
1207 lines
36 KiB

/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter
* Copyright (C) 2003 The ScummVM project
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* $Header$
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "queen/graphics.h"
#include "queen/display.h"
#include "queen/logic.h"
#include "queen/queen.h"
#include "queen/resource.h"
#include "queen/sound.h"
namespace Queen {
void BobSlot::curPos(int16 xx, int16 yy) {
active = true;
x = xx;
y = yy;
void BobSlot::move(int16 dstx, int16 dsty, int16 spd) {
active = true;
moving = true;
endx = dstx;
endy = dsty;
speed = (spd < 1) ? 1 : spd;
int16 deltax = endx - x;
if (deltax < 0) {
dx = -deltax;
xdir = -1;
} else {
dx = deltax;
xdir = 1;
int16 deltay = endy - y;
if (deltay < 0) {
dy = -deltay;
ydir = -1;
} else {
dy = deltay;
ydir = 1;
if (dx > dy) {
total = dy / 2;
xmajor = true;
} else {
total = dx / 2;
xmajor = false;
// move one step along line to avoid glitching
void BobSlot::moveOneStep() {
if(xmajor) {
if(x == endx) {
y = endy;
moving = false;
} else {
x += xdir;
total += dy;
if(total > dx) {
y += ydir;
total -= dx;
} else {
if(y == endy) {
x = endx;
moving = false;
} else {
y += ydir;
total += dx;
if(total > dy) {
x += xdir;
total -= dy;
void BobSlot::animOneStep() {
if (anim.string.buffer != NULL) {
if(anim.speed <= 0) {
// jump to next entry
uint16 nextFrame = anim.string.curPos->frame;
if (nextFrame == 0) {
anim.string.curPos = anim.string.buffer;
frameNum = anim.string.curPos->frame;
} else {
frameNum = nextFrame;
anim.speed = anim.string.curPos->speed / 4;
} else {
// normal looping animation
if(anim.speed == 0) {
anim.speed = anim.speedBak;
int16 nextFrame = frameNum + frameDir;
if (nextFrame > anim.normal.lastFrame || nextFrame < anim.normal.firstFrame) {
if (anim.normal.rebound) {
frameDir *= -1;
} else {
frameNum = anim.normal.firstFrame - 1;
frameNum += frameDir;
void BobSlot::animString(const AnimFrame *animBuf) {
active = true;
animating = true;
anim.string.buffer = animBuf;
anim.string.curPos = animBuf;
frameNum = animBuf->frame;
anim.speed = animBuf->speed / 4;
void BobSlot::animNormal(uint16 firstFrame, uint16 lastFrame, uint16 spd, bool rebound, bool flip) {
active = true;
animating = true;
frameNum = firstFrame;
anim.speed = spd;
anim.speedBak = spd;
anim.string.buffer = NULL;
anim.normal.firstFrame = firstFrame;
anim.normal.lastFrame = lastFrame;
anim.normal.rebound = rebound;
frameDir = 1;
xflip = flip;
void BobSlot::clear() {
active = false;
xflip = false;
animating = false;
anim.string.buffer = NULL;
moving = false;
scale = 100;
box.x1 = 0;
box.y1 = 0;
box.x2 = GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH - 1;
box.y2 = ROOM_ZONE_HEIGHT - 1;
Graphics::Graphics(QueenEngine *vm)
: _cameraBob(0), _vm(vm) {
memset(_frames, 0, sizeof(_frames));
memset(_banks, 0, sizeof(_banks));
memset(_bobs, 0, sizeof(_bobs));
memset(_sortedBobs, 0, sizeof(_sortedBobs));
_sortedBobsCount = 0; = new uint8[ BOB_SHRINK_BUF_SIZE ];
Graphics::~Graphics() {
uint32 i;
for(i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_banks); ++i) {
delete[] _banks[i].data;
void Graphics::bankLoad(const char *bankname, uint32 bankslot) {
_banks[bankslot].data = _vm->resource()->loadFile(bankname);
if (!_banks[bankslot].data) {
error("Unable to open bank '%s'", bankname);
int16 entries = (int16)READ_LE_UINT16(_banks[bankslot].data);
if (entries < 0 || entries >= MAX_BANK_SIZE) {
error("Maximum bank size exceeded or negative bank size : %d", entries);
debug(9, "Graphics::bankLoad(%s, %d) - entries = %d", bankname, bankslot, entries);
