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synced 2025-03-03 00:35:54 +00:00
676 lines
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676 lines
17 KiB
/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* $URL$
* $Id$
#ifndef KYRA_KYRA_MR_H
#define KYRA_KYRA_MR_H
#include "kyra/kyra_v2.h"
#include "kyra/screen_mr.h"
#include "kyra/script.h"
#include "kyra/gui_mr.h"
#include "common/hashmap.h"
#include "common/list.h"
namespace Kyra {
class SoundDigital;
class Screen_MR;
class MainMenu;
class WSAMovie_v2;
class TextDisplayer_MR;
struct Button;
class KyraEngine_MR : public KyraEngine_v2 {
friend class TextDisplayer_MR;
friend class GUI_MR;
KyraEngine_MR(OSystem *system, const GameFlags &flags);
// Regarding pausing of the engine:
// Idle animation time, item animations and album animations should be taken
// care of, but since those would just produce minor glitches it's not that
// important.
Screen *screen() { return _screen; }
Screen_v2 *screen_v2() const { return _screen; }
GUI *gui() const { return _gui; }
SoundDigital *soundDigital() { return _soundDigital; }
int language() const { return _lang; }
bool heliumMode() const { return _configHelium; }
Common::Error go();
void playVQA(const char *name);
static const EngineDesc _mrEngineDesc;
// config
bool _configStudio;
bool _configSkip;
bool _configHelium;
void registerDefaultSettings();
void writeSettings();
void readSettings();
void initStaticResource();
// --
Screen_MR *_screen;
SoundDigital *_soundDigital;
Common::Error init();
void preinit();
void startup();
void runStartupScript(int script, int unk1);
void setupOpcodeTable();
// input
bool skipFlag() const;
void resetSkipFlag(bool removeEvent = true);
// run
bool _menuDirectlyToLoad;
void runLoop();
void handleInput(int x, int y);
int inputSceneChange(int x, int y, int unk1, int unk2);
void update();
void updateWithText();
void updateMouse();
// sound specific
void playMenuAudioFile();
int _musicSoundChannel;
int _fadeOutMusicChannel;
const char *_menuAudioFile;
const char *const *_soundList;
int _soundListSize;
void snd_playWanderScoreViaMap(int track, int force);
void stopMusicTrack();
int musicUpdate(int forceRestart);
void fadeOutMusic(int ticks);
void snd_playSoundEffect(int item, int volume);
const uint8 *_sfxFileMap;
int _sfxFileMapSize;
const char *const *_sfxFileList;
int _sfxFileListSize;
int _voiceSoundChannel;
void playVoice(int high, int low);
void snd_playVoiceFile(int file);
bool snd_voiceIsPlaying();
void snd_stopVoice();
int _curStudioSFX;
void playStudioSFX(const char *str);
// gui
GUI_MR *_gui;
Button *_mainButtonData;
Button *_mainButtonList;
bool _mainButtonListInitialized;
void initMainButtonList(bool disable);
bool _enableInventory;
int buttonInventory(Button *button);
int buttonMoodChange(Button *button);
int buttonShowScore(Button *button);
int buttonJesterStaff(Button *button);
void loadButtonShapes();
int callbackButton1(Button *button);
int callbackButton2(Button *button);
int callbackButton3(Button *button);
// -> main menu
void initMainMenu();
void uninitMainMenu();
WSAMovie_v2 *_menuAnim;
// timer
void setupTimers();
void setWalkspeed(uint8);
void setCommandLineRestoreTimer(int secs);
void timerRestoreCommandLine(int arg);
void timerRunSceneScript7(int arg);
void timerFleaDeath(int arg);
uint32 _nextIdleAnim;
void setNextIdleAnimTimer();
// pathfinder
bool lineIsPassable(int x, int y);
// main menu
const char * const *_mainMenuStrings;
int _mainMenuStringsSize;
static const char * const _mainMenuSpanishFan[];
static const char * const _mainMenuItalianFan[];
// animator
uint8 *_gamePlayBuffer;
void restorePage3();
void clearAnimObjects();
void animSetupPaletteEntry(AnimObj *anim);
void drawAnimObjects();
void drawSceneAnimObject(AnimObj *obj, int x, int y, int drawLayer);
void drawCharacterAnimObject(AnimObj *obj, int x, int y, int drawLayer);
void refreshAnimObjects(int force);
bool _loadingState;
void updateItemAnimations();
void updateCharacterAnim(int charId);
void updateSceneAnim(int anim, int newFrame);
