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/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "sci/sci.h"
#include "sci/engine/state.h"
#include "sci/graphics/screen.h"
#include "sci/graphics/palette.h"
#include "sci/graphics/remap.h"
#include "sci/graphics/coordadjuster.h"
#include "sci/graphics/view.h"
#include "sci/graphics/scifx.h"
namespace Sci {
GfxView::GfxView(ResourceManager *resMan, GfxScreen *screen, GfxPalette *palette, GuiResourceId resourceId)
: _resMan(resMan), _screen(screen), _palette(palette), _resourceId(resourceId) {
assert(resourceId != -1);
_coordAdjuster = g_sci->_gfxCoordAdjuster;
GfxView::~GfxView() {
static const byte EGAmappingStraight[SCI_VIEW_EGAMAPPING_SIZE] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
static const byte ViewInject_LauraBow2_Both[] = {
static const byte ViewInject_KingsQuest6_Both1[] = {
static const byte ViewInject_KingsQuest6_Both2[] = {
void GfxView::initData(GuiResourceId resourceId) {
_resource = _resMan->findResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeView, resourceId), true);
if (!_resource) {
error("view resource %d not found", resourceId);
SciSpan<const byte> celData, loopData;
uint16 celOffset;
CelInfo *cel;
uint16 celCount = 0;
uint16 mirrorBits = 0;
uint32 palOffset = 0;
uint16 headerSize = 0;
uint16 loopSize = 0, celSize = 0;
uint loopNo, celNo, EGAmapNr;
byte seekEntry;
bool isEGA = false;
bool isCompressed = true;
ViewType curViewType = _resMan->getViewType();
_embeddedPal = false;
_isScaleable = true;
// we adjust inside getCelRect for SCI0EARLY (that version didn't have the +1 when calculating bottom)
_adjustForSci0Early = getSciVersion() == SCI_VERSION_0_EARLY ? -1 : 0;
// If we find an SCI1/SCI1.1 view (not amiga), we switch to that type for
// EGA. This could get used to make view patches for EGA games, where the
// new views include more colors. Users could manually adjust old views to
// make them look better (like removing dithered colors that aren't caught
// by our undithering or even improve the graphics overall).
if (curViewType == kViewEga) {
if (_resource->getUint8At(1) == 0x80) {
curViewType = kViewVga;
} else if (_resource->getUint16LEAt(4) == 1) {
curViewType = kViewVga11;
switch (curViewType) {
case kViewEga: // SCI0 (and Amiga 16 colors)
isEGA = true;
// fall through
case kViewAmiga: // Amiga ECS (32 colors)
case kViewAmiga64: // Amiga AGA (64 colors)
case kViewVga: // View-format SCI1
// LoopCount:WORD MirrorMask:WORD Version:WORD PaletteOffset:WORD LoopOffset0:WORD LoopOffset1:WORD...
// bit 0x8000 of _resourceData[1] means palette is set
if (_resource->getUint8At(1) & 0x40)
isCompressed = false;
mirrorBits = _resource->getUint16LEAt(2);
palOffset = _resource->getUint16LEAt(6);
if (palOffset && palOffset != 0x100) {
// Some SCI0/SCI01 games also have an offset set. It seems that it
// points to a 16-byte mapping table but on those games using that
// mapping will actually screw things up. On the other side: VGA
// SCI1 games have this pointing to a VGA palette and EGA SCI1 games
// have this pointing to a 8x16 byte mapping table that needs to get
// applied then.
if (!isEGA) {
_palette->createFromData(_resource->subspan(palOffset), &_viewPalette);
_embeddedPal = true;
} else {
// Only use the EGA-mapping, when being SCI1 EGA
// SCI1 VGA conversion games (which will get detected as SCI1EARLY/MIDDLE/LATE) have some views
// with broken mapping tables. I guess those games won't use the mapping, so I rather disable it
// for them
if (getSciVersion() == SCI_VERSION_1_EGA_ONLY) {
for (EGAmapNr = 0; EGAmapNr < SCI_VIEW_EGAMAPPING_COUNT; EGAmapNr++) {
const SciSpan<const byte> mapping = _resource->subspan(palOffset + EGAmapNr * SCI_VIEW_EGAMAPPING_SIZE, SCI_VIEW_EGAMAPPING_SIZE);
if (memcmp(mapping.getUnsafeDataAt(0, SCI_VIEW_EGAMAPPING_SIZE), EGAmappingStraight, SCI_VIEW_EGAMAPPING_SIZE) != 0)
// If all mappings are "straight", then we actually ignore the mapping
_EGAmapping = _resource->subspan(palOffset, SCI_VIEW_EGAMAPPING_COUNT * SCI_VIEW_EGAMAPPING_SIZE);
for (loopNo = 0; loopNo < _loop.size(); loopNo++) {
loopData = _resource->subspan(_resource->getUint16LEAt(8 + loopNo * 2));
// CelCount:WORD Unknown:WORD CelOffset0:WORD CelOffset1:WORD...
