2020-10-09 12:54:10 +02:00

631 lines
19 KiB
Executable File

# This tools is kind of a hack to be able to maintain the credits list of
# ScummVM in a single central location. We then generate the various versions
# of the credits in other places from this source. In particular:
# - The AUTHORS file
# - The gui/credits.h header file
# - The Credits.rtf file used by the Mac OS X port
# - The credits.yaml, alternative version for use on the website
# Initial version written by Fingolfin in December 2004.
use strict;
use Text::Wrap;
if ($Text::Wrap::VERSION < 2001.0929) {
die "Text::Wrap version >= 2001.0929 is required. You have $Text::Wrap::VERSION\n";
my $mode = "";
my $max_name_width;
# Count the level in the section hierarchy, i.e. how deep we are currently nested
# in terms of 'sections'.
my $section_level = 0;
# Variables used for yaml output
my $person_started = 0;
my $group_started = 0;
my $group_indent = "";
my $paragraph_started = 0;
my $indent = "";
# Count how many sections there have been on this level already
my @section_count = ( 0, 0, 0 );
if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
$mode = "TEXT" if ($ARGV[0] eq "--text"); # AUTHORS file
$mode = "CPP" if ($ARGV[0] eq "--cpp"); # credits.h (for use by about.cpp)
$mode = "RTF" if ($ARGV[0] eq "--rtf"); # Credits.rtf (Mac OS X About box)
$mode = "STRONGHELP" if ($ARGV[0] eq "--stronghelp"); # AUTHORS (RISC OS StrongHelp manual)
$mode = "YAML" if ($ARGV[0] eq "--yaml"); # YAML (Simple format, used in the Website)
if ($mode eq "") {
print STDERR "Usage: $0 [--text | --cpp | --rtf | --stronghelp | --yaml]\n";
print STDERR " Just pass --text / --cpp / --rtf / --stronghelp / --yaml as parameter, and\n";
print STDERR " will print out the corresponding version of the credits to stdout.\n";
exit 1;
$Text::Wrap::unexpand = 0;
if ($mode eq "TEXT") {
$Text::Wrap::columns = 78;
$max_name_width = 30; # The maximal width of a name.
} elsif ($mode eq "CPP") {
$Text::Wrap::columns = 48; # Approx.
# Convert HTML entities to ASCII for the plain text mode
sub html_entities_to_ascii {
my $text = shift;
# For now we hardcode these mappings
$text =~ s/&Aacute;/A/g;
$text =~ s/&aacute;/a/g;
$text =~ s/&eacute;/e/g;
$text =~ s/&iacute;/i/g;
$text =~ s/&igrave;/i/g;
$text =~ s/&oacute;/o/g;
$text =~ s/&oslash;/o/g;
$text =~ s/&uacute;/u/g;
$text =~ s/&#261;/a/g;
$text =~ s/&#321;/L/g;
$text =~ s/&#322;/l/g;
$text =~ s/&#347;/s/g;
$text =~ s/&Lcaron;/L/g;
$text =~ s/&Scaron;/S/g;
$text =~ s/&aring;/aa/g;
$text =~ s/&ntilde;/n/g;
$text =~ s/&auml;/a/g;
$text =~ s/&euml;/e/g;
$text =~ s/&uuml;/ue/g;
# HACK: Torbj*o*rn but G*oe*ffringmann and R*oe*ver and J*oe*rg
$text =~ s/Torbj&ouml;rn/Torbjorn/g;
$text =~ s/&ouml;/oe/g;
$text =~ s/&amp;/&/g;
return $text;
# Convert HTML entities to ISO/IEC 8859-1 for the StrongHelp manual
sub html_entities_to_iso8859_1 {
my $text = shift;
$text =~ s/&Aacute;/\xC1/g;
$text =~ s/&aacute;/\xE1/g;
$text =~ s/&eacute;/\xE9/g;
$text =~ s/&iacute;/\xED/g;
$text =~ s/&igrave;/\xEC/g;
$text =~ s/&oacute;/\xF3/g;
$text =~ s/&oslash;/\xF8/g;
$text =~ s/&uacute;/\xFA/g;
$text =~ s/&#261;/a/g;
$text =~ s/&#321;/L/g;
$text =~ s/&#322;/l/g;
$text =~ s/&#347;/s/g;
$text =~ s/&Lcaron;/L/g;
$text =~ s/&Scaron;/S/g;
$text =~ s/&aring;/\xE5/g;
$text =~ s/&ntilde;/\xF1/g;
$text =~ s/&auml;/\xE4/g;
$text =~ s/&euml;/\xEB/g;
$text =~ s/&uuml;/\xFC/g;
$text =~ s/&ouml;/\xF6/g;
$text =~ s/&amp;/&/g;
return $text;
# Convert HTML entities to C++ characters
sub html_entities_to_cpp {
my $text = shift;
