2021-08-06 09:27:13 +09:00

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/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Based on the original sources
* Faery Tale II -- The Halls of the Dead
* (c) 1993-1996 The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co.
#ifndef SAGA2_TILE_H
#define SAGA2_TILE_H
#include "common/memstream.h"
#include "saga2/fta.h"
#include "saga2/tileload.h"
#include "saga2/annoy.h"
#include "saga2/terrain.h"
#include "saga2/property.h"
#include "saga2/tcoords.h"
namespace Saga2 {
/* ===================================================================== *
Tile ID's and asociated functions
* ===================================================================== */
class TileBank;
typedef TileBank *TileBankPtr; // pointer to tile bank
inline TileID makeTileID(int bank, int num) {
return (TileID)((bank << 10) | num);
inline void TileID2Bank(TileID t, int16 &bank, int16 &num) {
bank = (int16)(t >> 10);
num = (int16)(t & 0x3ff);
/* ===================================================================== *
Inline functions
* ===================================================================== */
// Given a U between 0 and 3, and a V between 0 and 3, compute
// a terrain mask for the subtile at (U,V)
inline int16 calcSubTileMask(int u, int v) {
return (int16)(1 << ((u << 2) + v));
/* ===================================================================== *
Tile Attributes
* ===================================================================== */
struct TileAttrs {
// Height above base of tile below which terrain has effect
uint8 terrainHeight;
// Visual information
uint8 height; // height of tile bitmap
// Terrain information
uint16 terrainMask; // 16 terrain selector bits
uint8 fgdTerrain,
// Reserved bytes
uint8 reserved0[8]; // auto-terrain data
// Masking information
uint8 maskRule, // which tile masking rule to use
altMask; // for tiles with special masks
// Altitude information
uint8 cornerHeight[4];
// Animation information
uint8 cycleRange; // cycle range for tile
uint8 tileFlags; // various flags for tile
// Reserved bytes
uint16 reserved1;
int32 testTerrain(int16 mask) {
int32 terrain = 0;
if (terrainMask & mask) terrain |= (1 << fgdTerrain);
if (~terrainMask & mask) terrain |= (1 << bgdTerrain);
return terrain;
enum tile_flags {
// This tile has been used in at least one activity group
tileInGroup = (1 << 0),
// Indicates that an activity group should be placed in lieu
// of the tile.
tileAutoGroup = (1 << 1),
// Indicates that the tile is sensitive to being walked on
tileWalkSense = (1 << 2),
// Indicates that tile has been recently modified
tileModified = (1 << 3)
/* ===================================================================== *
Terrain types
* ===================================================================== */
enum terrainTypes {
terrNumNormal = 0,
enum terrainBits {
terrainNormal = (1 << terrNumNormal), // clear terrain
terrainEasy = (1 << terrNumEasy), // easy terrain (path)
terrainRough = (1 << terrNumRough), // rough terrain (shrub)
terrainStone = (1 << terrNumStone), // stone obstacle
terrainWood = (1 << terrNumWood), // wood obstacle
terrainHedge = (1 << terrNumHedge), // penetrable obstacle
terrainTree = (1 << terrNumTree), // tree obstacle
terrainWater = (1 << terrNumWater), // water (depth given by height)
terrainFall = (1 << terrNumFall), // does not support things
terrainRamp = (1 << terrNumRamp), // low friction slope
terrainStair = (1 << terrNumStair), // high friction slope
terrainLadder = (1 << terrNumLadder), // vertical climb
terrainObject = (1 << terrNumObject), // collision with other object
terrainActive = (1 << terrNumActive), // tile is sensitive to walking on
terrainSlash = (1 << terrNumSlash), // Slide Down Slope Left
terrainBash = (1 << terrNumBash), // Slide Down Slope Left
terrainIce = (1 << terrNumIce),
terrainCold = (1 << terrNumCold),
terrainHot = (1 << terrNumHot),
terrainFurniture = (1 << terrNumFurniture)
// A combination mask of all the terrain types which can have
// sloped surfaces. (Water is a negative sloped surface)
const int terrainSurface = terrainNormal
| terrainEasy
| terrainRough
| terrainWater
| terrainRamp
| terrainCold
| terrainStair;
const int terrainSolidSurface
= terrainNormal
| terrainEasy
| terrainRough
| terrainRamp
| terrainCold
| terrainStair;
// A combination mask of all terrain types which can have
// raised surfaces.
