mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 05:36:12 +00:00
804 lines
25 KiB
804 lines
25 KiB
use Cwd;
use Switch;
require "BuildPackageUpload_LocalSettings.pl";
# prep some vars
# the dir containing the build files: '.\backends\platforms\symbian\$SDK_BuildDir\'
$SDK_BuildDirs{'UIQ2'} = "UIQ2";
$SDK_BuildDirs{'UIQ3'} = "UIQ3";
$SDK_BuildDirs{'S60v1'} = "S60";
$SDK_BuildDirs{'S60v2'} = "S60";
$SDK_BuildDirs{'S60v3'} = "S60v3";
$SDK_BuildDirs{'S80'} = "S80";
$SDK_BuildDirs{'S90'} = "S90";
# the target name inserted here: 'abld BUILD $SDK_TargetName UREL'
$SDK_TargetName{'UIQ2'} = "armi";
$SDK_TargetName{'UIQ3'} = "gcce";
$SDK_TargetName{'S60v1'}= "armi";
$SDK_TargetName{'S60v2'}= "armi";
$SDK_TargetName{'S60v3'}= "gcce";
$SDK_TargetName{'S80'} = "armi";
$SDK_TargetName{'S90'} = "armi";
# Binaries are installed here: '$SDK_RootDirs\epoc32\release\$SDK_TargetDir\urel\'
$SDK_TargetDir{'UIQ2'} = "armi";
$SDK_TargetDir{'UIQ3'} = "armv5";
$SDK_TargetDir{'S60v1'} = "armi";
$SDK_TargetDir{'S60v2'} = "armi";
$SDK_TargetDir{'S60v3'} = "armv5";
$SDK_TargetDir{'S80'} = "armi";
$SDK_TargetDir{'S90'} = "armi";
$build_dir = getcwd();
$output_dir = "$build_dir/Packages";
$base_dir = getcwd();
$build_log_out = "$build_dir/out.build.out.log"; # don't start these files with "Build"
$build_log_err = "$build_dir/out.build.err.log"; # so "B"+TAB completion works in 1 go :P
$initial_path = $ENV{'PATH'}; # so we can start with a fresh PATH for each Build
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime();
$date = sprintf("%02d%02d%02d", $year-100, $mon+=1, $mday);
$file_tpl_pkg = "scummvm-CVS-Symbian%s.pkg";
$file_tpl_sis = "scummvm-%s-Symbian%s%s.sis";
$version_tpl_sis = "$date"; # "CVS$date"
$PackagesQueued = 0;
$PackagesCreated = 0;
$PackagesUploaded = 0;
@ErrorMessages = ();
$ftp_url = "FTP://$FTP_User\@$FTP_Host/$FTP_Dir/";
# these macros are always defined:
$ExtraMacros .= "MACRO ENABLE_VKEYBD\n";
$ExtraMacros .= "MACRO DISABLE_SCALERS\n";
# prep nice list of SDKs
#while( ($SDK, $RootDir) = each(%SDK_RootDirs) )
foreach $SDK (sort keys(%SDK_RootDirs))
# see if it exists!
if (-d $SDK_RootDirs{$SDK})
$SDKs .= "$SDK\t$SDK_RootDirs{$SDK}\n\t\t\t";
else # missing?
$SDKs .= "$SDK\t$SDK_RootDirs{$SDK}\t[MISSING: Skipping!]\n\t\t\t";
# remove it from array, to prevent building!
delete $SDK_RootDirs{$SDK};
# prep nice list of Libraries
while( ($SDK, $Value) = each(%SDK_LibraryDirs) )
while( ($Library, $Path) = each(%{$SDK_LibraryDirs{$SDK}}) )
# maybe it's already been built?
if (-e $SDK_RootDirs{$SDK}."\\epoc32\\release\\$SDK_TargetDir{$SDK}\\urel\\$Library")
$PresentLibs{$Library} = "$Path [EXISTS: Skipping!]";
delete $SDK_LibraryDirs{$SDK}{$Library};
else # make it!
