Torbjörn Andersson f7a6729a01 This should really be two or three different commits, but I'm too lazy for

* Re-worked the elevator script bug workaround so that it's more consistent
  with the other two script bug workarounds.

* Some renamings to make it more clear that game events and input events
  are two completely different things.

* Added function for clearing pending input events, and used that to fix an
  annoying keyboard repeat bug when closing the debug console. (The console
  would keep re-opening because the key press to open it kept repeating
  even though the key had been released.)

svn-id: r18522
2005-07-09 13:21:21 +00:00

273 lines
6.6 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 1994-1998 Revolution Software Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2003-2005 The ScummVM project
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* $Header$
#ifndef _SWORD2
#define _SWORD2
// Enable this to make it possible to clear the mouse cursor luggage by
// right-clicking. The original didn't do this, but it feels natural to me.
// However, I'm afraid that it'll interfer badly with parts of the game, so
// for now I'll keep it disabled.
#include "base/engine.h"
#include "common/util.h"
#include "sword2/build_display.h"
#include "sword2/header.h"
#include "sword2/icons.h"
#include "sword2/object.h"
#include "sword2/save_rest.h"
#define MAX_starts 100
#define MAX_description 100
class GameDetector;
class OSystem;
namespace Sword2 {
enum {
GF_DEMO = 1 << 0
class MemoryManager;
class ResourceManager;
class Sound;
class Screen;
class Mouse;
class Logic;
class FontRenderer;
class Gui;
class Debugger;
enum {
RD_WHEELUP = 0x10,
RD_KEYDOWN = 0x40,
struct MouseEvent {
bool pending;
uint16 buttons;
struct KeyboardEvent {
bool pending;
uint32 repeat;
uint16 ascii;
int keycode;
int modifiers;
struct StartUp {
char description[MAX_description];
// id of screen manager object
uint32 start_res_id;
// Tell the manager which startup you want (if there are more than 1)
// (i.e more than 1 entrance to a screen and/or separate game boots)
uint32 key;
class Sword2Engine : public Engine {
uint32 _inputEventFilter;
// The event "buffers"
MouseEvent _mouseEvent;
KeyboardEvent _keyboardEvent;
uint32 _bootParam;
int32 _saveSlot;
void getPlayerStructures();
void putPlayerStructures();
uint32 saveData(uint16 slotNo, byte *buffer, uint32 bufferSize);
uint32 restoreData(uint16 slotNo, byte *buffer, uint32 bufferSize);
uint32 calcChecksum(byte *buffer, uint32 size);
void pauseGame();
void unpauseGame();
uint32 _totalStartups;
uint32 _totalScreenManagers;
uint32 _startRes;
bool _useSubtitles;
StartUp _startList[MAX_starts];
Sword2Engine(GameDetector *detector, OSystem *syst);
int go();
int init(GameDetector &detector);
void registerDefaultSettings();
void readSettings();
void writeSettings();
void setupPersistentResources();
bool getSubtitles() { return _useSubtitles; }
void setSubtitles(bool b) { _useSubtitles = b; }
bool _quit;
uint32 _features;
Common::String _targetName; // target name for saves
MemoryManager *_memory;
ResourceManager *_resman;
Sound *_sound;
Screen *_screen;
Mouse *_mouse;
Logic *_logic;
FontRenderer *_fontRenderer;
Debugger *_debugger;
Common::RandomSource _rnd;
uint32 _speechFontId;
uint32 _controlsFontId;
uint32 _redFontId;
uint32 setInputEventFilter(uint32 filter);
void clearInputEvents();
void parseInputEvents();
bool checkForMouseEvents();
MouseEvent *mouseEvent();
KeyboardEvent *keyboardEvent();
bool _wantSfxDebug;
int32 _gameCycle;
bool _renderSkip;
bool _stepOneCycle;
bool heldIsInInventory();
byte *fetchPalette(byte *screenFile);
ScreenHeader *fetchScreenHeader(byte *screenFile);
LayerHeader *fetchLayerHeader(byte *screenFile, uint16 layerNo);
byte *fetchShadingMask(byte *screenFile);
AnimHeader *fetchAnimHeader(byte *animFile);
CdtEntry *fetchCdtEntry(byte *animFile, uint16 frameNo);
FrameHeader *fetchFrameHeader(byte *animFile, uint16 frameNo);
Parallax *fetchBackgroundParallaxLayer(byte *screenFile, int layer);
Parallax *fetchBackgroundLayer(byte *screenFile);
Parallax *fetchForegroundParallaxLayer(byte *screenFile, int layer);
byte *fetchTextLine(byte *file, uint32 text_line);
bool checkTextLine(byte *file, uint32 text_line);
byte *fetchPaletteMatchTable(byte *screenFile);
byte *fetchObjectName(int32 resourceId, byte *buf);
// savegame file header
#if !defined(__GNUC__)
struct SaveGameHeader {
// sum of all bytes in file, excluding this uint32
uint32 checksum;
// player's description of savegame
char description[SAVE_DESCRIPTION_LEN];
uint32 varLength; // length of global variables resource
uint32 screenId; // resource id of screen file
uint32 runListId; // resource id of run list
uint32 feet_x; // copy of _thisScreen.feet_x
uint32 feet_y; // copy of _thisScreen.feet_y
uint32 music_id; // copy of 'looping_music_id'
ObjectHub player_hub; // copy of player object's object_hub structure
ObjectLogic logic; // copy of player character logic structure
ObjectGraphic graphic; // copy of player character graphic structure
ObjectMega mega; // copy of player character mega structure
#if !defined(__GNUC__)
SaveGameHeader _saveGameHeader;
uint32 saveGame(uint16 slotNo, byte *description);
uint32 restoreGame(uint16 slotNo);
uint32 getSaveDescription(uint16 slotNo, byte *description);
bool saveExists();
bool saveExists(uint16 slotNo);
void fillSaveBuffer(byte *buffer, uint32 size, byte *desc);
uint32 restoreFromBuffer(byte *buffer, uint32 size);
uint32 findBufferSize();
bool _gamePaused;
bool _graphicsLevelFudged;
void startGame();
void gameCycle();
void closeGame();
void restartGame();
void sleepUntil(uint32 time);
void errorString(const char *buf_input, char *buf_output);
void initialiseFontResourceFlags();
void initialiseFontResourceFlags(uint8 language);
bool initStartMenu();
void registerStartPoint(int32 key, char *name);
uint32 getNumStarts() { return _totalStartups; }
uint32 getNumScreenManagers() { return _totalScreenManagers; }
StartUp *getStartList() { return _startList; }
void runStart(int start);
// Convenience alias for OSystem::getMillis().
// This is a bit hackish, of course :-).
uint32 getMillis();
} // End of namespace Sword2