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synced 2025-02-10 04:43:26 +00:00
923 lines
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923 lines
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/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "common/stream.h"
#include "common/system.h"
#include "common/textconsole.h"
#include "audio/audiostream.h"
#include "audio/mixer.h"
#include "video/avi_decoder.h"
// Audio Codecs
#include "audio/decoders/adpcm.h"
#include "audio/decoders/raw.h"
// Video Codecs
#include "image/codecs/codec.h"
namespace Video {
#define UNKNOWN_HEADER(a) error("Unknown header found -- \'%s\'", tag2str(a))
// IDs used throughout the AVI files
// that will be handled by this player
#define ID_RIFF MKTAG('R','I','F','F')
#define ID_AVI MKTAG('A','V','I',' ')
#define ID_LIST MKTAG('L','I','S','T')
#define ID_HDRL MKTAG('h','d','r','l')
#define ID_AVIH MKTAG('a','v','i','h')
#define ID_STRL MKTAG('s','t','r','l')
#define ID_STRH MKTAG('s','t','r','h')
#define ID_VIDS MKTAG('v','i','d','s')
#define ID_AUDS MKTAG('a','u','d','s')
#define ID_MIDS MKTAG('m','i','d','s')
#define ID_TXTS MKTAG('t','x','t','s')
#define ID_JUNK MKTAG('J','U','N','K')
#define ID_JUNQ MKTAG('J','U','N','Q')
#define ID_DMLH MKTAG('d','m','l','h')
#define ID_STRF MKTAG('s','t','r','f')
#define ID_MOVI MKTAG('m','o','v','i')
#define ID_REC MKTAG('r','e','c',' ')
#define ID_VEDT MKTAG('v','e','d','t')
#define ID_IDX1 MKTAG('i','d','x','1')
#define ID_STRD MKTAG('s','t','r','d')
#define ID_INFO MKTAG('I','N','F','O')
#define ID_ISFT MKTAG('I','S','F','T')
#define ID_DISP MKTAG('D','I','S','P')
#define ID_PRMI MKTAG('P','R','M','I')
#define ID_STRN MKTAG('s','t','r','n')
// Stream Types
enum {
kStreamTypePaletteChange = MKTAG16('p', 'c'),
kStreamTypeAudio = MKTAG16('w', 'b')
AVIDecoder::AVIDecoder(Audio::Mixer::SoundType soundType) : _frameRateOverride(0), _soundType(soundType) {
AVIDecoder::AVIDecoder(const Common::Rational &frameRateOverride, Audio::Mixer::SoundType soundType)
: _frameRateOverride(frameRateOverride), _soundType(soundType) {
AVIDecoder::~AVIDecoder() {
AVIDecoder::AVIAudioTrack *AVIDecoder::createAudioTrack(AVIStreamHeader sHeader, PCMWaveFormat wvInfo) {
return new AVIAudioTrack(sHeader, wvInfo, _soundType);
void AVIDecoder::initCommon() {
_decodedHeader = false;
_foundMovieList = false;
_movieListStart = 0;
_movieListEnd = 0;
_fileStream = 0;
memset(&_header, 0, sizeof(_header));
bool AVIDecoder::isSeekable() const {
// Only videos with an index can seek
// Anyone else who wants to seek is crazy.