$PresentLibs{$Library} = "$Path";
foreach $Library (sort keys(%PresentLibs))
$LIBs .= "$Library\t$PresentLibs{$Library}\n\t\t\t";
# prep nice list of Variations
#while( ($SDK, $Value) = each(%SDK_Variations) )
# while( ($Variation, $Value2) = each(%{$SDK_Variations{$SDK}}) )
# {
# $Extra = ($Variation ne '' ? "_$Variation" : "");
# if ($SDK eq "ALL")
# {
# while( ($SDK2, $RootDir) = each(%SDK_RootDirs) )
# {
# if ($SDK_RootDirs{$SDK2} ne '') # is this SDK listed as installed? (fails silently)
# {
# push @Packages, sprintf($file_tpl_sis, $version_tpl_sis, $SDK2, $Extra);
# $PackagesQueued++;
# }
# }
# }
# else
# {
# if ($SDK_RootDirs{$SDK} ne '') # is this SDK listed as installed? (fails silently)
# {
# push @Packages, sprintf($file_tpl_sis, $version_tpl_sis, $SDK, $Extra);
# $PackagesQueued++;
# }
# }
# }
while( ($SDK, $Value) = each(%VariationSets) )
while( ($Variation, $FeaturesBlock) = each(%{$VariationSets{$SDK}}) )
#my $MacroBlock = &MakeMppMacroDefs($FeaturesBlock);
$Extra = ($Variation ne '' ? "_$Variation" : "");
if ($SDK eq "ALL")
while( ($SDK2, $RootDir) = each(%SDK_RootDirs) )
if ($SDK_RootDirs{$SDK2} ne '') # is this SDK listed as installed? (fails silently)
push @Packages, sprintf($file_tpl_sis, $version_tpl_sis, $SDK2, $Extra);
if ($SDK_RootDirs{$SDK} ne '') # is this SDK listed as installed? (fails silently)
push @Packages, sprintf($file_tpl_sis, $version_tpl_sis, $SDK, $Extra);
foreach $Package (sort @Packages)
$PackagesStr .= "$Package\n\t\t\t";
print "
Preparing to Build, Package & Upload $PackagesQueued SymbianOS ScummVM variations
Producer \t$Producer (RedirE:$RedirectSTDERR HaltE:$HaltOnError Skip:$SkipExistingPackages Quiet:$ReallyQuiet)
SDKs inst'd \t$SDKs ".( %SDK_LibraryDirs ? "
LIBs inst'd \t$LIBs " : "" )."
$PackagesQueued Variations \t$PackagesStr
DIR base \t$base_dir
build \t$build_dir
output \t$output_dir
".( $FTP_Host ne '' ? "
FTP host \t$FTP_Host
user \t$FTP_User
pass \t"."*" x length($FTP_Pass)."
dir \t$FTP_Dir
" : "" )."
Press Ctrl-C to abort or enter to continue Build, Package & Upload $PackagesQueued Variations...
$line = <STDIN>;
# make sure the output dir exists!
mkdir($output_dir, 0755) if (! -d $output_dir);
# init _base.mmp now, so we can start changing it without affecting the CVS version _base.mmp.in!
my $name = "mmp/scummvm_base.mmp";
my $file = "$build_dir/$name";
open FILE, "$file.in"; @lines = <FILE>; close FILE;
my $onestr = join("",@lines);
open FILE, ">$file"; print FILE $onestr; close FILE;
# do the actual deeds for all present libs
while( ($SDK, $Value) = each(%SDK_LibraryDirs) )
while( ($Library, $Path) = each(%{$SDK_LibraryDirs{$SDK}}) )
if ($SDK eq "ALL")
while( ($SDK2, $RootDir) = each(%SDK_RootDirs) )
if ($SDK_RootDirs{$SDK2} ne '') # is this SDK listed as installed? (fails silently)
