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/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* VGMTrans (c) 2002-2019
* Licensed under the zlib license,
* refer to the included VGMTrans_LICENSE.txt file
#include "common/debug.h"
#include "vgmcoll.h"
#include "vgminstrset.h"
#include "vgmsamp.h"
using namespace std;
double ConvertLogScaleValToAtten(double percent) {
if (percent == 0)
return 100.0; // assume 0 is -100.0db attenuation
double atten = 20 * log10(percent) * 2;
return MIN<double>(-atten, 100.0);
// Convert a percent of volume value to it's attenuation in decibels.
// ex: ConvertPercentVolToAttenDB_SF2(0.5) returns -(-6.02db) = half perceived loudness
double ConvertPercentAmplitudeToAttenDB_SF2(double percent) {
if (percent == 0)
return 100.0; // assume 0 is -100.0db attenuation
double atten = 20 * log10(percent);
return MIN<double>(-atten, 100.0);
void VGMColl::UnpackSampColl(SynthFile &synthfile, VGMSampColl *sampColl,
Common::Array<VGMSamp *> &finalSamps) {
assert(sampColl != nullptr);
size_t nSamples = sampColl->_samples.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nSamples; i++) {
VGMSamp *samp = sampColl->_samples[i];
uint32 bufSize;
if (samp->_ulUncompressedSize)
bufSize = samp->_ulUncompressedSize;
bufSize = (uint32) ceil((double) samp->_dataLength * samp->GetCompressionRatio());
uint8 *uncompSampBuf =
new uint8[bufSize]; // create a new memory space for the uncompressed wave
samp->ConvertToStdWave(uncompSampBuf); // and uncompress into that space
uint16 blockAlign = samp->_bps / 8 * samp->_channels;
SynthWave *wave =
synthfile.AddWave(1, samp->_channels, samp->_rate, samp->_rate * blockAlign, blockAlign,
samp->_bps, bufSize, uncompSampBuf, (samp->_name));
// If we don't have any loop information, then don't create a sampInfo structure for the
// Wave
if (samp->_loop.loopStatus == -1) {
debug("No loop information for %s - some parameters might be incorrect",
SynthSampInfo *sampInfo = wave->AddSampInfo();
if (samp->_bPSXLoopInfoPrioritizing) {
if (samp->_loop.loopStart != 0 || samp->_loop.loopLength != 0)
sampInfo->SetLoopInfo(samp->_loop, samp);
} else
sampInfo->SetLoopInfo(samp->_loop, samp);
double attenuation = (samp->_volume != -1) ? ConvertLogScaleValToAtten(samp->_volume) : 0;
uint8 unityKey = (samp->_unityKey != -1) ? samp->_unityKey : 0x3C;
short fineTune = samp->_fineTune;
sampInfo->SetPitchInfo(unityKey, fineTune, attenuation);
SF2File *VGMColl::CreateSF2File(VGMInstrSet *theInstrSet) {
SynthFile *synthfile = CreateSynthFile(theInstrSet);
if (!synthfile) {
debug("SF2 conversion aborted");
return nullptr;
SF2File *sf2file = new SF2File(synthfile);
delete synthfile;
return sf2file;
SynthFile *VGMColl::CreateSynthFile(VGMInstrSet *theInstrSet) {
Common::Array<VGMInstrSet *> instrsets;
if (instrsets.empty()) {
debug("No instruments found.");
return nullptr;
/* FIXME: shared_ptr eventually */
SynthFile *synthfile = new SynthFile("SynthFile");
Common::Array<VGMSamp *> finalSamps;
Common::Array<VGMSampColl *> finalSampColls;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < instrsets.size(); i++) {
VGMSampColl *instrset_sampcoll = instrsets[i]->_sampColl;
if (instrset_sampcoll) {
UnpackSampColl(*synthfile, instrset_sampcoll, finalSamps);
if (finalSamps.empty()) {
debug("No sample collection present");
delete synthfile;
return nullptr;
for (size_t inst = 0; inst < instrsets.size(); inst++) {
VGMInstrSet *set = instrsets[inst];
size_t nInstrs = set->_aInstrs.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nInstrs; i++) {
VGMInstr *vgminstr = set->_aInstrs[i];
size_t nRgns = vgminstr->_aRgns.size();
if (nRgns == 0) // do not write an instrument if it has no regions
SynthInstr *newInstr = synthfile->AddInstr(vgminstr->_bank, vgminstr->_instrNum);
for (uint32 j = 0; j < nRgns; j++) {
VGMRgn *rgn = vgminstr->_aRgns[j];
// if (rgn->sampNum+1 > sampColl->samples.size())
////does thereferenced sample exist? continue;
// Determine the SampColl associated with this rgn. If there's an explicit pointer
// to it, use that.
