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/* ResidualVM - A 3D game interpreter
* ResidualVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the AUTHORS
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* Additional copyright for this file:
* Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Revolution Software Ltd.
* This code is based on source code created by Revolution Software,
* used with permission.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "engines/icb/common/px_common.h"
#include "engines/icb/p4.h"
#include "engines/icb/p4_generic.h"
#include "engines/icb/global_objects_psx.h"
#include "engines/icb/gfx/psx_pcdefines.h"
#include "engines/icb/common/px_capri_maths.h"
#include "engines/icb/drawpoly_pc.h"
#include "engines/icb/light_pc.h"
#include "engines/icb/shade_pc.h"
namespace ICB {
#if _PSX_ON_PC == 1
// Globals telling you "extra" parameters about the lights
extern uint32 useLampWidth;
extern uint32 useLampBounce;
extern int32 lampWidth[3];
extern int32 lampBounce[3];
#else // #if _PSX_ON_PC == 1
// Globals telling you "extra" parameters about the lights
uint32 useLampWidth;
uint32 useLampBounce;
int32 lampWidth[3];
int32 lampBounce[3];
#endif // #if _PSX_ON_PC == 1
// Set the GTE constant light variables
// Sets the direciton lights colour matrix
// Sets the ambient colour
// Fills in the lightDirects matrix
// Selects the 3 brightest lamps from the lamplist
// at the actors position and puts them into the
// GTE light matrix and the lightDirects matrix
int32 prepareLightsPC(VECTOR *pos, PSXrgb *ambient, PSXLampList *lamplist, PSXShadeList *shadelist, MATRIXPC *lDirects, LampInfo *linfo) {
// Disable the slow features as default
useLampBounce = 0;
useLampWidth = 0;
// Zero out the "extra" parameters
lampWidth[0] = 0;
lampWidth[1] = 0;
lampWidth[2] = 0;
lampBounce[0] = 0;
lampBounce[1] = 0;
lampBounce[2] = 0;
if (lamplist == NULL) {
return prepareLightsGlobalPC(lDirects);
LampInfo lampInfo[MAX_NUMBER_LIGHTS + 1];
// Turn them off
linfo[0].intens = 0;
linfo[1].intens = 0;
linfo[2].intens = 0;
uint32 brightest = MAX_NUMBER_LIGHTS;
uint32 middle = MAX_NUMBER_LIGHTS;
uint32 darkest = MAX_NUMBER_LIGHTS;
lampInfo[brightest].intens = 0;
lampInfo[brightest].index = MAX_NUMBER_LIGHTS;
MATRIXPC lColours;
// Zero out the matrix first off
lDirects->m[0][0] = 0;
lDirects->m[0][1] = 0;
lDirects->m[0][2] = 0;
lDirects->m[1][0] = 0;
lDirects->m[1][1] = 0;
lDirects->m[1][2] = 0;
lDirects->m[2][0] = 0;
lDirects->m[2][1] = 0;
lDirects->m[2][2] = 0;
lColours.m[0][0] = 0;
lColours.m[0][1] = 0;
lColours.m[0][2] = 0;
lColours.m[1][0] = 0;
lColours.m[1][1] = 0;
lColours.m[1][2] = 0;
lColours.m[2][0] = 0;
lColours.m[2][1] = 0;
lColours.m[2][2] = 0;
uint32 num = lamplist->n;
PSXLamp *plamp = NULL;
PSXLampState *plampstate;
uint32 state;
uint32 sstate;
VECTOR normdir;
uint32 i, s;
uint32 *pstate = lamplist->states;
PSXLamp **pplamp = lamplist->lamps;
uint32 ns = shadelist->n;
PSXShade *pshade;
ShadeQuad *pshadestate;
uint32 *psstate;
PSXShade **ppshade;
uint32 inten, m;
for (i = 0; i < num; pplamp++, pstate++, i++) {
// Make the direction vector
plamp = *pplamp;
state = *pstate;
plampstate = plamp->states + state;
// Ignore the lamp if it is switched off
m = plampstate->m;
// For animating lights which are turned off - turn them off
// after the 3 brightest lights have been selected !
