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/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Based on the original sources
* Faery Tale II -- The Halls of the Dead
* (c) 1993-1996 The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co.
#include "saga2/dice.h"
namespace Saga2 {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Effects of spells and other things
// 1 Enchantments
// A Object (non-Actor) Enchantments
// Object : There aren't a lot of these
// B Actor Enchantments
// Attrib : affects attributes of actors
// Resist : Enable resistance to various things
// Immune : Enable immunity to various things
// Others : Misc flags
// C Player Enchantments
// Player : Flags that really only affect players
// 2 Effects
// A General effects
// Damage : does damage of various types
// B Actor only effects
// Drains : mana drains, money drains, food drains
// Special : must be handled manually
// C TAG effects : There aren't many of these
// D Global Effects : Effects that have signifigant effect on the game engine
enum effectTypes {
effectNone = 0, // no functional effect
effectAttrib, // (enchant) affects attributes of actors
effectResist, // (enchant) Enable resistance to various things
effectImmune, // (enchant) Enable immunity to various things
effectOthers, // (enchant) Enable immunity to various things
effectNonActor, // (enchant) change an object
effectPoison, // (enchant) change an object
// Effect types greater than 8 cannot be enchantments
effectDamage = 8, // does damage of various types
effectDrains, // mana drain, money drain
effectTAG, // mana drain, money drain
effectLocation, // mana drain, money drain
effectStrike, // weapon strike effect
// Attribute effects - look familiar ?
/* all the skill* are now in the spellid enum
enum effectAttribTypes {
skillArchery = 0,
skillSwordcraft = 1,
skillShieldcraft = 2,
skillBludgeon = 3,
skillThrowing = 4,
skillSpellcraft = 5,
skillStealth = 6,
skillAgility = 7,
skillBrawn = 8,
skillLockpick = 9,
skillPilfer = 10,
skillFirstAid = 11,
skillSpotHidden = 12,
// Damage effects - these are the types of damage in the world
// Damage being defined as a change in effective vitality
// Note that healing is negative damage.
enum effectDamageTypes {
// Generic
damageOther = 0, // Healing, cause wounds
// Combat damage
damageImpact = 1, // hammers, maces
damageSlash = 2, // swords
damageProjectile = 3, // arrows, poin-ted sticks
// Magic damage
damageFire = 4, // Yellow
damageAcid = 5, // Violet
damageHeat = 6, // Red
damageCold = 7, // Blue
damageLightning = 8, // Orange
damagePoison = 9, // Green
// Other magic damage
damageMental = 10, // dain bramage
damageToUndead = 11, // undead take this damage
damageDirMagic = 12, // the plusses on swords etc.
// Physiological Damage
damageStarve = 13, // You must eat!
// other
damageEnergy = 14, // Generally hard to resist - god damage
// Resistance Effects - these correspond exactly to the Damage types
// A separate enum is defined to permit differentiation between
// damage, resistance, and immunity effects
enum effectResistTypes {
resistOther = damageOther,
// Combat resist
resistImpact = damageImpact,
resistSlash = damageSlash,
resistProjectile = damageProjectile,
// Magic resist
resistFire = damageFire,
resistAcid = damageAcid,
resistHeat = damageHeat,
resistCold = damageCold,
resistLightning = damageLightning,
resistPoison = damagePoison,
// Other magic resist
resistMental = damageMental,
resistToUndead = damageToUndead,
resistDirMagic = damageDirMagic,
// Physiological Damage
resistStarve = damageStarve,
// other
resistEnergy = damageEnergy,
// Immunity Effects - See the notes for resistance effects
// Types of damage an effect can give immunity to
enum effectImmuneTypes {
immuneOther = resistOther,
// Combat imm
immuneImpact = resistImpact,
immuneSlash = resistSlash,
immuneProjectile = resistProjectile,
// Magic immu
immuneFire = resistFire,
immuneAcid = resistAcid,
immuneHeat = resistHeat,
immuneCold = resistCold,
immuneLightning = resistLightning,
immunePoison = resistPoison,
// Other magimune
immuneMental = resistMental,
immuneToUndead = resistToUndead,
immuneDirMagic = resistDirMagic,
// PhysiologiDamage
immuneStarve = resistStarve,
// other
immuneEnergy = resistEnergy,
// Other Effects - general flags in the actor structure most of which
// aren't hooked up to anything.
