509 lines
14 KiB

/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "common/hash-ptr.h"
#include "common/hash-str.h"
#include "common/str-array.h"
#include "common/queue.h"
#include "common/rect.h"
#include "director/types.h"
namespace Audio {
class AudioStream;
namespace Common {
class SeekableReadStreamEndian;
namespace Director {
struct ChunkReference;
struct MenuReference;
struct TheEntity;
struct TheEntityField;
struct LingoArchive;
struct LingoV4Bytecode;
struct LingoV4TheEntity;
struct Node;
class AbstractObject;
class Cast;
class ScriptContext;
class DirectorEngine;
class Frame;
class LingoCompiler;
typedef void (*inst)(void);
#define STOP (inst)0
#define ENTITY_INDEX(t,id) ((t) * 100000 + (id))
#define printWithArgList g_lingo->printSTUBWithArglist
int calcStringAlignment(const char *s);
int calcCodeAlignment(int l);
typedef Common::Array<inst> ScriptData;
struct FuncDesc {
Common::String name;
const char *proto;
FuncDesc(Common::String n, const char *p) { name = n; proto = p; }
typedef Common::HashMap<void *, FuncDesc *> FuncHash;
struct BuiltinProto {
const char *name;
void (*func)(int);
int minArgs; // -1 -- arglist
int maxArgs;
int version;
SymbolType type;
struct Symbol { /* symbol table entry */
Common::String *name;
SymbolType type;
union {
ScriptData *defn; /* HANDLER */
void (*func)(); /* OPCODE */
void (*bltin)(int); /* BUILTIN */
Common::String *s; /* STRING */
} u;
int *refCount;
int nargs; /* number of arguments */
int maxArgs; /* maximal number of arguments, for builtins */
int targetType; /* valid target objects, for method builtins */
Common::Array<Common::String> *argNames;
Common::Array<Common::String> *varNames;
ScriptContext *ctx; /* optional script context to execute with */
AbstractObject *target; /* optional method target */
bool anonymous;
Symbol(const Symbol &s);
Symbol& operator=(const Symbol &s);
void reset();
struct PArray {
bool _sorted;
PropertyArray arr;
PArray() : _sorted(false) {}
PArray(int size) : _sorted(false), arr(size) {}
struct FArray {
bool _sorted;
DatumArray arr;
FArray() : _sorted(false) {}
FArray(int size) : _sorted(false), arr(size) {}
struct Datum { /* interpreter stack type */
DatumType type;
union {
int i; /* INT, ARGC, ARGCNORET */
double f; /* FLOAT */
Common::String *s; /* STRING, VARREF, OBJECT */
FArray *farr; /* ARRAY, POINT, RECT */
PArray *parr; /* PARRAY */
AbstractObject *obj; /* OBJECT */
ChunkReference *cref; /* CHUNKREF */
CastMemberID *cast; /* CASTREF, FIELDREF */
MenuReference *menu; /* MENUREF */
} u;
int *refCount;
bool ignoreGlobal; // True if this Datum should be ignored by showGlobals and clearGlobals
Datum(const Datum &d);
Datum& operator=(const Datum &d);
Datum(int val);
Datum(double val);
Datum(const Common::String &val);
Datum(AbstractObject *val);
Datum(const CastMemberID &val);
Datum(const Common::Rect &rect);
void reset();
~Datum() {
Datum eval() const;
double asFloat() const;
int asInt() const;
Common::String asString(bool printonly = false) const;
CastMemberID asMemberID() const;
Common::Point asPoint() const;
bool isRef() const;
bool isVarRef() const;
bool isCastRef() const;
const char *type2str(bool isk = false) const;
int equalTo(Datum &d, bool ignoreCase = false) const;
CompareResult compareTo(Datum &d) const;
bool operator==(Datum &d) const;
bool operator>(Datum &d) const;
bool operator<(Datum &d) const;
bool operator>=(Datum &d) const;
bool operator<=(Datum &d) const;
struct ChunkReference {
Datum source;
ChunkType type;
int startChunk;
int endChunk;
int start;
int end;
ChunkReference(const Datum &src, ChunkType t, int sc, int ec, int s, int e)
: source(src), type(t), startChunk(sc), endChunk(ec), start(s), end(e) {}
struct MenuReference {
int menuIdNum;
Common::String *menuIdStr;
int menuItemIdNum;
Common::String *menuItemIdStr;
struct PCell {
Datum p;
Datum v;
PCell(const Datum &prop, const Datum &val);
struct Builtin {
void (*func)(void);
int nargs;
Builtin(void (*func1)(void), int nargs1) : func(func1), nargs(nargs1) {}
typedef Common::HashMap<int32, ScriptContext *> ScriptContextHash;
typedef Common::Array<Datum> StackData;