if (plamp->nStates > 1)
m = 128;
if (m == 0)
// Squared distance to the lamp
dir.vx = pos->vx - plampstate->pos.vx;
dir.vy = pos->vy - plampstate->pos.vy;
dir.vz = pos->vz - plampstate->pos.vz;
// VectorNoraml returns the sum of the squares
// i.e. the squared distance
// Normalize the lamp_actor vector to 1.0
uint32 rr = VectorNormal(&dir, &normdir);
printf("Lamp %d rr %d actor %d %d %d lamp %d %d %d\nafs2 %d afe2 %d ans2 %d ane2 %d", i, rr, pos->vx, pos->vy, pos->vz, plampstate->pos.vx, plampstate->pos.vy,
plampstate->pos.vz, plampstate->ans2, plampstate->ane2, plampstate->afs2, plampstate->afe2);
// Get the light direction
// non-directional lamps e.g. bulbs, OMNI's
// then the direction is vector from lamp to actor i.e. dir
// For directional lamps, the -ve 3rd column of the matrix
// is what we want because MAX definition is the lamp direction
// is 0,0,-1 in the light frame
// The attenuation law is
// Intensity
// multiplier
// |
// v near_end far_start
// | |
// 1.0 | *********************
// | * *
// | * *
// | * *
// | * *
// | * *
// | * *
// | * *
// 0.0 ***** *************
// | |
// near_start far_end
// increasing distance --->
// Ignore the lamp if rr > atten_far_end^2
// In pre-process of lights if atten_far_use = 0
// then it sets atten_far_end to a very big number
// RLP schema >= 4 squared distances are stored in the light file
uint32 afe2 = plampstate->afe2;
// if ( ( afe2 < ATTEN_MAX_DISTANCE*ATTEN_MAX_DISTANCE ) && ( rr > afe2 ) ) continue;
if (rr > afe2)
// RLP schema >= 4 squared distances are stored in the light file
uint32 ans2 = plampstate->ans2;
// Ignore the lamp if rr < atten_near_start^2
// if ( ( ans2 < ATTEN_MAX_DISTANCE*ATTEN_MAX_DISTANCE ) && ( rr < ans2 ) ) continue;
if (rr < ans2)
// RLP schema >= 4 squared distances are stored in the light file
uint32 ane2 = plampstate->ane2;
uint32 afs2 = plampstate->afs2;
// Are we in the increasing portion ?
if (rr < ane2) {
m = ((rr - ans2) * m) / (ane2 - ans2);
// else are we in the decreasing portion ?
else if ((afs2 < ATTEN_MAX_DISTANCE * ATTEN_MAX_DISTANCE) && (rr > afs2)) {
m = ((afe2 - rr) * m) / (afe2 - afs2);
// else we are in the constant portion : i.e. do nothing
printf("Lamp %d rr %d m %d afe2-rr %d afe2-afs2 %d", i, rr, m, (afe2 - rr), (afe2 - afs2));
// Ignore black lamps caused by the attenuation laws
if (m == 0)
// For conical beams i.e. spot lights
// If the light has a beam then take into account the effect on m due
// to angle between the light->actor vector and the light's direction
// The attenuation law is
// At angles less than beam_angle/2 then multiplier = 1.0
// At angles beyond beam_softness/2 then multiplier = 0.0
// Between these angles have straight line law
// Intensity
// multiplier
// |
// v beam_angle/2
// |
// 1.0 |************
// | *
// | *
// | *
// | *
// | *
// | *
// 0.0 | *************
// |
// beam_softness/2
// -----------------> angle between actor and the light direction
if (plamp->type == SPOT_LIGHT) {
// ba stored in the file is cos(beam_angle/2), so it can be
// compared directly against the cos term we compute from the
// dot product of light direction & light-actor direction
int32 ba = plamp->ba;
int32 bs = plamp->bs;
// Get cos of the angle between light direciton & light-actor direction
// These are both normalised to 4096, so end result has 1.0 = 4096*4096
// Light direction is -ve z column of matrix (but normdir = -(light to actor vector))
int32 cosa = normdir.vx * plampstate->vx + normdir.vy * plampstate->vy + normdir.vz * plampstate->vz;
printf("actor %d %d %d lamp %d %d %d dir %d %d %d cosa %d bs %d ba %d", pos->vx, pos->vy, pos->vz, plampstate->pos.vx, plampstate->pos.vy,
plampstate->pos.vz, plampstate->vx, plampstate->vy, plampstate->vz, (cosa >> 12), bs, ba);
// is the man more than 90 deg away from the beam direction
if (cosa <= 0)
// reduce its range so that 1.0=4096
cosa = cosa >> 12;
// is the man outside the beam ?
