sluicebox 1eeb0b1f24 SCI: Add scaling for Mac icon bar
Required for Mac fonts.

This also makes the disabled icons appear as they did in the original.
Mac SSCI would draw the disabled pattern at high resolution after
upscaling the icon image, not before.
2022-11-06 23:05:20 -08:00

347 lines
10 KiB

/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "sci/sci.h"
#include "sci/engine/kernel.h"
#include "sci/engine/selector.h"
#include "sci/engine/state.h"
#include "sci/graphics/maciconbar.h"
#include "sci/graphics/palette.h"
#include "sci/graphics/screen.h"
#include "common/memstream.h"
#include "common/system.h"
#include "graphics/surface.h"
#include "image/pict.h"
namespace Sci {
GfxMacIconBar::GfxMacIconBar() {
if (g_sci->getGameId() == GID_FREDDYPHARKAS)
_inventoryIndex = 5;
_inventoryIndex = 4;
_inventoryIcon = nullptr;
_allDisabled = true;
_isUpscaled = (g_sci->_gfxScreen->getUpscaledHires() == GFX_SCREEN_UPSCALED_640x400);
GfxMacIconBar::~GfxMacIconBar() {
void GfxMacIconBar::initIcons(uint16 count, reg_t *objs) {
// free icons and reset state in case game is restarting
_inventoryIcon = nullptr;
_allDisabled = true;
for (uint16 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
void GfxMacIconBar::freeIcons() {
if (_inventoryIcon) {
delete _inventoryIcon;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _iconBarItems.size(); i++) {
if (_iconBarItems[i].nonSelectedImage) {
delete _iconBarItems[i].nonSelectedImage;
if (_iconBarItems[i].selectedImage) {
delete _iconBarItems[i].selectedImage;
void GfxMacIconBar::addIcon(reg_t obj) {
IconBarItem item;
uint32 iconIndex = readSelectorValue(g_sci->getEngineState()->_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(iconIndex));
item.object = obj;
item.nonSelectedImage = createImage(iconIndex, false);
if (iconIndex != _inventoryIndex)
item.selectedImage = createImage(iconIndex, true);
item.selectedImage = nullptr;
item.enabled = true;
// Start after last icon
uint16 x = _iconBarItems.empty() ? 0 : _iconBarItems.back().rect.right;
// Start below the main viewing window and add a two pixel buffer
uint16 y = g_sci->_gfxScreen->getHeight() + 2;
if (item.nonSelectedImage)
item.rect = Common::Rect(x, y, MIN<uint32>(x + item.nonSelectedImage->w, 320), y + item.nonSelectedImage->h);
error("Could not find a non-selected image for icon %d", iconIndex);
void GfxMacIconBar::drawIcons() {
// Draw the icons to the bottom of the screen
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _iconBarItems.size(); i++)
drawIcon(i, false);
void GfxMacIconBar::drawIcon(uint16 iconIndex, bool selected) {
if (iconIndex >= _iconBarItems.size())
Common::Rect rect = _iconBarItems[iconIndex].rect;
if (isIconEnabled(iconIndex)) {
if (selected)
drawImage(_iconBarItems[iconIndex].selectedImage, rect, true);
drawImage(_iconBarItems[iconIndex].nonSelectedImage, rect, true);
} else
drawImage(_iconBarItems[iconIndex].nonSelectedImage, rect, false);
if ((iconIndex == _inventoryIndex) && _inventoryIcon) {
Common::Rect invRect = Common::Rect(0, 0, _inventoryIcon->w, _inventoryIcon->h);
invRect.translate((rect.width() - invRect.width()) / 2, (rect.height() - invRect.height()) / 2);
drawImage(_inventoryIcon, invRect, isIconEnabled(iconIndex));
// Add a black checkerboard pattern to an image before copying it to the screen.
// The pattern is to be applied to the image after any upscaling occurs, so rect
// must be the final screen coordinates.
void GfxMacIconBar::drawDisabledPattern(Graphics::Surface &surface, const Common::Rect &rect) {
for (int y = 0; y < surface.h; y++) {
// Start at the next four byte boundary
int startX = 3 - ((rect.left + 3) & 3);
// Start odd rows at two bytes past that (also properly aligned)
if ((y + & 1) {
startX = (startX + 2) & 3;
// Set every fourth pixel to black
for (int x = startX; x < surface.w; x += 4) {
surface.setPixel(x, y, 0);
void GfxMacIconBar::drawImage(Graphics::Surface *surface, const Common::Rect &rect, bool enable) {
if (surface == nullptr) {
if (_isUpscaled) {
Common::Rect dstRect(rect.left * 2, * 2, rect.right * 2, rect.bottom * 2);
// increase _upscaleBuffer if needed
const uint32 upscaleSize = dstRect.width() * dstRect.height();
if (upscaleSize > _upscaleBuffer->size()) {
// scale2x
const int srcWidth = rect.width();
const int srcHeight = rect.height();
const int srcPitch = surface->pitch;
const byte *srcPtr = (byte *)surface->getPixels();
byte *dstPtr = _upscaleBuffer->getUnsafeDataAt(0, upscaleSize);
