2004-07-15 22:26:04 +00:00

154 lines
6.7 KiB

# scummvm.spec
# This SPEC file controls the building of custom ScummVM RPM
# packages.
# Prologue information
Name : scummvm
Version : 0.6.0
Release : 2
Summary : Graphic adventure game interpreter
Group : Interpreters
License : GPL
Url :
Source : %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
Source1 : libmad-0.15.1b.tar.bz2
Source2 : mpeg2dec-0.4.0b.tar.bz2
Source3 : scummvm.desktop
BuildRoot : %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
BuildRequires: libogg-devel
BuildRequires: libvorbis-devel
BuildRequires: SDL-devel >= 1.2.2
# Description
ScummVM is an interpreter that will play graphic adventure games written for
LucasArts' SCUMM virtual machine, Adventure Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2,
Revolution Software Ltd's Beneath a Steel Sky and Renegade Software's
Flight of the Amazon Queen. It uses the SDL library for outputting graphics.
# install scripts
%setup -q -a 1 -a 2 -n scummvm-%{version}
mkdir tmp
(cd libmad-0.15.1b; ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared --prefix=%{_builddir}/scummvm-%{version}/tmp; make; make install)
(cd mpeg2dec-0.4.0; ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared --prefix=%{_builddir}/scummvm-%{version}/tmp; make; make install)
./configure --with-mad-prefix=%{_builddir}/scummvm-%{version}/tmp --with-mpeg2-prefix=%{_builddir}/scummvm-%{version}/tmp
install -m755 -D scummvm %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/scummvm
install -m644 -D scummvm.6 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man6/scummvm.6
install -m644 -D scummvm.xpm %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/pixmaps/scummvm.xpm
desktop-file-install --vendor scummvm --dir=%{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/applications %{SOURCE3}
# Files listing.
# Change Log
* Thu Jul 15 2004 (0.6.0-2)
- added .desktop file (modified from patch 891909)
- used some elements of the .spec file for scummvm from
* Mon Mar 15 2004 (0.6.0)
- included libmad and libmpeg2
* Sat Aug 02 2003 (0.5.0)
- Enhanced versions of Maniac Mansion and Zak McKracken are now supported and completable
- Beneath A Steel Sky is now supported and completable
- Added support for Amiga version of Monkey Island 1
- Initial unplayable support for V1 version of Maniac Mansion/Zak McKracken
- Curse of Monkey Island (COMI) support for playing from CD improved on Mac OS X
- Loading COMI savegames for disk 2 doesn't anymore require disk 1 first
- Rewritten iMUSE enginee, and many Music fixes (exp. Monkey Island 2)
- Support for music in Humongous games and simon2dos/simon2talkie (XMIDI format)
- Support for music in simon1demo (Proprietary format)
- Complete music support for Simon the Sorcerer 2
- Improved music and sound support in Zak256
- Added Aspect Ratio option
- Many other bug fixes, improvements and optimisations
* Sun May 25 2003 (0.4.1)
- Added AdvMame3x filter
- Fixed crash in Curse of Monkey Island (and possibly other games as well)
- Fixed airport doors in Zak256
- Fixed crash in SDL backend
- Fixed various iMuse bugs
* Sun May 11 2003 (0.4.0)
- Curse of Monkey Island (comi) support (experimental)
- Added support for the EGA versions of Loom, Monkey Island and Indy3
- Improved music support in Indy3 and the floppy versions of Monkey Islands
- Many Simon the Sorcerer 1 & 2 improvements and fixes
- Very pre-alpha Beneath a Steel Sky code. Don't expect it to do anything.
- Even more pre-alpha support for V2 SCUMM games (Maniac Mansion and Zak)
- Preliminary support for early Humongous Entertainment titles (very experimental)
- New debug console and several GUI/Launcher enhancements
- New Save/Load code (easier to expand while retaining compatibility)
- DreamCast port now works with new games added for 0.3.0b
- New official PalmOS port
- Various minor and not so minor SCUMM game fixes
- Large memory leak fixed for The Dig/ComI
- SMUSH code optimised, frame dropping added for slower machines
- Code cleanups
* Sun Dec 01 2002 (0.3.0)
- massive cleanup work for iMUSE. Sam and Max music now plays correctly
- many bugfixes for Zak256, + sound and music support
- music support for Simon the Sorcerer on any platform with real MIDI
- experimental support for Indy3 (VGA) - Indiana Jones + Last Crusade
- completed support for Monkey1 VGA Floppy, The Dig
- added akos16 implementation for The Dig and Full Throttle costumes
- added digital iMUSE implementation for The Dig and Full Throttle music.
- Loom CD speech+music syncronisation improved greatly
- added midi-emulation via adlib, for platforms without sequencer support
- code separation of various engine parts into several libraries
- several fixes to prevent Simon the Sorcerer crashing and hanging
- hundreds of bugfixes for many other games
- new SMUSH video engine, for Full Throttle and The Dig
- new in-game GUI
- launcher dialog
* Sun Apr 14 2002 (0.2.0)
- core engine rewrite
- enhanced ingame GUI, including options/volume settings.
- auto-save feature
- added more command-line options, and configuration file
- new ports and platforms (MorphOS, Macintosh, Dreamcast, Solaris, IRIX, etc)
- graphics filtering added (2xSAI, Super2xSAI, SuperEagle, AdvMame2x)
- support for MAD MP3 compressed audio
- support for first non-SCUMM games (Simon the Sorcerer)
- support for V4 games (Loom CD)
- enhanced V6 game support (Sam and Max is now completable)
- experimental support for V7 games (Full Throttle/The Dig)
- experimental support for V3 games (Zak256/Indy3)
* Sun Jan 13 2002 (0.1.0)
- loads of changes
* Fri Oct 12 2001 (0.0.2)
- bug fixes
- save & load support
* Mon Oct 8 2001 (0.0.1)
- initial version