2022-06-10 23:12:34 +03:00

573 lines
16 KiB

/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Starts up new scenes.
#include "tinsel/actors.h"
#include "tinsel/anim.h"
#include "tinsel/background.h"
#include "tinsel/config.h"
#include "tinsel/cursor.h"
#include "tinsel/dialogs.h"
#include "tinsel/dw.h"
#include "tinsel/graphics.h"
#include "tinsel/handle.h"
#include "tinsel/film.h"
#include "tinsel/font.h"
#include "tinsel/mareels.h"
#include "tinsel/move.h"
#include "tinsel/music.h"
#include "tinsel/object.h"
#include "tinsel/pcode.h"
#include "tinsel/pid.h" // process IDs
#include "tinsel/play.h"
#include "tinsel/polygons.h"
#include "tinsel/movers.h"
#include "tinsel/sched.h"
#include "tinsel/scn.h"
#include "tinsel/scroll.h"
#include "tinsel/sound.h" // stopAllSamples()
#include "tinsel/sysvar.h"
#include "tinsel/token.h"
#include "common/memstream.h"
#include "common/textconsole.h"
namespace Tinsel {
//----------------- EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS ---------------------
// in EFFECT.C
extern void EffectPolyProcess(CORO_PARAM, const void *);
#ifdef DEBUG
extern void CursorPositionProcess(CORO_PARAM, const void *);
extern void TagProcess(CORO_PARAM, const void *);
extern void PointProcess(CORO_PARAM, const void *);
extern void EnableTags();
//----------------- LOCAL DEFINES --------------------
#include "common/pack-start.h" // START STRUCT PACKING
/** scene structure - one per scene */
struct SCENE_STRUC {
int32 defRefer; // Default refer direction (REFTYPE)
SCNHANDLE hSceneScript; // handle to scene script
SCNHANDLE hSceneDesc; // handle to scene description
int32 numEntrance; // number of entrances in this scene
SCNHANDLE hEntrance; // handle to table of entrances
int32 numPoly; // number of various polygons in this scene
SCNHANDLE hPoly; // handle to table of polygons
int32 numTaggedActor; // number of tagged actors in this scene
SCNHANDLE hTaggedActor; // handle to table of tagged actors
int32 numProcess; // number of processes in this scene
SCNHANDLE hProcess; // handle to table of processes
SCNHANDLE hMusicScript; // handle to music script data - Tinsel 2 only
SCNHANDLE hMusicSegment; // handle to music segments - Tinsel 2 only
int32 numCameras;
int32 numLights;
/** entrance structure - one per entrance */
int32 eNumber; ///< entrance number
SCNHANDLE hScript; ///< handle to entrance script
// Tinsel 2 fields
SCNHANDLE hEntDesc; // handle to entrance description
uint32 flags;
/** camera strucutre, Noir only */
int32 sceneId;
int32 rotX;
int32 rotY;
int32 rotZ;
int32 posX;
int32 posY;
int32 posZ;
int32 aperture;
struct LIGHT_STRUC {
int32 sceneId;
int32 posX;
int32 posY;
int32 posZ;
#include "common/pack-end.h" // END STRUCT PACKING
//----------------- LOCAL GLOBAL DATA --------------------
// These vars are reset upon engine destruction
#ifdef DEBUG
static bool g_ShowPosition = false; // Set when showpos() has been called
int g_sceneCtr = 0;
static int g_initialMyEscape = 0;
static SCNHANDLE g_SceneHandle = 0; // Current scene handle - stored in case of Save_Scene()
SCENE_STRUC g_tempStruc;
static bool g_isViewSet = false;
struct TP_INIT {
SCNHANDLE hTinselCode; // Code
TINSEL_EVENT event; // Triggering event
void ResetVarsScene() {
g_sceneCtr = 0;
g_initialMyEscape = 0;
g_SceneHandle = 0;
g_isViewSet = false;
memset(&g_tempStruc, 0, sizeof(SCENE_STRUC));
SCENE_STRUC* parseSceneV1(const byte *p) {
g_tempStruc.numEntrance = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.numPoly = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.numTaggedActor = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.defRefer = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hSceneScript = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hEntrance = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hPoly = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hTaggedActor = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
return &g_tempStruc;
SCENE_STRUC* parseSceneV2(const byte *p) {
g_tempStruc.defRefer = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hSceneScript = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hSceneDesc = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.numEntrance = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hEntrance = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.numPoly = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hPoly = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.numTaggedActor = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hTaggedActor = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.numProcess = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hProcess = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hMusicScript = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hMusicSegment = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
return &g_tempStruc;
SCENE_STRUC* parseSceneV3(const byte *p) {
g_tempStruc.defRefer = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hSceneScript = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hSceneDesc = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.numEntrance = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hEntrance = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.numCameras = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hCamera = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.numLights = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hLight = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.numPoly = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hPoly = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.numTaggedActor = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hTaggedActor = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.numProcess = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hProcess = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hMusicScript = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
g_tempStruc.hMusicSegment = READ_UINT32(p); p += sizeof(uint32);
// scollfields scaling/speed - 4 ints
warning("TODO: Complete scene loading logic for Noir");
return &g_tempStruc;
const SCENE_STRUC *GetSceneStruc(const byte *pStruc) {
memset(&g_tempStruc, 0, sizeof(SCENE_STRUC));
if (TinselVersion == 3) {
return parseSceneV3(pStruc);
} else if (TinselVersion == 2) {
return parseSceneV2(pStruc);
} else {
return parseSceneV1(pStruc);
* Started up for scene script and entrance script.
