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/* ResidualVM - A 3D game interpreter
* ResidualVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the AUTHORS
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* Additional copyright for this file:
* Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Revolution Software Ltd.
* This code is based on source code created by Revolution Software,
* used with permission.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "engines/icb/p4.h"
#include "engines/icb/common/px_common.h"
#include "engines/icb/common/px_floor_map.h"
#include "engines/icb/common/px_linkeddatafile.h"
#include "engines/icb/common/px_route_barriers.h"
#include "engines/icb/floors.h"
#include "engines/icb/debug.h"
#include "engines/icb/prim_route_builder.h"
#include "engines/icb/remora.h"
#include "engines/icb/global_objects.h"
#include "common/system.h"
#include "common/math.h"
namespace ICB {
uint32 pen;
uint32 timer;
void _prim_route_builder::Reset_barrier_list() {
total_points = 0;
void _prim_route_builder::Add_barrier(_route_barrier *new_barrier) {
barrier_list[total_points].x = new_barrier->x1();
barrier_list[total_points++].z = new_barrier->z1();
barrier_list[total_points].x = new_barrier->x2();
barrier_list[total_points++].z = new_barrier->z2();
if (!ExtrapolateLine(&barrier_list[total_points - 2], &barrier_list[total_points - 1], &barrier_list[total_points - 2], &barrier_list[total_points - 1], extrap_size))
Fatal_error("extrapolate line failed on line %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f", new_barrier->x1(), new_barrier->z1(), new_barrier->x2(), new_barrier->z2());
assert(total_points < MAX_barriers);
void _prim_route_builder::Give_barrier_list(_route_description *route) {
// this may seem daft, but now we're giving the barriers back - for NETHACK diagnostics, not the logic
// this wont be called in final .exe
if (!total_points) {
route->number_of_diag_bars = 0;
// Turn off the new's for PSX under certain conditions
// i.e. a CD 2MB build
// set passed number of points
route->number_of_diag_bars = total_points;
if (route->diag_bars)
Message_box("multiple calls to Give_barrier_list");
route->diag_bars = new _point[total_points];
// move
memcpy((unsigned char *)route->diag_bars, (unsigned char *)barrier_list, ((total_points) * sizeof(_point)));
void _prim_route_builder::Give_route(_route_description *route) {
// copy the route to pass_to
Zdebug("give route %d points", final_points + 1);
for (uint32 j = 0; j < final_points + 1; j++)
Zdebug(" %3.1f %3.1f", final_route[j].x, final_route[j].z);
if (!final_points)
Fatal_error("_prim_route_builder::Give_route no route to give!");
// do a check for length exceeding MAX_final_route as this isnt really done anyway - it will have already scribbled of course but hey we're hanging on in there
if (final_points + 1 >= MAX_final_route)
Fatal_error("route too big");
// pass number of points
route->total_points = final_points + 1;
// routes start at point 1 as route creator gives our start position as point 0
route->current_position = 1;
memcpy((unsigned char *)route->prim_route, (unsigned char *)final_route, ((final_points + 1) * sizeof(_point)));
final_points = 0; // effectively clear the route
_route_stat _prim_route_builder::Calc_route(PXreal startx, PXreal startz, PXreal endx, PXreal endz) {
// total_points is the number of dots derives from lines - i.e lines*2
// we then add 2 to this to get our total number of points
// true_points == lines*2 +2 where lines*2 means a point at either end of each barrier +2 for start and end points
// uses 'points' as waypoints plus points[0] is start and points[total_points+1] is end point
