Willem Jan Palenstijn b484e82821 retreive->retrieve
svn-id: r38296
2009-02-15 20:40:49 +00:00

549 lines
23 KiB

gfx_widgets.h Copyright (C) 2000 Christoph Reichenbach
This program may be modified and copied freely according to the terms of
the GNU general public license (GPL), as long as the above copyright
notice and the licensing information contained herein are preserved.
Please refer to for licensing details.
This work is provided AS IS, without warranty of any kind, expressed or
implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantibility,
noninfringement, and fitness for a specific purpose. The author will not
be held liable for any damage caused by this work or derivatives of it.
By using this source code, you agree to the licensing terms as stated
Please contact the maintainer for bug reports or inquiries.
Current Maintainer:
Christoph Reichenbach (CR) <>
/* Graphical state management */
#ifndef _GFX_WIDGETS_H_
#define _GFX_WIDGETS_H_
#include "sci/include/gfx_state_internal.h"
/* Enable the next line to keep a list of pointers to all widgets, with up to the specified amount
** of members (/SLOW/) */
/* #define GFXW_DEBUG_WIDGETS 2048 */
/* Our strategy for dirty rectangle management */
/* Properly belongs in sci_widgets.h, but we need it here */
#define WINDOW_FLAG_AUTO_RESTORE 0x2000000
/* Indicates that a Chrono-Port should not be created even if it doesn't exist. */
/* Indicates that non-topmost ports should be scanned for a Chrono-Port. */
/* Terminology
** Two special terms are used in here: /equivalent/ and /clear/. Their meanings
** in this context are as follows:
** /clear/: Clearing a widget means overwriting the space it occupies in the back
** buffer with data from the static buffer. This affects both the visual and the
** priority buffer, the static buffer (and any effect the widget may have had on
** it) is not touched.
** /equivalent/: Two Widgets A and B are equivalent if and only if either of the
** following conditions is met:
** a) Both A and B are text widgets, and they occupy the same bounding rectangle.
** b) Both A and B are dynview widgets, and they have the same unique ID
** Note that /equivalent/ is not really an equivalence relation- while it is ob-
** viously transitive and symmetrical, it is not reflexive (e.g. a box widget
** is not /equivalent/ to itself), although this might be a nice addition for the
** future.
/* Fundamental widget operations */
#define GFXW(foo) ((gfxw_widget_t *) foo)
/* Typecast an arbitrary widget to gfxw_widget_t*. Might eventually be changed to do tests as well. */
#define GFXWC(foo) ((gfxw_container_t *) foo)
/* Typecasts a container widget to gfxw_container_widget_t *. */
/* gfxw_point_zero is declared in gfx/widgets.c */
extern point_t gfxw_point_zero;