void setupSceneAnimObject(int anim, uint16 flags, int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int w, int h, int unk10, int specialSize, int unk14, int shape, const char *filename);
void removeSceneAnimObject(int anim, int refresh);
int _charBackUpWidth2, _charBackUpHeight2;
int _charBackUpWidth, _charBackUpHeight;
void setCharacterAnimDim(int w, int h);
void resetCharacterAnimDim();
bool _nextIdleType;
void showIdleAnim();
const ItemAnimData_v2 *_itemAnimData;
ActiveItemAnim _activeItemAnim[10];
int _nextAnimItem;
// interface
uint8 *_interface;
uint8 *_interfaceCommandLine;
void loadInterfaceShapes();
void loadInterface();
void showMessage(const char *string, uint8 c0, uint8 c1);
void showMessageFromCCode(int string, uint8 c0, int);
void updateItemCommand(int item, int str, uint8 c0);
void updateCommandLine();
void restoreCommandLine();
void updateCLState();
int _commandLineY;
const char *_shownMessage;
bool _restoreCommandLine;
bool _inventoryState;
int _inventoryScrollSpeed;
void showInventory();
void hideInventory();
void drawMalcolmsMoodText();
void drawMalcolmsMoodPointer(int frame, int page);
void drawJestersStaff(int type, int page);
void drawScore(int page, int x, int y);
void drawScoreCounting(int oldScore, int newScore, int drawOld, const int x);
int getScoreX(const char *str);
static const uint8 _inventoryX[];
static const uint8 _inventoryY[];
void redrawInventory(int page);
void clearInventorySlot(int slot, int page);
void drawInventorySlot(int page, int item, int slot);
WSAMovie_v2 *_invWsa;
int _invWsaFrame;
// localization
uint8 *_scoreFile;
uint8 *_cCodeFile;
uint8 *_scenesFile;
uint8 *_itemFile;
uint8 *_optionsFile;
uint8 *_actorFile;
uint32 _actorFileSize;
uint8 *_sceneStrings;
uint8 *getTableEntry(uint8 *buffer, int id);
void getTableEntry(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream, int id, char *dst);
// items
int8 *_itemBuffer1;
int8 *_itemBuffer2;
static const uint8 _trashItemList[];
void removeTrashItems();
void initItems();
int checkItemCollision(int x, int y);
bool dropItem(int unk1, uint16 item, int x, int y, int unk2);
bool processItemDrop(uint16 sceneId, uint16 item, int x, int y, int unk1, int unk2);
void itemDropDown(int startX, int startY, int dstX, int dstY, int itemSlot, uint16 item, int remove);
void exchangeMouseItem(int itemPos, int runScript);
bool pickUpItem(int x, int y, int runScript);
bool isDropable(int x, int y);
const uint8 *_itemMagicTable;
bool itemListMagic(int handItem, int itemSlot);
bool itemInventoryMagic(int handItem, int invSlot);
const uint8 *_itemStringMap;
int _itemStringMapSize;
static const uint8 _itemStringPickUp[];
static const uint8 _itemStringDrop[];
static const uint8 _itemStringInv[];
int getItemCommandStringPickUp(uint16 item);
int getItemCommandStringDrop(uint16 item);
int getItemCommandStringInv(uint16 item);
// -> hand item
void setItemMouseCursor();
void setMouseCursor(uint16 item);
// shapes
void initMouseShapes();
void loadCharacterShapes(int newShapes);
void updateMalcolmShapes();
int _malcolmShapeXOffset, _malcolmShapeYOffset;
struct ShapeDesc {
uint8 width, height;
int8 xOffset, yOffset;
static const ShapeDesc _shapeDescs[];
static const int _shapeDescsSize;
// scene animation
uint8 *_sceneShapes[20];
void freeSceneShapes();
// voice
int _currentTalkFile;
void openTalkFile(int file);
// scene
bool _noScriptEnter;
void enterNewScene(uint16 scene, int facing, int unk1, int unk2, int unk3);
void enterNewSceneUnk1(int facing, int unk1, int unk2);
void enterNewSceneUnk2(int unk1);
int _enterNewSceneLock;
void unloadScene();
void loadScenePal();
void loadSceneMsc();
void initSceneScript(int unk1);
void initSceneAnims(int unk1);
void initSceneScreen(int unk1);
int runSceneScript1(int x, int y);
int runSceneScript2();
bool _noStartupChat;
void runSceneScript4(int unk1);
void runSceneScript8();
int _sceneMinX, _sceneMaxX;
int _maskPageMinY, _maskPageMaxY;
int trySceneChange(int *moveTable, int unk1, int unk2);
int checkSceneChange();
int8 _sceneDatPalette[45];
