Scott Percival 2e77b6eaf6 DIRECTOR: Fix position of film loop subchannels
Sprites stored in frames are referenced by position (minus the
registration offset), width and height. Film loops are the same. As
such, fix the bounding box calculation for the film loop to use the
correct sprite positions (e.g. center for bitmaps), then fix the
subchannel generator to take these into account.
2021-11-09 21:46:44 +08:00

755 lines
23 KiB

/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "director/director.h"
#include "director/movie.h"
#include "director/score.h"
#include "director/cursor.h"
#include "director/cast.h"
#include "director/channel.h"
#include "director/sprite.h"
#include "director/castmember.h"
#include "director/types.h"
#include "director/window.h"
#include "graphics/macgui/mactext.h"
#include "graphics/macgui/macbutton.h"
namespace Director {
Channel::Channel(Sprite *sp, int priority) {
if (!sp)
_sprite = nullptr;
_sprite = new Sprite(*sp);
_widget = nullptr;
_currentPoint = _sprite ? _sprite->_startPoint : Common::Point(0, 0);
_delta = Common::Point(0, 0);
_constraint = 0;
_mask = nullptr;
_priority = priority;
_width = _sprite ? _sprite->_width : 0;
_height = _sprite ? _sprite->_height : 0;
_movieRate = 0.0;
_movieTime = 0;
_startTime = 0;
_stopTime = 0;
_filmLoopFrame = 0;
_visible = true;
_dirty = true;
Channel::Channel(const Channel &channel) {
*this = channel;
Channel& Channel::operator=(const Channel &channel) {
_sprite = channel._sprite ? new Sprite(*channel._sprite) : nullptr;
_widget = nullptr;
_currentPoint = channel._currentPoint;
_delta = channel._delta;
_constraint = channel._constraint;
_mask = nullptr;
_priority = channel._priority;
_width = channel._width;
_height = channel._height;
_movieRate = channel._movieRate;
_movieTime = channel._movieTime;
_startTime = channel._startTime;
_stopTime = channel._stopTime;
_filmLoopFrame = channel._filmLoopFrame;
_visible = channel._visible;
_dirty = channel._dirty;
return *this;
Channel::~Channel() {
if (_widget)
delete _widget;
if (_mask)
delete _mask;
if (_sprite)
delete _sprite;
DirectorPlotData Channel::getPlotData() {
DirectorPlotData pd(g_director->_wm, _sprite->_spriteType, _sprite->_ink, _sprite->_blend, _sprite->getBackColor(), _sprite->getForeColor());
pd.colorWhite = pd._wm->_colorWhite;
pd.colorBlack = pd._wm->_colorBlack;
pd.dst = nullptr;
pd.srf = getSurface();
if (!pd.srf && _sprite->_spriteType != kBitmapSprite) {
// Shapes come colourized from macDrawPixel = _sprite->getShape();
pd.applyColor = false;
} else {
return pd;
Graphics::ManagedSurface *Channel::getSurface() {
if (_widget) {
return _widget->getSurface();
} else {
return nullptr;
const Graphics::Surface *Channel::getMask(bool forceMatte) {
if (!_sprite->_cast || _sprite->_spriteType == kTextSprite)
return nullptr;
bool needsMatte = _sprite->_ink == kInkTypeMatte ||
_sprite->_ink == kInkTypeNotCopy ||
_sprite->_ink == kInkTypeNotTrans ||
_sprite->_ink == kInkTypeNotReverse ||
_sprite->_ink == kInkTypeNotGhost ||
_sprite->_ink == kInkTypeBlend ||
_sprite->_ink == kInkTypeAddPin ||
_sprite->_ink == kInkTypeAdd ||
_sprite->_ink == kInkTypeSubPin ||
_sprite->_ink == kInkTypeLight ||
_sprite->_ink == kInkTypeSub ||
_sprite->_ink == kInkTypeDark ||
_sprite->_blend > 0;
Common::Rect bbox(getBbox());
if (needsMatte || forceMatte) {
// Mattes are only supported in bitmaps for now. Shapes don't need mattes,
// as they already have all non-enclosed white pixels transparent.