return isVideoLoaded() && !_indexEntries.empty();
bool AVIDecoder::parseNextChunk() {
uint32 tag = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
uint32 size = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
if (_fileStream->eos())
return false;
debug(3, "Decoding tag %s", tag2str(tag));
switch (tag) {
case ID_LIST:
case ID_AVIH:
_header.size = size;
_header.microSecondsPerFrame = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.maxBytesPerSecond = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.padding = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.flags = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.totalFrames = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.initialFrames = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.streams = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.bufferSize = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.width = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.height = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
// Ignore 16 bytes of reserved data
case ID_STRH:
case ID_STRD: // Extra stream info, safe to ignore
case ID_VEDT: // Unknown, safe to ignore
case ID_JUNK: // Alignment bytes, should be ignored
case ID_JUNQ: // Same as JUNK, safe to ignore
case ID_ISFT: // Metadata, safe to ignore
case ID_DISP: // Metadata, should be safe to ignore
case ID_STRN: // Metadata, safe to ignore
case ID_DMLH: // OpenDML extension, contains an extra total frames field, safe to ignore
case ID_IDX1:
error("Unknown tag \'%s\' found", tag2str(tag));
return true;
void AVIDecoder::skipChunk(uint32 size) {
// Make sure we're aligned on a word boundary
_fileStream->skip(size + (size & 1));
void AVIDecoder::handleList(uint32 listSize) {
uint32 listType = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
listSize -= 4; // Subtract away listType's 4 bytes
uint32 curPos = _fileStream->pos();
debug(0, "Found LIST of type %s", tag2str(listType));
switch (listType) {
case ID_MOVI: // Movie List
// We found the movie block
_foundMovieList = true;
_movieListStart = curPos;
_movieListEnd = _movieListStart + listSize + (listSize & 1);
case ID_HDRL: // Header List
// Mark the header as decoded
_decodedHeader = true;
case ID_INFO: // Metadata
case ID_PRMI: // Adobe Premiere metadata, safe to ignore
// Ignore metadata
case ID_STRL: // Stream list
default: // (Just hope we can parse it!)
while ((_fileStream->pos() - curPos) < listSize)
void AVIDecoder::handleStreamHeader(uint32 size) {
AVIStreamHeader sHeader;
sHeader.size = size;
sHeader.streamType = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
if (sHeader.streamType == ID_MIDS || sHeader.streamType == ID_TXTS)
error("Unhandled MIDI/Text stream");
sHeader.streamHandler = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
sHeader.flags = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.priority = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
sHeader.language = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
sHeader.initialFrames = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.scale = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.rate = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.start = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.length = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.bufferSize = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.quality = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.sampleSize = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_fileStream->skip(sHeader.size - 48); // Skip over the remainder of the chunk (frame)
if (_fileStream->readUint32BE() != ID_STRF)
error("Could not find STRF tag");
uint32 strfSize = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
uint32 startPos = _fileStream->pos();
if (sHeader.streamType == ID_VIDS) {
if (_frameRateOverride != 0) {
sHeader.rate = _frameRateOverride.getNumerator();
sHeader.scale = _frameRateOverride.getDenominator();
BitmapInfoHeader bmInfo;
bmInfo.size = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
bmInfo.width = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
bmInfo.height = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
bmInfo.planes = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
bmInfo.bitCount = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
bmInfo.compression = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
bmInfo.sizeImage = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
bmInfo.xPelsPerMeter = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
bmInfo.yPelsPerMeter = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
bmInfo.clrUsed = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
bmInfo.clrImportant = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
if (bmInfo.clrUsed == 0)
bmInfo.clrUsed = 256;
byte *initialPalette = 0;
if (bmInfo.bitCount == 8) {
initialPalette = new byte[256 * 3];
memset(initialPalette, 0, 256 * 3);
byte *palette = initialPalette;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < bmInfo.clrUsed; i++) {
palette[i * 3 + 2] = _fileStream->readByte();
palette[i * 3 + 1] = _fileStream->readByte();
palette[i * 3] = _fileStream->readByte();
addTrack(new AVIVideoTrack(_header.totalFrames, sHeader, bmInfo, initialPalette));
} else if (sHeader.streamType == ID_AUDS) {
PCMWaveFormat wvInfo;
wvInfo.tag = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
wvInfo.channels = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
wvInfo.samplesPerSec = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
wvInfo.avgBytesPerSec = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
wvInfo.blockAlign = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
wvInfo.size = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
// AVI seems to treat the sampleSize as including the second
// channel as well, so divide for our sake.
