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synced 2025-03-07 02:39:56 +00:00

it's Logic::_scriptVars[ID] instead of just ID. Apart from looking cool, it makes it much easier to tell the difference between variables and constants when looking at the code. Of course, this sort of sweeping changes is jolly good for introducing truly weird regressions, which is why I waited until after 0.6.0. svn-id: r13331
577 lines
17 KiB
577 lines
17 KiB
/* Copyright (C) 1994-2004 Revolution Software Ltd
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* $Header$
// memory manager
// - "remember, it's not good to leave memory locked for a moment longer
// than necessary" Tony
// - "actually, in a sequential system theoretically you never need to lock
// any memory!" Chris ;)
// This is a very simple implementation but I see little advantage to being
// any cleverer with the coding - i could have put the mem blocks before the
// defined blocks instead of in an array and then used pointers to
// child/parent blocks. But why bother? I've Kept it simple. When it needs
// updating or customising it will be accessable to anyone who looks at it.
// Doesn't have a purgeable/age consituant yet - if anyone wants this then
// I'll add it in.
// MemMan v1.1
#include "common/stdafx.h"
#include "sword2/sword2.h"
#include "sword2/resman.h"
namespace Sword2 {
#define MEMORY_POOL (1024 * 12000)
// #define MEMDEBUG 1
MemoryManager::MemoryManager(Sword2Engine *vm) : _vm(vm) {
uint32 j;
uint8 *memory_base;
_suggestedStart = 0;
_totalFreeMemory = MEMORY_POOL;
memory_base = (uint8 *) malloc(_totalFreeMemory);
if (!memory_base)
error("MemoryManager: couldn't malloc %d bytes", _totalFreeMemory);
// the original malloc address
_freeMemman = memory_base;
// set all but first handle to unused
for (j = 1; j < MAX_mem_blocks; j++)
_memList[j].state = MEM_null;
// total used (free, locked or floating)
_totalBlocks = 1;
_memList[0].ad = memory_base;
_memList[0].state = MEM_free;
_memList[0].age = 0;
_memList[0].size = _totalFreeMemory;
_memList[0].parent = -1; // we are base - for now
_memList[0].child = -1; // we are the end as well
_memList[0].uid = (uint32) UID_memman; // init id
_baseMemBlock = 0; // for now
MemoryManager::~MemoryManager(void) {
// I don't know about C++, but here's what "C: A Reference Manual" (Harbison &
// Steele) has to say:
// "There is no requirement in C that any of the integral types be large enough
// to represent a pointer, although C programmers often assume that type long
// is large enough, which it is on most computers. In C99, header inttypes.h
// may define integer types intptr_t and uintptr_t, which are guaranteed large
// enough to hold a pointer as an integer."
// The script engine frequently needs to pass around pointers to various
// structures etc. and, and used to do so by casting them to int32 and back
// again. Since those pointers always point to memory that belongs to the
// memory manager, we can easily represent them as offsets instead.
int32 MemoryManager::ptrToInt(const uint8 *p) {
debug(9, "ptrToInt: %p -> %d", p, p - _freeMemman);
if (p < _freeMemman || p >= &_freeMemman[MEMORY_POOL])
warning("ptrToInt: Converting bad pointer: %p", p);
return p - _freeMemman;
uint8 *MemoryManager::intToPtr(int32 n) {
debug(9, "intToPtr: %d -> %p", n, &_freeMemman[n]);
if (n < 0 || n >= MEMORY_POOL)
warning("intToPtr: Converting bad integer: %d", n);
return &_freeMemman[n];
Memory *MemoryManager::lowLevelAlloc(uint32 size, uint32 type, uint32 unique_id) {
// allocate a block of memory - locked or float
// returns 0 if fails to allocate the memory
// or a pointer to a mem structure
int32 nu_block;
uint32 spawn = 0;
uint32 slack;
// we must first round the size UP to a dword, so subsequent blocks
// will start dword alligned
size += 3; // move up
size &= 0xfffffffc; // and back down to boundary
// find a free block large enough
// the defragger returns when its made a big enough block. This is
// a good time to defrag as we're probably not doing anything super
// time-critical at the moment
if ((nu_block = defragMemory(size)) == -1) {
// error - couldn't find a big enough space
return 0;
// an exact fit?
