Pawel Kolodziejski 4dd58c760f formating
2008-09-28 15:35:14 +00:00

316 lines
9.1 KiB

/* Residual - Virtual machine to run LucasArts' 3D adventure games
* Residual is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the AUTHORS
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* $URL$
* $Id$
#include "common/sys.h"
#include "common/debug.h"
#include "engine/scene.h"
#include "engine/textsplit.h"
#include "engine/resource.h"
#include "engine/bitmap.h"
#include "engine/colormap.h"
#include "engine/backend/platform/driver.h"
#include "engine/engine.h"
#include "engine/vector3d.h"
#include "engine/imuse/imuse.h"
#include <cmath>
Scene::Scene(const char *name, const char *buf, int len) :
_locked(false), _name(name), _enableLights(false) {
TextSplitter ts(buf, len);
char tempBuf[256];
ts.expectString("section: colormaps");
ts.scanString(" numcolormaps %d", 1, &_numCmaps);
_cmaps = new ResPtr<CMap>[_numCmaps];
char cmap_name[256];
for (int i = 0; i < _numCmaps; i++) {
ts.scanString(" colormap %256s", 1, cmap_name);
_cmaps[i] = g_resourceloader->loadColormap(cmap_name);
if (g_flags & GF_DEMO) {
ts.expectString("section: objectstates");
ts.scanString(" tot_objects %d", 1, &_numObjectStates);
char object_name[256];
ts.scanString(" object %256s", 1, object_name);
} else {
_numObjectStates = 0;
ts.expectString("section: setups");
ts.scanString(" numsetups %d", 1, &_numSetups);
_setups = new Setup[_numSetups];
for (int i = 0; i < _numSetups; i++)
_currSetup = _setups;
_numSectors = -1;
_numLights = -1;
_lights = NULL;
_sectors = NULL;
_minVolume = 0;
_maxVolume = 0;
// Lights are optional
if (ts.eof())
ts.expectString("section: lights");
ts.scanString(" numlights %d", 1, &_numLights);
_lights = new Light[_numLights];
for (int i = 0; i < _numLights; i++)
// Calculate the number of sectors
ts.expectString("section: sectors");
if (ts.eof()) // Sectors are optional, but section: doesn't seem to be
int sectorStart = ts.getLineNumber();
_numSectors = 0;
// Find the number of sectors (while the sectors usually
// count down from the highest number there are a few
// cases where they count up, see hh.set for example)
while (!ts.eof()) {
ts.scanString(" %s", 1, tempBuf);
if(!std::strcmp(tempBuf, "sector"))
// Allocate and fill an array of sector info
_sectors = new Sector[_numSectors];
for (int i = 0; i < _numSectors; i++)
Scene::~Scene() {
delete[] _cmaps;
delete[] _setups;
if (_lights)
delete[] _lights;
if (_sectors)
delete[] _sectors;
for (StateList::iterator i = _states.begin(); i != _states.end(); i++)
delete (*i);
void Scene::Setup::load(TextSplitter &ts) {
char buf[256];
ts.scanString(" setup %256s", 1, buf);
_name = buf;
ts.scanString(" background %256s", 1, buf);
_bkgndBm = g_resourceloader->loadBitmap(buf);
if (!_bkgndBm) {
if (debugLevel == DEBUG_BITMAPS || debugLevel == DEBUG_ERROR || debugLevel == DEBUG_ALL)
printf("Unable to load scene bitmap: %s\n", buf);
} else {
if (debugLevel == DEBUG_BITMAPS || debugLevel == DEBUG_NORMAL || debugLevel == DEBUG_ALL)
printf("Loaded scene bitmap: %s\n", buf);
// ZBuffer is optional
if (!ts.checkString("zbuffer")) {
_bkgndZBm = NULL;
} else {
ts.scanString(" zbuffer %256s", 1, buf);
// Don't even try to load if it's the "none" bitmap
if (strcmp(buf, "<none>.lbm") != 0) {
_bkgndZBm = g_resourceloader->loadBitmap(buf);
if (debugLevel == DEBUG_BITMAPS || debugLevel == DEBUG_NORMAL || debugLevel == DEBUG_ALL)
printf("Loading scene z-buffer bitmap: %s\n", buf);
ts.scanString(" position %f %f %f", 3, &_pos.x(), &_pos.y(), &_pos.z());
ts.scanString(" interest %f %f %f", 3, &_interest.x(), &_interest.y(), &_interest.z());
ts.scanString(" roll %f", 1, &_roll);
ts.scanString(" fov %f", 1, &_fov);
ts.scanString(" nclip %f", 1, &_nclip);
ts.scanString(" fclip %f", 1, &_fclip);
if (ts.checkString("object_art"))
ts.scanString(" object_art %256s", 1, buf);
void Scene::Light::load(TextSplitter &ts) {
char buf[256];
// Light names can be null, but ts doesn't seem flexible enough to allow this
if (strlen(ts.currentLine()) > strlen(" light"))
ts.scanString(" light %256s", 1, buf);
else {
strcpy(buf, "");
_name = buf;
ts.scanString(" type %256s", 1, buf);
_type = buf;
ts.scanString(" position %f %f %f", 3, &_pos.x(), &_pos.y(), &_pos.z());
ts.scanString(" direction %f %f %f", 3, &_dir.x(), &_dir.y(), &_dir.z());
ts.scanString(" intensity %f", 1, &_intensity);
ts.scanString(" umbraangle %f", 1, &_umbraangle);
ts.scanString(" penumbraangle %f", 1, &_penumbraangle);
int r, g, b;
ts.scanString(" color %d %d %d", 3, &r, &g, &b); = r; = g; = b;
void Scene::Setup::setupCamera() const {
// Ignore nclip_ and fclip_ for now. This fixes:
// (a) Nothing was being displayed in the Land of the Living
// diner because lr.set set nclip to 0.