if (wvInfo.channels == 2)
sHeader.sampleSize /= 2;
addTrack(createAudioTrack(sHeader, wvInfo));
// Ensure that we're at the end of the chunk
_fileStream->seek(startPos + strfSize);
bool AVIDecoder::loadStream(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) {
uint32 riffTag = stream->readUint32BE();
if (riffTag != ID_RIFF) {
warning("Failed to find RIFF header");
return false;
/* uint32 fileSize = */ stream->readUint32LE();
uint32 riffType = stream->readUint32BE();
if (riffType != ID_AVI) {
warning("RIFF not an AVI file");
return false;
_fileStream = stream;
// Go through all chunks in the file
while (parseNextChunk())
if (!_decodedHeader) {
warning("Failed to parse AVI header");
return false;
if (!_foundMovieList) {
warning("Failed to find 'MOVI' list");
return false;
// Create the status entries
uint32 index = 0;
for (TrackListIterator it = getTrackListBegin(); it != getTrackListEnd(); it++, index++) {
TrackStatus status;
status.track = *it;
status.index = index;
status.chunkSearchOffset = _movieListStart;
if ((*it)->getTrackType() == Track::kTrackTypeVideo)
if (_videoTracks.size() != 1) {
warning("Unhandled AVI video track count: %d", _videoTracks.size());
return false;
// Check if this is a special Duck Truemotion video
return true;
void AVIDecoder::close() {
delete _fileStream;
_fileStream = 0;
_decodedHeader = false;
_foundMovieList = false;
_movieListStart = 0;
_movieListEnd = 0;
memset(&_header, 0, sizeof(_header));
void AVIDecoder::readNextPacket() {
// Shouldn't get this unless called on a non-open video
if (_videoTracks.empty())
// Get the video frame first
// Handle audio tracks next
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _audioTracks.size(); i++)
void AVIDecoder::handleNextPacket(TrackStatus &status) {
// If there's no more to search, bail out
if (status.chunkSearchOffset + 8 >= _movieListEnd) {
if (status.track->getTrackType() == Track::kTrackTypeVideo) {
// Horrible AVI video has a premature end
// Force the frame to be the last frame
debug(0, "Forcing end of AVI video");
((AVIVideoTrack *)status.track)->forceTrackEnd();
// See if audio needs to be buffered and break out if not
if (status.track->getTrackType() == Track::kTrackTypeAudio && !shouldQueueAudio(status))
// Seek to where we shall start searching
for (;;) {
// If there's no more to search, bail out
if ((uint32)_fileStream->pos() + 8 >= _movieListEnd) {
if (status.track->getTrackType() == Track::kTrackTypeVideo) {
// Horrible AVI video has a premature end
// Force the frame to be the last frame
debug(0, "Forcing end of AVI video");
((AVIVideoTrack *)status.track)->forceTrackEnd();
uint32 nextTag = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
uint32 size = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
if (nextTag == ID_LIST) {
// A list of audio/video chunks
if (_fileStream->readUint32BE() != ID_REC)
error("Expected 'rec ' LIST");
} else if (nextTag == ID_JUNK || nextTag == ID_IDX1) {
// Only accept chunks for this stream
uint32 streamIndex = getStreamIndex(nextTag);
if (streamIndex != status.index) {
Common::SeekableReadStream *chunk = 0;
if (size != 0) {
chunk = _fileStream->readStream(size);
_fileStream->skip(size & 1);
if (status.track->getTrackType() == Track::kTrackTypeAudio) {
if (getStreamType(nextTag) != kStreamTypeAudio)
error("Invalid audio track tag '%s'", tag2str(nextTag));
((AVIAudioTrack *)status.track)->queueSound(chunk);
// Break out if we have enough audio
if (!shouldQueueAudio(status))
} else {
AVIVideoTrack *videoTrack = (AVIVideoTrack *)status.track;
if (getStreamType(nextTag) == kStreamTypePaletteChange) {
// Palette Change
} else {
// Otherwise, assume it's a compressed frame
// Start us off in this position next time
status.chunkSearchOffset = _fileStream->pos();
bool AVIDecoder::shouldQueueAudio(TrackStatus& status) {
// Sanity check:
if (status.track->getTrackType() != Track::kTrackTypeAudio)
return false;
// If video is done, make sure that the rest of the audio is queued
// (I guess this is also really a sanity check)
AVIVideoTrack *videoTrack = (AVIVideoTrack *)_videoTracks[0].track;
if (videoTrack->endOfTrack())
return true;
// Being three frames ahead should be enough for any video.