# do we already have this one?
next if (-e $SDK_RootDirs{$SDK2}."\\epoc32\\release\\$SDK_TargetDir{$SDK2}\\urel\\$Library");
DoLibrary($SDK2, $Library, $Path);
if ($SDK_RootDirs{$SDK} ne '') # is this SDK listed as installed? (fails silently)
# do we already have this one?
next if (-e $SDK_RootDirs{$SDK}."\\epoc32\\release\\$SDK_TargetDir{$SDK}\\urel\\$Library");
DoLibrary($SDK, $Library, $Path);
# do the actual deeds for all configured variations
while( ($SDK, $VariationsHash) = each(%SDK_Variations) )
while( ($Variation, $MacroBlock) = each(%{$SDK_Variations{$SDK}}) )
if ($SDK eq "ALL")
while( ($SDK2, $RootDir) = each(%SDK_RootDirs) )
if ($SDK_RootDirs{$SDK2} ne '')
DoVariation($SDK2, $Variation, $MacroBlock);
if ($SDK_RootDirs{$SDK} ne '')
DoVariation($SDK, $Variation, $MacroBlock);
while( ($SDK, $VariationsHash) = each(%VariationSets) )
while( ($Variation, $FeaturesBlock) = each(%{$VariationSets{$SDK}}) )
my $MacroBlock = &MakeMppMacroDefs($FeaturesBlock);
if ($SDK eq "ALL")
while( ($SDK2, $RootDir) = each(%SDK_RootDirs) )
if ($SDK_RootDirs{$SDK2} ne '')
DoVariation($SDK2, $Variation, $MacroBlock);
if ($SDK_RootDirs{$SDK} ne '')
DoVariation($SDK, $Variation, $MacroBlock);
# give report
print "
=======================================================================================".( %SDK_LibraryDirs ? "
Libraries selected: \t$LibrariesQueued
built: \t$LibrariesSucceeded " : "" )."
Packages selected: \t$PackagesQueued $base_dir ".( $PackagesExisted ? "
existed: \t$PackagesExisted $output_dir " : "" )."
created: \t$PackagesCreated $output_dir ".( $FTP_Host ne '' ? "
uploaded: \t$PackagesUploaded $ftp_url " : "" )."
my $count = @ErrorMessages;
if ($count)
print "Hmm, unfortunately some ERRORs have occurred during the process:\n";
foreach $Error (@ErrorMessages)
print "> $Error\n";
print "=======================================================================================\n";
print "\007\007";
# first clean up 'initial path' by removing possible old entries (in case of aborted builds)
#$initial_path_system_cleaned = CleanupPath($initial_path_system);
# show them we cleaned up?
#if ($initial_path_system_cleaned ne $initial_path_system)
# PrintMessage("PATH cleaned up from:\n$initial_path_system\n\nto:\n$initial_path_system_cleaned");
print " SumthinWicked wishes you a ridiculously good and optimally happy day :P\n=======================================================================================";
# create a set of "MACRO xxx" definitions for use in the scummvm_base.mpp file
sub MakeMppMacroDefs
my ($features) = @_;
my %EnabledFeatures = ();
foreach (split(/\W|\r|\n/, $features))
if ($_ ne "")
#print "FEATURE: $_\n";
$EnabledFeatures{$_} = 1;
my $MacroDefs = "";
$MacroDefs .= " // Features //\n";
foreach my $e (sort keys %UseableFeatures)
my $E = uc($e);
if ($EnabledFeatures{$e})
$MacroDefs .= "MACRO USE_$E // LIB:$UseableFeatures{$e}\n";
# this one is used: remove it now
delete $EnabledFeatures{$e};
