Kaloyan Chehlarski 1781a1e140 NANCY: Fix SliderPuzzle for pre-nancy9 games
The last changes to the class broke older titles
which use the SPUZ chunk.
Fixes #15097
2024-05-05 21:03:05 +02:00

485 lines
13 KiB

/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "engines/nancy/commontypes.h"
namespace Nancy {
// Data types corresponding to chunks found inside BOOT
struct EngineData {
EngineData(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
virtual ~EngineData() {}
// Boot summary. Contains data for the UI, game clock, starting a new game.
struct BSUM : public EngineData {
BSUM(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
byte header[90];
Common::Path conversationTextsFilename;
Common::Path autotextFilename;
// Game start section
SceneChangeDescription firstScene;
uint16 startTimeHours;
uint16 startTimeMinutes;
// More Nancy Drew! scene
SceneChangeDescription adScene;
// UI
Common::Rect extraButtonHotspot; // Extra button is map in tvd, clock in nancy2 and up
Common::Rect extraButtonHighlightDest;
Common::Rect textboxScreenPosition;
Common::Rect inventoryBoxScreenPosition;
Common::Rect menuButtonSrc;
Common::Rect helpButtonSrc;
Common::Rect menuButtonDest;
Common::Rect helpButtonDest;
Common::Rect menuButtonHighlightSrc;
Common::Rect helpButtonHighlightSrc;
Common::Rect clockHighlightSrc;
// Transparent color
byte paletteTrans = 0;
byte rTrans = 0;
byte gTrans = 0;
byte bTrans = 0;
uint16 horizontalEdgesSize;
uint16 verticalEdgesSize;
uint16 numFonts;
uint16 playerTimeMinuteLength;
uint16 buttonPressTimeDelay;
uint16 dayStartMinutes = 0;
uint16 dayEndMinutes = 0;
byte overrideMovementTimeDeltas;
uint16 slowMovementTimeDelta;
uint16 fastMovementTimeDelta;
// Contains rects defining the in-game viewport
struct VIEW : public EngineData {
VIEW(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
Common::Rect screenPosition;
Common::Rect bounds;
// Contains a list of .cal filenames, which are to be loaded at startup.
// .cal files themselves are just collections of image files used in dialogue.
// First introduced in nancy2.
struct PCAL : public EngineData {
PCAL(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
Common::Array<Common::String> calNames;
// Contains definitions for all in-game items, as well as data for the
// inventory box at the bottom right of the game screen.
struct INV : public EngineData {
struct ItemDescription {
Common::String name;
byte keepItem = kInvItemKeepAlways;
uint16 sceneID = kNoScene;
uint16 sceneSoundFlag = kContinueSceneSound;
Common::Rect sourceRect;
Common::Rect highlightedSourceRect;
Common::String cantText;
Common::String cantTextNotHolding; // nancy2 only
SoundDescription cantSound;
SoundDescription cantSoundNotHolding; // nancy2 only
INV(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
Common::Rect scrollbarSrcBounds;
Common::Point scrollbarDefaultPos;
uint16 scrollbarMaxScroll;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> ornamentSrcs;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> ornamentDests;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> curtainAnimationSrcs;
Common::Rect curtainsScreenPosition;
uint16 curtainsFrameTime;
uint16 captionAutoClearTime = 3000;
Common::Path inventoryBoxIconsImageName;
Common::Path inventoryCursorsImageName;
SoundDescription cantSound;
Common::String cantText;
Common::Array<ItemDescription> itemDescriptions;
// Contains data about the textbox at the bottom left of the game screen
struct TBOX : public EngineData {
TBOX(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
Common::Rect scrollbarSrcBounds;
Common::Rect innerBoundingBox;
Common::Point scrollbarDefaultPos;
uint16 scrollbarMaxScroll;
uint16 upOffset;
uint16 downOffset;
uint16 leftOffset;
uint16 rightOffset;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> ornamentSrcs;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> ornamentDests;
uint16 defaultFontID;
uint16 defaultTextColor;
uint16 conversationFontID;
uint16 highlightConversationFontID;
uint16 tabWidth;
uint16 pageScrollPercent;
uint32 textBackground;
uint32 highlightTextBackground;
// Contains data about the map state. Only used in TVD and nancy1
struct MAP : public EngineData {
struct Location {
Common::String description;
Common::Rect hotspot;
SceneChangeDescription scenes[2];
Common::Rect labelSrc;
MAP(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
Common::Array<Common::Path> mapNames;
Common::Array<Common::Path> mapPaletteNames;
Common::Array<SoundDescription> sounds;
// Globe section, TVD only
uint16 globeFrameTime;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> globeSrcs;
Common::Rect globeDest;
Common::Rect globeGargoyleSrc;
Common::Rect globeGargoyleDest;
// Button section, nancy1 only
Common::Rect buttonSrc;
Common::Rect buttonDest;
Common::Rect closedLabelSrc;
Common::Array<Location> locations;
Common::Point cursorPosition;
// Contains data for the help screen.
