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synced 2025-02-05 02:17:05 +00:00
![Max Horn](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
Use of global vars is what prevents RTL from working in Tinsel (and probably in other engines). More specifically, the fact that many global vars are not explicitly inited when the engine is (re)launched. svn-id: r54262
504 lines
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504 lines
13 KiB
/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* $URL$
* $Id$
* Starts up new scenes.
#include "tinsel/actors.h"
#include "tinsel/anim.h"
#include "tinsel/background.h"
#include "tinsel/config.h"
#include "tinsel/cursor.h"
#include "tinsel/dialogs.h"
#include "tinsel/dw.h"
#include "tinsel/graphics.h"
#include "tinsel/handle.h"
#include "tinsel/film.h"
#include "tinsel/font.h"
#include "tinsel/mareels.h"
#include "tinsel/move.h"
#include "tinsel/music.h"
#include "tinsel/object.h"
#include "tinsel/pcode.h"
#include "tinsel/pid.h" // process IDs
#include "tinsel/play.h"
#include "tinsel/polygons.h"
#include "tinsel/rince.h"
#include "tinsel/sched.h"
#include "tinsel/scn.h"
#include "tinsel/scroll.h"
#include "tinsel/sound.h" // stopAllSamples()
#include "tinsel/sysvar.h"
#include "tinsel/token.h"
namespace Tinsel {
//----------------- EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS ---------------------
// in BG.C
extern void DropBackground();
// in EFFECT.C
extern void EffectPolyProcess(CORO_PARAM, const void *);
#ifdef DEBUG
extern void CursorPositionProcess(CORO_PARAM, const void *);
extern void TagProcess(CORO_PARAM, const void *);
extern void PointProcess(CORO_PARAM, const void *);
extern void EnableTags();
//----------------- LOCAL DEFINES --------------------
#include "common/pack-start.h" // START STRUCT PACKING
/** scene structure - one per scene */
struct SCENE_STRUC {
int32 defRefer; // Default refer direction (REFTYPE)
SCNHANDLE hSceneScript; // handle to scene script
SCNHANDLE hSceneDesc; // handle to scene description
int32 numEntrance; // number of entrances in this scene
SCNHANDLE hEntrance; // handle to table of entrances
int32 numPoly; // number of various polygons in this scene
SCNHANDLE hPoly; // handle to table of polygons
int32 numTaggedActor; // number of tagged actors in this scene
SCNHANDLE hTaggedActor; // handle to table of tagged actors
int32 numProcess; // number of processes in this scene
SCNHANDLE hProcess; // handle to table of processes
SCNHANDLE hMusicScript; // handle to music script data
SCNHANDLE hMusicSegment;// handle to music segments
/** entrance structure - one per entrance */
int32 eNumber; ///< entrance number
SCNHANDLE hScript; ///< handle to entrance script
// Tinsel 2 fields
SCNHANDLE hEntDesc; // handle to entrance description
uint32 flags;
#include "common/pack-end.h" // END STRUCT PACKING
//----------------- LOCAL GLOBAL DATA --------------------
// FIXME: Avoid non-const global vars
#ifdef DEBUG
static bool ShowPosition = false; // Set when showpos() has been called
SCNHANDLE newestScene = 0;
int sceneCtr = 0;
static int initialMyEscape;
static SCNHANDLE SceneHandle = 0; // Current scene handle - stored in case of Save_Scene()
static bool bWatchingOut = false;
SCENE_STRUC tempStruc;
struct TP_INIT {
SCNHANDLE hTinselCode; // Code
TINSEL_EVENT event; // Triggering event
const SCENE_STRUC *GetSceneStruc(const byte *pStruc) {
if (TinselVersion == TINSEL_V2)
return (const SCENE_STRUC *)pStruc;
// Copy appropriate fields into tempStruc, and return a pointer to it
const byte *p = pStruc;
memset(&tempStruc, 0, sizeof(SCENE_STRUC));
tempStruc.numEntrance = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
tempStruc.numPoly = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
tempStruc.numTaggedActor = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
tempStruc.defRefer = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
tempStruc.hSceneScript = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
tempStruc.hEntrance = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
tempStruc.hPoly = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
tempStruc.hTaggedActor = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
return &tempStruc;
* Started up for scene script and entrance script.
