mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 17:33:05 +00:00
This is used in German release of Full Pipe. Unfortunately our current MP3 decoder cannot work with streamed MP3s, and bails out at the AVI header since there is no full MP3 header yet.
883 lines
25 KiB
883 lines
25 KiB
/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "common/stream.h"
#include "common/system.h"
#include "common/textconsole.h"
#include "audio/audiostream.h"
#include "audio/mixer.h"
#include "video/avi_decoder.h"
// Audio Codecs
#include "audio/decoders/adpcm.h"
#include "audio/decoders/raw.h"
// Video Codecs
#include "image/codecs/codec.h"
namespace Video {
#define UNKNOWN_HEADER(a) error("Unknown header found -- \'%s\'", tag2str(a))
// IDs used throughout the AVI files
// that will be handled by this player
#define ID_RIFF MKTAG('R','I','F','F')
#define ID_AVI MKTAG('A','V','I',' ')
#define ID_LIST MKTAG('L','I','S','T')
#define ID_HDRL MKTAG('h','d','r','l')
#define ID_AVIH MKTAG('a','v','i','h')
#define ID_STRL MKTAG('s','t','r','l')
#define ID_STRH MKTAG('s','t','r','h')
#define ID_VIDS MKTAG('v','i','d','s')
#define ID_AUDS MKTAG('a','u','d','s')
#define ID_MIDS MKTAG('m','i','d','s')
#define ID_TXTS MKTAG('t','x','t','s')
#define ID_JUNK MKTAG('J','U','N','K')
#define ID_JUNQ MKTAG('J','U','N','Q')
#define ID_DMLH MKTAG('d','m','l','h')
#define ID_STRF MKTAG('s','t','r','f')
#define ID_MOVI MKTAG('m','o','v','i')
#define ID_REC MKTAG('r','e','c',' ')
#define ID_VEDT MKTAG('v','e','d','t')
#define ID_IDX1 MKTAG('i','d','x','1')
#define ID_STRD MKTAG('s','t','r','d')
#define ID_INFO MKTAG('I','N','F','O')
#define ID_ISFT MKTAG('I','S','F','T')
#define ID_DISP MKTAG('D','I','S','P')
#define ID_PRMI MKTAG('P','R','M','I')
#define ID_STRN MKTAG('s','t','r','n')
// Stream Types
enum {
kStreamTypePaletteChange = MKTAG16('p', 'c'),
kStreamTypeAudio = MKTAG16('w', 'b')
AVIDecoder::AVIDecoder(Audio::Mixer::SoundType soundType) : _frameRateOverride(0), _soundType(soundType) {
AVIDecoder::AVIDecoder(const Common::Rational &frameRateOverride, Audio::Mixer::SoundType soundType)
: _frameRateOverride(frameRateOverride), _soundType(soundType) {
AVIDecoder::~AVIDecoder() {
AVIDecoder::AVIAudioTrack *AVIDecoder::createAudioTrack(AVIStreamHeader sHeader, PCMWaveFormat wvInfo) {
return new AVIAudioTrack(sHeader, wvInfo, _soundType);
void AVIDecoder::initCommon() {
_decodedHeader = false;
_foundMovieList = false;
_movieListStart = 0;
_movieListEnd = 0;
_fileStream = 0;
memset(&_header, 0, sizeof(_header));
bool AVIDecoder::isSeekable() const {
// Only videos with an index can seek
// Anyone else who wants to seek is crazy.