// (b) The zbuffers for setups with different nclip or
// fclip values. If it turns out that the clipping planes
// are important at some point, we'll need to modify the
// zbuffer transformation in bitmap.cpp to take nclip_ and
// fclip_ into account.
g_driver->setupCamera(_fov, 0.01f, 3276.8f, _roll);
g_driver->positionCamera(_pos, _interest);
void Scene::setupLights() {
if (!_enableLights) {
for (int i = 0; i < _numLights; i++) {
g_driver->setupLight(&_lights[i], i);
void Scene::setSetup(int num) {
// Looks like num is zero-based so >= should work to find values
// that are out of the range of valid setups
if (num >= _numSetups || num < 0) {
error("Failed to change scene setup, value out of range!");
_currSetup = _setups + num;
void Scene::drawBitmaps(ObjectState::Position stage) {
for (StateList::iterator i = _states.begin(); i != _states.end(); i++) {
if ((*i)->pos() == stage && _currSetup == _setups + (*i)->setupID())
Sector *Scene::findPointSector(Vector3d p, int flags) {
for (int i = 0; i < _numSectors; i++) {
Sector *sector = _sectors + i;
if ((sector->type() & flags) && sector->visible() && sector->isPointInSector(p))
return sector;
return NULL;
void Scene::findClosestSector(Vector3d p, Sector **sect, Vector3d *closestPt) {
Sector *resultSect = NULL;
Vector3d resultPt = p;
float minDist = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < _numSectors; i++) {
Sector *sector = _sectors + i;
if ((sector->type() & 0x1000) == 0 || !sector->visible())
Vector3d closestPt = sector->closestPoint(p);
float thisDist = (closestPt - p).magnitude();
if (!resultSect || thisDist < minDist) {
resultSect = sector;
resultPt = closestPt;
minDist = thisDist;
if (sect)
*sect = resultSect;
if (closestPt)
*closestPt = resultPt;
ObjectState *Scene::findState(const char *filename) {
// Check the different state objects for the bitmap
for (StateList::iterator i = _states.begin(); i != _states.end(); i++) {
const char *file = (*i)->bitmapFilename();
if (strcmp(file, filename) == 0)
return *i;
if (strcasecmp(file, filename) == 0) {
if (debugLevel == DEBUG_WARN || debugLevel == DEBUG_ALL)
warning("State object request '%s' matches object '%s' but is the wrong case!", filename, file);
return *i;
return NULL;
void Scene::setSoundPosition(const char *soundName, Vector3d pos) {
Vector3d cameraPos = _currSetup->_pos;
Vector3d vector, vector2;
vector.set(fabs(cameraPos.x() - pos.x()), fabs(cameraPos.y() - pos.y()), fabs(cameraPos.z() - pos.z()));
float distance = vector.magnitude();
float maxDistance = 8.0f;
int diffVolume = _maxVolume - _minVolume;
int newVolume = (int)(diffVolume * (1.0 - (distance / maxDistance)));
newVolume += _minVolume;
g_imuse->setVolume(soundName, newVolume);
//g_imuse->setPan(soundName, pan);
void Scene::setSoundParameters(int minVolume, int maxVolume) {
_minVolume = minVolume;
_maxVolume = maxVolume;
void Scene::getSoundParameters(int *minVolume, int *maxVolume) {
*minVolume = _minVolume;
*maxVolume = _maxVolume;
void Scene::moveObjectStateToFirst(ObjectState *s) {
void Scene::moveObjectStateToLast(ObjectState *s) {