Max Horn 0ce2ca4e00 COMMON: Replace MKID_BE by MKTAG
MKID_BE relied on unspecified behavior of the C++ compiler,
and as such was always a bit unsafe. The new MKTAG macro
is slightly less elegant, but does no longer depend on the
behavior of the compiler.
Inspired by FFmpeg, which has an almost identical macro.
2011-04-12 16:53:15 +02:00

260 lines
8.9 KiB

/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* $URL$
* $Id$
#include "common/scummsys.h"
#include "common/endian.h"
#include "common/file.h"
#include "common/str.h"
namespace Mohawk {
// Main FourCC's
#define ID_MHWK MKTAG('M','H','W','K') // Main FourCC
#define ID_RSRC MKTAG('R','S','R','C') // Resource Directory Tag
// Myst Resource FourCC's
#define ID_CLRC MKTAG('C','L','R','C') // Cursor Hotspots
#define ID_EXIT MKTAG('E','X','I','T') // Card Exit Scripts
#define ID_HINT MKTAG('H','I','N','T') // Cursor Hints
#define ID_INIT MKTAG('I','N','I','T') // Card Entrance Scripts
#define ID_MSND MKTAG('M','S','N','D') // Standard Mohawk Sound
#define ID_RLST MKTAG('R','L','S','T') // Resource List, Specifies HotSpots
#define ID_RSFL MKTAG('R','S','F','L') // ??? (system.dat only)
#define ID_VIEW MKTAG('V','I','E','W') // Card Details
#define ID_WDIB MKTAG('W','D','I','B') // LZ-Compressed Windows Bitmap
// Myst Masterpiece Edition Resource FourCC's (In addition to Myst FourCC's)
#define ID_HELP MKTAG('H','E','L','P') // Help Chunk
#define ID_MJMP MKTAG('M','J','M','P') // MSND Jumps (To reduce MSND duplication)
#define ID_PICT MKTAG('P','I','C','T') // JPEG/PICT/WDIB Image
// Riven Resource FourCC's
#define ID_BLST MKTAG('B','L','S','T') // Card Hotspot Enabling Lists
#define ID_CARD MKTAG('C','A','R','D') // Card Scripts
#define ID_FLST MKTAG('F','L','S','T') // Card SFXE Lists
#define ID_HSPT MKTAG('H','S','P','T') // Card Hotspots
#define ID_MLST MKTAG('M','L','S','T') // Card Movie Lists
#define ID_NAME MKTAG('N','A','M','E') // Object Names
#define ID_PLST MKTAG('P','L','S','T') // Card Picture Lists
#define ID_RMAP MKTAG('R','M','A','P') // Card Codes
#define ID_SFXE MKTAG('S','F','X','E') // Water Effect Animations
#define ID_SLST MKTAG('S','L','S','T') // Card Ambient Sound Lists
#define ID_TMOV MKTAG('t','M','O','V') // QuickTime Movie
// Riven Saved Game FourCC's
#define ID_VARS MKTAG('V','A','R','S') // Variable Values
#define ID_VERS MKTAG('V','E','R','S') // Version Info
#define ID_ZIPS MKTAG('Z','I','P','S') // Zip Mode Status
// Zoombini Resource FourCC's
#define ID_SND MKTAG( 0 ,'S','N','D') // Standard Mohawk Sound
#define ID_CURS MKTAG('C','U','R','S') // Cursor
#define ID_SCRB MKTAG('S','C','R','B') // Feature Script
#define ID_SCRS MKTAG('S','C','R','S') // Snoid Script
#define ID_NODE MKTAG('N','O','D','E') // Walk Node
#define ID_PATH MKTAG('P','A','T','H') // Walk Path
#define ID_SHPL MKTAG('S','H','P','L') // Shape List
// Living Books Resource FourCC's
#define ID_TCUR MKTAG('t','C','U','R') // Cursor
#define ID_BITL MKTAG('B','I','T','L') // Book Item List
#define ID_CTBL MKTAG('C','T','B','L') // Color Table
#define ID_SCRP MKTAG('S','C','R','P') // Script
#define ID_SPR MKTAG('S','P','R','#') // Sprite?
#define ID_VRSN MKTAG('V','R','S','N') // Version
#define ID_ANI MKTAG('A','N','I',' ') // Animation
#define ID_SHP MKTAG('S','H','P','#') // Shape
#define ID_WAV MKTAG('W','A','V',' ') // Old Sound Resource
#define ID_BMAP MKTAG('B','M','A','P') // Old Mohawk Bitmap
#define ID_BCOD MKTAG('B','C','O','D') // Book Code
// JamesMath Resource FourCC's
#define ID_TANM MKTAG('t','A','N','M') // Animation?
#define ID_TMFO MKTAG('t','M','F','O') // ???
// CSTime Resource FourCC's
#define ID_CINF MKTAG('C','I','N','F') // Case Info
#define ID_CONV MKTAG('C','O','N','V') // Conversation
#define ID_HOTS MKTAG('H','O','T','S') // Hotspot
#define ID_INVO MKTAG('I','N','V','O') // Inventory Object
#define ID_QARS MKTAG('Q','A','R','S') // Question and Responses
#define ID_SCEN MKTAG('S','C','E','N') // Scene
#define ID_STRI MKTAG('S','T','R','I') // String Entry?