// Matte on text has a trivial enough effect to not worry about implementing.
if (_sprite->_cast->_type == kCastBitmap) {
return ((BitmapCastMember *)_sprite->_cast)->getMatte(bbox);
} else {
return nullptr;
} else if (_sprite->_ink == kInkTypeMask) {
CastMemberID maskID(_sprite->_castId.member + 1, _sprite->_castId.castLib);
CastMember *member = g_director->getCurrentMovie()->getCastMember(maskID);
if (member && member->_initialRect == _sprite->_cast->_initialRect) {
Graphics::MacWidget *widget = member->createWidget(bbox, this, _sprite->_spriteType);
if (_mask)
delete _mask;
_mask = new Graphics::ManagedSurface();
delete widget;
return &_mask->rawSurface();
} else {
warning("Channel::getMask(): Requested cast mask, but no matching mask was found");
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
// TODO: eliminate this function when we got the correct method to deal with sprite size
// since we didn't handle sprites very well for text cast members. thus we don't replace our text castmembers when only size changes
// for explicitly changing, we have isModified to check
bool hasTextCastMember(Sprite *sprite) {
if (sprite && sprite->_cast)
return sprite->_cast->_type == kCastText || sprite->_cast->_type == kCastButton;
return false;
bool Channel::isDirty(Sprite *nextSprite) {
// When a sprite is puppeted setTheSprite ensures that the dirty flag here is
// set. Otherwise, we need to rerender when the position, bounding box, or
// cast of the sprite changes.
if (!nextSprite)
return false;
bool isDirtyFlag = _dirty ||
_delta != Common::Point(0, 0) ||
(_sprite->_cast && _sprite->_cast->isModified());
if (!_sprite->_puppet) {
// When puppet is set, the overall dirty flag should be set when sprite is
// modified.
isDirtyFlag |= _sprite->_castId != nextSprite->_castId ||
_sprite->_ink != nextSprite->_ink;
if (!_sprite->_moveable)
isDirtyFlag |= _currentPoint != nextSprite->_startPoint;
if (!_sprite->_stretch && !hasTextCastMember(_sprite))
isDirtyFlag |= _width != nextSprite->_width || _height != nextSprite->_height;
return isDirtyFlag;
bool Channel::isStretched() {
return _sprite->_puppet && _sprite->_stretch &&
(_sprite->_width != _width || _sprite->_height != _height);
bool Channel::isEmpty() {
return (_sprite->_spriteType == kInactiveSprite);
bool Channel::isActiveText() {
if (_sprite->_spriteType != kTextSprite)
return false;
if (_widget && _widget->hasAllFocus())
return true;
return false;
bool Channel::isMouseIn(const Common::Point &pos) {
if (!_visible)
return false;
Common::Rect bbox = getBbox();
if (!bbox.contains(pos))
return false;
if (_sprite->_ink == kInkTypeMatte) {
if (_sprite->_cast && _sprite->_cast->_type == kCastBitmap) {
Graphics::Surface *matte = ((BitmapCastMember *)_sprite->_cast)->getMatte(bbox);
return matte ? !(*(byte *)(matte->getBasePtr(pos.x - bbox.left, pos.y - : true;
return true;
bool Channel::isMatteIntersect(Channel *channel) {
Common::Rect myBbox = getBbox();
Common::Rect yourBbox = channel->getBbox();
Common::Rect intersectRect = myBbox.findIntersectingRect(yourBbox);
if (intersectRect.isEmpty())
return false;
Graphics::Surface *myMatte = nullptr;
Graphics::Surface *yourMatte = nullptr;
if (_sprite->_cast && _sprite->_cast->_type == kCastBitmap)
myMatte = ((BitmapCastMember *)_sprite->_cast)->getMatte(myBbox);
if (channel->_sprite->_cast && channel->_sprite->_cast->_type == kCastBitmap)
yourMatte = ((BitmapCastMember *)channel->_sprite->_cast)->getMatte(yourBbox);
if (myMatte && yourMatte) {
for (int i =; i < intersectRect.bottom; i++) {
const byte *my = (const byte *)myMatte->getBasePtr(intersectRect.left - myBbox.left, i -;
const byte *your = (const byte *)yourMatte->getBasePtr(intersectRect.left - yourBbox.left, i -;
for (int j = intersectRect.left; j < intersectRect.right; j++, my++, your++)
if (!*my && !*your)
return true;
return false;
// this contains channel. i.e. myBox contain yourBox
bool Channel::isMatteWithin(Channel *channel) {
Common::Rect myBbox = getBbox();
Common::Rect yourBbox = channel->getBbox();