# The numerical values are octal!
$text =~ s/&Aacute;/\\301/g;
$text =~ s/&aacute;/\\341/g;
$text =~ s/&eacute;/\\351/g;
$text =~ s/&iacute;/\\355/g;
$text =~ s/&igrave;/\\354/g;
$text =~ s/&oacute;/\\363/g;
$text =~ s/&oslash;/\\370/g;
$text =~ s/&uacute;/\\372/g;
$text =~ s/&#261;/a/g;
$text =~ s/&#321;/L/g;
$text =~ s/&#322;/l/g;
$text =~ s/&#347;/s/g;
$text =~ s/&Lcaron;/L/g;
$text =~ s/&Scaron;/S/g;
$text =~ s/&aring;/\\345/g;
$text =~ s/&ntilde;/\\361/g;
$text =~ s/&auml;/\\344/g;
$text =~ s/&euml;/\\353/g;
$text =~ s/&ouml;/\\366/g;
$text =~ s/&uuml;/\\374/g;
$text =~ s/&amp;/&/g;
return $text;
# Convert HTML entities to RTF codes
# This is using the Mac OS Roman encoding
sub html_entities_to_rtf {
my $text = shift;
$text =~ s/&Aacute;/\\'c1/g;
$text =~ s/&aacute;/\\'87/g;
$text =~ s/&eacute;/\\'8e/g;
$text =~ s/&iacute;/\\'92/g;
$text =~ s/&igrave;/\\'93/g;
$text =~ s/&oacute;/\\'97/g;
$text =~ s/&oslash;/\\'bf/g;
$text =~ s/&uacute;/\\'9c/g;
$text =~ s/&aring;/\\'8c/g;
# The following numerical values are decimal!
$text =~ s/&#261;/\\uc0\\u261 /g;
$text =~ s/&#321;/\\uc0\\u321 /g;
$text =~ s/&#322;/\\uc0\\u322 /g;
$text =~ s/&#347;/\\uc0\\u347 /g;
$text =~ s/&Lcaron;/\\uc0\\u317 /g;
$text =~ s/&Scaron;/\\uc0\\u352 /g;
# Back to hex numbers
$text =~ s/&ntilde;/\\'96/g;
$text =~ s/&auml;/\\'8a/g;
$text =~ s/&euml;/\\'91/g;
$text =~ s/&ouml;/\\'9a/g;
$text =~ s/&uuml;/\\'9f/g;
$text =~ s/&amp;/&/g;
return $text;
# Small reference of the RTF commands used here:
# \fs28 switches to 14 point font (28 = 2 * 14)
# \pard reset to default paragraph properties
# \ql left-aligned text
# \qr right-aligned text
# \qc centered text
# \qj justified text
# \b turn on bold
# \b0 turn off bold
# For more information: <>
sub begin_credits {
my $title = shift;
if ($mode eq "RTF") {
print '{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000' . "\n";
print '{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica-Bold;\f1\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}' . "\n";
print '{\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green128\blue0;\red128\green128\blue128;}' . "\n";
print '\vieww6920\viewh15480\viewkind0' . "\n";
print "\n";
} elsif ($mode eq "CPP") {
print "// This file was generated by Do not edit by hand!\n";
print "static const char *credits[] = {\n";
} elsif ($mode eq "YAML") {
print "# This file was generated by Do not edit by hand!\n";
} elsif ($mode eq "STRONGHELP") {
print "ScummVM - AUTHORS\n";
print "# This file was generated by Do not edit by hand!\n";
sub end_credits {
if ($mode eq "TEXT") {
} elsif ($mode eq "RTF") {
print "}\n";
} elsif ($mode eq "CPP") {
print "};\n";
sub begin_section {
my $title = shift;
my $anchor = shift;
if ($mode eq "TEXT") {
$title = html_entities_to_ascii($title);
if ($section_level >= 2) {
$title .= ":"
print " " x $section_level . $title."\n";
if ($section_level eq 0) {
print " " x $section_level . "*" x (length $title)."\n";
} elsif ($section_level eq 1) {
print " " x $section_level . "-" x (length $title)."\n";
} elsif ($mode eq "RTF") {
$title = html_entities_to_rtf($title);
# Center text
print '\pard\qc' . "\n";
print '\f0\b';
if ($section_level eq 0) {
print '\fs40 ';
} elsif ($section_level eq 1) {
print '\fs32 ';
