mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 18:27:26 +00:00
759 lines
20 KiB
759 lines
20 KiB
/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* $URL$
* $Id$
#include "m4/mads_anim.h"
#include "m4/m4.h"
#include "m4/compression.h"
namespace M4 {
#define TV_NUM_FADE_STEPS 40
TextviewView::TextviewView(MadsM4Engine *vm):
View(vm, Common::Rect(0, 0, vm->_screen->width(), vm->_screen->height())),
_bgSurface(vm->_screen->width(), MADS_SURFACE_HEIGHT),
_textSurface(vm->_screen->width(), MADS_SURFACE_HEIGHT + vm->_font->getHeight() +
_screenType = VIEWID_TEXTVIEW;
_screenFlags.layer = LAYER_BACKGROUND;
_screenFlags.visible = true;
_screenFlags.get = SCREVENT_ALL;
_callback = NULL;
_script = NULL;
_spareScreen = NULL;
_bgCurrent = NULL;
_bgSpare = NULL;
// Set up system palette colors and the two colors for text display
RGB8 palData[3];
palData[0].r = palData[0].g = palData[0].b = 0;
palData[1].r = 0; palData[1].g = palData[1].b = 252;
palData[2].r = 0; palData[2].g = palData[2].b = 180;
_vm->_palette->setPalette(&palData[0], 4, 3);
_vm->_palette->blockRange(4, 3);
_vm->_font->setColors(5, 6, 4);
int y = (height() - MADS_SURFACE_HEIGHT) / 2;
hLine(0, width() - 1, y - 2);
hLine(0, width() - 1, height() - y + 1);
TextviewView::~TextviewView() {
if (_script)
delete _spareScreen;
delete _bgCurrent;
delete _bgSpare;
void TextviewView::reset() {
_animating = false;
_panX = 0;
_panY = 0;
_panSpeed = 0;
_soundDriverLoaded = false;
Common::set_to(&_spareScreens[0], &_spareScreens[10], 0);
_scrollCount = 0;
_lineY = -1;
_scrollTimeout = 0;
_panCountdown = 0;
_processEvents = true;
void TextviewView::setScript(const char *resourceName, TextviewCallback callback) {
_callback = callback;
if (_script)
if (_spareScreen) {
delete _spareScreen;
_spareScreen = NULL;
strncpy(_resourceName, resourceName, 15);
_resourceName[15] = '\0';
if (!strchr(_resourceName, '.'))
strcat(_resourceName, ".txr");
_script = _vm->res()->get(_resourceName);
bool TextviewView::onEvent(M4EventType eventType, int32 param, int x, int y, bool &captureEvents) {
if (!_processEvents)
return false;
// Wait for the Escape key or a mouse press
if (((eventType == KEVENT_KEY) && (param == Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE)) ||
(eventType == MEVENT_LEFT_RELEASE) || (eventType == MEVENT_RIGHT_RELEASE)) {
captureEvents = false;
return true;
return false;
void TextviewView::updateState() {
if (!_animating)
// Only update state if wait period has expired
uint32 currTime = g_system->getMillis();
// If a screen transition is in progress and it's time for another column, handle it
if (_spareScreen) {
byte *srcP = _spareScreen->getBasePtr(_translationX, 0);
byte *destP = _bgSurface.getBasePtr(_translationX, 0);
for (int y = 0; y < _bgSurface.height(); ++y, srcP += _spareScreen->width(),
destP += _bgSurface.width()) {
*destP = *srcP;
if (++_translationX >= _bgSurface.width()) {
// Surface transition is complete
delete _spareScreen;
_spareScreen = NULL;
delete _bgCurrent;
_bgCurrent = _bgSpare;
_bgSpare = NULL;
// Make sure it's time for an update
if (currTime < _scrollTimeout)
_scrollTimeout = g_system->getMillis() + TEXT_ANIMATION_DELAY;
// If any panning values are set, pan the background surface
if ((_panX != 0) || (_panY != 0)) {
if (_panCountdown > 0) {
// Handle horizontal panning
if (_panX != 0) {
byte *lineTemp = new byte[_panX];
for (int y = 0; y < _bgSurface.height(); ++y) {
byte *pixelsP = _bgSurface.getBasePtr(0, y);
// Copy the first X pixels into temp buffer, move the rest of the line
// to the start of the line, and then move temp buffer pixels to end of line
