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synced 2025-02-06 02:46:49 +00:00
1166 lines
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1166 lines
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/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#if defined(ENABLE_EOB) || defined(ENABLE_LOL)
#include "kyra/kyra_rpg.h"
#endif // (ENABLE_EOB || ENABLE_LOL)
namespace Kyra {
struct DarkMoonShapeDef {
int16 index;
uint8 x, y, w, h;
struct CreatePartyModButton {
uint8 encodeLabelX;
uint8 encodeLabelY;
uint8 labelW;
uint8 labelH;
uint8 labelX;
uint8 labelY;
uint8 bodyIndex;
uint8 destX;
uint8 destY;
struct EoBRect8 {
uint8 x;
uint8 y;
uint8 w;
uint8 h;
struct EoBChargenButtonDef {
uint8 x;
uint8 y;
uint8 w;
uint8 h;
uint8 keyCode;
struct EoBGuiButtonDef {
uint16 keyCode;
uint16 keyCode2;
uint16 flags;
uint16 x;
uint8 y;
uint16 w;
uint8 h;
uint16 arg;
struct EoBCharacter {
uint8 id;
uint8 flags;
char name[11];
int8 strengthCur;
int8 strengthMax;
int8 strengthExtCur;
int8 strengthExtMax;
int8 intelligenceCur;
int8 intelligenceMax;
int8 wisdomCur;
int8 wisdomMax;
int8 dexterityCur;
int8 dexterityMax;
int8 constitutionCur;
int8 constitutionMax;
int8 charismaCur;
int8 charismaMax;
int16 hitPointsCur;
int16 hitPointsMax;
int8 armorClass;
uint8 disabledSlots;
uint8 raceSex;
uint8 cClass;
uint8 alignment;
int8 portrait;
uint8 food;
uint8 level[3];
uint32 experience[3];
uint8 *faceShape;
int8 mageSpells[80];
int8 clericSpells[80];
uint32 mageSpellsAvailableFlags;
Item inventory[27];
uint32 timers[10];
int8 events[10];
uint8 effectsRemainder[4];
uint32 effectFlags;
uint8 damageTaken;
int8 slotStatus[5];
struct EoBItem {
uint8 nameUnid;
uint8 nameId;
uint8 flags;
int8 icon;
int8 type;
int8 pos;
int16 block;
Item next;
Item prev;
uint8 level;
int8 value;
struct EoBItemType {
uint16 invFlags;
uint16 handFlags;
int8 armorClass;
int8 allowedClasses;
int8 requiredHands;
int8 dmgNumDiceS;
int8 dmgNumPipsS;
int8 dmgIncS;
int8 dmgNumDiceL;
int8 dmgNumPipsL;
int8 dmgIncL;
uint8 unk1;
uint16 extraProperties;
struct SpriteDecoration {
uint8 *shp;
int16 x;
int16 y;
struct EoBMonsterProperty {
int8 armorClass;
int8 hitChance;
int8 level;
uint8 hpDcTimes;
uint8 hpDcPips;
uint8 hpDcBase;
uint8 attacksPerRound;
struct DmgDc {
uint8 times;
uint8 pips;
int8 base;
} dmgDc[3];
uint16 immunityFlags;
uint32 capsFlags;
uint32 typeFlags;
int32 experience;
uint8 u30;
int8 sound1;
int8 sound2;
uint8 numRemoteAttacks;
uint8 remoteWeaponChangeMode;
uint8 numRemoteWeapons;
int8 remoteWeapons[5];
int8 tuResist;
uint8 dmgModifierEvade;
uint8 decorations[3];
struct EoBMonsterInPlay {
uint8 type;
uint8 unit;
uint16 block;
uint8 pos;
int8 dir;
uint8 animStep;
uint8 shpIndex;
int8 mode;
int8 f_9;
int8 curAttackFrame;
int8 spellStatusLeft;
int16 hitPointsMax;
int16 hitPointsCur;
uint16 dest;
uint16 randItem;
uint16 fixedItem;
uint8 flags;
uint8 idleAnimState;
uint8 curRemoteWeapon;
uint8 numRemoteAttacks;
int8 palette;
uint8 directionChanged;
uint8 stepsTillRemoteAttack;
uint8 sub;
struct ScriptTimer {
uint16 func;
uint16 ticks;
uint32 next;
struct EoBMenuDef {
int8 titleStrId;
uint8 dim;
uint8 firstButtonStrId;
int8 numButtons;
int8 titleCol;
struct EoBMenuButtonDef {
int8 labelId;
int16 x;
int8 y;
uint8 width;
uint8 height;
int16 keyCode;
int16 flags;
class EoBInfProcessor;
class EoBCoreEngine : public KyraRpgEngine {
friend class TextDisplayer_rpg;
friend class GUI_EoB;
friend class Debugger_EoB;
friend class EoBInfProcessor;
friend class DarkmoonSequenceHelper;
friend class CharacterGenerator;
friend class TransferPartyWiz;
EoBCoreEngine(OSystem *system, const GameFlags &flags);
virtual ~EoBCoreEngine();
virtual void initKeymap();
Screen *screen() { return _screen; }
GUI *gui() const { return _gui; }
// Startup
virtual Common::Error init();
Common::Error go();
// Main Menu, Intro, Finale
virtual int mainMenu() = 0;
virtual void seq_xdeath() {}
virtual void seq_playFinale() = 0;
bool _playFinale;
//Init, config
void loadItemsAndDecorationsShapes();
void releaseItemsAndDecorationsShapes();
void initButtonData();
void initMenus();
void initStaticResource();
virtual void initSpells();
void registerDefaultSettings();
void readSettings();
void writeSettings();
const uint8 **_largeItemShapes;
const uint8 **_smallItemShapes;
const uint8 **_thrownItemShapes;
const int _numLargeItemShapes;
const int _numSmallItemShapes;