struct HELP : public EngineData {
HELP(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
Common::Path imageName;
Common::Rect buttonDest;
Common::Rect buttonSrc;
Common::Rect buttonHoverSrc;
// Contains data for the credits screen.
struct CRED : public EngineData {
CRED(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
Common::Path imageName;
Common::Array<Common::Path> textNames;
Common::Rect textScreenPosition;
uint16 updateTime;
uint16 pixelsToScroll;
SoundDescription sound;
// Contains data for the main menu.
struct MENU : public EngineData {
MENU(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
Common::Path _imageName;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _buttonDests;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _buttonDownSrcs;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _buttonHighlightSrcs;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _buttonDisabledSrcs;
// Contains data for the Setup screen (a.k.a settings menu)
struct SET : public EngineData {
SET(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
Common::Path _imageName;
// Common::Rect _scrollbarsBounds
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _scrollbarBounds;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _buttonDests;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _buttonDownSrcs;
Common::Rect _doneButtonHighlightSrc;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _scrollbarSrcs;
Common::Array<uint16> _scrollbarsCenterYPos;
Common::Array<uint16> _scrollbarsCenterXPosL;
Common::Array<uint16> _scrollbarsCenterXPosR;
Common::Array<SoundDescription> _sounds;
// Contains data for the Save/Load screen. Used up to nancy7
struct LOAD : public EngineData {
LOAD(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
Common::Path _image1Name;
int16 _mainFontID;
int16 _highlightFontID;
int16 _disabledFontID;
int16 _fontXOffset;
int16 _fontYOffset;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _saveButtonDests;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _loadButtonDests;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _textboxBounds;
Common::Rect _doneButtonDest;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _saveButtonDownSrcs;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _loadButtonDownSrcs;
Common::Rect _doneButtonDownSrc;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _saveButtonHighlightSrcs;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _loadButtonHighlightSrcs;
Common::Rect _doneButtonHighlightSrc;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _saveButtonDisabledSrcs;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _loadButtonDisabledSrcs;
Common::Rect _doneButtonDisabledSrc;
Common::Rect _blinkingCursorSrc;
uint16 _blinkingTimeDelay;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _cancelButtonSrcs;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _cancelButtonDests;
Common::Rect _cancelButtonDownSrc;
Common::Rect _cancelButtonHighlightSrc;
Common::Rect _cancelButtonDisabledSrc;
Common::Path _gameSavedPopup;
Common::String _emptySaveText;
Common::String _defaultSaveNamePrefix;
// Common::Rect _gameSavedBounds
// v2 members
Common::Path _image2Name;
Common::Path _imageButtonsName;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _unpressedButtonSrcs;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _pressedButtonSrcs;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _highlightedButtonSrcs;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _disabledButtonSrcs;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _buttonDests;
// Contains data for the prompt that appears when exiting the game
// without saving first. Introduced in nancy3.