/* Widget operations */
/* These are for documentation purposes only. The actual declarations are in
** gfx_state_internal.h.
** -- draw(gfxw_widget_t *self, point_t pos)
** Draws the widget.
** Parameters: (gfxw_widget_t *) self: self reference
** (point_t) pos: The position to draw to (added to the widget's
** internal position)
** Returns : (int) 0
** The widget is drawn iff it is flagged as dirty. Invoking this operation on
** a container widget will recursively draw all of its contents.
** -- widfree(gfxw_widget_t *self)
** Frees all memory associated to the widget
** Parameters: (gfxw_widget_t *) self: self reference
** Returns : (int) 0
** The widget automatically removes itself from its owner, if it has one.
** Invoking this operation on a container will recursively free all of its
** contents.
** -- tag(gfxw_widget_t *self)
** Tags the specified widget
** Parameters: (gfxw_widget_t *) self: self reference
** Returns : (int) 0
** If invoked on a container widget, this will also tag all of the container's
** contents (but not the contents' contents!)
** -- print(gfxw_widget_t *self, int indentation)
** Prints a string representation of the widget with sciprintf
** Parameters: (gfxw_widget_t *) self: self reference
** (int) indentation: Number of double spaces to indent
** Returns ; (int) 0
** Will recursively print all of the widget's contents if the widget contains
** further sub-widgets
** -- compare_to(gfxw_widget_t *self, gfxw_widget_t *other)
** Compares two compareable widgets by their screen position
** Parameters: (gfxw_widget_t *) self: self reference
** (gfxw_widget_t *) other: other widget
** Returns : (int) <0, 0, or >0 if other is, respectively, less than, equal
** to, or greater than self
** This comparison only applies to some widgets; compare_to(a,a)=0 is not
** guaranteed. It may be used for sorting for all widgets.
** -- equals(gfxw_widget_t *self, gfxw_widget_t *other)
** Compares two compareable widgets for equality
** Parameters: (gfxw_widget_t *) self: self reference
** (gfxw_widget_t *) other: other widget
** Returns : (int) 0 if the widgets are not equal, != 0 if they match
** This operation checks whether two widgets describe the same graphical data.
** It is used to determine whether a new widget should be discarded because it
** describes the same graphical data as an old widget that has already been
** drawn. For lists, it also checks whether all contents are in an identical
** order.
** -- should_replace(gfxw_widget_t *self, gfxw_widget_t *other)
** Compares two compareable widgets for equality
** Parameters: (gfxw_widget_t *) self: self reference
** (gfxw_widget_t *) other: other widget
** Returns : (int) 0 if 'self' should be kept, != 0 if it should be replaced
** by the 'other'
** When 'equals' returns true, this means that no new widget will be added.
** However, in some cases newer widgets may contain information that should
** cause the older widget to be removed nonetheless; this is indicated by this
** function.
** -- superarea_of(gfxw_widget_t *self, gfxw_widget_t *other)
** Tests whether drawing self after other would reduce all traces of other
** Parameters: (gfxw_widget_t *) self: self reference
** (gxfw_widget_t *) other: The widget to compare for containment
** Returns : (int) 1 if self is superarea_of other, 0 otherwise
** -- set_visual(gfxw_widget_t *self)
** Sets the visual for the widget
** Parameters: (gfxw_widget_t *) self: self reference
** Returns : (int) 0
** This function is called by container->add() and need not be invoked explicitly.
** It also makes sure that dirty rectangles are passed to parent containers.
** **************************
** ** Container operations **
** **************************
** -- free_tagged(gfxw_container_t *self)
** Frees all tagged resources in the container
** Parameters: (gfxw_container_t *) self: self reference
** Returns : (int) 0
** The container itself is never freed in this way.
** -- free_contents(gfxw_container_t *self)
** Frees all resources contained in the container
** Parameters: (gfxw_container_t *) self: self reference
** Returns : (int) 0
** -- add_dirty_abs(gfxw_container_t *self, rect_t dirty, int propagate)
** Adds a dirty rectangle to the container's list of dirty rects
** Parameters: (gfxw_container_t *) self: self reference
** (rect_t) dirty: The rectangular screen area that is to be flagged
** as dirty, absolute to the screen
** (int) propagate: Whether the dirty rect should be propagated to the
** widget's parents
** Returns : (int) 0
** Transparent containers will usually pass this value to their next ancestor,
** because areas below them might have to be redrawn.
** The dirty rectangle management strategy is defined in this file in
** -- add_dirty_rel(gfxw_container_t *self, rect_t dirty, int propagate)
** Adds a dirty rectangle to the container's list of dirty rects
** Parameters: (gfxw_container_t *) self: self reference
** (rect_t) dirty: The rectangular screen area that is to be flagged
** as dirty, relative to the widget
** (int) propagate: Whether the dirty rect should be propagated to the
** widget's parents
** Returns : (int) 0
** Transparent containers will usually pass this value to their next ancestor,
** because areas below them might have to be redrawn.
** The dirty rectangle management strategy is defined in this file in
** -- add(gfxw_container_t *self, gfxw_widget_t *widget)
** Adds a widget to the list of contained widgets
** Parameters: (gfxw_container_t *) self: self reference
** (gfxw_widget_t *) widget: The widget to add
** Returns : (int) 0
** Sorted lists sort their content into the list rather than adding it to the
** end.
/* Basic widget generation */