uint32 offset = 2;
uint8 *p = _banks[bankslot].data;
int16 i;
for (i = 1; i <= entries; ++i) {
_banks[bankslot].indexes[i] = offset;
uint16 w = READ_LE_UINT16(p + offset + 0);
uint16 h = READ_LE_UINT16(p + offset + 2);
// jump to next entry, skipping data & header
offset += w * h + 8;
void Graphics::bankUnpack(uint32 srcframe, uint32 dstframe, uint32 bankslot) {
debug(9, "Graphics::bankUnpack(%d, %d, %d)", srcframe, dstframe, bankslot);
uint8 *p = _banks[bankslot].data + _banks[bankslot].indexes[srcframe];
if (!_banks[bankslot].data)
error("Graphics::bankUnpack(%i, %i, %i) called but _banks[bankslot].data is NULL!",
srcframe, dstframe, bankslot);
BobFrame *pbf = &_frames[dstframe];
delete[] pbf->data;
pbf->width = READ_LE_UINT16(p + 0);
pbf->height = READ_LE_UINT16(p + 2);
pbf->xhotspot = READ_LE_UINT16(p + 4);
pbf->yhotspot = READ_LE_UINT16(p + 6);
uint32 size = pbf->width * pbf->height;
pbf->data = new uint8[ size ];
memcpy(pbf->data, p + 8, size);
void Graphics::bankOverpack(uint32 srcframe, uint32 dstframe, uint32 bankslot) {
debug(9, "Graphics::bankOverpack(%d, %d, %d)", srcframe, dstframe, bankslot);
uint8 *p = _banks[bankslot].data + _banks[bankslot].indexes[srcframe];
uint16 src_w = READ_LE_UINT16(p + 0);
uint16 src_h = READ_LE_UINT16(p + 2);
// unpack if destination frame is smaller than source one
if (_frames[dstframe].width < src_w || _frames[dstframe].height < src_h) {
bankUnpack(srcframe, dstframe, bankslot);
} else {
// copy data 'over' destination frame (without changing frame header)
memcpy(_frames[dstframe].data, p + 8, src_w * src_h);
void Graphics::bankErase(uint32 bankslot) {
debug(9, "Graphics::bankErase(%d)", bankslot);
delete[] _banks[bankslot].data;
_banks[bankslot].data = 0;
void Graphics::bobSetupControl() {
bankUnpack(1, 1, 17); // Mouse pointer
bankUnpack(3, 3, 17); // Up arrow dialogue
bankUnpack(4, 4, 17); // Down arrow dialogue
BobFrame *bf = &_frames[1];
_vm->display()->setMouseCursor(bf->data, bf->width, bf->height, bf->xhotspot, bf->yhotspot);
void Graphics::bobDraw(const BobSlot *bs, int16 x, int16 y) {
uint16 w, h;
debug(9, "Graphics::bobDraw(%d, %d, %d)", bs->frameNum, x, y);
BobFrame *pbf = &_frames[bs->frameNum];
if (bs->scale < 100) {
bobShrink(pbf, bs->scale);
pbf = &_shrinkBuffer;
w = pbf->width;
h = pbf->height;
const Box *box = &bs->box;
if(w != 0 && h != 0 && box->intersects(x, y, w, h)) {
uint8 *src = pbf->data;
uint16 x_skip = 0;
uint16 y_skip = 0;
uint16 w_new = w;
uint16 h_new = h;
// compute bounding box intersection with frame
if (x < box->x1) {
x_skip = box->x1 - x;
w_new -= x_skip;
x = box->x1;
if (y < box->y1) {
y_skip = box->y1 - y;
h_new -= y_skip;
y = box->y1;
if (x + w_new > box->x2 + 1) {
w_new = box->x2 - x + 1;
if (y + h_new > box->y2 + 1) {
h_new = box->y2 - y + 1;
src += w * y_skip;
if (!bs->xflip) {
src += x_skip;
_vm->display()->blit(RB_SCREEN, x, y, src, w_new, h_new, w, bs->xflip, true);
} else {
src += w - w_new - x_skip;
x += w_new - 1;
_vm->display()->blit(RB_SCREEN, x, y, src, w_new, h_new, w, bs->xflip, true);
void Graphics::bobDrawInventoryItem(uint32 bobnum, uint16 x, uint16 y) {
if (bobnum == 0) {
// clear panel area
_vm->display()->fill(RB_PANEL, x, y, 32, 32, INK_BG_PANEL);
} else {
BobFrame *pbf = &_frames[bobnum];
_vm->display()->blit(RB_PANEL, x, y, pbf->data, pbf->width, pbf->height, pbf->width, false, false);
void Graphics::bobPaste(uint32 frameNum, int16 x, int16 y) {
BobFrame *pbf = &_frames[frameNum];
_vm->display()->blit(RB_BACKDROP, x, y, pbf->data, pbf->width, pbf->height, pbf->width, false, true);
