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synced 2025-02-06 02:46:49 +00:00
Revise some other parts of the engine during the process.
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318 lines
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/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* This code is based on the original source code of Lord Avalot d'Argent version 1.3.
* Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Mike, Mark and Thomas Thurman.
#include "avalanche/console.h"
#include "avalanche/graphics.h"
#include "avalanche/parser.h"
#include "avalanche/avalot.h"
#include "avalanche/dialogs.h"
#include "avalanche/background.h"
#include "avalanche/sequence.h"
#include "avalanche/timer.h"
#include "avalanche/animation.h"
#include "avalanche/dropdown.h"
#include "avalanche/closing.h"
#include "avalanche/sound.h"
#include "avalanche/nim.h"
#include "avalanche/clock.h"
#include "avalanche/ghostroom.h"
#include "avalanche/help.h"
#include "avalanche/shootemup.h"
#include "avalanche/mainmenu.h"
#include "common/serializer.h"
#include "engines/engine.h"
#include "engines/advancedDetector.h"
#include "graphics/cursorman.h"
namespace Common {
class RandomSource;
namespace Avalanche {
struct AvalancheGameDescription {
ADGameDescription desc;
static const int kSavegameVersion = 2;
enum Pitch {
class AvalancheEngine : public Engine {
byte _saveNum; // number of times this game has been saved
Clock *_clock;
GraphicManager *_graphics;
Parser *_parser;
Dialogs *_dialogs;
Background *_background;
Sequence *_sequence;
Timer *_timer;
Animation *_animation;
DropDownMenu *_dropdown;
Closing *_closing;
SoundHandler *_sound;
Nim *_nim;
GhostRoom *_ghostroom;
Help *_help;
OSystem *_system;
AvalancheEngine(OSystem *syst, const AvalancheGameDescription *gd);
Common::ErrorCode initialize();
GUI::Debugger *getDebugger();
Common::RandomSource *_rnd;
const AvalancheGameDescription *_gameDescription;
uint32 getFeatures() const;
const char *getGameId() const;
Common::Platform getPlatform() const;
bool hasFeature(EngineFeature f) const;
const char *getCopyrightString() const;
void synchronize(Common::Serializer &sz);
virtual bool canSaveGameStateCurrently();
Common::Error saveGameState(int slot, const Common::String &desc);
bool saveGame(const int16 slot, const Common::String &desc);
Common::String getSaveFileName(const int slot);
virtual bool canLoadGameStateCurrently();
Common::Error loadGameState(int slot);
bool loadGame(const int16 slot);
Common::String expandDate(int d, int m, int y);
uint32 getTimeInSeconds();
void updateEvents();
bool getEvent(Common::Event &event); // A wrapper around _eventMan->pollEvent(), so we can use it in Scrolls::normscroll() for example.
Common::Point getMousePos();
// Engine APIs
Common::Error run();
AvalancheConsole *_console;
Common::Platform _platform;
// For Thinkabout:
static const bool kThing = true;
static const bool kPerson = false;
static const char kSpludwicksOrder[3];
static const uint16 kNotes[12];
bool _holdLeftMouse;
// If this is greater than zero, the next line you type is stored in the DNA in a position dictated by the value.
// If a scroll comes up, or you leave the room, it's automatically set to zero.
byte _interrogation;
// Former DNA structure
byte _carryNum; // How many objects you're carrying...
bool _objects[kObjectNum]; // ...and which ones they are.
int16 _dnascore; // your score, of course
int32 _money; // your current amount of dosh
Room _room; // your current room
bool _wonNim; // Have you *won* Nim? (That's harder.)
byte _wineState; // 0=good (Notts), 1=passable(Argent) ... 3=vinegar.
bool _cwytalotGone; // Has Cwytalot rushed off to Jerusalem yet?
byte _passwordNum; // Number of the passw for this game.
bool _aylesIsAwake; // pretty obvious!
byte _drawbridgeOpen; // Between 0 (shut) and 4 (open).
byte _avariciusTalk; // How much Avaricius has said to you.
bool _rottenOnion; // And has it rotted?
bool _onionInVinegar; // Is the onion in the vinegar?
byte _givenToSpludwick; // 0 = nothing given, 1 = onion...
byte _brummieStairs; // Progression through the stairs trick.
byte _cardiffQuestionNum; // Things you get asked in Cardiff.
bool _avvyIsAwake; // Well? Is Avvy awake? (Screen 1 only.)
bool _avvyInBed; // True if Avvy's in bed, but awake.
bool _userMovesAvvy; // If this is false, the user has no control over Avvy's movements.
byte _npcFacing; // If there's an NPC in the current room which turns it's head according to Avvy's movement (keep looking at him), this variable tells which way it's facing at the moment.
bool _givenBadgeToIby; // Have you given the badge to Iby yet?
bool _friarWillTieYouUp; // If you're going to get tied up.
bool _tiedUp; // You ARE tied up!
byte _boxContent; // 0 = money (sixpence), 254 = empty, any other number implies the contents of the box.
bool _talkedToCrapulus; // Pretty self-explanatory.
byte _jacquesState; // 0=asleep, 1=awake, 2=gets up, 3=gone.
bool _bellsAreRinging; // Is Jacques ringing the bells?
bool _standingOnDais; // In room 71, inside Cardiff Castle.
bool _takenPen; // Have you taken the pen (in Cardiff?)
bool _arrowInTheDoor; // Did the arrow hit the wall?