Common::copy(pixelsP, pixelsP + _panX, lineTemp);
Common::copy(pixelsP + _panX, pixelsP + _bgSurface.width(), pixelsP);
Common::copy(lineTemp, lineTemp + _panX, pixelsP + _bgSurface.width() - _panX);
delete[] lineTemp;
// Handle vertical panning
if (_panY != 0) {
// Store the bottom Y lines into a temp buffer, move the rest of the lines down,
// and then copy the stored lines back to the top of the screen
byte *linesTemp = new byte[_panY * _bgSurface.width()];
byte *pixelsP = _bgSurface.getBasePtr(0, _bgSurface.height() - _panY);
Common::copy(pixelsP, pixelsP + _bgSurface.width() * _panY, linesTemp);
for (int y = _bgSurface.height() - 1; y >= _panY; --y) {
byte *destP = _bgSurface.getBasePtr(0, y);
byte *srcP = _bgSurface.getBasePtr(0, y - _panY);
Common::copy(srcP, srcP + _bgSurface.width(), destP);
Common::copy(linesTemp, linesTemp + _panY * _bgSurface.width(), _bgSurface.getBasePtr(0, 0));
delete[] linesTemp;
// Scroll the text surface up by one row
byte *pixelsP = _textSurface.getBasePtr(0, 0);
Common::copy(pixelsP + width(), pixelsP + _textSurface.width() * _textSurface.height(), pixelsP);
pixelsP = _textSurface.getBasePtr(0, _textSurface.height() - 1);
Common::set_to(pixelsP, pixelsP + _textSurface.width(), _vm->_palette->BLACK);
if (_scrollCount > 0) {
// Handling final scrolling of text off of screen
if (--_scrollCount == 0) {
} else {
// Handling a text row
if (++_lineY == (_vm->_font->getHeight() + TEXTVIEW_LINE_SPACING))
// Refresh the view
int yp = (height() - _bgSurface.height()) / 2;
_bgSurface.copyTo(this, 0, yp);
_textSurface.copyTo(this, Common::Rect(0, 0, _textSurface.width(), _bgSurface.height()),
0, yp, _vm->_palette->BLACK);
void TextviewView::scriptDone() {
TextviewCallback fn = _callback;
MadsM4Engine *vm = _vm;
// Remove this view from manager and destroy it
if (fn)
void TextviewView::processLines() {
strncpy(_currentLine, _script->readLine().c_str(), 79);
if (_script->eos() || _script->err())
error("Attempted to read past end of response file");
while (!_script->eos() && !_script->err()) {
// Commented out line, so go loop for another
if (_currentLine[0] == '#') {
strncpy(_currentLine, _script->readLine().c_str(), 79);
// Process the line
char *cStart = strchr(_currentLine, '[');
if (cStart) {
while (cStart) {
// Loop for possible multiple commands on one line
char *cEnd = strchr(_currentLine, ']');
if (!cEnd)
error("Unterminated command '%s' in response file", _currentLine);
*cEnd = '\0';
// Copy rest of line (if any) to start of buffer
strcpy(_currentLine, cEnd + 1);
cStart = strchr(_currentLine, '[');
if (_currentLine[0]) {
} else {
strncpy(_currentLine, _script->readLine().c_str(), 79);
void TextviewView::processCommand() {
char commandStr[80];
char *paramP;
strcpy(commandStr, _currentLine + 1);
if (!strncmp(commandStr, "BACKGROUND", 10)) {
// Set the background
paramP = commandStr + 10;
int screenId = getParameter(¶mP);
_bgSurface.loadBackground(screenId, &_bgCurrent);
} else if (!strncmp(commandStr, "GO", 2)) {
_animating = true;
// Grab what the final palete will be
RGB8 destPalette[256];
_vm->_palette->grabPalette(destPalette, 0, 256);
// Copy the loaded background, if any, to the view surface
int yp = (height() - _bgSurface.height()) / 2;
_bgSurface.copyTo(this, 0, yp);
// Handle fade-in
_processEvents = false; // stop processing events during fade-in
_vm->_palette->fadeIn(TV_NUM_FADE_STEPS, TV_FADE_DELAY_MILLI, destPalette, 256);
_processEvents = true;
} else if (!strncmp(commandStr, "PAN", 3)) {
// Set panning values
paramP = commandStr + 3;
int panX = getParameter(¶mP);
int panY = getParameter(¶mP);
