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/* Copyright (C) 1994-1998 Revolution Software Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2003-2005 The ScummVM project
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* $Header$
#include "common/stdafx.h"
#include "common/file.h"
#include "common/system.h"
#include "sword2/sword2.h"
#include "sword2/defs.h"
#include "sword2/build_display.h"
#include "sword2/console.h"
#include "sword2/interpreter.h"
#include "sword2/logic.h"
#include "sword2/maketext.h"
#include "sword2/memory.h"
#include "sword2/mouse.h"
#include "sword2/resman.h"
#include "sword2/router.h"
#include "sword2/sound.h"
#include "sword2/driver/animation.h"
namespace Sword2 {
int32 Logic::fnTestFunction(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 address of a flag
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnTestFlags(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 value of flag
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnRegisterStartPoint(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 id of startup script to call - key
// 1 pointer to ascii message
int32 key = params[0];
char *name = (char *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[1]);
_vm->registerStartPoint(key, name);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnInitBackground(int32 *params) {
// this screen defines the size of the back buffer
// params: 0 res id of normal background layer - cannot be 0
// 1 1 yes 0 no for a new palette
_vm->_screen->initBackground(params[0], params[1]);
return IR_CONT;
* This function is used by start scripts.
int32 Logic::fnSetSession(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 id of new run list
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnBackSprite(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's graphic structure
setSpriteStatus(params[0], BACK_SPRITE);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnSortSprite(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's graphic structure
setSpriteStatus(params[0], SORT_SPRITE);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnForeSprite(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's graphic structure
setSpriteStatus(params[0], FORE_SPRITE);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnRegisterMouse(int32 *params) {
// this call would be made from an objects service script 0
// the object would be one with no graphic but with a mouse - i.e. a
// floor or one whose mouse area is manually defined rather than
// intended to fit sprite shape
// params: 0 pointer to ObjectMouse or 0 for no write to mouse
// list
ObjectMouse *ob_mouse = (ObjectMouse *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
_vm->_mouse->registerMouse(ob_mouse, NULL);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnAnim(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's logic structure
// 1 pointer to object's graphic structure
// 2 resource id of animation file
// 0 means normal forward anim
return animate(params, false);
int32 Logic::fnRandom(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 min
// 1 max
_scriptVars[RESULT] = _vm->_rnd.getRandomNumberRng(params[0], params[1]);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnPreLoad(int32 *params) {
// Forces a resource into memory before it's "officially" opened for
// use. eg. if an anim needs to run on smoothly from another,
// "preloading" gets it into memory in advance to avoid the cacheing
// delay that normally occurs before the first frame.
// params: 0 resource to preload
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnAddSubject(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 id
// 1 daves reference number
if (_scriptVars[IN_SUBJECT] == 0) {
// This is the start of the new subject list. Set the default
// repsonse id to zero in case we're never passed one.
_defaultResponseId = 0;
if (params[0] == -1) {
// Id -1 is used for setting the default response, i.e. the
// response when someone uses an object on a person and he
// doesn't know anything about it. See fnChoose() below.
_defaultResponseId = params[1];
} else {
debug(5, "fnAddSubject res %d, uid %d", params[0], params[1]);
_subjectList[_scriptVars[IN_SUBJECT]].res = params[0];
_subjectList[_scriptVars[IN_SUBJECT]].ref = params[1];
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnInteract(int32 *params) {
// Run targets action on a subroutine. Called by player on his base
// level 0 idle, for example.
// params: 0 id of target from which we derive action script
// reference
_scriptVars[PLAYER_ACTION] = 0; // must clear this
logicUp((params[0] << 16) | 2); // 3rd script of clicked on id
// Out, up and around again - pc is saved for current level to be
// returned to.
return IR_GOSUB;
int32 Logic::fnChoose(int32 *params) {
// params: none
// This opcode is used to open the conversation menu. The human is
// switched off so there will be no normal mouse engine.
// The player's choice is piggy-backed on the standard opcode return
// values, to be used with the CP_JUMP_ON_RETURNED opcode. As far as I
// can tell, this is the only function that uses that feature.
uint i;
_scriptVars[AUTO_SELECTED] = 0;
if (_scriptVars[OBJECT_HELD]) {
// The player used an object on a person. In this case it
// triggered a conversation menu. Act as if the user tried to
// talk to the person about that object. If the person doesn't
// know anything about it, use the default response.
uint32 response = _defaultResponseId;
for (i = 0; i < _scriptVars[IN_SUBJECT]; i++) {
if (_subjectList[i].res == _scriptVars[OBJECT_HELD]) {
response = _subjectList[i].ref;
// The user won't be holding the object any more, and the
// conversation menu will be closed.
_scriptVars[OBJECT_HELD] = 0;
_scriptVars[IN_SUBJECT] = 0;
return IR_CONT | (response << 3);
if (_scriptVars[CHOOSER_COUNT_FLAG] == 0 && _scriptVars[IN_SUBJECT] == 1 && _subjectList[0].res == EXIT_ICON) {
// This is the first time the chooser is coming up in this
// conversation, there is only one subject and that's the
// EXIT icon.
// In other words, the player doesn't have anything to talk
// about. Skip it.
// The conversation menu will be closed. We set AUTO_SELECTED
// because the speech script depends on it.
_scriptVars[AUTO_SELECTED] = 1;
_scriptVars[IN_SUBJECT] = 0;
return IR_CONT | (_subjectList[0].ref << 3);
byte *icon;
if (!_choosing) {
// This is a new conversation menu.
if (!_scriptVars[IN_SUBJECT])
error("fnChoose with no subjects");
for (i = 0; i < _scriptVars[IN_SUBJECT]; i++) {
icon = _vm->_resman->openResource(_subjectList[i].res) + sizeof(StandardHeader) + RDMENU_ICONWIDE * RDMENU_ICONDEEP;
_vm->_mouse->setMenuIcon(RDMENU_BOTTOM, i, icon);
for (; i < 15; i++)
_vm->_mouse->setMenuIcon(RDMENU_BOTTOM, (uint8) i, NULL);
_choosing = true;
return IR_REPEAT;
// The menu is there - we're just waiting for a click. We only care
// about left clicks.
MouseEvent *me = _vm->mouseEvent();
int mouseX, mouseY;
_vm->_mouse->getPos(mouseX, mouseY);
if (!me || !(me->buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN) || mouseY < 400)
return IR_REPEAT;
// Check for click on a menu.
int hit = _vm->_mouse->menuClick(_scriptVars[IN_SUBJECT]);
if (hit < 0)
return IR_REPEAT;
// Hilight the clicked icon by greying the others.
for (i = 0; i < _scriptVars[IN_SUBJECT]; i++) {
if ((int) i != hit) {
icon = _vm->_resman->openResource(_subjectList[i].res) + sizeof(StandardHeader);
_vm->_mouse->setMenuIcon(RDMENU_BOTTOM, i, icon);
// For non-speech scripts that manually call the chooser
_scriptVars[RESULT] = _subjectList[hit].res;
// The conversation menu will be closed
_choosing = false;
_scriptVars[IN_SUBJECT] = 0;
return IR_CONT | (_subjectList[hit].ref << 3);
* Walk mega to (x,y,dir). Set RESULT to 0 if it succeeded. Otherwise, set
* RESULT to 1.
int32 Logic::fnWalk(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's logic structure
// 1 pointer to object's graphic structure
// 2 pointer to object's mega structure
// 3 pointer to object's walkdata structure
// 4 target x-coord
// 5 target y-coord
// 6 target direction (8 means end walk on ANY direction)
ObjectLogic *ob_logic = (ObjectLogic *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
ObjectGraphic *ob_graph = (ObjectGraphic *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[1]);
ObjectMega *ob_mega = (ObjectMega *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[2]);
int16 target_x = (int16) params[4];
int16 target_y = (int16) params[5];
uint8 target_dir = (uint8) params[6];
ObjectWalkdata *ob_walkdata;
// If this is the start of the walk, calculate the route.