/*-- Primitive types --*/
gfxw_box_t *
gfxw_new_box(gfx_state_t *state, rect_t area, gfx_color_t color1, gfx_color_t color2, gfx_box_shade_t shade_type);
/* Creates a new box
** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The (optional) state
** (rect_t) area: The box's dimensions, relative to its container widget
** (gfx_color_t) color1: The primary color
** (gfx_color_t) color1: The secondary color (ignored if shading is disabled)
** (gfx_box_shade_t) shade_type: The shade type for the box
** Returns : (gfxw_box_t *) The resulting box widget
** The graphics state- if non-NULL- is used here for some optimizations.
gfxw_primitive_t *
gfxw_new_rect(rect_t rect, gfx_color_t color, gfx_line_mode_t line_mode, gfx_line_style_t line_style);
/* Creates a new rectangle
** Parameters: (rect_t) rect: The rectangle area
** (gfx_color_t) color: The rectangle's color
** (gfx_line_mode_t) line_mode: The line mode for the lines that make up the rectangle
** (gfx_line_style_t) line_style: The rectangle's lines' style
** Returns : (gfxw_primitive_t *) The newly allocated rectangle widget (a Primitive)
gfxw_primitive_t *
gfxw_new_line(point_t start, point_t end, gfx_color_t color, gfx_line_mode_t line_mode, gfx_line_style_t line_style);
/* Creates a new line
** Parameters: (point_t * point_t) (start, line): The line origin and end point
** (gfx_color_t) color: The line's color
** (gfx_line_mode_t) line_mode: The line mode to use for drawing
** (gfx_line_style_t) line_style: The line style
** Returns : (gfxw_primitive_t *) The newly allocated line widget (a Primitive)
/* Whether the view should be static */
#define GFXW_VIEW_FLAG_STATIC (1 << 0)
/* Whether the view should _not_ apply its x/y offset modifyers */
gfxw_view_t *
gfxw_new_view(gfx_state_t *state, point_t pos, int view, int loop, int cel, int palette, int priority, int control,
gfx_alignment_t halign, gfx_alignment_t valign, int flags);
/* Creates a new view (a cel, actually)
** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The graphics state
** (point_t) pos: The position to place the view at
** (int x int x int) view, loop, cel: The global cel ID
** (int) priority: The priority to use for drawing, or -1 for none
** (int) control: The value to write to the control map, or -1 for none
** (gfx_alignment_t x gfx_alignment_t) halign, valign: Horizontal and vertical
** cel alignment
** (int) flags: Any combination of GFXW_VIEW_FLAGs
** Returns : (gfxw_cel_t *) A newly allocated cel according to the specs
gfxw_dyn_view_t *
gfxw_new_dyn_view(gfx_state_t *state, point_t pos, int z, int view, int loop, int cel, int palette,
int priority, int control, gfx_alignment_t halign, gfx_alignment_t valign,
int sequence);
/* Creates a new dyn view
** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The graphics state
** (point_t) pos: The position to place the dynamic view at
** (int) z: The z coordinate
** (int x int x int) view, loop, cel: The global cel ID
** (int) priority: The priority to use for drawing, or -1 for none
** (int) control: The value to write to the control map, or -1 for none
** (gfx_alignment_t x gfx_alignment_t) halign, valign: Horizontal and vertical
** cel alignment
** (int) sequence: Sequence number: When sorting dynviews, this number is
** considered last for sorting (ascending order)
** Returns : (gfxw_cel_t *) A newly allocated cel according to the specs
** Dynamic views are non-pic views with a unique global identifyer. This allows for drawing
** optimizations when they move or change shape.
gfxw_text_t *
gfxw_new_text(gfx_state_t *state, rect_t area, int font, const char *text, gfx_alignment_t halign,
gfx_alignment_t valign, gfx_color_t color1, gfx_color_t color2,
gfx_color_t bgcolor, int flags);
/* Creates a new text widget
** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state the text is to be calculated from
** (rect_t) area: The area the text is to be confined to (the yl value is only
** relevant for text aligment, though)
** (int) font: The number of the font to use
** (gfx_alignment_t x gfx_alignment_t) halign, valign: Horizontal and
** vertical text alignment
** (gfx_color_t x gfx_color_t) color1, color2: Text foreground colors (if not equal,
** The foreground is dithered between them)
** (gfx_color_t) bgcolor: Text background color
** (int) flags: GFXR_FONT_FLAGs, orred together (see gfx_resource.h)
** Returns : (gfxw_text_t *) The resulting text widget
gfxw_text_info(gfx_state_t *state, gfxw_text_t *text, int *lines_nr,
int *lineheight, int *offset);
/* Determines text widget meta-information
** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state to operate on
** (gfx_text_t *) text: The widget to query
** Returns : (int) lines_nr: Number of lines used in the text
** (int) lineheight: Pixel height (SCI scale) of each text line
** (int) offset: Pixel offset (SCI scale) of the space after the
** last character in the last line
gfxw_widget_t *
gfxw_set_id(gfxw_widget_t *widget, int ID, int subID);