Common::Rect intersectRect = myBbox.findIntersectingRect(yourBbox);
if (!myBbox.contains(yourBbox))
return false;
Graphics::Surface *myMatte = nullptr;
Graphics::Surface *yourMatte = nullptr;
if (_sprite->_cast && _sprite->_cast->_type == kCastBitmap)
myMatte = ((BitmapCastMember *)_sprite->_cast)->getMatte(myBbox);
if (channel->_sprite->_cast && channel->_sprite->_cast->_type == kCastBitmap)
yourMatte = ((BitmapCastMember *)channel->_sprite->_cast)->getMatte(yourBbox);
if (myMatte && yourMatte) {
for (int i =; i < intersectRect.bottom; i++) {
const byte *my = (const byte *)myMatte->getBasePtr(intersectRect.left - myBbox.left, i -;
const byte *your = (const byte *)yourMatte->getBasePtr(intersectRect.left - yourBbox.left, i -;
for (int j = intersectRect.left; j < intersectRect.right; j++, my++, your++)
if (*my && !*your)
return false;
return true;
return false;
bool Channel::isActiveVideo() {
if (!_sprite->_cast || _sprite->_cast->_type != kCastDigitalVideo)
return false;
return true;
void Channel::updateVideoTime() {
_movieTime = ((DigitalVideoCastMember *)_sprite->_cast)->getMovieCurrentTime();
bool Channel::isVideoDirectToStage() {
if (!_sprite->_cast || _sprite->_cast->_type != kCastDigitalVideo)
return false;
return ((DigitalVideoCastMember *)_sprite->_cast)->_directToStage;
Common::Rect Channel::getBbox(bool unstretched) {
Common::Rect result(unstretched ? _sprite->_width : _width,
unstretched ? _sprite->_height : _height);
return result;
void Channel::setCast(CastMemberID memberID) {
// release previous widget
if (_sprite->_cast)
_width = _sprite->_width;
_height = _sprite->_height;
void Channel::setClean(Sprite *nextSprite, int spriteId, bool partial) {
if (!nextSprite)
CastMemberID previousCastId(0, 0);
bool replace = isDirty(nextSprite);
// for dirty situation that we need to replace widget.
// if cast are modified, then we need to replace it
// if cast size are changed, and we may need to replace it, because we may having the scaled bitmap castmember
// other situation, e.g. position changing, we will let channel to handle it. So we don't have to replace widget
bool dimsChanged = !_sprite->_stretch && !hasTextCastMember(_sprite) && (_sprite->_width != nextSprite->_width || _sprite->_height != nextSprite->_height);
// if spriteType is changing, then we may need to re-create the widget since spriteType will guide when we creating widget
bool spriteTypeChanged = _sprite->_spriteType != nextSprite->_spriteType;
if (nextSprite) {
if (nextSprite->_cast && (_dirty || _sprite->_castId != nextSprite->_castId)) {
if (nextSprite->_cast->_type == kCastDigitalVideo) {
Common::String path = nextSprite->_cast->getCast()->getVideoPath(nextSprite->_castId.member);
if (!path.empty()) {
((DigitalVideoCastMember *)nextSprite->_cast)->loadVideo(pathMakeRelative(path, true, false));
((DigitalVideoCastMember *)nextSprite->_cast)->startVideo(this);
} else if (nextSprite->_cast->_type == kCastFilmLoop) {
// brand new film loop, reset the frame counter
_filmLoopFrame = 0;
// if the next sprite in the channel shares the cast member
if (nextSprite->_cast && _sprite->_castId == nextSprite->_castId) {
if (nextSprite->_cast->_type == kCastFilmLoop) {
// increment the film loop counter
_filmLoopFrame += 1;
_filmLoopFrame %= ((FilmLoopCastMember *)nextSprite->_cast)->_frames.size();
// for the non-puppet QDShape, since we won't use isDirty to check whether the QDShape is changed.
// so we may always keep the sprite info because we need it to draw QDShape.
if (_sprite->_puppet || (!nextSprite->isQDShape() && partial)) {
// Updating scripts, etc. does not require a full re-render
_sprite->_scriptId = nextSprite->_scriptId;
} else {
previousCastId = _sprite->_castId;
_currentPoint += _delta;
_delta = Common::Point(0, 0);
// FIXME: organize the logic here.
// for the dirty puppet sprites, we will always replaceWidget since previousCastId is 0, but we shouldn't replace the widget of there are only position changing
// e.g. we won't want a puppet editable text sprite changing because that will cause the loss of text.