void Graphics::bobShrink(const BobFrame *bf, uint16 percentage) {
// computing new size, rounding to upper value
uint16 new_w = (bf->width * percentage + 50) / 100;
uint16 new_h = (bf->height * percentage + 50) / 100;
debug(9, "Graphics::bobShrink() - scale = %d, bufsize = %d", percentage, new_w * new_h);
if (new_w != 0 && new_h != 0) {
_shrinkBuffer.width = new_w;
_shrinkBuffer.height = new_h;
uint32 shrinker = (100 << 0x10) / percentage;
uint16 x_scale = shrinker >> 0x10;
uint16 y_scale = x_scale * bf->width;
shrinker &= 0xFFFF;
uint8* src = bf->data;
uint8* dst =;
uint32 y_count = 0;
while (new_h--) {
uint16 i;
uint32 x_count = 0;
uint8 *p = src;
for(i = 0; i < new_w; ++i) {
*dst++ = *p;
p += x_scale;
x_count += shrinker;
if (x_count > 0xFFFF) {
x_count &= 0xFFFF;
src += y_scale;
y_count += shrinker;
if (y_count > 0xFFFF) {
src += bf->width;
y_count &= 0xFFFF;
void Graphics::bobClear(uint32 bobnum) {
BobSlot *pbs = &_bobs[bobnum];
if (_vm->display()->fullscreen()) {
pbs->box.y2 = GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1;
void Graphics::bobSortAll() {
_sortedBobsCount = 0;
// animate/move the bobs
for (int32 i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_bobs); ++i) {
BobSlot *pbs = &_bobs[i];
if (pbs->active) {
_sortedBobs[_sortedBobsCount] = pbs;
if (pbs->animating) {
if (pbs->frameNum > 500) {
pbs->frameNum -= 500;
if (pbs->moving) {
int16 j;
for (j = 0; pbs->moving && j < pbs->speed; ++j) {
// bubble sort the bobs
for (int32 index = 0; index < _sortedBobsCount - 1; ++index) {
int32 smallest = index;
for (int32 compare = index + 1; compare <= _sortedBobsCount - 1; ++compare) {
if (_sortedBobs[compare]->y < _sortedBobs[smallest]->y) {
smallest = compare;
if (index != smallest) {
SWAP(_sortedBobs[index], _sortedBobs[smallest]);
void Graphics::bobDrawAll() {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < _sortedBobsCount; ++i) {
BobSlot *pbs = _sortedBobs[i];
if (pbs->active) {
BobFrame *pbf = &_frames[ pbs->frameNum ];
uint16 xh, yh, x, y;
xh = pbf->xhotspot;
yh = pbf->yhotspot;
if (pbs->xflip) {
xh = pbf->width - xh;
// adjusts hot spots when object is scaled
if (pbs->scale != 100) {
xh = (xh * pbs->scale) / 100;
yh = (yh * pbs->scale) / 100;
// adjusts position to hot-spot and screen scroll
x = pbs->x - xh - _vm->display()->horizontalScroll();
y = pbs->y - yh;
bobDraw(pbs, x, y);
void Graphics::bobClearAll() {
for(int32 i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_bobs); ++i) {
void Graphics::bobStopAll() {
for(int32 i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_bobs); ++i) {
_bobs[i].moving = false;
BobSlot *Graphics::bob(int index) {
if (index < MAX_BOBS_NUMBER)
return _bobs + index;
else {
error("QueenGraphics::bob called with index = %i but MAX_BOBS_NUMBER = %i",
void Graphics::bobCustomParallax(uint16 roomNum) {
int i;
uint16 screenScroll = _vm->display()->horizontalScroll();
switch (roomNum) {
_bobs[8].x = 250 - screenScroll / 2;
_bobs[5].x = 410 - screenScroll / 2;
_bobs[6].x = 790 - screenScroll / 2;
_bobs[5].x = 320 - screenScroll / 2;
_bobs[5].x = 280 - screenScroll / 2;
_bobs[5].x = 600 - screenScroll / 2;
if(_vm->display()->fullscreen()) {
for(i = 1; i <= 3; ++i) {
_bobs[i].box.y2 = 199;
_bobs[24].box.y2 = 199;
_bobs[5].x = 340 - screenScroll / 2;
_bobs[6].x = 50 - screenScroll / 2;
_bobs[7].x = 79 - screenScroll / 2;
for(i = 1; i <= 8; ++i) {
_bobs[i].box.y2 = 199;
_bobs[20].box.y2 = 199;
for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
_bobs[i].box.y2 = 199;
case ROOM_INTRO_RITA_JOE_HEADS: // CR 2 - CD-Rom pan right while Rita talks...