if (!ob_logic->looping) {
// If we're already there, don't even bother allocating
// memory and calling the router, just quit back & continue
// the script! This avoids an embarassing mega stand frame
// appearing for one cycle when we're already in position for
// an anim eg. repeatedly clicking on same object to repeat
// an anim - no mega frame will appear in between runs of the
// anim.
if (ob_mega->feet_x == target_x && ob_mega->feet_y == target_y && ob_mega->current_dir == target_dir) {
_scriptVars[RESULT] = 0;
return IR_CONT;
assert(params[6] >= 0 && params[6] <= 8);
ob_walkdata = (ObjectWalkdata *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[3]);
ob_mega->walk_pc = 0;
// Set up mem for _walkData in route_slots[] & set mega's
// 'route_slot_id' accordingly
int32 route = _router->routeFinder(ob_mega, ob_walkdata, target_x, target_y, target_dir);
// 0 = can't make route to target
// 1 = created route
// 2 = zero route but may need to turn
if (route == 1 || route == 2) {
// so script fnWalk loop continues until end of
// walk-anim
ob_logic->looping = 1;
// need to animate the route now, so don't set result
// or return yet!
// started walk
ob_mega->currently_walking = 1;
// (see fnGetPlayerSaveData() in save_rest.cpp
} else {
_scriptVars[RESULT] = 1;
return IR_CONT;
// Walk is about to start, so set the mega's graphic resource
ob_graph->anim_resource = ob_mega->megaset_res;
} else if (_scriptVars[EXIT_FADING] && _vm->_screen->getFadeStatus() == RDFADE_BLACK) {
// Double clicked an exit so quit the walk when screen is black
// ok, thats it - back to script and change screen
ob_logic->looping = 0;
// Must clear in-case on the new screen there's a walk
// instruction (which would get cut short)
_scriptVars[EXIT_CLICK_ID] = 0;
// finished walk
ob_mega->currently_walking = 0;
// see fnGetPlayerSaveData() in save_rest.cpp
_scriptVars[RESULT] = 0;
// continue the script so that RESULT can be checked!
return IR_CONT;
// get pointer to walkanim & current frame position
WalkData *walkAnim = _router->getRouteMem();
int32 walk_pc = ob_mega->walk_pc;
// If stopping the walk early, overwrite the next step with a
// slow-out, then finish
if (checkEventWaiting()) {
if (walkAnim[walk_pc].step == 0 && walkAnim[walk_pc + 1].step == 1) {
// At the beginning of a step
ob_walkdata = (ObjectWalkdata *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[3]);
_router->earlySlowOut(ob_mega, ob_walkdata);
// Get new frame of walk
ob_graph->anim_pc = walkAnim[walk_pc].frame;
ob_mega->current_dir = walkAnim[walk_pc].dir;
ob_mega->feet_x = walkAnim[walk_pc].x;
ob_mega->feet_y = walkAnim[walk_pc].y;
// Check if NEXT frame is in fact the end-marker of the walk sequence
// so we can return to script just as the final (stand) frame of the
// walk is set - so that if followed by an anim, the anim's first
// frame replaces the final stand-frame of the walk (see below)
// '512' is end-marker
if (walkAnim[walk_pc + 1].frame == 512) {
ob_logic->looping = 0;
// finished walk
ob_mega->currently_walking = 0;
// (see fnGetPlayerSaveData() in save_rest.cpp
// if George's walk has been interrupted to run a new action
// script for instance or Nico's walk has been interrupted by
// player clicking on her to talk
// There used to be code here for checking if two megas were
// colliding, but that code had been commented out, and it
// was only run if a function that always returned zero
// returned non-zero.
if (checkEventWaiting()) {
_scriptVars[RESULT] = 1;
} else {
_scriptVars[RESULT] = 0;
// CONTINUE the script so that RESULT can be checked!
// Also, if an anim command follows the fnWalk command,
// the 1st frame of the anim (which is always a stand
// frame itself) can replace the final stand frame of
// the walk, to hide the slight difference between the
// shrinking on the mega frames and the pre-shrunk anim
// start-frame.
return IR_CONT;
// Increment the walkanim frame number and come back next cycle
return IR_REPEAT;
* Walk mega to start position of anim
int32 Logic::fnWalkToAnim(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's logic structure
// 1 pointer to object's graphic structure
// 2 pointer to object's mega structure
// 3 pointer to object's walkdata structure
// 4 anim resource id
int32 pars[7];
// Walkdata is needed for earlySlowOut if player clicks elsewhere
// during the walk.
pars[0] = params[0];
pars[1] = params[1];
pars[2] = params[2];
pars[3] = params[3];
ObjectLogic *ob_logic = (ObjectLogic *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
// If this is the start of the walk, read anim file to get start coords
if (!ob_logic->looping) {
byte *anim_file = _vm->_resman->openResource(params[4]);
AnimHeader *anim_head = _vm->fetchAnimHeader( anim_file );
pars[4] = anim_head->feetStartX;
pars[5] = anim_head->feetStartY;
pars[6] = anim_head->feetStartDir;
// If start coords not yet set in anim header, use the standby
// coords (which should be set beforehand in the script).
if (pars[4] == 0 && pars[5] == 0) {
byte buf[NAME_LEN];
pars[4] = _standbyX;
pars[5] = _standbyY;
pars[6] = _standbyDir;
debug(3, "WARNING: fnWalkToAnim(%s) used standby coords", _vm->fetchObjectName(params[4], buf));
assert(pars[6] >= 0 && pars[6] <= 7);
return fnWalk(pars);
* Turn mega to the specified direction. Just needs to call fnWalk() with
* current feet coords, so router can produce anim of turn frames.
int32 Logic::fnTurn(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's logic structure
// 1 pointer to object's graphic structure
// 2 pointer to object's mega structure
// 3 pointer to object's walkdata structure
// 4 target direction
int32 pars[7];
pars[0] = params[0];
pars[1] = params[1];
pars[2] = params[2];
pars[3] = params[3];
ObjectLogic *ob_logic = (ObjectLogic *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
// If this is the start of the turn, get the mega's current feet
// coords + the required direction
if (!ob_logic->looping) {
assert(params[4] >= 0 && params[4] <= 7);
ObjectMega *ob_mega = (ObjectMega *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[2]);
pars[4] = ob_mega->feet_x;
pars[5] = ob_mega->feet_y;
pars[6] = params[4];
return fnWalk(pars);
* Stand mega at (x,y,dir)
* Sets up the graphic object, but also needs to set the new 'current_dir' in
* the mega object, so the router knows in future
int32 Logic::fnStandAt(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's graphic structure
// 1 pointer to object's mega structure
// 2 target x-coord
// 3 target y-coord
// 4 target direction
assert(params[4] >= 0 && params[4] <= 7);
ObjectGraphic *ob_graph = (ObjectGraphic *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
ObjectMega *ob_mega = (ObjectMega *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[1]);
// set up the stand frame & set the mega's new direction
ob_mega->feet_x = params[2];
ob_mega->feet_y = params[3];
ob_mega->current_dir = params[4];
// mega-set animation file
ob_graph->anim_resource = ob_mega->megaset_res;
// dir + first stand frame (always frame 96)
ob_graph->anim_pc = params[4] + 96;
return IR_CONT;
* Stand mega into the specified direction at current feet coords.
