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/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "prince/graphics.h"
#include "prince/prince.h"
#include "prince/mhwanh.h"
#include "graphics/palette.h"
#include "common/memstream.h"
namespace Prince {
GraphicsMan::GraphicsMan(PrinceEngine *vm) : _vm(vm), _changed(false) {
initGraphics(640, 480);
_frontScreen = new Graphics::Surface();
_frontScreen->create(640, 480, Graphics::PixelFormat::createFormatCLUT8());
_screenForInventory = new Graphics::Surface();
_screenForInventory->create(640, 480, Graphics::PixelFormat::createFormatCLUT8());
_mapScreen = new Graphics::Surface();
_mapScreen->create(640, 480, Graphics::PixelFormat::createFormatCLUT8());
_shadowTable70 = (byte *)malloc(256);
_shadowTable50 = (byte *)malloc(256);
_roomBackground = nullptr;
GraphicsMan::~GraphicsMan() {
delete _frontScreen;
delete _screenForInventory;
delete _mapScreen;
void GraphicsMan::update(Graphics::Surface *screen) {
if (_changed) {
_vm->_system->copyRectToScreen((byte *)screen->getBasePtr(0, 0), 640, 0, 0, 640, 480);
_changed = false;
void GraphicsMan::setPalette(const byte *palette) {
_vm->_system->getPaletteManager()->setPalette(palette, 0, 256);
void GraphicsMan::change() {
_changed = true;
void GraphicsMan::draw(Graphics::Surface *screen, const Graphics::Surface *s) {
uint16 w = MIN(screen->w, s->w);
const byte *src = (const byte *)s->getBasePtr(0, 0);
byte *dst = (byte *)screen->getBasePtr(0, 0);
for (int y = 0; y < s->h; y++) {
if (y < screen->h) {
memcpy(dst, src, w);
src += s->pitch;
dst += screen->pitch;
// Black (value = 0) as a primary transparent color, fix for FLC animations
void GraphicsMan::drawTransparentSurface(Graphics::Surface *screen, int32 posX, int32 posY, const Graphics::Surface *s, int secondTransColor) {
const byte *src1 = (const byte *)s->getBasePtr(0, 0);
byte *dst1 = (byte *)screen->getBasePtr(posX, posY);
for (int y = 0; y < s->h; y++) {
if (y + posY < screen->h && y + posY >= 0) {
const byte *src2 = src1;
byte *dst2 = dst1;
for (int x = 0; x < s->w; x++, src2++, dst2++) {
if (*src2 && *src2 != secondTransColor) {
if (x + posX < screen->w && x + posX >= 0) {
*dst2 = *src2;
src1 += s->pitch;
dst1 += screen->pitch;
* Similar to drawTransparentSurface but with use of shadowTable for color recalculation
* and kShadowColor (191) as a transparent color.
void GraphicsMan::drawAsShadowSurface(Graphics::Surface *screen, int32 posX, int32 posY, const Graphics::Surface *s, byte *shadowTable) {
const byte *src1 = (const byte *)s->getBasePtr(0, 0);
byte *dst1 = (byte *)screen->getBasePtr(posX, posY);
for (int y = 0; y < s->h; y++) {
if (y + posY < screen->h && y + posY >= 0) {
const byte *src2 = src1;
byte *dst2 = dst1;
for (int x = 0; x < s->w; x++, src2++, dst2++) {
if (*src2 == kShadowColor) {
if (x + posX < screen->w && x + posX >= 0) {
*dst2 = *(shadowTable + *dst2);
src1 += s->pitch;
dst1 += screen->pitch;
* Used in glowing animation for inventory items. Creates special blendTable array of colors,
* use black (0) as a transparent color.