celCount = loopData.getUint16LEAt(0);
_loop[loopNo].mirrorFlag = mirrorBits & 1 ? true : false;
mirrorBits >>= 1;
// read cel info
for (celNo = 0; celNo < celCount; celNo++) {
celOffset = loopData.getUint16LEAt(4 + celNo * 2);
celData = _resource->subspan(celOffset);
// For VGA
// Width:WORD Height:WORD DisplaceX:BYTE DisplaceY:BYTE ClearKey:BYTE Unknown:BYTE RLEData starts now directly
// For EGA
// Width:WORD Height:WORD DisplaceX:BYTE DisplaceY:BYTE ClearKey:BYTE EGAData starts now directly
cel = &_loop[loopNo].cel[celNo];
cel->scriptWidth = cel->width = celData.getUint16LEAt(0);
cel->scriptHeight = cel->height = celData.getUint16LEAt(2);
cel->displaceX = (signed char)celData[4];
cel->displaceY = celData[5];
cel->clearKey = celData[6];
// HACK: Fix Ego's odd displacement in the QFG3 demo, scene 740.
// For some reason, ego jumps above the rope, so we fix his rope
// hanging view by displacing it down by 40 pixels. Fixes bug
// #5009.
// FIXME: Remove this once we figure out why Ego jumps so high.
// Likely culprits include kInitBresen, kDoBresen and kCantBeHere.
// The scripts have the y offset that hero reaches (11) hardcoded,
// so it might be collision detection. However, since this requires
// extensive work to fix properly for very little gain, this hack
// here will suffice until the actual issue is found.
if (g_sci->getGameId() == GID_QFG3 && g_sci->isDemo() && resourceId == 39)
cel->displaceY = 98;
if (isEGA) {
cel->offsetEGA = celOffset + 7;
cel->offsetRLE = 0;
cel->offsetLiteral = 0;
} else {
cel->offsetEGA = 0;
if (isCompressed) {
cel->offsetRLE = celOffset + 8;
cel->offsetLiteral = 0;
} else {
cel->offsetRLE = 0;
cel->offsetLiteral = celOffset + 8;
if (_loop[loopNo].mirrorFlag)
cel->displaceX = -cel->displaceX;
case kViewVga11: { // View-format SCI1.1+
// HeaderSize:WORD LoopCount:BYTE Flags:BYTE Version:WORD Unknown:WORD PaletteOffset:WORD
headerSize = _resource->getUint16SEAt(0) + 2; // headerSize is not part of the header, so it's added
assert(headerSize >= 16);
const uint8 loopCount = _resource->getUint8At(2);
palOffset = _resource->getUint32SEAt(8);
// flags is actually a bit-mask
// it seems it was only used for some early sci1.1 games (or even just laura bow 2)
// later interpreters dont support it at all anymore
// we assume that if flags is 0h the view does not support flags and default to scaleable
// if it's 1h then we assume that the view is not to be scaled
// if it's 40h then we assume that the view is scaleable
switch (_resource->getUint8At(3)) {
case 1:
_isScaleable = false;
case 0x40:
case 0:
break; // don't do anything, we already have _isScaleable set
error("unsupported flags byte (%d) inside sci1.1 view", _resource->getUint8At(3));
loopData = _resource->subspan(headerSize);
loopSize = _resource->getUint8At(12);
assert(loopSize >= 16);
celSize = _resource->getUint8At(13);
assert(celSize >= 32);
if (palOffset) {
_palette->createFromData(_resource->subspan(palOffset), &_viewPalette);
_embeddedPal = true;
for (loopNo = 0; loopNo < loopCount; loopNo++) {
loopData = _resource->subspan(headerSize + (loopNo * loopSize));
seekEntry = loopData[0];
if (seekEntry != 255) {
_loop[loopNo].mirrorFlag = true;
// use the root loop for mirroring. this handles rare loops that
// mirror loops that mirror loops. (FPFP view 844, bug #10953)
do {
if (seekEntry >= loopCount)
error("Bad loop-pointer in sci 1.1 view");
loopData = _resource->subspan(headerSize + (seekEntry * loopSize));
} while ((seekEntry = loopData[0]) != 255);
} else {
