mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 09:23:37 +00:00
Also loading view resources in case they are not loaded on set.view Fixes crash in Larry 1 for Apple IIgs after getting beaten up by taxi driver (was an original game bug). Even makes it work now. Original interpreter closed down in this situation. For setLoop() and setCel() error()s were added for this case to avoid crashes. Also: screenObj->viewData renamed to screenObj->viewResource
688 lines
20 KiB
688 lines
20 KiB
/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "agi/agi.h"
#include "agi/graphics.h"
#include "agi/sprite.h"
namespace Agi {
void AgiEngine::updateView(ScreenObjEntry *screenObj) {
int16 celNr, lastCelNr;
if (screenObj->flags & fDontupdate) {
screenObj->flags &= ~fDontupdate;
celNr = screenObj->currentCelNr;
lastCelNr = screenObj->celCount - 1;
switch (screenObj->cycle) {
case kCycleNormal:
if (celNr > lastCelNr)
celNr = 0;
case kCycleEndOfLoop:
if (celNr < lastCelNr) {
debugC(5, kDebugLevelResources, "cel %d (last = %d)", celNr + 1, lastCelNr);
if (++celNr != lastCelNr)
setFlag(screenObj->loop_flag, true);
screenObj->flags &= ~fCycling;
screenObj->direction = 0;
screenObj->cycle = kCycleNormal;
case kCycleRevLoop:
if (celNr) {
if (celNr)
setFlag(screenObj->loop_flag, true);
screenObj->flags &= ~fCycling;
screenObj->direction = 0;
screenObj->cycle = kCycleNormal;
case kCycleReverse:
if (celNr == 0) {
celNr = lastCelNr;
} else {
setCel(screenObj, celNr);
* Public functions
* Decode an AGI view resource.
* This function decodes the raw data of the specified AGI view resource
* and fills the corresponding views array element.
* @param n number of view resource to decode
int AgiEngine::decodeView(byte *resourceData, uint16 resourceSize, int16 viewNr) {
AgiView *viewData = &_game.views[viewNr];
uint16 headerId = 0;
byte headerStepSize = 0;
byte headerCycleTime = 0;
byte headerLoopCount = 0;
uint16 headerDescriptionOffset = 0;
bool isAGI256Data = false;
AgiViewLoop *loopData = nullptr;
uint16 loopOffset = 0;
byte loopHeaderCelCount = 0;
AgiViewCel *celData = nullptr;
uint16 celOffset = 0;
byte celHeaderWidth = 0;
byte celHeaderHeight = 0;
byte celHeaderTransparencyMirror = 0;
byte celHeaderClearKey = 0;
bool celHeaderMirrored = false;
byte celHeaderMirrorLoop = 0;
byte *celCompressedData = nullptr;
uint16 celCompressedSize = 0;
debugC(5, kDebugLevelResources, "decode_view(%d)", viewNr);
if (resourceSize < 5)
error("unexpected end of view data for view %d", viewNr);
headerId = READ_LE_UINT16(resourceData);
if (getVersion() < 0x2000) {
headerStepSize = resourceData[0];
headerCycleTime = resourceData[1];
headerLoopCount = resourceData[2];
headerDescriptionOffset = READ_LE_UINT16(resourceData + 3);
if (headerId == 0xF00F)
isAGI256Data = true; // AGI 256-2 view detected, 256 color view
viewData->headerStepSize = headerStepSize;
viewData->headerCycleTime = headerCycleTime;
viewData->loopCount = headerLoopCount;
viewData->description = nullptr;
viewData->loop = nullptr;
if (headerDescriptionOffset) {
// Figure out length of description
uint16 descriptionPos = headerDescriptionOffset;
uint16 descriptionLen = 0;
while (descriptionPos < resourceSize) {
if (resourceData[descriptionPos] == 0)
// Allocate memory for description
viewData->description = new byte[descriptionLen + 1];
// Copy description over
memcpy(viewData->description, resourceData + headerDescriptionOffset, descriptionLen);
viewData->description[descriptionLen] = 0; // set terminator
if (!viewData->loopCount) // no loops, exit now
return errOK;
// Check, if at least the loop-offsets are available
if (resourceSize < 5 + (headerLoopCount * 2))
error("unexpected end of view data for view %d", viewNr);
// Allocate space for loop-information
loopData = new AgiViewLoop[headerLoopCount];
viewData->loop = loopData;
for (int16 loopNr = 0; loopNr < headerLoopCount; loopNr++) {
loopOffset = READ_LE_UINT16(resourceData + 5 + (loopNr * 2));
// Check, if at least the loop-header is available
if (resourceSize < (loopOffset + 1))
error("unexpected end of view data for view %d", viewNr);
// loop-header:
// celCount:BYTE
// relativeCelOffset[0]:WORD
// relativeCelOffset[1]:WORD
// etc.