void GraphicsMan::drawTransparentWithBlendSurface(Graphics::Surface *screen, int32 posX, int32 posY, const Graphics::Surface *s) {
const byte *src1 = (const byte *)s->getBasePtr(0, 0);
byte *dst1 = (byte *)screen->getBasePtr(posX, posY);
byte *blendTable = (byte *)malloc(256);
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
blendTable[i] = 255;
for (int y = 0; y < s->h; y++) {
if (y + posY < screen->h && y + posY >= 0) {
const byte *src2 = src1;
byte *dst2 = dst1;
for (int x = 0; x < s->w; x++, src2++, dst2++) {
if (*src2) {
if (x + posX < screen->w && x + posX >= 0) {
*dst2 = getBlendTableColor(*src2, *dst2, blendTable);
src1 += s->pitch;
dst1 += screen->pitch;
* Similar to drawTransparentSurface but with with use of DrawNode as argument for Z axis sorting
* and white (255) as transparent color.
void GraphicsMan::drawTransparentDrawNode(Graphics::Surface *screen, DrawNode *drawNode) {
byte *src1 = (byte *)drawNode->s->getBasePtr(0, 0);
byte *dst1 = (byte *)screen->getBasePtr(drawNode->posX, drawNode->posY);
for (int y = 0; y < drawNode->s->h; y++) {
if (y + drawNode->posY < screen->h && y + drawNode->posY >= 0) {
byte *src2 = src1;
byte *dst2 = dst1;
for (int x = 0; x < drawNode->s->w; x++, src2++, dst2++) {
if (*src2 != 255) {
if (x + drawNode->posX < screen->w && x + drawNode->posX >= 0) {
*dst2 = *src2;
src1 += drawNode->s->pitch;
dst1 += screen->pitch;
* Similar to drawTransparentDrawNode but with additional anti-aliasing code for sprite drawing.
* Edge smoothing is based on 256 x 256 table of colors transition.
* Algorithm is checking if currently drawing pixel is located next to the edge of sprite and if it makes jagged line.
* If it does then this pixel is set with color from transition table calculated of original background pixel color
* and sprite's edge pixel color.
void GraphicsMan::drawTransparentWithTransDrawNode(Graphics::Surface *screen, DrawNode *drawNode) {
// pos of first pixel for each row of source sprite
byte *src1 = (byte *)drawNode->s->getBasePtr(0, 0);
// pos of drawing first pixel for each row on screen surface
byte *dst1 = (byte *)screen->getBasePtr(drawNode->posX, drawNode->posY);
// trasition table for calculating new color value
byte *transTableData = (byte *)drawNode->data;
for (int y = 0; y < drawNode->s->h; y++) {
if (y + drawNode->posY < screen->h && y + drawNode->posY >= 0) {
// current pixel in row of source sprite
byte *src2 = src1;
// current pixel in row of screen surface
byte *dst2 = dst1;
for (int x = 0; x < drawNode->s->w; x++, src2++, dst2++) {
if (x + drawNode->posX < screen->w && x + drawNode->posX >= 0) {
if (*src2 != 255) {
// if source sprite pixel is not mask color than draw it normally
*dst2 = *src2;
} else {
// check for making jagged line
if (x) {
// not first pixel in row
if (*(src2 - 1) == 255) {
// if it has mask color to the left - check right
if (x != drawNode->s->w - 1) {
// not last pixel in row
if (*(src2 + 1) == 255) {
// pixel to the right with mask color - no anti-alias
// it's not mask color to the right - we continue checking
} else {
// last pixel in row, no right check - no anti-alias
// it's not mask color to the left - we continue checking
} else if (x != drawNode->s->w - 1) {
// first pixel in row but not last - just right pixel checking