_cameraBob = -1;
debug(9, "Graphics::bobCustomParallax() - %d", screenScroll);
if (screenScroll < 80) {
_vm->display()->horizontalScroll(screenScroll + 4);
// Joe's body and head
_bobs[ 1].x += 4;
_bobs[20].x += 4;
// Rita's body and head
_bobs[ 2].x -= 2;
_bobs[21].x -= 2;
case ROOM_INTRO_EXPLOSION: // CR 2 - CD-Rom the guys move off screen
_bobs[21].x += 2;
_bobs[21].y += 2;
void Graphics::textCurrentColor(uint8 color) {
_curTextColor = color;
void Graphics::textSet(uint16 x, uint16 y, const char *text, bool outlined) {
if (x == 0) x = 1;
if (y == 0) y = 1;
TextSlot *pts = &_texts[y];
pts->x = x;
pts->color = _curTextColor;
pts->outlined = outlined;
pts->text = text;
void Graphics::textSetCentered(uint16 y, const char *text, bool outlined) {
uint16 x = (GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH - textWidth(text)) / 2;
textSet(x, y, text, outlined);
void Graphics::textDrawAll() {
int y;
for (y = GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1; y > 0; --y) {
const TextSlot *pts = &_texts[y];
if (!pts->text.isEmpty()) {
_vm->display()->drawText(pts->x, y, pts->color, pts->text.c_str(), pts->outlined);
void Graphics::textClear(uint16 y1, uint16 y2) {
while (y1 <= y2) {
uint16 Graphics::textWidth(const char* text) const {
return _vm->display()->textWidth(text);
void Graphics::frameErase(uint32 fslot) {
BobFrame *pbf = &_frames[fslot];
pbf->width = 0;
pbf->height = 0;
delete[] pbf->data;
pbf->data = 0;
void Graphics::frameEraseAll(bool joe) {
int i = 0;
if (!joe) {
while (i < 256) {
void Graphics::loadBackdrop(const char* name, uint16 room) {
char roomPrefix[20];
strcpy(roomPrefix, name);
roomPrefix[ strlen(roomPrefix) - 4 ] = '\0';
_vm->display()->dynalumInit(roomPrefix, room);
uint8 *pcxbuf = _vm->resource()->loadFile(name);
if (pcxbuf == NULL) {
error("Unable to load backdrop : '%s'", name);
uint32 size = _vm->resource()->fileSize(name);
_vm->display()->readPCXBackdrop(pcxbuf, size, room > 114);
delete[] pcxbuf;
if (room >= 90) {
_cameraBob = 0;
void Graphics::loadPanel() {
uint8 *pcxbuf = _vm->resource()->loadFile("panel.pcx");
if (pcxbuf == NULL) {
error("Unable to open panel file");
uint32 size = _vm->resource()->fileSize("panel.pcx");
_vm->display()->readPCXPanel(pcxbuf, size);
delete[] pcxbuf;
void BamScene::updateCarAnimation() {
if (_flag != F_STOP) {
const BamDataBlock *bdb = &_carData[_index];
// Truck
_obj1->curPos(bdb->obj1.x, bdb->obj1.y);
_obj1->frameNum = 40 + bdb->obj1.frame;
// Rico
_obj2->curPos(bdb->obj2.x, bdb->obj2.y);
_obj2->frameNum = 30 + bdb->obj2.frame;
// FX
_objfx->curPos(bdb->fx.x, bdb->fx.y);
_objfx->frameNum = 41 + bdb->fx.frame;
if (bdb->sfx < 0) {
if (bdb->sfx == 99) {
_index = 0;
else {
if (bdb->sfx == 2) {
void BamScene::updateFightAnimation() {
if (_flag != F_STOP) {
const BamDataBlock *bdb = &_fightData[_index];
// Frank
_obj1->curPos(bdb->obj1.x, bdb->obj1.y);
_obj1->frameNum = 40 + ABS(bdb->obj1.frame);
_obj1->xflip = (bdb->obj1.frame < 0);
// Robot
_obj2->curPos(bdb->obj2.x, bdb->obj2.y);
_obj2->frameNum = 40 + ABS(bdb->obj2.frame);
_obj2->xflip = (bdb->obj2.frame < 0);
// FX
_objfx->curPos(bdb->fx.x, bdb->fx.y);
_objfx->frameNum = 40 + ABS(bdb->fx.frame);
_objfx->xflip = (bdb->fx.frame < 0);
if (bdb->sfx < 0) {
switch (bdb->sfx) {
case 0: // nothing, so reset shaked screen if necessary
if (_screenShaked) {
_screenShaked = false;
case 1: // shake screen
_screenShaked = true;
case 2: // play background sfx
case 3: // play background sfx and shake screen
_screenShaked = true;
case 99: // end of BAM data
_index = 0;
const BamDataBlock *data[] = {
_fightData = data[_vm->randomizer.getRandomNumber(2)];
if (_flag == F_REQ_STOP) {
_flag = F_STOP;
void Graphics::update(uint16 room) {
if (_cameraBob >= 0) {
void Graphics::bobSetText(
BobSlot *pbs,
const char *text,
int textX, int textY,
int color, int flags) {
// function MAKE_SPEAK_BOB, lines 335-457 in talk.c
if (text[0] == '\0')
// debug(0, "makeSpeakBob('%s', (%i,%i), %i, %i, %i, %i);",
// text, bob->x, bob->y, textX, textY, color, flags);
// Duplicate string and append zero if needed
char textCopy[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
int length = strlen(text);
memcpy(textCopy, text, length);
if (textCopy[length - 1] >= 'A')
textCopy[length++] = '.';
textCopy[length] = '\0';
// Split text into lines
char lines[8][MAX_STRING_SIZE];
int lineCount = 0;
int wordCount = 0;
int lineLength = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (textCopy[i] == ' ')
if ((lineLength > 20 && textCopy[i] == ' ') || i == (length-1)) {
memcpy(lines[lineCount], textCopy + i + 1 - lineLength, lineLength);
lines[lineCount][lineLength] = '\0';
lineLength = 0;
// Plan: write each line to Screen 2, put black outline around lines and
// pick them up as a BOB.