int panSpeed = getParameter(¶mP);
if ((panX != 0) || (panY != 0)) {
_panX = panX;
_panY = panY;
_panSpeed = panSpeed;
} else if (!strncmp(commandStr, "DRIVER", 6)) {
// Set the driver to use
// TODO: Handling of the sound drivers
} else if (!strncmp(commandStr, "SOUND", 5)) {
// Set sound number
paramP = commandStr + 5;
//int soundId = getParameter(¶mP);
//TODO: Proper handling of the sound drivers/sounds
//if (!_soundDriverLoaded)
// error("Attempted to set sound without loading any driver");
} else if (!strncmp(commandStr, "COLOR", 5) && ((commandStr[5] == '0') || (commandStr[5] == '1'))) {
// Set the text colors
int index = commandStr[5] - '0';
paramP = commandStr + 6;
RGB8 palEntry;
palEntry.r = getParameter(¶mP) << 2;
palEntry.g = getParameter(¶mP) << 2;
palEntry.b = getParameter(¶mP) << 2;
_vm->_palette->setPalette(&palEntry, 5 + index, 1);
} else if (!strncmp(commandStr, "SPARE", 5)) {
// Sets a secondary background number that can be later switched in with a PAGE command
paramP = commandStr + 6;
int spareIndex = commandStr[5] - '0';
if ((spareIndex >= 0) && (spareIndex <= 9)) {
int screenId = getParameter(¶mP);
_spareScreens[spareIndex] = screenId;
} else if (!strncmp(commandStr, "PAGE", 4)) {
// Signals to change to a previous specified secondary background
paramP = commandStr + 4;
int spareIndex = getParameter(¶mP);
// Only allow background switches if one isn't currently in progress
if (!_spareScreen && (_spareScreens[spareIndex] != 0)) {
_spareScreen = new M4Surface(width(), MADS_SURFACE_HEIGHT);
_spareScreen->loadBackground(_spareScreens[spareIndex], &_bgSpare);
_translationX = 0;
} else {
error("Unknown response command: '%s'", commandStr);
int TextviewView::getParameter(char **paramP) {
if ((**paramP != '=') && (**paramP != ','))
return 0;
int result = 0;
while ((**paramP >= '0') && (**paramP <= '9')) {
result = result * 10 + (**paramP - '0');
return result;
void TextviewView::processText() {
int lineWidth, xStart;
if (!strcmp(_currentLine, "***")) {
// Special signifier for end of script
_scrollCount = _vm->_font->getHeight() * 13;
_lineY = -1;
_lineY = 0;
// Lines are always centered, except if line contains a '@', in which case the
// '@' marks the position that must be horizontally centered
char *centerP = strchr(_currentLine, '@');
if (centerP) {
*centerP = '\0';
xStart = (width() / 2) - _vm->_font->getWidth(_currentLine);
// Delete the @ character and shift back the remainder of the string
char *p = centerP + 1;
if (*p == ' ') ++p;
strcpy(centerP, p);
} else {
lineWidth = _vm->_font->getWidth(_currentLine);
xStart = (width() - lineWidth) / 2;
// Copy the text line onto the bottom of the textSurface surface, which will allow it
// to gradually scroll onto the screen
int yp = _textSurface.height() - _vm->_font->getHeight() - TEXTVIEW_LINE_SPACING;
_textSurface.fillRect(Common::Rect(0, yp, _textSurface.width(), _textSurface.height()),
_vm->_font->writeString(&_textSurface, _currentLine, xStart, yp);
AnimviewView::AnimviewView(MadsM4Engine *vm):
View(vm, Common::Rect(0, 0, vm->_screen->width(), vm->_screen->height())),
_bgSurface(vm->_screen->width(), MADS_SURFACE_HEIGHT) {
_screenType = VIEWID_ANIMVIEW;
_screenFlags.layer = LAYER_BACKGROUND;
_screenFlags.visible = true;
_screenFlags.get = SCREVENT_ALL;
_callback = NULL;
_script = NULL;
_palData = NULL;
_previousUpdate = 0;
_transition = kTransitionNone;
// Set up system palette colors
int y = (height() - MADS_SURFACE_HEIGHT) / 2;
hLine(0, width() - 1, y - 2);
hLine(0, width() - 1, height() - y + 1);
AnimviewView::~AnimviewView() {
if (_script)
void AnimviewView::reset() {