enum effectOthersTypes {
// Movement flags
actorNoncorporeal = 1, // The creature can walk through things
actorWaterBreathe = 2, // death spell
actorSlowFall = 3, // the creature is not harmed by falling (but falls none the less)
actorLevitate = 4, // flying with no height control ?
actorFlying = 5, // the creature flys
// speed flags
actorFastMove = 6, //
actorFastAttack = 7, //
actorSlowAttack = 8, // come... back... here... lit... tle... bun... ny...
actorImmobile = 9, // I thought I told you to leave the piano at home
// ill effects
actorAsleep = 10, // Zzzzzzzzzzz
actorParalyzed = 11, // the creature can't move an inch
actorFear = 12, // run away! run away
actorDiseased = 13, // cannot heal
actorPoisoned = 14, // death spell
// perception & perceivability flags
actorBlind = 15, // can't see
actorSeeInvis = 16, // can see invisible
actorClairvoyant = 17, // unknown effects
actorInvisible = 18, // is invisible
actorUndetectable = 19, // can't be seen, smelled
actorDetPoison = 20, // poison things glow green
// flags preventing changes to other flags
actorNoEnchant = 21, // no bad enchantments
actorNoDrain = 22, // no mana / food drains
// flags that make things run away
actorRepelEvil = 23, // death spell
actorRepelGood = 24, // death spell
actorRepelUndead = 25, // death spell
// miscellaneous
actorNotDefenseless = 26, // forgo defenselessness check
actorDisappearOnDeath = 27, // gets deleted on death and spews inventory
// dead or moved flags
// actorMapping =15, //
// actorLandWalk =0 , // someone else had this I have no idea what it is
// actorFloat =2 , // the creature can travel through malts shakes & sundaes
actorWaterWalk, // can walk on water (same as float ?)
// actorPanic =13, // creature takes off randomly
// actorSpotHidden =17, // can see hidden
// actorDetTraps =22, // traps glow green
// actorFlameAura =23, // has a flaming aura
// actorDead =25, // death spell
// Drains Effects - these correspond to values in the actor that are
// drained & replenished
enum effectDrainsTypes {
// mana pools
drainsManaRed = 1,
// TAG Effects - effects that apply when a TAG is the target
enum effectTAGTypes {
settagLocked = 1,
settagOpen = 2,
// Location Effects - effects that apply when a Location is the target
enum effectLocationTypes {
locateDummy = 1,
enum objectFlags {
objectOpen = (1 << 0), // object is in the "open" state
objectLocked = (1 << 1), // object cannot be opened
objectImportant = (1 << 2), // object must be recycled when trashed
objectGhosted = (1 << 3), // object drawn translucent
objectInvisible = (1 << 4), // object cannot be seen
objectObscured = (1 << 5), // object obscured by terrain
objectMoving = (1 << 6), // object has attached motion task
objectScavengable = (1 << 7), // object can be deleted
objectFloating = (1 << 8), // object not affected by Gravity
objectNoRecycle = (1 << 9), // object is referred to by script, don't delete
objectActivated = (1 << 10), // object is activated
objectAlias = (1 << 11), // object is not real, just a copy of another object
objectTriggeringTAG = (1 << 12), // object has triggerred TAG upon which it rests
objectOnScreen = (1 << 13), // object is on display list
objectSightedByCenter = (1 << 14), // there is a line of sight to center actor
// Special Effects - these are spells that need to be handled manually
enum effectSpecialTypes {
specialDispellHelpfulEnch = 1, // clears helpful enchantments
specialDispellHarmfulEnch, // clears harmful enchantments
specialKill, // death spell
specialRessurect, // raise dead spell
specialTeleport, // Teleportation
specialCreateActor, // Create an actor or wall
specialSagaFunc, // calls a saga function
specialCreateWWisp, // calls a saga function
specialCreateFWisp, // calls a saga function
specialCreateWraith, // calls a saga function
specialCreateFood, // calls a saga function
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// It is necessary to combine all these possibilities into a 16 bit integer
// Here's how its mapped
// 3 bits - general effect type
// 5 bits - sub class enum value
// 8 bits - damage amount, boolean on/off etc.