typedef Common::HashMap<Common::String, Symbol, Common::IgnoreCase_Hash, Common::IgnoreCase_EqualTo> SymbolHash;
typedef Common::HashMap<Common::String, Datum, Common::IgnoreCase_Hash, Common::IgnoreCase_EqualTo> DatumHash;
typedef Common::HashMap<Common::String, Builtin *, Common::IgnoreCase_Hash, Common::IgnoreCase_EqualTo> BuiltinHash;
typedef Common::HashMap<Common::String, VarType, Common::IgnoreCase_Hash, Common::IgnoreCase_EqualTo> VarTypeHash;
typedef void (*XLibFunc)(int);
typedef Common::HashMap<Common::String, XLibFunc, Common::IgnoreCase_Hash, Common::IgnoreCase_EqualTo> XLibFuncHash;
typedef Common::HashMap<Common::String, ObjectType, Common::IgnoreCase_Hash, Common::IgnoreCase_EqualTo> OpenXLibsHash;
typedef Common::HashMap<Common::String, TheEntity *, Common::IgnoreCase_Hash, Common::IgnoreCase_EqualTo> TheEntityHash;
typedef Common::HashMap<Common::String, TheEntityField *, Common::IgnoreCase_Hash, Common::IgnoreCase_EqualTo> TheEntityFieldHash;
struct CFrame { /* proc/func call stack frame */
Symbol sp; /* symbol table entry */
int retPC; /* where to resume after return */
ScriptData *retScript; /* which script to resume after return */
ScriptContext *retContext; /* which script context to use after return */
bool retFreezeContext; /* whether the context should be frozen after return */
DatumHash *retLocalVars;
Datum retMe; /* which me obj to use after return */
uint stackSizeBefore;
bool allowRetVal; /* whether to allow a return value */
Datum defaultRetVal; /* default return value */
struct LingoEvent {
LEvent event;
int eventId;
ScriptType scriptType;
CastMemberID scriptId;
bool passByDefault;
int channelId;
LingoEvent (LEvent e, int ei, ScriptType st, CastMemberID si, bool pass, int ci = -1) {
event = e;
eventId = ei;
scriptType = st;
scriptId = si;
passByDefault = pass;
channelId = ci;
struct LingoArchive {
LingoArchive(Cast *c) : cast(c) {};
Cast *cast;
ScriptContextHash lctxContexts;
ScriptContextHash scriptContexts[kMaxScriptType + 1];
Common::Array<Common::String> names;
Common::HashMap<uint32, Common::String> primaryEventHandlers;
SymbolHash functionHandlers;
ScriptContext *getScriptContext(ScriptType type, uint16 id);
Common::String getName(uint16 id);
void addCode(const Common::U32String &code, ScriptType type, uint16 id, const char *scriptName = nullptr);
void removeCode(ScriptType type, uint16 id);
void replaceCode(const Common::U32String &code, ScriptType type, uint16 id, const char *scriptName = nullptr);
void addCodeV4(Common::SeekableReadStreamEndian &stream, uint16 lctxIndex, const Common::String &archName, uint16 version);
void addNamesV4(Common::SeekableReadStreamEndian &stream);
class Lingo {
Lingo(DirectorEngine *vm);
void resetLingo();
int getMenuNum();
int getMenuItemsNum(Datum &d);
void executeHandler(const Common::String &name);
void executeScript(ScriptType type, CastMemberID id);
void printStack(const char *s, uint pc);
void printCallStack(uint pc);
Common::String decodeInstruction(ScriptData *sd, uint pc, uint *newPC = NULL);
void reloadBuiltIns();
void initBuiltIns();
void initBuiltIns(BuiltinProto protos[]);
void cleanupBuiltIns();
void cleanupBuiltIns(BuiltinProto protos[]);
void initFuncs();
void cleanupFuncs();
void initBytecode();
void initMethods();
void cleanupMethods();
void initXLibs();
void cleanupXLibs();
Common::String normalizeXLibName(Common::String name);
void openXLib(Common::String name, ObjectType type);
void closeXLib(Common::String name);
void closeOpenXLibs();
void reloadOpenXLibs();
void runTests();
// lingo-events.cpp
void initEventHandlerTypes();
void processEvent(LEvent event, ScriptType st, CastMemberID scriptId, int channelId = -1);
ScriptType event2script(LEvent ev);
Symbol getHandler(const Common::String &name);
void processEvents(Common::Queue<LingoEvent> &queue);
void execute();
void loadStateFromWindow();
void saveStateToWindow();
void pushContext(const Symbol funcSym, bool allowRetVal, Datum defaultRetVal);
void popContext(bool aborting = false);
bool hasFrozenContext();
void cleanLocalVars();
void varAssign(const Datum &var, const Datum &value);
Datum varFetch(const Datum &var, bool silent = false);