// Find width of widest line
int maxLineWidth = 0;
for (i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
int width = textWidth(lines[i]);
if (maxLineWidth < width)
maxLineWidth = width;
// Calc text position
short x, y, width, height;
if (flags) {
if (flags == 2)
x = 160 - maxLineWidth / 2;
x = textX;
y = textY;
width = 0;
} else {
x = pbs->x;
y = pbs->y;
BobFrame *pbf = frame(pbs->frameNum);
width = (pbf->width * pbs->scale) / 100;
height = (pbf->height * pbs->scale) / 100;
y = y - height - 16 - lineCount * 9;
// XXX x -= scrollx;
if (y < 0) {
y = 0;
if (x < 160)
x += width / 2;
x -= width / 2 + maxLineWidth;
} else if (!flags)
x -= maxLineWidth / 2;
if (x < 0)
x = 4;
else if ((x + maxLineWidth) > 320)
x = 320 - maxLineWidth - 4;
for (i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
int lineX = x + (maxLineWidth - textWidth(lines[i])) / 2;
//debug(0, "Setting text '%s' at (%i, %i)", lines[i], lineX, y + 9 * i);
textSet(lineX, y + 9 * i, lines[i]);
int Graphics::textCenterX(const char *text) const {
return 160 - textWidth(text) / 2;
BamScene::BamScene(QueenEngine *vm)
: _flag(F_STOP), _screenShaked(false), _fightData(_fight1Data), _vm(vm) {
void BamScene::prepareAnimation() {
_obj1 = _vm->graphics()->bob(BOB_OBJ1);
_obj1->active = true;
_obj2 = _vm->graphics()->bob(BOB_OBJ2);
_obj2->active = true;
_objfx = _vm->graphics()->bob(BOB_FX);
_objfx->active = true;
_index = 0;
const BamDataBlock BamScene::_carData[] = {
{ { 310, 105, 1 }, { 314, 106, 17 }, { 366, 101, 1 }, 0 },
{ { 303, 105, 1 }, { 307, 106, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 297, 104, 1 }, { 301, 105, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 294, 103, 1 }, { 298, 104, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 291, 102, 1 }, { 295, 103, 18 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 287, 101, 1 }, { 291, 102, 18 }, { 266, 51, 10 }, 2 },
{ { 283, 100, 1 }, { 287, 101, 19 }, { 279, 47, 11 }, 0 },
{ { 279, 99, 1 }, { 283, 100, 20 }, { 294, 46, 12 }, 0 },
{ { 274, 98, 1 }, { 278, 99, 20 }, { 305, 44, 13 }, 0 },
{ { 269, 98, 1 }, { 273, 99, 20 }, { 320, 42, 14 }, 0 },
{ { 264, 98, 1 }, { 268, 99, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 261, 98, 1 }, { 265, 99, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 259, 98, 1 }, { 263, 99, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 258, 98, 1 }, { 262, 99, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 257, 98, 2 }, { 260, 99, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 255, 99, 3 }, { 258, 100, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 258, 99, 4 }, { 257, 100, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 264, 102, 4 }, { 263, 103, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 272, 105, 5 }, { 274, 106, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 276, 107, 5 }, { 277, 108, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 283, 108, 5 }, { 284, 109, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 288, 109, 5 }, { 288, 110, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 293, 110, 5 }, { 293, 111, 18 }, { 266, 59, 10 }, 2 },
{ { 298, 110, 5 }, { 299, 111, 18 }, { 277, 56, 11 }, 0 },
{ { 303, 110, 5 }, { 304, 111, 19 }, { 285, 55, 12 }, 0 },
{ { 308, 110, 4 }, { 307, 111, 20 }, { 296, 54, 13 }, 0 },
{ { 309, 110, 3 }, { 312, 111, 20 }, { 304, 53, 14 }, 0 },
{ { 310, 110, 3 }, { 313, 111, 20 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 311, 110, 3 }, { 314, 111, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 309, 110, 2 }, { 312, 111, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 304, 111, 2 }, { 307, 112, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 300, 110, 2 }, { 303, 111, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 296, 109, 2 }, { 299, 110, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 292, 108, 1 }, { 296, 109, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 285, 107, 2 }, { 289, 108, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 282, 107, 3 }, { 285, 108, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 278, 107, 4 }, { 277, 108, 18 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 279, 108, 4 }, { 278, 109, 18 }, { 252, 57, 10 }, 2 },
{ { 281, 108, 5 }, { 283, 109, 18 }, { 265, 55, 11 }, 0 },
{ { 284, 109, 5 }, { 285, 110, 19 }, { 277, 55, 12 }, 0 },
{ { 287, 110, 5 }, { 288, 111, 20 }, { 288, 54, 13 }, 0 },
{ { 289, 111, 5 }, { 290, 112, 20 }, { 299, 54, 14 }, 0 },
{ { 291, 112, 4 }, { 290, 113, 20 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 293, 113, 3 }, { 295, 114, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 296, 114, 2 }, { 299, 115, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 295, 115, 2 }, { 298, 116, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 293, 116, 1 }, { 297, 117, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 289, 116, 1 }, { 292, 117, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 285, 115, 1 }, { 289, 116, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 281, 114, 1 }, { 284, 115, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 277, 113, 1 }, { 280, 114, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 274, 112, 1 }, { 277, 113, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 271, 111, 1 }, { 274, 112, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 267, 110, 1 }, { 270, 111, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 263, 109, 1 }, { 266, 110, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 260, 108, 1 }, { 263, 109, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 254, 108, 2 }, { 256, 109, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 252, 107, 3 }, { 254, 108, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 253, 108, 3 }, { 255, 109, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 255, 109, 3 }, { 257, 110, 18 }, { 231, 59, 10 }, 2 },