const int _numThrownItemShapes;
const int _numItemIconShapes;
const uint8 **_spellShapes;
const uint8 **_firebeamShapes;
const uint8 *_redSplatShape;
const uint8 *_greenSplatShape;
const uint8 **_wallOfForceShapes;
const uint8 **_teleporterShapes;
const uint8 **_sparkShapes;
const uint8 *_deadCharShape;
const uint8 *_disabledCharGrid;
const uint8 *_blackBoxSmallGrid;
const uint8 *_weaponSlotGrid;
const uint8 *_blackBoxWideGrid;
const uint8 *_lightningColumnShape;
uint8 *_itemsOverlay;
static const uint8 _itemsOverlayCGA[];
static const uint8 _teleporterShapeDefs[];
static const uint8 _wallOfForceShapeDefs[];
const char *const *_mainMenuStrings;
// Main loop
virtual void startupNew();
virtual void startupLoad() = 0;
void runLoop();
void update() { screen()->updateScreen(); }
bool checkPartyStatus(bool handleDeath);
bool _runFlag;
// Character generation / party transfer
bool startCharacterGeneration();
bool startPartyTransfer();
uint8 **_faceShapes;
static const int8 _characterClassType[];
static const uint8 _hpIncrPerLevel[];
static const uint8 _numLevelsPerClass[];
static const int16 _hpConstModifiers[];
static const uint8 _charClassModifier[];
const uint8 *_classModifierFlags;
// timers
void setupTimers();
void setCharEventTimer(int charIndex, uint32 countdown, int evnt, int updateExistingTimer);
void deleteCharEventTimer(int charIndex, int evnt);
void setupCharacterTimers();
void advanceTimers(uint32 millis);
void timerProcessMonsters(int timerNum);
void timerSpecialCharacterUpdate(int timerNum);
void timerProcessFlyingObjects(int timerNum);
void timerProcessCharacterExchange(int timerNum);
void timerUpdateTeleporters(int timerNum);
void timerUpdateFoodStatus(int timerNum);
void timerUpdateMonsterIdleAnim(int timerNum);
uint8 getClock2Timer(int index) { return index < _numClock2Timers ? _clock2Timers[index] : 0; }
uint8 getNumClock2Timers() { return _numClock2Timers; }
static const uint8 _clock2Timers[];
static const uint8 _numClock2Timers;
int32 _restPartyElapsedTime;
// Mouse
void setHandItem(Item itemIndex);
// Characters
int getDexterityArmorClassModifier(int dexterity);
int generateCharacterHitpointsByLevel(int charIndex, int levelIndex);
int getClassAndConstHitpointsModifier(int cclass, int constitution);
int getCharacterClassType(int cclass, int levelIndex);
int getModifiedHpLimits(int hpModifier, int constModifier, int level, bool mode);
Common::String getCharStrength(int str, int strExt);
int testCharacter(int16 index, int flags);
int getNextValidCharIndex(int curCharIndex, int searchStep);
void recalcArmorClass(int index);
int validateWeaponSlotItem(int index, int slot);
int getClericPaladinLevel(int index);
int getMageLevel(int index);
int getCharacterLevelIndex(int type, int cClass);
int countCharactersWithSpecificItems(int16 itemType, int16 itemValue);
int checkInventoryForItem(int character, int16 itemType, int16 itemValue);
void modifyCharacterHitpoints(int character, int16 points);
void neutralizePoison(int character);
void npcSequence(int npcIndex);
virtual void drawNpcScene(int npcIndex) = 0;
virtual void runNpcDialogue(int npcIndex) = 0;
void initNpc(int npcIndex);
int npcJoinDialogue(int npcIndex, int queryJoinTextId, int confirmJoinTextId, int noJoinTextId);
int prepareForNewPartyMember(int16 itemType, int16 itemValue);
void dropCharacter(int charIndex);
void removeCharacterFromParty(int charIndex);
void exchangeCharacters(int charIndex1, int charIndex2);
void increasePartyExperience(int16 points);
void increaseCharacterExperience(int charIndex, int32 points);
uint32 getRequiredExperience(int cClass, int levelIndex, int level);
void increaseCharacterLevel(int charIndex, int levelIndex);
void setWeaponSlotStatus(int charIndex, int mode, int slot);
EoBCharacter *_characters;
Common::String _strenghtStr;
int _castScrollSlot;
int _exchangeCharacterId;
const char *const *_levelGainStrings;
const uint32 *_expRequirementTables[6];
const uint8 *_saveThrowTables[6];
const uint8 *_saveThrowLevelIndex;
const uint8 *_saveThrowModDiv;
const uint8 *_saveThrowModExt;
const EoBCharacter *_npcPreset;
int _npcSequenceSub;
bool _partyResting;
bool _loading;
// Items
void loadItemDefs();
Item duplicateItem(Item itemIndex);
void setItemPosition(Item *itemQueue, int block, Item item, int pos);
Item createItemOnCurrentBlock(Item itemIndex);
void createInventoryItem(EoBCharacter *c, Item itemIndex, int16 itemValue, int preferedInventorySlot);