// Mohawk Wave Tags
#define ID_WAVE MKTAG('W','A','V','E') // Game Sound (Third Tag)
#define ID_ADPC MKTAG('A','D','P','C') // Game Sound Chunk
#define ID_DATA MKTAG('D','a','t','a') // Game Sound Chunk
#define ID_CUE MKTAG('C','u','e','#') // Game Sound Chunk
// Mohawk MIDI Tags
#define ID_MIDI MKTAG('M','I','D','I') // Game Sound (Third Tag), instead of WAVE
#define ID_PRG MKTAG('P','r','g','#') // MIDI Patch
// Common Resource FourCC's
#define ID_TBMP MKTAG('t','B','M','P') // Standard Mohawk Bitmap
#define ID_TWAV MKTAG('t','W','A','V') // Standard Mohawk Sound
#define ID_TPAL MKTAG('t','P','A','L') // Standard Mohawk Palette
#define ID_TCNT MKTAG('t','C','N','T') // Shape Count (CSWorld, CSAmtrak, JamesMath)
#define ID_TSCR MKTAG('t','S','C','R') // Script (CSWorld, CSAmtrak, Treehouse)
#define ID_STRL MKTAG('S','T','R','L') // String List (Zoombini, CSWorld, CSAmtrak)
#define ID_TBMH MKTAG('t','B','M','H') // Standard Mohawk Bitmap
#define ID_TMID MKTAG('t','M','I','D') // Standard Mohawk MIDI
#define ID_REGS MKTAG('R','E','G','S') // Registration Data - Shape Offsets (Zoombini, Treehouse)
#define ID_BYTS MKTAG('B','Y','T','S') // Byte Array? (Used as Database Entry in CSWorld, CSAmtrak)
#define ID_INTS MKTAG('I','N','T','S') // uint16 Array? (CSWorld, CSAmtrak)
#define ID_BBOX MKTAG('B','B','O','X') // Boxes? (CSWorld, CSAmtrak)
#define ID_SYSX MKTAG('S','Y','S','X') // MIDI Sysex
struct FileTable {
uint32 offset;
uint32 dataSize; // Really 27 bits
byte flags; // Mostly useless except for the bottom 3 bits which are part of the size
uint16 unk; // Always 0
struct Type {
Type() { resTable.entries = NULL; nameTable.entries = NULL; }
~Type() { delete[] resTable.entries; delete[] nameTable.entries; }
//Type Table
uint32 tag;
uint16 resource_table_offset;
uint16 name_table_offset;
struct ResourceTable {
uint16 resources;
struct Entries {
uint16 id;
uint16 index;
} *entries;
} resTable;
struct NameTable {
uint16 num;
struct Entries {
uint16 offset;
uint16 index;
// Name List
Common::String name;
} *entries;
} nameTable;
struct TypeTable {
uint16 name_offset;
uint16 resource_types;
struct RSRC_Header {
uint16 version;
uint16 compaction;
uint32 filesize;
uint32 abs_offset;
uint16 file_table_offset;
uint16 file_table_size;
class MohawkArchive {
virtual ~MohawkArchive() { close(); }
bool open(const Common::String &filename);
virtual bool open(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream);
void close();
virtual bool hasResource(uint32 tag, uint16 id);
virtual bool hasResource(uint32 tag, const Common::String &resName);
virtual Common::SeekableReadStream *getResource(uint32 tag, uint16 id);
virtual uint32 getOffset(uint32 tag, uint16 id);
virtual uint16 findResourceID(uint32 type, const Common::String &resName);
Common::String getName(uint32 tag, uint16 id);
Common::SeekableReadStream *_mhk;
TypeTable _typeTable;
Common::String _curFile;
RSRC_Header _rsrc;
Type *_types;
FileTable *_fileTable;
uint16 _nameTableAmount;
uint16 _resourceTableAmount;
uint16 _fileTableAmount;
int getTypeIndex(uint32 tag);
int getIDIndex(int typeIndex, uint16 id);
int getIDIndex(int typeIndex, const Common::String &resName);
class LivingBooksArchive_v1 : public MohawkArchive {
LivingBooksArchive_v1() : MohawkArchive() {}
~LivingBooksArchive_v1() {}
bool hasResource(uint32 tag, uint16 id);
bool hasResource(uint32 tag, const Common::String &resName) { return false; }
virtual bool open(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream);
Common::SeekableReadStream *getResource(uint32 tag, uint16 id);
Common::SeekableReadStream *getResource(uint32 tag, const Common::String &resName) { return 0; }
uint32 getOffset(uint32 tag, uint16 id);
uint16 findResourceID(uint32 type, const Common::String &resName) { return 0xFFFF; }
struct OldType {
uint32 tag;
uint16 resource_table_offset;
struct ResourceTable {
uint16 resources;
struct Entries {
uint16 id;
uint32 offset;
uint32 size;
} *entries;
} resTable;
} *_types;
int getTypeIndex(uint32 tag);
int getIDIndex(int typeIndex, uint16 id);
class DOSArchive_v2 : public LivingBooksArchive_v1 {
DOSArchive_v2() : LivingBooksArchive_v1() {}
~DOSArchive_v2() {}
virtual bool open(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream);
} // End of namespace Mohawk