# this will leave us with a list of unparsed options!
$MacroDefs .= "//MACRO USE_$E\n";
$MacroDefs .= " // Engines //\n";
foreach my $e (sort @EnablableEngines)
my $E = uc($e);
if ($EnabledFeatures{$e})
$MacroDefs .= "MACRO ENABLE_$E // LIB:scummvm_$e.lib\n";
# this one is used: remove it now
delete $EnabledFeatures{$e};
# this will leave us with a list of unparsed options!
$MacroDefs .= "//MACRO ENABLE_$E\n";
$MacroDefs .= " // SubEngines //\n";
foreach my $e (sort @EnablableSubEngines)
my $E = uc($e);
if ($EnabledFeatures{$e})
$MacroDefs .= "MACRO ENABLE_$E\n";
# this one is used: remove it now
delete $EnabledFeatures{$e};
# this will leave us with a list of unparsed options!
$MacroDefs .= "//MACRO ENABLE_$E\n";
#print "\n\n'$features' ==> $MacroDefs\n\n\n";
return $MacroDefs;
# Build, Package & Upload a single Variation
sub DoLibrary
my ($SDK, $Library, $Path) = @_;
my $TargetName = $SDK_TargetName{$SDK};
my $TargetDir = $SDK_TargetDir{$SDK};
my $Target = "$SDK - $Library";
my $TargetFilePath = $SDK_RootDirs{$SDK}."\\epoc32\\release\\$TargetDir\\urel\\$Library";
#my $TargetIntermediatePath = uc($SDK_RootDirs{$SDK}."\\EPOC32\\BUILD\\".substr($Path, 3));
# does this remove too much?
my $TargetIntermediatePath = uc($SDK_RootDirs{$SDK}."\\EPOC32\\BUILD\\");
my $header = "
Preparing to build library $Target
print $header if (!$ReallyQuiet);
open FILE, ">>$build_log_out"; print FILE $header; close FILE;
open FILE, ">>$build_log_err"; print FILE $header; close FILE;
# easy for error-handling:
$CurrentTarget = $Target;
my $OK = 1;
chdir($Path) or $OK=0;
PrintErrorMessage("Changing to $Path failed!") if (!$OK);
return 0 if (!$OK);
PrintMessage("Cleaning for $Target") if (!$ReallyQuiet);
system("bldmake bldfiles > NUL 2> NUL");
PrintErrorMessage("'bldmake bldfiles' exited with value " . ($? >> 8)) if ($? >> 8);
system("abld MAKEFILE $TargetName > NUL 2> NUL");
PrintErrorMessage("'abld MAKEFILE $TargetName' exited with value " . ($? >> 8)) if ($? >> 8);
system("abld CLEAN $TargetName UREL > NUL 2> NUL");
PrintErrorMessage("'abld CLEAN $TargetName urel' exited with value " . ($? >> 8)) if ($? >> 8);
# remove file so we are sure that after .lib generation we have a fresh copy!
if (-e $TargetFilePath) { unlink($TargetFilePath) or PrintErrorMessage("Removing $TargetFilePath"); }
my $Redirection = "OUT:file, ERR:".($RedirectSTDERR ? "file" : "screen");
my $Message = "Building $Target ($Redirection)";
PrintMessage($Message) if (!$ReallyQuiet);
print(" $Message\n") if ($ReallyQuiet);
my $OldSize = (-s $build_log_err);
$Redirection = ($RedirectSTDERR ? "2>> $build_log_err" : "");
system("abld TARGET $TargetName UREL $Redirection >> $build_log_out");
$OK = 0 if ($? >> 8);
# print " STDERR: ".((-s $build_log_err)-$OldSize)." bytes output written to $build_log_err\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" if ($OldSize != (-s $build_log_err));
PrintErrorMessage("'abld TARGET $TargetName UREL' exited with value " . ($? >> 8)) if ($? >> 8);
return 0 if (!$OK); # ABLD always returns ok :( grr
PrintMessage("Done.") if (!$ReallyQuiet);
# did it work? :)
if (-e $TargetFilePath)
if ($TargetIntermediatePath ne '' && $TargetIntermediatePath =~ /\\EPOC32\\BUILD\\/i) # make really sure it's a valid path!