int deleteInventoryItem(int charIndex, int slot);
void deleteBlockItem(uint16 block, int type);
int validateInventorySlotForItem(Item item, int charIndex, int slot);
int stripPartyItems(int16 itemType, int16 itemValue, int handleValueMode, int numItems);
bool deletePartyItems(int16 itemType, int16 itemValue);
virtual void updateUsedCharacterHandItem(int charIndex, int slot) = 0;
int itemUsableByCharacter(int charIndex, Item item);
int countQueuedItems(Item itemQueue, int16 id, int16 type, int count, int includeFlyingItems);
int getQueuedItem(Item *items, int pos, int id);
void printFullItemName(Item item);
void identifyQueuedItems(Item itemQueue);
void drawItemIconShape(int pageNum, Item itemId, int x, int y);
bool isMagicEffectItem(Item itemIndex);
bool checkInventoryForRings(int charIndex, int itemValue);
void eatItemInHand(int charIndex);
bool launchObject(int charIndex, Item item, uint16 startBlock, int startPos, int dir, int type);
void launchMagicObject(int charIndex, int type, uint16 startBlock, int startPos, int dir);
bool updateObjectFlight(EoBFlyingObject *fo, int block, int pos);
bool updateFlyingObjectHitTest(EoBFlyingObject *fo, int block, int pos);
void explodeObject(EoBFlyingObject *fo, int block, Item item);
void endObjectFlight(EoBFlyingObject *fo);
void checkFlyingObjects();
void reloadWeaponSlot(int charIndex, int slotIndex, int itemType, int arrowOrDagger);
EoBItem *_items;
uint16 _numItems;
EoBItemType *_itemTypes;
char **_itemNames;
uint16 _numItemNames;
uint32 _partyEffectFlags;
Item _lastUsedItem;
const uint16 *_slotValidationFlags;
const int8 *_projectileWeaponAmmoTypes;
const uint8 *_wandTypes;
EoBFlyingObject *_flyingObjects;
const uint8 *_drawObjPosIndex;
const uint8 *_flightObjFlipIndex;
const int8 *_flightObjShpMap;
const int8 *_flightObjSclIndex;
const uint8 *_expObjectTlMode;
const uint8 *_expObjectTblIndex;
const uint8 *_expObjectShpStart;
const uint8 *_expObjectAnimTbl1;
int _expObjectAnimTbl1Size;
const uint8 *_expObjectAnimTbl2;
int _expObjectAnimTbl2Size;
const uint8 *_expObjectAnimTbl3;
int _expObjectAnimTbl3Size;
// Monsters
void loadMonsterShapes(const char *filename, int monsterIndex, bool hasDecorations, int encodeTableIndex);
void releaseMonsterShapes(int first, int num);
virtual void generateMonsterPalettes(const char *file, int16 monsterIndex) {}
virtual void loadMonsterDecoration(const char *file, int16 monsterIndex) {}
const uint8 *loadMonsterProperties(const uint8 *data);
const uint8 *loadActiveMonsterData(const uint8 *data, int level);
void initMonster(int index, int unit, uint16 block, int pos, int dir, int type, int shpIndex, int mode, int i, int randItem, int fixedItem);
void placeMonster(EoBMonsterInPlay *m, uint16 block, int dir);
virtual void replaceMonster(int b, uint16 block, int pos, int dir, int type, int shpIndex, int mode, int h2, int randItem, int fixedItem) = 0;
void killMonster(EoBMonsterInPlay *m, bool giveExperience);
virtual bool killMonsterExtra(EoBMonsterInPlay *m) = 0;
int countSpecificMonsters(int type);
void updateAttackingMonsterFlags();
const int8 *getMonstersOnBlockPositions(uint16 block);
int getClosestMonster(int charIndex, int block);
bool blockHasMonsters(uint16 block);
bool isMonsterOnPos(EoBMonsterInPlay *m, uint16 block, int pos, int checkPos4);
const int16 *findBlockMonsters(uint16 block, int pos, int dir, int blockDamage, int singleTargetCheckAdjacent);
void drawBlockObject(int flipped, int page, const uint8 *shape, int x, int y, int sd, uint8 *ovl = 0);
void drawMonsterShape(const uint8 *shape, int x, int y, int flipped, int flags, int palIndex);
void flashMonsterShape(EoBMonsterInPlay *m);
void updateAllMonsterShapes();
void drawBlockItems(int index);
void drawDoor(int index);
virtual void drawDoorIntern(int type, int index, int x, int y, int w, int wall, int mDim, int16 y1, int16 y2) = 0;
void drawMonsters(int index);
void drawWallOfForce(int index);
void drawFlyingObjects(int index);
void drawTeleporter(int index);
void updateMonsters(int unit);
void updateMonsterDest(EoBMonsterInPlay *m);
void updateMonsterAttackMode(EoBMonsterInPlay *m);
void updateAllMonsterDests();
void turnFriendlyMonstersHostile();
int getNextMonsterDirection(int curBlock, int destBlock);
int getNextMonsterPos(EoBMonsterInPlay *m, int block);
int findFreeMonsterPos(int block, int size);