/* Sets a widget's ID
** Parmaeters: (gfxw_widget_t *) widget: The widget whose ID should be set
** (int x int) ID, subID: The ID to set
** Returns : (gfxw_widget_t *) widget
** A widget ID is unique within the container it is stored in, if and only if it was
** added to that container with gfxw_add().
** This function handles widget = NULL gracefully (by doing nothing and returning NULL).
gfxw_widget_t *
gfxw_remove_id(gfxw_container_t *container, int ID, int subID);
/* Finds a widget with a specific ID in a container and removes it from there
** Parameters: (gfxw_container_t *) container: The container to search in
** (int) ID: The ID to look for
** (int) subID: The subID to look for, or GFXW_NO_ID for any
** Returns : (gfxw_widget_t *) The resulting widget or NULL if no match was found
** Search is non-recursive; widgets with IDs hidden in subcontainers will not be found.
gfxw_dyn_view_t *
gfxw_dyn_view_set_params(gfxw_dyn_view_t *widget, int under_bits, void *under_bitsp, int signal, void *signalp);
/* Initializes a dyn view's interpreter attributes
** Parameters: (gfxw_dyn_view_t *) widget: The widget affected
** (int x void * x int x void *) under_bits, inder_bitsp, signal, signalp: Interpreter-dependant data
** Returns : (gfxw_dyn_view_t *) widget
gfxw_widget_t *
gfxw_hide_widget(gfxw_widget_t *widget);
/* Makes a widget invisible without removing it from the list of widgets
** Parameters: (gfxw_widget_t *) widget: The widget to invisibilize
** Returns : (gfxw_widget_t *) widget
** Has no effect on invisible widgets
gfxw_widget_t *
gfxw_show_widget(gfxw_widget_t *widget);
/* Makes an invisible widget reappear
** Parameters: (gfxw_widget_t *) widget: The widget to show again
** Returns : (gfxw_widget_t *) widget
** Does not affect visible widgets
gfxw_widget_t *
gfxw_abandon_widget(gfxw_widget_t *widget);
/* Marks a widget as "abandoned"
** Parameters: (gfxw_widget_t *) widget: The widget to abandon
** Returns : (gfxw_widget_t *) widget
/*-- Container types --*/
gfxw_list_t *
gfxw_new_list(rect_t area, int sorted);
/* Creates a new list widget
** Parameters: (rect_t) area: The area covered by the list (absolute position)
** (int) sorted: Whether the list should be a sorted list
** Returns : (gfxw_list_t *) A newly allocated list widget
** List widgets are also referred to as Display Lists.
gfxw_visual_t *
gfxw_new_visual(gfx_state_t *state, int font);
/* Creates a new visual widget
** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The graphics state
** (int) font: The default font number for contained ports
** Returns : (gfxw_list_t *) A newly allocated visual widget
** Visual widgets are containers for port widgets.
gfxw_port_t *
gfxw_new_port(gfxw_visual_t *visual, gfxw_port_t *predecessor, rect_t area, gfx_color_t fgcolor, gfx_color_t bgcolor);