if (cosa < bs)
// is the man inside the decreasing portion
if (cosa < ba) {
m = ((cosa - bs) * m) / (ba - bs);
// else the man is inside the constant portion
// and no need to change m
printf("m %d", m);
// For cylindrical beams i.e. direct lights
// If the light has a beam then take into account the effect on m due
// to the perpendicular distance between the light->actor vector and the light's direction vector
// The attenuation law is
// At distances less than beam_angle then multiplier = 1.0
// At distance beyond beam_softness then multiplier = 0.0
// Between these distance have straight line law
// Intensity
// multiplier
// |
// v beam_angle
// |
// 1.0 |************
// | *
// | *
// | *
// | *
// | *
// | *
// 0.0 | *************
// |
// beam_softness
// -----------------> perpendicular distance between actor and the light direction
// * l - light position
// |+ -
// | + B
// | +
// A | +
// | +
// | / +
// | / P +
// |/ +|
// * - n - Light direction (normalised to unit vector)
// r -
// -
// Actor position
// By pythagorous
// perpendicular distance = P = SQRT( A*A - B*B )
// B = ( r - l ) . n
// - - -
// A = ( r - l )
// - -
// => P = SQRT( h*h - ( h . n )^2 )
// => P = SQRT( h*h - ( h . n )^2 )
// => P = SQRT( rr * ( 1 - ( normdir . n )^2 ) )
if (plamp->type == DIRECT_LIGHT) {
// Light direction is -ve z column of matrix (but normdir = -(light to actor vector))
// These are both normalised to 4096, so end result has 1.0 = 4096*4096
int32 cosa = normdir.vx * plampstate->vx + normdir.vy * plampstate->vy + normdir.vz * plampstate->vz;
// reduce its range so that 1.0=4096
cosa = cosa >> 12;
if (cosa < -4096)
cosa = -4096;
if (cosa > 4096)
cosa = 4096;
// to prevent overflows but make for slower code !
int32 r = (int32)PXsqrt((PXfloat)rr);
int32 P = (r * (int32)PXsqrt((PXfloat)(4096 * 4096 - cosa * cosa))) >> 12;
int32 ba = plamp->ba;
int32 bs = plamp->bs;
#if 0
Message("xyz %d %d %d normdir %d %d %d",
pos->vx, pos->vy, pos->vz, normdir.vx, normdir.vy, normdir.vz) ;
Message("r %d P %d cosa %d m = %d", r, P, cosa, m);
// is the man outside the beam ?
if (P > bs) {
// is the man inside the decreasing portion
if (P > ba) {
m = ((bs - P) * m) / (bs - ba);
} else {
// else the man is inside the constant portion
// and no need to change m
// The light direction is fixed
normdir.vx = plampstate->vx;
normdir.vy = plampstate->vy;
normdir.vz = plampstate->vz;
// Account for decay
int32 decaym = 4096;
if (plamp->decay == DECAY_INV_SQR) {
decaym = ((4096 * RLP_DECAY_CONSTANT * RLP_DECAY_CONSTANT) / rr);
} else if (plamp->decay == DECAY_INV) {
int32 r = (int32)PXsqrt((PXfloat)rr);
decaym = ((4096 * RLP_DECAY_CONSTANT) / r);
if (plamp->decay != DECAY_NONE) {
if (decaym > 4096)
decaym = 4096;
m = (m * decaym) >> 12;
// Ignore black lamps caused by the attenuation laws
if (m == 0)
// Change the multiplier to account for any shades
psstate = shadelist->states;
ppshade = shadelist->shades;