// used 'lines' as list of barriers
uint32 j, l, thisp, lastp, go;
uint32 to;
// Used for computing how to index into the bit based arrays
uint32 jplace, jremainder;
Zdebug("-*-calc route-*-");
if (total_points + 2 >= MAX_barriers) {
Fatal_error("too many barriers %d MAX %d", total_points + 2, MAX_barriers);
// insert start and end positions
barrier_list[total_points].x = startx;
barrier_list[total_points++].z = startz;
barrier_list[total_points].x = endx;
barrier_list[total_points++].z = endz;
// reset the hit tables
for (go = 0; go < total_points; go++) { // goes for total number of points excluding target
for (l = 0; l < total_points; l++) {
hits[go][l] = 0;
gohits[go][l] = 0;
for (l = 0; l < (total_points + 7) / 8; l++) {
hitsBits[go][l] = 0;
gohitsBits[go][l] = 0;
// create the exclusion table
// exclude = new uint32 [total_points];
memset((unsigned char *)exclude, 0, (total_points) * sizeof(uint8)); // zero the table
// create the temporary exclusion table
// temp_exclude = new uint32 [total_points];
memset((unsigned char *)temp_exclude, 0, (total_points) * sizeof(uint8)); // zero the table
// firsly prime the system by seeing what gets to the target
to = total_points - 1; // last point defined is target
// test all points against target 'to'
for (j = 0; j < total_points - 1; j++) { //-1 means don't test the last point against itself
// ok, point 'j' can be tested to see if can reach point 'to'
// test against all our lines
for (l = 0; l < total_points - 2; l += 2) {
// dont test point J against the line it is derived from
if (l != (j & 0xfffffffe)) {
if (Get_intersect(/*firing line from*/ barrier_list[j].x, barrier_list[j].z, /*firing line to*/ barrier_list[to].x, barrier_list[to].z,
/*barrier*/ barrier_list[l].x, barrier_list[l].z, barrier_list[l + 1].x, barrier_list[l + 1].z)) {
break; // intersection found j does not get to to
// if it gets there then mark in
if (l == total_points - 2) {
if (j == (total_points - 2)) { // target got there?
Zdebug("straight line HIT!");
final_points = 1; // end point is an off the end value (final_points+1)=dest
// insert start point
final_route[0].x = startx;
final_route[0].z = startz;
// insert end point
final_route[1].x = endx;
final_route[1].z = endz;
return (__PRIM_ROUTE_OK);
hits[to][j] = 1;
gohits[0][j] = 1; // what hit in go 0
exclude[j] = 1; // no int32er check this point
// Set the bit arrays to 1
jplace = j >> 3;
jremainder = j & 0x7;
hitsBits[to][jplace] |= (1 << jremainder);
gohitsBits[0][jplace] |= (1 << jremainder);
// test every thing that hit in go[last-go][-] against everything not excluded so far
for (go = 1; go < total_points - 1; go++) { // goes for total number of points excluding the target
// read along finding the points that connected up last go
for (lastp = 0; lastp < total_points - 2; lastp++) { // never the start point or the end point
uint32 flag;
jplace = lastp >> 3;
jremainder = lastp & 0x7;
flag = gohitsBits[go - 1][jplace] & (1 << jremainder);
if ((flag != 0) != (gohits[go - 1][lastp] != 0)) {
Fatal_error("bits i:%d j:%d p:%d r:%d flag:%d gohits:%d", go - 1, lastp, jplace, jremainder, flag, gohits[go - 1][lastp]);
if (flag != 0) { // find points that connected last go
// now check all non excluded points against lastp - lastp being the point that connected last go
for (thisp = 0; thisp < total_points - 1; thisp++) // all points to that point last go
if (!exclude[thisp]) { // not excluded points
// test point thisp to point lastp
// test against all our lines
for (l = 0; l < total_points - 2; l += 2) {
// dont test point J against the line it is derived from
if ((l != (thisp & 0xfffffffe)) && (l != (lastp & 0xfffffffe))) {