_soundDriverLoaded = false;
void AnimviewView::setScript(const char *resourceName, AnimviewCallback callback) {
_callback = callback;
if (_script)
strncpy(_resourceName, resourceName, 15);
_resourceName[15] = '\0';
if (!strchr(_resourceName, '.'))
strcat(_resourceName, ".res");
_script = _vm->res()->get(_resourceName);
bool AnimviewView::onEvent(M4EventType eventType, int32 param, int x, int y, bool &captureEvents) {
// Wait for the Escape key or a mouse press
if (((eventType == KEVENT_KEY) && (param == Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE)) ||
(eventType == MEVENT_LEFT_RELEASE) || (eventType == MEVENT_RIGHT_RELEASE)) {
captureEvents = false;
return true;
return false;
void AnimviewView::updateState() {
if (!_script)
// Only update state if wait period has expired
if (_previousUpdate > 0) {
if (g_system->getMillis() - _previousUpdate < 100)
_previousUpdate = g_system->getMillis();
// Check if we're ready for the next command
bool animRunning = false;
if (!animRunning) {
if (_script->eos() || _script->err()) {
// FIXME: Replace flag with proper animation end check
animRunning = true;
void AnimviewView::readNextCommand() {
while (!_script->eos() && !_script->err()) {
strncpy(_currentLine, _script->readLine().c_str(), 79);
// Process any switches on the line
char *cStart = strchr(_currentLine, '-');
while (cStart) {
// Loop for possible multiple commands on one line
char *cEnd = strchr(_currentLine, ' ');
if (!cEnd)
error("Unterminated command '%s' in response file", _currentLine);
*cEnd = '\0';
// Copy rest of line (if any) to start of buffer
// Don't use strcpy() here, because if the
// rest of the line is the longer of the two
// strings, the memory areas will overlap.
memmove(_currentLine, cEnd + 1, strlen(cEnd + 1) + 1);
cStart = strchr(_currentLine, '-');
// If there's something left, presume it's a resource name to process
if (_currentLine[0])
if (strchr(_currentLine, '.') == NULL)
strcat(_currentLine, ".aa");
AAFile aaFile(_currentLine, _vm);
// Initial validation
if (aaFile.flags & AA_HAS_FONT) {
for (int seriesCtr = 0; seriesCtr < aaFile.seriesCount; ++seriesCtr)
// Start sound
if (aaFile.flags & AA_HAS_SOUND) {
char buffer[100];
strcpy(buffer, aaFile.soundName.c_str());
buffer[0] = 'A'; // A for AdLib resource
/*Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = */_vm->_resourceManager->get(buffer);
char artFile[80];
sprintf(artFile, "rm%d.art", aaFile.roomNumber);
// Not all scenes have a background. If there is one, refresh it
if (_vm->_resourceManager->resourceExists(artFile)) {
if (_palData) {
delete _palData;
_bgSurface.loadBackground(aaFile.roomNumber, &_palData);
// Grab what the final palete will be
RGB8 destPalette[256];
_vm->_palette->grabPalette(destPalette, 0, 256);
// Handle scene transition
switch (_transition) {
case kTransitionNone:
// nothing to do
case kTransitionFadeIn:
case kTransitionFadeIn2:
_vm->_palette->fadeIn(TV_NUM_FADE_STEPS, TV_FADE_DELAY_MILLI, destPalette, 256);
case kTransitionBoxInBottomLeft:
case kTransitionBoxInBottomRight:
case kTransitionBoxInTopLeft:
case kTransitionBoxInTopRight:
// unused
warning("Unsupported box in scene effect");
case kTransitionPanLeftToRight:
case kTransitionPanRightToLeft:
case kTransitionCircleIn:
// nothing to do
// Refresh the view
int yp = (height() - _bgSurface.height()) / 2;
_bgSurface.copyTo(this, 0, yp);
void AnimviewView::scriptDone() {
AnimviewCallback fn = _callback;
MadsM4Engine *vm = _vm;
// Remove this view from manager and destroy it
if (fn)
Switches are: (taken from the help of the original executable)
-b Toggle background load status off/on.