if (_memList[nu_block].size == size) {
// no new block is required as the fit is perfect
_memList[nu_block].state = type; // locked or float
_memList[nu_block].size = size; // set to the required size
_memList[nu_block].uid = unique_id; // an identifier
return &_memList[nu_block];
// nu_block is the free block to split, forming our locked/float block
// with a new free block in any remaining space
// If our child is free then is can expand downwards to eat up our
// chopped space this is good because it doesn't create an extra block
// so keeping the block count down.
// Why? Imagine you Talloc 1000k, then free it. Now keep allocating 10
// bytes less and freeing again you end up with thousands of new free
// mini blocks. This way avoids that as the free child keeps growing
// downwards.
if (_memList[nu_block].child != -1 && _memList[_memList[nu_block].child].state == MEM_free) {
// our child is free
// the spare memory is the blocks current size minus the
// amount we're taking
slack = _memList[nu_block].size - size;
_memList[nu_block].state = type; // locked or float
_memList[nu_block].size = size; // set to the required size
_memList[nu_block].uid = unique_id; // an identifier
// child starts after us
_memList[_memList[nu_block].child].ad = _memList[nu_block].ad + size;
// child's size increases
_memList[_memList[nu_block].child].size += slack;
return &_memList[nu_block];
// otherwise we spawn a new block after us and before our child - our
// child being a proper block that we cannot change
// we remain a child of our parent
// we spawn a new child and it inherits our current child
// find a NULL slot for a new block
while (_memList[spawn].state != MEM_null && spawn!=MAX_mem_blocks)
if (spawn == MAX_mem_blocks) {
// run out of blocks - stop the program. this is a major blow
// up and we need to alert the developer
// Lets get a printout of this
error("Out of mem blocks in Talloc()");
_memList[spawn].state = MEM_free; // new block is free
_memList[spawn].uid = (uint32) UID_memman; // a memman created bloc
// size of the existing parent free block minus the size of the new
// space Talloc'ed.
_memList[spawn].size = _memList[nu_block].size - size;
// IOW the remaining memory is given to the new free block
// we start 1 byte after the newly allocated block
_memList[spawn].ad = _memList[nu_block].ad + size;
// the spawned child gets it parent - the newly allocated block
_memList[spawn].parent = nu_block;
// the new child inherits the parents old child (we are its new
// child "Waaaa")
_memList[spawn].child = _memList[nu_block].child;
// is the spawn the end block?
if (_memList[spawn].child != -1) {
// the child of the new free-spawn needs to know its new parent
_memList[_memList[spawn].child].parent = spawn;
_memList[nu_block].state = type; // locked or float
_memList[nu_block].size = size; // set to the required size
_memList[nu_block].uid = unique_id; // an identifier
// the new blocks new child is the newly formed free block
_memList[nu_block].child = spawn;
//we've brought a new block into the world. Ahhh!
return &_memList[nu_block];
void MemoryManager::freeMemory(Memory *block) {
// kill a block of memory - which was presumably floating or locked
// once you've done this the memory may be recycled
block->state = MEM_free;
block->uid = (uint32) UID_memman; // belongs to the memory manager again
void MemoryManager::floatMemory(Memory *block) {
// set a block to float
// wont be trashed but will move around in memory
block->state = MEM_float;
void MemoryManager::lockMemory(Memory *block) {
// set a block to lock
// wont be moved - don't lock memory for any longer than necessary
// unless you know the locked memory is at the bottom of the heap
// can't move now - this block is now crying out to be floated or
// free'd again
block->state = MEM_locked;
int32 MemoryManager::defragMemory(uint32 req_size) {
// moves floating blocks down and/or merges free blocks until a large
// enough space is found or there is nothing left to do and a big
// enough block cannot be found we stop when we find/create a large
// enough block - this is enough defragging.