void updateMoveMonster(EoBMonsterInPlay *m);
bool updateMonsterTryDistanceAttack(EoBMonsterInPlay *m);
bool updateMonsterTryCloseAttack(EoBMonsterInPlay *m, int block);
void walkMonster(EoBMonsterInPlay *m, int destBlock);
bool walkMonsterNextStep(EoBMonsterInPlay *m, int destBlock, int direction);
void updateMonsterFollowPath(EoBMonsterInPlay *m, int turnSteps);
void updateMonstersStraying(EoBMonsterInPlay *m, int a);
void updateMonstersSpellStatus(EoBMonsterInPlay *m);
void setBlockMonsterDirection(int block, int dir);
uint8 *_monsterFlashOverlay;
uint8 *_monsterStoneOverlay;
SpriteDecoration *_monsterDecorations;
EoBMonsterProperty *_monsterProps;
EoBMonsterInPlay *_monsters;
const int8 *_monsterStepTable0;
const int8 *_monsterStepTable1;
const int8 *_monsterStepTable2;
const int8 *_monsterStepTable3;
const uint8 *_monsterCloseAttPosTable1;
const uint8 *_monsterCloseAttPosTable2;
const int8 *_monsterCloseAttUnkTable;
const uint8 *_monsterCloseAttChkTable1;
const uint8 *_monsterCloseAttChkTable2;
const uint8 *_monsterCloseAttDstTable1;
const uint8 *_monsterCloseAttDstTable2;
const uint8 *_monsterProximityTable;
const uint8 *_findBlockMonstersTable;
const char *const *_monsterDustStrings;
const uint8 *_enemyMageSpellList;
const uint8 *_enemyMageSfx;
const uint8 *_beholderSpellList;
const uint8 *_beholderSfx;
const char *const *_monsterSpecAttStrings;
const int8 *_monsterFrmOffsTable1;
const int8 *_monsterFrmOffsTable2;
const uint16 *_encodeMonsterShpTable;
const uint8 _teleporterWallId;
const int16 *_wallOfForceDsX;
const uint8 *_wallOfForceDsY;
const uint8 *_wallOfForceDsNumW;
const uint8 *_wallOfForceDsNumH;
const uint8 *_wallOfForceShpId;
const int8 *_monsterDirChangeTable;
// Level
void loadLevel(int level, int sub);
void readLevelFileData(int level);
Common::String initLevelData(int sub);
void addLevelItems();
void loadVcnData(const char *file, const uint8 *cgaMapping);
void loadBlockProperties(const char *mazFile);
const uint8 *getBlockFileData(int levelIndex = 0);
Common::String getBlockFileName(int levelIndex, int sub);
const uint8 *getBlockFileData(const char *mazFile);
void loadDecorations(const char *cpsFile, const char *decFile);
void assignWallsAndDecorations(int wallIndex, int vmpIndex, int decDataIndex, int specialType, int flags);
void releaseDecorations();
void releaseDoorShapes();
void toggleWallState(int wall, int flags);
virtual void loadDoorShapes(int doorType1, int shapeId1, int doorType2, int shapeId2) = 0;
virtual const uint8 *loadDoorShapes(const char *filename, int doorIndex, const uint8 *shapeDefs) = 0;
void drawScene(int refresh);
void drawSceneShapes(int start = 0);
void drawDecorations(int index);
int calcNewBlockPositionAndTestPassability(uint16 curBlock, uint16 direction);
void notifyBlockNotPassable();
void moveParty(uint16 block);
int clickedDoorSwitch(uint16 block, uint16 direction);
int clickedDoorPry(uint16 block, uint16 direction);
int clickedDoorNoPry(uint16 block, uint16 direction);
int clickedNiche(uint16 block, uint16 direction);
int specialWallAction(int block, int direction);
void openDoor(int block);
void closeDoor(int block);
int16 _doorType[2];
int16 _noDoorSwitch[2];
EoBRect8 *_levelDecorationRects;
SpriteDecoration *_doorSwitches;
int8 _currentSub;
Common::String _curGfxFile;
Common::String _curBlockFile;
uint32 _drawSceneTimer;
uint32 _flashShapeTimer;
uint32 _envAudioTimer;
uint16 _teleporterPulse;
Common::Array<const int16 *> _dscWallMapping;
const int16 *_dscShapeCoords;
const uint8 *_dscItemPosIndex;
const int16 *_dscItemShpX;
const uint8 *_dscItemScaleIndex;
const uint8 *_dscItemTileIndex;
const uint8 *_dscItemShapeMap;
const uint8 *_dscDoorScaleOffs;
const uint8 *_dscDoorScaleMult1;
const uint8 *_dscDoorScaleMult2;
const uint8 *_dscDoorScaleMult3;
const uint8 *_dscDoorY1;
const uint8 *_dscDoorXE;
const uint8 *_wllFlagPreset;
int _wllFlagPresetSize;
const uint8 *_teleporterShapeCoords;
const int8 *_portalSeq;
// Script
void runLevelScript(int block, int flags);
void setScriptFlags(uint32 flags);
void clearScriptFlags(uint32 flags);
bool checkScriptFlags(uint32 flags);
const uint8 *initScriptTimers(const uint8 *pos);
void updateScriptTimers();
virtual void updateScriptTimersExtra() {}
EoBInfProcessor *_inf;
int _stepCounter;
int _stepsUntilScriptCall;
ScriptTimer _scriptTimers[5];
int _scriptTimersCount;
uint8 _scriptTimersMode;
// Gui
void gui_drawPlayField(bool refresh);
