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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This script takes two parameters
# - the first is the Steam game id,
# - the second (optional) is the GOG Galaxy game id.
# Example:
# ./steam_achievements.py --steamid 631570 [--galaxyid 1845001352]
# It will extract the Steam stats information to create the ScummVM ini-files for achievements.dat
# For GOG versions of the games we assume that they are using same achievements as Steam versions
import os
import sys
import codecs
import argparse
import requests
from requests_html import HTMLSession
# For Stats only English strings exists on Steam side.
# - stats info is collected from SteamDB, we collect lists of <id, [comment], initial value>
# For Achievements some games have only English strings, and some games have additional translations on Steam side.
# This script is currently using various sources of information for Steam achievements:
# - achievements info collection starts from SteamDB, we collect lists of <id, title, [comment], hidden flag>
# - if there are hidden achievements, we look up their English "comment" values on 3rd party site (achievementstats.com)
# - there is an additional call to SteamDB to collect list of achivements translations
# - if there are no hidden achievements, we use Global Statistics at steamcommunity.com to collect non-English strings
# - if there are hidden achievements, we use User Statistics at steamcommunity.com to collect non-English strings
# Hidden achievement descriptions are available only at user accounts for those users who have them completed
"283880" : "lb_ii",
"370910" : "lb_ii",
"378630" : "lb_ii",
"420180" : "lb_ii",
"551840" : "lb_ii",
"631570" : "lb_ii",
"761460" : "lb_ii",
"1251910" : "lb_ii",
"1270590" : "lb_ii",
# Format is: <SteamDB language name>: (<Steam API language code>, <unixLocale>)
# For <SteamDB language name>, see verbose output of this tool
# For <Steam API language code>, see https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/store/localization
# For <unixLocale>, see "common/language.cpp"
"English": ("english", "en"),
"Dutch": ("dutch", "nl_NL"),
"German": ("german", "de_DE"),
"French": ("french", "fr_FR"),
"Hungarian": ("hungarian", "hu_HU"),
"Italian": ("italian", "it_IT"),
"Polish": ("polish", "pl_PL"),
"Portuguese": ("portuguese", "pt_PT"),
"Portuguese - Brazil": ("brazilian", "pt_BR"),
"Russian": ("russian", "ru_RU"),
"Spanish - Spain": ("spanish", "es_ES"),
"Simplified Chinese": ("schinese", "zh_CN"),
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--steamid", required=True, default="631570", type=int, help="Steam game id")
parser.add_argument("--saveasgalaxyid", type=int, help="GOG Galaxy game id")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
def log(msg):
global args
if args.verbose:
sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n")
def err(msg):
sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n")
def parse_steamdb_info(url):
log("query {0}".format(url))
response = HTMLSession().get(url)
info_rows = response.html.xpath("//div[@id='info']/table/tbody/tr/td")
info_columns = 2 # id, text,
info_entries = int(len(info_rows) / info_columns)
if info_entries == 0:
err("found NO information data")
FORMAT_CHECKER_STRING = "Store Release Date"
is_format_ok = False
langs = "English"
for i in range(info_entries):
idx = info_columns * i
info_key = info_rows[idx + 0].text.strip()
info_value = info_rows[idx + 1].text.strip()
is_format_ok = True
if info_key == "Achievement Languages":
langs = info_value
if not is_format_ok:
err("found NO {0}\nEntries: {1}".format(FORMAT_CHECKER_STRING, [i.text for i in info_rows][::2]))
return langs.split(", ")
def parse_steamdb_stats(url):
log("query {0}".format(url))
response = HTMLSession().get(url)
achievements_rows = response.html.xpath("//tr[starts-with(@id, 'achievement-')]/td")
achievements_columns = 3 # name, text, img
achievements_entries = int(len(achievements_rows) / achievements_columns)
if achievements_entries == 0:
err("found NO achievements")
stats_rows = response.html.xpath("//tr[starts-with(@id, 'stat-')]/td")
stats_columns = 3 # name, text, default value
stats_entries = int(len(stats_rows) / stats_columns)
stats_en = {}
for i in range(stats_entries):
idx = stats_columns * i
name = stats_rows[idx + 0].text.strip()
descr = stats_rows[idx + 1].text.strip()
start = stats_rows[idx + 2].text.strip()
if descr == "no name":
descr = ""
stats_en[i] = (name, descr, start)
achievements_en = {}
for i in range(achievements_entries):
idx = achievements_columns * i
name = achievements_rows[idx + 0].text.strip()
texts = achievements_rows[idx + 1].text.strip().split("\n")
if len(texts) != 2:
err("Unexpected description format: {0}".format(texts))
title = texts[0]
descr = texts[1]
hide = descr == "Hidden."