# Insert an empty line before this section header, *unless*
# this is the very first section header in the file.
if ($section_level > 0 || @section_count[0] > 0) {
print "\\\n";
print '\cf2 ' . $title . "\n";
print '\f1\b0\fs24 \cf0 \\' . "\n";
} elsif ($mode eq "CPP") {
if ($section_level eq 0) {
# TODO: Would be nice to have a 'fat' or 'large' mode for
# headlines...
$title = html_entities_to_cpp($title);
print '"C1""'.$title.'",' . "\n";
print '"",' . "\n";
} else {
$title = html_entities_to_cpp($title);
print '"C1""'.$title.'",' . "\n";
} elsif ($mode eq "YAML") {
my $key = "";
$indent = (" " x ($section_level));
if ($section_level eq 1) {
$key = "subsection:\n";
if ($section_level < 2) {
if (@section_count[$section_level] eq 0) {
print $indent . $key;
print $indent . "-\n";
print $indent . " title: \"" . $title . "\"\n";
if ($anchor) {
print $indent . " anchor: \"" . $anchor . "\"\n";
} elsif ($mode eq "STRONGHELP") {
$title = html_entities_to_iso8859_1($title);
print "#fH" . ($section_level + 1) . ":" . $title."\n";
# Implicit start of person list on section level 2
if ($section_level >= 2) {
begin_persons($title, 1);
@section_count[$section_level] = 0;
sub end_section {
$paragraph_started = 0;
$group_started = 0;
# Implicit end of person list on section level 2
if ($section_level >= 2) {
$group_started = 1;
if ($mode eq "TEXT") {
# nothing
} elsif ($mode eq "RTF") {
# nothing
} elsif ($mode eq "CPP") {
print '"",' . "\n";
sub begin_persons {
my $title = shift;
my $level = shift;
if ($mode eq "YAML") {
$group_indent = $level eq 1 ? " " : (" " x $section_level);
if ($group_started == 0) {
print $group_indent . "group:\n";
$group_started = 1;
print $group_indent . "-\n";
print $group_indent . " name: \"" . $title . "\"\n";
sub end_persons {
if ($mode eq "TEXT") {
print "\n";
} elsif ($mode eq "RTF") {
# nothing
} elsif ($mode eq "STRONGHELP") {
print "\n";
} elsif ($mode eq "YAML") {
$person_started = 0;
sub add_person {
my $name = shift;
my $nick = shift;
my $desc = shift;
my $tab;
if ($mode eq "TEXT") {
my $min_name_width = length $desc > 0 ? $max_name_width : 0;
$name = $nick if $name eq "";
$name = html_entities_to_ascii($name);
if (length $name > $max_name_width) {
print STDERR "Warning: max_name_width is too small (" . $max_name_width . " < " . (length $name) . " for \"" . $name. "\")\n";
$desc = html_entities_to_ascii($desc);
$tab = " " x ($section_level * 2 + 1);
printf $tab."%-".$min_name_width.".".$max_name_width."s", $name;
# Print desc wrapped
if (length $desc > 0) {
my $inner_indent = ($section_level * 2 + 1) + $max_name_width + 3;
my $multitab = " " x $inner_indent;
print " - " . substr(wrap($multitab, $multitab, $desc), $inner_indent);
print "\n";
} elsif ($mode eq "RTF") {
$name = $nick if $name eq "";
$name = html_entities_to_rtf($name);
# Center text
print '\pard\qc' . "\n";
# Activate 1.5 line spacing mode
print '\sl360\slmult1';
# The name
print $name . "\\\n";
# Description using italics
if (length $desc > 0) {
$desc = html_entities_to_rtf($desc);
print '\pard\qc' . "\n";
print "\\cf3\\i " . $desc . "\\i0\\cf0\\\n";
} elsif ($mode eq "CPP") {
$name = $nick if $name eq "";
$name = html_entities_to_cpp($name);
print '"C0""'.$name.'",' . "\n";
# Print desc wrapped
if (length $desc > 0) {
$desc = html_entities_to_cpp($desc);
print '"C2""'.$desc.'",' . "\n";
