wyatt-radkiewicz 660fcf329d GUI: Collapsed game groups are persisted
GroupedListWidget and GridWidget can save what groups they have
collapsed to the config file and reload them. "launcher.cpp" uses those
functions to persist those collapsed groups through
  - changing how the games are grouped by
  - going from list to grid mode and vice versa
  - quitting scummvm and starting it again
2023-04-12 16:07:58 +02:00

452 lines
14 KiB

/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "common/system.h"
#include "common/frac.h"
#include "common/tokenizer.h"
#include "common/translation.h"
#include "common/config-manager.h"
#include "gui/widgets/groupedlist.h"
#include "gui/widgets/scrollbar.h"
#include "gui/dialog.h"
#include "gui/gui-manager.h"
#include "gui/ThemeEval.h"
#define kGroupTag -2
#define isGroupHeader(x) (_groupsVisible && ((x) <= kGroupTag))
#define indexToGroupID(x) (kGroupTag - x)
namespace GUI {
GroupedListWidget::GroupedListWidget(Dialog *boss, const Common::String &name, const Common::U32String &tooltip, uint32 cmd)
: ListWidget(boss, name, tooltip, cmd) {
_groupsVisible = true;
void GroupedListWidget::setList(const Common::U32StringArray &list) {
_attributeValues.clear(); // Regenerate attributes for the new list
void GroupedListWidget::setAttributeValues(const Common::U32StringArray &attrValues) {
_attributeValues = attrValues;
// Make sure we always have the attribute values for all the entries of the _dataList.
// This is not foolproof, but can prevent accidentally passing attributes for the wrong
// list of entries, such as after adding / removing games.
if (!attrValues.empty())
assert(_attributeValues.size() == _dataList.size());
void GroupedListWidget::setMetadataNames(const Common::StringMap &metadata) {
_metadataNames = metadata;
void GroupedListWidget::setGroupHeaderFormat(const Common::U32String &prefix, const Common::U32String &suffix) {
_groupHeaderPrefix = prefix;
_groupHeaderSuffix = suffix;
void GroupedListWidget::groupByAttribute() {
if (_attributeValues.empty()) {
// I18N: Group for All items
_groupValueIndex.setVal(Common::String("All"), 0);
for (uint i = 0; i < _dataList.size(); ++i) {
for (uint i = 0; i < _dataList.size(); ++i) {
Common::U32StringArray::iterator attrVal = _attributeValues.begin() + i;
if (!_groupValueIndex.contains(*attrVal)) {
int newGroupID = _groupValueIndex.size();
_groupValueIndex.setVal(*attrVal, newGroupID);
int groupID = _groupValueIndex.getVal(*attrVal);
void GroupedListWidget::sortGroups() {
uint oldListSize = _list.size();
Common::sort(_groupHeaders.begin(), _groupHeaders.end(),
[](const Common::String &first, const Common::String &second) {
return first.empty() ? 0 : second.empty() ? 1 : first < second;
uint curListSize = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i != _groupHeaders.size(); ++i) {
Common::U32String header = _groupHeaders[i];
Common::U32String displayedHeader;
if (_metadataNames.contains(header)) {
displayedHeader = _metadataNames[header];
} else {
displayedHeader = header;
uint groupID = _groupValueIndex[header];
if (_groupsVisible) {
_listIndex.push_back(kGroupTag - groupID);
_list.push_back(_groupHeaderPrefix + displayedHeader + _groupHeaderSuffix);
if (_groupExpanded[groupID]) {
for (int *k = _itemsInGroup[groupID].begin(); k != _itemsInGroup[groupID].end(); ++k) {
_list.push_back(Common::U32String(_groupsVisible ? " " : "") + _dataList[*k].orig);
// FIXME: Temporary solution to clear/display the background ofthe scrollbar when list
// grows too small or large during group toggle. We shouldn't have to redraw the top dialog,
// but not doing so the background of scrollbar isn't cleared.