int32 cur_block; // block 0 remains the parent block
int32 original_parent,child, end_child;
uint32 j;
uint32 *a;
uint32 *b;
// cur_block = _baseMemBlock; //the mother of all parents
cur_block = _suggestedStart;
do {
// is current block a free block?
if (_memList[cur_block].state == MEM_free) {
if (_memList[cur_block].size >= req_size) {
// this block is big enough - return its id
return cur_block;
// the child is the end block - stop if the next block
// along is the end block
if (_memList[cur_block].child == -1) {
// no luck, couldn't find a big enough block
return -1;
// current free block is too small, but if its child
// is *also* free then merge the two together
if (_memList[_memList[cur_block].child].state == MEM_free) {
// ok, we nuke the child and inherit its child
child = _memList[cur_block].child;
// our size grows by the size of our child
_memList[cur_block].size += _memList[child].size;
// our new child is our old childs, child
_memList[cur_block].child = _memList[child].child;
// not if the chld we're nuking is the end
// child (it has no child)
if (_memList[child].child != -1) {
// the (nuked) old childs childs
// parent is now us
_memList[_memList[child].child].parent = cur_block;
// clean up the nuked child, so it can be used
// again
_memList[child].state = MEM_null;
} else if (_memList[_memList[cur_block].child].state == MEM_float) {
// current free block is too small, but if its
// child is a float then we move the floating
// memory block down and the free up but,
// parent/child relationships must be such
// that the memory is all continuous between
// blocks. ie. a childs memory always begins 1
// byte after its parent finishes. However, the
// positions in the memory list may become
// truly random, but, any particular block of
// locked or floating memory must retain its
// position within the _memList - the float
// stays a float because the handle/pointer
// has been passed back
// what this means is that when the physical
// memory of the foat moves down (and the free
// up) the child becomes the parent and the
// parent the child but, remember, the parent
// had a parent and the child another child -
// these swap over too as the parent/child swap
// takes place - phew.
// our child is currently floating
child = _memList[cur_block].child;
// move the higher float down over the free
// block
// memcpy(_memList[cur_block].ad, _memList[child].ad, _memList[child].size);
a = (uint32 *) _memList[cur_block].ad;
b = (uint32 *) _memList[child].ad;
for (j = 0; j < _memList[child].size / 4; j++)
*(a++) = *(b++);
// both *ad's change
// the float is now where the free was and the
// free goes up by the size of the float
// (which has come down)
_memList[child].ad = _memList[cur_block].ad;
_memList[cur_block].ad += _memList[child].size;
// the status of the _memList blocks must
// remain the same, so...