for (s = 0; s < ns; ppshade++, psstate++, s++) {
pshade = *ppshade;
sstate = *psstate;
// Only do static shades in this loop - so we don't
// get sudden light selection change due to animating shades
// turning on/off
if (pshade->nStates > 1)
pshadestate = pshade->states + sstate;
m = computeShadeMultiplierPC(pshadestate, pos, &plampstate->pos, m);
// make the intensity = the multiplier * "value" (as in HSV)
// of the lights colour
// RLP schema >= 4 v is stored in the lamps colour
inten = m * plampstate->c.v;
printf("%HLamp %d m %d rr %d v %d inten %d ans %d ane %d afs %d afe %d", i, m, rr, plampstate->c.v, inten, ans2, ane2, afs2, afe2);
// Ignore lamps which are too dim
if (inten < lampInfo[darkest].intens)
lampInfo[i].direct.vx = normdir.vx;
lampInfo[i].direct.vy = normdir.vy;
lampInfo[i].direct.vz = normdir.vz;
lampInfo[i].index = i;
lampInfo[i].intens = inten;
lampInfo[i].mult = m;
lampInfo[i].bounce = plamp->b;
lampInfo[i].width = plamp->w;
lampInfo[i].rr = rr;
// compare against the 3 existing intensities
// convention is that 0 = brightest, 1 = middle, 2 = dimmest
if (inten > lampInfo[brightest].intens) {
// Shift the lamps down in intensity
darkest = middle;
middle = brightest;
brightest = i;
} else if (inten > lampInfo[middle].intens) {
// Shift the lamps down in intensity
darkest = middle;
middle = i;
} else { // inten must be > lampInfo[darkest].intens
darkest = i;
pstate = lamplist->states;
// Do just the brightest lamp
// for ( i = 0; i < 1; pintens++, pindex++, i++ )
// Put the 3 (at most) brightest lamps
uint32 lamp_index[3];
uint32 *pindex = lamp_index;
lamp_index[0] = lampInfo[brightest].index;
lamp_index[1] = lampInfo[middle].index;
lamp_index[2] = lampInfo[darkest].index;
// The brightness of the light at the actor
// Ambient is 0-255, other lights are 0-4095
int32 br = (ambient->r + ambient->g + ambient->g) << 4;
int32 nlights = 0;
// If we have an ambient
if (br != 0)
nlights = 1;
#if 0
Message("Lamps %d %d %d", lamp_index[0], lamp_index[1], lamp_index[2]);
for (i = 0; i < 3; pindex++, i++) {
uint32 index = *pindex;
// Ignore unset lamps
if (index >= MAX_NUMBER_LIGHTS)
// Another lamp
// Fill in the lighting direction matrix
// | Lx1 Ly1 Lz1 |
// | Lx2 Ly2 Lz2 |
// | Lx3 Ly3 Lz3 |
// Lxn, Lyn, Lzn is the x/y/z component of directional light n
LampInfo *pLampInfo = &(lampInfo[index]);
linfo[i] = *pLampInfo;
VECTOR *padirs = &(pLampInfo->direct);
lDirects->m[i][0] = (int16)padirs->vx;
lDirects->m[i][1] = (int16)padirs->vy;
lDirects->m[i][2] = (int16)padirs->vz;
// Fill in the lighting colour matrix
// | Lr1 Lr2 Lr3 |
// | Lg1 Lg2 Lg3 |
// | Lb1 Lb2 Lb3 |
// Lrn, Lgn, Lbn is the red/green/blue of directional light n
// Should do this with GTE vector interpolation
state = pstate[index];
plamp = (lamplist->lamps[index]);
PSXLampState *plampstat = plamp->states + state;
m = pLampInfo->mult;
// For animating lights which are turned off - turn them off
// after the 3 brightest lights have been selected !