if (Get_intersect(/*firing line*/ barrier_list[thisp].x, barrier_list[thisp].z, barrier_list[lastp].x,
/*barrier*/ barrier_list[l].x, barrier_list[l].z, barrier_list[l + 1].x, barrier_list[l + 1].z)) {
break; // intersection found thisp does not get to lastp
// if it gets there then mark in
if (l == total_points - 2) {
hits[lastp][thisp] = 1; // hits[point-hit-last-go] [point-that's-just-connected-this-go]
gohits[go][thisp] = 1; // this point hit this go
// Set the bit arrays to 1
jplace = thisp >> 3;
jremainder = thisp & 0x7;
hitsBits[lastp][jplace] |= (1 << jremainder);
gohitsBits[go][jplace] |= (1 << jremainder);
if (thisp == total_points - 2) { // the start point has connected so abandon the search for hits to lastp
break; // quit the FOR(thisp loop
temp_exclude[thisp] = 1; // never exclude point 0
// allow thisp to be tested against other points this cycle
// update exclude list
for (j = 0; j < total_points; j++) {
if (temp_exclude[j]) {
exclude[j] = 1; // update main exclude list
temp_exclude[j] = 0; // reset for next cycle
// now work out what different routes we found - if any
final_points = 0; // number of points in route
final_len = REAL_MAX; // primer value - any route will be shorter than this
timer = g_system->getMillis();
pen = 15;
Find_connects(total_points - 2, REAL_ZERO, 0);
Tdebug("trout.txt", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
timer = g_system->getMillis() - timer;
// paste in the destination
final_route[final_points].x = endx;
final_route[final_points].z = endz;
if (!final_points)
return (__PRIM_ROUTE_FAIL);
return (__PRIM_ROUTE_OK);
// line length == PXsqrt ( (x-x2)*(x-x2) + (y-y2)*(y-y2) )
void _prim_route_builder::Find_connects(uint32 point, PXreal cur_len, uint32 level) {
// what does 'point' get to?
// hurray, reentrant code
// when the target room is met we see if its the shortest route yet found - if so copy temp route to final in case its 'the one'
uint32 j, k;
PXreal branch_len;
PXreal sub1;
PXreal sub2;
uint32 flag;
// Used for computing how to index into the bit based arrays
uint32 jplace, jremainder;
temp_route[level] = (uint8)point;
Tdebug("trout.txt", "l %d", level);
for (j = 0; j < total_points; j++) {
// test the bit array
jplace = point >> 3;
jremainder = point & 0x7;
flag = hitsBits[j][jplace] & (1 << jremainder);
if ((flag != 0) != (hits[j][point] != 0)) {
Fatal_error("bits i:%d j:%d p:%d r:%d flag:%d hits:%d", j, point, jplace, jremainder, flag, hits[j][point]);
if (flag != 0) { // we say - what points does point get to?
sub1 = (PXreal)barrier_list[j].x - barrier_list[point].x;
sub2 = (PXreal)barrier_list[j].z - barrier_list[point].z;
// pythagoras no less
// Don't need m_fabs as sqrt is always +ve
branch_len = (PXfloat)PXsqrt((sub1 * sub1) + (sub2 * sub2));
Tdebug("trout.txt", "branch %.1f", branch_len);
if (j != total_points - 1) { // not end point then keep going
Find_connects(j, cur_len + branch_len, level + 1);
} else {
pen += 20;
Tdebug("trout.txt", "hit the target");
if ((branch_len + cur_len) < final_len) { // point we got to is final point, so
Tdebug("trout.txt", "%d shorter than %d", (int32)(branch_len + cur_len), (int32)final_len);
final_len = branch_len + cur_len;
final_points = level + 1;
for (k = 0; k < level + 1; k++) {
final_route[k].x = barrier_list[temp_route[k]].x;
final_route[k].z = barrier_list[temp_route[k]].z;
} else
Tdebug("trout.txt", "%d is int32er then %d", (int32)(branch_len + cur_len), (int32)final_len);
uint32 _prim_route_builder::ExtrapolateLine(_point *pSrc0, _point *pSrc1, _point *pDst0, _point *pDst1, int32 d) {
// pSrc0, pSrc1 -> Source points!
// pDst0, pDst1 -> Destination points!