const int terrainRaised = terrainStone
| terrainWood
| terrainTree
| terrainHedge
| terrainFurniture;
const int terrainSupportingRaised = terrainStone
| terrainWood
| terrainFurniture;
const int terrainImpassable = terrainStone
| terrainWood
| terrainTree
| terrainHedge
| terrainFurniture;
const int terrainSlow = terrainRough
| terrainWater
| terrainLadder;
const int terrainAverage = terrainNormal
| terrainRamp
| terrainStair;
const int terrainInsubstantial = terrainFall
| terrainLadder
| terrainSlash
| terrainBash;
const int terrainTransparent = terrainSurface
| terrainInsubstantial;
/* ===================================================================== *
Describes an individual tile
* ===================================================================== */
struct TileInfo {
uint32 offset; // offset in tile list
TileAttrs attrs; // tile attributes
int32 combinedTerrainMask(void) {
return (1 << attrs.fgdTerrain) | (1 << attrs.bgdTerrain);
bool hasProperty(const TileProperty &tileProp) {
return tileProp.operator()(this);
static TileInfo *tileAddress(TileID id);
static TileInfo *tileAddress(TileID id, uint8 **imageData);
/* ===================================================================== *
Describes a bank of tiles
* ===================================================================== */
class TileBank {
uint32 _numTiles; // number of tiles in list
TileInfo *_tileArray; // variable-sized array
TileBank() {
_numTiles = 0;
_tileArray = nullptr;
TileBank(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream);
TileInfo *tile(uint16 index) {
return &_tileArray[index];
/* ===================================================================== *
TileRef: This structure is used whenever a tile is positioned on a
map or TAG. It contains the tile, the tile height, and various flags.
* ===================================================================== */
struct TileRef {
TileID tile; // which tile
uint8 flags; // tile flags
uint8 tileHeight; // height of tile above platform
enum tileRefFlags {
trTileTAG = (1 << 0), // this tile part of a TAG
trTileHidden = (1 << 1), // tile hidden when covered
trTileFlipped = (1 << 2), // draw tile flipped horizontal
trTileSensitive = (1 << 3) // tile is triggerable (TAG only)
typedef TileRef *TileRefPtr, **TileRefHandle;
void drawMainDisplay(void);
/* ===================================================================== *
TileCycleData: This structure is used to define continously cycling
tiles such as waves on the ocean or a flickering torch.
* ===================================================================== */
class TileCycleData {
int32 counter; // cycling counter
uint8 pad; // odd-byte pad
uint8 numStates, // number of animated states
currentState, // current state of animation
cycleSpeed; // speed of cycling (0=none)
TileID cycleList[16]; // array of tiles
void load(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) {
counter = stream->readSint32LE();
pad = stream->readByte();
numStates = stream->readByte();
currentState = stream->readByte();
cycleSpeed = stream->readByte();
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
cycleList[i] = stream->readUint16LE();
typedef TileCycleData
*CyclePtr, // pointer to cycle data
* *CycleHandle; // handle to cycle data
const int maxCycleRanges = 128; // 128 should do for now...
/* ===================================================================== *
ActiveTileItem: This is the base class for all of the behavioral
objects which can be placed on a tilemap.
* ===================================================================== */
enum ActiveItemTypes {
activeTypeGroup = 0,
// A pointer to the array of active item state arrays
extern byte **stateArray;
class ActiveItemList;
class ActiveItem;
#include "common/pack-start.h"
struct ActiveItemData {
uint32 nextHashDummy; // next item in hash chain
uint16 scriptClassID; // associated script object
uint16 associationOffset; // offset into association table
uint8 numAssociations; // number of associated items
uint8 itemType; // item type code.
union {
struct {
uint16 grDataOffset; // offset to group data
uint8 numStates, // number of animated states
uSize, // dimensions of group
animArea, // uSize * vSize
triggerWeight, // sensitivity
uint16 reserved0;
uint16 reserved1;
} group;
struct {
int16 groupID; // id of defining group
int16 u, v, h;
uint16 stateIndex; // for state-based anims.