Common::U32String evalChunkRef(const Datum &var);
Datum findVarV4(int varType, const Datum &id);
CastMemberID resolveCastMember(const Datum &memberID, const Datum &castLib);
void exposeXObject(const char *name, Datum obj);
int getAlignedType(const Datum &d1, const Datum &d2, bool numsOnly);
void printAllVars();
inst readInst() { return getInst(_pc++); }
inst getInst(uint pc) { return (*_currentScript)[pc]; }
int readInt() { return getInt(_pc++); }
int getInt(uint pc);
double readFloat() { double d = getFloat(_pc); _pc += calcCodeAlignment(sizeof(double)); return d; }
double getFloat(uint pc) { return *(double *)(&((*_currentScript)[pc])); }
char *readString() { char *s = getString(_pc); _pc += calcStringAlignment(s); return s; }
char *getString(uint pc) { return (char *)(&((*_currentScript)[pc])); }
void pushVoid();
void printSTUBWithArglist(const char *funcname, int nargs, const char *prefix = "STUB:");
void convertVOIDtoString(int arg, int nargs);
void dropStack(int nargs);
void drop(uint num);
void lingoError(const char *s, ...);
void func_mci(const Common::String &name);
void func_mciwait(const Common::String &name);
void func_beep(int repeats);
void func_goto(Datum &frame, Datum &movie);
void func_gotoloop();
void func_gotonext();
void func_gotoprevious();
void func_play(Datum &frame, Datum &movie);
void func_playdone();
void func_cursor(Datum cursorDatum);
int func_marker(int m);
uint16 func_label(Datum &label);
// lingo-the.cpp
void initTheEntities();
void cleanUpTheEntities();
const char *entity2str(int id);
const char *field2str(int id);
// global kTheEntity
Datum _actorList;
Common::u32char_type_t _itemDelimiter;
bool _exitLock;
bool _preLoadEventAbort; // no-op, everything is always preloaded
Datum _searchPath;
bool _trace; // state of movie's trace function
int _traceLoad; // internal Director verbosity level
bool _updateMovieEnabled;
bool _romanLingo;
Datum getTheEntity(int entity, Datum &id, int field);
void setTheEntity(int entity, Datum &id, int field, Datum &d);
Datum getTheSprite(Datum &id, int field);
void setTheSprite(Datum &id, int field, Datum &d);
Datum getTheCast(Datum &id, int field);
void setTheCast(Datum &id, int field, Datum &d);
Datum getTheField(Datum &id1, int field);
void setTheField(Datum &id1, int field, Datum &d);
Datum getTheChunk(Datum &chunk, int field);
void setTheChunk(Datum &chunk, int field, Datum &d);
void getObjectProp(Datum &obj, Common::String &propName);
void setObjectProp(Datum &obj, Common::String &propName, Datum &d);
Datum getTheDate(int field);
Datum getTheTime(int field);
Common::StringArray _entityNames;
Common::StringArray _fieldNames;
LingoCompiler *_compiler;
int _currentChannelId;
ScriptContext *_currentScriptContext;
ScriptData *_currentScript;
Datum _currentMe;
bool _freezeContext;
bool _abort;
bool _expectError;
bool _caughtError;
TheEntityHash _theEntities;
TheEntityFieldHash _theEntityFields;
int _objectEntityId;
SymbolHash _builtinCmds;
SymbolHash _builtinFuncs;
SymbolHash _builtinConsts;
SymbolHash _methods;
XLibFuncHash _xlibOpeners;
XLibFuncHash _xlibClosers;
OpenXLibsHash _openXLibs;
Common::String _floatPrecisionFormat;
void push(Datum d);
Datum pop();
Datum peek(uint offset);
Common::HashMap<uint32, const char *> _eventHandlerTypes;
Common::HashMap<Common::String, uint32, Common::IgnoreCase_Hash, Common::IgnoreCase_EqualTo> _eventHandlerTypeIds;
Common::HashMap<Common::String, Audio::AudioStream *> _audioAliases;
DatumHash _globalvars;
DatumHash *_localvars;
FuncHash _functions;
Common::HashMap<int, LingoV4Bytecode *> _lingoV4;
Common::HashMap<int, LingoV4TheEntity *> _lingoV4TheEntity;
uint _globalCounter;
uint _pc;
StackData _stack;
DirectorEngine *_vm;
int _floatPrecision;
Datum _theResult;
// events
bool _passEvent;
Datum _perFrameHook;
Datum _windowList;
void executeImmediateScripts(Frame *frame);
void executePerFrameHook(int frame, int subframe);
// lingo-utils.cpp
Common::HashMap<uint32, Common::U32String> _charNormalizations;
void initCharNormalizations();
Common::String normalizeString(const Common::String &str);
extern Lingo *g_lingo;
} // End of namespace Director