return isVideoLoaded() && !_indexEntries.empty();
bool AVIDecoder::parseNextChunk() {
uint32 tag = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
uint32 size = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
if (_fileStream->eos())
return false;
debug(3, "Decoding tag %s", tag2str(tag));
switch (tag) {
case ID_LIST:
case ID_AVIH:
_header.size = size;
_header.microSecondsPerFrame = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.maxBytesPerSecond = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.padding = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.flags = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.totalFrames = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.initialFrames = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.streams = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.bufferSize = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.width = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_header.height = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
// Ignore 16 bytes of reserved data
case ID_STRH:
case ID_STRD: // Extra stream info, safe to ignore
case ID_VEDT: // Unknown, safe to ignore
case ID_JUNK: // Alignment bytes, should be ignored
case ID_JUNQ: // Same as JUNK, safe to ignore
case ID_ISFT: // Metadata, safe to ignore
case ID_DISP: // Metadata, should be safe to ignore
case ID_STRN: // Metadata, safe to ignore
case ID_DMLH: // OpenDML extension, contains an extra total frames field, safe to ignore
case ID_IDX1:
error("Unknown tag \'%s\' found", tag2str(tag));
return true;
void AVIDecoder::skipChunk(uint32 size) {
// Make sure we're aligned on a word boundary
_fileStream->skip(size + (size & 1));
void AVIDecoder::handleList(uint32 listSize) {
uint32 listType = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
listSize -= 4; // Subtract away listType's 4 bytes
uint32 curPos = _fileStream->pos();
debug(0, "Found LIST of type %s", tag2str(listType));
switch (listType) {
case ID_MOVI: // Movie List
// We found the movie block
_foundMovieList = true;
_movieListStart = curPos;
_movieListEnd = _movieListStart + listSize + (listSize & 1);
case ID_HDRL: // Header List
// Mark the header as decoded
_decodedHeader = true;
case ID_INFO: // Metadata
case ID_PRMI: // Adobe Premiere metadata, safe to ignore
// Ignore metadata
case ID_STRL: // Stream list
default: // (Just hope we can parse it!)
while ((_fileStream->pos() - curPos) < listSize)
void AVIDecoder::handleStreamHeader(uint32 size) {
AVIStreamHeader sHeader;
sHeader.size = size;
sHeader.streamType = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
if (sHeader.streamType == ID_MIDS || sHeader.streamType == ID_TXTS)
error("Unhandled MIDI/Text stream");
sHeader.streamHandler = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
sHeader.flags = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.priority = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
sHeader.language = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
sHeader.initialFrames = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.scale = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.rate = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.start = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.length = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.bufferSize = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.quality = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
sHeader.sampleSize = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
_fileStream->skip(sHeader.size - 48); // Skip over the remainder of the chunk (frame)
if (_fileStream->readUint32BE() != ID_STRF)
error("Could not find STRF tag");
uint32 strfSize = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
uint32 startPos = _fileStream->pos();
if (sHeader.streamType == ID_VIDS) {
if (_frameRateOverride != 0) {
sHeader.rate = _frameRateOverride.getNumerator();
sHeader.scale = _frameRateOverride.getDenominator();
BitmapInfoHeader bmInfo;
bmInfo.size = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
bmInfo.width = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
bmInfo.height = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
bmInfo.planes = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
bmInfo.bitCount = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
bmInfo.compression = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
bmInfo.sizeImage = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
bmInfo.xPelsPerMeter = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
bmInfo.yPelsPerMeter = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
bmInfo.clrUsed = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
bmInfo.clrImportant = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
if (bmInfo.clrUsed == 0)
bmInfo.clrUsed = 256;
byte *initialPalette = 0;
if (bmInfo.bitCount == 8) {
initialPalette = new byte[256 * 3];
memset(initialPalette, 0, 256 * 3);
byte *palette = initialPalette;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < bmInfo.clrUsed; i++) {
palette[i * 3 + 2] = _fileStream->readByte();
palette[i * 3 + 1] = _fileStream->readByte();
palette[i * 3] = _fileStream->readByte();
addTrack(new AVIVideoTrack(_header.totalFrames, sHeader, bmInfo, initialPalette));
} else if (sHeader.streamType == ID_AUDS) {
PCMWaveFormat wvInfo;
wvInfo.tag = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
wvInfo.channels = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
wvInfo.samplesPerSec = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
wvInfo.avgBytesPerSec = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
wvInfo.blockAlign = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
wvInfo.size = _fileStream->readUint16LE();
// AVI seems to treat the sampleSize as including the second
// channel as well, so divide for our sake.