for (int y = 0; y < srcHeight; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < srcWidth; x++) {
const byte color = *srcPtr++;
dstPtr[0] = color;
dstPtr[1] = color;
dstPtr[dstRect.width() + 0] = color;
dstPtr[dstRect.width() + 1] = color;
dstPtr += 2;
srcPtr += (srcPitch - srcWidth);
dstPtr += dstRect.width();
if (!enable) {
Graphics::Surface upscaleSurface;
upscaleSurface.init(dstRect.width(), dstRect.height(), dstRect.width(), _upscaleBuffer->getUnsafeDataAt(0, upscaleSize), surface->format);
drawDisabledPattern(upscaleSurface, dstRect);
g_system->copyRectToScreen(_upscaleBuffer->getUnsafeDataAt(0, upscaleSize), dstRect.width(), dstRect.left,, dstRect.width(), dstRect.height());
} else {
if (!enable) {
Graphics::Surface disableSurface;
drawDisabledPattern(disableSurface, rect);
g_system->copyRectToScreen(disableSurface.getPixels(), disableSurface.pitch, rect.left,, rect.width(), rect.height());
} else {
g_system->copyRectToScreen(surface->getPixels(), surface->pitch, rect.left,, rect.width(), rect.height());
void GfxMacIconBar::drawSelectedImage(uint16 iconIndex) {
drawImage(_iconBarItems[iconIndex].selectedImage, _iconBarItems[iconIndex].rect, true);
bool GfxMacIconBar::isIconEnabled(uint16 iconIndex) const {
if (iconIndex >= _iconBarItems.size())
return false;
return !_allDisabled && _iconBarItems[iconIndex].enabled;
void GfxMacIconBar::setIconEnabled(int16 iconIndex, bool enabled) {
if (iconIndex < 0)
_allDisabled = !enabled;
else if (iconIndex < (int)_iconBarItems.size()) {
_iconBarItems[iconIndex].enabled = enabled;
void GfxMacIconBar::setInventoryIcon(int16 icon) {
Graphics::Surface *surface = nullptr;
if (icon >= 0)
surface = loadPict(ResourceId(kResourceTypeMacPict, icon));
if (_inventoryIcon) {
// Free old inventory icon if we're removing the inventory icon
// or setting a new one.
if ((icon < 0) || surface) {
delete _inventoryIcon;
_inventoryIcon = nullptr;
if (surface)
_inventoryIcon = surface;
drawIcon(_inventoryIndex, false);
Graphics::Surface *GfxMacIconBar::loadPict(ResourceId id) {
Resource *res = g_sci->getResMan()->findResource(id, false);
if (!res || res->size() == 0)
return nullptr;
Image::PICTDecoder pictDecoder;
Common::MemoryReadStream stream(res->toStream());
if (!pictDecoder.loadStream(stream))
return nullptr;
Graphics::Surface *surface = new Graphics::Surface();
remapColors(surface, pictDecoder.getPalette());
return surface;
Graphics::Surface *GfxMacIconBar::createImage(uint32 iconIndex, bool isSelected) {
ResourceType type = isSelected ? kResourceTypeMacIconBarPictS : kResourceTypeMacIconBarPictN;
return loadPict(ResourceId(type, iconIndex + 1));
void GfxMacIconBar::remapColors(Graphics::Surface *surf, const byte *palette) {
byte *pixels = (byte *)surf->getPixels();
// Remap to the screen palette
for (uint16 i = 0; i < surf->w * surf->h; i++) {
byte color = *pixels;
byte r = palette[color * 3];
byte g = palette[color * 3 + 1];
byte b = palette[color * 3 + 2];
*pixels++ = g_sci->_gfxPalette16->findMacIconBarColor(r, g, b);
bool GfxMacIconBar::pointOnIcon(uint32 iconIndex, Common::Point point) {
return _iconBarItems[iconIndex].rect.contains(point);
bool GfxMacIconBar::handleEvents(SciEvent evt, reg_t &iconObj) {
EventManager *evtMgr = g_sci->getEventManager();
iconObj = NULL_REG;
// Not a mouse press
if (evt.type != kSciEventMousePress)
return false;
// If the mouse is not over the icon bar, return
if (evt.mousePos.y < g_sci->_gfxScreen->getHeight())
return false;
// Mouse press on the icon bar, check the icon rectangles
uint iconNr;
for (iconNr = 0; iconNr < _iconBarItems.size(); iconNr++) {
if (pointOnIcon(iconNr, evt.mousePos) && isIconEnabled(iconNr))
// Mouse press on the icon bar but not on an enabled icon,
// return true to indicate that this mouse press was handled
if (iconNr == _iconBarItems.size())
return true;
drawIcon(iconNr, true);
bool isSelected = true;
// Wait for mouse release
while (evt.type != kSciEventMouseRelease) {
// Mimic behavior of SSCI when moving mouse with button held down
if (isSelected != pointOnIcon(iconNr, evt.mousePos)) {
isSelected = !isSelected;
drawIcon(iconNr, isSelected);
evt = evtMgr->getSciEvent(kSciEventMouseRelease);
drawIcon(iconNr, false);
// If user moved away from the icon, we do nothing
if (pointOnIcon(iconNr, evt.mousePos))
iconObj = _iconBarItems[iconNr].object;
// The mouse press was handled
return true;
} // End of namespace Sci