static void SceneTinselProcess(CORO_PARAM, const void *param) {
const TP_INIT *pInit;
int myEscape;
// The following myEscape value setting is used for enabling title screen skipping in DW1
if (TinselV1 && (sceneCtr == 1)) initialMyEscape = GetEscEvents();
_ctx->myEscape = (TinselV1 && (sceneCtr < 4)) ? initialMyEscape : 0;
// get the stuff copied to process when it was created
_ctx->pInit = (const TP_INIT *)param;
assert(_ctx->pInit->hTinselCode); // Must have some code to run
_ctx->pic = InitInterpretContext(GS_SCENE,
TinselV2 ? _ctx->pInit->event : NOEVENT,
NOPOLY, // No polygon
0, // No actor
NULL, // No object
CORO_INVOKE_1(Interpret, _ctx->pic);
if (_ctx->pInit->event == CLOSEDOWN || _ctx->pInit->event == LEAVE_T2)
bWatchingOut = false;
* Start up a SceneTinselProcess() running the scene
* script for various events.
void SendSceneTinselProcess(TINSEL_EVENT event) {
if (event == CLOSEDOWN || event == LEAVE_T2)
bWatchingOut = true;
if (SceneHandle != (SCNHANDLE)NULL) {
ss = (SCENE_STRUC *) FindChunk(SceneHandle, CHUNK_SCENE);
if (ss->hSceneScript) {
TP_INIT init;
init.event = event;
init.hTinselCode = ss->hSceneScript;
g_scheduler->createProcess(PID_TCODE, SceneTinselProcess, &init, sizeof(init));
} else if (event == CLOSEDOWN)
bWatchingOut = false;
else if (event == CLOSEDOWN)
bWatchingOut = false;
* Initialise polygons for the scene
* Initialise the actors for this scene
* Run the appropriate entrance code (if any)
* Get the default refer type
static void LoadScene(SCNHANDLE scene, int entry) {
uint i;
TP_INIT init;
const SCENE_STRUC *ss;
// Scene handle
SceneHandle = scene; // Save scene handle in case of Save_Scene()
LockMem(SceneHandle); // Make sure scene is loaded
LockScene(SceneHandle); // Prevent current scene from being discarded
if (TinselV2) {
// CdPlay() stuff
byte *cptr = FindChunk(scene, CHUNK_CDPLAY_FILENUM);
i = READ_LE_UINT32(cptr);
assert(i < 512);
cptr = FindChunk(scene, CHUNK_CDPLAY_FILENAME);
SetCdPlaySceneDetails(i, (const char *)cptr);
// Find scene structure
ss = GetSceneStruc(FindChunk(scene, CHUNK_SCENE));
assert(ss != NULL);
if (TinselV2) {
// Handle to scene description
newestScene = FROM_LE_32(ss->hSceneDesc);
// Music stuff
char *cptr = (char *)FindChunk(scene, CHUNK_MUSIC_FILENAME);
FROM_LE_32(ss->hMusicSegment), cptr);
if (entry == NO_ENTRY_NUM) {
// Restoring scene
// Initialise all the polygons for this scene
InitPolygons(FROM_LE_32(ss->hPoly), FROM_LE_32(ss->numPoly), true);
// Initialise the actors for this scene
StartTaggedActors(FROM_LE_32(ss->hTaggedActor), FROM_LE_32(ss->numTaggedActor), false);
if (TinselV2)
// Returning from cutscene
} else {
// Genuine new scene
// Initialise all the polygons for this scene
InitPolygons(FROM_LE_32(ss->hPoly), FROM_LE_32(ss->numPoly), false);
// Initialise the actors for this scene
StartTaggedActors(FROM_LE_32(ss->hTaggedActor), FROM_LE_32(ss->numTaggedActor), true);
// Run the appropriate entrance code (if any)
es = (const ENTRANCE_STRUC *)LockMem(FROM_LE_32(ss->hEntrance));
for (i = 0; i < FROM_LE_32(ss->numEntrance); i++) {
if (FROM_LE_32(es->eNumber) == (uint)entry) {
if (es->hScript) {
init.event = STARTUP;
init.hTinselCode = es->hScript;
g_scheduler->createProcess(PID_TCODE, SceneTinselProcess, &init, sizeof(init));
// Move to next entrance
if (TinselV2)
es = (const ENTRANCE_STRUC *)((const byte *)es + 8);
if (i == FROM_LE_32(ss->numEntrance))
error("Non-existant scene entry number");
if (ss->hSceneScript) {
init.event = STARTUP;
init.hTinselCode = ss->hSceneScript;
g_scheduler->createProcess(PID_TCODE, SceneTinselProcess, &init, sizeof(init));
// Default refer type
// Scene's processes
SceneProcesses(FROM_LE_32(ss->numProcess), FROM_LE_32(ss->hProcess));
* Wrap up the last scene.
