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synced 2024-12-13 12:39:56 +00:00
GroupedListWidget and GridWidget can save what groups they have collapsed to the config file and reload them. "launcher.cpp" uses those functions to persist those collapsed groups through - changing how the games are grouped by - going from list to grid mode and vice versa - quitting scummvm and starting it again
452 lines
14 KiB
452 lines
14 KiB
/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "common/system.h"
#include "common/frac.h"
#include "common/tokenizer.h"
#include "common/translation.h"
#include "common/config-manager.h"
#include "gui/widgets/groupedlist.h"
#include "gui/widgets/scrollbar.h"
#include "gui/dialog.h"
#include "gui/gui-manager.h"
#include "gui/ThemeEval.h"
#define kGroupTag -2
#define isGroupHeader(x) (_groupsVisible && ((x) <= kGroupTag))
#define indexToGroupID(x) (kGroupTag - x)
namespace GUI {
GroupedListWidget::GroupedListWidget(Dialog *boss, const Common::String &name, const Common::U32String &tooltip, uint32 cmd)
: ListWidget(boss, name, tooltip, cmd) {
_groupsVisible = true;
void GroupedListWidget::setList(const Common::U32StringArray &list) {
_attributeValues.clear(); // Regenerate attributes for the new list
void GroupedListWidget::setAttributeValues(const Common::U32StringArray &attrValues) {
_attributeValues = attrValues;
// Make sure we always have the attribute values for all the entries of the _dataList.
// This is not foolproof, but can prevent accidentally passing attributes for the wrong
// list of entries, such as after adding / removing games.
if (!attrValues.empty())
assert(_attributeValues.size() == _dataList.size());
void GroupedListWidget::setMetadataNames(const Common::StringMap &metadata) {
_metadataNames = metadata;
void GroupedListWidget::setGroupHeaderFormat(const Common::U32String &prefix, const Common::U32String &suffix) {
_groupHeaderPrefix = prefix;
_groupHeaderSuffix = suffix;
void GroupedListWidget::groupByAttribute() {
if (_attributeValues.empty()) {
// I18N: Group for All items
_groupValueIndex.setVal(Common::String("All"), 0);
for (uint i = 0; i < _dataList.size(); ++i) {
for (uint i = 0; i < _dataList.size(); ++i) {
Common::U32StringArray::iterator attrVal = _attributeValues.begin() + i;
if (!_groupValueIndex.contains(*attrVal)) {
int newGroupID = _groupValueIndex.size();
_groupValueIndex.setVal(*attrVal, newGroupID);
int groupID = _groupValueIndex.getVal(*attrVal);
void GroupedListWidget::sortGroups() {
uint oldListSize = _list.size();
Common::sort(_groupHeaders.begin(), _groupHeaders.end(),
[](const Common::String &first, const Common::String &second) {
return first.empty() ? 0 : second.empty() ? 1 : first < second;
uint curListSize = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i != _groupHeaders.size(); ++i) {
Common::U32String header = _groupHeaders[i];
Common::U32String displayedHeader;
if (_metadataNames.contains(header)) {
displayedHeader = _metadataNames[header];
} else {
displayedHeader = header;
uint groupID = _groupValueIndex[header];
if (_groupsVisible) {
_listIndex.push_back(kGroupTag - groupID);
_list.push_back(_groupHeaderPrefix + displayedHeader + _groupHeaderSuffix);
if (_groupExpanded[groupID]) {
for (int *k = _itemsInGroup[groupID].begin(); k != _itemsInGroup[groupID].end(); ++k) {
_list.push_back(Common::U32String(_groupsVisible ? " " : "") + _dataList[*k].orig);
// FIXME: Temporary solution to clear/display the background ofthe scrollbar when list
// grows too small or large during group toggle. We shouldn't have to redraw the top dialog,
// but not doing so the background of scrollbar isn't cleared.