uint16 scriptFlags;
uint16 targetU, // U-coord of target
targetV; // V-coord of target
uint8 targetZ, // Z-coord of target
worldNum; // Add 0xf000 to get world Object ID
} instance;
ActiveItem *aItem; // active item this ActiveItemData is a part of
#include "common/pack-end.h"
class ActiveItem {
ActiveItem *_nextHash; // next item in hash chain
int _index;
ActiveItemList *_parent;
ActiveItemData _data;
enum {
activeItemLocked = (1 << 8), // The door is locked
activeItemOpen = (1 << 9), // The door is open (not used)
activeItemExclusive = (1 << 10) // Script semaphore
ActiveItem(ActiveItemList *parent, int ind, Common::SeekableReadStream *stream);
// Return the map number of this active item
int16 getMapNum(void);
// Return the address of an active item, given its ID
static ActiveItem *activeItemAddress(ActiveItemID id);
// Return this active items ID
ActiveItemID thisID(void);
// Return this active items ID
ActiveItemID thisID(int16 mapNum);
// Return a pointer to this TAI's group
ActiveItem *getGroup(void) {
assert(_data.itemType == activeTypeInstance);
return activeItemAddress(ActiveItemID(getMapNum(), _data.instance.groupID));
enum BuiltInBehaviorType {
builtInNone = 0, // TAG handled by SAGA
builtInLamp, // TAG has lamp behavior
builtInDoor, // TAG has door behavior
builtInTransporter // TAG has transporter behavior
// Return the state number of this active item instance
uint8 getInstanceState(int16 mapNum) {
return stateArray[mapNum][_data.instance.stateIndex];
// Set the state number of this active item instance
void setInstanceState(int16 mapNum, uint8 state) {
stateArray[mapNum][_data.instance.stateIndex] = state;
uint8 builtInBehavior(void) {
return (uint8)(_data.instance.scriptFlags >> 13);
// Access to the locked bit
bool isLocked(void) {
return (bool)(_data.instance.scriptFlags & activeItemLocked);
void setLocked(bool val) {
if (val)
_data.instance.scriptFlags |= activeItemLocked;
_data.instance.scriptFlags &= ~activeItemLocked;
// Access to the exclusion semaphore
bool isExclusive(void) {
return (bool)(_data.instance.scriptFlags & activeItemExclusive);
void setExclusive(bool val) {
if (val)
_data.instance.scriptFlags |= activeItemExclusive;
_data.instance.scriptFlags &= ~activeItemExclusive;
uint8 lockType(void) {
return (uint8)_data.instance.scriptFlags;
// ActiveItem instance methods
bool use(ObjectID enactor);
bool trigger(ObjectID enactor, ObjectID objID);
bool release(ObjectID enactor, ObjectID objID);
bool acceptLockToggle(ObjectID enactor, uint8 keyCode);
bool inRange(const TilePoint &loc, int16 range);
// ActiveItem group methods
bool use(ActiveItem *ins, ObjectID enactor);
bool trigger(ActiveItem *ins, ObjectID enactor, ObjectID objID);
bool release(ActiveItem *ins, ObjectID enactor, ObjectID objID);
bool acceptLockToggle(ActiveItem *ins, ObjectID enactor, uint8 keyCode);
bool inRange(ActiveItem *ins, const TilePoint &loc, int16 range) {
return loc.u >= ins->_data.instance.u - range
&& loc.v >= ins->_data.instance.v - range
&& loc.u < ins->_data.instance.u + _data.group.uSize + range
&& loc.v < ins->_data.instance.v + _data.group.vSize + range;
ObjectID getInstanceContext(void);
Location getInstanceLocation(void);
static void playTAGNoise(ActiveItem *ai, int16 tagNoiseID);
typedef ActiveItem *ActiveItemPtr,
struct WorldMapData;
class ActiveItemList {
int _count;
ActiveItem **_items;
WorldMapData *_parent;
ActiveItemList(WorldMapData *parent, int count, Common::SeekableReadStream *stream);
#if 0
/* ===================================================================== *
TileHitZone: This object represents a large region which overlays the
tile map without affecting it's appearance. It does not contain any
tiles or animation information, it is a behavioral region only.
It can be much larger and more complex in shape than an activity group.
* ===================================================================== */
class TileHitZone : public ActiveItem {
// REM: Allow discontiguous regions??
int16 numVertices;
XArray<Point16> vertexList;
int16 type(void) {
return activeTypeHitZone;
class ObjectClass : public ActiveItem {
// A general type of object
int16 type(void) {
return activeTypeObjectType;
class ObjectInstance : public ActiveItem {
TileGroupID classID; // ID of object class
// An instance of a specific object.
uint16 u, v, h; // where the instance lies
uint8 facing; // which direction it's facing
int16 type(void) {
return activeTypeObject;
/* ============================================================================ *
TileActivityTask class
* ============================================================================ */
// This class handles the built-in movement of active terrain items. It
// includes things like opening/closing doors, and toggling lamps.