void EndScene() {
if (SceneHandle != 0) {
SceneHandle = 0;
KillInventory(); // Close down any open inventory
DropPolygons(); // No polygons
DropScroll(); // No no-scrolls
DropBackground(); // No background
DropMovers(); // No moving actors
DropCursor(); // No cursor
DropActors(); // No actor reels running
FreeAllTokens(); // No-one has tokens
FreeMostInterpretContexts(); // Only master script still interpreting
if (TinselV2) {
SetSysVar(SV_MinimumXoffset, 0);
SetSysVar(SV_MaximumXoffset, 0);
SetSysVar(SV_MinimumYoffset, 0);
SetSysVar(SV_MaximumYoffset, 0);
_vm->_sound->stopAllSamples(); // Kill off any still-running sample
// init the palette manager
// init the object manager
// kill all destructable process
g_scheduler->killMatchingProcess(PID_DESTROY, PID_DESTROY);
void PrimeBackground() {
// structure for playfields
// FIXME: Avoid non-const global vars
// TODO: We should simply merge this function with InitBackground
// in order to avoid the static var and the problems associate
// with it.
static PLAYFIELD playfield[] = {
NULL, // display list
0, // init field x
0, // init field y
0, // x vel
0, // y vel
Common::Rect(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), // clip rect
false // moved flag
NULL, // display list
0, // init field x
0, // init field y
0, // x vel
0, // y vel
Common::Rect(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), // clip rect
false // moved flag
// structure for background
static const BACKGND backgnd = {
BLACK, // sky colour
Common::Point(0, 0), // initial world pos
Common::Rect(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), // scroll limits
0, // no background update process
NULL, // no x scroll table
NULL, // no y scroll table
2, // 2 playfields
playfield, // playfield pointer
false // no auto-erase
* Start up the standard stuff for the next scene.
void PrimeScene() {
SetSysVar(SYS_SceneFxDimFactor, SysVar(SYS_DefaultFxDimFactor));
RestartCursor(); // Restart the cursor
if (!TinselV2)
EnableTags(); // Next scene with tags enabled
g_scheduler->createProcess(PID_SCROLL, ScrollProcess, NULL, 0);
g_scheduler->createProcess(PID_SCROLL, EffectPolyProcess, NULL, 0);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (ShowPosition)
g_scheduler->createProcess(PID_POSITION, CursorPositionProcess, NULL, 0);
g_scheduler->createProcess(PID_TAG, TagProcess, NULL, 0);
g_scheduler->createProcess(PID_TAG, PointProcess, NULL, 0);
// init the current background
* Wrap up the last scene and start up the next scene.
void StartNewScene(SCNHANDLE scene, int entry) {
EndScene(); // Wrap up the last scene.
if (TinselV2) {
LockMem(scene); // Do CD change before PrimeScene
PrimeScene(); // Start up the standard stuff for the next scene.
LoadScene(scene, entry);
#ifdef DEBUG
* Sets the ShowPosition flag, causing the cursor position process to be
* created in each scene.
void setshowpos() {
ShowPosition = true;
* Return the current scene handle.
SCNHANDLE GetSceneHandle() {
return SceneHandle;
* DoHailScene
void DoHailScene(SCNHANDLE scene) {
// Find scene structure
const SCENE_STRUC *ss = GetSceneStruc(FindChunk(scene, CHUNK_SCENE));
if (ss != NULL && ss->hSceneScript) {
TP_INIT init;
init.event = NOEVENT;
init.hTinselCode = ss->hSceneScript;
g_scheduler->createProcess(PID_TCODE, SceneTinselProcess, &init, sizeof(init));
* WrapScene
void WrapScene() {
} // End of namespace Tinsel