if ((((uint)_scrollBar->_entriesPerPage < oldListSize) && ((uint)_scrollBar->_entriesPerPage > _list.size())) ||
(((uint)_scrollBar->_entriesPerPage > oldListSize) && ((uint)_scrollBar->_entriesPerPage < _list.size()))) {
} else {
void GroupedListWidget::loadClosedGroups(const Common::U32String &groupName) {
// Recalls what groups were closed from the config
if (ConfMan.hasKey("group_" + groupName, ConfMan.kApplicationDomain)) {
const Common::String &val = ConfMan.get("group_" + groupName, ConfMan.kApplicationDomain);
Common::StringTokenizer hiddenGroups(val);
for (Common::String tok = hiddenGroups.nextToken(); tok.size(); tok = hiddenGroups.nextToken()) {
// See if the hidden group is in our group headers still, if so, hide it
for (Common::U32StringArray::size_type i = 0; i < _groupHeaders.size(); ++i) {
if (_groupHeaders[i] == tok || (tok == "unnamed" && _groupHeaders[i].size() == 0)) {
_groupExpanded[i] = false;
void GroupedListWidget::saveClosedGroups(const Common::U32String &groupName) {
// Save the hidden groups to the config
Common::String hiddenGroups;
for (Common::U32StringArray::size_type i = 0; i < _groupHeaders.size(); ++i) {
if (!_groupExpanded[i]) {
if (_groupHeaders[i].size()) {
hiddenGroups += _groupHeaders[i];
} else {
hiddenGroups += "unnamed";
hiddenGroups += ' ';
ConfMan.set("group_" + groupName, hiddenGroups, ConfMan.kApplicationDomain);
void GroupedListWidget::setSelected(int item) {
// HACK/FIXME: If our _listIndex has a non zero size,
// we will need to look up, whether the user selected
// item is present in that list
if (!_filter.empty()) {
int filteredItem = -1;
for (uint i = 0; i < _listIndex.size(); ++i) {
if (_listIndex[i] == item) {
filteredItem = i;
item = filteredItem;
assert(item >= -1 && item < (int)_list.size());
// We only have to do something if the widget is enabled and the selection actually changes
if (isEnabled() && (_selectedItem == -1 || _listIndex[_selectedItem] != item)) {
if (_editMode)
if (!_filter.empty()) {
_selectedItem = item;
} else {
_selectedItem = -1;
for (uint i = 0; i < _listIndex.size(); ++i) {
if (_listIndex[i] == item) {
_selectedItem = i;
// Notify clients that the selection changed.
sendCommand(kListSelectionChangedCmd, _selectedItem);
_currentPos = _selectedItem - _entriesPerPage / 2;
void GroupedListWidget::handleMouseDown(int x, int y, int button, int clickCount) {
if (!isEnabled())
// First check whether the selection changed
int newSelectedItem = findItem(x, y);
if (_selectedItem != newSelectedItem && newSelectedItem != -1) {
if (_listIndex[newSelectedItem] > -1) {
if (_editMode)
_selectedItem = newSelectedItem;
sendCommand(kListSelectionChangedCmd, _selectedItem);
} else if (isGroupHeader(_listIndex[newSelectedItem])) {
int groupID = indexToGroupID(_listIndex[newSelectedItem]);
_selectedItem = -1;
// TODO: Determine where inside the string the user clicked and place the
// caret accordingly.
// See _editScrollOffset and EditTextWidget::handleMouseDown.
void GroupedListWidget::handleMouseUp(int x, int y, int button, int clickCount) {
// If this was a double click and the mouse is still over
// the selected item, send the double click command
if (clickCount == 2 && (_selectedItem == findItem(x, y))) {
int selectID = getSelected();
if (selectID >= 0) {
sendCommand(kListItemDoubleClickedCmd, _selectedItem);
void GroupedListWidget::handleMouseWheel(int x, int y, int direction) {
_scrollBar->handleMouseWheel(x, y, direction);
void GroupedListWidget::handleCommand(CommandSender *sender, uint32 cmd, uint32 data) {
switch (cmd) {
case kSetPositionCmd:
if (_currentPos != (int)data) {
_currentPos = data;
// Scrollbar actions cause list focus (which triggers a redraw)
// NOTE: ListWidget's boss is always GUI::Dialog
((GUI::Dialog *)_boss)->setFocusWidget(this);
void GroupedListWidget::toggleGroup(int groupID) {
_groupExpanded[groupID] = !_groupExpanded[groupID];
void GroupedListWidget::drawWidget() {
int i, pos, len = _list.size();
Common::U32String buffer;
// Draw a thin frame around the list.