Common::String _favoriteDrink, _favoriteSong, _worstPlaceOnEarth, _spareEvening; // Personalisation str's
uint32 _startTime; // When did you start playing this session?
uint32 _totalTime; // Your total time playing this game, in seconds. Updated only at saving and loading.
byte _jumpStatus; // Fixes how high you're jumping.
bool _mushroomGrowing; // Is the mushroom growing in 42?
bool _crapulusWillTell; // Will Crapulus tell you about Spludwick being away?
bool _enterCatacombsFromLustiesRoom;
bool _teetotal; // Are we touching any more drinks?
byte _malagauche; // Position of Malagauche. See Celer for more info.
char _drinking; // What's he getting you?
bool _enteredLustiesRoomAsMonk;
byte _catacombX, _catacombY; // XY coords in the catacombs.
bool _avvysInTheCupboard; // On screen 22.
bool _geidaFollows; // Is Geida following you?
bool _givenPotionToGeida; // Does Geida have the potion?
bool _lustieIsAsleep; // Is BDL asleep?
bool _beenTiedUp; // In r__Robins.
bool _sittingInPub; // Are you sitting down in the pub?
byte _spurgeTalkCount; // Count for talking to Spurge.
bool _metAvaroid;
bool _takenMushroom, _givenPenToAyles, _askedDogfoodAboutNim;
// End of former DNA Structure
bool _showDebugLines;
byte _lineNum; // Number of lines.
LineType _lines[50]; // For Also.
bool _dropsOk;
bool _cheat; // CHECKME: Currently unused
bool _letMeOut;
byte _thinks;
bool _thinkThing;
bool _seeScroll; // TODO: maybe this means we're interacting with the toolbar / a scroll?
char _objectList[10];
// Called .free() for them in ~Gyro().
byte _currentMouse; // current mouse-void
Common::String *_also[31][2];
PedType _peds[15];
MagicType _magics[15];
MagicType _portals[7];
FieldType _fields[30];
byte _fieldNum;
Common::String _listen;
byte _cp, _ledStatus;
FontType _font;
bool _alive;
byte _subjectNum; // The same thing.
People _him, _her;
byte _it;
uint32 _roomCycles; // Set to 0 when you enter a room, added to in every loop. Cycles since you've been in this room.
bool _doingSpriteRun; // Only set to True if we're doing a sprite_run at this moment. This stops the trippancy system from moving any of the sprites.
bool _soundFx;
bool _isLoaded; // Is it a loaded gamestate?
void callVerb(VerbCode id);
void loadBackground(byte num);
void loadRoom(byte num);
void thinkAbout(byte object, bool type); // Hey!!! Get it and put it!!!
void incScore(byte num); // Add on no. of points
void fxToggle();
void refreshObjectList();
void errorLed();
void fadeOut();
void fadeIn();
void drawDirection(); // Draws the little icon at the left end of the text input field.
void gameOver();
uint16 bearing(byte whichPed); // Returns the bearing from ped 'whichped' to Avvy, in degrees.
// There are two kinds of redraw: Major and Minor. Minor is what happens when you load a game, etc.
// Major was replaced with GraphicManager::refreshScreen(), it redraws EVERYTHING.
void minorRedraw();
void spriteRun();
Common::String intToStr(int32 num);
void newGame(); // This sets up the DNA for a completely new game.
bool getFlag(char x);
bool decreaseMoney(uint16 amount); // Called pennycheck in the original.
Common::String getName(People whose);
Common::String getItem(byte which); // Called get_better in the original.
Common::String f5Does(); // This procedure determines what f5 does.
void openDoor(Room whither, byte ped, byte magicnum); // Handles slidey-open doors.
void flipRoom(Room room, byte ped);
void setRoom(People persId, Room roomId);
Room getRoom(People persId);
static const int16 kMaxSprites = 2; // Current max no. of sprites.
static Room _whereIs[29];
// Will be used in dusk() and dawn().
bool _fxHidden;
byte _fxPal[16][16][3];
bool _spludwickAtHome; // Is Spludwick at home?
bool _passedCwytalotInHerts; // Have you passed Cwytalot in Herts?
bool _holdTheDawn; // If this is true, calling Dawn will do nothing. It's used, for example, at the start, to stop Load from dawning.
byte _lastRoom;
byte _lastRoomNotMap;
byte _roomCount[100]; // Add one to each every time you enter a room
Common::String _mouseText;
Common::String _flags;
Common::String _roomnName; // Name of actual room
int8 _scoreToDisplay[3];
Common::String readAlsoStringFromFile(Common::File &file);
void runAvalot();
void init();
void initVariables();
void setup();
void scram(Common::String &str);
void unScramble();
void handleKeyDown(Common::Event &event); // To replace Basher::keyboard_link() and Basher::typein().
void enterNewTown();
void findPeople(byte room);
void putGeidaAt(byte whichPed, byte ped);
void guideAvvy(Common::Point cursorPos);
void enterRoom(Room room, byte ped);
void exitRoom(byte x);
void drawToolbar();
void drawScore();
void useCompass(const Common::Point &cursorPos); // Click on the compass on the toolbar to control Avvy's movement.
void checkClick();
void fixFlashers();
void loadAlso(byte num);
void resetAllVariables();
void resetVariables();
} // End of namespace Avalanche