if (plamp->nStates > 1) {
m = (m * plampstat->m) >> 7;
// Change the multiplier to account for any shades
psstate = shadelist->states;
ppshade = shadelist->shades;
for (s = 0; s < ns; ppshade++, psstate++, s++) {
pshade = *ppshade;
sstate = *psstate;
// Static shades have been done in the previous loop
// so only do animating static shades in this loop
if (pshade->nStates == 1)
pshadestate = pshade->states + sstate;
m = computeShadeMultiplierPC(pshadestate, pos, &plampstat->pos, m);
lColours.m[0][i] = (int16)(((uint32)(plampstat->c.r) * m) >> 7);
lColours.m[1][i] = (int16)(((uint32)(plampstat->c.g) * m) >> 7);
lColours.m[2][i] = (int16)(((uint32)(plampstat->c.b) * m) >> 7);
linfo[i].colour.vx = (int16)lColours.m[0][i];
linfo[i].colour.vy = (int16)lColours.m[1][i];
linfo[i].colour.vz = (int16)lColours.m[2][i];
br = br + (lColours.m[0][i] + lColours.m[1][i] + lColours.m[2][i]);
#if 0
Message("Lamp %d %d RGB:%d %d %d dir:%d %d %d",
i, index,
lColours.m[0][i], lColours.m[1][i], lColours.m[2][i],
lDirects->m[i][0], lDirects->m[i][1], lDirects->m[i][2]);
// Only do the square root when we have to
if (pLampInfo->width > 0)
lampWidth[i] = (ONE * pLampInfo->width) / (pLampInfo->width + (int32)PXsqrt((PXfloat)pLampInfo->rr));
lampWidth[i] = 0;
lampBounce[i] = pLampInfo->bounce;
printf("%HActor %d %d %d Lamp %d %d m %d dir %d %d %d colour %d %d %d", pos->vx, pos->vy, pos->vz, i, index, m, lDirects->m[i][0], lDirects->m[i][1],
lDirects->m[i][2], lColours.m[0][i], lColours.m[1][i], lColours.m[2][i]);
// Non-zero if any non-zero width's
useLampWidth = lampWidth[0] | lampWidth[1] | lampWidth[2];
// Non-zero if any non-zero bounces's
useLampBounce = lampBounce[0] | lampBounce[1] | lampBounce[2];
// Set the GTE lighting colour matrix
// Set the ambient colour
gte_SetBackColor_pc(ambient->r, ambient->g, ambient->b);
// Average out the brightness over the number of lamps
if (nlights > 0) {
br = br / nlights;
return br;
// Set the GTE constant light variables
// Sets the direciton lights colour matrix
// Sets the ambient colour
// Fills in the lightDirects matrix
int32 prepareLightsGlobalPC(MATRIXPC *lightDirects) {
// Compute the lighting matrix which is :
// | Lx1 Ly1 Lz1 |
// | Lx2 Ly2 Lz2 | * local2world_matrix
// | Lx3 Ly3 Lz3 |
// Where : Lxn, Lyn, Lzn is the x/y/z component of directional light n
lightDirects->m[0][0] = (int16)Lights[0].vx;
lightDirects->m[0][1] = (int16)Lights[0].vy;
lightDirects->m[0][2] = (int16)Lights[0].vz;
lightDirects->m[1][0] = (int16)Lights[1].vx;
lightDirects->m[1][1] = (int16)Lights[1].vy;
lightDirects->m[1][2] = (int16)Lights[1].vz;
lightDirects->m[2][0] = (int16)Lights[2].vx;
lightDirects->m[2][1] = (int16)Lights[2].vy;
lightDirects->m[2][2] = (int16)Lights[2].vz;
MATRIXPC lightColours;
// Fill in the lighting colour matrix
// | Lr1 Lr2 Lr3 |
// | Lg1 Lg2 Lg3 |
// | Lb1 Lb2 Lb3 |
lightColours.m[0][0] = (int16)Lights[0].r;
lightColours.m[1][0] = (int16)Lights[0].g;
lightColours.m[2][0] = (int16)Lights[0].b;
lightColours.m[0][1] = (int16)Lights[1].r;
lightColours.m[1][1] = (int16)Lights[1].g;
lightColours.m[2][1] = (int16)Lights[1].b;
lightColours.m[0][2] = (int16)Lights[2].r;
lightColours.m[1][2] = (int16)Lights[2].g;
lightColours.m[2][2] = (int16)Lights[2].b;
// Set the GTE lighting colour matrix
// Set the ambient colour
gte_SetBackColor_pc(Lights[3].r, Lights[3].g, Lights[3].b);
int32 br;
br = (Lights[3].r + Lights[3].g + Lights[3].b) << 4;
br = br + Lights[0].r + Lights[0].g + Lights[0].b;
br = br + Lights[1].r + Lights[1].g + Lights[1].b;
br = br + Lights[2].r + Lights[2].g + Lights[2].b;
return br;
} // End of namespace ICB