return ((AVIAudioTrack *)status.track)->getCurChunk() < (uint32)(videoTrack->getCurFrame() + 3);
bool AVIDecoder::rewind() {
if (!VideoDecoder::rewind())
return false;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _videoTracks.size(); i++)
_videoTracks[i].chunkSearchOffset = _movieListStart;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _audioTracks.size(); i++)
_audioTracks[i].chunkSearchOffset = _movieListStart;
return true;
bool AVIDecoder::seekIntern(const Audio::Timestamp &time) {
// Can't seek beyond the end
if (time > getDuration())
return false;
// Get our video
AVIVideoTrack *videoTrack = (AVIVideoTrack *)_videoTracks[0].track;
uint32 videoIndex = _videoTracks[0].index;
// If we seek directly to the end, just mark the tracks as over
if (time == getDuration()) {
videoTrack->setCurFrame(videoTrack->getFrameCount() - 1);
for (TrackListIterator it = getTrackListBegin(); it != getTrackListEnd(); it++)
if ((*it)->getTrackType() == Track::kTrackTypeAudio)
((AVIAudioTrack *)*it)->resetStream();
return true;
// Get the frame we should be on at this time
uint frame = videoTrack->getFrameAtTime(time);
// Reset any palette, if necessary
int lastKeyFrame = -1;
int frameIndex = -1;
uint curFrame = 0;
// Go through and figure out where we should be
// If there's a palette, we need to find the palette too
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _indexEntries.size(); i++) {
const OldIndex &index = _indexEntries[i];
// We don't care about RECs
if (index.id == ID_REC)
// We're only looking at entries for this track
if (getStreamIndex(index.id) != videoIndex)
uint16 streamType = getStreamType(index.id);
if (streamType == kStreamTypePaletteChange) {
// We need to handle any palette change we see since there's no
// flag to tell if this is a "key" palette.
// Decode the palette
_fileStream->seek(_indexEntries[i].offset + 8);
Common::SeekableReadStream *chunk = 0;
if (_indexEntries[i].size != 0)
chunk = _fileStream->readStream(_indexEntries[i].size);
} else {
// Check to see if this is a keyframe
// The first frame has to be a keyframe
if ((_indexEntries[i].flags & AVIIF_INDEX) || curFrame == 0)
lastKeyFrame = i;
// Did we find the target frame?
if (frame == curFrame) {
frameIndex = i;
if (frameIndex < 0) // This shouldn't happen.
return false;
// Update all the audio tracks
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _audioTracks.size(); i++) {
AVIAudioTrack *audioTrack = (AVIAudioTrack *)_audioTracks[i].track;
// Recreate the audio stream
// Set the chunk index for the track
uint32 chunksFound = 0;
for (uint32 j = 0; j < _indexEntries.size(); j++) {
const OldIndex &index = _indexEntries[j];
// Continue ignoring RECs
if (index.id == ID_REC)
if (getStreamIndex(index.id) == _audioTracks[i].index) {
if (chunksFound == frame) {
_fileStream->seek(index.offset + 8);
Common::SeekableReadStream *audioChunk = _fileStream->readStream(index.size);
_audioTracks[i].chunkSearchOffset = (j == _indexEntries.size() - 1) ? _movieListEnd : _indexEntries[j + 1].offset;
// Skip any audio to bring us to the right time
audioTrack->skipAudio(time, videoTrack->getFrameTime(frame));
// Decode from keyFrame to curFrame - 1
for (int i = lastKeyFrame; i < frameIndex; i++) {
if (_indexEntries[i].id == ID_REC)
if (getStreamIndex(_indexEntries[i].id) != videoIndex)
uint16 streamType = getStreamType(_indexEntries[i].id);
// Ignore palettes, they were already handled
if (streamType == kStreamTypePaletteChange)
// Frame, hopefully
_fileStream->seek(_indexEntries[i].offset + 8);
Common::SeekableReadStream *chunk = 0;
if (_indexEntries[i].size != 0)
chunk = _fileStream->readStream(_indexEntries[i].size);
// Set the video track's frame
videoTrack->setCurFrame((int)frame - 1);
// Set the video track's search offset to the right spot
_videoTracks[0].chunkSearchOffset = _indexEntries[frameIndex].offset;
return true;
byte AVIDecoder::getStreamIndex(uint32 tag) const {
char string[3];
WRITE_BE_UINT16(string, tag >> 16);
string[2] = 0;
return strtol(string, 0, 16);
void AVIDecoder::readOldIndex(uint32 size) {
uint32 entryCount = size / 16;
debug(0, "Old Index: %d entries", entryCount);
if (entryCount == 0)
// Read the first index separately
OldIndex firstEntry;
firstEntry.id = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
