2022-10-04 13:50:49 +02:00

429 lines
16 KiB

/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#if !defined(SCUMM_IMUSE_DIGI_H) && defined(ENABLE_SCUMM_7_8)
#include "common/scummsys.h"
#include "common/mutex.h"
#include "common/serializer.h"
#include "common/textconsole.h"
#include "common/util.h"
#include "scumm/scumm_v7.h"
#include "scumm/music.h"
#include "scumm/sound.h"
#include "scumm/file.h"
#include "scumm/debugger.h"
#include "scumm/imuse_digi/dimuse_defs.h"
#include "scumm/imuse_digi/dimuse_internalmixer.h"
#include "scumm/imuse_digi/dimuse_groups.h"
#include "scumm/imuse_digi/dimuse_fades.h"
#include "scumm/imuse_digi/dimuse_files.h"
#include "scumm/imuse_digi/dimuse_triggers.h"
#include "scumm/imuse_digi/dimuse_bndmgr.h"
#include "scumm/imuse_digi/dimuse_sndmgr.h"
#include "scumm/imuse_digi/dimuse_tables.h"
#include "scumm/smush/smush_player.h"
#include "audio/mixer.h"
#include "audio/decoders/raw.h"
namespace Audio {
class AudioStream;
class Mixer;
class QueuingAudioStream;
namespace Scumm {
class ScummEngine_v7;
class SmushPlayer;
struct imuseDigTable;
struct imuseComiTable;
struct IMuseDigiDispatch;
struct IMuseDigiTrack;
struct IMuseDigiStreamZone;
class IMuseDigital : public MusicEngine {
Common::Mutex *_mutex;
ScummEngine_v7 *_vm;
Audio::Mixer *_mixer;
SmushPlayer *_splayer;
IMuseDigiInternalMixer *_internalMixer;
IMuseDigiGroupsHandler *_groupsHandler;
IMuseDigiFadesHandler *_fadesHandler;
IMuseDigiTriggersHandler *_triggersHandler;
IMuseDigiFilesHandler *_filesHandler;
int _callbackFps;
static void timer_handler(void *refConf);
void callback();
bool _isEarlyDiMUSE;
bool _isEngineDisabled;
// These three are manipulated in the waveOut functions
uint8 *_outputAudioBuffer;
int _outputFeedSize;
int _outputSampleRate;
int _maxQueuedStreams; // maximum number of streams which can be queued before they are played
int _nominalBufferCount;
int _currentSpeechVolume, _currentSpeechFrequency, _currentSpeechPan;
int _curMixerMusicVolume, _curMixerSpeechVolume, _curMixerSFXVolume;
bool _radioChatterSFX;
int32 _attributes[188]; // internal attributes for each music file to store and check later
int32 _nextSeqToPlay;
int32 _curMusicState;
int32 _curMusicSeq;
int32 _curMusicCue;
char *_audioNames; // filenames of sound SFX used in FT
int32 _numAudioNames; // number of above filenames
uint8 _currentVOCHeader[52]; // Header for the current sound for early DiMUSE
int _stopSequenceFlag;
int _scriptInitializedFlag;
char _emptyMarker[1];
bool _spooledMusicEnabled;
int _usecPerInt; // Microseconds between each callback (will be set to 50 Hz)
int _callbackInterruptFlag;
void diMUSEHeartbeat();
void setFtMusicState(int stateId);
void setFtMusicSequence(int seqId);
void playFtMusic(const char *songName, int opcode, int volume);
void setDigMusicState(int stateId);
void setDigMusicSequence(int seqId);
void playDigMusic(const char *songName, const imuseDigTable *table, int attribPos, bool sequence);
void setComiMusicState(int stateId);
void setComiMusicSequence(int seqId);
void playComiMusic(const char *songName, const imuseComiTable *table, int attribPos, bool sequence);