inline uint16 makeEnchantmentID(uint16 type, uint16 damtyp, int16 damamt) {
assert(type < 8);
assert(damtyp < 32);
assert(damamt < 128 && damamt > -128);
return (type << 13) | (damtyp << 8) + (damamt + 128);
/* skill* are now in the spellid enum ;AS;
inline uint16 makeEnchantmentID(effectAttribTypes atttyp, int16 damamt)
{ return (effectAttrib << 13) | (atttyp << 8) + (damamt+128); }
inline uint16 makeEnchantmentID(effectResistTypes restyp, bool damamt) {
return (effectResist << 13) | (restyp << 8) + (damamt + 128);
inline uint16 makeEnchantmentID(effectImmuneTypes immtyp, bool damamt) {
return (effectImmune << 13) | (immtyp << 8) + (damamt + 128);
inline uint16 makeEnchantmentID(effectOthersTypes othtyp, bool damamt) {
return (effectOthers << 13) | (othtyp << 8) + (damamt + 128);
inline uint16 makeEnchantmentID(objectFlags othtyp, bool damamt) {
return (effectNonActor << 13) | (othtyp << 8) + (damamt + 128);
inline uint16 makeEnchantmentID(uint8 damamt) {
return (effectPoison << 13) | (0 << 8) + damamt;
inline effectTypes getEnchantmentType(uint16 eID) {
return (effectTypes)(eID >> 13);
inline uint16 getEnchantmentSubType(uint16 eID) {
return (eID >> 8) & 0x1F;
inline int16 getEnchantmentAmount(uint16 eID) {
return (eID & 0xFF) - 128;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Determine whether an enchantment is harmful
inline bool isHarmful(uint16 enchID) {
int16 typ = getEnchantmentType(enchID);
int16 sub = getEnchantmentSubType(enchID);
int16 amt = getEnchantmentAmount(enchID);
if (typ == effectAttrib) return amt < 0;
if (typ == effectOthers)
return (sub >= actorSlowAttack && sub <= actorBlind);
return FALSE;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Determine whether an enchantment can fail
inline bool isSaveable(uint16 enchID) {
int16 typ = getEnchantmentType(enchID);
return (typ == effectOthers && isHarmful(enchID));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Determine whether a damage type is magical
inline bool isMagicDamage(effectDamageTypes t) {
return t >= damageFire && t <= damageDirMagic;
#define Forever (255)
class SpellTarget;
// ProtoEffects
// This is the base class of several spell effect prototype classes
// The implement routine carries out the instantiation of a
// particular effect on a given target (doing damage or whatever)
class ProtoEffect {
//int imp; // enchant or immediate
ProtoEffect *next; // pointer to additional effects
ProtoEffect() {
next = NULL;
virtual ~ProtoEffect() {
if (next) delete next;
next = NULL;
//int implementation( void ) { return imp; }
virtual bool applicable(SpellTarget &) {
return FALSE;
virtual void implement(GameObject *, SpellTarget *, int8 = 0) {}
// ProtoDamage
// This class of effects does a range of damage to the target
class ProtoDamage: public ProtoEffect {
effectDamageTypes type; // damage type
int8 dice, // # of dice to roll
sides, // # of sides on dice
skillDice, // multiply by spellcraft to get additional dice
base, // absolute damage amount
skillBase; // absolute damage amount
int8 self; // casts at self
ProtoDamage(int8 d, int8 s, int8 sd, int8 b, effectDamageTypes t, int, bool afSelf = FALSE, int8 sb = 0) {
type = t;
dice = d;
sides = s;
skillDice = sd;
base = b;
self = afSelf;
skillBase = sb;
bool applicable(SpellTarget &trg);
void implement(GameObject *cst, SpellTarget *trg, int8 deltaDamage = 0);