VGMSampColl *sampColl = rgn->_sampCollPtr;
if (!sampColl) {
// If rgn is of an InstrSet with an embedded SampColl, use that SampColl.
if (((VGMInstrSet *) rgn->_vgmfile)->_sampColl)
sampColl = ((VGMInstrSet *) rgn->_vgmfile)->_sampColl;
// If that does not exist, assume the first SampColl
sampColl = finalSampColls[0];
// Determine the sample number within the rgn's associated SampColl
size_t realSampNum = rgn->_sampNum;
// Determine the sampCollNum (index into our finalSampColls vector)
size_t sampCollNum = finalSampColls.size();
for (size_t k = 0; k < finalSampColls.size(); k++) {
if (finalSampColls[k] == sampColl)
sampCollNum = k;
if (sampCollNum == finalSampColls.size()) {
debug("SampColl does not exist");
delete synthfile;
return nullptr;
// now we add the number of samples from the preceding SampColls to the value to
// get the real sampNum in the final DLS file.
for (uint32 k = 0; k < sampCollNum; k++)
realSampNum += finalSampColls[k]->_samples.size();
SynthRgn *newRgn = newInstr->AddRgn();
newRgn->SetRanges(rgn->_keyLow, rgn->_keyHigh, rgn->_velLow, rgn->_velHigh);
newRgn->SetWaveLinkInfo(0, 0, 1, (uint32) realSampNum);
if (realSampNum >= finalSamps.size()) {
debug("Sample %u does not exist", (uint32) realSampNum);
realSampNum = finalSamps.size() - 1;
VGMSamp *samp = finalSamps[realSampNum]; // sampColl->samples[rgn->sampNum];
SynthSampInfo *sampInfo = newRgn->AddSampInfo();
// This is a really loopy way of determining the loop information, pardon the pun.
// However, it works. There might be a way to simplify this, but I don't want to
// test out whether another method breaks anything just yet Use the sample's
// loopStatus to determine if a loop occurs. If it does, see if the sample provides
// loop info (gathered during ADPCM > PCM conversion. If the sample doesn't provide
// loop offset info, then use the region's loop info.
if (samp->_bPSXLoopInfoPrioritizing) {
if (samp->_loop.loopStatus != -1) {
if (samp->_loop.loopStart != 0 || samp->_loop.loopLength != 0)
sampInfo->SetLoopInfo(samp->_loop, samp);
else {
rgn->_loop.loopStatus = samp->_loop.loopStatus;
sampInfo->SetLoopInfo(rgn->_loop, samp);
} else {
error("_bPSXLoopInfoPrioritizing: Invalid sample loop status");
// The normal method: First, we check if the rgn has loop info defined.
// If it doesn't, then use the sample's loop info.
else if (rgn->_loop.loopStatus == -1) {
if (samp->_loop.loopStatus != -1)
sampInfo->SetLoopInfo(samp->_loop, samp);
else {
error("Invalid sample loop status");
} else
sampInfo->SetLoopInfo(rgn->_loop, samp);
int8 realUnityKey = -1;
if (rgn->_unityKey == -1)
realUnityKey = samp->_unityKey;
realUnityKey = rgn->_unityKey;
if (realUnityKey == -1)
realUnityKey = 0x3C;
short realFineTune;
if (rgn->_fineTune == 0)
realFineTune = samp->_fineTune;
realFineTune = rgn->_fineTune;
double attenuation;
if (rgn->_volume != -1)
attenuation = ConvertLogScaleValToAtten(rgn->_volume);
else if (samp->_volume != -1)
attenuation = ConvertLogScaleValToAtten(samp->_volume);
attenuation = 0;
double sustainLevAttenDb;
if (rgn->_sustain_level == -1)
sustainLevAttenDb = 0.0;
sustainLevAttenDb = ConvertPercentAmplitudeToAttenDB_SF2(rgn->_sustain_level);
SynthArt *newArt = newRgn->AddArt();
newArt->AddADSR(rgn->_attack_time, (Transform) rgn->_attack_transform, rgn->_decay_time,
sustainLevAttenDb, rgn->_sustain_time, rgn->_release_time,
(Transform) rgn->_release_transform);
sampInfo->SetPitchInfo(realUnityKey, realFineTune, attenuation);
return synthfile;