// Since most things in the game aren't moving at a given point, the
// variables for simulating motion don't need to always be present.
class TileActivityTask {
friend class TileActivityTaskList;
friend class ActiveItem;
uint8 activityType; // open or close
uint8 targetState;
ActiveItem *tai; // the tile activity instance
ThreadID script; // script to wake up when task done
enum activityTypes {
activityTypeNone, // no activity
activityTypeOpen, // open door
activityTypeClose, // close door
activityTypeScript // scriptable activity
void remove(void); // tile activity task is finished.
// Functions to create a new tile activity task.
static void openDoor(ActiveItem &activeInstance);
static void closeDoor(ActiveItem &activeInstance);
static void doScript(ActiveItem &activeInstance, uint8 finalState, ThreadID id);
static void updateActiveItems(void);
static void initTileActivityTasks(void);
static TileActivityTask *find(ActiveItem *tai);
static bool setWait(ActiveItem *tai, ThreadID script);
/* ============================================================================ *
TileActivityTaskList class
* ============================================================================ */
class TileActivityTaskList {
friend class TileActivityTask;
Common::List<TileActivityTask *> _list;
// Constructor -- initial construction
// Reconstruct the TileActivityTaskList from an archive buffer
TileActivityTaskList(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream);
void read(Common::InSaveFile *in);
void write(Common::MemoryWriteStreamDynamic *out);
// Cleanup this list
void cleanup(void);
// get new tile activity task
TileActivityTask *newTask(ActiveItem *activeInstance);
void moveActiveTerrain(int32 deltaTime);
/* ===================================================================== *
A structure to record special return values from tileSlopeHeight
* ===================================================================== */
struct StandingTileInfo {
TileInfo *surfaceTile;
ActiveItemPtr surfaceTAG;
TileRef surfaceRef;
int16 surfaceHeight;
/* ======================================================================= *
Platform struct
* ======================================================================= */
const int maxPlatforms = 8;
struct Platform {
uint16 height, // height above ground
highestPixel; // tallest tile upper extent
uint16 flags; // platform flags
TileRef tiles[kPlatformWidth][kPlatformWidth];
void load(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) {
height = stream->readUint16LE();
highestPixel = stream->readUint16LE();
flags = stream->readUint16LE();
for (int j = 0; j < kPlatformWidth; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < kPlatformWidth; ++i) {
tiles[j][i].tile = stream->readUint16LE();
tiles[j][i].flags = stream->readByte();
tiles[j][i].tileHeight = stream->readByte();
TileRef &getTileRef(const TilePoint p) {
return tiles[p.u][p.v];
TileRef &getTileRef(int16 u, int16 v) {
return tiles[u][v];
// fetch the REAL tile terrain info
TileInfo *fetchTile(int16 mapNum,
const TilePoint &pt,
const TilePoint &origin,
int16 &height,
int16 &trFlags);
// Fetch the tile and the active item it came from...
TileInfo *fetchTAGInstance(
int16 mapNum,
const TilePoint &pt,
const TilePoint &origin,
StandingTileInfo &sti);
// fetch the REAL tile terrain info and image data
TileInfo *fetchTile(int16 mapNum,
const TilePoint &pt,
const TilePoint &origin,
uint8 **imageData,
int16 &height,
int16 &trFlags);
// Fetch the tile and image data and the active item it came from...
TileInfo *fetchTAGInstance(
int16 mapNum,
const TilePoint &pt,
const TilePoint &origin,
uint8 **imageData,
StandingTileInfo &sti);
uint16 roofRipID(void) {
return (uint16)(flags & 0x0FFF);
typedef Platform *PlatformPtr,
* *PlatformHandle;
enum platformFlags {
plCutaway = (1 << 0), // remove when player underneath
// Cutaway directions: When platform is cut away, also cut
// away any adjacent platforms in these directions.
plVisible = (1 << 15), // platform is visible
plModified = (1 << 14), // platform has been changed
plCutUPos = (1 << 13),
plCutUNeg = (1 << 13),
plCutVPos = (1 << 13),
plCutVNeg = (1 << 13)
enum platformFlags {
plCutaway = (1 << 0), // remove when player underneath
// Cutaway directions: When platform is cut away, also cut
// away any adjacent platforms in these directions.
plCutUPos = (1 << 1),
plCutUNeg = (1 << 2),
plCutVPos = (1 << 3),
plCutVNeg = (1 << 4),
plVisible = (1 << 5), // platform is visible
plEnabled = (1 << 6) // enforce platform terrain.