/* Creates a new port widget with the default settings
** Paramaters: (gfxw_visual_t *) visual: The visual the port is added to
** (gfxw_port_t *) predecessor: The port's predecessor
** (rect_t) area: The screen area covered by the port (absolute position)
** (gfx_color_t) fgcolor: Foreground drawing color
** (gfx_color_t) bgcolor: Background color
** Returns : (gfxw_port_t *) A newly allocated port widget
** A port differentiates itself from a list in that it contains additional information,
** and an optional title (stored in a display list).
** Ports are assigned implicit IDs identifying their position within the port stack.
gfxw_port_t *
gfxw_find_port(gfxw_visual_t *visual, int ID);
/* Retrieves a port with the specified ID
** Parameters: (gfxw_visual_t *) visual: The visual the port is to be retrieved from
** (int) ID: The port's ID
** Returns : (gfxw_port_t *) The requested port, or NULL if it didn't exist
** This function is O(1).
gfxw_port_t *
gfxw_find_default_port(gfxw_visual_t *visual);
/* Retreives the default port from a visual
** Parameters: (gfxw_visual_t *) visual: The visual the port should be retrieved from
** Returns : (gfxw_port_t *) The default port, or NULL if no port is present
** The 'default port' is the last port to be instantiated; usually the topmost
** or highest-ranking port.
gfxw_port_set_auto_restore(gfxw_visual_t *visual, gfxw_port_t *window, rect_t auto_rect);
/* Sets rectangle to be restored upon port removal
** Parameters: (state_t *) s: The state to operate on
(gfxw_port_t *) window: The affected window
** (rect_t) auto_rect: The area to restore
** Returns : (void)
gfxw_port_t *
gfxw_remove_port(gfxw_visual_t *visual, gfxw_port_t *port);
/* Removes a port from a visual
** Parameters: (gfxw_visual_t *) visual: The visual the port should be removed from
** (gfxw_port_t *) port: The port to remove
** Returns : (gfxw_port_t *) port's parent port, or NULL if it had none
gfxw_remove_widget_from_container(gfxw_container_t *container, gfxw_widget_t *widget);
/* Removes the widget from the specified port
** Parameters: (gfxw_container_t *) container: The container it should be removed from
** (gfxw_widget_t *) widget: The widget to remove
** Returns : (void)
gfxw_snapshot_t *
gfxw_make_snapshot(gfxw_visual_t *visual, rect_t area);
/* Makes a "snapshot" of a visual
** Parameters: (gfxw_visual_t *) visual: The visual a snapshot is to be taken of
** (rect_t) area: The area a snapshot should be taken of
** Returns : (gfxw_snapshot_t *) The resulting, newly allocated snapshot
** It's not really a full qualified snaphot, though. See gfxw_restore_snapshot
** for a full discussion.
** This operation also increases the global serial number counter by one.
gfxw_widget_matches_snapshot(gfxw_snapshot_t *snapshot, gfxw_widget_t *widget);
/* Predicate to test whether a widget would be destroyed by applying a snapshot
** Parameters: (gfxw_snapshot_t *) snapshot: The snapshot to test against
** (gfxw_widget_t *) widget: The widget to test
** Retunrrs : (int) An appropriate boolean value
gfxw_snapshot_t *
gfxw_restore_snapshot(gfxw_visual_t *visual, gfxw_snapshot_t *snapshot);
/* Restores a snapshot to a visual
** Parameters: (gfxw_visual_t *) visual: The visual to operate on
** (gfxw_snapshot_t *) snapshot: The snapshot to restore
** Returns : (gfxw_snapshot_t *) snapshot (still needs to be freed)
** The snapshot is not really restored; only more recent widgets touching
** the snapshotted area are destroyed.
gfxw_annihilate(gfxw_widget_t *widget);
/* As widget->widfree(widget), but destroys all overlapping widgets
** Parameters: (gfxw_widget_t *) widget: The widget to use
** Returns : (void)
** This operation calls widget->widfree(widget), but it also destroys
** all widgets with a higher or equal priority drawn after this widget.
gfxw_dyn_view_t *
gfxw_picviewize_dynview(gfxw_dyn_view_t *dynview);
/* Turns a dynview into a picview
** Parameters: (gfxw_dyn_view_t *) dynview: The victim
** Returns : (gfxw_dyn_view_t *) The victim, after his transformation
** The only changes are in function and type variables, actually.
gfxw_port_auto_restore_background(gfxw_visual_t *visual, gfxw_port_t *window, rect_t auto_rect);
/* Tags a window widget as automatically restoring the visual background upon removal
** Parameters: (gfx_visual_t *) visual: The base visual
** (gfxw_port_t *) window: The window to tag
** (rect_t) auto_rect: The background to remember
** Also records the specified background rectangle, for later recovery
gfxw_port_t *
gfxw_get_chrono_port(gfxw_visual_t *visual, gfxw_list_t **temp_widgets_list, int flags);
gfxw_add_to_chrono(gfxw_visual_t *visual, gfxw_widget_t *widget);
gfxw_widget_reparent_chrono(gfxw_visual_t *visual, gfxw_widget_t *view, gfxw_list_t *target);
gfxw_widget_kill_chrono(gfxw_visual_t *visual, int window);
#endif /* !_GFX_WIDGETS_H_ */