system("del /S /Q $TargetIntermediatePath > NUL");
return 1;
PrintErrorMessage("'abld TARGET $TargetName UREL' apparently failed.");
if ($HaltOnError)
PrintErrorMessage("Halting on error as requested!");
exit 1;
return 0;
# Build, Package & Upload a single Variation
sub DoVariation
my ($SDK, $Variation, $MacroBlock) = @_;
my $Extra = ($Variation ne '' ? "_$Variation" : "");
my $Package = sprintf($file_tpl_sis, $version_tpl_sis, $SDK, $Extra);
if ($SkipExistingPackages && -f "$output_dir/$Package")
PrintMessage("Skipping $Package (already exists!)");
my $header = "
Preparing to build $Package
print $header if (!$ReallyQuiet);
open FILE, ">>$build_log_out"; print FILE $header; close FILE;
open FILE, ">>$build_log_err"; print FILE $header; close FILE;
# easy for error-handling:
$CurrentTarget = $Package;
my $OK;
$OK = PrepVariation($SDK, $Variation, $Package, $MacroBlock);
if ($OK)
$OK = BuildVariation($SDK, $Variation, $Package, $MacroBlock);
if ($OK && $FTP_Host ne '')
UploadVariation($SDK, $Variation, $Package);
sub PrepVariation()
my ($SDK, $Variation, $Package, $MacroBlock) = @_;
my $OK = 1;
chdir($build_dir) or $OK=0;
PrintErrorMessage("Changing to $build_dir failed!") if (!$OK);
return 0 if (!$OK);
# insert $MacroBlock into AUTO_MACRO_MASTER in scummvm_base.mmp
PrintMessage("Setting new AUTO_MACROS_MASTER in scummvm_base.mmp for '$Variation'") if (!$ReallyQuiet);
my $a = "\/\/START_$n\/\/";
my $b = "\/\/STOP_$n\/\/";
my $name = "scummvm_base.mmp";
my $file = "$build_dir/mmp/$name";
my $updated = " Updated @ ".localtime();
open FILE, "$file" or $OK=0;
PrintErrorMessage("Reading file '$file'") if (!$OK);
return 0 if (!$OK);
my @lines = <FILE>;
close FILE;
my $onestr = join("",@lines);
$MacroBlock =~ s/^\s*//gm;
$onestr =~ s/$a(.*)$b/$a$updated\n$ExtraMacros$MacroBlock$b/s;
open FILE, ">$file" or $OK=0;
PrintErrorMessage("Writing file '$file'") if (!$OK);
return 0 if (!$OK);
print FILE $onestr;
close FILE;
# running AdaptAllMMPs.pl to propagate changes
PrintMessage("Running AdaptAllMMPs.pl to propagate MACRO changes") if (!$ReallyQuiet);
system("perl AdaptAllMMPs.pl > NUL");
$OK = 0 if ($? >> 8);
PrintErrorMessage("'AdaptAllMMPs.pl' exited with value " . ($? >> 8)) if ($? >> 8);
return 0 if (!$OK);
# we are here: so all is ok :)
return 1;
sub BuildVariation()
my ($SDK, $Variation, $Package, $MacroBlock) = @_;
my $TargetName = $SDK_TargetName{$SDK};
my $TargetDir = $SDK_TargetDir{$SDK};
my $OK = 1;
my $dir = $build_dir."/".$SDK_BuildDirs{$SDK};
$dir =~ s#/#\\#g;
#my $TargetIntermediatePath = uc($SDK_RootDirs{$SDK}."\\EPOC32\\BUILD\\".substr($dir, 3));