{ { 258, 111, 3 }, { 260, 112, 18 }, { 242, 57, 11 }, 0 },
{ { 263, 112, 4 }, { 262, 113, 19 }, { 256, 57, 12 }, 0 },
{ { 270, 111, 4 }, { 269, 112, 20 }, { 267, 57, 13 }, 0 },
{ { 274, 112, 5 }, { 276, 113, 20 }, { 281, 56, 14 }, 0 },
{ { 280, 111, 6 }, { 282, 112, 19 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 284, 109, 6 }, { 285, 110, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 289, 108, 6 }, { 291, 109, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 294, 107, 6 }, { 296, 108, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 294, 107, 5 }, { 296, 108, 18 }, { 272, 57, 10 }, 2 },
{ { 295, 107, 5 }, { 297, 108, 18 }, { 282, 57, 11 }, 0 },
{ { 296, 108, 5 }, { 298, 109, 19 }, { 295, 57, 12 }, 0 },
{ { 300, 108, 4 }, { 299, 109, 20 }, { 303, 57, 13 }, 0 },
{ { 303, 108, 3 }, { 306, 109, 20 }, { 313, 57, 14 }, 0 },
{ { 307, 109, 2 }, { 311, 110, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 0 },
{ { 310, 110, 1 }, { 314, 111, 17 }, { 214, 0, 10 }, 99 }
const BamDataBlock BamScene::_fight1Data[] = {
{ { 75, 96, 1 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 58, 37, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 2 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 58, 37, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 3 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 58, 37, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 4 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 58, 37, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 1 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 58, 37, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 2 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 58, 37, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 3 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 58, 37, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 4 }, { 187, 96, -24 }, { 58, 37, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 79, 96, 1 }, { 187, 96, -24 }, { 58, 37, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 85, 96, 2 }, { 187, 96, -24 }, { 58, 37, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 94, 96, 3 }, { 187, 96, -24 }, { 58, 37, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 100, 96, 4 }, { 187, 96, -24 }, { 58, 37, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 113, 96, 1 }, { 187, 96, -25 }, { 58, 37, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 121, 96, 1 }, { 187, 96, -25 }, { 58, 37, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 136, 96, 16 }, { 187, 96, -26 }, { 58, 37, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 151, 93, 6 }, { 187, 96, -27 }, { 58, 37, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 159, 83, 16 }, { 187, 96, -28 }, { 58, 37, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 170, 73, 16 }, { 187, 96, -29 }, { 182, 96, 48 }, 3 },
{ { 176, 69, 13 }, { 187, 96, -31 }, { 182, 94, 49 }, 1 },
{ { 168, 66, 13 }, { 187, 98, -32 }, { 182, 92, 50 }, 0 },
{ { 155, 75, 13 }, { 187, 96, -32 }, { 182, 88, 51 }, 3 },
{ { 145, 86, 13 }, { 187, 98, -32 }, { 182, 85, 52 }, 0 },
{ { 127, 104, 13 }, { 187, 98, -32 }, { 182, 25, 52 }, 1 },
{ { 122, 108, 13 }, { 187, 98, -32 }, { 182, 25, 52 }, 1 },
{ { 120, 104, 14 }, { 187, 96, -34 }, { 107, 145, 42 }, 2 },
{ { 111, 103, 13 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 107, 144, 43 }, 0 },
{ { 102, 105, 13 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 107, 142, 43 }, 0 },
{ { 97, 107, 13 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 107, 139, 44 }, 0 },
{ { 92, 101, 14 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 107, 34, 47 }, 3 },
{ { 90, 105, 14 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 107, 34, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 88, 104, 14 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 107, 34, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 87, 105, 14 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 107, 34, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 86, 105, 14 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 107, 34, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 86, 105, 14 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 107, 34, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 86, 105, 15 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, 0 },
{ { 85, 98, 16 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, 0 },
{ { 92, 96, 1 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, 0 },
{ { 92, 96, 1 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, 0 },
{ { 89, 96, 4 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, 0 },
{ { 86, 96, 3 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, 0 },
{ { 83, 96, 2 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, 0 },
{ { 81, 96, 1 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, 0 },