* Just needs to call fnStandAt() with current feet coords.
int32 Logic::fnStand(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's graphic structure
// 1 pointer to object's mega structure
// 2 target direction
ObjectMega *ob_mega = (ObjectMega *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[1]);
int32 pars[5];
pars[0] = params[0];
pars[1] = params[1];
pars[2] = ob_mega->feet_x;
pars[3] = ob_mega->feet_y;
pars[4] = params[2];
return fnStandAt(pars);
* stand mega at end position of anim
int32 Logic::fnStandAfterAnim(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's graphic structure
// 1 pointer to object's mega structure
// 2 anim resource id
byte *anim_file = _vm->_resman->openResource(params[2]);
AnimHeader *anim_head = _vm->fetchAnimHeader(anim_file);
int32 pars[5];
pars[0] = params[0];
pars[1] = params[1];
pars[2] = anim_head->feetEndX;
pars[3] = anim_head->feetEndY;
pars[4] = anim_head->feetEndDir;
// If start coords not available either use the standby coords (which
// should be set beforehand in the script)
if (pars[2] == 0 && pars[3] == 0) {
byte buf[NAME_LEN];
pars[2] = _standbyX;
pars[3] = _standbyY;
pars[4] = _standbyDir;
debug(3, "WARNING: fnStandAfterAnim(%s) used standby coords", _vm->fetchObjectName(params[2], buf));
assert(pars[4] >= 0 && pars[4] <= 7);
return fnStandAt(pars);
int32 Logic::fnPause(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's logic structure
// 1 number of game-cycles to pause
// NB. Pause-value of 0 causes script to continue, 1 causes a 1-cycle
// quit, 2 gives 2 cycles, etc.
ObjectLogic *ob_logic = (ObjectLogic *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
if (ob_logic->looping == 0) {
ob_logic->looping = 1;
ob_logic->pause = params[1];
if (ob_logic->pause) {
return IR_REPEAT;
ob_logic->looping = 0;
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnMegaTableAnim(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's logic structure
// 1 pointer to object's graphic structure
// 2 pointer to object's mega structure
// 3 pointer to animation table
// 0 means normal forward anim
return megaTableAnimate(params, false);
int32 Logic::fnAddMenuObject(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to a MenuObject structure to copy down
MenuObject *menuObject = (MenuObject *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
return IR_CONT;
* Start a conversation.
* Note that fnStartConversation() might accidentally be called every time the
* script loops back for another chooser, but we only want to reset the chooser
* count flag the first time this function is called, i.e. when the talk flag
* is zero.
int32 Logic::fnStartConversation(int32 *params) {
// params: none
return IR_CONT;
* End a conversation.
int32 Logic::fnEndConversation(int32 *params) {
// params: none
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnSetFrame(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's graphic structure
// 1 resource id of animation file
// 2 frame flag (0=first 1=last)
int32 res = params[1];
// open the resource (& check it's valid)
byte *anim_file = _vm->_resman->openResource(res);
StandardHeader *head = (StandardHeader *) anim_file;
assert(head->fileType == ANIMATION_FILE);
// set up pointer to the animation header
AnimHeader *anim_head = _vm->fetchAnimHeader(anim_file);
// set up anim resource in graphic object
ObjectGraphic *ob_graphic = (ObjectGraphic *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
ob_graphic->anim_resource = res;
ob_graphic->anim_pc = params[2] ? anim_head->noAnimFrames - 1 : 0;
// Close the anim file and drop out of script
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnRandomPause(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's logic structure
// 1 minimum number of game-cycles to pause
// 2 maximum number of game-cycles to pause
ObjectLogic *ob_logic = (ObjectLogic *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
int32 pars[2];
if (ob_logic->looping == 0) {
pars[0] = params[1];
pars[1] = params[2];
pars[1] = _scriptVars[RESULT];
pars[0] = params[0];
return fnPause(pars);
int32 Logic::fnRegisterFrame(int32 *params) {
// this call would be made from an objects service script 0
// params: 0 pointer to mouse structure or NULL for no write to
// mouse list (non-zero means write sprite-shape to
// mouse list)
// 1 pointer to graphic structure
// 2 pointer to mega structure or NULL if not a mega
ObjectMouse *ob_mouse = (ObjectMouse *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
ObjectGraphic *ob_graph = (ObjectGraphic *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[1]);
ObjectMega *ob_mega = (ObjectMega *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[2]);
_vm->_screen->registerFrame(ob_mouse, ob_graph, ob_mega);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnNoSprite(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's graphic structure
setSpriteStatus(params[0], NO_SPRITE);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnSendSync(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 sync's recipient
// 1 sync value
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_syncs; i++) {
if (_syncList[i].id == 0) {
debug(5, "%d sends sync %d to %d", _scriptVars[ID], params[1], params[0]);
_syncList[i].id = params[0];
_syncList[i].sync = params[1];
return IR_CONT;
// The original code didn't even check for this condition, so maybe
// it should be a fatal error?
warning("No free sync slot");
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnUpdatePlayerStats(int32 *params) {
// engine needs to know certain info about the player
// params: 0 pointer to mega structure
ObjectMega *ob_mega = (ObjectMega *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
ScreenInfo *screenInfo = _vm->_screen->getScreenInfo();
screenInfo->player_feet_x = ob_mega->feet_x;
screenInfo->player_feet_y = ob_mega->feet_y;
// for the script
_scriptVars[PLAYER_FEET_X] = ob_mega->feet_x;
_scriptVars[PLAYER_FEET_Y] = ob_mega->feet_y;
_scriptVars[PLAYER_CUR_DIR] = ob_mega->current_dir;
_scriptVars[SCROLL_OFFSET_X] = screenInfo->scroll_offset_x;
debug(5, "fnUpdatePlayerStats: %d %d", ob_mega->feet_x, ob_mega->feet_y);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnPassGraph(int32 *params) {
// makes an engine local copy of passed ObjectGraphic - run script 4
// of an object to request this used by fnTurnTo(id) etc
// remember, we cannot simply read a compact any longer but instead
// must request it from the object itself
// params: 0 pointer to an ObjectGraphic structure
warning("fnPassGraph() is a no-op now");
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnInitFloorMouse(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's mouse structure
ObjectMouse *ob_mouse = (ObjectMouse *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
ScreenInfo *screenInfo = _vm->_screen->getScreenInfo();
// floor is always lowest priority
ob_mouse->x1 = 0;
ob_mouse->y1 = 0;
ob_mouse->x2 = screenInfo->screen_wide - 1;
ob_mouse->y2 = screenInfo->screen_deep - 1;
ob_mouse->priority = 9;
ob_mouse->pointer = NORMAL_MOUSE_ID;
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnPassMega(int32 *params) {
// makes an engine local copy of passed graphic_structure and
// mega_structure - run script 4 of an object to request this
// used by fnTurnTo(id) etc
// remember, we cannot simply read a compact any longer but instead
// must request it from the object itself
// params: 0 pointer to a mega structure
memcpy(&_engineMega, _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]), sizeof(ObjectMega));
return IR_CONT;
* Turn mega to face point (x,y) on the floor
* Just needs to call fnWalk() with current feet coords & direction computed
* by whatTarget()
int32 Logic::fnFaceXY(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's logic structure
// 1 pointer to object's graphic structure
// 2 pointer to object's mega structure
// 3 pointer to object's walkdata structure
// 4 target x-coord
// 5 target y-coord
int32 pars[7];
pars[0] = params[0];
pars[1] = params[1];
pars[2] = params[2];
pars[3] = params[3];
ObjectLogic *ob_logic = (ObjectLogic *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
// If this is the start of the turn, get the mega's current feet
// coords + the required direction
if (!ob_logic->looping) {
ObjectMega *ob_mega = (ObjectMega *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[2]);
pars[4] = ob_mega->feet_x;
pars[5] = ob_mega->feet_y;
pars[6] = whatTarget(ob_mega->feet_x, ob_mega->feet_y, params[4], params[5]);
return fnWalk(pars);
* Causes no more objects in this logic loop to be processed. The logic engine
* will restart at the beginning of the new list. The current screen will not
* be drawn!
int32 Logic::fnEndSession(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 id of new run-list
// terminate current and change to next run-list
// stop the script - logic engine will now go around and the new
// screen will begin
return IR_STOP;
int32 Logic::fnNoHuman(int32 *params) {
// params: none
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnAddHuman(int32 *params) {
// params: none
return IR_CONT;
* Wait for a target to become waiting, i.e. not busy.
int32 Logic::fnWeWait(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 target
StandardHeader *head = (StandardHeader *) _vm->_resman->openResource(params[0]);
assert(head->fileType == GAME_OBJECT);
// Run the target's get-speech-state script
int32 target = params[0];
char *raw_script_ad = (char *) head;
uint32 null_pc = 5;
runScript(raw_script_ad, raw_script_ad, &null_pc);
if (_scriptVars[RESULT] == 0) {
// The target is busy. Try again.