} elsif ($mode eq "YAML") {
$indent = $group_indent . " ";
if ($person_started eq 0) {
print $indent . "person:\n";
$person_started = 1;
print $indent . "-\n";
$name = "???" if $name eq "";
print $indent . " name: \"" . $name . "\"\n";
print $indent . " alias: \"" . $nick . "\"\n";
print $indent . " description: \"" . $desc . "\"\n";
} elsif ($mode eq "STRONGHELP") {
my $min_name_width = length $desc > 0 ? $max_name_width : 0;
$name = $nick if $name eq "";
$name = html_entities_to_iso8859_1($name);
$desc = html_entities_to_iso8859_1($desc);
$tab = " " x ($section_level * 2 + 1);
print $tab . "{*}" . $name . "{*}";
print "\t" . $desc . "\n";
sub add_paragraph {
my $text = shift;
my $tab;
if ($mode eq "TEXT") {
$tab = " " x ($section_level * 2 + 1);
print wrap($tab, $tab, html_entities_to_ascii($text))."\n";
print "\n";
} elsif ($mode eq "RTF") {
$text = html_entities_to_rtf($text);
# Center text
print '\pard\qc' . "\n";
print "\\\n";
print $text . "\\\n";
} elsif ($mode eq "CPP") {
$text = html_entities_to_ascii($text);
my $line_start = '"C0""';
my $line_end = '",';
print $line_start . $text . $line_end . "\n";
print $line_start . $line_end . "\n";
} elsif ($mode eq "YAML") {
$indent = (" " x $section_level);
if ($paragraph_started eq 0) {
print $indent . "paragraph:\n";
$paragraph_started = 1;
print $indent . "- \"" . $text . "\"\n";
} elsif ($mode eq "STRONGHELP") {
$text = html_entities_to_iso8859_1($text);
print "#Wrap On\n";
$tab = " " x ($section_level * 2 + 1);
print $text . "\n";
print "#Wrap\n\n";
# Now follows the actual credits data! The format should be clear, I hope.
# Note that people are sorted by their last name in most cases; in the
# 'Team' section, they are first grouped by category (Engine; porter; misc).
begin_section("Project Leaders");
add_person("Pawe&#322; Ko&#322;odziejski", "aquadran", "");
add_person("Einar Johan T. S&oslash;m&aring;en", "somaen", "");
begin_section("Grim Team");
add_person("James Brown", "ender", "Grim developer (retired)");
add_person("Giulio Camuffo", "giucam", "Grim developer (retired)");
add_person("Dries Harnie", "Botje", "EMI, Android, OpenGL ES developer");
add_person("Pawe&#322; Ko&#322;odziejski", "aquadran", "Core developer (suspended)");
add_person("Christian Krause", "chkr", "EMI developer (retired)");
add_person("Einar Johan T. S&oslash;m&aring;en", "somaen", "Grim, EMI developer");
add_person("Joel Teichroeb ", "klusark", "EMI, Android developer");
add_person("Joni V&auml;h&auml;m&auml;ki", "Akz", "EMI developer (retired)");
begin_section("ICB Team");
add_person("Pawe&#322; Ko&#322;odziejski", "aquadran", "Porting from original codebase");
add_person("Joost Peters", "joostp", "Porting from original codebase");
add_person("Einar Johan T. S&oslash;m&aring;en", "somaen", "Porting from original codebase");
begin_section("Myst 3 Team");
add_person("Bastien Bouclet", "bgK", "Core developer");
begin_section("Stark Team");
add_person("Bastien Bouclet", "bgK", "Core developer");
add_person("Einar Johan T. S&oslash;m&aring;en", "somaen", "Core developer (retired)");
add_person("Liu Zhaosong", "Douglas", "Core developer");
begin_section("Wintermute 3D Team");
add_person("Gunnar Birke", "Fury", "Porting from original Wintermute 3D codebase");
"If you have contributed to this engine then you deserve to be on this ".