g_gui.theme()->drawWidgetBackground(Common::Rect(_x, _y, _x + _w, _y + _h),
// Draw the list items
for (i = 0, pos = _currentPos; i < _entriesPerPage && pos < len; i++, pos++) {
const int y = _y + _topPadding + kLineHeight * i;
const int fontHeight = g_gui.getFontHeight();
ThemeEngine::TextInversionState inverted = ThemeEngine::kTextInversionNone;
#if 0
ThemeEngine::FontStyle bold = ThemeEngine::kFontStyleBold;
// Draw the selected item inverted, on a highlighted background.
if (_selectedItem == pos)
inverted = _inversion;
Common::Rect r(getEditRect());
int pad = _leftPadding;
int rtlPad = (_x + r.left + _leftPadding) - (_x + _hlLeftPadding);
if (isGroupHeader(_listIndex[pos])) {
int groupID = indexToGroupID(_listIndex[pos]);
#if 0
bold = ThemeEngine::kFontStyleBold;
r.left += fontHeight + _leftPadding;
g_gui.theme()->drawFoldIndicator(Common::Rect(_x + _hlLeftPadding + _leftPadding, y, _x + fontHeight + _leftPadding, y + fontHeight), _groupExpanded[groupID]);
pad = 0;
// If in numbering mode & not in RTL based GUI, we first print a number prefix
if (_numberingMode != kListNumberingOff && g_gui.useRTL() == false) {
buffer = Common::String::format("%2d. ", (pos + _numberingMode));
g_gui.theme()->drawText(Common::Rect(_x + _hlLeftPadding, y, _x + r.left + _leftPadding, y + fontHeight),
buffer, _state, _drawAlign, inverted, _leftPadding, true);
pad = 0;
Common::Rect r1(_x + r.left, y, _x + r.right, y + fontHeight);
if (g_gui.useRTL()) {
if (_scrollBar->isVisible()) {
r1.translate(_scrollBarWidth, 0);
if (_numberingMode != kListNumberingOff) {
r1.translate(-rtlPad, 0);
ThemeEngine::FontColor color = ThemeEngine::kFontColorFormatting;
if (_selectedItem == pos && _editMode) {
buffer = _editString;
color = _editColor;
} else {
buffer = _list[pos];
drawFormattedText(r1, buffer, _state, _drawAlign, inverted, pad, true, color);
// If in numbering mode & using RTL layout in GUI, we print a number suffix after drawing the text
if (_numberingMode != kListNumberingOff && g_gui.useRTL()) {
buffer = Common::String::format(" .%2d", (pos + _numberingMode));
Common::Rect r2 = r1;
r2.left = r1.right;
r2.right = r1.right + rtlPad;
g_gui.theme()->drawText(r2, buffer, _state, _drawAlign, inverted, _leftPadding, true);
void GroupedListWidget::setFilter(const Common::U32String &filter, bool redraw) {
// FIXME: This method does not deal correctly with edit mode!
// Until we fix that, let's make sure it isn't called while editing takes place
Common::U32String filt = filter;
if (_filter == filt) // Filter was not changed
_filter = filt;
if (_filter.empty()) {
// No filter -> display everything
} else {
// Restrict the list to everything which contains all words in _filter
// as substrings, ignoring case.
Common::U32StringTokenizer tok(_filter);
Common::U32String tmp;
int n = 0;
for (auto i = _dataList.begin(); i != _dataList.end(); ++i, ++n) {
tmp = i->clean;
bool matches = true;
while (!tok.empty()) {
if (!_filterMatcher(_filterMatcherArg, n, tmp, tok.nextToken())) {
matches = false;
if (matches) {
_currentPos = 0;
_selectedItem = -1;
if (redraw) {
// Redraw the whole dialog. This is annoying, as this might be rather
// expensive when really only the list widget and its scroll bar area
// to be redrawn. However, since the scrollbar might change its
// visibility status, and the list its width, we cannot just redraw
// the two.
// TODO: A more efficient (and elegant?) way to handle this would be to
// introduce a kind of "BoxWidget" or "GroupWidget" which defines a
// rectangular region and subwidgets can be placed within it.
// Such a widget could also (optionally) draw a border (or even different
// kinds of borders) around the objects it groups; and also a 'title'
// (I am borrowing these "ideas" from the NSBox class in Cocoa :).
} // End of namespace GUI