firstEntry.flags = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
firstEntry.offset = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
firstEntry.size = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
// Check if the offset is already absolute
// If it's absolute, the offset will equal the start of the movie list
bool isAbsolute = firstEntry.offset == _movieListStart;
debug(1, "Old index is %s", isAbsolute ? "absolute" : "relative");
if (!isAbsolute)
firstEntry.offset += _movieListStart - 4;
debug(0, "Index 0: Tag '%s', Offset = %d, Size = %d (Flags = %d)", tag2str(firstEntry.id), firstEntry.offset, firstEntry.size, firstEntry.flags);
for (uint32 i = 1; i < entryCount; i++) {
OldIndex indexEntry;
indexEntry.id = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
indexEntry.flags = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
indexEntry.offset = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
indexEntry.size = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
// Adjust to absolute, if necessary
if (!isAbsolute)
indexEntry.offset += _movieListStart - 4;
debug(0, "Index %d: Tag '%s', Offset = %d, Size = %d (Flags = %d)", i, tag2str(indexEntry.id), indexEntry.offset, indexEntry.size, indexEntry.flags);
void AVIDecoder::checkTruemotion1() {
// If we got here from loadStream(), we know the track is valid
TrackStatus &status = _videoTracks[0];
AVIVideoTrack *track = (AVIVideoTrack *)status.track;
// Ignore non-truemotion tracks
if (!track->isTruemotion1())
// Read the next video packet
const Graphics::Surface *frame = track->decodeNextFrame();
if (!frame) {
// Fill in the width/height based on the frame's width/height
_header.width = frame->w;
_header.height = frame->h;
track->forceDimensions(frame->w, frame->h);
// Rewind us back to the beginning
VideoDecoder::AudioTrack *AVIDecoder::getAudioTrack(int index) {
// AVI audio track indexes are relative to the first track
Track *track = getTrack(index);
if (!track || track->getTrackType() != Track::kTrackTypeAudio)
return 0;
return (AudioTrack *)track;
AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::AVIVideoTrack(int frameCount, const AVIStreamHeader &streamHeader, const BitmapInfoHeader &bitmapInfoHeader, byte *initialPalette)
: _frameCount(frameCount), _vidsHeader(streamHeader), _bmInfo(bitmapInfoHeader), _initialPalette(initialPalette) {
_videoCodec = createCodec();
_lastFrame = 0;
_curFrame = -1;
AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::~AVIVideoTrack() {
delete _videoCodec;
delete[] _initialPalette;
void AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::decodeFrame(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) {
if (stream) {
if (_videoCodec)
_lastFrame = _videoCodec->decodeFrame(*stream);
} else {
// Empty frame
_lastFrame = 0;
delete stream;
Graphics::PixelFormat AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::getPixelFormat() const {
if (_videoCodec)
return _videoCodec->getPixelFormat();
return Graphics::PixelFormat();
void AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::loadPaletteFromChunk(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunk) {
byte firstEntry = chunk->readByte();
uint16 numEntries = chunk->readByte();
chunk->readUint16LE(); // Reserved
// 0 entries means all colors are going to be changed
if (numEntries == 0)
numEntries = 256;
for (uint16 i = firstEntry; i < numEntries + firstEntry; i++) {
_palette[i * 3] = chunk->readByte();
_palette[i * 3 + 1] = chunk->readByte();
_palette[i * 3 + 2] = chunk->readByte();
chunk->readByte(); // Flags that don't serve us any purpose
delete chunk;
_dirtyPalette = true;
void AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::useInitialPalette() {
_dirtyPalette = false;
if (_initialPalette) {
memcpy(_palette, _initialPalette, sizeof(_palette));
_dirtyPalette = true;
bool AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::isTruemotion1() const {
return _bmInfo.compression == MKTAG('D', 'U', 'C', 'K') || _bmInfo.compression == MKTAG('d', 'u', 'c', 'k');
void AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::forceDimensions(uint16 width, uint16 height) {
_bmInfo.width = width;
_bmInfo.height = height;
bool AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::rewind() {
_curFrame = -1;
delete _videoCodec;