{ { 78, 96, 4 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 3 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 1 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 1 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, 99 }
const BamDataBlock BamScene::_fight2Data[] = {
{ { 75, 96, 1 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 78, 96, 2 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 81, 96, 3 }, { 189, 96, -18 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 84, 96, 4 }, { 183, 96, -19 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 87, 96, 1 }, { 181, 96, -20 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 90, 96, 2 }, { 177, 96, -21 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 93, 96, 3 }, { 171, 96, -22 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 96, 96, 4 }, { 169, 96, -17 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 99, 96, 1 }, { 165, 96, -18 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 102, 96, 2 }, { 159, 96, -19 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 105, 96, 3 }, { 157, 96, -20 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 108, 96, 4 }, { 153, 96, -21 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 111, 96, 1 }, { 147, 96, -22 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 114, 96, 2 }, { 147, 96, -23 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 117, 96, 3 }, { 147, 96, -23 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 120, 96, 4 }, { 147, 96, -24 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 123, 96, 1 }, { 147, 96, -25 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 125, 96, 2 }, { 147, 96, -25 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 127, 96, 12 }, { 147, 96, -69 }, { 122, 94, 36 }, 3 },
{ { 127, 95, 11 }, { 147, 96, -70 }, { 122, 94, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 127, 96, 12 }, { 147, 96, -71 }, { 122, 100, 36 }, 3 },
{ { 127, 97, 11 }, { 147, 96, -69 }, { 122, 100, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 127, 96, 12 }, { 147, 96, -70 }, { 127, 103, 36 }, 3 },
{ { 127, 95, 11 }, { 147, 96, -71 }, { 127, 103, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 127, 94, 12 }, { 147, 96, -69 }, { 123, 94, 36 }, 3 },
{ { 127, 95, 11 }, { 147, 96, -70 }, { 123, 94, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 127, 96, 12 }, { 147, 96, -71 }, { 120, 99, 36 }, 3 },
{ { 127, 96, 12 }, { 147, 96, -71 }, { 115, 98, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 117, 93, 11 }, { 147, 96, -25 }, { 115, 134, 42 }, 0 },
{ { 110, 92, 11 }, { 147, 96, -25 }, { 114, 133, 42 }, 0 },
{ { 102, 93, 11 }, { 147, 96, -25 }, { 114, 131, 43 }, 0 },
{ { 92, 93, 11 }, { 147, 96, -25 }, { 114, 130, 43 }, 0 },
{ { 82, 94, 11 }, { 147, 96, -25 }, { 114, 128, 44 }, 0 },
{ { 76, 95, 11 }, { 147, 96, -25 }, { 114, 127, 44 }, 0 },
{ { 70, 96, 11 }, { 147, 96, -25 }, { 114, 126, 45 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 5 }, { 147, 96, -25 }, { 114, 125, 46 }, 1 },
{ { 75, 96, 6 }, { 147, 96, -25 }, { 114, 43, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 6 }, { 147, 96, -25 }, { 114, 43, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 5 }, { 147, 96, -25 }, { 114, 43, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 7 }, { 147, 96, -25 }, { 114, 43, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 68 }, { 147, 96, -25 }, { 114, 43, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 68 }, { 147, 96, -25 }, { 89, 104, 36 }, 2 },
{ { 75, 96, 68 }, { 147, 96, -25 }, { 94, 103, 62 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 68 }, { 147, 96, -25 }, { 122, 103, 63 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 68 }, { 147, 96, -25 }, { 141, 103, 64 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 68 }, { 147, 96, -30 }, { 150, 103, 65 }, 3 },
{ { 75, 96, 68 }, { 156, 96, -30 }, { 160, 103, 66 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 7 }, { 164, 96, -30 }, { 169, 103, 67 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 5 }, { 169, 96, -30 }, { 177, 103, 48 }, 3 },
{ { 75, 96, 5 }, { 173, 96, -30 }, { 185, 103, 49 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 6 }, { 178, 96, -30 }, { 198, 103, 50 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 6 }, { 181, 96, -30 }, { 207, 103, 51 }, 1 },
{ { 75, 96, 5 }, { 184, 96, -30 }, { 221, 103, 52 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 5 }, { 186, 96, -30 }, { 224, 53, 53 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 5 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 224, 53, 53 }, 99 }
const BamDataBlock BamScene::_fight3Data[] = {
{ { 75, 96, 1 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 77, 96, 2 }, { 187, 96, -22 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 80, 96, 3 }, { 185, 96, -17 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 83, 96, 4 }, { 181, 96, -18 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 86, 96, 1 }, { 175, 96, -19 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 88, 96, 2 }, { 173, 96, -20 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 91, 96, 3 }, { 169, 96, -21 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 94, 96, 4 }, { 163, 96, -22 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 97, 96, 1 }, { 161, 96, -17 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 99, 96, 2 }, { 157, 96, -18 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 102, 96, 3 }, { 151, 96, -19 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 105, 96, 4 }, { 149, 96, -20 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 108, 96, 1 }, { 145, 96, -21 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 110, 96, 2 }, { 145, 96, -25 }, { 150, 45, 35 }, 0 },