_vm->_debugger->_speechScriptWaiting = target;
return IR_REPEAT;
// The target is waiting, i.e. not busy.
_vm->_debugger->_speechScriptWaiting = 0;
return IR_CONT;
* Wait for a target to become waiting, i.e. not busy, send a command to it,
* then wait for it to finish.
int32 Logic::fnTheyDoWeWait(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to ob_logic
// 1 target
// 2 command
// 3 ins1
// 4 ins2
// 5 ins3
// 6 ins4
// 7 ins5
StandardHeader *head = (StandardHeader *) _vm->_resman->openResource(params[1]);
assert(head->fileType == GAME_OBJECT);
// Run the target's get-speech-state script
int32 target = params[1];
char *raw_script_ad = (char *) head;
uint32 null_pc = 5;
runScript(raw_script_ad, raw_script_ad, &null_pc);
ObjectLogic *ob_logic = (ObjectLogic *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
if (_scriptVars[RESULT] == 1 && !_scriptVars[INS_COMMAND] && ob_logic->looping == 0) {
// The target is waiting, i.e. not busy, and there is no other
// command queued. We haven't sent the command yet, so do it.
debug(5, "fnTheyDoWeWait: sending command to %d", target);
_vm->_debugger->_speechScriptWaiting = target;
ob_logic->looping = 1;
_scriptVars[SPEECH_ID] = params[1];
_scriptVars[INS_COMMAND] = params[2];
_scriptVars[INS1] = params[3];
_scriptVars[INS2] = params[4];
_scriptVars[INS3] = params[5];
_scriptVars[INS4] = params[6];
_scriptVars[INS5] = params[7];
return IR_REPEAT;
if (ob_logic->looping == 0) {
// The command has not been sent yet. Keep waiting.
_vm->_debugger->_speechScriptWaiting = target;
return IR_REPEAT;
if (_scriptVars[RESULT] == 0) {
// The command has been sent, and the target is busy doing it.
// Wait for it to finish.
debug(5, "fnTheyDoWeWait: Waiting for %d to finish", target);
_vm->_debugger->_speechScriptWaiting = target;
return IR_REPEAT;
debug(5, "fnTheyDoWeWait: %d finished", target);
ob_logic->looping = 0;
_vm->_debugger->_speechScriptWaiting = 0;
return IR_CONT;
* Wait for a target to become waiting, i.e. not busy, then send a command to
* it.
int32 Logic::fnTheyDo(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 target
// 1 command
// 2 ins1
// 3 ins2
// 4 ins3
// 5 ins4
// 6 ins5
StandardHeader *head = (StandardHeader *) _vm->_resman->openResource(params[0]);
assert (head->fileType == GAME_OBJECT);
// Run the target's get-speech-state script
int32 target = params[0];
char *raw_script_ad = (char *) head;
uint32 null_pc = 5;
runScript(raw_script_ad, raw_script_ad, &null_pc);
if (_scriptVars[RESULT] == 1 && !_scriptVars[INS_COMMAND]) {
// The target is waiting, i.e. not busy, and there is no other
// command queued. Send the command.
debug(5, "fnTheyDo: sending command to %d", target);
_vm->_debugger->_speechScriptWaiting = 0;
_scriptVars[SPEECH_ID] = params[0];
_scriptVars[INS_COMMAND] = params[1];
_scriptVars[INS1] = params[2];
_scriptVars[INS2] = params[3];
_scriptVars[INS3] = params[4];
_scriptVars[INS4] = params[5];
_scriptVars[INS5] = params[6];
return IR_CONT;
// The target is busy. Come back again next cycle.
_vm->_debugger->_speechScriptWaiting = target;
return IR_REPEAT;
* Route to the left or right hand side of target id, if possible.
int32 Logic::fnWalkToTalkToMega(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's logic structure
// 1 pointer to object's graphic structure
// 2 pointer to object's mega structure
// 3 pointer to object's walkdata structure
// 4 id of target mega to face
// 5 distance
int32 pars[7];
pars[0] = params[0];
pars[1] = params[1];
pars[2] = params[2];
pars[3] = params[3];
ObjectLogic *ob_logic = (ObjectLogic *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
// If this is the start of the walk, calculate the route.
if (!ob_logic->looping) {
StandardHeader *head = (StandardHeader *) _vm->_resman->openResource(params[4]);
assert(head->fileType == GAME_OBJECT);
// Call the base script. This is the graphic/mouse service
// call, and will set _engineMega to the ObjectMega of mega we
// want to route to.
char *raw_script_ad = (char *) head;
uint32 null_pc = 3;
runScript(raw_script_ad, raw_script_ad, &null_pc);
// Stand exactly beside the mega, ie. at same y-coord
pars[5] = _engineMega.feet_y;
ObjectMega *ob_mega = (ObjectMega *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[2]);
// Apply scale factor to walk distance. Ay+B gives 256 * scale
// ie. 256 * 256 * true_scale for even better accuracy, ie.
// scale = (Ay + B) / 256
int scale = (ob_mega->scale_a * ob_mega->feet_y + ob_mega->scale_b) / 256;
int mega_separation = (params[5] * scale) / 256;
debug(4, "Target is at (%d, %d), separation %d", _engineMega.feet_x, _engineMega.feet_y, mega_separation);
if (_engineMega.feet_x < ob_mega->feet_x) {
// Target is left of us, so aim to stand to their
// right. Face down_left
pars[4] = _engineMega.feet_x + mega_separation;
pars[6] = 5;
} else {
// Ok, must be right of us so aim to stand to their
// left. Face down_right.
pars[4] = _engineMega.feet_x - mega_separation;
pars[6] = 3;
return fnWalk(pars);
int32 Logic::fnFadeDown(int32 *params) {
// NONE means up! can only be called when screen is fully faded up -
// multiple calls wont have strange effects
// params: none
if (_vm->_screen->getFadeStatus() == RDFADE_NONE)
return IR_CONT;
enum {
S_OB_MEGA = 3,
S_TEXT = 4,
S_WAV = 5,
S_ANIM = 6,
* It's the super versatile fnSpeak. Text and wavs can be selected in any
* combination.
* @note We can assume no human - there should be no human, at least!
int32 Logic::fnISpeak(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to ob_graphic
// 1 pointer to ob_speech
// 2 pointer to ob_logic
// 3 pointer to ob_mega
// 4 encoded text number
// 5 wav res id
// 6 anim res id
// 7 anim table res id
// 8 animation mode 0 lip synced,
// 1 just straight animation
static bool cycle_skip = false;
static bool speechRunning;
// Set up the pointers which we know we'll always need
ObjectLogic *ob_logic = (ObjectLogic *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[S_OB_LOGIC]);
ObjectGraphic *ob_graphic = (ObjectGraphic *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[S_OB_GRAPHIC]);
// FIRST TIME ONLY: create the text, load the wav, set up the anim,
// etc.
if (!ob_logic->looping) {
// New fudge to wait for smacker samples to finish
// since they can over-run into the game
if (_vm->_sound->getSpeechStatus() != RDSE_SAMPLEFINISHED)
return IR_REPEAT;
// New fudge for 'fx' subtitles: If subtitles switched off, and
// we don't want to use a wav for this line either, then just
// quit back to script right now!
if (!_vm->getSubtitles() && !wantSpeechForLine(params[S_WAV]))
return IR_CONT;
// Drop out for 1st cycle to allow walks/anims to end and
// display last frame before system locks while speech loaded
if (!cycle_skip) {
cycle_skip = true;
return IR_REPEAT;
cycle_skip = false;
_vm->_debugger->_textNumber = params[S_TEXT];
// Pull out the text line to get the official text number
// (for wav id). Once the wav id's go into all script text
// commands, we'll only need this for debugging.
uint32 text_res = params[S_TEXT] / SIZE;
uint32 local_text = params[S_TEXT] & 0xffff;
// For testing all text & speech!
