
delete stream;
// run a logic cycle to get those anims caching!
return __LOAD_OK;
void _mission::Create_display() {
switch (g_px->display_mode) {
case THREED:
// Need this for development safey - but is redundant in final (console-less) game
if (!session->SetOK()) {
g_px->display_mode = TEMP_NETHACK; // so we can bounce out again if a real camera/set is found
// Save the actor's control mode
} else {
// Check if we have just regain the focus after task switching
if (gRegainedFocus) {
if (g_oIconMenu->IsActive())
gRegainedFocus = false;
// To get on,off camera events in REMORA mode
// this function is less accurate than stage_draw computation of same events
// The Remora has a function which gets called every cycle when it is active. This is because game
// logic continues to run when the Remora is up.
// But, note the background is NOT drawn whilst in REMORA mode
if (g_oRemora->IsActive()) {
} else {
// full 3d stage draw NOT in REMORA mode
// Only render speech when not in REMORA mode
// (as REMORA uses speech system to draw its own text)
if (g_px->on_screen_text) {
// If there is currently a SFX subtitle active then display it.
if (g_oSoundLogicEngine->SubtitleActive())
// draw a timer if we have one...
// If the icon menu is active, draw it.
if (g_oIconMenu->IsActive()) {
// If not in the REMORA then draw the armed menu & health bar as well
if ((g_oRemora->IsActive() == FALSE8) && (session->logic_structs[session->player.Fetch_player_id()]->mega->Fetch_armed_status())) {
int32 nBullets = session->player.GetNoBullets();
int32 nClips = session->player.GetNoAmmoClips();
int32 maxBullets = session->player.GetBulletsPerClip();
int32 maxClips = session->player.GetMaxClips();
g_oIconMenu->DrawArmedMenu(nBullets, maxBullets, nClips, maxClips);
session->health_time = 0; // cancel the health bar timer
} else if (session->logic_structs[session->player.Fetch_player_id()]->mega->Fetch_armed_status()) { // if player armed
session->health_time = 0; // cancel the health bar timer
int32 nBullets = session->player.GetNoBullets();
int32 nClips = session->player.GetNoAmmoClips();
int32 maxBullets = session->player.GetBulletsPerClip();
int32 maxClips = session->player.GetMaxClips();
g_oIconMenu->DrawArmedMenu(nBullets, maxBullets, nClips, maxClips);
} else if (session->health_time) {
// Draw the health bar if unarmed and recently taken damage
// If the icon menu is currently flashing added medipacks or clips draw it (but not in Remora).
if (!g_oRemora->IsActive() && g_oIconMenu->IsAdding())
if (g_px->mega_timer)
// Crude Interaction Highlight
Fatal_error("unknown game display mode");
} // End of namespace ICB