/* ======================================================================= *
PlatformCacheEntry struct
* ======================================================================= */
struct PlatformCacheEntry {
uint16 platformNum, // original platform num
layerNum; // index of this plat in mt.
MetaTileID metaID; // pointer to parent metatile
Platform pl; // actual platform data
enum {
kPlatformCacheSize = 256
/* ======================================================================= *
RipTable struct
* ======================================================================= */
// An object roof ripping "z-buffer" type structure
typedef int16 RipTableID;
struct RipTable {
MetaTileID metaID;
uint16 ripID;
int16 zTable[kPlatformWidth][kPlatformWidth];
int _index;
enum {
kRipTableSize = 25
// Constructor
RipTable(void) : metaID(NoMetaTile), ripID(0), _index(-1) {
for (int i = 0; i < kPlatformWidth; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < kPlatformWidth; j++)
zTable[i][j] = 0;
// Return a pointer to a rip table, given the rip table's ID
static RipTable *ripTableAddress(RipTableID id);
// Return the rip table's ID
RipTableID thisID(void);
typedef RipTable *RipTablePtr;
typedef RipTableID *RipTableIDPtr,
typedef uint16 metaTileNoise;
/* ======================================================================= *
MetaTile struct
* ======================================================================= */
// A "Metatile" is a larger tile made up of smaller tiles.
class MetaTileList;
class MetaTile {
uint16 _highestPixel; // more drawing optimization
BankBits _banksNeeded; // which banks are needed
uint16 _stack[maxPlatforms]; // pointer to platforms
uint32 _properties; // more drawing optimization
int _index;
MetaTileList *_parent;
MetaTile(MetaTileList *parent, int ind, Common::SeekableReadStream *stream);
// Return a pointer to a meta tile given its ID
static MetaTile *metaTileAddress(MetaTileID id);
// Return this meta tile's ID
MetaTileID thisID(int16 mapNum);
// Return a pointer to the specified platform
Platform *fetchPlatform(int16 mapNum, int16 index);
// Return a pointer to this metatile's current object ripping
// table
RipTable *ripTable(int16 mapNum);
// Return a reference to this meta tile's rip table ID
RipTableID &ripTableID(int16 mapNum);
metaTileNoise HeavyMetaMusic(void);
bool hasProperty(
const MetaTileProperty &metaTileProp,
int16 mapNum,
const TilePoint &mCoords) {
return metaTileProp(this, mapNum, mCoords);
typedef MetaTile *MetaTilePtr,
* *MetaTileHandle;
class MetaTileList {
int _count;
MetaTile **_tiles;
MetaTileList(int count, Common::SeekableReadStream *stream);
/* ===================================================================== *
MapHeader struct
* ===================================================================== */
struct MapHeader {
int16 size; // size of map
int16 edgeType; // edge type of map
uint16 *mapData; // start of map array
MapHeader(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream);
enum mapEdgeTypes {
edgeTypeBlack = 0,
typedef MapHeader *MapPtr,
* *MapHandle;
/* ===================================================================== *
WorldMapData struct
* ===================================================================== */
const uint16 metaTileVisited = (1 << 15);
struct WorldMapData {
ObjectID worldID; // The number of this map
MapPtr map; // Map data
MetaTileList *metaList; // MetaTile list
TileRefPtr activeItemData; // ActiveItem tileRefs
ActiveItemList *activeItemList; // ActiveItem list
uint16 *assocList; // Associations
RipTableIDPtr ripTableIDList; // MetaTile object ripping
ActiveItem *instHash[513]; // ActiveItem hash table
int16 metaCount, // Number of MetaTiles
activeCount; // Number of ActiveItems
int16 mapSize; // Size of map in meta tiles
int32 mapHeight; // Height of map in Y
// Lookup metatile on map.
