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223 lines
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import io
import sys
import struct
import os
import zlib
import xml
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
class XarError(Exception):
class XarHeader:
def __init__(self, checksum_algo, toc_data, heap_start):
self.checksum_algo = checksum_algo
self.toc_data = toc_data
self.heap_start = heap_start
class XarDirectory:
def __init__(self, name, children):
self.name = name
self.children = children
def find(self, name):
for ch in self.children:
if ch.name == name:
return ch
return None
class XarFile:
def __init__(self, name, compression, compressed_size, uncompressed_size, offset):
self.name = name
self.compression = compression
self.compressed_size = compressed_size
self.uncompressed_size = uncompressed_size
self.offset = offset
def read_xar_header(f):
header_bytes = f.read(28)
(magic, header_size, version, toc_size_compressed, toc_size_uncompressed, checksum_algo) = struct.unpack(">IHHQQI", header_bytes)
if header_size < 28:
raise XarError("Header size field was too small")
f.seek(header_size - 28, os.SEEK_CUR)
toc_data = f.read(toc_size_compressed)
return XarHeader(checksum_algo, zlib.decompress(toc_data), header_size + toc_size_compressed)
def parse_xar_abstract_file(f, force_directory):
children = []
type_element = None
name_element = None
data_element = None
for ch in f:
if isinstance(ch, ET.Element):
if ch.tag == "file":
children.append(parse_xar_abstract_file(ch, False))
elif ch.tag == "type":
type_element = ch
elif ch.tag == "name":
name_element = ch
elif ch.tag == "data":
data_element = ch
if force_directory:
return XarDirectory(".", children)
if type_element is None:
raise XarError("Unknown element type")
f_type = type_element.text
f_name = name_element.text
if f_type == "file":
if data_element is None:
raise XarError("No data element for file")
encoding_element = None
length_element = None
size_element = None
offset_element = None
for ch in data_element:
if isinstance(ch, ET.Element):
if ch.tag == "encoding":
encoding_element = ch
elif ch.tag == "length":
length_element = ch
elif ch.tag == "size":
size_element = ch
elif ch.tag == "offset":
offset_element = ch
f_encoding = "zlib"
if encoding_element is not None:
enc_mime = encoding_element.attrib["style"]
if enc_mime == "application/x-lzma":
f_encoding = "lzma"
elif enc_mime == "application/octet-stream":
f_encoding = "none"
elif enc_mime == "application/x-bzip2":
f_encoding = "bzip2"
raise XarError("Unknown encoding " + str(enc_mime))
return XarFile(f_name, f_encoding, int(length_element.text), int(size_element.text), int(offset_element.text))
elif f_type == "directory":
return XarDirectory(f_name, children)
raise XarError("Unknown element type")
def parse_xar_toc(toc_data):
tree = ET.fromstring(toc_data.decode("utf-8"))
toc = tree.find("toc")
return parse_xar_abstract_file(toc, True)
def print_xar_tree(f, indent=''):
if isinstance(f, XarDirectory):
indent = indent + " "
for ch in f.children:
print_xar_tree(ch, indent)
elif isinstance(f, XarFile):
print(indent + f.name + " Size " + str(f.compressed_size) + "->" + str(f.uncompressed_size) + " Pos " + str(f.offset) + " Compr " + f.compression)
raise XarError("print_xar_tree called with a value of invalid type")
def decompress_copy(in_f, comp_size, uncomp_size, out_f):
if comp_size != uncomp_size:
raise XarError("Uncompressed file had different compressed and uncompressed sizes")
chunk_size = 32768
remaining = uncomp_size
while remaining > 0:
if remaining < chunk_size:
chunk_size = remaining
chunk = in_f.read(chunk_size)
remaining -= chunk_size
def extract_xar_file(xar_f, xar_header, xar_file, out_f):
xar_f.seek(xar_file.offset + xar_header.heap_start, os.SEEK_SET)
compressed_size = xar_file.compressed_size
uncompressed_size = xar_file.uncompressed_size
decompress_func = None
if xar_file.compression == "none":
decompress_func = decompress_copy
if decompress_func is None:
raise XarError("No codec available for encoding " + xar_file.compression)
decompress_func(xar_f, compressed_size, uncompressed_size, out_f)
def print_usage():
print("XAR unpacker (c)2022 Eric Lasota")
print("Usage: xar-unpacker.py unpack <input.pkg> <path> <output>")
print(" Unpacks one file from a XAR archive")
print(" xar-unpacker.py list <input.pkg>")
print(" Prints the contents of a XAR archive")
print(" xar-unpacker.py dumptoc <input.pkg> <output>")
print(" Dumps the TOC of a XAR archive")
def main(argv):
if len(argv) < 3:
return -1
operation = argv[1]
if operation == "unpack":
if len(argv) != 5:
return -1
elif operation == "list":
if len(argv) != 3:
return -1
elif operation == "dumptoc":
if len(argv) != 4:
return -1
in_f_name = argv[2]
xar_f = io.open(in_f_name, "rb")
xar_header = read_xar_header(xar_f)
toc = parse_xar_toc(xar_header.toc_data)
if operation == "unpack":
arc_path = argv[3]
out_f_name = argv[4]
target_file = toc
for sub_path in arc_path.split("/"):
if not isinstance(target_file, XarDirectory):
raise XarError("Subpath parent is not a directory")
target_file = target_file.find(sub_path)
if target_file is None:
raise XarError("Subpath " + sub_path + " wasn't found")
print("Extracting " + arc_path + " to " + out_f_name)
out_f = io.open(out_f_name, "wb")
extract_xar_file(xar_f, xar_header, target_file, out_f)
elif operation == "list":
print("Dumping TOC from " + str(toc))
elif operation == "dumptoc":
out_f_name = argv[3]
toc_f = io.open(out_f_name, "wb")