loopHeaderCelCount = resourceData[loopOffset];
loopData->celCount = loopHeaderCelCount;
loopData->cel = nullptr;
// Check, if at least the cel-offsets for current loop are available
if (resourceSize < (loopOffset + 1 + (loopHeaderCelCount * 2)))
error("unexpected end of view data for view %d", viewNr);
if (loopHeaderCelCount) {
// Allocate space for cel-information of current loop
celData = new AgiViewCel[loopHeaderCelCount];
loopData->cel = celData;
for (int16 celNr = 0; celNr < loopHeaderCelCount; celNr++) {
celOffset = READ_LE_UINT16(resourceData + loopOffset + 1 + (celNr * 2));
celOffset += loopOffset; // cel offset is relative to loop offset, so adjust accordingly
// Check, if at least the cel-header is available
if (resourceSize < (celOffset + 3))
error("unexpected end of view data for view %d", viewNr);
// cel-header:
// width:BYTE
// height:BYTE
// Transparency + Mirroring:BYTE
// celData follows
celHeaderWidth = resourceData[celOffset + 0];
celHeaderHeight = resourceData[celOffset + 1];
celHeaderTransparencyMirror = resourceData[celOffset + 2];
if (!isAGI256Data) {
// regular AGI view data
// Transparency + Mirroring byte is as follows:
// Bit 0-3 - clear key
// Bit 4-6 - original loop, that is not supposed to be mirrored in any case
// Bit 7 - apply mirroring
celHeaderClearKey = celHeaderTransparencyMirror & 0x0F; // bit 0-3 is the clear key
celHeaderMirrored = false;
if (celHeaderTransparencyMirror & 0x80) {
// mirror bit is set
celHeaderMirrorLoop = (celHeaderTransparencyMirror >> 4) & 0x07;
if (celHeaderMirrorLoop != loopNr) {
// only set to mirror'd in case we are not the original loop
celHeaderMirrored = true;
} else {
// AGI256-2 view data
celHeaderClearKey = celHeaderTransparencyMirror; // full 8 bits for clear key
celHeaderMirrored = false;
celData->width = celHeaderWidth;
celData->height = celHeaderHeight;
celData->clearKey = celHeaderClearKey;
celData->mirrored = celHeaderMirrored;
// Now decompress cel-data
if ((celHeaderWidth == 0) && (celHeaderHeight == 0))
error("view cel is 0x0");
celCompressedData = resourceData + celOffset + 3;
celCompressedSize = resourceSize - (celOffset + 3);
if (celCompressedSize == 0)
error("compressed size of loop within view %d is 0 bytes", viewNr);
if (!isAGI256Data) {
unpackViewCelData(celData, celCompressedData, celCompressedSize);
} else {
unpackViewCelDataAGI256(celData, celCompressedData, celCompressedSize);
return errOK;
void AgiEngine::unpackViewCelData(AgiViewCel *celData, byte *compressedData, uint16 compressedSize) {
byte *rawBitmap = new byte[celData->width * celData->height];
int16 remainingHeight = celData->height;
int16 remainingWidth = celData->width;
bool isMirrored = celData->mirrored;
byte curByte;
byte curColor;
byte curChunkLen;
int16 adjustPreChangeSingle = 0;
int16 adjustAfterChangeSingle = +1;
celData->rawBitmap = rawBitmap;
if (isMirrored) {
adjustPreChangeSingle = -1;
adjustAfterChangeSingle = 0;
rawBitmap += celData->width;