if ((((uint)_scrollBar->_entriesPerPage < oldListSize) && ((uint)_scrollBar->_entriesPerPage > _list.size())) ||
(((uint)_scrollBar->_entriesPerPage > oldListSize) && ((uint)_scrollBar->_entriesPerPage < _list.size()))) {
} else {
void GroupedListWidget::loadClosedGroups(const Common::U32String &groupName) {
// Recalls what groups were closed from the config
if (ConfMan.hasKey("group_" + groupName, ConfMan.kApplicationDomain)) {
const Common::String &val = ConfMan.get("group_" + groupName, ConfMan.kApplicationDomain);
Common::StringTokenizer hiddenGroups(val);
for (Common::String tok = hiddenGroups.nextToken(); tok.size(); tok = hiddenGroups.nextToken()) {
// See if the hidden group is in our group headers still, if so, hide it
for (Common::U32StringArray::size_type i = 0; i < _groupHeaders.size(); ++i) {
if (_groupHeaders[i] == tok || (tok == "unnamed" && _groupHeaders[i].size() == 0)) {
_groupExpanded[i] = false;
void GroupedListWidget::saveClosedGroups(const Common::U32String &groupName) {
// Save the hidden groups to the config
Common::String hiddenGroups;
for (Common::U32StringArray::size_type i = 0; i < _groupHeaders.size(); ++i) {
if (!_groupExpanded[i]) {
if (_groupHeaders[i].size()) {
hiddenGroups += _groupHeaders[i];
} else {
hiddenGroups += "unnamed";
hiddenGroups += ' ';
ConfMan.set("group_" + groupName, hiddenGroups, ConfMan.kApplicationDomain);
void GroupedListWidget::setSelected(int item) {
// HACK/FIXME: If our _listIndex has a non zero size,
// we will need to look up, whether the user selected
// item is present in that list
if (!_filter.empty()) {
int filteredItem = -1;
for (uint i = 0; i < _listIndex.size(); ++i) {
if (_listIndex[i] == item) {
filteredItem = i;
item = filteredItem;
assert(item >= -1 && item < (int)_list.size());
// We only have to do something if the widget is enabled and the selection actually changes
if (isEnabled() && (_selectedItem == -1 || _listIndex[_selectedItem] != item)) {
if (_editMode)
if (!_filter.empty()) {
_selectedItem = item;
} else {
_selectedItem = -1;
for (uint i = 0; i < _listIndex.size(); ++i) {
if (_listIndex[i] == item) {
_selectedItem = i;
// Notify clients that the selection changed.
sendCommand(kListSelectionChangedCmd, _selectedItem);
_currentPos = _selectedItem - _entriesPerPage / 2;
void GroupedListWidget::handleMouseDown(int x, int y, int button, int clickCount) {
if (!isEnabled())
// First check whether the selection changed
int newSelectedItem = findItem(x, y);
if (_selectedItem != newSelectedItem && newSelectedItem != -1) {
if (_listIndex[newSelectedItem] > -1) {
if (_editMode)
_selectedItem = newSelectedItem;
sendCommand(kListSelectionChangedCmd, _selectedItem);
} else if (isGroupHeader(_listIndex[newSelectedItem])) {
int groupID = indexToGroupID(_listIndex[newSelectedItem]);
_selectedItem = -1;
// TODO: Determine where inside the string the user clicked and place the
// caret accordingly.
// See _editScrollOffset and EditTextWidget::handleMouseDown.
void GroupedListWidget::handleMouseUp(int x, int y, int button, int clickCount) {
// If this was a double click and the mouse is still over
// the selected item, send the double click command
if (clickCount == 2 && (_selectedItem == findItem(x, y))) {
int selectID = getSelected();
if (selectID >= 0) {
sendCommand(kListItemDoubleClickedCmd, _selectedItem);
void GroupedListWidget::handleMouseWheel(int x, int y, int direction) {
_scrollBar->handleMouseWheel(x, y, direction);
void GroupedListWidget::handleCommand(CommandSender *sender, uint32 cmd, uint32 data) {
switch (cmd) {
case kSetPositionCmd:
if (_currentPos != (int)data) {
_currentPos = data;
// Scrollbar actions cause list focus (which triggers a redraw)
// NOTE: ListWidget's boss is always GUI::Dialog
((GUI::Dialog *)_boss)->setFocusWidget(this);
void GroupedListWidget::toggleGroup(int groupID) {
_groupExpanded[groupID] = !_groupExpanded[groupID];
void GroupedListWidget::drawWidget() {
int i, pos, len = _list.size();
Common::U32String buffer;
// Draw a thin frame around the list.