void gui_restorePlayField();
void gui_drawAllCharPortraitsWithStats();
void gui_drawCharPortraitWithStats(int index);
void gui_drawFaceShape(int index);
void gui_drawWeaponSlot(int charIndex, int slot);
void gui_drawWeaponSlotStatus(int x, int y, int status);
void gui_drawHitpoints(int index);
void gui_drawFoodStatusGraph(int index);
void gui_drawHorizontalBarGraph(int x, int y, int w, int h, int32 curVal, int32 maxVal, int col1, int col2);
void gui_drawCharPortraitStatusFrame(int index);
void gui_drawInventoryItem(int slot, int special, int pageNum);
void gui_drawCompass(bool force);
void gui_drawDialogueBox();
void gui_drawSpellbook();
void gui_drawSpellbookScrollArrow(int x, int y, int direction);
void gui_updateSlotAfterScrollUse();
void gui_updateControls();
void gui_toggleButtons();
void gui_setPlayFieldButtons();
void gui_setInventoryButtons();
void gui_setStatsListButtons();
void gui_setSwapCharacterButtons();
void gui_setCastOnWhomButtons();
void gui_initButton(int index, int x = -1, int y = -1, int val = -1);
Button *gui_getButton(Button *buttonList, int index);
int clickedInventoryNextPage(Button *button);
int clickedPortraitRestore(Button *button);
int clickedCharPortraitDefault(Button *button);
int clickedCamp(Button *button);
int clickedSceneDropPickupItem(Button *button);
int clickedCharPortrait2(Button *button);
int clickedWeaponSlot(Button *button);
int clickedCharNameLabelRight(Button *button);
int clickedInventorySlot(Button *button);
int clickedEatItem(Button *button);
int clickedInventoryPrevChar(Button *button);
int clickedInventoryNextChar(Button *button);
int clickedSpellbookTab(Button *button);
int clickedSpellbookList(Button *button);
int clickedCastSpellOnCharacter(Button *button);
int clickedUpArrow(Button *button);
int clickedDownArrow(Button *button);
int clickedLeftArrow(Button *button);
int clickedRightArrow(Button *button);
int clickedTurnLeftArrow(Button *button);
int clickedTurnRightArrow(Button *button);
int clickedAbortCharSwitch(Button *button);
int clickedSceneThrowItem(Button *button);
int clickedSceneSpecial(Button *button);
int clickedSpellbookAbort(Button *button);
int clickedSpellbookScroll(Button *button);
int clickedUnk(Button *button);
void gui_processCharPortraitClick(int index);
void gui_processWeaponSlotClickLeft(int charIndex, int slotIndex);
void gui_processWeaponSlotClickRight(int charIndex, int slotIndex);
void gui_processInventorySlotClick(int slot);
static const uint8 _buttonList1[];
int _buttonList1Size;
static const uint8 _buttonList2[];
int _buttonList2Size;
static const uint8 _buttonList3[];
int _buttonList3Size;
static const uint8 _buttonList4[];
int _buttonList4Size;
static const uint8 _buttonList5[];
int _buttonList5Size;
static const uint8 _buttonList6[];
int _buttonList6Size;
static const uint8 _buttonList7[];
int _buttonList7Size;
static const uint8 _buttonList8[];
int _buttonList8Size;
const EoBGuiButtonDef *_buttonDefs;
const char *const *_characterGuiStringsHp;
const char *const *_characterGuiStringsWp;
const char *const *_characterGuiStringsWr;
const char *const *_characterGuiStringsSt;
const char *const *_characterGuiStringsIn;
const char *const *_characterStatusStrings7;
const char *const *_characterStatusStrings8;
const char *const *_characterStatusStrings9;
const char *const *_characterStatusStrings12;
const char *const *_characterStatusStrings13;
const uint16 *_inventorySlotsX;
const uint8 *_inventorySlotsY;
const uint8 **_compassShapes;
uint8 _charExchangeSwap;
bool _configHpBarGraphs;
// text
void setupDialogueButtons(int presetfirst, int numStr, va_list &args);
void initDialogueSequence();
void restoreAfterDialogueSequence();
void drawSequenceBitmap(const char *file, int destRect, int x1, int y1, int flags);
int runDialogue(int dialogueTextId, int numStr, ...);
char _dialogueLastBitmap[13];
int _moveCounter;
const char *const *_chargenStatStrings;
const char *const *_chargenRaceSexStrings;
const char *const *_chargenClassStrings;
const char *const *_chargenAlignmentStrings;
const char *const *_pryDoorStrings;
const char *const *_warningStrings;
const char *const *_ripItemStrings;
const char *const *_cursedString;
const char *const *_enchantedString;
const char *const *_magicObjectStrings;
const char *const *_magicObjectString5;
const char *const *_patternSuffix;
const char *const *_patternGrFix1;