// A script loop can send any text number to fnISpeak and it
// will only run the valid ones or return with 'result' equal
// to '1' or '2' to mean 'invalid text resource' and 'text
// number out of range' respectively
// See 'testing_routines' object in George's Player Character
// section of linc
if (_scriptVars[SYSTEM_TESTING_TEXT]) {
if (!_vm->_resman->checkValid(text_res)) {
// Not a valid resource number - invalid (null
// resource)
_scriptVars[RESULT] = 1;
return IR_CONT;
StandardHeader *head = (StandardHeader *) _vm->_resman->openResource(text_res);
if (head->fileType != TEXT_FILE) {
// Invalid - not a text resource
_scriptVars[RESULT] = 1;
return IR_CONT;
if (!_vm->checkTextLine((byte *) head, local_text)) {
// Line number out of range
_scriptVars[RESULT] = 2;
return IR_CONT;
_scriptVars[RESULT] = 0;
byte *text = _vm->fetchTextLine(_vm->_resman->openResource(text_res), local_text);
_officialTextNumber = READ_LE_UINT16(text);
// Prevent dud lines from appearing while testing text & speech
// since these will not occur in the game anyway
if (_scriptVars[SYSTEM_TESTING_TEXT]) {
// If actor number is 0 and text line is just a 'dash'
// character
if (_officialTextNumber == 0 && text[2] == '-' && text[3] == 0) {
_scriptVars[RESULT] = 3;
return IR_CONT;
// Set the 'looping_flag' and the text-click-delays. We can
// left-click past the text after half a second, and
// right-click past it after a quarter of a second.
ob_logic->looping = 1;
_leftClickDelay = 6;
_rightClickDelay = 3;
if (_scriptVars[PLAYER_ID] != CUR_PLAYER_ID)
debug(5, "(%d) Nico: %s", _officialTextNumber, text + 2);
else {
byte buf[NAME_LEN];
debug(5, "(%d) %s: %s", _officialTextNumber, _vm->fetchObjectName(_scriptVars[ID], buf), text + 2);
// Set up the speech animation
if (params[S_ANIM]) {
// Just a straight anim.
_animId = params[6];
} else if (params[S_DIR_TABLE]) {
// Use this direction table to derive the anim
ObjectMega *ob_mega = (ObjectMega *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[S_OB_MEGA]);
int32 *anim_table = (int32 *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[S_DIR_TABLE]);
_animId = anim_table[ob_mega->current_dir];
} else {
// No animation choosen
_animId = 0;
if (_animId) {
// Set the talker's graphic to the first frame of this
// speech anim for now.
_speechAnimType = _scriptVars[SPEECHANIMFLAG];
ob_graphic->anim_resource = _animId;
ob_graphic->anim_pc = 0;
// Default back to looped lip synced anims.
_scriptVars[SPEECHANIMFLAG] = 0;
// Set up _textX and _textY for speech panning and/or text
// sprite position.
// Is it to be speech or subtitles or both?
// Assume not running until know otherwise
speechRunning = false;
// New fudge for 'fx' subtitles: If speech is selected, and
// this line is allowed speech (not if it's an fx subtitle!)
if (!_vm->_sound->isSpeechMute() && wantSpeechForLine(_officialTextNumber)) {
// If the wavId parameter is zero because not yet
// compiled into speech command, we can still get it
// from the 1st 2 chars of the text line.
if (!params[S_WAV])
params[S_WAV] = (int32) _officialTextNumber;
// Panning goes from -16 (left) to 16 (right)
int8 speech_pan = ((_textX - 320) * 16) / 320;
if (speech_pan < -16)
speech_pan = -16;
else if (speech_pan > 16)
speech_pan = 16;
uint32 rv = _vm->_sound->playCompSpeech(params[S_WAV], 16, speech_pan);
if (rv == RD_OK) {
// Ok, we've got something to play. Set it
// playing now. (We might want to do this the
// next cycle, don't know yet.)
speechRunning = true;
} else {
debug(5, "ERROR: PlayCompSpeech(wav=%d (res=%d pos=%d)) returned %.8x", params[S_WAV], text_res, local_text, rv);
if (_vm->getSubtitles() || !speechRunning) {
// We want subtitles, or the speech failed to load.
// Either way, we're going to show the text so create
// the text sprite.
// EVERY TIME: run a cycle of animation, if there is one
if (_animId) {
// There is an animation - Increment the anim frame number.
byte *anim_file = _vm->_resman->openResource(ob_graphic->anim_resource);
AnimHeader *anim_head = _vm->fetchAnimHeader(anim_file);
if (!_speechAnimType) {
if (ob_graphic->anim_pc == (int32) (anim_head->noAnimFrames)) {
// End of animation - restart from frame 0
ob_graphic->anim_pc = 0;
} else if (speechRunning && _vm->_sound->amISpeaking() == RDSE_QUIET) {
// The speech is running, but we're at a quiet
// bit. Restart from frame 0 (closed mouth).
ob_graphic->anim_pc = 0;
} else {
if (ob_graphic->anim_pc == (int32) (anim_head->noAnimFrames) - 1) {
// Reached the last frame of the anim. Hold
// anim on this last frame
_animId = 0;
} else if (_speechAnimType) {
// Placed here so we actually display the last frame of the
// anim.
_speechAnimType = 0;
// If there is a wav then we're using that to end the speech naturally
bool speechFinished = false;
// If playing a sample
if (speechRunning) {
// Has it finished?
if (_vm->_sound->getSpeechStatus() == RDSE_SAMPLEFINISHED)
speechFinished = true;
} else if (!speechRunning && _speechTime) {
// Counting down text time because there is no sample - this
// ends the speech
// if no sample then we're using _speechTime to end speech
// naturally
if (!_speechTime)
speechFinished = true;
// Ok, all is running along smoothly - but a click means stop
// unnaturally
int mouseX, mouseY;
_vm->_mouse->getPos(mouseX, mouseY);
// So that we can go to the options panel while text & speech is
// being tested
if (_scriptVars[SYSTEM_TESTING_TEXT] == 0 || mouseY > 0) {
MouseEvent *me = _vm->mouseEvent();
// Note that we now have TWO click-delays - one for LEFT
// button, one for RIGHT BUTTON
if ((!_leftClickDelay && me && (me->buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN)) ||
(!_rightClickDelay && me && (me->buttons & RD_RIGHTBUTTONDOWN))) {
// Mouse click, after click_delay has expired -> end
// the speech.