g_gui.theme()->drawWidgetBackground(Common::Rect(_x, _y, _x + _w, _y + _h),
// Draw the list items
for (i = 0, pos = _currentPos; i < _entriesPerPage && pos < len; i++, pos++) {
const int y = _y + _topPadding + kLineHeight * i;
const int fontHeight = g_gui.getFontHeight();
ThemeEngine::TextInversionState inverted = ThemeEngine::kTextInversionNone;
#if 0
ThemeEngine::FontStyle bold = ThemeEngine::kFontStyleBold;
// Draw the selected item inverted, on a highlighted background.
if (_selectedItem == pos)
inverted = _inversion;
Common::Rect r(getEditRect());
int pad = _leftPadding;
int rtlPad = (_x + r.left + _leftPadding) - (_x + _hlLeftPadding);
if (isGroupHeader(_listIndex[pos])) {
int groupID = indexToGroupID(_listIndex[pos]);
#if 0
bold = ThemeEngine::kFontStyleBold;
r.left += fontHeight + _leftPadding;
g_gui.theme()->drawFoldIndicator(Common::Rect(_x + _hlLeftPadding + _leftPadding, y, _x + fontHeight + _leftPadding, y + fontHeight), _groupExpanded[groupID]);
pad = 0;
// If in numbering mode & not in RTL based GUI, we first print a number prefix
if (_numberingMode != kListNumberingOff && g_gui.useRTL() == false) {
buffer = Common::String::format("%2d. ", (pos + _numberingMode));
g_gui.theme()->drawText(Common::Rect(_x + _hlLeftPadding, y, _x + r.left + _leftPadding, y + fontHeight),
buffer, _state, _drawAlign, inverted, _leftPadding, true);
pad = 0;
Common::Rect r1(_x + r.left, y, _x + r.right, y + fontHeight);
if (g_gui.useRTL()) {
if (_scrollBar->isVisible()) {
r1.translate(_scrollBarWidth, 0);
if (_numberingMode != kListNumberingOff) {
r1.translate(-rtlPad, 0);
ThemeEngine::FontColor color = ThemeEngine::kFontColorFormatting;
if (_selectedItem == pos && _editMode) {
buffer = _editString;
color = _editColor;
} else {
buffer = _list[pos];
drawFormattedText(r1, buffer, _state, _drawAlign, inverted, pad, true, color);
// If in numbering mode & using RTL layout in GUI, we print a number suffix after drawing the text
if (_numberingMode != kListNumberingOff && g_gui.useRTL()) {
buffer = Common::String::format(" .%2d", (pos + _numberingMode));
Common::Rect r2 = r1;
r2.left = r1.right;
r2.right = r1.right + rtlPad;
g_gui.theme()->drawText(r2, buffer, _state, _drawAlign, inverted, _leftPadding, true);
void GroupedListWidget::setFilter(const Common::U32String &filter, bool redraw) {
// FIXME: This method does not deal correctly with edit mode!
// Until we fix that, let's make sure it isn't called while editing takes place
Common::U32String filt = filter;
if (_filter == filt) // Filter was not changed
_filter = filt;
if (_filter.empty()) {
// No filter -> display everything
} else {
// Restrict the list to everything which contains all words in _filter
// as substrings, ignoring case.
Common::U32StringTokenizer tok(_filter);
Common::U32String tmp;
int n = 0;
for (auto i = _dataList.begin(); i != _dataList.end(); ++i, ++n) {
tmp = i->clean;
bool matches = true;
while (!tok.empty()) {
if (!_filterMatcher(_filterMatcherArg, n, tmp, tok.nextToken())) {
matches = false;
if (matches) {
_currentPos = 0;
_selectedItem = -1;
if (redraw) {
// Redraw the whole dialog. This is annoying, as this might be rather
// expensive when really only the list widget and its scroll bar area
// to be redrawn. However, since the scrollbar might change its
// visibility status, and the list its width, we cannot just redraw
// the two.
// TODO: A more efficient (and elegant?) way to handle this would be to
// introduce a kind of "BoxWidget" or "GroupWidget" which defines a
// rectangular region and subwidgets can be placed within it.
// Such a widget could also (optionally) draw a border (or even different
// kinds of borders) around the objects it groups; and also a 'title'
// (I am borrowing these "ideas" from the NSBox class in Cocoa :).
} // End of namespace GUI