const char *const *_patternGrFix2;
const char *const *_validateArmorString;
const char *const *_validateCursedString;
const char *const *_validateNoDropString;
const char *const *_potionStrings;
const char *const *_wandStrings;
const char *const *_itemMisuseStrings;
const char *const *_suffixStringsRings;
const char *const *_suffixStringsPotions;
const char *const *_suffixStringsWands;
const char *const *_takenStrings;
const char *const *_potionEffectStrings;
const char *const *_yesNoStrings;
const char *const *_npcMaxStrings;
const char *const *_okStrings;
const char *const *_npcJoinStrings;
const char *const *_cancelStrings;
const char *const *_abortStrings;
// Rest party
void restParty_displayWarning(const char *str);
bool restParty_updateMonsters();
int restParty_getCharacterWithLowestHp();
bool restParty_checkHealSpells(int charIndex);
bool restParty_checkSpellsToLearn();
virtual void restParty_npc() {}
virtual bool restParty_extraAbortCondition();
// misc
void delay(uint32 millis, bool doUpdate = false, bool isMainLoop = false);
void displayParchment(int id);
int countResurrectionCandidates();
void seq_portal();
bool checkPassword();
virtual int resurrectionSelectDialogue() = 0;
virtual void useHorn(int charIndex, int weaponSlot) {}
virtual bool checkPartyStatusExtra() = 0;
virtual void drawLightningColumn() {}
virtual int charSelectDialogue() { return -1; }
virtual void characterLevelGain(int charIndex) {}
Common::Error loadGameState(int slot);
Common::Error saveGameStateIntern(int slot, const char *saveName, const Graphics::Surface *thumbnail);
const uint8 *_cgaMappingDefault;
const uint8 *_cgaMappingAlt;
const uint8 *_cgaMappingInv;
const uint8 *_cgaMappingItemsL;
const uint8 *_cgaMappingItemsS;
const uint8 *_cgaMappingThrown;
const uint8 *_cgaMappingIcons;
const uint8 *_cgaMappingDeco;
const uint8 *_cgaMappingLevel[5];
const uint8 *_cgaLevelMappingIndex;
bool _enableHiResDithering;
// Default parameters will import all present original save files and push them to the top of the save dialog.
bool importOriginalSaveFile(int destSlot, const char *sourceFile = 0);
Common::String readOriginalSaveFile(Common::String &file);
bool saveAsOriginalSaveFile(int slot = -1);
void *generateMonsterTempData(LevelTempData *tmp);
void restoreMonsterTempData(LevelTempData *tmp);
void releaseMonsterTempData(LevelTempData *tmp);
void *generateWallOfForceTempData(LevelTempData *tmp);
void restoreWallOfForceTempData(LevelTempData *tmp);
void releaseWallOfForceTempData(LevelTempData *tmp);
const char *const *_saveLoadStrings;
const uint8 *_mnDef;
const char *const *_mnWord;
const char *const *_mnPrompt;
int _mnNumWord;
int _rrCount;
const char *_rrNames[10];
int8 _rrId[10];
bool _allowSkip;
bool _allowImport;
Screen_EoB *_screen;
GUI_EoB *_gui;
// fight
void useSlotWeapon(int charIndex, int slotIndex, Item item);
int closeDistanceAttack(int charIndex, Item item);
int thrownAttack(int charIndex, int slotIndex, Item item);
int projectileWeaponAttack(int charIndex, Item item);
void inflictMonsterDamage(EoBMonsterInPlay *m, int damage, bool giveExperience);
void calcAndInflictMonsterDamage(EoBMonsterInPlay *m, int times, int pips, int offs, int flags, int savingThrowType, int savingThrowEffect);
void calcAndInflictCharacterDamage(int charIndex, int times, int itemOrPips, int useStrModifierOrBase, int flags, int savingThrowType, int savingThrowEffect);
int calcCharacterDamage(int charIndex, int times, int itemOrPips, int useStrModifierOrBase, int flags, int savingThrowType, int damageType) ;
void inflictCharacterDamage(int charIndex, int damage);
bool characterAttackHitTest(int charIndex, int monsterIndex, int item, int attackType);
bool monsterAttackHitTest(EoBMonsterInPlay *m, int charIndex);
bool flyingObjectMonsterHit(EoBFlyingObject *fo, int monsterIndex);
bool flyingObjectPartyHit(EoBFlyingObject *fo);
void monsterCloseAttack(EoBMonsterInPlay *m);
void monsterSpellCast(EoBMonsterInPlay *m, int type);
void statusAttack(int charIndex, int attackStatusFlags, const char *attackStatusString, int savingThrowType, uint32 effectDuration, int restoreEvent, int noRefresh);
int calcMonsterDamage(EoBMonsterInPlay *m, int times, int pips, int offs, int flags, int savingThrowType, int savingThrowEffect);
int calcDamageModifers(int charIndex, EoBMonsterInPlay *m, int item, int itemType, int useStrModifier);