if descr in ["No description.", "Hidden."]:
descr = ""
achievements_en[i] = (name, title, descr, hide)
return achievements_en, stats_en
def parse_steamcommunity_stats(url):
log("query {0}".format(url))
response = HTMLSession().get(url)
achievements_rows = response.html.xpath("//div[@class='achieveRow']")
achievements_entries = len(achievements_rows)
if achievements_entries == 0:
err("found NO achievements")
translation = {}
for idx in range(achievements_entries):
imgs = achievements_rows[idx].xpath("//img/@src")
titles = achievements_rows[idx].xpath(".//div[@class='achieveTxt']/h3/text()")
descrs = achievements_rows[idx].xpath(".//div[@class='achieveTxt']/h5/text()")
if len(imgs) != 1:
err("Unexpected xpath result: expected exactly one img tag per achievement")
if len(titles) != 1:
err("Unexpected xpath result: expected exactly one h3 tag per achievement")
if len(descrs) > 1:
err("Unexpected xpath result: expected zero or one h5 tag per achievement")
translation[imgs[0]] = (titles[0].strip(), descrs[0].strip() if descrs else None)
return translation
def parse_achievementstats_stats(url):
log("query {0}".format(url))
response = HTMLSession().get(url)
tables = response.html.xpath("//table")
if len(tables) != 1:
err("Unexpected xpath result: expected exactly one table tag on page")
achievements_rows = response.html.xpath("//tbody/tr/td")
achievements_columns = 6 # icon, name, text, date, point, report
achievements_entries = int(len(achievements_rows) / achievements_columns)
if achievements_entries == 0:
err("found NO achievements")
result = {}
for i in range(achievements_entries):
idx = achievements_columns * i
name = achievements_rows[idx + 1].text.strip()
descr = achievements_rows[idx + 2].text.strip()
result[name] = descr
return result
def join_achievements_translation(achievements_en, translations):
achievements = {"en": achievements_en}
entitle2img = {}
for img, (title, descr) in translations["English"].items():
entitle2img[title] = img
for l in translations.keys():
lang_id = LANGUAGES[l][1]
if lang_id == "en":
achievements[lang_id] = {}
for i, (name, title, descr, hide) in achievements_en.items():
if not title in entitle2img:
err("Can't find '{0}' at {1}".format(title, entitle2img))
t = translations[l][entitle2img[title]]
achievements[lang_id][i] = (name, t[0], t[1] if t[1] else descr, hide)
completely_same = True
for i, it in achievements_en.items():
if achievements[lang_id][i] != it:
completely_same = False
if completely_same:
print("WARNING: Translation is available for {0}, but is completely the same as English for game {1}".format(l, args.steamid))
del achievements[lang_id]
return achievements
def join_achievements_descr(achievements_en, descs):
result = {}
for i, (name, title, descr, hide) in achievements_en.items():
ext_descr = descrs[title]
if descr and descr != ext_descr:
err("Unexpected difference between {0} and {1} for {2}".format(descr, ext_descr, title))
result[i] = (name, title, descr if descr else ext_descr, hide)
return result
def write_ini(fname, achievements, stats):
log("writing: {0}".format(fname))
with codecs.open(fname, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out:
for lang, it in stats.items():
for i, (name, descr, start) in it.items():
out.write("item_%d_id=%s\n" % (i, name))
if descr:
out.write("item_%d_comment=%s\n" % (i, descr))
out.write("item_%d_start=%s\n" % (i, start))
for lang, it in achievements.items():
for i, (name, title, descr, hide) in it.items():
out.write("item_%d_id=%s\n" % (i, name))
out.write("item_%d_title=%s\n" % (i, title))
if descr:
out.write("item_%d_comment=%s\n" % (i, descr))
if hide:
out.write("item_%d_hidden=true\n" % i)
STATS_URL = "https://steamdb.info/app/{0}/stats/".format(args.steamid)
achievements_en, stats_en = parse_steamdb_stats(STATS_URL)
log("found {0} achievements".format(len(achievements_en)))
log("found {0} stats".format(len(stats_en)))
hidden_achievements = [it for it in achievements_en.values() if it[3]]
log("found {0} hidden achievements".format(len(hidden_achievements)))
if hidden_achievements:
HIDDEN_STATS_URL = "https://www.achievementstats.com/index.php?action=games&gameId={0}".format(args.steamid)
descrs = parse_achievementstats_stats(HIDDEN_STATS_URL)
achievements_en = join_achievements_descr(achievements_en, descrs)
INFO_URL = "https://steamdb.info/app/{0}/info/".format(args.steamid)
langs = parse_steamdb_info(INFO_URL)
log("found langs: {0}".format(langs))
translations = {"English":{}}
if len(langs) > 1:
for l in langs:
if not hidden_achievements or len(langs) == 1:
TRANSLATION_URL = "https://steamcommunity.com/stats/{0}/achievements?l={1}".format(args.steamid, LANGUAGES[l][0])
translations[l] = parse_steamcommunity_stats(TRANSLATION_URL)
elif str(args.steamid) in STEAM_USERS:
TRANSLATION_URL = "https://steamcommunity.com/id/{0}/stats/{1}/?l={2}".format(STEAM_USERS[str(args.steamid)], args.steamid, LANGUAGES[l][0])
translations[l] = parse_steamcommunity_stats(TRANSLATION_URL)
print("WARNING: ignoring {0} localization for game {1} since it has hidden achievements not listed at STEAM_USERS, please buy, complete and add this game!".format(l, args.steamid))
achievements = join_achievements_translation(achievements_en, translations)
stats = {"en": stats_en} if stats_en else {}
if args.saveasgalaxyid:
FNAME = "galaxy-{0}.ini".format(args.saveasgalaxyid)
FNAME = "steam-{0}.ini".format(args.steamid)
write_ini(os.path.join("gen", FNAME), achievements, stats)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: