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/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* Additional copyright for this file:
* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Presto Studios, Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "common/queue.h"
#include "common/str.h"
#include "pegasus/fader.h"
#include "pegasus/hotspot.h"
#include "pegasus/input.h"
#include "pegasus/movie.h"
#include "pegasus/notification.h"
#include "pegasus/sound.h"
#include "pegasus/timers.h"
#include "pegasus/transition.h"
#include "pegasus/util.h"
#include "pegasus/neighborhood/door.h"
#include "pegasus/neighborhood/exit.h"
#include "pegasus/neighborhood/extra.h"
#include "pegasus/neighborhood/hotspotinfo.h"
#include "pegasus/neighborhood/spot.h"
#include "pegasus/neighborhood/turn.h"
#include "pegasus/neighborhood/view.h"
#include "pegasus/neighborhood/zoom.h"
namespace Pegasus {
class PegasusEngine;
// Pegasus Prime neighborhood id's
static const NeighborhoodID kCaldoriaID = 0;
static const NeighborhoodID kFullTSAID = 1;
static const NeighborhoodID kFinalTSAID = 2;
static const NeighborhoodID kTinyTSAID = 3;
static const NeighborhoodID kPrehistoricID = 4;
static const NeighborhoodID kMarsID = 5;
static const NeighborhoodID kWSCID = 6;
static const NeighborhoodID kNoradAlphaID = 7;
static const NeighborhoodID kNoradDeltaID = 8;
// The sub chase is not really a neighborhood, but we define a constant that is used
// to allow an easy transition out of Norad Alpha.
static const NeighborhoodID kNoradSubChaseID = 1000;
static const TimeScale kDefaultLoopFadeScale = kThirtyTicksPerSecond;
static const TimeValue kDefaultLoopFadeOut = kHalfSecondPerThirtyTicks;
static const TimeValue kDefaultLoopFadeIn = kHalfSecondPerThirtyTicks;
enum QueueRequestType {
// For delay requests, start is interpreted as the total delay and stop is interpreted
// as the scale the delay is in.
// For extra requests, start and stop are not used.
struct QueueRequest {
QueueRequestType requestType;
ExtraID extra;
TimeValue start, stop;
InputBits interruptionFilter;
bool playing;
NotificationFlags flags;
Notification *notification;
bool operator==(const QueueRequest &arg1, const QueueRequest &arg2);
bool operator!=(const QueueRequest &arg1, const QueueRequest &arg2);
class CaldoriaBomb;
class GameInteraction;
class Item;
class Neighborhood;
class StriderCallBack : public TimeBaseCallBack {
StriderCallBack(Neighborhood *);
virtual ~StriderCallBack() {}
virtual void callBack();
Neighborhood *_neighborhood;
typedef Common::Queue<QueueRequest> NeighborhoodActionQueue;
class Neighborhood : public IDObject, public NotificationReceiver, public InputHandler, public Idler {
friend class CaldoriaBomb;
friend class StriderCallBack;
Neighborhood(InputHandler *nextHandler, PegasusEngine *vm, const Common::String &resName, NeighborhoodID id);
virtual ~Neighborhood();
virtual void init();
virtual void start();
virtual void moveNavTo(const CoordType, const CoordType);
virtual void checkContinuePoint(const RoomID, const DirectionConstant) = 0;
void makeContinuePoint();
virtual void activateHotspots();
virtual void clickInHotspot(const Input &, const Hotspot *);
virtual CanMoveForwardReason canMoveForward(ExitTable::Entry &entry);
virtual CanTurnReason canTurn(TurnDirection turn, DirectionConstant &nextDir);
virtual CanOpenDoorReason canOpenDoor(DoorTable::Entry &entry);
virtual void cantMoveThatWay(CanMoveForwardReason);
virtual void cantTurnThatWay(CanTurnReason) {}
virtual void cantOpenDoor(CanOpenDoorReason);
virtual void arriveAt(const RoomID room, const DirectionConstant direction);
virtual void turnTo(const DirectionConstant);
virtual void spotCompleted();
virtual void doorOpened();
virtual void closeDoorOffScreen(const RoomID, const DirectionConstant) {}
virtual void moveForward();
virtual void turn(const TurnDirection);
virtual void turnLeft();
virtual void turnRight();
virtual void turnUp();
virtual void turnDown();
virtual void openDoor();
virtual void zoomTo(const Hotspot *);
virtual void updateViewFrame();
void requestExtraSequence(const ExtraID, const NotificationFlags, const InputBits interruptionFilter);
void requestSpotSound(const TimeValue, const TimeValue, const InputBits interruptionFilter, const NotificationFlags);
void playSpotSoundSync(const TimeValue in, const TimeValue out);
void requestDelay(const TimeValue, const TimeScale, const InputBits interruptionFilter, const NotificationFlags);
Notification *getNeighborhoodNotification() { return &_neighborhoodNotification; }
virtual void getExtraEntry(const uint32 id, ExtraTable::Entry &extraEntry);
virtual void startSpotLoop(TimeValue, TimeValue, NotificationFlags = 0);
virtual bool actionQueueEmpty() { return _actionQueue.empty(); }
virtual void showViewFrame(TimeValue);
virtual void findSpotEntry(const RoomID room, const DirectionConstant direction, SpotFlags flags, SpotTable::Entry &spotEntry);
virtual void startExtraSequence(const ExtraID, const NotificationFlags, const InputBits interruptionFilter);
bool startExtraSequenceSync(const ExtraID, const InputBits);
virtual void loopExtraSequence(const uint32, NotificationFlags = 0);
int32 getLastExtra() const { return _lastExtra; }
virtual void scheduleNavCallBack(NotificationFlags);
Movie *getNavMovie() { return &_navMovie; }
bool navMoviePlaying();
void setCurrentAlternate(const AlternateID alt) { _currentAlternate = alt; }
AlternateID getCurrentAlternate() const { return _currentAlternate; }
void setCurrentActivation(const HotSpotActivationID a) { _currentActivation = a; }
HotSpotActivationID getCurrentActivation() { return _currentActivation; }
virtual void playDeathExtra(ExtraID, DeathReason);
virtual void die(const DeathReason);
virtual void setSoundFXLevel(const uint16);
virtual void setAmbienceLevel(const uint16);
void forceStridingStop(const RoomID, const DirectionConstant, const AlternateID);
void restoreStriding(const RoomID, const DirectionConstant, const AlternateID);
HotspotInfoTable::Entry *findHotspotEntry(const HotSpotID);
Push *getTurnPush() { return &_turnPush; }
Picture *getTurnPushPicture() { return &_pushIn; }
void hideNav();
void showNav();
virtual void loadAmbientLoops() {}
virtual void flushGameState() {}
virtual Common::String getBriefingMovie();
virtual Common::String getEnvScanMovie();
virtual uint getNumHints();
virtual Common::String getHintMovie(uint);
virtual bool canSolve();
virtual void prepareForAIHint(const Common::String &) {}
virtual void cleanUpAfterAIHint(const Common::String &) {}
virtual void doSolve();
virtual bool okayToJump();
virtual AirQuality getAirQuality(const RoomID);
virtual void checkAirMask() {}
virtual void checkFlashlight() {}
virtual void shieldOn() {}
virtual void shieldOff() {}
virtual void loadLoopSound1(const Common::String &, const uint16 volume = 0x100,
const TimeValue fadeOut = kDefaultLoopFadeOut, const TimeValue fadeIn = kDefaultLoopFadeIn,
const TimeScale fadeScale = kDefaultLoopFadeScale);
virtual void loadLoopSound2(const Common::String &, const uint16 volume = 0x100,
const TimeValue fadeOut = kDefaultLoopFadeOut, const TimeValue fadeIn = kDefaultLoopFadeIn,
const TimeScale fadeScale = kDefaultLoopFadeScale);
bool loop1Loaded(const Common::String &soundName) { return _loop1SoundString == soundName; }
bool loop2Loaded(const Common::String &soundName) { return _loop2SoundString == soundName; }
void startLoop1Fader(const FaderMoveSpec &);
void startLoop2Fader(const FaderMoveSpec &);
virtual void takeItemFromRoom(Item *);
virtual void dropItemIntoRoom(Item *, Hotspot *);
virtual Hotspot *getItemScreenSpot(Item *, DisplayElement *) { return 0; }
virtual GameInteraction *makeInteraction(const InteractionID);
virtual void requestDeleteCurrentInteraction() { _doneWithInteraction = true; }
virtual uint16 getDateResID() const = 0;
virtual void showExtraView(uint32);
virtual void startExtraLongSequence(const uint32, const uint32, NotificationFlags, const InputBits interruptionFilter);
void openCroppedMovie(const Common::String &, CoordType, CoordType);
void loopCroppedMovie(const Common::String &, CoordType, CoordType);
void closeCroppedMovie();
void playCroppedMovieOnce(const Common::String &, CoordType, CoordType, const InputBits interruptionFilter = kFilterNoInput);
void playMovieSegment(Movie *, TimeValue = 0, TimeValue = 0xffffffff);
virtual void recallToTSASuccess();
virtual void recallToTSAFailure();
virtual void pickedUpItem(Item *) {}
virtual void handleInput(const Input &, const Hotspot *);
PegasusEngine *_vm;
Common::String _resName;
virtual Common::String getSoundSpotsName() = 0;
virtual Common::String getNavMovieName() = 0;
// Notification function.
virtual void receiveNotification(Notification *, const NotificationFlags);
// Map info functions.
virtual void getExitEntry(const RoomID room, const DirectionConstant direction, ExitTable::Entry &entry);
virtual TimeValue getViewTime(const RoomID room, const DirectionConstant direction);
virtual void getDoorEntry(const RoomID room, const DirectionConstant direction, DoorTable::Entry &doorEntry);
virtual DirectionConstant getTurnEntry(const RoomID room, const DirectionConstant direction, const TurnDirection turn);
virtual void getZoomEntry(const HotSpotID id, ZoomTable::Entry &zoomEntry);
virtual void getHotspotEntry(const HotSpotID id, HotspotInfoTable::Entry &hotspotEntry);
// Nav movie sequences.
virtual void startExitMovie(const ExitTable::Entry &);
virtual void keepStriding(ExitTable::Entry &);
virtual void stopStriding();
virtual void checkStriding();
virtual bool stillMoveForward();
virtual void scheduleStridingCallBack(const TimeValue, NotificationFlags flags);
virtual void startZoomMovie(const ZoomTable::Entry &);
virtual void startDoorOpenMovie(const TimeValue, const TimeValue);
virtual void startTurnPush(const TurnDirection, const TimeValue, const DirectionConstant);
virtual void playExtraMovie(const ExtraTable::Entry &, const NotificationFlags, const InputBits interruptionFilter);
virtual void activateCurrentView(const RoomID, const DirectionConstant, SpotFlags);
virtual void activateOneHotspot(HotspotInfoTable::Entry &, Hotspot *);
virtual void startSpotOnceOnly(TimeValue, TimeValue);
virtual void startMovieSequence(const TimeValue, const TimeValue, NotificationFlags,
bool loopSequence, const InputBits interruptionFilter, const TimeValue strideStop = 0xffffffff);
virtual void createNeighborhoodSpots();
void resetLastExtra() { _lastExtra = -1; }
virtual void throwAwayInterface();
// Action queue stuff
void popActionQueue();
void serviceActionQueue();
void requestAction(const QueueRequestType, const ExtraID, const TimeValue, const TimeValue, const InputBits, const NotificationFlags);
virtual bool prepareExtraSync(const ExtraID);
virtual bool waitMovieFinish(Movie *, const InputBits);
virtual InputBits getInputFilter();
// Misc.
virtual int16 getStaticCompassAngle(const RoomID, const DirectionConstant dir);
virtual void getExitCompassMove(const ExitTable::Entry &, FaderMoveSpec &);
virtual void getZoomCompassMove(const ZoomTable::Entry &, FaderMoveSpec&);
virtual void getExtraCompassMove(const ExtraTable::Entry &, FaderMoveSpec&);
virtual void setUpAIRules();
virtual void setHotspotFlags(const HotSpotID, const HotSpotFlags);
virtual void setIsItemTaken(const ItemID);
virtual void upButton(const Input &);
virtual void leftButton(const Input &);
virtual void rightButton(const Input &);
virtual void downButton(const Input &);
void initOnePicture(Picture *, const Common::String &, DisplayOrder, CoordType, CoordType, bool);
void initOneMovie(Movie *, const Common::String &, DisplayOrder, CoordType, CoordType, bool);
void reinstateMonocleInterface();
virtual void newInteraction(const InteractionID);
virtual void useIdleTime();
virtual void bumpIntoWall();
virtual void zoomUpOrBump();
void scheduleEvent(const TimeValue, const TimeScale, const uint32);
void cancelEvent();
virtual void timerExpired(const uint32) {}
bool isEventTimerRunning() { return _eventTimer.isFuseLit(); }
uint32 getTimerEvent() { return _timerEvent; }
void timerFunction();
void pauseTimer();
void resumeTimer();
bool timerPaused();
// Navigation Data
DoorTable _doorTable;
ExitTable _exitTable;
ExtraTable _extraTable;
HotspotInfoTable _hotspotInfoTable;
SpotTable _spotTable;
TurnTable _turnTable;
ViewTable _viewTable;
ZoomTable _zoomTable;
AlternateID _currentAlternate;
HotSpotActivationID _currentActivation;
int32 _lastExtra;
DeathReason _extraDeathReason;
// Graphics
Movie _navMovie;
Picture _pushIn;
Push _turnPush;
// Callbacks
Notification _neighborhoodNotification;
NotificationCallBack _navMovieCallBack;
StriderCallBack _stridingCallBack;
NotificationCallBack _turnPushCallBack;
NotificationCallBack _spotSoundCallBack;
NotificationCallBack _delayCallBack;
// Hotspots
HotspotList _neighborhoodHotspots;
// Sounds
SoundTimeBase _spotSounds;
// Action queue
NeighborhoodActionQueue _actionQueue;
TimeBase _delayTimer;
// Interruptibility...
InputBits _interruptionFilter;
// Nav hiding (for info support...)
bool _isRunning;
GameInteraction *_currentInteraction;
bool _doneWithInteraction;
Movie _croppedMovie;
Sound _soundLoop1;
Common::String _loop1SoundString;
SoundFader _loop1Fader;
Sound _soundLoop2;
Common::String _loop2SoundString;
SoundFader _loop2Fader;
// The event timer...
FuseFunction _eventTimer;
uint32 _timerEvent;
extern Neighborhood *g_neighborhood;
} // End of namespace Pegasus