MetaTilePtr lookupMeta(TilePoint coords);
// Build active item instance hash table
void buildInstanceHash(void);
// Return a pointer to an active item instance based upon the
// group ID and the MetaTile's coordinates
ActiveItem *findHashedInstance(TilePoint &tp, int16 group);
/* ===================================================================== *
MetaTileIterator class
* ===================================================================== */
class MetaTileIterator {
TilePoint mCoords;
TileRegion region;
int16 mapNum;
bool iterate(void);
MetaTileIterator(int16 map, const TileRegion &reg) : mapNum(map) {
region.min.u = reg.min.u >> kPlatShift;
region.max.u = (reg.max.u + kPlatMask) >> kPlatShift;
region.min.v = reg.min.v >> kPlatShift;
region.max.v = (reg.max.v + kPlatMask) >> kPlatShift;
region.min.z = region.max.z = 0;
MetaTile *first(TilePoint *loc = NULL);
MetaTile *next(TilePoint *loc = NULL);
int16 getMapNum(void) {
return mapNum;
/* ===================================================================== *
TileIterator class
* ===================================================================== */
class TileIterator {
MetaTileIterator metaIter;
MetaTile *mt;
int16 platIndex;
Platform *platform;
TilePoint tCoords,
TileRegion region,
bool iterate(void);
TileIterator(int16 mapNum, const TileRegion &reg) :
metaIter(mapNum, reg),
region(reg) {
mt = nullptr;
platIndex = 0;
platform = nullptr;
TileInfo *first(TilePoint *loc, StandingTileInfo *stiResult = NULL);
TileInfo *next(TilePoint *loc, StandingTileInfo *stiResult = NULL);
/* ===================================================================== *
* ===================================================================== */
extern StaticTilePoint viewCenter; // coordinates of view on map
// These two variables define which sectors overlap the view rect.
extern uint16 rippedRoofID;
/* ===================================================================== *
* ===================================================================== */
// Initialize map data
void initMaps(void);
// Cleanup map data
void cleanupMaps(void);
void setCurrentMap(int mapNum); // set which map is current
// Initialize the platform cache
void initPlatformCache(void);
// Initialize the tile activity task list
void initTileTasks(void);
void saveTileTasks(Common::OutSaveFile *outS);
void loadTileTasks(Common::InSaveFile *in, int32 chunkSize);
// Cleanup the tile activity task list
void cleanupTileTasks(void);
TilePoint getClosestPointOnTAI(ActiveItem *TAI, GameObject *obj);
void initActiveItemStates(void);
void saveActiveItemStates(Common::OutSaveFile *outS);
void loadActiveItemStates(Common::InSaveFile *in);
void cleanupActiveItemStates(void);
void initTileCyclingStates(void);
void saveTileCyclingStates(Common::OutSaveFile *outS);
void loadTileCyclingStates(Common::InSaveFile *in);
void cleanupTileCyclingStates(void);
void initAutoMap(void);
void saveAutoMap(Common::OutSaveFile *outS);
void loadAutoMap(Common::InSaveFile *in, int32 chunkSize);
inline void cleanupAutoMap(void) { /* nothing to do */ }
// Determine if a platform is ripped
inline bool platformRipped(Platform *pl) {
if (rippedRoofID != 0)
return pl->roofRipID() == rippedRoofID;
return false;
// Compute visible area in U/V coords
TilePoint XYToUV(const Point32 &pt);
void TileToScreenCoords(const TilePoint &tp, Point16 &p);
void TileToScreenCoords(const TilePoint &tp, StaticPoint16 &p);
// Determine height of point on a tile based on four corner heights
int16 ptHeight(const TilePoint &tp, uint8 *cornerHeight);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *
Prototypes for TERRAIN.CPP moved to terrain.h
* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Determine which roof is above object
uint16 objRoofID(GameObject *obj);
uint16 objRoofID(GameObject *obj, int16 objMapNum, const TilePoint &objCoords);
// Determine if roof over an object is ripped
bool objRoofRipped(GameObject *obj);
// Determine if two objects are both under the same roof
bool underSameRoof(GameObject *obj1, GameObject *obj2);
// Determine the distance between a point and a line
uint16 lineDist(
const TilePoint &p1,
const TilePoint &p2,
const TilePoint &m);
/* ============================================================================ *
Misc prototypes
* ============================================================================ */
// Converts Local XY to UV coordinates
StaticTilePoint pickTilePos(Point32 pos, const TilePoint &protagPos);
StaticTilePoint pickTile(Point32 pos,
const TilePoint &protagPos,
StaticTilePoint *floor = NULL,
ActiveItemPtr *pickTAI = NULL);
// Function to select a nearby site
TilePoint selectNearbySite(
ObjectID worldID,
const TilePoint &startingCoords,
int32 minDist,
int32 maxDist,
bool offScreenOnly = false); // true if we want it off-screen
void drawMetaTiles(gPixelMap &drawMap);
} // end of namespace Saga2