void playComiDemoMusic(const char *songName, const imuseComiTable *table, int attribPos, bool sequence);
int getSoundIdByName(const char *soundName);
bool isMusicStreamIdle();
bool isMusicCritical();
// Script
int scriptParse(int cmd, int a, int b);
int scriptInit();
int scriptTerminate();
void scriptRefresh();
void scriptSetState(int soundId);
void scriptSetSequence(int soundId);
void scriptSetCuePoint(int cueId);
int scriptSetAttribute(int attrIndex, int attrVal);
// CMDs
int _cmdsPauseCount;
int _cmdsRunning60HzCount;
int _cmdsRunning10HzCount;
int cmdsInit();
int cmdsDeinit();
int cmdsTerminate();
int cmdsPause();
int cmdsResume();
void cmdsSaveLoad(Common::Serializer &ser);
int cmdsStartSound(int soundId, int priority);
int cmdsStopSound(int soundId);
int cmdsStopAllSounds();
int cmdsGetNextSound(int soundId);
int cmdsSetParam(int soundId, int opcode, int value);
int cmdsGetParam(int soundId, int opcode);
int cmdsSetHook(int soundId, int hookId);
int cmdsGetHook(int soundId);
// Streamer
IMuseDigiStream _streams[DIMUSE_MAX_STREAMS];
IMuseDigiStream *_lastStreamLoaded;
int _streamerBailFlag;
int streamerInit();
IMuseDigiStream *streamerAllocateSound(int soundId, int bufId, int32 maxRead);
int streamerClearSoundInStream(IMuseDigiStream *streamPtr);
int streamerProcessStreams();
uint8 *streamerGetStreamBuffer(IMuseDigiStream *streamPtr, int size);
uint8 *streamerGetStreamBufferAtOffset(IMuseDigiStream *streamPtr, int32 offset, int size);
int streamerSetReadIndex(IMuseDigiStream *streamPtr, int offset);
int streamerSetLoadIndex(IMuseDigiStream *streamPtr, int offset);
int streamerGetFreeBufferAmount(IMuseDigiStream *streamPtr);
int streamerSetSoundToStreamFromOffset(IMuseDigiStream *streamPtr, int soundId, int32 offset);
void streamerQueryStream(IMuseDigiStream *streamPtr, int32 &bufSize, int32 &criticalSize, int32 &freeSpace, int &paused);
int streamerFeedStream(IMuseDigiStream *streamPtr, uint8 *srcBuf, int32 sizeToFeed, int paused);
int streamerFetchData(IMuseDigiStream *streamPtr);
void streamerSetLoopFlag(IMuseDigiStream *streamPtr, int offset);
void streamerRemoveLoopFlag(IMuseDigiStream *streamPtr);
// Tracks
IMuseDigiTrack _tracks[DIMUSE_MAX_TRACKS];
IMuseDigiTrack *_trackList;
int _trackCount;
int _tracksPauseTimer;
int _tracksPrefSampleRate;
int _tracksMicroSecsToFeed;
int tracksInit();
void tracksPause();
void tracksResume();
void tracksSaveLoad(Common::Serializer &ser);
void tracksSetGroupVol();
void tracksCallback();
int tracksStartSound(int soundId, int tryPriority, int group);
int tracksStopSound(int soundId);
int tracksStopAllSounds();
int tracksGetNextSound(int soundId);
int tracksQueryStream(int soundId, int32 &bufSize, int32 &criticalSize, int32 &freeSpace, int &paused);
int tracksFeedStream(int soundId, uint8 *srcBuf, int32 sizeToFeed, int paused);
void tracksClear(IMuseDigiTrack *trackPtr);
int tracksSetParam(int soundId, int opcode, int value);
int tracksGetParam(int soundId, int opcode);
int tracksLipSync(int soundId, int syncId, int msPos, int32 &width, int32 &height);
int tracksSetHook(int soundId, int hookId);
int tracksGetHook(int soundId);