int8 _sceneDatLayerTable[15];
struct SceneShapeDesc {
// the original saves those variables, we don't, since
// they are just needed on scene load
/*int x, y;
int w, h;*/
int drawX, drawY;
SceneShapeDesc _sceneShapeDescs[20];
int getDrawLayer(int x, int y);
int getScale(int x, int y);
int _scaleTable[15];
// character
int getCharacterWalkspeed() const;
void updateCharAnimFrame(int character, int *table);
int8 _characterAnimTable[2];
static const uint8 _characterFrameTable[];
void updateCharPal(int unk1);
int _lastCharPalLayer;
bool _charPalUpdate;
bool checkCharCollision(int x, int y);
int _malcolmsMood;
void makeCharFacingMouse();
int findFreeInventorySlot();
// talk object
struct TalkObject {
char filename[13];
int8 sceneAnim;
int8 sceneScript;
int16 x, y;
uint8 color;
uint8 sceneId;
TalkObject *_talkObjectList;
bool talkObjectsInCurScene();
// chat
int chatGetType(const char *text);
int chatCalcDuration(const char *text);
void objectChat(const char *text, int object, int vocHigh, int vocLow);
void objectChatInit(const char *text, int object, int vocHigh, int vocLow);
void objectChatPrintText(const char *text, int object);
void objectChatProcess(const char *script);
void objectChatWaitToFinish();
void badConscienceChat(const char *str, int vocHigh, int vocLow);
void badConscienceChatWaitToFinish();
void goodConscienceChat(const char *str, int vocHigh, int vocLow);
void goodConscienceChatWaitToFinish();
bool _albumChatActive;
void albumChat(const char *str, int vocHigh, int vocLow);
void albumChatInit(const char *str, int object, int vocHigh, int vocLow);
void albumChatWaitToFinish();
void malcolmSceneStartupChat();
byte _newSceneDlgState[40];
int8 _conversationState[30][30];
bool _chatAltFlag;
void setDlgIndex(int index);
void updateDlgIndex();
Common::SeekableReadStream *_cnvFile;
Common::SeekableReadStream *_dlgBuffer;
int _curDlgChapter, _curDlgIndex, _curDlgLang;
void updateDlgBuffer();
void loadDlgHeader(int &vocHighBase, int &vocHighIndex, int &index1, int &index2);
static const uint8 _vocHighTable[];
bool _isStartupDialog;
void processDialog(int vocHighIndex, int vocHighBase, int funcNum);
EMCData _dialogScriptData;
EMCState _dialogScriptState;
int _dialogSceneAnim;
int _dialogSceneScript;
int _dialogScriptFuncStart, _dialogScriptFuncProc, _dialogScriptFuncEnd;
void dialogStartScript(int object, int funcNum);
void dialogEndScript(int object);
void npcChatSequence(const char *str, int object, int vocHigh, int vocLow);
Common::Array<const Opcode *> _opcodesDialog;
int o3d_updateAnim(EMCState *script);
int o3d_delay(EMCState *script);
void randomSceneChat();
void runDialog(int dlgIndex, int funcNum);
// conscience
bool _badConscienceShown;
int _badConscienceAnim;
bool _badConsciencePosition;
static const uint8 _badConscienceFrameTable[];
void showBadConscience();
void hideBadConscience();
bool _goodConscienceShown;
int _goodConscienceAnim;
bool _goodConsciencePosition;
static const uint8 _goodConscienceFrameTable[];
void showGoodConscience();
void hideGoodConscience();
// special script code
bool _useFrameTable;
int o3a_setCharacterFrame(EMCState *script);
int o3a_playSoundEffect(EMCState *script);
// special shape code
int initAnimationShapes(uint8 *filedata);
void uninitAnimationShapes(int count, uint8 *filedata);
// unk
uint8 *_costPalBuffer;
uint8 *_paletteOverlay;
bool _useActorBuffer;
int _currentChapter;
void changeChapter(int newChapter, int sceneId, int malcolmShapes, int facing);
static const uint8 _chapterLowestScene[];
void loadCostPal();
void loadShadowShape();
void loadExtrasShapes();
uint8 *_gfxBackUpRect;
void backUpGfxRect32x32(int x, int y);
void restoreGfxRect32x32(int x, int y);
char *_stringBuffer;
int _score;
int _scoreMax;
const uint8 *_scoreTable;
int _scoreTableSize;
int8 _scoreFlagTable[26];
bool updateScore(int scoreId, int strId);
void scoreIncrease(int count, const char *str);
void eelScript();
// Album
struct Album {
uint8 *backUpPage;
uint8 *file;
WSAMovie_v2 *wsa;
uint8 *backUpRect;
struct PageMovie {
