mirror of
synced 2025-01-04 16:38:55 +00:00
511 lines
11 KiB
511 lines
11 KiB
#include "dreamweb/dreamweb.h"
#include "engines/util.h"
#include "graphics/surface.h"
namespace DreamGen {
Common::String getFilename(Context &context) {
uint16 name_ptr = context.dx;
Common::String name;
uint8 c;
while((c = context.cs.byte(name_ptr++)) != 0)
name += (char)c;
return name;
void DreamGenContext::multiget() {
unsigned w = (uint8)cl, h = (uint8)ch;
unsigned x = (uint16)di, y = (uint16)bx;
unsigned src = x + y * kScreenwidth;
unsigned dst = (uint16)si;
es = ds;
ds = data.word(kWorkspace);
if (y + h > 200)
h = 200 - y;
if (x + w > 320)
w = 320 - x;
//debug(1, "multiget %u,%u %ux%u -> segment: %04x->%04x", x, y, w, h, (uint16)ds, (uint16)es);
for(unsigned l = 0; l < h; ++l) {
uint8 *src_p = ds.ptr(src + kScreenwidth * l, w);
uint8 *dst_p = es.ptr(dst + w * l, w);
memcpy(dst_p, src_p, w);
si += w * h;
di = src + kScreenwidth * h;
cx = 0;
void DreamGenContext::multiput() {
unsigned w = (uint8)cl, h = (uint8)ch;
unsigned x = (uint16)di, y = (uint16)bx;
unsigned src = (uint16)si;
unsigned dst = x + y * kScreenwidth;
es = data.word(kWorkspace);
if (y + h > 200)
h = 200 - y;
if (x + w > 320)
w = 320 - x;
//debug(1, "multiput %ux%u -> segment: %04x->%04x", w, h, (uint16)ds, (uint16)es);
for(unsigned l = 0; l < h; ++l) {
uint8 *src_p = ds.ptr(src + w * l, w);
uint8 *dst_p = es.ptr(dst + kScreenwidth * l, w);
memcpy(dst_p, src_p, w);
si += w * h;
di = dst + kScreenwidth * h;
cx = 0;
void DreamGenContext::multidump() {
ds = data.word(kWorkspace);
int w = (uint8)cl, h = (uint8)ch;
int x = (int16)di, y = (int16)bx;
unsigned offset = x + y * kScreenwidth;
//debug(1, "multidump %ux%u(segment: %04x) -> %d,%d(address: %d)", w, h, (uint16)ds, x, y, offset);
engine->blit(ds.ptr(offset, w * h), kScreenwidth, x, y, w, h);
si = di = offset + h * kScreenwidth;
cx = 0;
void DreamGenContext::worktoscreen() {
ds = data.word(kWorkspace);
uint size = 320 * 200;
engine->blit(ds.ptr(0, size), 320, 0, 0, 320, 200);
di = si = size;
cx = 0;
void DreamGenContext::printundermon() {
void DreamGenContext::cls() {
void DreamGenContext::frameoutnm() {
unsigned w = (uint8)cl, h = (uint8)ch;
unsigned pitch = (uint16)dx;
unsigned src = (uint16)si;
int x = (uint16)di, y = (uint16)bx;
unsigned dst = x + y * pitch;
//debug(1, "framenm %ux%u[pitch: %u]-> %d,%d, segment: %04x->%04x", w, h, pitch, x, y, (uint16)ds, (uint16)es);
for(unsigned l = 0; l < h; ++l) {
uint8 *src_p = ds.ptr(src + w * l, w);
uint8 *dst_p = es.ptr(dst + pitch * l, w);
memcpy(dst_p, src_p, w);
di += dst + pitch * h;
si += w * h;
cx = 0;
void DreamGenContext::seecommandtail() {
data.word(kSoundbaseadd) = 0x220;
data.byte(kSoundint) = 5;
data.byte(kSounddmachannel) = 1;
data.byte(kBrightness) = 1;
data.word(kHowmuchalloc) = 0x9360;
void DreamGenContext::randomnumber() {
al = engine->randomNumber();
void DreamGenContext::quickquit() {
void DreamGenContext::quickquit2() {
void DreamGenContext::keyboardread() {
::error("keyboardread"); //this keyboard int handler, must never be called
void DreamGenContext::resetkeyboard() {
void DreamGenContext::setkeyboardint() {
void DreamGenContext::readfromfile() {
uint16 dst_offset = dx;
uint16 size = cx;
debug(1, "readfromfile(%04x:%u, %u)", (uint16)ds, dst_offset, size);