IMuseDigiTrack *tracksReserveTrack(int priority);
void tracksDeinit();
// Dispatch
IMuseDigiDispatch _dispatches[DIMUSE_MAX_DISPATCHES];
IMuseDigiStreamZone _streamZones[DIMUSE_MAX_STREAMZONES];
uint8 *_dispatchBuffer;
uint8 _ftCrossfadeBuffer[30000]; // Used by FT & DIG demo
int32 _dispatchSize;
uint8 *_dispatchSmallFadeBufs;
uint8 *_dispatchLargeFadeBufs;
int32 _dispatchFadeSize;
int _dispatchLargeFadeFlags[DIMUSE_LARGE_FADES];
int _dispatchSmallFadeFlags[DIMUSE_SMALL_FADES];
int _dispatchFadeStartedFlag;
int _dispatchBufferedHookId;
int32 _dispatchJumpFadeSize;
int32 _dispatchCurStreamBufSize;
int32 _dispatchCurStreamCriticalSize;
int32 _dispatchCurStreamFreeSpace;
int _dispatchCurStreamPaused;
int dispatchInit();
IMuseDigiDispatch *dispatchGetDispatchByTrackId(int trackId);
void dispatchSaveLoad(Common::Serializer &ser);
int dispatchRestoreStreamZones();
int dispatchAllocateSound(IMuseDigiTrack *trackPtr, int groupId);
int dispatchRelease(IMuseDigiTrack *trackPtr);
int dispatchSwitchStream(int oldSoundId, int newSoundId, int fadeLength, int unusedFadeSyncFlag, int offsetFadeSyncFlag);
int dispatchSwitchStream(int oldSoundId, int newSoundId, uint8 *crossfadeBuffer, int crossfadeBufferSize, int vocLoopFlag);
void dispatchProcessDispatches(IMuseDigiTrack *trackPtr, int feedSize, int sampleRate);
void dispatchProcessDispatches(IMuseDigiTrack *trackPtr, int feedSize);
void dispatchPredictFirstStream();
int dispatchNavigateMap(IMuseDigiDispatch *dispatchPtr);
int dispatchGetMap(IMuseDigiDispatch *dispatchPtr);
int dispatchConvertMap(uint8 *rawMap, int32 *destMap);
uint8 *dispatchGetNextMapEvent(int32 *mapPtr, int32 soundOffset, uint8 *mapEvent);
void dispatchPredictStream(IMuseDigiDispatch *dispatchPtr);
uint8 *dispatchCheckForJump(int32 *mapPtr, IMuseDigiStreamZone *strZnPtr, int &candidateHookId);
void dispatchPrepareToJump(IMuseDigiDispatch *dispatchPtr, IMuseDigiStreamZone *strZnPtr, uint8 *jumpParamsFromMap, int calledFromGetNextMapEvent);
void dispatchStreamNextZone(IMuseDigiDispatch *dispatchPtr, IMuseDigiStreamZone *strZnPtr);
IMuseDigiStreamZone *dispatchAllocateStreamZone();
uint8 *dispatchAllocateFade(int32 &fadeSize, const char *functionName);
void dispatchDeallocateFade(IMuseDigiDispatch *dispatchPtr, const char *functionName);
int dispatchGetFadeSize(IMuseDigiDispatch *dispatchPtr, int fadeLength);
void dispatchValidateFadeSize(IMuseDigiDispatch *dispatchPtr, int32 &dispatchSize, const char *functionName);
int dispatchUpdateFadeMixVolume(IMuseDigiDispatch *dispatchPtr, int32 remainingFade);
int dispatchUpdateFadeSlope(IMuseDigiDispatch *dispatchPtr);
void dispatchVOCLoopCallback(int soundId);
int dispatchSeekToNextChunk(IMuseDigiDispatch *dispatchPtr);
// Wave (mainly a wrapper for Tracks functions)
int waveInit();
int waveTerminate();
int wavePause();
int waveResume();
void waveSaveLoad(Common::Serializer &ser);
void waveUpdateGroupVolumes();
int waveStartSound(int soundId, int priority);
int waveStopSound(int soundId);
int waveStopAllSounds();
int waveGetNextSound(int soundId);
int waveSetParam(int soundId, int opcode, int value);
int waveGetParam(int soundId, int opcode);