static void SceneTinselProcess(CORO_PARAM, const void *param) {
const TP_INIT *pInit;
int myEscape;
// The following myEscape value setting is used for enabling title screen skipping in DW1
if ((TinselVersion == 1) && (g_sceneCtr == 1)) g_initialMyEscape = GetEscEvents();
// DW1 PSX, Saturn and Mac has its own scene skipping script code for scenes 2 and 3 (bug #6094).
_ctx->myEscape = ((TinselVersion == 1) && (g_sceneCtr < ((TinselV1PSX || TinselV1Saturn || TinselV1Mac) ? 2 : 4))) ? g_initialMyEscape : 0;
// get the stuff copied to process when it was created
_ctx->pInit = (const TP_INIT *)param;
assert(_ctx->pInit->hTinselCode); // Must have some code to run
_ctx->pic = InitInterpretContext(GS_SCENE,
(TinselVersion >= 2) ? _ctx->pInit->event : NOEVENT,
NOPOLY, // No polygon
0, // No actor
NULL, // No object
CORO_INVOKE_1(Interpret, _ctx->pic);
* Start up a SceneTinselProcess() running the scene
* script for various events.
void SendSceneTinselProcess(TINSEL_EVENT event) {
if (g_SceneHandle != 0) {
ss = (SCENE_STRUC *) FindChunk(g_SceneHandle, CHUNK_SCENE);
if (ss->hSceneScript) {
TP_INIT init;
init.event = event;
init.hTinselCode = ss->hSceneScript;
CoroScheduler.createProcess(PID_TCODE, SceneTinselProcess, &init, sizeof(init));
* Initialize polygons for the scene
* Initialize the actors for this scene
* Run the appropriate entrance code (if any)
* Get the default refer type
static void LoadScene(SCNHANDLE scene, int entry) {
uint32 i;
TP_INIT init;
const SCENE_STRUC *ss;
// Scene handle
g_SceneHandle = scene; // Save scene handle in case of Save_Scene()
_vm->_handle->LockMem(g_SceneHandle); // Make sure scene is loaded
_vm->_handle->LockScene(g_SceneHandle); // Prevent current scene from being discarded
if (TinselVersion >= 2) {
// CdPlay() stuff
byte *cptr = FindChunk(scene, CHUNK_CDPLAY_FILENUM);
i = READ_32(cptr);
assert(i < 512);
cptr = FindChunk(scene, CHUNK_CDPLAY_FILENAME);
_vm->_handle->SetCdPlaySceneDetails((const char *)cptr);
// Find scene structure
ss = GetSceneStruc(FindChunk(scene, CHUNK_SCENE));
assert(ss != NULL);
if (TinselVersion >= 2) {
// Music stuff
char *cptr = (char *)FindChunk(scene, CHUNK_MUSIC_FILENAME);
_vm->_pcmMusic->setMusicSceneDetails(FROM_32(ss->hMusicScript), FROM_32(ss->hMusicSegment), cptr);
if (entry == NO_ENTRY_NUM) {
// Restoring scene
// Initialize all the polygons for this scene
InitPolygons(FROM_32(ss->hPoly), FROM_32(ss->numPoly), true);
// Initialize the actors for this scene
_vm->_actor->StartTaggedActors(FROM_32(ss->hTaggedActor), FROM_32(ss->numTaggedActor), false);
if (TinselVersion >= 2)
// Returning from cutscene
} else {
// Genuine new scene
// Initialize all the polygons for this scene
InitPolygons(FROM_32(ss->hPoly), FROM_32(ss->numPoly), false);
// Initialize the actors for this scene
_vm->_actor->StartTaggedActors(FROM_32(ss->hTaggedActor), FROM_32(ss->numTaggedActor), true);
// Run the appropriate entrance code (if any)
es = (const ENTRANCE_STRUC *)_vm->_handle->LockMem(FROM_32(ss->hEntrance));
for (i = 0; i < FROM_32(ss->numEntrance); i++) {
if (FROM_32(es->eNumber) == (uint)entry) {
if (es->hScript) {
init.event = STARTUP;
init.hTinselCode = es->hScript;
CoroScheduler.createProcess(PID_TCODE, SceneTinselProcess, &init, sizeof(init));
// Move to next entrance
if (TinselVersion >= 2)
es = (const ENTRANCE_STRUC *)((const byte *)es + 8);
if (i == FROM_32(ss->numEntrance))
error("Non-existent scene entry number");
if (ss->hSceneScript) {
init.event = STARTUP;
init.hTinselCode = ss->hSceneScript;
CoroScheduler.createProcess(PID_TCODE, SceneTinselProcess, &init, sizeof(init));
// Default refer type
// Scene's processes
SceneProcesses(FROM_32(ss->numProcess), FROM_32(ss->hProcess));
* Wrap up the last scene.