# does this remove too much?
my $TargetIntermediatePath = uc($SDK_RootDirs{$SDK}."\\EPOC32\\BUILD\\");
PrintMessage("Cleaning for $Package") if (!$ReallyQuiet);
# remove some files so we are sure that after .sis package generation we have a fresh copy!
my $UnlinkFile = "$output_dir/$Package";
if (-e $UnlinkFile) { unlink($UnlinkFile) or PrintErrorMessage("Removing $UnlinkFile"); }
$UnlinkFile = $SDK_RootDirs{$SDK}."/epoc32/release/$TargetDir/urel/ScummVM.app";
if (-e $UnlinkFile) { unlink($UnlinkFile) or PrintErrorMessage("Removing $UnlinkFile"); }
$UnlinkFile = $SDK_RootDirs{$SDK}."/epoc32/release/$TargetDir/urel/ScummVM.exe";
if (-e $UnlinkFile) { unlink($UnlinkFile) or PrintErrorMessage("Removing $UnlinkFile"); }
# remove all libs here, note they are in another dir!
system("del ".$SDK_RootDirs{$SDK}."/epoc32/release/$TargetName/urel/scummvm_*.lib");
system("bldmake bldfiles 2> NUL > NUL");
PrintErrorMessage("'bldmake bldfiles' exited with value " . ($? >> 8)) if ($? >> 8);
system("abld CLEAN $TargetName UREL 2> NUL > NUL");
PrintErrorMessage("'abld CLEAN $TargetName UREL' exited with value " . ($? >> 8)) if ($? >> 8);
my $Redirection = "OUT:file, ERR:".($RedirectSTDERR ? "file" : "screen");
my $Message = "Building $Package ($Redirection)";
PrintMessage($Message) if (!$ReallyQuiet);
print(" $Message\n") if ($ReallyQuiet);
my $OldSize = (-s $build_log_err);
$Redirection = ($RedirectSTDERR ? "2>> $build_log_err" : "");
system("abld BUILD $TargetName UREL $Redirection >> $build_log_out");
$OK = 0 if ($? >> 8);
print " STDERR: ".((-s $build_log_err)-$OldSize)." bytes output written to $build_log_err\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" if ($OldSize != (-s $build_log_err) && !$ReallyQuiet);
PrintErrorMessage("'abld BUILD $TargetName UREL' exited with value " . ($? >> 8)) if ($? >> 8);
return 0 if (!$OK); # ABLD always returns ok :( grr
PrintMessage("Done.") if (!$ReallyQuiet);
# do we have an override suffix for the package name?
$MacroBlock =~ /^\s*\/\/\s*PKG_SUFFIX:\s*(\w+)\s*/gm; # using '@' as delimiter here instead of '/' for clarity
my $PkgSuffix = $1; # can be ""
my $PkgFile = sprintf($file_tpl_pkg, $SDK.$PkgSuffix);
PrintMessage("Creating package $Package") if (!$ReallyQuiet);
## fix if (!$ReallyQuiet) for next:
system("makesis -d\"".$SDK_RootDirs{$SDK}."\" $PkgFile \"$output_dir/$Package\" $Redirection >> $build_log_out");
$OK = 0 if ($? >> 8);
PrintErrorMessage("'makesis' $PkgFile exited with value " . ($? >> 8)) if (!$OK);
if ($HaltOnError && !$OK)
PrintErrorMessage("Halting on error as requested!");
exit 1;
return 0 if (!$OK);
# did it work? :)
if (-e "$output_dir/$Package")
if ($TargetIntermediatePath ne '' && $TargetIntermediatePath =~ /\\EPOC32\\BUILD\\/i) # make really sure it's a valid path!