_loop[loopNo].mirrorFlag = false;
celCount = loopData[2];
const uint32 celDataOffset = loopData.getUint32SEAt(12);
// read cel info
for (celNo = 0; celNo < celCount; celNo++) {
celData = _resource->subspan(celDataOffset + celNo * celSize, celSize);
cel = &_loop[loopNo].cel[celNo];
cel->scriptWidth = cel->width = celData.getInt16SEAt(0);
cel->scriptHeight = cel->height = celData.getInt16SEAt(2);
cel->displaceX = celData.getInt16SEAt(4);
cel->displaceY = celData.getInt16SEAt(6);
if (cel->displaceY < 0)
cel->displaceY += 255; // sierra did this adjust in their sci1.1 getCelRect() - not sure about sci32
assert(cel->width && cel->height);
cel->clearKey = celData[8];
cel->offsetEGA = 0;
cel->offsetRLE = celData.getUint32SEAt(24);
cel->offsetLiteral = celData.getUint32SEAt(28);
// GK1-hires content is actually uncompressed, we need to swap both so that we process it as such
if ((cel->offsetRLE) && (!cel->offsetLiteral))
SWAP(cel->offsetRLE, cel->offsetLiteral);
if (_loop[loopNo].mirrorFlag)
cel->displaceX = -cel->displaceX;
error("ViewType was not detected, can't continue");
// Inject our own views
// Currently only used for Dual mode (speech + text) for games, that do not have a "BOTH" icon already
// Which is Laura Bow 2 + King's Quest 6
switch (g_sci->getGameId()) {
// View 995, Loop 13, Cel 0 = "TEXT"
// View 995, Loop 13, Cel 1 = "SPEECH"
// View 995, Loop 13, Cel 2 = "BOTH" (<- our injected view)
if (g_sci->isCD() && resourceId == 995) {
// security checks
if (_loop.size() >= 14 &&
_loop[13].cel.size() == 2 &&
_loop[13].cel[0].width == 46 &&
_loop[13].cel[0].height == 11) {
// Duplicate cel 0 to cel 2
_loop[13].cel[2] = _loop[13].cel[0];
// use our data (which is uncompressed bitmap data)
_loop[13].cel[2].rawBitmap->allocateFromSpan(SciSpan<const byte>(ViewInject_LauraBow2_Both, sizeof(ViewInject_LauraBow2_Both)));
case GID_KQ6:
// View 947, Loop 8, Cel 0 = "SPEECH" (not pressed)
// View 947, Loop 8, Cel 1 = "SPEECH" (pressed)
// View 947, Loop 9, Cel 0 = "TEXT" (not pressed)
// View 947, Loop 9, Cel 1 = "TEXT" (pressed)
// View 947, Loop 12, Cel 0 = "BOTH" (not pressed) (<- our injected view)
// View 947, Loop 12, Cel 1 = "BOTH" (pressed) (<- our injected view)
if (g_sci->isCD() && resourceId == 947) {
// security checks
if (_loop.size() == 12 &&
_loop[8].cel.size() == 2 &&
_loop[8].cel[0].width == 50 &&
_loop[8].cel[0].height == 15) {
// add another loop
_loop.resize(_loop.size() + 1);
// copy loop 8 to loop 12
_loop[12] = _loop[8];
// use our data (which is uncompressed bitmap data)
_loop[12].cel[0].rawBitmap->allocateFromSpan(SciSpan<const byte>(ViewInject_KingsQuest6_Both1, sizeof(ViewInject_KingsQuest6_Both1)));
_loop[12].cel[1].rawBitmap->allocateFromSpan(SciSpan<const byte>(ViewInject_KingsQuest6_Both2, sizeof(ViewInject_KingsQuest6_Both2)));
GuiResourceId GfxView::getResourceId() const {
return _resourceId;
int16 GfxView::getWidth(int16 loopNo, int16 celNo) const {
return _loop.size() ? getCelInfo(loopNo, celNo)->width : 0;
int16 GfxView::getHeight(int16 loopNo, int16 celNo) const {
return _loop.size() ? getCelInfo(loopNo, celNo)->height : 0;
const CelInfo *GfxView::getCelInfo(int16 loopNo, int16 celNo) const {
loopNo = CLIP<int16>(loopNo, 0, _loop.size() - 1);
celNo = CLIP<int16>(celNo, 0, _loop[loopNo].cel.size() - 1);
return &_loop[loopNo].cel[celNo];
uint16 GfxView::getCelCount(int16 loopNo) const {
loopNo = CLIP<int16>(loopNo, 0, _loop.size() - 1);
return _loop[loopNo].cel.size();
Palette *GfxView::getPalette() {
return _embeddedPal ? &_viewPalette : nullptr;