bool trySavingThrow(void *target, int hpModifier, int level, int type, int race);
bool specialAttackSavingThrow(int charIndex, int type);
int getSaveThrowModifier(int hpModifier, int level, int type);
bool calcDamageCheckItemType(int itemType);
int savingThrowReduceDamage(int savingThrowEffect, int damage);
bool tryMonsterAttackEvasion(EoBMonsterInPlay *m);
int getStrHitChanceModifier(int charIndex);
int getStrDamageModifier(int charIndex);
int getDexHitChanceModifier(int charIndex);
int getMonsterAcHitChanceModifier(int charIndex, int monsterAc);
void explodeMonster(EoBMonsterInPlay *m);
int _dstMonsterIndex;
bool _preventMonsterFlash;
int16 _foundMonstersArray[5];
int8 _monsterBlockPosArray[6];
// magic
void useMagicBookOrSymbol(int charIndex, int type);
void useMagicScroll(int charIndex, int type, int weaponSlot);
void usePotion(int charIndex, int weaponSlot);
void useWand(int charIndex, int weaponSlot);
virtual void turnUndeadAuto() {}
virtual void turnUndeadAutoHit() {}
void castSpell(int spell, int weaponSlot);
void removeCharacterEffect(int spell, int charIndex, int showWarning);
void removeAllCharacterEffects(int charIndex);
void castOnWhomDialogue();
void startSpell(int spell);
void sparkEffectDefensive(int charIndex);
void sparkEffectOffensive();
void setSpellEventTimer(int spell, int timerBaseFactor, int timerLength, int timerLevelFactor, int updateExistingTimer);
void sortCharacterSpellList(int charIndex);
bool magicObjectDamageHit(EoBFlyingObject *fo, int dcTimes, int dcPips, int dcOffs, int level);
bool magicObjectStatusHit(EoBMonsterInPlay *m, int type, bool tryEvade, int mod);
bool turnUndeadHit(EoBMonsterInPlay *m, int hitChance, int casterLevel);
void causeWounds(int dcTimes, int dcPips, int dcOffs);
int getMagicWeaponSlot(int charIndex);
int createMagicWeaponType(int invFlags, int handFlags, int armorClass, int allowedClasses, int dmgNum, int dmgPips, int dmgInc, int extraProps);
Item createMagicWeaponItem(int flags, int icon, int value, int type);
void removeMagicWeaponItem(Item item);
void updateWallOfForceTimers();
void destroyWallOfForce(int index);
int findSingleSpellTarget(int dist);
int findFirstCharacterSpellTarget();
int findNextCharacterSpellTarget(int curCharIndex);
int charDeathSavingThrow(int charIndex, int div);
void printWarning(const char *str);
void printNoEffectWarning();
void spellCallback_start_empty() {}
bool spellCallback_end_empty(void *) { return true; }
void spellCallback_start_armor();
void spellCallback_start_burningHands();
void spellCallback_start_detectMagic();
bool spellCallback_end_detectMagic(void *);
void spellCallback_start_magicMissile();
bool spellCallback_end_magicMissile(void *obj);
void spellCallback_start_shockingGrasp();
bool spellCallback_end_shockingGraspFlameBlade(void *obj);
void spellCallback_start_improvedIdentify();
void spellCallback_start_melfsAcidArrow();
bool spellCallback_end_melfsAcidArrow(void *obj);
void spellCallback_start_dispelMagic();
void spellCallback_start_fireball();
bool spellCallback_end_fireball(void *obj);
void spellCallback_start_flameArrow();
bool spellCallback_end_flameArrow(void *obj);
void spellCallback_start_holdPerson();
bool spellCallback_end_holdPerson(void *obj);
void spellCallback_start_lightningBolt();
bool spellCallback_end_lightningBolt(void *obj);
void spellCallback_start_vampiricTouch();
bool spellCallback_end_vampiricTouch(void *obj);
void spellCallback_start_fear();
void spellCallback_start_iceStorm();
bool spellCallback_end_iceStorm(void *obj);
void spellCallback_start_stoneSkin();
void spellCallback_start_removeCurse();
void spellCallback_start_coneOfCold();
void spellCallback_start_holdMonster();
bool spellCallback_end_holdMonster(void *obj);
void spellCallback_start_wallOfForce();
void spellCallback_start_disintegrate();
void spellCallback_start_fleshToStone();
void spellCallback_start_stoneToFlesh();
void spellCallback_start_trueSeeing();
bool spellCallback_end_trueSeeing(void *);
void spellCallback_start_slayLiving();
void spellCallback_start_powerWordStun();
void spellCallback_start_causeLightWounds();
void spellCallback_start_cureLightWounds();
void spellCallback_start_aid();
bool spellCallback_end_aid(void *obj);
void spellCallback_start_flameBlade();
void spellCallback_start_slowPoison();
bool spellCallback_end_slowPoison(void *obj);
void spellCallback_start_createFood();
void spellCallback_start_removeParalysis();