int waveSetHook(int soundId, int hookId);
int waveGetHook(int soundId);
int waveStartStream(int soundId, int priority, int groupId);
int waveSwitchStream(int oldSoundId, int newSoundId, int fadeLengthMs, int fadeSyncFlag2, int fadeSyncFlag1);
int waveSwitchStream(int oldSoundId, int newSoundId, uint8 *crossfadeBuffer, int crossfadeBufferSize, int vocLoopFlag);
int waveProcessStreams();
int waveQueryStream(int soundId, int32 &bufSize, int32 &criticalSize, int32 &freeSpace, int &paused);
int waveFeedStream(int soundId, uint8 *srcBuf, int32 sizeToFeed, int paused);
int waveLipSync(int soundId, int syncId, int msPos, int32 &width, int32 &height);
// Waveapi
waveOutParamsStruct waveOutSettings;
int _waveOutSampleRate;
int _waveOutBytesPerSample;
int _waveOutNumChannels;
int _waveOutZeroLevel;
int _waveOutPreferredFeedSize;
uint8 *_waveOutMixBuffer;
uint8 *_waveOutOutputBuffer;
int _waveOutXorTrigger;
int _waveOutWriteIndex;
int _waveOutDisableWrite;
int waveOutInit(int sampleRate, waveOutParamsStruct *waveOutSettings);
void waveOutWrite(uint8 **audioBuffer, int &feedSize, int &sampleRate);
int waveOutDeinit();
void waveOutCallback();
byte waveOutGetStreamFlags();
IMuseDigital(ScummEngine_v7 *scumm, Audio::Mixer *mixer, Common::Mutex *mutex);
~IMuseDigital() override;
// Wrapper functions used by the main engine
void startSound(int sound) override { error("IMuseDigital::startSound(int) should be never called"); }
void setMusicVolume(int vol) override {}
void stopSound(int sound) override;
void stopAllSounds() override;
int getSoundStatus(int sound) const override { return 0; }
int isSoundRunning(int soundId); // Needed because getSoundStatus is a const function, and I needed a workaround
int startVoice(int soundId, const char *soundName, byte speakingActorId);
int startVoice(const char *fileName, ScummFile *file, uint32 offset, uint32 size);
void saveLoadEarly(Common::Serializer &ser);
void setRadioChatterSFX(bool state);
void setAudioNames(int32 num, char *names);
int startSfx(int soundId, int priority) ;
void setPriority(int soundId, int priority);
void setVolume(int soundId, int volume);
void setPan(int soundId, int pan);
void setFrequency(int soundId, int frequency);
int getCurSpeechVolume() const;
int getCurSpeechPan() const;
int getCurSpeechFrequency() const;
void pause(bool pause);
void parseScriptCmds(int cmd, int soundId, int sub_cmd, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h, int i, int j, int k, int l, int m, int n, int o, int p);
void refreshScripts();
void flushTracks();
void disableEngine();
bool isEngineDisabled();
void stopSMUSHAudio();
void receiveAudioFromSMUSH(uint8 *srcBuf, int32 inFrameCount, int32 feedSize, int32 mixBufStartIndex, int volume, int pan, bool is11025Hz);
void setSmushPlayer(SmushPlayer *splayer);
void floodMusicBuffer();
void fillStreamsWhileMusicCritical(int fillTimesAfter);
bool queryNextSoundFile(int32 &bufSize, int32 &criticalSize, int32 &freeSpace, int &paused);
bool isFTSoundEngine(); // Used in the handlers to check if we're using the FT version of the engine
int32 getCurMusicPosInMs();
int32 getCurVoiceLipSyncWidth();