// our child gets this when we become its
// child and it our parent
original_parent = _memList[cur_block].parent;
// the free's child becomes its parent
_memList[cur_block].parent = child;
// the new child inherits its previous childs
// child
_memList[cur_block].child = _memList[child].child;
// save this - see next line
end_child = _memList[child].child;
// the floats parent becomes its child
_memList[child].child = cur_block;
_memList[child].parent = original_parent;
// if the child had a child
if (end_child != -1) {
// then its parent is now the new child
_memList[end_child].parent = cur_block;
// if the base block was the true base parent
if (original_parent == -1) {
// then the child that has moved down
// becomes the base block as it sits
// at the lowest possible memory
// location
_baseMemBlock = child;
} else {
// otherwise the parent of the current
// free block - that is now the child
// - gets a new child, that child
// being previously the child of the
// child of the original parent
_memList[original_parent].child = child;
} else { // if (_memList[_memList[cur_block].child].state == MEM_lock)
// the child of current is locked - move to it
// move to next one along - either locked or
// END
} else {
// move to next one along, the current must be
// floating, locked, or a NULL slot
cur_block = _memList[cur_block].child;
} while (cur_block != -1); // while the block we've just done is not the final block
return -1; //no luck, couldn't find a big enough block
void MemoryManager::debugMemory(void) {
// gets called with lowLevelAlloc, Mem_free, Mem_lock & Mem_float if
// MEMDEBUG has been #defined otherwise can be called at any time
// anywhere else
int j;
char inf[][20] = {
{ "MEM_null" },
{ "MEM_free" },
{ "MEM_locked" },
{ "MEM_float" }
debug(5, "base %d total %d", _baseMemBlock, _totalBlocks);
// first in mem list order
for (j = 0; j < MAX_mem_blocks; j++) {
if (_memList[j].state == MEM_null)
debug(5, "%d- NULL", j);
debug(5, "%d- state %s, ad %d, size %d, p %d, c %d, id %d",
j, inf[_memList[j].state], _memList[j].ad,
_memList[j].size, _memList[j].parent,
_memList[j].child, _memList[j].uid);
// now in child/parent order
j = _baseMemBlock;
do {
debug(5, " %d- state %s, ad %d, size %d, p %d, c %d", j,
inf[_memList[j].state], _memList[j].ad,
_memList[j].size, _memList[j].parent,
_memList[j].child, _memList[j].uid);
j = _memList[j].child;
} while (j != -1);
Memory *MemoryManager::allocMemory(uint32 size, uint32 type, uint32 unique_id) {
// the high level allocator
// can ask the resman to remove old resources to make space - will
// either do it or halt the system
Memory *membloc;
int j;
uint32 free = 0;
while (virtualDefrag(size)) {
// trash the oldest closed resource
if (!_vm->_resman->helpTheAgedOut()) {
error("alloc ran out of memory: size=%d type=%d unique_id=%d", size, type, unique_id);
membloc = lowLevelAlloc(size, type, unique_id);
if (membloc == 0) {
error("lowLevelAlloc failed to get memory virtualDefrag said was there");
j = _baseMemBlock;
do {
if (_memList[j].state == MEM_free)
free += _memList[j].size;
j = _memList[j].child;
} while (j != -1);
// return the pointer to the memory
return membloc;
// Maximum allowed wasted memory.
#define MAX_WASTAGE 51200
int32 MemoryManager::virtualDefrag(uint32 size) {
// Virutually defrags memory...
// Used to determine if there is potentially are large enough free
// block available is the real defragger was allowed to run.
// The idea being that alloc will call this and help_the_aged_out
// until we indicate that it is possible to obtain a large enough
// free block. This way the defragger need only run once to yield the
// required block size.
// The reason for its current slowness is that the defragger is
// potentially called several times, each time shifting upto 20Megs
// around, to obtain the required free block.
int32 cur_block;
uint32 currentBubbleSize = 0;
cur_block = _baseMemBlock;
_suggestedStart = _baseMemBlock;
do {
if (_memList[cur_block].state == MEM_free) {
// Add a little intelligence. At the start the oldest
// resources are at the bottom of the tube. However
// there will be some air at the top. Thus bubbles
// will be created at the bottom and float to the
// top. If we ignore the top gap then a large enough
// bubble will form lower down the tube. Thus less
// memory will need to be shifted.
if (_memList[cur_block].child != -1)
currentBubbleSize += _memList[cur_block].size;
else if (_memList[cur_block].size > MAX_WASTAGE)
currentBubbleSize += _memList[cur_block].size;
if (currentBubbleSize >= size)
return 0;
} else if (_memList[cur_block].state == MEM_locked) {
currentBubbleSize = 0;
// Any free block of the correct size will be above
// this locked block.
_suggestedStart = _memList[cur_block].child;
cur_block = _memList[cur_block].child;
} while (cur_block != -1);
return 1;
} // End of namespace Sword2