if (wvInfo.channels == 2)
sHeader.sampleSize /= 2;
addTrack(createAudioTrack(sHeader, wvInfo));
// Ensure that we're at the end of the chunk
_fileStream->seek(startPos + strfSize);
bool AVIDecoder::loadStream(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) {
uint32 riffTag = stream->readUint32BE();
if (riffTag != ID_RIFF) {
warning("Failed to find RIFF header");
return false;
/* uint32 fileSize = */ stream->readUint32LE();
uint32 riffType = stream->readUint32BE();
if (riffType != ID_AVI) {
warning("RIFF not an AVI file");
return false;
_fileStream = stream;
// Go through all chunks in the file
while (parseNextChunk())
if (!_decodedHeader) {
warning("Failed to parse AVI header");
return false;
if (!_foundMovieList) {
warning("Failed to find 'MOVI' list");
return false;
// Seek back to the start of the MOVI list
// Check if this is a special Duck Truemotion video
return true;
void AVIDecoder::close() {
delete _fileStream;
_fileStream = 0;
_decodedHeader = false;
_foundMovieList = false;
_movieListStart = 0;
_movieListEnd = 0;
memset(&_header, 0, sizeof(_header));
void AVIDecoder::readNextPacket() {
if ((uint32)_fileStream->pos() >= _movieListEnd) {
// Ugh, reached the end premature.
uint32 nextTag = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
uint32 size = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
if (_fileStream->eos()) {
// Also premature end.
if (nextTag == ID_LIST) {
// A list of audio/video chunks
int32 startPos = _fileStream->pos();
if (_fileStream->readUint32BE() != ID_REC)
error("Expected 'rec ' LIST");
size -= 4; // subtract list type
// Decode chunks in the list
while (_fileStream->pos() < startPos + (int32)size)
} else if (nextTag == ID_JUNK || nextTag == ID_IDX1) {
Track *track = getTrack(getStreamIndex(nextTag));
if (!track)
error("Cannot get track from tag '%s'", tag2str(nextTag));
Common::SeekableReadStream *chunk = 0;
if (size != 0) {
chunk = _fileStream->readStream(size);
_fileStream->skip(size & 1);
if (track->getTrackType() == Track::kTrackTypeAudio) {
if (getStreamType(nextTag) != kStreamTypeAudio)
error("Invalid audio track tag '%s'", tag2str(nextTag));
((AVIAudioTrack *)track)->queueSound(chunk);
} else {
AVIVideoTrack *videoTrack = (AVIVideoTrack *)track;
if (getStreamType(nextTag) == kStreamTypePaletteChange) {
// Palette Change
} else {
// Otherwise, assume it's a compressed frame
bool AVIDecoder::rewind() {
if (!VideoDecoder::rewind())
return false;
return true;
bool AVIDecoder::seekIntern(const Audio::Timestamp &time) {
// Can't seek beyond the end
if (time > getDuration())
return false;
// Track down our video track.
// We only support seeking with one video track right now.
AVIVideoTrack *videoTrack = 0;
int videoIndex = -1;
uint trackID = 0;
for (TrackListIterator it = getTrackListBegin(); it != getTrackListEnd(); it++, trackID++) {
if ((*it)->getTrackType() == Track::kTrackTypeVideo) {
if (videoTrack) {
// Already have one
// -> Not supported
return false;
videoTrack = (AVIVideoTrack *)*it;
videoIndex = trackID;
// Need a video track to go forwards
// If there isn't a video track, why would anyone be using AVI then?
if (!videoTrack)
return false;
// If we seek directly to the end, just mark the tracks as over
if (time == getDuration()) {
videoTrack->setCurFrame(videoTrack->getFrameCount() - 1);
for (TrackListIterator it = getTrackListBegin(); it != getTrackListEnd(); it++)
if ((*it)->getTrackType() == Track::kTrackTypeAudio)
((AVIAudioTrack *)*it)->resetStream();
return true;
// Get the frame we should be on at this time
uint frame = videoTrack->getFrameAtTime(time);
// Reset any palette, if necessary
int lastKeyFrame = -1;
int frameIndex = -1;
int lastRecord = -1;
uint curFrame = 0;
// Go through and figure out where we should be
// If there's a palette, we need to find the palette too
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _indexEntries.size(); i++) {
const OldIndex &index = _indexEntries[i];
if (index.id == ID_REC) {
// Keep track of any records we find
lastRecord = i;
} else {
if (getStreamIndex(index.id) != videoIndex)
uint16 streamType = getStreamType(index.id);
if (streamType == kStreamTypePaletteChange) {
// We need to handle any palette change we see since there's no
// flag to tell if this is a "key" palette.