// if testing text & speech
if (_scriptVars[SYSTEM_TESTING_TEXT]) {
// and RB used to click past text
if (me->buttons & RD_RIGHTBUTTONDOWN) {
// then we want the previous line again
} else {
// LB just want next line again
speechFinished = true;
// if speech sample playing, halt it prematurely
if (speechRunning)
// If we are finishing the speech this cycle, do the business
// !speechAnimType, as we want an anim which is playing once to have
// finished.
if (speechFinished && !_speechAnimType) {
// If there is text, kill it
if (_speechTextBlocNo) {
_speechTextBlocNo = 0;
// if there is a speech anim, end it on closed mouth frame
if (_animId) {
_animId = 0;
ob_graphic->anim_pc = 0;
speechRunning = false;
// no longer in a script function loop
ob_logic->looping = 0;
_vm->_debugger->_textNumber = 0;
// reset to zero, in case text line not even extracted (since
// this number comes from the text line)
_officialTextNumber = 0;
_scriptVars[RESULT] = 0;
return IR_CONT;
// Speech still going, so decrement the click_delay if it's still
// active
if (_leftClickDelay)
if (_rightClickDelay)
return IR_REPEAT;
* Reset the object and restart script 1 on level 0
#define LEVEL (_curObjectHub->logic_level)
int32 Logic::fnTotalRestart(int32 *params) {
// mega runs this to restart its base logic again - like being cached
// in again
// params: none
LEVEL = 0;
_curObjectHub->script_pc[0] = 1;
int32 Logic::fnSetWalkGrid(int32 *params) {
// params: none
warning("fnSetWalkGrid() is no longer a valid opcode");
return IR_CONT;
* Receive and sequence the commands sent from the conversation script. We have
* to do this in a slightly tweeky manner as we can no longer have generic
* scripts.
enum {
INS_talk = 1,
INS_anim = 2,
INS_reverse_anim = 3,
INS_walk = 4,
INS_turn = 5,
INS_face = 6,
INS_trace = 7,
INS_no_sprite = 8,
INS_sort = 9,
INS_foreground = 10,
INS_background = 11,
INS_table_anim = 12,
INS_reverse_table_anim = 13,
INS_walk_to_anim = 14,
INS_set_frame = 15,
INS_stand_after_anim = 16,
INS_quit = 42
int32 Logic::fnSpeechProcess(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to ob_graphic
// 1 pointer to ob_speech
// 2 pointer to ob_logic
// 3 pointer to ob_mega
// 4 pointer to ob_walkdata
ObjectSpeech *ob_speech = (ObjectSpeech *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[1]);
while (1) {
int32 pars[9];
// Check which command we're waiting for, and call the
// appropriate function. Once we're done, clear the command
// and set wait_state to 1.
// Note: we could save a var and ditch wait_state and check
// 'command' for non zero means busy
// Note: I can't see that we ever check the value of wait_state
// but perhaps it accesses that memory location directly?
switch (ob_speech->command) {
case 0:
case INS_talk:
pars[0] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[1] = params[1]; // ob_speech
pars[2] = params[2]; // ob_logic
pars[3] = params[3]; // ob_mega
pars[4] = ob_speech->ins1; // encoded text number
pars[5] = ob_speech->ins2; // wav res id
pars[6] = ob_speech->ins3; // anim res id
pars[7] = ob_speech->ins4; // anim table res id
pars[8] = ob_speech->ins5; // animation mode - 0 lip synced, 1 just straight animation
if (fnISpeak(pars) != IR_REPEAT) {
ob_speech->command = 0;
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_turn:
pars[0] = params[2]; // ob_logic
pars[1] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[2] = params[3]; // ob_mega
pars[3] = params[4]; // ob_walkdata
pars[4] = ob_speech->ins1; // direction to turn to
if (fnTurn(pars) != IR_REPEAT) {
ob_speech->command = 0;
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_face:
pars[0] = params[2]; // ob_logic
pars[1] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[2] = params[3]; // ob_mega
pars[3] = params[4]; // ob_walkdata
pars[4] = ob_speech->ins1; // target
if (fnFaceMega(pars) != IR_REPEAT) {
ob_speech->command = 0;
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_anim:
pars[0] = params[2]; // ob_logic
pars[1] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[2] = ob_speech->ins1; // anim res
if (fnAnim(pars) != IR_REPEAT) {
ob_speech->command = 0;
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_reverse_anim:
pars[0] = params[2]; // ob_logic
pars[1] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[2] = ob_speech->ins1; // anim res
if (fnReverseAnim(pars) != IR_REPEAT) {
ob_speech->command = 0;
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_table_anim:
pars[0] = params[2]; // ob_logic
pars[1] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[2] = params[3]; // ob_mega
pars[3] = ob_speech->ins1; // pointer to anim table
if (fnMegaTableAnim(pars) != IR_REPEAT) {
ob_speech->command = 0;
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_reverse_table_anim:
pars[0] = params[2]; // ob_logic
pars[1] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[2] = params[3]; // ob_mega
pars[3] = ob_speech->ins1; // pointer to anim table
if (fnReverseMegaTableAnim(pars) != IR_REPEAT) {
ob_speech->command = 0;
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_no_sprite:
fnNoSprite(params); // ob_graphic
ob_speech->command = 0;
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
return IR_REPEAT ;
case INS_sort:
fnSortSprite(params); // ob_graphic
ob_speech->command = 0;
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_foreground:
fnForeSprite(params); // ob_graphic
ob_speech->command = 0;
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_background:
fnBackSprite(params); // ob_graphic
ob_speech->command = 0;
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_walk:
pars[0] = params[2]; // ob_logic
pars[1] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[2] = params[3]; // ob_mega
pars[3] = params[4]; // ob_walkdata
pars[4] = ob_speech->ins1; // target x
pars[5] = ob_speech->ins2; // target y
pars[6] = ob_speech->ins3; // target direction
if (fnWalk(pars) != IR_REPEAT) {
ob_speech->command = 0;
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_walk_to_anim:
pars[0] = params[2]; // ob_logic
pars[1] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[2] = params[3]; // ob_mega
pars[3] = params[4]; // ob_walkdata
pars[4] = ob_speech->ins1; // anim resource
if (fnWalkToAnim(pars) != IR_REPEAT) {
ob_speech->command = 0;
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_stand_after_anim:
pars[0] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[1] = params[3]; // ob_mega
pars[2] = ob_speech->ins1; // anim resource
ob_speech->command = 0;
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_set_frame:
pars[0] = params[0]; // ob_graphic
pars[1] = ob_speech->ins1; // anim_resource
pars[2] = ob_speech->ins2; // FIRST_FRAME or LAST_FRAME
ob_speech->command = 0;
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
return IR_REPEAT;
case INS_quit:
// That's it - we're finished with this
ob_speech->command = 0;
// ob_speech->wait_state = 0;
return IR_CONT;
// Unimplemented command - just cancel
ob_speech->command = 0;
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
if (_scriptVars[SPEECH_ID] == _scriptVars[ID]) {
// There's a new command for us! Grab the command -
// potentially we only have this cycle to do this - and
// set things up so that the command will be picked up
// on the next iteration of the while loop.
debug(5, "fnSpeechProcess: Received new command %d", _scriptVars[INS_COMMAND]);
_scriptVars[SPEECH_ID] = 0;
ob_speech->command = _scriptVars[INS_COMMAND];
ob_speech->ins1 = _scriptVars[INS1];
ob_speech->ins2 = _scriptVars[INS2];
ob_speech->ins3 = _scriptVars[INS3];
ob_speech->ins4 = _scriptVars[INS4];
ob_speech->ins5 = _scriptVars[INS5];
ob_speech->wait_state = 0;
_scriptVars[INS_COMMAND] = 0;
} else {
// No new command. We could run a blink anim (or
// something) here.
ob_speech->wait_state = 1;
return IR_REPEAT;
int32 Logic::fnSetScaling(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's mega structure
// 1 scale constant A
// 2 scale constant B
// 256 * s = A * y + B
// Where s is system scale, which itself is (256 * actual_scale) ie.