#PrintMessage("Cleaning $TargetIntermediatePath");
system("del /S /Q $TargetIntermediatePath > NUL");
return 1;
PrintErrorMessage("'makesis' apparently failed. (?)");
return 0;
sub UploadVariation()
my ($SDK, $Variation, $Package) = @_;
use Net::FTP;
my $newerr;
PrintMessage("Connecting to FTP $FTP_Host") if (!$ReallyQuiet);
$ftp = Net::FTP->new($FTP_Host,Timeout=>240) or $newerr=1;
PrintErrorMessage("Connecting to FTP $FTP_Host! Aborting!") if $newerr;
if (!$newerr)
$ftp->login($FTP_User, $FTP_Pass) or $newerr=1;
PrintErrorMessage("Logging in with $FTP_User to $FTP_Host! Aborting!") if $newerr;
if (!$newerr)
if ($FTP_Dir ne '') # do we need to change dir?
PrintMessage("Changing to dir $FTP_Dir");
$ftp->cwd($FTP_Dir) or $newerr=1;
if ($newerr)
PrintErrorMessage("Changing to dir $FTP_Dir! Aborting!");
# leave this for possible auto-deletion of old files?
# @files = $ftp->dir or $newerr=1;
# push @ERRORS, "Can't get file list $!\n" if $newerr;
# print "Got file list\n";
# foreach(@files) {
# print "$_\n";
# }
PrintMessage("Uploading $Package (".(-s "$output_dir/$Package")." bytes)");
$ftp->put("$output_dir/$Package") or $newerr=1;
PrintErrorMessage("Uploading package! Aborting!") if $newerr;
$PackagesUploaded++ if (!$newerr);
sub PrepSdkPaths()
my ($SDK) = @_;
my $EPOCROOT = $SDK_RootDirs{$SDK};
my $EPOC32RT = "$EPOCROOT\\epoc32";
my $AdditionalPathEntries = "";
my $OK = 1;
# do the directories exist?
if (! -d $EPOCROOT) { PrintErrorMessage("$SDK Directory does not exist: '$EPOCROOT'"); return 0; }
if (! -d $EPOC32RT) { PrintErrorMessage("$SDK Directory does not exist: '$EPOC32RT'"); return 0; }
# set env stuff
PrintMessage("Prepending $SDK specific paths to %PATH%") if (!$ReallyQuiet);
$AdditionalPathEntries .= "$SDK_ToolchainDirs{$SDK};" if ($SDK_ToolchainDirs{$SDK} ne '');
$AdditionalPathEntries .= "$ECompXL_BinDir;" if ($ECompXL_BinDir ne '' && $SDK eq 'UIQ2');
$AdditionalPathEntries .= "$EPOC32RT\\include;";
$AdditionalPathEntries .= "$EPOC32RT\\tools;";
$AdditionalPathEntries .= "$EPOC32RT\\gcc\\bin;";
$ENV{'EPOCROOT'} = substr($EPOCROOT,2)."\\"; # strips drive letter, needs to end with backslash!
$ENV{'PATH'} = "$AdditionalPathEntries$initial_path";
return 1;
sub CleanupPath()
my ($path) = @_;
if ($ECompXL_BinDir ne '')
$path =~ s/\"\Q$ECompXL_BinDir\E\";//g;
while( ($SDK, $RootDir) = each(%SDK_RootDirs) )
if ($SDK_RootDirs{$SDK} ne '')
my $path_component = "\"".$SDK_RootDirs{$SDK}."\\epoc32\\";
$path =~ s/\Q$path_component\E.*?\";//g;
return $path;
sub PrintErrorMessage()
my ($msg) = @_;
# add to array, so we can print it @ the end!
push @ErrorMessages, "$CurrentTarget: $msg";
print "+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
PrintMessage("ERROR: $CurrentTarget: $msg");
print "\007" if (!$HaltOnError);
print "\007\007" if ($HaltOnError); # make more noise if halt-on-error
sub PrintMessage()
my ($msg) = @_;
print "| $msg\n";
print "+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
#$line = <STDIN>;
#print "\e[1,31m> $msg\e[0m\n";