WSAMovie_v2 *wsa;
int curFrame;
int maxFrame;
uint32 timer;
PageMovie leftPage, rightPage;
int curPage, nextPage;
bool running;
bool isPage14;
} _album;
static const int8 _albumWSAX[];
static const int8 _albumWSAY[];
void showAlbum();
void loadAlbumPage();
void loadAlbumPageWSA();
void printAlbumPageText();
void printAlbumText(int page, const char *str, int x, int y, uint8 c0);
void processAlbum();
void albumNewPage();
void albumUpdateAnims();
void albumAnim1();
void albumAnim2();
void albumBackUpRect();
void albumRestoreRect();
void albumUpdateRect();
void albumSwitchPages(int oldPage, int newPage, int srcPage);
int albumNextPage(Button *caller);
int albumPrevPage(Button *caller);
int albumClose(Button *caller);
// save/load
Common::Error saveGameState(int slot, const char *saveName, const Graphics::Surface *thumbnail);
Common::Error loadGameState(int slot);
// opcodes
int o3_getMalcolmShapes(EMCState *script);
int o3_setCharacterPos(EMCState *script);
int o3_defineObject(EMCState *script);
int o3_refreshCharacter(EMCState *script);
int o3_getMalcolmsMood(EMCState *script);
int o3_getCharacterFrameFromFacing(EMCState *script);
int o3_setCharacterFacing(EMCState *script);
int o3_showSceneFileMessage(EMCState *script);
int o3_setCharacterAnimFrameFromFacing(EMCState *script);
int o3_showBadConscience(EMCState *script);
int o3_hideBadConscience(EMCState *script);
int o3_showAlbum(EMCState *script);
int o3_setInventorySlot(EMCState *script);
int o3_getInventorySlot(EMCState *script);
int o3_addItemToInventory(EMCState *script);
int o3_addItemToCurScene(EMCState *script);
int o3_objectChat(EMCState *script);
int o3_resetInventory(EMCState *script);
int o3_removeInventoryItemInstances(EMCState *script);
int o3_countInventoryItemInstances(EMCState *script);
int o3_npcChatSequence(EMCState *script);
int o3_badConscienceChat(EMCState *script);
int o3_wipeDownMouseItem(EMCState *script);
int o3_setMalcolmsMood(EMCState *script);
int o3_updateScore(EMCState *script);
int o3_makeSecondChanceSave(EMCState *script);
int o3_setSceneFilename(EMCState *script);
int o3_removeItemsFromScene(EMCState *script);
int o3_disguiseMalcolm(EMCState *script);
int o3_drawSceneShape(EMCState *script);
int o3_drawSceneShapeOnPage(EMCState *script);
int o3_checkInRect(EMCState *script);
int o3_updateConversations(EMCState *script);
int o3_removeItemSlot(EMCState *script);
int o3_setSceneDim(EMCState *script);
int o3_setSceneAnimPosAndFrame(EMCState *script);
int o3_removeItemInstances(EMCState *script);
int o3_disableInventory(EMCState *script);
int o3_enableInventory(EMCState *script);
int o3_enterNewScene(EMCState *script);
int o3_switchScene(EMCState *script);
int o3_setMalcolmPos(EMCState *script);
int o3_stopMusic(EMCState *script);
int o3_playSoundEffect(EMCState *script);
int o3_getScore(EMCState *script);
int o3_daggerWarning(EMCState *script);
int o3_blockOutWalkableRegion(EMCState *script);
int o3_showSceneStringsMessage(EMCState *script);
int o3_showGoodConscience(EMCState *script);
int o3_goodConscienceChat(EMCState *script);
int o3_hideGoodConscience(EMCState *script);
int o3_defineSceneAnim(EMCState *script);
int o3_updateSceneAnim(EMCState *script);
int o3_runActorScript(EMCState *script);
int o3_runDialog(EMCState *script);
int o3_setConversationState(EMCState *script);
int o3_getConversationState(EMCState *script);
int o3_changeChapter(EMCState *script);
int o3_countItemInstances(EMCState *script);
int o3_dialogStartScript(EMCState *script);
int o3_dialogEndScript(EMCState *script);
int o3_customChat(EMCState *script);
int o3_customChatFinish(EMCState *script);
int o3_setupSceneAnimObject(EMCState *script);
int o3_removeSceneAnimObject(EMCState *script);
int o3_dummy(EMCState *script);
// misc
TextDisplayer_MR *_text;
bool _wasPlayingVQA;
// resource specific
static const char *_languageExtension[];
static const int _languageExtensionSize;
char *appendLanguage(char *buf, int lang, int bufSize);
int loadLanguageFile(const char *file, uint8 *&buffer);
} // End of namespace Kyra