if (replace) {
replaceWidget(previousCastId, dimsChanged || spriteTypeChanged);
// reset the stop time when we are not playing video
if (_stopTime && (!_sprite->_cast || (_sprite->_cast && _sprite->_cast->_type != kCastDigitalVideo)))
_stopTime = 0;
_dirty = false;
// this is used to for setting and updating text castmember
// e.g. set editable, update dims for auto expanding
void Channel::updateTextCast() {
if (!_sprite->_cast || _sprite->_cast->_type != kCastText)
if (_widget) {
Graphics::MacText *textWidget = (Graphics::MacText *)_widget;
// if we got auto expand text, then we update dims to sprite
if (!textWidget->getFixDims() && (_sprite->_width != _widget->_dims.width() || _sprite->_height != _widget->_dims.height())) {
_sprite->_width = _widget->_dims.width();
_sprite->_height = _widget->_dims.height();
_width = _sprite->_width;
_height = _sprite->_height;
void Channel::setEditable(bool editable) {
if (_sprite->_cast && _sprite->_cast->_type == kCastText) {
// if the sprite is editable, then we refresh the selEnd and setStart
if (_widget) {
((Graphics::MacText *)_widget)->setEditable(editable);
// we only set the first editable text member in score active
if (editable) {
Graphics::MacWidget *activewidget = g_director->_wm->getActiveWidget();
if (activewidget == nullptr || !activewidget->isEditable())
// we may optimize this by only update those attributes when we are changing them
// but not to pass them to widgets everytime
void Channel::updateGlobalAttr() {
if (!_sprite->_cast)
// update text info, including selEnd and selStart
if (_sprite->_cast->_type == kCastText && _sprite->_editable && _widget)
((Graphics::MacText *)_widget)->setSelRange(g_director->getCurrentMovie()->_selStart, g_director->getCurrentMovie()->_selEnd);
// update button info, including checkBoxType
if ((_sprite->_cast->_type == kCastButton || isButtonSprite(_sprite->_spriteType)) && _widget) {
((Graphics::MacButton *)_widget)->setCheckBoxType(g_director->getCurrentMovie()->_checkBoxType);
((Graphics::MacButton *)_widget)->setCheckBoxAccess(g_director->getCurrentMovie()->_checkBoxAccess);
void Channel::replaceSprite(Sprite *nextSprite) {
if (!nextSprite)
bool newSprite = (_sprite->_spriteType == kInactiveSprite && nextSprite->_spriteType != kInactiveSprite);
bool widgetKeeped = _sprite->_cast && _widget;
// update the _sprite we stored in channel, and point the originalSprite to the new one
// release the widget, because we may having the new one
if (_sprite->_cast && !canKeepWidget(_sprite, nextSprite)) {
widgetKeeped = false;
newSprite = true;
int width = _width;
int height = _height;
*_sprite = *nextSprite;
// TODO: auto expand text size is meaning less for us, not all text
// since we are using initialRect for the text cast member now, then the sprite size is meaning less for us.
// thus, we keep the _sprite size here
if (hasTextCastMember(_sprite) && widgetKeeped) {
_sprite->_width = width;
_sprite->_height = height;
// Sprites marked moveable are constrained to the same bounding box until
// the moveable is disabled
if (!_sprite->_moveable || newSprite)
_currentPoint = _sprite->_startPoint;
if (!_sprite->_stretch) {
_width = _sprite->_width;
_height = _sprite->_height;
void Channel::setWidth(int w) {
if (_sprite->_puppet && _sprite->_stretch) {
_width = MAX<int>(w, 0);
void Channel::setHeight(int h) {
if (_sprite->_puppet && _sprite->_stretch) {
_height = MAX<int>(h, 0);
void Channel::setBbox(int l, int t, int r, int b) {
if (_sprite->_puppet && _sprite->_stretch) {
_width = r - l;
_height = b - t;
_currentPoint.x = l;
_currentPoint.y = t;
addRegistrationOffset(_currentPoint, true);
// here is the place for deciding whether the widget can be keep or not
// here's the definition, we first need to have widgets to keep, and the cast is not modified(modified means we need to re-create the widget)
// and the castId should be same while castId should not be zero
bool Channel::canKeepWidget(CastMemberID castId) {
if (_widget && _sprite && _sprite->_cast && !_sprite->_cast->isModified() && castId.member && castId == _sprite->_castId) {
return true;
return false;
bool Channel::canKeepWidget(Sprite *currentSprite, Sprite *nextSprite) {
if (_widget && currentSprite && currentSprite->_cast && nextSprite && nextSprite->_cast && !currentSprite->_cast->isModified() && currentSprite->_castId == nextSprite->_castId && currentSprite->_castId.member) {
return true;
return false;
// currently, when we are setting hilite, we delete the widget and the re-create it
// so we may optimize this if this operation takes much time
void Channel::replaceWidget(CastMemberID previousCastId, bool force) {
// if the castmember is the same, and we are not modifying anything which cannot be handle by channel. Then we don't replace the widget
if (!force && canKeepWidget(previousCastId)) {
debug(5, "Channel::replaceWidget(): skip deleting %s", _sprite->_castId.asString().c_str());
if (_widget) {
delete _widget;
_widget = nullptr;
if (_sprite && _sprite->_cast) {
// use sprite type to guide us how to draw the cast
// if the type don't match, then we will set it as transparent. i.e. don't create widget
if (!_sprite->checkSpriteType())
// always use the unstretched dims.