bool GfxView::isScaleable() {
return _isScaleable;
void GfxView::getCelRect(int16 loopNo, int16 celNo, int16 x, int16 y, int16 z, Common::Rect &outRect) const {
const CelInfo *celInfo = getCelInfo(loopNo, celNo);
outRect.left = x + celInfo->displaceX - (celInfo->width >> 1);
outRect.right = outRect.left + celInfo->width;
outRect.bottom = y + celInfo->displaceY - z + 1 + _adjustForSci0Early;
outRect.top = outRect.bottom - celInfo->height;
void GfxView::getCelSpecialHoyle4Rect(int16 loopNo, int16 celNo, int16 x, int16 y, int16 z, Common::Rect &outRect) const {
const CelInfo *celInfo = getCelInfo(loopNo, celNo);
int16 adjustY = y + celInfo->displaceY - celInfo->height + 1;
int16 adjustX = x + celInfo->displaceX - ((celInfo->width - 1) >> 1);
outRect.translate(adjustX, adjustY);
void GfxView::getCelScaledRect(int16 loopNo, int16 celNo, int16 x, int16 y, int16 z, int16 scaleX, int16 scaleY, Common::Rect &outRect) const {
int16 scaledDisplaceX, scaledDisplaceY;
int16 scaledWidth, scaledHeight;
const CelInfo *celInfo = getCelInfo(loopNo, celNo);
// Scaling displaceX/Y, Width/Height
scaledDisplaceX = (celInfo->displaceX * scaleX) >> 7;
scaledDisplaceY = (celInfo->displaceY * scaleY) >> 7;
scaledWidth = (celInfo->width * scaleX) >> 7;
scaledHeight = (celInfo->height * scaleY) >> 7;
scaledWidth = CLIP<int16>(scaledWidth, 0, _screen->getWidth());
scaledHeight = CLIP<int16>(scaledHeight, 0, _screen->getHeight());
outRect.left = x + scaledDisplaceX - (scaledWidth >> 1);
outRect.right = outRect.left + scaledWidth;
outRect.bottom = y + scaledDisplaceY - z + 1;
outRect.top = outRect.bottom - scaledHeight;
void unpackCelData(const SciSpan<const byte> &inBuffer, SciSpan<byte> &celBitmap, byte clearColor, int rlePos, int literalPos, ViewType viewType, uint16 width, bool isMacSci11ViewData) {
const int pixelCount = celBitmap.size();
byte *outPtr = celBitmap.getUnsafeDataAt(0);
byte curByte, runLength;
// TODO: Calculate correct maximum dimensions
const byte *rlePtr = inBuffer.getUnsafeDataAt(rlePos);
// The existence of a literal position pointer signifies data with two
// separate streams, most likely a SCI1.1 view
const byte *literalPtr = inBuffer.getUnsafeDataAt(literalPos, inBuffer.size() - literalPos);
const byte *const endOfResource = inBuffer.getUnsafeDataAt(inBuffer.size(), 0);
int pixelNr = 0;
memset(celBitmap.getUnsafeDataAt(0), clearColor, celBitmap.size());
// View unpacking:
// EGA:
// Each byte is like XXXXYYYY (XXXX: 0 - 15, YYYY: 0 - 15)
// Set the next XXXX pixels to YYYY
// Amiga:
// Each byte is like XXXXXYYY (XXXXX: 0 - 31, YYY: 0 - 7)
// - Case A: YYY != 0
// Set the next YYY pixels to XXXXX
// - Case B: YYY == 0
// Skip the next XXXXX pixels (i.e. transparency)
// Amiga 64:
// Each byte is like XXYYYYYY (XX: 0 - 3, YYYYYY: 0 - 63)
// - Case A: XX != 0
// Set the next XX pixels to YYYYYY
// - Case B: XX == 0
// Skip the next YYYYYY pixels (i.e. transparency)
// VGA:
// Each byte is like XXYYYYYY (YYYYY: 0 - 63)
// - Case A: XX == 00 (binary)
// Copy next YYYYYY bytes as-is
// - Case B: XX == 01 (binary)
// Same as above, copy YYYYYY + 64 bytes as-is
// - Case C: XX == 10 (binary)
// Set the next YYYYY pixels to the next byte value
// - Case D: XX == 11 (binary)
// Skip the next YYYYY pixels (i.e. transparency)
if (literalPos && isMacSci11ViewData) {
// KQ6/Freddy Pharkas/Slater use byte lengths, all others use uint16
// The SCI devs must have realized that a max of 255 pixels wide
// was not very good for 320 or 640 width games.