"list. Contact us and we'll add you.");
add_person("Thomas Allen", "olldray", "Various engine code fixes and improvements");
add_person("Torbj&ouml;rn Andersson", "eriktorbjorn", "Various code fixes");
add_person("Ori Avtalion", "salty-horse", "Lipsync, LAF support, various code fixes");
add_person("Robert Biro", "DarthJDG", "Antialiasing support");
add_person("Bastien Bouclet", "bgK", "Various fixes to engine");
add_person("David Cardwell", "d356", "Few fixes to EMI");
add_person("Marcus Comstedt", "marcus_c", "Initial Dreamcast port");
add_person("Andrea Corna", "Yak Bizzarro", "Patcher module, various engine improvements");
add_person("Jonathan Gray", "khalek", "Various code fixes");
add_person("Tobias Gunkel", "tobigun", "Initial Android port, few engines fixes");
add_person("Azamat H. Hackimov", "winterheart", "Configure fix");
add_person("Vincent Hamm", "yazoo", "Various engine code fixes and improvements");
add_person("Sven Hesse", "DrMcCoy", "Various compilation fixes");
add_person("Matthew Hoops", "clone2727", "Smush codec48, Grim and EMI engine improvements");
add_person("Erich Hoover", "Compholio", "x86-64 fixes, various code fixes and improvements");
add_person("Max Horn", "fingolfin", "Few code fixes");
add_person("Travis Howell", "Kirben", "Various code fixes, Windows port");
add_person("Joseph Jezak", "JoseJX", "A lot of engine improvements and fixes");
add_person("Guillem Jover", "guillemj", "Few code improvements");
add_person("Filippos Karapetis", "bluegr", "Compilation fixes");
add_person("Ingo van Lil", "inguin", "Various fixes and improvements for EMI");
add_person("Vincent Pelletier", "vpelletier", "Various engine and TinyGL improvements");
add_person("Joost Peters", "joostp", "Various code fixes");
add_person("George Macon", "gmacon", "Few fixes");
add_person("Josh Matthews", "jdm", "Few fixes to engine");
add_person("Matthieu Milan", "usineur", "Various engine improvements");
add_person("Gregory Montoir", "cyx", "Few fixes to engine");
add_person("Stefano Musumeci", "subr3v", "TinyGL backend and engine driver improvements");
add_person("Christian Neumair", "mannythegnome", "Various optimisation patches");
add_person("Daniel Schepler", "", "Initial grim engine contributor, LUA support");
add_person("Dmitry Smirnov", "onlyjob", "Minor spelling corrections");
add_person("Yaron Tausky", "yaront", "Fixes to subtitles");
add_person("Julien Templier", "Littleboy", "create_project tool");
add_person("Pino Toscano", "pinotree", "Debian GNU/Linux package files");
add_person("Lionel Ulmer", "bbrox", "OpenGL optimisations");
add_person("", "cmayer0087", "Various engine code fixes");
add_person("", "JenniBee", "Compilation fixes");
add_person("", "karjonas", "Various engine code fixes");
add_person("", "mparnaudeau", "Various grim engine code fixes");
add_person("", "PoulpiFr", "Few fixes to Android port");
add_person("", "sietschie", "Few fixes to engine");
begin_section("Myst 3");
add_person("David Fioramonti", "dafioram", "Autosave support and few fixes");
add_person("Matthew Hoops", "clone2727", "Various engine improvements and code fixes");
add_person("Stefano Musumeci", "subr3v", "TinyGL engine driver support");
add_person("Bartosz Dudziak", "Snejp", "Various engine improvements and code fixes");
add_person("Matthew Hoops", "clone2727", "ADPCM decoder");
add_person("Pawe&#322; Ko&#322;odziejski", "aquadran", "Various engine code fixes");
add_person("Awad Mackie", "firesock", "Few fixes to engine");
add_person("Marius Ioan Orban", "mj0331", "Code fix");
add_person("Vincent Pelletier", "vpelletier", "Raw sound support");
add_person("Jordi Vilalta Prat", "jvprat", "Initial engine contributor");
add_person("Scott Thomas", "ST", "Initial engine author");
add_person("Will Thomson", "wlthomson", "Few fixes to engine");
add_person("", "Faalagorn", "Few code improvements");
add_person("", "orangeforest11", "Few engine improvements");
begin_section("ScummVM code");
"ResidualVM uses a lot of ScummVM code. ".
"For a list of authors look into COPYRIGHT file.");
begin_section("Website code");
add_person("Fredrik Wendel", "", "");
$max_name_width = 16;
begin_section("Special thanks to");
"The LUA developers, for creating a nice compact script interpreter.");
"Tim Schafer, for obvious reasons, and everybody else who helped make ".
"Grim Fandango a brilliant game; and the EMI team for giving it their ".
"best try.");
"Bret Mogilefsky, for managing to create a SPUTM-style 3D LUA engine, ".
"and avoiding the horrible hack it could have been.");
"Benjamin Haisch, for emimeshviewer, which our EMI code borrows heavily from.");