// Decode the palette
_fileStream->seek(_indexEntries[i].offset + 8);
Common::SeekableReadStream *chunk = 0;
if (_indexEntries[i].size != 0)
chunk = _fileStream->readStream(_indexEntries[i].size);
} else {
// Check to see if this is a keyframe
// The first frame has to be a keyframe
if ((_indexEntries[i].flags & AVIIF_INDEX) || curFrame == 0)
lastKeyFrame = i;
// Did we find the target frame?
if (frame == curFrame) {
frameIndex = i;
if (frameIndex < 0) // This shouldn't happen.
return false;
// Update all the audio tracks
uint audioIndex = 0;
for (TrackListIterator it = getTrackListBegin(); it != getTrackListEnd(); it++, audioIndex++) {
if ((*it)->getTrackType() != Track::kTrackTypeAudio)
AVIAudioTrack *audioTrack = (AVIAudioTrack *)*it;
// We need to find where the start of audio should be.
// Which is exactly 'initialFrames' audio chunks back from where
// our found frame is.
// Recreate the audio stream
uint framesNeeded = _header.initialFrames;
uint startAudioChunk = 0;
int startAudioSearch = (lastRecord < 0) ? (frameIndex - 1) : (lastRecord - 1);
for (int i = startAudioSearch; i >= 0; i--) {
if (getStreamIndex(_indexEntries[i].id) != audioIndex)
assert(getStreamType(_indexEntries[i].id) == kStreamTypeAudio);
if (framesNeeded == 0) {
startAudioChunk = i;
// Now go forward and queue them all
for (int i = startAudioChunk; i <= startAudioSearch; i++) {
if (_indexEntries[i].id == ID_REC)
if (getStreamIndex(_indexEntries[i].id) != audioIndex)
assert(getStreamType(_indexEntries[i].id) == kStreamTypeAudio);
_fileStream->seek(_indexEntries[i].offset + 8);
Common::SeekableReadStream *chunk = _fileStream->readStream(_indexEntries[i].size);
// Skip any audio to bring us to the right time
audioTrack->skipAudio(time, videoTrack->getFrameTime(frame));
// Decode from keyFrame to curFrame - 1
for (int i = lastKeyFrame; i < frameIndex; i++) {
if (_indexEntries[i].id == ID_REC)
if (getStreamIndex(_indexEntries[i].id) != videoIndex)
uint16 streamType = getStreamType(_indexEntries[i].id);
// Ignore palettes, they were already handled
if (streamType == kStreamTypePaletteChange)
// Frame, hopefully
_fileStream->seek(_indexEntries[i].offset + 8);
Common::SeekableReadStream *chunk = 0;
if (_indexEntries[i].size != 0)
chunk = _fileStream->readStream(_indexEntries[i].size);
// Seek to the right spot
// To the beginning of the last record, or frame if that doesn't exist
if (lastRecord >= 0)
videoTrack->setCurFrame((int)frame - 1);
return true;
byte AVIDecoder::getStreamIndex(uint32 tag) const {
char string[3];
WRITE_BE_UINT16(string, tag >> 16);
string[2] = 0;
return strtol(string, 0, 16);
void AVIDecoder::readOldIndex(uint32 size) {
uint32 entryCount = size / 16;
debug(0, "Old Index: %d entries", entryCount);
if (entryCount == 0)
// Read the first index separately
OldIndex firstEntry;
firstEntry.id = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
firstEntry.flags = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
firstEntry.offset = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
firstEntry.size = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
// Check if the offset is already absolute
// If it's absolute, the offset will equal the start of the movie list
bool isAbsolute = firstEntry.offset == _movieListStart;
debug(1, "Old index is %s", isAbsolute ? "absolute" : "relative");
if (!isAbsolute)
firstEntry.offset += _movieListStart - 4;
debug(0, "Index 0: Tag '%s', Offset = %d, Size = %d (Flags = %d)", tag2str(firstEntry.id), firstEntry.offset, firstEntry.size, firstEntry.flags);
for (uint32 i = 1; i < entryCount; i++) {
OldIndex indexEntry;
indexEntry.id = _fileStream->readUint32BE();
indexEntry.flags = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