bool hasByteLengths = (g_sci->getGameId() == GID_KQ6 || g_sci->getGameId() == GID_FREDDYPHARKAS
|| g_sci->getGameId() == GID_SLATER);
// compression for SCI1.1+ Mac
while (pixelNr < pixelCount) {
uint32 pixelLine = pixelNr;
if (hasByteLengths) {
assert (rlePtr + 2 <= endOfResource);
pixelNr += *rlePtr++;
runLength = *rlePtr++;
} else {
assert (rlePtr + 4 <= endOfResource);
pixelNr += READ_BE_UINT16(rlePtr);
runLength = READ_BE_UINT16(rlePtr + 2);
rlePtr += 4;
assert(literalPtr + MIN<int>(runLength, pixelCount - pixelNr) <= endOfResource);
while (runLength-- && pixelNr < pixelCount)
outPtr[pixelNr++] = *literalPtr++;
pixelNr = pixelLine + width;
switch (viewType) {
case kViewEga:
while (pixelNr < pixelCount) {
curByte = *rlePtr++;
runLength = curByte >> 4;
memset(outPtr + pixelNr, curByte & 0x0F, MIN<uint16>(runLength, pixelCount - pixelNr));
pixelNr += runLength;
case kViewAmiga:
while (pixelNr < pixelCount) {
curByte = *rlePtr++;
if (curByte & 0x07) { // fill with color
runLength = curByte & 0x07;
curByte = curByte >> 3;
memset(outPtr + pixelNr, curByte, MIN<uint16>(runLength, pixelCount - pixelNr));
} else { // skip the next pixels (transparency)
runLength = curByte >> 3;
pixelNr += runLength;
case kViewAmiga64:
while (pixelNr < pixelCount) {
curByte = *rlePtr++;
if (curByte & 0xC0) { // fill with color
runLength = curByte >> 6;
curByte = curByte & 0x3F;
memset(outPtr + pixelNr, curByte, MIN<uint16>(runLength, pixelCount - pixelNr));
} else { // skip the next pixels (transparency)
runLength = curByte & 0x3F;
pixelNr += runLength;
case kViewVga:
case kViewVga11:
// If we have no RLE data, the image is just uncompressed
if (rlePos == 0) {
memcpy(outPtr, literalPtr, pixelCount);
while (pixelNr < pixelCount) {
curByte = *rlePtr++;
runLength = curByte & 0x3F;
switch (curByte & 0xC0) {
case 0x40: // copy bytes as is (In copy case, runLength can go up to 127 i.e. pixel & 0x40). Fixes bug #5551.
runLength += 64;
// fall through
case 0x00: // copy bytes as-is
if (!literalPos) {
memcpy(outPtr + pixelNr, rlePtr, MIN<uint16>(runLength, pixelCount - pixelNr));
rlePtr += runLength;
} else {
memcpy(outPtr + pixelNr, literalPtr, MIN<uint16>(runLength, pixelCount - pixelNr));
literalPtr += runLength;
case 0x80: // fill with color
if (!literalPos)
memset(outPtr + pixelNr, *rlePtr++, MIN<uint16>(runLength, pixelCount - pixelNr));
memset(outPtr + pixelNr, *literalPtr++, MIN<uint16>(runLength, pixelCount - pixelNr));
case 0xC0: // skip the next pixels (transparency)
pixelNr += runLength;
error("Unsupported picture viewtype");
void GfxView::unpackCel(int16 loopNo, int16 celNo, SciSpan<byte> &outPtr) {
const CelInfo *celInfo = getCelInfo(loopNo, celNo);
if (celInfo->offsetEGA) {
// decompression for EGA views
unpackCelData(*_resource, outPtr, 0, celInfo->offsetEGA, 0, _resMan->getViewType(), celInfo->width, false);
} else {
// We fill the buffer with transparent pixels, so that we can later skip
// over pixels to automatically have them transparent
// Also some RLE compressed cels are possibly ending with the last
// non-transparent pixel (is this even possible with the current code?)