-c:char Specify sound card id letter.
-g Stay in graphics mode on exit.
-h[:ex] Disable EMS/XMS high memory support.
-i Switch sound interrupts mode off/on.
-j Wait for music to finish at end.
-k Keystroke jumps to end instead of abort.
-m Operate in non-MADS mode.
-o:xxx Specify opening special effect.
-p Switch MADS path mode to CONCAT.
-r[:abn] Resynch timer (always, beginning, never).
-s:file Specify sound file.
-u[:...] Use DMA speech [optional: addr,type,irq,drq].
-w Toggle white bars off/on.
-x Exit immediately after last frame.
-y Do not clear screen initially
-z Display statistics after run.
Opening special effects are:
0: no effect
1: fade in
2: fade in (looks to be the same as 1)
3: box in from bottom left (unused)
4: box in from bottom right (unused)
5: box in from top left (unused)
6: box in from top right (unused)
7: pan in from left to right
8: pan in from right to left
9: circle in (new scene appears in a circle that expands)
Animview is ran like this from the original games:
animview.exe @resfilename -c:P,220,20 -u:220,20,07,01 -p -a:mainmenu -p
Note that the first -p is necessary to watch the animation, otherwise
the program just exits
To watch an animation within the *.res file, just run animview like this:
animview.exe -x -r:b -o:2 animfilename -p
void AnimviewView::processCommand() {
char commandStr[80];
strcpy(commandStr, _currentLine + 1);
char *param = commandStr;
if (!strncmp(commandStr, "X", 1)) {
//printf("X ");
} else if (!strncmp(commandStr, "W", 1)) {
//printf("W ");
} else if (!strncmp(commandStr, "R", 1)) {
param = param + 2;
//printf("R:%s ", param);
} else if (!strncmp(commandStr, "O", 1)) {
param = param + 2;
//printf("O:%i ", atoi(param));
_transition = atoi(param);
} else {
error("Unknown response command: '%s'", commandStr);
AAFile::AAFile(const char *resourceName, MadsM4Engine* vm): MadsPack(resourceName, vm) {
Common::MemoryReadStream stream1(*getItemStream(1));
Common::MemoryReadStream stream2(*getItemStream(2));
Common::MemoryReadStream stream(*getItemStream(0));
seriesCount = stream.readUint16LE();
frameCount = stream.readUint16LE();
frameEntryCount = stream.readUint16LE();
flags = stream.readByte();
roomNumber = stream.readUint16LE();
frameTicks = stream.readUint16LE();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
char filename[13];
stream.read(filename, 13);
filenames.push_back(Common::String(filename, 13));
char name[100];
stream.read(name, 13);
lbmFilename = Common::String(name, 13);
stream.read(name, 13);
spritesFilename = Common::String(name, 13);
stream.read(name, 13);
soundName = Common::String(name, 13);
stream.read(name, 14);
fontResource = Common::String(name, 14);