int32 getCurVoiceLipSyncHeight();
int32 getCurMusicLipSyncWidth(int syncId);
int32 getCurMusicLipSyncHeight(int syncId);
void getSpeechLipSyncInfo(int32 &width, int32 &height);
void getMusicLipSyncInfo(int syncId, int32 &width, int32 &height);
int32 getSoundElapsedTimeInMs(int soundId);
// General engine functions
int diMUSETerminate();
int diMUSEInitialize();
int diMUSEPause();
int diMUSEResume();
void diMUSESaveLoad(Common::Serializer &ser);
int diMUSESetGroupVol(int groupId, int volume);
int diMUSEStartSound(int soundId, int priority);
int diMUSEStopSound(int soundId);
int diMUSEStopAllSounds();
int diMUSEGetNextSound(int soundId);
int diMUSESetParam(int soundId, int paramId, int value);
int diMUSEGetParam(int soundId, int paramId);
int diMUSEFadeParam(int soundId, int opcode, int destValue, int fadeLength);
int diMUSESetHook(int soundId, int hookId);
int diMUSESetTrigger(int soundId, int marker, int opcode,
int d = -1, int e = -1, int f = -1, int g = -1,
int h = -1, int i = -1, int j = -1, int k = -1,
int l = -1, int m = -1, int n = -1);
int diMUSEStartStream(int soundId, int priority, int groupId);
int diMUSESwitchStream(int oldSoundId, int newSoundId, int fadeDelay, int fadeSyncFlag2, int fadeSyncFlag1);
int diMUSESwitchStream(int oldSoundId, int newSoundId, uint8 *crossfadeBuffer, int crossfadeBufferSize, int vocLoopFlag);
int diMUSEProcessStreams();
int diMUSEQueryStream(int soundId, int32 &bufSize, int32 &criticalSize, int32 &freeSpace, int &paused);
int diMUSEFeedStream(int soundId, uint8 *srcBuf, int32 sizeToFeed, int paused);
int diMUSELipSync(int soundId, int syncId, int msPos, int32 &width, int32 &height);
int diMUSEGetMusicGroupVol();
int diMUSEGetSFXGroupVol();
int diMUSEGetVoiceGroupVol();
int diMUSESetMusicGroupVol(int volume);
int diMUSESetSFXGroupVol(int volume);
int diMUSESetVoiceGroupVol(int volume);
void diMUSEUpdateGroupVolumes();
int diMUSEInitializeScript();
void diMUSERefreshScript();
int diMUSESetState(int soundId);
int diMUSESetSequence(int soundId);
int diMUSESetCuePoint(int cueId);
int diMUSESetAttribute(int attrIndex, int attrVal);
void diMUSEEnableSpooledMusic();
void diMUSEDisableSpooledMusic();
// Utils
int addTrackToList(IMuseDigiTrack **listPtr, IMuseDigiTrack *listPtr_Item);
int removeTrackFromList(IMuseDigiTrack **listPtr, IMuseDigiTrack *itemPtr);
int addStreamZoneToList(IMuseDigiStreamZone **listPtr, IMuseDigiStreamZone *listPtr_Item);
int removeStreamZoneFromList(IMuseDigiStreamZone **listPtr, IMuseDigiStreamZone *itemPtr);
int clampNumber(int value, int minValue, int maxValue);
int clampTuning(int value, int minValue, int maxValue);
int checkHookId(int &trackHookId, int sampleHookId);
int roundRobinSetBufferCount();
// CMDs
int cmdsHandleCmd(int cmd, uint8 *ptr = nullptr,
int a = -1, int b = -1, int c = -1, int d = -1, int e = -1,
int f = -1, int g = -1, int h = -1, int i = -1, int j = -1,
int k = -1, int l = -1, int m = -1, int n = -1);
// Script
int scriptTriggerCallback(char *marker);
// Debugger utility functions
void listStates();
void listSeqs();
void listCues();
void listTracks();
void listGroups();
} // End of namespace Scumm