byte clearColor = _loop[loopNo].cel[celNo].clearKey;
// Since Mac OS required palette index 0 to be white and 0xff to be black, the
// Mac SCI devs decided that rather than change scripts and various pieces of
// code, that they would just put a little snippet of code to swap these colors
// in various places around the SCI codebase. We figured that it would be less
// hacky to swap pixels instead and run the Mac games with a PC palette.
if (g_sci->getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformMacintosh && getSciVersion() == SCI_VERSION_1_1) {
// clearColor is based on PC palette, but the literal data is not.
// We flip clearColor here to make it match the literal data. All
// these pixels will be flipped back again below.
if (clearColor == 0)
clearColor = 0xff;
else if (clearColor == 0xff)
clearColor = 0;
bool isMacSci11ViewData = g_sci->getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformMacintosh && getSciVersion() == SCI_VERSION_1_1;
unpackCelData(*_resource, outPtr, clearColor, celInfo->offsetRLE, celInfo->offsetLiteral, _resMan->getViewType(), celInfo->width, isMacSci11ViewData);
// Swap 0 and 0xff pixels for Mac SCI1.1+ games (see above)
if (g_sci->getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformMacintosh && getSciVersion() == SCI_VERSION_1_1) {
for (uint32 i = 0; i < outPtr.size(); i++) {
if (outPtr[i] == 0)
outPtr[i] = 0xff;
else if (outPtr[i] == 0xff)
outPtr[i] = 0;
const SciSpan<const byte> &GfxView::getBitmap(int16 loopNo, int16 celNo) {
loopNo = CLIP<int16>(loopNo, 0, _loop.size() - 1);
celNo = CLIP<int16>(celNo, 0, _loop[loopNo].cel.size() - 1);
CelInfo &cel = _loop[loopNo].cel[celNo];
if (cel.rawBitmap)
return *cel.rawBitmap;
const uint16 width = cel.width;
const uint16 height = cel.height;
const uint pixelCount = width * height;
const Common::String sourceName = Common::String::format("%s loop %d cel %d", _resource->name().c_str(), loopNo, celNo);
SciSpan<byte> outBitmap = cel.rawBitmap->allocate(pixelCount, sourceName);
// unpack the actual cel bitmap data
unpackCel(loopNo, celNo, outBitmap);
if (_resMan->getViewType() == kViewEga)
unditherBitmap(outBitmap, width, height, _loop[loopNo].cel[celNo].clearKey);
// mirroring the cel if needed
if (_loop[loopNo].mirrorFlag) {
byte *pBitmap = outBitmap.getUnsafeDataAt(0, width * height);
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++, pBitmap += width)
for (int j = 0; j < width / 2; j++)
SWAP(pBitmap[j], pBitmap[width - j - 1]);
return *cel.rawBitmap;
* Called after unpacking an EGA cel, this will try to undither (parts) of the
* cel if the dithering in here matches dithering used by the current picture.