if (*(src2 + 1) == 255) {
// pixel to the right with mask color - no anti-alias
// it's not mask color to the right - we continue checking
} else {
// it's first and last pixel in row at the same time (width = 1) - no anti-alias
byte value = 0;
if (y != drawNode->s->h - 1) {
// not last row
// check pixel below of current src2 pixel
value = *(src2 + drawNode->s->pitch);
if (value == 255) {
// pixel below with mask color - check above
if (y) {
// not first row
value = *(src2 - drawNode->s->pitch);
if (value == 255) {
// pixel above with mask color - no anti-alias
// it's not mask color above - we draw as transition color
} else {
// first row - no anti-alias
// it's not mask color below - we draw as transition color
} else if (y) {
// last row - just check above
value = *(src2 - drawNode->s->pitch);
if (value == 255) {
// pixel above with mask color - no anti-alias
// it's not mask color above - we draw as transition color
} else {
// first and last row at the same time (height = 1) - no anti-alias
// new color value based on original screen surface color and sprite's edge pixel color
*dst2 = transTableData[*dst2 * 256 + value];
// adding pitch to jump to next row of pixels
src1 += drawNode->s->pitch;
dst1 += screen->pitch;
void GraphicsMan::drawMaskDrawNode(Graphics::Surface *screen, DrawNode *drawNode) {
byte *maskData = (byte *)drawNode->data;
byte *src1 = (byte *)drawNode->originalRoomSurface->getBasePtr(drawNode->posX, drawNode->posY);
byte *dst1 = (byte *)screen->getBasePtr(drawNode->posX, drawNode->posY);
int maskWidth = drawNode->width >> 3;
int maskPostion = 0;
int maskCounter = 128;
for (int y = 0; y < drawNode->height; y++) {
if (y + drawNode->posY < screen->h && y + drawNode->posY >= 0) {
byte *src2 = src1;
byte *dst2 = dst1;
int tempMaskPostion = maskPostion;
for (int x = 0; x < drawNode->width; x++, src2++, dst2++) {
if (x + drawNode->posX < screen->w && x + drawNode->posX >= 0) {
if ((maskData[tempMaskPostion] & maskCounter) != 0) {
*dst2 = *src2;
maskCounter >>= 1;
if (maskCounter == 0) {
maskCounter = 128;
src1 += drawNode->originalRoomSurface->pitch;
dst1 += screen->pitch;
maskPostion += maskWidth;
maskCounter = 128;
void GraphicsMan::drawAsShadowDrawNode(Graphics::Surface *screen, DrawNode *drawNode) {
byte *shadowData = (byte *)drawNode->data;
byte *src1 = (byte *)drawNode->s->getBasePtr(0, 0);
byte *dst1 = (byte *)screen->getBasePtr(drawNode->posX, drawNode->posY);
for (int y = 0; y < drawNode->s->h; y++) {
if (y + drawNode->posY < screen->h && y + drawNode->posY >= 0) {
byte *src2 = src1;
byte *dst2 = dst1;
for (int x = 0; x < drawNode->s->w; x++, src2++, dst2++) {
if (*src2 == kShadowColor) {
if (x + drawNode->posX < screen->w && x + drawNode->posX >= 0) {
*dst2 = *(shadowData + *dst2);
src1 += drawNode->s->pitch;
dst1 += screen->pitch;
void GraphicsMan::drawBackSpriteDrawNode(Graphics::Surface *screen, DrawNode *drawNode) {
byte *src1 = (byte *)drawNode->s->getBasePtr(0, 0);
byte *dst1 = (byte *)screen->getBasePtr(drawNode->posX, drawNode->posY);
for (int y = 0; y < drawNode->s->h; y++) {
if (y + drawNode->posY < screen->h && y + drawNode->posY >= 0) {
byte *src2 = src1;
byte *dst2 = dst1;
for (int x = 0; x < drawNode->s->w; x++, src2++, dst2++) {
if (*src2 != 255) {
if (x + drawNode->posX < screen->w && x + drawNode->posX >= 0) {