while (remainingHeight) {
if (!compressedSize)
error("unexpected end of data, while unpacking AGI256 data");
curByte = *compressedData++;
if (curByte == 0) {
curColor = celData->clearKey;
curChunkLen = remainingWidth;
} else {
curColor = curByte >> 4;
curChunkLen = curByte & 0x0F;
if (curChunkLen > remainingWidth)
error("invalid chunk in view data");
switch (curChunkLen) {
case 0:
case 1:
rawBitmap += adjustPreChangeSingle;
*rawBitmap = curColor;
rawBitmap += adjustAfterChangeSingle;
if (isMirrored)
rawBitmap -= curChunkLen;
memset(rawBitmap, curColor, curChunkLen);
if (!isMirrored)
rawBitmap += curChunkLen;
remainingWidth -= curChunkLen;
if (curByte == 0) {
remainingWidth = celData->width;
if (isMirrored)
rawBitmap += celData->width * 2;
// for CGA rendering, apply dithering
switch (_renderMode) {
case Common::kRenderCGA: {
uint16 totalPixels = celData->width * celData->height;
// dither clear key
celData->clearKey = _gfx->getCGAMixtureColor(celData->clearKey);
rawBitmap = celData->rawBitmap;
for (uint16 pixelNr = 0; pixelNr < totalPixels; pixelNr++) {
curColor = *rawBitmap;
*rawBitmap = _gfx->getCGAMixtureColor(curColor);
void AgiEngine::unpackViewCelDataAGI256(AgiViewCel *celData, byte *compressedData, uint16 compressedSize) {
byte *rawBitmap = new byte[celData->width * celData->height];
int16 remainingHeight = celData->height;
int16 remainingWidth = celData->width;
byte curByte;
celData->rawBitmap = rawBitmap;
while (remainingHeight) {
if (!compressedSize)
error("unexpected end of data, while unpacking AGI256 view");
curByte = *compressedData++;
if (curByte == 0) {
// Go to next vertical position
if (remainingWidth) {
// fill remaining bytes with clear key
memset(rawBitmap, celData->clearKey, remainingWidth);
rawBitmap += remainingWidth;
remainingWidth = 0;
} else {
if (!remainingWidth) {
error("broken view data, while unpacking AGI256 view");
*rawBitmap = curByte;
if (curByte == 0) {
remainingWidth = celData->width;
* Unloads all data in a view resource
* @param n number of view resource
void AgiEngine::unloadView(int16 viewNr) {
AgiView *viewData = &_game.views[viewNr];
debugC(5, kDebugLevelResources, "discard view %d", viewNr);
if (!(_game.dirView[viewNr].flags & RES_LOADED))
// Rebuild sprite list, see Sarien bug #779302
// free data
for (int16 loopNr = 0; loopNr < viewData->loopCount; loopNr++) {
AgiViewLoop *loopData = &viewData->loop[loopNr];
for (int16 celNr = 0; celNr < loopData->celCount; celNr++) {
AgiViewCel *celData = &loopData->cel[celNr];
delete[] celData->rawBitmap;
delete[] loopData->cel;
delete[] viewData->loop;
if (viewData->description)
delete[] viewData->description;
viewData->headerCycleTime = 0;
viewData->headerStepSize = 0;
viewData->description = nullptr;
viewData->loop = nullptr;
viewData->loopCount = 0;
// Mark this view as not loaded anymore
_game.dirView[viewNr].flags &= ~RES_LOADED;
* Set a view table entry to use the specified view resource.