void spellCallback_start_causeSeriousWounds();
void spellCallback_start_cureSeriousWounds();
void spellCallback_start_neutralizePoison();
void spellCallback_start_causeCriticalWounds();
void spellCallback_start_cureCriticalWounds();
void spellCallback_start_flameStrike();
bool spellCallback_end_flameStrike(void *obj);
void spellCallback_start_raiseDead();
void spellCallback_start_harm();
void spellCallback_start_heal();
void spellCallback_start_layOnHands();
void spellCallback_start_turnUndead();
bool spellCallback_end_monster_lightningBolt(void *obj);
bool spellCallback_end_monster_fireball1(void *obj);
bool spellCallback_end_monster_fireball2(void *obj);
bool spellCallback_end_monster_deathSpell(void *obj);
bool spellCallback_end_monster_disintegrate(void *obj);
bool spellCallback_end_monster_causeCriticalWounds(void *obj);
bool spellCallback_end_monster_fleshToStone(void *obj);
int8 _openBookSpellLevel;
int8 _openBookSpellSelectedItem;
int8 _openBookSpellListOffset;
uint8 _openBookChar;
uint8 _openBookType;
uint8 _openBookCharBackup;
uint8 _openBookTypeBackup;
uint8 _openBookCasterLevel;
const char *const *_openBookSpellList;
int8 *_openBookAvailableSpells;
uint8 _activeSpellCharId;
uint8 _activeSpellCharacterPos;
int _activeSpell;
int _characterSpellTarget;
bool _returnAfterSpellCallback;
typedef void (EoBCoreEngine::*SpellStartCallback)();
typedef bool (EoBCoreEngine::*SpellEndCallback)(void *obj);
struct EoBSpell {
const char *name;
SpellStartCallback startCallback;
uint16 flags;
const uint16 *timingPara;
SpellEndCallback endCallback;
uint8 sound;
uint32 effectFlags;
uint16 damageFlags;
EoBSpell *_spells;
int _numSpells;
struct WallOfForce {
uint16 block;
uint32 duration;
WallOfForce *_wallsOfForce;
const char *const *_bookNumbers;
const char *const *_mageSpellList;
int _mageSpellListSize;
int _clericSpellOffset;
const char *const *_clericSpellList;
const char *const *_spellNames;
const char *const *_magicStrings1;
const char *const *_magicStrings2;
const char *const *_magicStrings3;
const char *const *_magicStrings4;
const char *const *_magicStrings6;
const char *const *_magicStrings7;
const char *const *_magicStrings8;
uint8 *_spellAnimBuffer;
const uint8 *_sparkEffectDefSteps;
const uint8 *_sparkEffectDefSubSteps;
const uint8 *_sparkEffectDefShift;
const uint8 *_sparkEffectDefAdd;
const uint8 *_sparkEffectDefX;
const uint8 *_sparkEffectDefY;
const uint32 *_sparkEffectOfFlags1;
const uint32 *_sparkEffectOfFlags2;
const uint8 *_sparkEffectOfShift;
const uint8 *_sparkEffectOfX;
const uint8 *_sparkEffectOfY;
const uint8 *_magicFlightObjectProperties;
const uint8 *_turnUndeadEffect;
const uint8 *_burningHandsDest;
const int8 *_coneOfColdDest1;
const int8 *_coneOfColdDest2;
const int8 *_coneOfColdDest3;
const int8 *_coneOfColdDest4;
const uint8 *_coneOfColdGfxTbl;
int _coneOfColdGfxTblSize;
// Menu
EoBMenuDef *_menuDefs;
const EoBMenuButtonDef *_menuButtonDefs;
bool _configMouse;
const char *const *_menuStringsMain;
const char *const *_menuStringsSaveLoad;
const char *const *_menuStringsOnOff;
const char *const *_menuStringsSpells;
const char *const *_menuStringsRest;
const char *const *_menuStringsDrop;
const char *const *_menuStringsExit;
const char *const *_menuStringsStarve;
const char *const *_menuStringsScribe;
const char *const *_menuStringsDrop2;
const char *const *_menuStringsHead;
const char *const *_menuStringsPoison;
const char *const *_menuStringsMgc;
const char *const *_menuStringsPrefs;
const char *const *_menuStringsRest2;
const char *const *_menuStringsRest3;
const char *const *_menuStringsRest4;
const char *const *_menuStringsDefeat;
const char *_errorSlotEmptyString;
const char *_errorSlotNoNameString;
const char *_menuOkString;
const char *const *_menuStringsTransfer;
const char *const *_transferStringsScummVM;
const char *const *_menuStringsSpec;
const char *const *_menuStringsSpellNo;
const char *const *_menuYesNoStrings;
const uint8 *_spellLevelsMage;
int _spellLevelsMageSize;
const uint8 *_spellLevelsCleric;
int _spellLevelsClericSize;
const uint8 *_numSpellsCleric;
const uint8 *_numSpellsWisAdj;
const uint8 *_numSpellsPal;
const uint8 *_numSpellsMage;
// sound
void snd_playSong(int id);
void snd_playSoundEffect(int id, int volume=0xFF);
void snd_stopSound();
void snd_fadeOut();
// keymap
static const char *const kKeymapName;
} // End of namespace Kyra
#endif // ENABLE_EOB