ax = engine->readFromFile(ds.ptr(dst_offset, size), size);
flags._c = false;
void DreamGenContext::closefile() {
data.byte(kHandle) = 0;
void DreamGenContext::openforsave() {
const char *name = (const char *)ds.ptr(dx, 13);
debug(1, "openforsave(%s)", name);
void DreamGenContext::openfilenocheck() {
const char *name = (const char *)ds.ptr(dx, 13);
debug(1, "checksavefile(%s)", name);
bool ok = engine->openSaveFileForReading(name);
flags._c = !ok;
void DreamGenContext::openfilefromc() {
void DreamGenContext::openfile() {
Common::String name = getFilename(*this);
debug(1, "opening file: %s", name.c_str());
cs.word(kHandle) = 1; //only one handle
flags._c = false;
void DreamGenContext::createfile() {
void DreamGenContext::dontloadseg() {
ax = es.word(di);
_add(di, 2);
dx = ax;
cx = 0;
unsigned pos = engine->skipBytes(dx);
dx = pos >> 16;
ax = pos & 0xffff;
flags._c = false;
void DreamGenContext::mousecall() {
void DreamGenContext::setmouse() {
data.word(kOldpointerx) = 0xffff;
//warning("setmouse: fixme: add range setting");
//set vertical range to 15-184
//set horizontal range to 15-298*2
void DreamGenContext::gettime() {
TimeDate t;
debug(1, "\tgettime: %02d:%02d:%02d", t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec);
ch = t.tm_hour;
cl = t.tm_min;
dh = t.tm_sec;
data.byte(kSecondcount) = dh;
data.byte(kMinutecount) = cl;
data.byte(kHourcount) = ch;
void DreamGenContext::allocatemem() {
uint size = (bx + 2) * 16;
debug(1, "allocate mem, %u bytes", size);
flags._c = false;
SegmentRef seg = allocateSegment(size);
ax = (uint16)seg;
debug(1, "\tsegment address -> %04x", (uint16)ax);
void DreamGenContext::deallocatemem() {
uint16 id = (uint16)es;
debug(1, "deallocating segment %04x", id);
//fixing invalid entries in the sprite table
es = data;
uint tsize = 16 * 32;
uint16 bseg = data.word(kBuffers);
if (!bseg)
SegmentRef buffers(this);
buffers = bseg;
uint8 *ptr = buffers.ptr(kSpritetable, tsize);
for(uint i = 0; i < tsize; i += 32) {
uint16 seg = READ_LE_UINT16(ptr + i + 6);
//debug(1, "sprite segment = %04x", seg);
if (seg == id)
memset(ptr + i, 0xff, 32);
void DreamGenContext::removeemm() {
void DreamGenContext::setupemm() {
void DreamGenContext::pitinterupt() {
void DreamGenContext::getridofpit() {
void DreamGenContext::setuppit() {
void DreamGenContext::startdmablock() {
void DreamGenContext::dmaend() {
void DreamGenContext::restoreems() {
void DreamGenContext::saveems() {
void DreamGenContext::bothchannels() {
void DreamGenContext::channel1only() {
void DreamGenContext::channel0only() {
void DreamGenContext::out22c() {
void DreamGenContext::soundstartup() {}
void DreamGenContext::soundend() {}
void DreamGenContext::DreamGenContext::interupttest() {}
void DreamGenContext::disablesoundint() {}
void DreamGenContext::enablesoundint() {}
void DreamGenContext::checksoundint() {
data.byte(kTestresult) = 1;
void DreamGenContext::setsoundoff() {
warning("setsoundoff: STUB");
void DreamGenContext::loadsample() {
engine->loadSounds(0, (const char *)data.ptr(dx, 13));
void DreamGenContext::loadsecondsample() {
uint8 ch0 = data.byte(kCh0playing);
if (ch0 >= 12 && ch0 != 255)
uint8 ch1 = data.byte(kCh1playing);
if (ch1 >= 12)
engine->loadSounds(1, (const char *)data.ptr(dx, 13));
void DreamGenContext::loadspeech() {
data.byte(kSpeechloaded) = 0;