* @param screenObj pointer to screen object
* @param viewNr number of AGI view resource
void AgiEngine::setView(ScreenObjEntry *screenObj, int16 viewNr) {
if (!(_game.dirView[viewNr].flags & RES_LOADED)) {
// View resource currently not loaded, this is probably a game bug
// Load the resource now to fix the issue, and give out a warning
// This happens in at least Larry 1 for Apple IIgs right after getting beaten up by taxi driver
// Original interpreter bombs out in this situation saying "view not loaded, Press ESC to quit"
warning("setView() called on screen object %d to use view %d, but view not loaded", screenObj->objectNr, viewNr);
warning("probably game script bug, trying to load view into memory");
if (agiLoadResource(RESOURCETYPE_VIEW, viewNr) != errOK) {
// loading failed, we better error() out now
error("setView() called to set view %d for screen object %d, which is not loaded atm and loading failed", viewNr, screenObj->objectNr);
screenObj->viewResource = &_game.views[viewNr];
screenObj->currentViewNr = viewNr;
screenObj->loopCount = screenObj->viewResource->loopCount;
screenObj->viewReplaced = true;
if (getVersion() < 0x2000) {
screenObj->stepSize = screenObj->viewResource->headerStepSize;
screenObj->cycleTime = screenObj->viewResource->headerCycleTime;
screenObj->cycleTimeCount = 0;
if (screenObj->currentLoopNr >= screenObj->loopCount) {
setLoop(screenObj, 0);
} else {
setLoop(screenObj, screenObj->currentLoopNr);
* Set a view table entry to use the specified loop of the current view.
* @param screenObj pointer to screen object
* @param loopNr number of loop
void AgiEngine::setLoop(ScreenObjEntry *screenObj, int16 loopNr) {
if (!(_game.dirView[screenObj->currentViewNr].flags & RES_LOADED)) {
error("setLoop() called on screen object %d, which has no loaded view resource assigned to it", screenObj->objectNr);
if (screenObj->loopCount == 0) {
warning("setLoop() called on screen object %d, which has no loops (view %d)", screenObj->objectNr, screenObj->currentViewNr);
if (loopNr >= screenObj->loopCount) {
// requested loop not existant
// instead of error()ing out, we instead clip it
// At least required for possibly Manhunter 1 according to previous comment when leaving the arcade machine
// TODO: check MH1
int16 requestedLoopNr = loopNr;
loopNr = screenObj->loopCount - 1;
warning("Non-existant loop requested for screen object %d", screenObj->objectNr);
warning("view %d, requested loop %d -> clipped to loop %d", screenObj->currentViewNr, requestedLoopNr, loopNr);
AgiViewLoop *curViewLoop = &_game.views[screenObj->currentViewNr].loop[loopNr];
screenObj->currentLoopNr = loopNr;
screenObj->loopData = curViewLoop;
screenObj->celCount = curViewLoop->celCount;
if (screenObj->currentCelNr >= screenObj->celCount) {
setCel(screenObj, 0);
} else {
setCel(screenObj, screenObj->currentCelNr);
* Set a view table entry to use the specified cel of the current loop.
* @param screenObj pointer to screen object
* @param celNr number of cel
void AgiEngine::setCel(ScreenObjEntry *screenObj, int16 celNr) {
if (!(_game.dirView[screenObj->currentViewNr].flags & RES_LOADED)) {
error("setCel() called on screen object %d, which has no loaded view resource assigned to it", screenObj->objectNr);
if (screenObj->loopCount == 0) {
warning("setLoop() called on screen object %d, which has no loops (view %d)", screenObj->objectNr, screenObj->currentViewNr);
AgiViewLoop *curViewLoop = &_game.views[screenObj->currentViewNr].loop[screenObj->currentLoopNr];
// Added by Amit Vainsencher <amitv@subdimension.com> to prevent
// crash in KQ1 -- not in the Sierra interpreter
if (curViewLoop->celCount == 0) {
warning("setCel() called on screen object %d, which has no cels (view %d)", screenObj->objectNr, screenObj->currentViewNr);
if (celNr >= screenObj->celCount) {
// requested cel not existant
// instead of error()ing out, we instead clip it
// At least required for King's Quest 3 on Apple IIgs - walking the planks death cutscene
// see bug #5832, which is a game bug!