_videoCodec = createCodec();
_lastFrame = 0;
return true;
Image::Codec *AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::createCodec() {
return Image::createBitmapCodec(_bmInfo.compression, _bmInfo.width, _bmInfo.height, _bmInfo.bitCount);
void AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::forceTrackEnd() {
_curFrame = _frameCount - 1;
const byte *AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::getPalette() const {
if (_videoCodec && _videoCodec->containsPalette())
return _videoCodec->getPalette();
_dirtyPalette = false;
return _palette;
bool AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::hasDirtyPalette() const {
if (_videoCodec && _videoCodec->containsPalette())
return _videoCodec->hasDirtyPalette();
return _dirtyPalette;
bool AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::canDither() const {
return _videoCodec && _videoCodec->canDither(Image::Codec::kDitherTypeVFW);
void AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::setDither(const byte *palette) {
_videoCodec->setDither(Image::Codec::kDitherTypeVFW, palette);
AVIDecoder::AVIAudioTrack::AVIAudioTrack(const AVIStreamHeader &streamHeader, const PCMWaveFormat &waveFormat, Audio::Mixer::SoundType soundType)
: _audsHeader(streamHeader), _wvInfo(waveFormat), _soundType(soundType), _curChunk(0) {
_audStream = createAudioStream();
AVIDecoder::AVIAudioTrack::~AVIAudioTrack() {
delete _audStream;
void AVIDecoder::AVIAudioTrack::queueSound(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) {
if (_audStream) {
if (_wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatPCM) {
byte flags = 0;
if (_audsHeader.sampleSize == 2)
flags |= Audio::FLAG_16BITS | Audio::FLAG_LITTLE_ENDIAN;
flags |= Audio::FLAG_UNSIGNED;
if (_wvInfo.channels == 2)
flags |= Audio::FLAG_STEREO;
_audStream->queueAudioStream(Audio::makeRawStream(stream, _wvInfo.samplesPerSec, flags, DisposeAfterUse::YES), DisposeAfterUse::YES);
} else if (_wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatMSADPCM) {
_audStream->queueAudioStream(Audio::makeADPCMStream(stream, DisposeAfterUse::YES, stream->size(), Audio::kADPCMMS, _wvInfo.samplesPerSec, _wvInfo.channels, _wvInfo.blockAlign), DisposeAfterUse::YES);
} else if (_wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatMSIMAADPCM) {
_audStream->queueAudioStream(Audio::makeADPCMStream(stream, DisposeAfterUse::YES, stream->size(), Audio::kADPCMMSIma, _wvInfo.samplesPerSec, _wvInfo.channels, _wvInfo.blockAlign), DisposeAfterUse::YES);
} else if (_wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatDK3) {
_audStream->queueAudioStream(Audio::makeADPCMStream(stream, DisposeAfterUse::YES, stream->size(), Audio::kADPCMDK3, _wvInfo.samplesPerSec, _wvInfo.channels, _wvInfo.blockAlign), DisposeAfterUse::YES);
} else {
delete stream;
void AVIDecoder::AVIAudioTrack::skipAudio(const Audio::Timestamp &time, const Audio::Timestamp &frameTime) {
Audio::Timestamp timeDiff = time.convertToFramerate(_wvInfo.samplesPerSec) - frameTime.convertToFramerate(_wvInfo.samplesPerSec);
int skipFrames = timeDiff.totalNumberOfFrames();
if (skipFrames <= 0)
if (_audStream->isStereo())
skipFrames *= 2;
int16 *tempBuffer = new int16[skipFrames];
_audStream->readBuffer(tempBuffer, skipFrames);
delete[] tempBuffer;
void AVIDecoder::AVIAudioTrack::resetStream() {
delete _audStream;
_audStream = createAudioStream();
_curChunk = 0;
bool AVIDecoder::AVIAudioTrack::rewind() {
return true;
Audio::AudioStream *AVIDecoder::AVIAudioTrack::getAudioStream() const {
return _audStream;
Audio::QueuingAudioStream *AVIDecoder::AVIAudioTrack::createAudioStream() {
if (_wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatPCM || _wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatMSADPCM || _wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatMSIMAADPCM || _wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatDK3)
return Audio::makeQueuingAudioStream(_wvInfo.samplesPerSec, _wvInfo.channels == 2);
else if (_wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatMP3)
warning("Unsupported AVI MP3 tracks");
else if (_wvInfo.tag != kWaveFormatNone) // No sound
warning("Unsupported AVI audio format %d", _wvInfo.tag);
return 0;
AVIDecoder::TrackStatus::TrackStatus() : track(0), chunkSearchOffset(0) {
} // End of namespace Video