indexEntry.offset = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
indexEntry.size = _fileStream->readUint32LE();
// Adjust to absolute, if necessary
if (!isAbsolute)
indexEntry.offset += _movieListStart - 4;
debug(0, "Index %d: Tag '%s', Offset = %d, Size = %d (Flags = %d)", i, tag2str(indexEntry.id), indexEntry.offset, indexEntry.size, indexEntry.flags);
void AVIDecoder::forceVideoEnd() {
// Horrible AVI video has a premature end
// Force the frame to be the last frame
debug(0, "Forcing end of AVI video");
for (TrackListIterator it = getTrackListBegin(); it != getTrackListEnd(); it++)
if ((*it)->getTrackType() == Track::kTrackTypeVideo)
((AVIVideoTrack *)*it)->forceTrackEnd();
void AVIDecoder::checkTruemotion1() {
AVIVideoTrack *track = 0;
for (TrackListIterator it = getTrackListBegin(); it != getTrackListEnd(); it++) {
if ((*it)->getTrackType() == Track::kTrackTypeVideo) {
if (track) {
// Multiple tracks; isn't going to be truemotion 1
track = (AVIVideoTrack *)*it;
// No track found?
if (!track)
// Ignore non-truemotion tracks
if (!track->isTruemotion1())
// Search for a non-empty frame
const Graphics::Surface *frame = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10 && !frame; i++)
frame = decodeNextFrame();
if (!frame) {
// Probably shouldn't happen
// Fill in the width/height based on the frame's width/height
_header.width = frame->w;
_header.height = frame->h;
track->forceDimensions(frame->w, frame->h);
// Rewind us back to the beginning
VideoDecoder::AudioTrack *AVIDecoder::getAudioTrack(int index) {
// AVI audio track indexes are relative to the first track
Track *track = getTrack(index);
if (!track || track->getTrackType() != Track::kTrackTypeAudio)
return 0;
return (AudioTrack *)track;
AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::AVIVideoTrack(int frameCount, const AVIStreamHeader &streamHeader, const BitmapInfoHeader &bitmapInfoHeader, byte *initialPalette)
: _frameCount(frameCount), _vidsHeader(streamHeader), _bmInfo(bitmapInfoHeader), _initialPalette(initialPalette) {
_videoCodec = createCodec();
_lastFrame = 0;
_curFrame = -1;
AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::~AVIVideoTrack() {
delete _videoCodec;
delete[] _initialPalette;
void AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::decodeFrame(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) {
if (stream) {
if (_videoCodec)
_lastFrame = _videoCodec->decodeFrame(*stream);
} else {
// Empty frame
_lastFrame = 0;
delete stream;
Graphics::PixelFormat AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::getPixelFormat() const {
if (_videoCodec)
return _videoCodec->getPixelFormat();
return Graphics::PixelFormat();
void AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::loadPaletteFromChunk(Common::SeekableReadStream *chunk) {
byte firstEntry = chunk->readByte();
uint16 numEntries = chunk->readByte();
chunk->readUint16LE(); // Reserved
// 0 entries means all colors are going to be changed
if (numEntries == 0)
numEntries = 256;
for (uint16 i = firstEntry; i < numEntries + firstEntry; i++) {
_palette[i * 3] = chunk->readByte();
_palette[i * 3 + 1] = chunk->readByte();
_palette[i * 3 + 2] = chunk->readByte();
chunk->readByte(); // Flags that don't serve us any purpose
delete chunk;
_dirtyPalette = true;
void AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::useInitialPalette() {
_dirtyPalette = false;
if (_initialPalette) {
memcpy(_palette, _initialPalette, sizeof(_palette));
_dirtyPalette = true;
bool AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::isTruemotion1() const {
return _bmInfo.compression == MKTAG('D', 'U', 'C', 'K') || _bmInfo.compression == MKTAG('d', 'u', 'c', 'k');
void AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::forceDimensions(uint16 width, uint16 height) {
_bmInfo.width = width;
_bmInfo.height = height;
bool AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::rewind() {
_curFrame = -1;
delete _videoCodec;
_videoCodec = createCodec();
_lastFrame = 0;
return true;
Image::Codec *AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::createCodec() {
return Image::createBitmapCodec(_bmInfo.compression, _bmInfo.width, _bmInfo.height, _bmInfo.bitCount);
void AVIDecoder::AVIVideoTrack::forceTrackEnd() {
_curFrame = _frameCount - 1;
AVIDecoder::AVIAudioTrack::AVIAudioTrack(const AVIStreamHeader &streamHeader, const PCMWaveFormat &waveFormat, Audio::Mixer::SoundType soundType)
: _audsHeader(streamHeader), _wvInfo(waveFormat), _soundType(soundType) {
_audStream = createAudioStream();
AVIDecoder::AVIAudioTrack::~AVIAudioTrack() {
delete _audStream;
void AVIDecoder::AVIAudioTrack::queueSound(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) {
if (_audStream) {
if (_wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatPCM) {
byte flags = 0;
if (_audsHeader.sampleSize == 2)
flags |= Audio::FLAG_16BITS | Audio::FLAG_LITTLE_ENDIAN;
flags |= Audio::FLAG_UNSIGNED;
if (_wvInfo.channels == 2)
flags |= Audio::FLAG_STEREO;
_audStream->queueAudioStream(Audio::makeRawStream(stream, _wvInfo.samplesPerSec, flags, DisposeAfterUse::YES), DisposeAfterUse::YES);
} else if (_wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatMSADPCM) {
_audStream->queueAudioStream(Audio::makeADPCMStream(stream, DisposeAfterUse::YES, stream->size(), Audio::kADPCMMS, _wvInfo.samplesPerSec, _wvInfo.channels, _wvInfo.blockAlign), DisposeAfterUse::YES);
} else if (_wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatMSIMAADPCM) {
_audStream->queueAudioStream(Audio::makeADPCMStream(stream, DisposeAfterUse::YES, stream->size(), Audio::kADPCMMSIma, _wvInfo.samplesPerSec, _wvInfo.channels, _wvInfo.blockAlign), DisposeAfterUse::YES);
} else if (_wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatDK3) {
_audStream->queueAudioStream(Audio::makeADPCMStream(stream, DisposeAfterUse::YES, stream->size(), Audio::kADPCMDK3, _wvInfo.samplesPerSec, _wvInfo.channels, _wvInfo.blockAlign), DisposeAfterUse::YES);
} else if (_wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatMP3) {
warning("AVI: MP3 audio stream is not supported");
} else {
delete stream;
void AVIDecoder::AVIAudioTrack::skipAudio(const Audio::Timestamp &time, const Audio::Timestamp &frameTime) {
Audio::Timestamp timeDiff = time.convertToFramerate(_wvInfo.samplesPerSec) - frameTime.convertToFramerate(_wvInfo.samplesPerSec);
int skipFrames = timeDiff.totalNumberOfFrames();
if (skipFrames <= 0)
if (_audStream->isStereo())
skipFrames *= 2;
int16 *tempBuffer = new int16[skipFrames];
_audStream->readBuffer(tempBuffer, skipFrames);
delete[] tempBuffer;
void AVIDecoder::AVIAudioTrack::resetStream() {
delete _audStream;
_audStream = createAudioStream();
bool AVIDecoder::AVIAudioTrack::rewind() {
return true;
Audio::AudioStream *AVIDecoder::AVIAudioTrack::getAudioStream() const {
return _audStream;
Audio::QueuingAudioStream *AVIDecoder::AVIAudioTrack::createAudioStream() {
if (_wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatPCM || _wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatMSADPCM || _wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatMSIMAADPCM || _wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatDK3 || _wvInfo.tag == kWaveFormatMP3)
return Audio::makeQueuingAudioStream(_wvInfo.samplesPerSec, _wvInfo.channels == 2);
else if (_wvInfo.tag != kWaveFormatNone) // No sound
warning("Unsupported AVI audio format %d", _wvInfo.tag);
return 0;
} // End of namespace Video