{ { 113, 96, 3 }, { 145, 96, -26 }, { 132, 96, 36 }, 2 },
{ { 117, 96, 7 }, { 145, 96, -27 }, { 122, 97, 36 }, 0 },
{ { 117, 96, 7 }, { 145, 96, -28 }, { 117, 97, 37 }, 0 },
{ { 116, 96, 12 }, { 145, 96, -24 }, { 110, 96, 38 }, 3 },
{ { 109, 96, 12 }, { 145, 96, -24 }, { 103, 95, 39 }, 0 },
{ { 105, 96, 12 }, { 145, 96, -24 }, { 95, 90, 40 }, 1 },
{ { 96, 96, 11 }, { 145, 96, -24 }, { 86, 80, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 92, 96, 11 }, { 145, 96, -24 }, { 86, 80, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 93, 96, 5 }, { 145, 96, -24 }, { 86, 38, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 91, 96, 5 }, { 145, 96, -24 }, { 86, 38, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 89, 96, 5 }, { 145, 96, -24 }, { 86, 38, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 88, 96, 5 }, { 145, 96, -24 }, { 86, 38, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 87, 96, 6 }, { 145, 96, -24 }, { 86, 38, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 87, 96, 6 }, { 145, 96, -23 }, { 86, 38, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 87, 96, 6 }, { 145, 96, -23 }, { 86, 38, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 87, 96, 5 }, { 145, 96, -23 }, { 86, 38, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 87, 96, 5 }, { 145, 96, -23 }, { 86, 38, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 87, 96, 6 }, { 145, 96, -23 }, { 86, 38, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 87, 96, 6 }, { 145, 96, -23 }, { 86, 38, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 87, 96, 5 }, { 145, 96, -23 }, { 86, 38, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 87, 96, 5 }, { 145, 96, -23 }, { 86, 38, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 87, 96, 6 }, { 145, 96, -23 }, { 86, 38, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 87, 96, 6 }, { 145, 96, -26 }, { 86, 38, 41 }, 0 },
{ { 87, 96, 6 }, { 145, 96, -27 }, { 132, 97, 36 }, 2 },
{ { 87, 96, 5 }, { 145, 96, -28 }, { 118, 97, 36 }, 0 },
{ { 87, 96, 7 }, { 145, 96, -24 }, { 107, 97, 36 }, 0 },
{ { 87, 96, 8 }, { 145, 96, -24 }, { 101, 97, 36 }, 0 },
{ { 87, 96, 9 }, { 145, 96, -23 }, { 102, 97, 66 }, 3 },
{ { 87, 96, 10 }, { 145, 96, -23 }, { 120, 97, 67 }, 0 },
{ { 87, 96, 10 }, { 145, 96, -30 }, { 139, 97, 67 }, 1 },
{ { 87, 96, 7 }, { 146, 96, -30 }, { 144, 97, 62 }, 2 },
{ { 86, 96, 4 }, { 160, 96, -30 }, { 144, 97, 48 }, 1 },
{ { 83, 96, 3 }, { 170, 96, -31 }, { 154, 93, 49 }, 0 },
{ { 80, 96, 2 }, { 174, 96, -31 }, { 161, 89, 50 }, 0 },
{ { 78, 96, 1 }, { 178, 99, -31 }, { 169, 85, 51 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 4 }, { 183, 104, -31 }, { 175, 79, 52 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 1 }, { 185, 99, -32 }, { 180, 144, 42 }, 3 },
{ { 75, 96, 1 }, { 185, 106, -31 }, { 181, 141, 42 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 5 }, { 185, 104, -31 }, { 181, 138, 43 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 5 }, { 188, 106, -31 }, { 182, 135, 43 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 6 }, { 191, 99, -32 }, { 183, 131, 44 }, 3 },
{ { 75, 96, 6 }, { 191, 99, -32 }, { 183, 127, 45 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 5 }, { 191, 99, -32 }, { 184, 121, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 5 }, { 191, 99, -32 }, { 183, 115, 46 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 6 }, { 191, 99, -32 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 6 }, { 191, 99, -32 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 6 }, { 191, 99, -32 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 5 }, { 191, 99, -32 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 5 }, { 191, 99, -32 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 5 }, { 191, 99, -32 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 5 }, { 191, 99, -32 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 5 }, { 191, 99, -32 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 6 }, { 191, 99, -32 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 6 }, { 191, 99, -32 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 5 }, { 195, 98, -33 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 6 }, { 191, 96, -34 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 6 }, { 193, 96, -25 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 5 }, { 193, 96, -24 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 5 }, { 193, 96, -24 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 5 }, { 193, 96, -24 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 6 }, { 191, 96, -18 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 6 }, { 190, 96, -19 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 6 }, { 187, 96, -20 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 1 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 0 },
{ { 75, 96, 1 }, { 187, 96, -23 }, { 183, 41, 47 }, 99 }
} // End of namespace Queen