struct SDLG : public EngineData {
struct Dialog {
Dialog(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
Common::Path imageName;
Common::Rect yesDest;
Common::Rect noDest;
Common::Rect cancelDest;
Common::Rect yesHighlightSrc;
Common::Rect noHighlightSrc;
Common::Rect cancelHighlightSrc;
Common::Rect yesDownSrc;
Common::Rect noDownSrc;
Common::Rect cancelDownSrc;
SDLG(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
Common::Array<Dialog> dialogs;
// Contains data for the hint system. Only used in nancy1.
struct HINT : public EngineData {
HINT(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
Common::Array<uint16> numHints;
// Contains data for the slider puzzle. First used in nancy1
struct SPUZ : public EngineData {
SPUZ(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
Common::Array<Common::Array<Common::Array<int16>>> tileOrder;
// Contains data for the clock UI that appears at the bottom left of the screen (top left in TVD)
// Not used in nancy1 but still present in the data.
struct CLOK : public EngineData {
CLOK(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
Common::Array<Common::Rect> animSrcs;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> animDests;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> hoursHandSrcs;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> minutesHandSrcs;
Common::Rect screenPosition;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> hoursHandDests;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> minutesHandDests;
Common::Rect staticImageSrc;
Common::Rect staticImageDest;
uint32 timeToKeepOpen = 0;
uint16 frameTime = 0;
bool clockIsDisabled = false;
bool clockIsDay = false; // nancy5 clock
uint32 countdownTime = 0;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> daySrcs;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> countdownSrcs;
Common::Rect disabledSrc; // possibly useless
// Contains data for special effects (fades between scenes/fades to black).
// Introduced in nancy2.
struct SPEC : public EngineData {
SPEC(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
byte fadeToBlackNumFrames;
uint16 fadeToBlackFrameTime;
byte crossDissolveNumFrames;
// Contains data for the raycast puzzle in nancy3. Specifically, this is the
// data for the different "themes" that appear in the 3D space.
struct RCLB : public EngineData {
struct Theme {
Common::String themeName;
Common::Array<uint32> wallIDs;
Common::Array<uint16> exitFloorIDs;
Common::Array<uint16> floorIDs;
Common::Array<uint16> ceilingIDs;
Common::Array<uint32> doorIDs;
Common::Array<uint32> transparentwallIDs;
Common::Array<uint32> objectwallIDs;
Common::Array<uint16> objectWallHeights;
uint16 generalLighting;
uint16 hasLightSwitch;
int16 transparentWallDensity;
int16 objectWallDensity;
int16 doorDensity;
RCLB(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
uint16 lightSwitchID;
uint16 unk2;
Common::Array<Theme> themes;
// Contains data about the raycast puzzle in nancy3. Specifically, this is the
// data for the debug map and the names of the textures to be used when rendering.
struct RCPR : public EngineData {
RCPR(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
Common::Array<Common::Rect> screenViewportSizes;
uint16 viewportSizeUsed;
byte wallColor[3];
byte playerColor[3];
byte doorColor[3];
byte lightSwitchColor[3];
byte exitColor[3];
byte uColor6[3];
byte uColor7[3];
byte uColor8[3];
byte transparentWallColor[3];
byte uColor10[3];
Common::Array<Common::Path> wallNames;
Common::Array<Common::Path> specialWallNames;
Common::Array<Common::Path> ceilingNames;
Common::Array<Common::Path> floorNames;
// Contains the name and dimensions of an image.
struct ImageChunk : public EngineData {
ImageChunk(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
Common::Path imageName;
uint16 width;
uint16 height;
// Contains text data. Every string is tagged with a key via which
// it can be accessed. Used to store dialogue and journal (autotext) strings.
// NOT found inside BOOT; these are stored in their own cifs, the names of which
// can be found inside BSUM. Introduced in nancy6.
struct CVTX : public EngineData {
CVTX(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
Common::HashMap<Common::String, Common::String> texts;
struct TABL : public EngineData {
TABL(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
Common::String soundBaseName;
Common::Array<uint16> startIDs;
Common::Array<uint16> correctIDs;
Common::Array<Common::Rect> srcRects;
Common::Array<Common::String> strings;
struct MARK : public EngineData {
MARK(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunkStream);
Common::Array<Common::Rect> _markSrcs;
} // End of namespace Nancy