// s == 128 is half size
ObjectMega *ob_mega = (ObjectMega *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
ob_mega->scale_a = params[1];
ob_mega->scale_b = params[2];
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnStartEvent(int32 *params) {
// params: none
int32 Logic::fnCheckEventWaiting(int32 *params) {
// params: none
_scriptVars[RESULT] = checkEventWaiting();
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnRequestSpeech(int32 *params) {
// change current script - must be followed by a TERMINATE script
// directive
// params: 0 id of target to catch the event and startup speech
// servicing
// Full script id to interact with - megas run their own 7th script
sendEvent(params[0], (params[0] << 16) | 6);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnGosub(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 id of script
// Hurray, script subroutines. Logic goes up - pc is saved for current
// level.
return IR_GOSUB;
* Wait for a target to become waiting, i.e. not busy, or until we time out.
* This is useful when clicking on a target to talk to it, and it doesn't
* reply. This way, we won't lock up.
* If the target becomes waiting, RESULT is set to 0. If we time out, RESULT is
* set to 1.
int32 Logic::fnTimedWait(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 ob_logic
// 1 target
// 2 number of cycles before give up
StandardHeader *head = (StandardHeader *) _vm->_resman->openResource(params[1]);
assert(head->fileType == GAME_OBJECT);
ObjectLogic *ob_logic = (ObjectLogic *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
if (!ob_logic->looping) {
// This is the first time, so set up the time-out.
ob_logic->looping = params[2];
// Run the target's get-speech-state script
int32 target = params[1];
char *raw_script_ad = (char *) head;
uint32 null_pc = 5;
runScript(raw_script_ad, raw_script_ad, &null_pc);
if (_scriptVars[RESULT] == 1) {
// The target is waiting, i.e. not busy
_vm->_debugger->_speechScriptWaiting = 0;
ob_logic->looping = 0;
_scriptVars[RESULT] = 0;
return IR_CONT;
if (!ob_logic->looping) {
// Time's up.
debug(5, "fnTimedWait: Timed out waiting for %d", target);
_vm->_debugger->_speechScriptWaiting = 0;
// Clear the event that hasn't been picked up - in theory,
// none of this should ever happen.
_scriptVars[RESULT] = 1;
return IR_CONT;
// Target is busy. Keep trying.
_vm->_debugger->_speechScriptWaiting = target;
return IR_REPEAT;
int32 Logic::fnPlayFx(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 sample resource id
// 2 delay (0..65535)
// 3 volume (0..16)
// 4 pan (-16..16)
// example script:
// fnPlayFx (FXWATER, FX_LOOP, 0, 10, 15);
// // fx_water is just a local script flag
// fx_water = result;
// .
// .
// .
// fnStopFx (fx_water);
int32 res = params[0];
int32 type = params[1];
int32 delay = params[2];
int32 volume = params[3];
int32 pan = params[4];
_vm->_sound->queueFx(res, type, delay, volume, pan);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnStopFx(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 position in queue
if (_vm->_sound->stopFx(params[0]) != RD_OK)
debug(5, "SFX ERROR: Trying to stop an inactive sound slot");
return IR_CONT;
* Start a tune playing, to play once or to loop until stopped or next one
* played.
int32 Logic::fnPlayMusic(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 tune id
// 1 loop flag (0 or 1)
char filename[128];
bool loopFlag;
uint32 rv;
loopFlag = (params[1] == FX_LOOP);
rv = _vm->_sound->streamCompMusic(params[0], loopFlag);
if (rv)
debug(5, "ERROR: streamCompMusic(%s, %d, %d) returned error 0x%.8x", filename, params[0], loopFlag, rv);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnStopMusic(int32 *params) {
// params: none
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnSetValue(int32 *params) {
// temp. function!
// used for setting far-referenced megaset resource field in mega
// object, from start script
// params: 0 pointer to object's mega structure
// 1 value to set it to
ObjectMega *ob_mega = (ObjectMega *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
ob_mega->megaset_res = params[1];
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnNewScript(int32 *params) {
// change current script - must be followed by a TERMINATE script
// directive
// params: 0 id of script
_scriptVars[PLAYER_ACTION] = 0; // must clear this
* Like getSync(), but called from scripts. Sets the RESULT variable to
* the sync value, or 0 if none is found.
int32 Logic::fnGetSync(int32 *params) {
// params: none
int slot = getSync();
_scriptVars[RESULT] = (slot != -1) ? _syncList[slot].sync : 0;
return IR_CONT;
* Wait for sync to happen. Sets the RESULT variable to the sync value, once
* it has been found.
int32 Logic::fnWaitSync(int32 *params) {
// params: none
debug(6, "fnWaitSync: %d waits", _scriptVars[ID]);
int slot = getSync();
if (slot == -1)
return IR_REPEAT;
debug(5, "fnWaitSync: %d got sync %d", _scriptVars[ID], _syncList[slot].sync);
_scriptVars[RESULT] = _syncList[slot].sync;
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnRegisterWalkGrid(int32 *params) {
// params: none
warning("fnRegisterWalkGrid() is no longer a valid opcode");
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnReverseMegaTableAnim(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's logic structure
// 1 pointer to object's graphic structure
// 2 pointer to object's mega structure
// 3 pointer to animation table
// 1 means reverse anim
return megaTableAnimate(params, true);
int32 Logic::fnReverseAnim(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's logic structure
// 1 pointer to object's graphic structure
// 2 resource id of animation file
// 1 means reverse anim
return animate(params, true);
* Mark this object for killing - to be killed when player leaves this screen.
* Object reloads and script restarts upon re-entry to screen, which causes
* this object's startup logic to be re-run every time we enter the screen.
* "Which is nice."
* @note Call ONCE from object's logic script, i.e. in startup code, so not
* re-called every time script frops off and restarts!
int32 Logic::fnAddToKillList(int32 *params) {
// params: none
if (_scriptVars[ID] == CUR_PLAYER_ID)
return IR_CONT;
// Scan the list to see if it's already included
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _kills; i++) {
if (_objectKillList[i] == _scriptVars[ID])
return IR_CONT;
assert(_kills < OBJECT_KILL_LIST_SIZE); // no room at the inn
_objectKillList[_kills++] = _scriptVars[ID];
// "another one bites the dust"
// When we leave the screen, all these object resources are to be
// cleaned out of memory and the kill list emptied by doing
// '_kills = 0', ensuring that all resources are in fact still in
// memory and, more importantly, closed before killing!
return IR_CONT;
* Set the standby walk coords to be used by fnWalkToAnim() and
* fnStandAfterAnim() when the anim header's start/end coords are zero.
* Useful during development; can stay in final game anyway.
int32 Logic::fnSetStandbyCoords(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 x-coord
// 1 y-coord
// 2 direction (0..7)
assert(params[2] >= 0 && params[2] <= 7);
_standbyX = (int16) params[0];
_standbyY = (int16) params[1];
_standbyDir = (uint8) params[2];
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnBackPar0Sprite(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's graphic structure
setSpriteStatus(params[0], BGP0_SPRITE);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnBackPar1Sprite(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's graphic structure
setSpriteStatus(params[0], BGP1_SPRITE);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnForePar0Sprite(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's graphic structure
setSpriteStatus(params[0], FGP0_SPRITE);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnForePar1Sprite(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's graphic structure
setSpriteStatus(params[0], FGP1_SPRITE);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnSetPlayerActionEvent(int32 *params) {
// we want to intercept the player character and have him interact
// with an object - from script this code is the same as the mouse
// engine calls when you click on an object - here, a third party
// does the clicking IYSWIM
// note - this routine used CUR_PLAYER_ID as the target
// params: 0 id to interact with
setPlayerActionEvent(CUR_PLAYER_ID, params[0]);
return IR_CONT;
* Set the special scroll offset variables
* Call when starting screens and to change the camera within screens
* call AFTER fnInitBackground() to override the defaults
int32 Logic::fnSetScrollCoordinate(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 feet_x value
// 1 feet_y value
// Called feet_x and feet_y to retain intellectual compatibility with
// Sword1!