const char *name = (const char *)data.ptr(di, 13);
//warning("name = %s", name);
if (engine->loadSpeech(name))
data.byte(kSpeechloaded) = 1;
void DreamGenContext::saveseg() {
cx = es.word(di);
_add(di, 2);
void DreamGenContext::savefilewrite() {
ax = engine->writeToSaveFile(ds.ptr(dx, cx), cx);
void DreamGenContext::savefileread() {
ax = engine->readFromSaveFile(ds.ptr(dx, cx), cx);
void DreamGenContext::loadseg() {
ax = es.word(di);
di += 2;
uint16 dst_offset = dx;
uint16 size = ax;
debug(1, "loadseg(%04x:%u, %u)", (uint16)ds, dst_offset, size);
ax = engine->readFromFile(ds.ptr(dst_offset, size), size);
flags._c = false;
void DreamGenContext::error() {
void DreamGenContext::generalerror() {
void DreamGenContext::dosreturn() {
_cmp(data.byte(kCommandtype), 250);
if (flags.z()) goto alreadydos;
data.byte(kCommandtype) = 250;
al = 46;
ax = data.word(kMousebutton);
_and(ax, 1);
if (flags.z()) return;
void DreamGenContext::set16colpalette() {}
void DreamGenContext::mode640x480() {
// Video mode 12h: 640x480 pixels, 16 colors, I believe
al = 0x12 + 128;
ah = 0;
initGraphics(640, 480, true);
void DreamGenContext::showgroup() {
void DreamGenContext::fadedos() {
void DreamGenContext::doshake() {
uint8 &counter = data.byte(kShakecounter);
_cmp(counter, 48);
if (flags.z())
_add(counter, 1);
static const int shakeTable[] = {
0, -2, 3, -2, 0, 2, 4, -1,
1, -3, 3, 2, 0, -2, 3, -2,
0, 2, 4, -1, 1, -3, 3, 2,
0, -2, 3, -2, 0, 2, 4, -1,
1, -3, 3, 2, 0, -2, 3, -2,
0, 2, 4, -1, 1, -3, 3, 2,
0, -2, 3, -2, 0, 2, 4, -1,
1, -3, 3, 2, 0, -2, 3, -2,
0, 2, 4, -1, 1, -3, 3, 2,
0, -2, 3, -2, 0, 2, 4, -1,
1, -3, 3, 2, 0, -2, 3, -2,
0, 2, 4, -1, 1, -3, 3, 2,
0, -2, 3, -2, 0, 2, 4, -1,
1, -3, 3, 0,
int offset = shakeTable[counter];
engine->setShakePos(offset >= 0? offset: -offset);
void DreamGenContext::vsync() {
void DreamGenContext::setmode() {
initGraphics(320, 200, false);
void DreamGenContext::readoneblock() {
ds = data.word(kWorkspace);
cx = 30000;
dx = 0;
void DreamGenContext::showpcx() {
Common::String name = getFilename(*this);
Common::File pcxFile;
if (!pcxFile.open(name)) {
warning("showpcx: Could not open '%s'", name.c_str());
uint8 *maingamepal;
int i, j;
// Read the 16-color palette into the 'maingamepal' buffer. Note that
// the color components have to be adjusted from 8 to 6 bits.
pcxFile.seek(16, SEEK_SET);
es = data.word(kBuffers);
maingamepal = es.ptr(4782, 768); //fixme: hardcoded offset
pcxFile.read(maingamepal, 48);
memset(maingamepal + 48, 0xff, 720);
for (i = 0; i < 48; i++) {
maingamepal[i] >>= 2;
// Decode the image data.
Graphics::Surface *s = g_system->lockScreen();
Common::Rect rect(640, 480);
s->fillRect(rect, 0);
pcxFile.seek(128, SEEK_SET);
for (int y = 0; y < 480; y++) {
byte *dst = (byte *)s->getBasePtr(0, y);
int decoded = 0;
while (decoded < 320) {
byte col = pcxFile.readByte();
byte len;
if ((col & 0xc0) == 0xc0) {
len = col & 0x3f;
col = pcxFile.readByte();
} else {
len = 1;
// The image uses 16 colors and is stored as four bit
// planes, one for each bit of the color, least
// significant bit plane first.
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
int plane = decoded / 80;
int pos = decoded % 80;
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
byte bit = (col >> (7 - j)) & 1;
dst[8 * pos + j] |= (bit << plane);
} /*namespace dreamgen */