if (*dst2 == 255) {
*dst2 = *src2;
src1 += drawNode->s->pitch;
dst1 += screen->pitch;
byte GraphicsMan::getBlendTableColor(byte pixelColor, byte backgroundPixelColor, byte *blendTable) {
int currColor = 0;
if (blendTable[pixelColor] != 255) {
currColor = blendTable[pixelColor];
} else {
const byte *originalPalette = _vm->_roomBmp->getPalette();
int redFirstOrg = originalPalette[pixelColor * 3] * _vm->_mst_shadow / 256;
redFirstOrg = CLIP(redFirstOrg, 0, 255);
if (_vm->_mst_shadow <= 256) {
int redFirstBack = originalPalette[backgroundPixelColor * 3] * (256 - _vm->_mst_shadow) / 256;
redFirstBack = CLIP(redFirstBack, 0, 255);
redFirstOrg += redFirstBack;
redFirstOrg = CLIP(redFirstOrg, 0, 255);
int greenFirstOrg = originalPalette[pixelColor * 3 + 1] * _vm->_mst_shadow / 256;
greenFirstOrg = CLIP(greenFirstOrg, 0, 255);
if (_vm->_mst_shadow <= 256) {
int greenFirstBack = originalPalette[backgroundPixelColor * 3 + 1] * (256 - _vm->_mst_shadow) / 256;
greenFirstBack = CLIP(greenFirstBack, 0, 255);
greenFirstOrg += greenFirstBack;
greenFirstOrg = CLIP(greenFirstOrg, 0, 255);
int blueFirstOrg = originalPalette[pixelColor * 3 + 2] * _vm->_mst_shadow / 256;
blueFirstOrg = CLIP(blueFirstOrg, 0, 255);
if (_vm->_mst_shadow <= 256) {
int blueFirstBack = originalPalette[backgroundPixelColor * 3 + 2] * (256 - _vm->_mst_shadow) / 256;
blueFirstBack = CLIP(blueFirstBack, 0, 255);
blueFirstOrg += blueFirstBack;
blueFirstOrg = CLIP(blueFirstOrg, 0, 255);
int bigValue = PrinceEngine::kIntMax; // infinity
for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++) {
int redSecondOrg = originalPalette[3 * j];
int redNew = redFirstOrg - redSecondOrg;
redNew = redNew * redNew;
int greenSecondOrg = originalPalette[3 * j + 1];
int greenNew = greenFirstOrg - greenSecondOrg;
greenNew = greenNew * greenNew;
int blueSecondOrg = originalPalette[3 * j + 2];
int blueNew = blueFirstOrg - blueSecondOrg;
blueNew = blueNew * blueNew;
int sumOfColorValues = redNew + greenNew + blueNew;
if (sumOfColorValues < bigValue) {
bigValue = sumOfColorValues;
currColor = j;
if (sumOfColorValues == 0) {
blendTable[pixelColor] = currColor;
return currColor;
void GraphicsMan::makeShadowTable(int brightness, byte *shadowPalette) {
int shadow = brightness * 256 / 100;
const byte *originalPalette = _vm->_roomBmp->getPalette();
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
int redFirstOrg = originalPalette[3 * i] * shadow / 256;
int greenFirstOrg = originalPalette[3 * i + 1] * shadow / 256;
int blueFirstOrg = originalPalette[3 * i + 2] * shadow / 256;
int currColor = 0;
int bigValue = 999999999; // infinity
for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++) {
int redSecondOrg = originalPalette[3 * j];
int redNew = redFirstOrg - redSecondOrg;
redNew = redNew * redNew;
int greenSecondOrg = originalPalette[3 * j + 1];
int greenNew = greenFirstOrg - greenSecondOrg;
greenNew = greenNew * greenNew;
int blueSecondOrg = originalPalette[3 * j + 2];
int blueNew = blueFirstOrg - blueSecondOrg;
blueNew = blueNew * blueNew;
int sumOfColorValues = redNew + greenNew + blueNew;
if (sumOfColorValues < bigValue) {
bigValue = sumOfColorValues;
currColor = j;
if (sumOfColorValues == 0) {
shadowPalette[i] = currColor;
} // End of namespace Prince