void GfxView::unditherBitmap(SciSpan<byte> &bitmapPtr, int16 width, int16 height, byte clearKey) {
int16 *ditheredPicColors = _screen->unditherGetDitheredBgColors();
// It makes no sense to go further, if there isn't any dithered color data
// available for the current picture
if (!ditheredPicColors)
// We need at least a 4x2 bitmap for this algorithm to work
if (width < 4 || height < 2)
// If EGA mapping is used for this view, dont do undithering as well
if (_EGAmapping)
// Walk through the bitmap and remember all combinations of colors
int16 ditheredBitmapColors[DITHERED_BG_COLORS_SIZE];
byte color1, color2;
byte nextColor1, nextColor2;
int16 y, x;
memset(&ditheredBitmapColors, 0, sizeof(ditheredBitmapColors));
// Count all seemingly dithered pixel-combinations as soon as at least 4
// pixels are adjacent and check pixels in the following line as well to
// be the reverse pixel combination
int16 checkHeight = height - 1;
byte *curPtr = bitmapPtr.getUnsafeDataAt(0, checkHeight * width);
const byte *nextPtr = bitmapPtr.getUnsafeDataAt(width, checkHeight * width);
for (y = 0; y < checkHeight; y++) {
color1 = curPtr[0]; color2 = (curPtr[1] << 4) | curPtr[2];
nextColor1 = nextPtr[0] << 4; nextColor2 = (nextPtr[2] << 4) | nextPtr[1];
curPtr += 3;
nextPtr += 3;
for (x = 3; x < width; x++) {
color1 = (color1 << 4) | (color2 >> 4);
color2 = (color2 << 4) | *curPtr++;
nextColor1 = (nextColor1 >> 4) | (nextColor2 << 4);
nextColor2 = (nextColor2 >> 4) | *nextPtr++ << 4;
if ((color1 == color2) && (color1 == nextColor1) && (color1 == nextColor2))
// Now compare both dither color tables to find out matching dithered color
// combinations
bool unditherTable[DITHERED_BG_COLORS_SIZE];
byte color, unditherCount = 0;
memset(&unditherTable, false, sizeof(unditherTable));
for (color = 0; color < 255; color++) {
if ((ditheredBitmapColors[color] > 5) && (ditheredPicColors[color] > 200)) {
// match found, check if colorKey is contained -> if so, we ignore
// of course
color1 = color & 0x0F; color2 = color >> 4;
if ((color1 != clearKey) && (color2 != clearKey) && (color1 != color2)) {
// so set this and the reversed color-combination for undithering
unditherTable[color] = true;
unditherTable[(color1 << 4) | color2] = true;
// Nothing found to undither -> exit straight away
if (!unditherCount)
// We now need to replace color-combinations
curPtr = bitmapPtr.getUnsafeDataAt(0, height * width);
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
color = curPtr[0];
for (x = 1; x < width; x++) {
color = (color << 4) | curPtr[1];
if (unditherTable[color]) {
// Some color with black? Turn colors around, otherwise it won't
// be the right color at all.
byte unditheredColor = color;
if ((color & 0xF0) == 0)
unditheredColor = (color << 4) | (color >> 4);
curPtr[0] = unditheredColor; curPtr[1] = unditheredColor;
byte GfxView::getMappedColor(byte color, uint16 scaleSignal, const Palette *palette, int x2, int y2) {
byte outputColor = palette->mapping[color];
// SCI16 remapping (QFG4 demo)
if (g_sci->_gfxRemap16 && g_sci->_gfxRemap16->isRemapped(outputColor))
outputColor = g_sci->_gfxRemap16->remapColor(outputColor, _screen->getVisual(x2, y2));
// SCI11+ remapping (Catdate)
if ((scaleSignal & 0xFF00) && g_sci->_gfxRemap16 && _resMan->testResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeVocab, 184))) {
if ((scaleSignal >> 8) == 1) // all black
outputColor = 0;
else if ((scaleSignal >> 8) == 2) // darken
outputColor = g_sci->_gfxRemap16->remapColor(253, outputColor);
else if ((scaleSignal >> 8) == 3) // shadow
outputColor = g_sci->_gfxRemap16->remapColor(253, _screen->getVisual(x2, y2));
return outputColor;
void GfxView::draw(const Common::Rect &rect, const Common::Rect &clipRect, const Common::Rect &clipRectTranslated,
int16 loopNo, int16 celNo, byte priority, uint16 EGAmappingNr, bool upscaledHires, uint16 scaleSignal) {
const Palette *palette = _embeddedPal ? &_viewPalette : &_palette->_sysPalette;
const CelInfo *celInfo = getCelInfo(loopNo, celNo);
const SciSpan<const byte> &bitmap = getBitmap(loopNo, celNo);
const int16 celHeight = celInfo->height;
const int16 celWidth = celInfo->width;
const byte clearKey = celInfo->clearKey;
if (_embeddedPal)
// Merge view palette in...