int16 requestedCelNr = celNr;
celNr = screenObj->celCount - 1;
warning("Non-existant cel requested for screen object %d", screenObj->objectNr);
warning("view %d, loop %d, requested cel %d -> clipped to cel %d", screenObj->currentViewNr, screenObj->currentLoopNr, requestedCelNr, celNr);
screenObj->currentCelNr = celNr;
AgiViewCel *curViewCel;
curViewCel = &curViewLoop->cel[celNr];
screenObj->celData = curViewCel;
screenObj->xSize = curViewCel->width;
screenObj->ySize = curViewCel->height;
// If position isn't appropriate, update it accordingly
* Restrict view table entry's position so it stays wholly inside the screen.
* Also take horizon into account when clipping if not set to ignore it.
* @param v pointer to view table entry
void AgiEngine::clipViewCoordinates(ScreenObjEntry *screenObj) {
if (screenObj->xPos + screenObj->xSize > SCRIPT_WIDTH) {
screenObj->flags |= fUpdatePos;
screenObj->xPos = SCRIPT_WIDTH - screenObj->xSize;
if (screenObj->yPos - screenObj->ySize + 1 < 0) {
screenObj->flags |= fUpdatePos;
screenObj->yPos = screenObj->ySize - 1;
if (screenObj->yPos <= _game.horizon && (~screenObj->flags & fIgnoreHorizon)) {
screenObj->flags |= fUpdatePos;
screenObj->yPos = _game.horizon + 1;
if (getVersion() < 0x2000) {
screenObj->flags |= fDontupdate;
* Set the view table entry as updating.
* @param v pointer to view table entry
void AgiEngine::startUpdate(ScreenObjEntry *v) {
if (~v->flags & fUpdate) {
v->flags |= fUpdate;
* Set the view table entry as non-updating.
* @param v pointer to view table entry
void AgiEngine::stopUpdate(ScreenObjEntry *viewPtr) {
if (viewPtr->flags & fUpdate) {
viewPtr->flags &= ~fUpdate;
// loops to use according to direction and number of loops in
// the view resource
static int loopTable2[] = {
0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01
static int loopTable4[] = {
0x04, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01
* Update view table entries.
* This function is called at the end of each interpreter cycle
* to update the view table entries and blit the sprites.
void AgiEngine::updateScreenObjTable() {
ScreenObjEntry *screenObj;
int16 changeCount, loopNr;
changeCount = 0;
for (screenObj = _game.screenObjTable; screenObj < &_game.screenObjTable[SCREENOBJECTS_MAX]; screenObj++) {
if ((screenObj->flags & (fAnimated | fUpdate | fDrawn)) != (fAnimated | fUpdate | fDrawn)) {
loopNr = 4;
if (!(screenObj->flags & fFixLoop)) {
switch (screenObj->loopCount) {
case 2:
case 3:
loopNr = loopTable2[screenObj->direction];
case 4:
loopNr = loopTable4[screenObj->direction];
// for KQ4
if (getVersion() == 0x3086 || getGameID() == GID_KQ4)
loopNr = loopTable4[screenObj->direction];
// AGI 2.272 (ddp, xmas) doesn't test step_time_count!
if (loopNr != 4 && loopNr != screenObj->currentLoopNr) {
if (getVersion() <= 0x2272 || screenObj->stepTimeCount == 1) {
setLoop(screenObj, loopNr);
if (screenObj->flags & fCycling) {
if (screenObj->cycleTimeCount) {
if (screenObj->cycleTimeCount == 0) {
screenObj->cycleTimeCount = screenObj->cycleTime;
if (changeCount) {
_game.screenObjTable[SCREENOBJECTS_EGO_ENTRY].flags &= ~(fOnWater | fOnLand);
bool AgiEngine::isEgoView(const ScreenObjEntry *screenObj) {
return screenObj == _game.screenObjTable;
} // End of namespace Agi