_fpoint p0, p1;
int32 swapped = 0;
// Make sure points are going from left to right!
if (pSrc0->x < pSrc1->x) {
p0.x = (PXdouble)(pSrc0->x);
p0.z = (PXdouble)(pSrc0->z);
p1.x = (PXdouble)(pSrc1->x);
p1.z = (PXdouble)(pSrc1->z);
} else {
p1.x = (PXdouble)(pSrc0->x);
p1.z = (PXdouble)(pSrc0->z);
p0.x = (PXdouble)(pSrc1->x);
p0.z = (PXdouble)(pSrc1->z);
swapped = 1;
// Jake - for readability and to make sure we don't rely on the optimiser
_fpoint delta;
delta.x = (p1.x - p0.x);
delta.z = (p1.z - p0.z);
PXdouble val = delta.x * delta.x + delta.z * delta.z;
// This is only trying to test for a zero length line
if (val <= 0.0)
return 0;
PXdouble l = sqrt(val);
PXdouble dx = (d * delta.x) / l;
PXdouble dz = (d * delta.z) / l;
if (swapped) {
pDst0->x = (PXreal)(p1.x + dx);
pDst0->z = (PXreal)(p1.z + dz);
pDst1->x = (PXreal)(p0.x - dx);
pDst1->z = (PXreal)(p0.z - dz);
} else {
pDst0->x = (PXreal)(p0.x - dx);
pDst0->z = (PXreal)(p0.z - dz);
pDst1->x = (PXreal)(p1.x + dx);
pDst1->z = (PXreal)(p1.z + dz);
return 1;
PXfloat _prim_route_builder::m_fabs(PXfloat val) {
if (val < FLOAT_ZERO)
return FLOAT_ZERO - val;
return val;
int32 _prim_route_builder::Get_intersect(PXreal x0, PXreal y0, PXreal x1, PXreal y1, PXreal x2, PXreal y2, PXreal x3, PXreal y3) { // S2.1(19Mar96tw)
PXfloat fAX, fBX, fCX, fAY, fBY, fCY;
PXfloat fX1Low, fX1High, fY1Low, fY1High;
PXfloat fD, fE, fF;
// PXfloat fNum, fOffset;
// Work out some commonly used terms.
fAX = x1 - x0;
fBX = x2 - x3;
// X bounding box test.
if (fAX < FLOAT_ZERO) {
fX1Low = x1;
fX1High = x0;
} else {
fX1High = x1;
fX1Low = x0;
if (fBX > FLOAT_ZERO) {
if ((fX1High < x3) || (x2 < fX1Low))
return 0;
} else {
if ((fX1High < x2) || (x3 < fX1Low))
return 0;
// More common terms.
fAY = y1 - y0;
fBY = y2 - y3;
// Y bounding box test.
if (fAY < FLOAT_ZERO) {
fY1Low = y1;
fY1High = y0;
} else {
fY1High = y1;
fY1Low = y0;
if (fBY > FLOAT_ZERO) {
if ((fY1High < y3) || (y2 < fY1Low))
return 0;
} else {
if ((fY1High < y2) || (y3 < fY1Low))
return 0;
// Couldn't dismiss the lines on their bounding rectangles, so do a proper intersection.
fCX = x0 - x2;
fCY = y0 - y2;
fD = (fBY * fCX) - (fBX * fCY);
fF = (fAY * fBX) - (fAX * fBY);
if (fF > FLOAT_ZERO) {
if ((fD < FLOAT_ZERO) || (fD > fF))
return 0;
} else {
if ((fD > FLOAT_ZERO) || (fD < fF))
return 0;
fE = (fAX * fCY) - (fAY * fCX);
if (fF > FLOAT_ZERO) {
if ((fE < FLOAT_ZERO) || (fE > fF))
return 0;
} else {
if ((fE > FLOAT_ZERO) || (fE < fF))
return 0;
// At this point, we can say that the lines do intersect as int32 as they are not
// colinear (colinear is indicated by fF == 0.0).
if (fabs(fF - FLOAT_ZERO) < (FLT_MIN * 10.0f))
return 0;
return 1;
bool8 _prim_route_builder::LineIntersectsRect(DXrect oRect, int32 nX1, int32 nY1, int32 nX2, int32 nY2) const {
return (g_oRemora->CohenSutherland(oRect, nX1, nY1, nX2, nY2, FALSE8));
} // End of namespace ICB