_palette->set(&_viewPalette, false);
const int16 width = MIN(clipRect.width(), celWidth);
const int16 height = MIN(clipRect.height(), celHeight);
if (!width || !height) {
const byte *bitmapData = bitmap.getUnsafeDataAt((clipRect.top - rect.top) * celWidth + (clipRect.left - rect.left), celWidth * (height - 1) + width);
// Set up custom per-view palette mod
byte oldpalvalue = _screen->getCurPaletteMapValue();
doCustomViewPalette(_screen, _resourceId, loopNo, celNo);
if (_EGAmapping) {
const SciSpan<const byte> EGAmapping = _EGAmapping.subspan(EGAmappingNr * SCI_VIEW_EGAMAPPING_SIZE, SCI_VIEW_EGAMAPPING_SIZE);
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++, bitmapData += celWidth) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
const byte color = EGAmapping[bitmapData[x]];
const int x2 = clipRectTranslated.left + x;
const int y2 = clipRectTranslated.top + y;
if (color != clearKey && priority >= _screen->getPriority(x2, y2))
_screen->putPixel(x2, y2, drawMask, color, priority, 0);
} else if (upscaledHires) {
// UpscaledHires means view is hires and is supposed to
// get drawn onto lowres screen.
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++, bitmapData += celWidth) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
const byte color = bitmapData[x];
const int x2 = clipRectTranslated.left + x;
const int y2 = clipRectTranslated.top + y;
_screen->putPixelOnDisplay(x2, y2, palette->mapping[color]);
} else {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++, bitmapData += celWidth) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
const byte color = bitmapData[x];
if (color != clearKey) {
const int x2 = clipRectTranslated.left + x;
const int y2 = clipRectTranslated.top + y;
if (priority >= _screen->getPriority(x2, y2)) {
_screen->putPixel(x2, y2, drawMask, getMappedColor(color, scaleSignal, palette, x2, y2), priority, 0);
// Reset custom per-view palette mod
void GfxView::drawScaled(const Common::Rect &rect, const Common::Rect &clipRect, const Common::Rect &clipRectTranslated,
int16 loopNo, int16 celNo, byte priority, int16 scaleX, int16 scaleY, uint16 scaleSignal) {
const Palette *palette = _embeddedPal ? &_viewPalette : &_palette->_sysPalette;
const CelInfo *celInfo = getCelInfo(loopNo, celNo);
const SciSpan<const byte> &bitmap = getBitmap(loopNo, celNo);
const int16 celHeight = celInfo->height;
const int16 celWidth = celInfo->width;
const byte clearKey = celInfo->clearKey;
if (_embeddedPal)
// Merge view palette in...
_palette->set(&_viewPalette, false);
Common::Array<uint16> scalingX, scalingY;
createScalingTable(scalingX, celWidth, _screen->getWidth(), scaleX);
createScalingTable(scalingY, celHeight, _screen->getHeight(), scaleY);
int16 scaledWidth = MIN(clipRect.width(), (int16)scalingX.size());
int16 scaledHeight = MIN(clipRect.height(), (int16)scalingY.size());
const int16 offsetY = clipRect.top - rect.top;
const int16 offsetX = clipRect.left - rect.left;
const byte *bitmapData = bitmap.getUnsafeDataAt(0, celWidth * celHeight);
for (int y = 0; y < scaledHeight; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < scaledWidth; x++) {
const byte color = bitmapData[scalingY[y + offsetY] * celWidth + scalingX[x + offsetX]];
const int x2 = clipRectTranslated.left + x;
const int y2 = clipRectTranslated.top + y;
if (color != clearKey && priority >= _screen->getPriority(x2, y2)) {
_screen->putPixel(x2, y2, drawMask, getMappedColor(color, scaleSignal, palette, x2, y2), priority, 0);
void GfxView::createScalingTable(Common::Array<uint16> &table, int16 celSize, uint16 maxSize, int16 scale) {
const int16 scaledSize = (celSize * scale) >> 7;
const int16 clippedScaledSize = CLIP<int16>(scaledSize, 0, maxSize);
const int16 stepCount = scaledSize - 1;
if (stepCount <= 0) {
uint32 acc;
uint32 inc = ((celSize - 1) << 16) / stepCount;
if ((inc & 0xffff8000) == 0) {
acc = 0x8000;
} else {
acc = inc & 0xffff;
for (uint16 i = 0; i < clippedScaledSize; ++i) {
table[i] = acc >> 16;
acc += inc;
void GfxView::adjustToUpscaledCoordinates(int16 &y, int16 &x) {
_screen->adjustToUpscaledCoordinates(y, x);
void GfxView::adjustBackUpscaledCoordinates(int16 &y, int16 &x) {
_screen->adjustBackUpscaledCoordinates(y, x);
} // End of namespace Sci