void EndScene() {
if (g_SceneHandle != 0) {
g_SceneHandle = 0;
_vm->_dialogs->killInventory(); // Close down any open inventory
DropPolygons(); // No polygons
_vm->_scroll->DropScroll(); // No no-scrolls
_vm->_bg->DropBackground(); // No background
DropMovers(); // No moving actors
_vm->_cursor->DropCursor(); // No cursor
_vm->_actor->DropActors(); // No actor reels running
FreeAllTokens(); // No-one has tokens
FreeMostInterpretContexts(); // Only master script still interpreting
if (TinselVersion >= 2) {
SetSysVar(SV_MinimumXoffset, 0);
SetSysVar(SV_MaximumXoffset, 0);
SetSysVar(SV_MinimumYoffset, 0);
SetSysVar(SV_MaximumYoffset, 0);
_vm->_sound->stopAllSamples(); // Kill off any still-running sample
// init the palette manager
// init the object manager
// kill all destructable process
CoroScheduler.killMatchingProcess(PID_DESTROY, PID_DESTROY);
* Start up the standard stuff for the next scene.
void PrimeScene() {
SetSysVar(SYS_SceneFxDimFactor, SysVar(SYS_DefaultFxDimFactor));
_vm->_cursor->RestartCursor(); // Restart the cursor
if (TinselVersion <= 1)
EnableTags(); // Next scene with tags enabled
CoroScheduler.createProcess(PID_SCROLL, ScrollProcess, NULL, 0);
CoroScheduler.createProcess(PID_SCROLL, EffectPolyProcess, NULL, 0);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (g_ShowPosition)
CoroScheduler.createProcess(PID_POSITION, CursorPositionProcess, NULL, 0);
CoroScheduler.createProcess(PID_TAG, TagProcess, NULL, 0);
CoroScheduler.createProcess(PID_TAG, PointProcess, NULL, 0);
// init the current background
* Wrap up the last scene and start up the next scene.
void StartNewScene(SCNHANDLE scene, int entry) {
EndScene(); // Wrap up the last scene.
if (TinselVersion >= 2) {
_vm->_handle->LockMem(scene); // Do CD change before PrimeScene
PrimeScene(); // Start up the standard stuff for the next scene.
LoadScene(scene, entry);
g_isViewSet = false;
#ifdef DEBUG
* Sets the ShowPosition flag, causing the cursor position process to be
* created in each scene.
void setshowpos() {
g_ShowPosition = true;
* Return the current scene handle.
SCNHANDLE GetSceneHandle() {
return g_SceneHandle;
* DoHailScene
void DoHailScene(SCNHANDLE scene) {
// Find scene structure
const SCENE_STRUC *ss = GetSceneStruc(FindChunk(scene, CHUNK_SCENE));
if (ss != NULL && ss->hSceneScript) {
TP_INIT init;
init.event = NOEVENT;
init.hTinselCode = ss->hSceneScript;
CoroScheduler.createProcess(PID_SCENE, SceneTinselProcess, &init, sizeof(init));
* WrapScene
void WrapScene() {
* Set parameters for 3D rendering for Noir.
void SetView(int sceneId, int scale) {
if (sceneId == SysVar(SV_SPRITER_SCENE_ID)) {
if (scale == SysVar(SV_SPRITER_SCALE)) {
debug("Ignoring SetView()");
debug("SetView(%d, %d)", sceneId, scale);
SetSysVar(SV_SPRITER_SCALE, scale);
SetSysVar(SV_USER3 ,0x28);
if (g_isViewSet) {
} else {
g_isViewSet = true;
int i = 0;
CAMERA_STRUC *pCamera = (CAMERA_STRUC *)_vm->_handle->LockMem(g_tempStruc.hCamera);
for (i = 0; i < g_tempStruc.numCameras; ++i, ++pCamera) {
if (sceneId == (int)FROM_32(pCamera->sceneId)) {
// set camera
SetSysVar(SV_SPRITER_SCENE_ID, sceneId);
if (i == g_tempStruc.numCameras) {
// no suitable camera found
LIGHT_STRUC *pLight = (LIGHT_STRUC *)_vm->_handle->LockMem(g_tempStruc.hLight);
for (i = 0; i < g_tempStruc.numLights; ++i, ++pLight) {
if (sceneId == (int)FROM_32(pLight->sceneId)) {
// set light
if (i == g_tempStruc.numLights) {
// use default light
//update ground plane
} // End of namespace Tinsel