// because only the stretched sprite will have different channel size and sprite size
// we need the original image to scale the sprite.
// for the scaled bitmap castmember, it has scaled dims on sprite size, so we don't have to worry about it.
Common::Rect bbox(getBbox(true));
_widget = _sprite->_cast->createWidget(bbox, this, _sprite->_spriteType);
if (_widget) {
_widget->_priority = _priority;
if (_sprite->_cast->_type == kCastText || _sprite->_cast->_type == kCastButton) {
_sprite->_width = _widget->_dims.width();
_sprite->_height = _widget->_dims.height();
_width = _sprite->_width;
_height = _sprite->_height;
bool Channel::updateWidget() {
if (_widget && _widget->needsRedraw()) {
if (_sprite->_cast) {
return true;
return false;
bool Channel::isTrail() {
return _sprite->_trails;
void Channel::addRegistrationOffset(Common::Point &pos, bool subtract) {
if (!_sprite->_cast)
switch (_sprite->_cast->_type) {
case kCastBitmap:
if (subtract)
pos -= _sprite->getRegistrationOffset();
pos += _sprite->getRegistrationOffset();
case kCastDigitalVideo:
case kCastFilmLoop:
pos -= _sprite->getRegistrationOffset();
void Channel::addDelta(Common::Point pos) {
// TODO: Channel should have a pointer to its score
if (_sprite->_moveable &&
_constraint > 0 &&
_constraint < g_director->getCurrentMovie()->getScore()->_channels.size()) {
Common::Rect constraintBbox = g_director->getCurrentMovie()->getScore()->_channels[_constraint]->getBbox();
Common::Rect currentBbox = getBbox();
currentBbox.translate(_delta.x + pos.x, _delta.y + pos.y);
Common::Point regPoint;
addRegistrationOffset(regPoint); += regPoint.y;
constraintBbox.bottom -= regPoint.y;
constraintBbox.left += regPoint.x;
constraintBbox.right -= regPoint.x;
// offset for the boundary
if (!constraintBbox.contains(currentBbox)) {
if ( < {
pos.y += -;
} else if (currentBbox.bottom > constraintBbox.bottom) {
pos.y += constraintBbox.bottom - currentBbox.bottom;
if (currentBbox.left < constraintBbox.left) {
pos.x += constraintBbox.left - currentBbox.left;
} else if (currentBbox.right > constraintBbox.right) {
pos.x += constraintBbox.right - currentBbox.right;
_delta += pos;
int Channel::getMouseChar(int x, int y) {
if (_sprite->_spriteType != kTextSprite)
return -1;
if (!_widget) {
warning("Channel::getMouseChar getting mouse char on a non-existing widget");
return -1;
return ((Graphics::MacText *)_widget)->getMouseChar(x, y);
int Channel::getMouseWord(int x, int y) {
if (_sprite->_spriteType != kTextSprite)
return -1;
if (!_widget) {
warning("Channel::getMouseWord getting mouse word on a non-existing widget");
return -1;
return ((Graphics::MacText *)_widget)->getMouseWord(x, y);
int Channel::getMouseItem(int x, int y) {
if (_sprite->_spriteType != kTextSprite)
return -1;
if (!_widget) {
warning("Channel::getMouseItem getting mouse item on a non-existing widget");
return -1;
return ((Graphics::MacText *)_widget)->getMouseItem(x, y);
int Channel::getMouseLine(int x, int y) {
if (_sprite->_spriteType != kTextSprite)
return -1;
if (!_widget) {
warning("Channel::getMouseLine getting mouse line on a non-existing widget");
return -1;
return ((Graphics::MacText *)_widget)->getMouseLine(x, y);
Common::Point Channel::getPosition() {
Common::Point res = _currentPoint;
res.x += (_sprite->_width - _width) / 2;
res.y += (_sprite->_height - _height) / 2;
return res;
bool Channel::hasSubChannels() {
if ((_sprite->_cast) && (_sprite->_cast->_type == kCastFilmLoop)) {
return true;
return false;
Common::Array<Channel> *Channel::getSubChannels() {
if ((!_sprite->_cast) || (_sprite->_cast->_type != kCastFilmLoop)) {
warning("Channel doesn't have any sub-channels");
return nullptr;
Common::Rect bbox = getBbox();
return ((FilmLoopCastMember *)_sprite->_cast)->getSubChannels(bbox, this);
} // End of namespace Director