static int16 getRelevantStat(effectDamageTypes dt, Actor *a);
// ProtoDrainage
// This class of effects does a range of damage to the target's
// mana, money or food supply
class ProtoDrainage: public ProtoEffect {
effectDrainsTypes type; // damage type
int8 dice, // # of dice to roll
sides, // # of sides on dice
skillDice, // multiply by spellcraft to get additional dice
base; // absolute damage amount
int8 self; // casts at self
ProtoDrainage(int8 d, int8 s, int8 sd, int8 b, effectDrainsTypes t, int, bool afSelf = FALSE) {
type = t;
dice = d;
sides = s;
skillDice = sd;
base = b;
self = afSelf;
bool applicable(SpellTarget &trg);
void implement(GameObject *cst, SpellTarget *trg, int8 deltaDamage = 0);
static int16 currentLevel(Actor *a, effectDrainsTypes edt);
static void drainLevel(GameObject *cst, Actor *a, effectDrainsTypes edt, int16 amt);
// ProtoEnchantment
// This can be any of several types of enchantments (see EFFECTS.H)
class ProtoEnchantment: public ProtoEffect {
uint16 enchID;
uint32 minEnch;
RandomDice dice; // enchantment time
ProtoEnchantment(uint16 e, uint32 loTime, uint32 hiTime) {
enchID = e;
dice = RandomDice(1, hiTime - loTime);
minEnch = loTime;
bool applicable(SpellTarget &trg);
void implement(GameObject *, SpellTarget *trg, int8 deltaDamage = 0);
bool canFail(void) {
return isSaveable(enchID);
static bool realSavingThrow(Actor *a);
// ProtoTAGEffect
// this type of spell sets up spells that are used to alter tags
class ProtoTAGEffect: public ProtoEffect {
effectTAGTypes affectBit;
int16 onOff; // lock/unlock or trigger ID
ObjectID trigger;
ProtoTAGEffect(effectTAGTypes ett, int16 v, ObjectID t) {
affectBit = ett;
onOff = v;
trigger = t;
bool applicable(SpellTarget &trg);
void implement(GameObject *, SpellTarget *trg, int8 deltaDamage = 0);
// ProtoObjectEffect
// These effects are used only on non-actor objects.
class ProtoObjectEffect: public ProtoEffect {
uint16 affectBit;
int16 onOff;
RandomDice dice; // enchantment time
ProtoObjectEffect(uint16 e, int16 v, uint32 loT, uint32 hiT) {
affectBit = e;
onOff = v;
dice = RandomDice(loT, hiT);
bool applicable(SpellTarget &trg);
void implement(GameObject *, SpellTarget *trg, int8 deltaDamage = 0);
// If spells ever need to do things to Locations this
// is where they'll be
class ProtoLocationEffect: public ProtoEffect {
effectLocationTypes affectBit;
int16 value;
ProtoLocationEffect(effectLocationTypes elt, int16 v) {
affectBit = elt;
value = v;
bool applicable(SpellTarget &) {
return (TRUE);
void implement(GameObject *, SpellTarget *trg, int8 deltaDamage = 0);
// ProtoSpecialEffects
// As always there are spells that just don't fit any of the other
// molds. These protoEffects allow customized spell handlers to be
// implemented.
typedef void SPELLIMPLEMENTATION(GameObject *, SpellTarget *);
#define SPECIALSPELL(name) void name(GameObject *cst, SpellTarget *trg)
class ProtoSpecialEffect: public ProtoEffect {
int16 routineID;
ProtoSpecialEffect(SPELLIMPLEMENTATION *newHandler, int16 callID = 0) {
handler = newHandler;
routineID = callID;
bool applicable(SpellTarget &) {
return TRUE;
//return (trg.getType()==SpellTarget::spellTargetObject ||
// trg.getType()==SpellTarget::spellTargetObjectPoint) &&
// isActor(trg.getObject());
void implement(GameObject *, SpellTarget *trg, int8 deltaDamage = 0);
} // end of namespace Saga2