// feet_x & feet_y refer to the physical screen coords where the
// system will try to maintain George's feet
ScreenInfo *screenInfo = _vm->_screen->getScreenInfo();
screenInfo->feet_x = params[0];
screenInfo->feet_y = params[1];
return IR_CONT;
* Stand mega at start position of anim
int32 Logic::fnStandAtAnim(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's graphic structure
// 1 pointer to object's mega structure
// 2 anim resource id
byte *anim_file = _vm->_resman->openResource(params[2]);
AnimHeader *anim_head = _vm->fetchAnimHeader(anim_file);
int32 pars[5];
pars[0] = params[0];
pars[1] = params[1];
pars[2] = anim_head->feetStartX;
pars[3] = anim_head->feetStartY;
pars[4] = anim_head->feetStartDir;
// If start coords not available use the standby coords (which should
// be set beforehand in the script)
if (pars[2] == 0 && pars[3] == 0) {
byte buf[NAME_LEN];
pars[2] = _standbyX;
pars[3] = _standbyY;
pars[4] = _standbyDir;
debug(3, "WARNING: fnStandAtAnim(%s) used standby coords", _vm->fetchObjectName(params[2], buf));
assert(pars[4] >= 0 && pars[4] <= 7);
return fnStandAt(pars);
int32 Logic::fnSetScrollLeftMouse(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's mouse structure
ObjectMouse *ob_mouse = (ObjectMouse *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
ScreenInfo *screenInfo = _vm->_screen->getScreenInfo();
// Highest priority
ob_mouse->x1 = 0;
ob_mouse->y1 = 0;
ob_mouse->x2 = screenInfo->scroll_offset_x + SCROLL_MOUSE_WIDTH;
ob_mouse->y2 = screenInfo->screen_deep - 1;
ob_mouse->priority = 0;
if (screenInfo->scroll_offset_x > 0) {
// not fully scrolled to the left
ob_mouse->pointer = SCROLL_LEFT_MOUSE_ID;
} else {
// so the mouse area doesn't get registered
ob_mouse->pointer = 0;
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnSetScrollRightMouse(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's mouse structure
ObjectMouse *ob_mouse = (ObjectMouse *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
ScreenInfo *screenInfo = _vm->_screen->getScreenInfo();
// Highest priority
ob_mouse->x1 = screenInfo->scroll_offset_x + _vm->_screen->getScreenWide() - SCROLL_MOUSE_WIDTH;
ob_mouse->y1 = 0;
ob_mouse->x2 = screenInfo->screen_wide - 1;
ob_mouse->y2 = screenInfo->screen_deep - 1;
ob_mouse->priority = 0;
if (screenInfo->scroll_offset_x < screenInfo->max_scroll_offset_x) {
// not fully scrolled to the right
ob_mouse->pointer = SCROLL_RIGHT_MOUSE_ID;
} else {
// so the mouse area doesn't get registered
ob_mouse->pointer = 0;
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnColour(int32 *params) {
// set border colour - useful during script development
// eg. set to colour during a timer situation, then black when timed
// out
// params 0: colour (see defines above)
// what colour?
switch (params[0]) {
case BLACK:
_vm->_screen->setPalette(0, 1, black, RDPAL_INSTANT);
case WHITE:
_vm->_screen->setPalette(0, 1, white, RDPAL_INSTANT);
case RED:
_vm->_screen->setPalette(0, 1, red, RDPAL_INSTANT);
case GREEN:
_vm->_screen->setPalette(0, 1, green, RDPAL_INSTANT);
case BLUE:
_vm->_screen->setPalette(0, 1, blue, RDPAL_INSTANT);
return IR_CONT;
#define BLACK 0
#define WHITE 1
#define RED 2
#define GREEN 3
#define BLUE 4
static uint8 black[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
static uint8 white[4] = { 255, 255, 255, 0 };
static uint8 red[4] = { 255, 0, 0, 0 };
static uint8 green[4] = { 0, 255, 0, 0 };
static uint8 blue[4] = { 0, 0, 255, 0 };
int32 Logic::fnFlash(int32 *params) {
// flash colour 0 (ie. border) - useful during script development
// eg. fnFlash(BLUE) where a text line is missed; RED when some code
// missing, etc
// params: 0 colour to flash
// what colour?
switch (params[0]) {
case WHITE:
_vm->_screen->setPalette(0, 1, white, RDPAL_INSTANT);
case RED:
_vm->_screen->setPalette(0, 1, red, RDPAL_INSTANT);
case GREEN:
_vm->_screen->setPalette(0, 1, green, RDPAL_INSTANT);
case BLUE:
_vm->_screen->setPalette(0, 1, blue, RDPAL_INSTANT);
// There used to be a busy-wait loop here, so I don't know how long
// the delay was meant to be. Probably doesn't matter much.
_vm->_screen->setPalette(0, 1, black, RDPAL_INSTANT);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnPreFetch(int32 *params) {
// Go fetch resource in the background.
// params: 0 resource to fetch [guess]
return IR_CONT;
* Reverse of fnPassPlayerSaveData() - run script 8 of player object.
int32 Logic::fnGetPlayerSaveData(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's logic structure
// 1 pointer to object's graphic structure
// 2 pointer to object's mega structure
byte *logic_ptr = _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
byte *graphic_ptr = _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[1]);
byte *mega_ptr = _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[2]);
// Copy from savegame header to player object
memcpy(logic_ptr, &_vm->_saveGameHeader.logic, sizeof(ObjectLogic));
memcpy(graphic_ptr, &_vm->_saveGameHeader.graphic, sizeof(ObjectGraphic));
memcpy(mega_ptr, &_vm->_saveGameHeader.mega, sizeof(ObjectMega));
// Any walk-data must be cleared - the player will be set to stand if
// he was walking when saved.
ObjectMega *ob_mega = (ObjectMega *) mega_ptr;
if (ob_mega->currently_walking) {
ob_mega->currently_walking = 0;
int32 pars[3];
pars[0] = params[1]; // ob_graphic;
pars[1] = params[2]; // ob_mega
pars[2] = ob_mega->current_dir;
// Reset looping flag (which would have been 1 during fnWalk)
ObjectLogic *ob_logic = (ObjectLogic *) logic_ptr;
ob_logic->looping = 0;
return IR_CONT;
* Copies the 4 essential player structures into the savegame header - run
* script 7 of player object to request this.
* Remember, we cannot simply read a compact any longer but instead must
* request it from the object itself.
int32 Logic::fnPassPlayerSaveData(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's logic structure
// 1 pointer to object's graphic structure
// 2 pointer to object's mega structure
// Copy from player object to savegame header
memcpy(&_vm->_saveGameHeader.logic, _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]), sizeof(ObjectLogic));
memcpy(&_vm->_saveGameHeader.graphic, _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[1]), sizeof(ObjectGraphic));
memcpy(&_vm->_saveGameHeader.mega, _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[2]), sizeof(ObjectMega));
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnSendEvent(int32 *params) {
// we want to intercept the player character and have him interact
// with an object - from script
// params: 0 id to receive event
// 1 script to run
sendEvent(params[0], params[1]);
return IR_CONT;
* Add this walkgrid resource to the list of those used for routing in this
* location. Note that this is ignored if the resource is already in the list.
int32 Logic::fnAddWalkGrid(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 id of walkgrid resource
// All objects that add walkgrids must be restarted whenever we
// re-enter a location.
if (_scriptVars[ID] != 8) {
// Need to call this in case it wasn't called in script!
return IR_CONT;
* Remove this walkgrid resource from the list of those used for routing in
* this location. Note that this is ignored if the resource isn't actually
* in the list.
int32 Logic::fnRemoveWalkGrid(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 id of walkgrid resource
return IR_CONT;
// like fnCheckEventWaiting, but starts the event rather than setting RESULT
// to 1
int32 Logic::fnCheckForEvent(int32 *params) {
// params: none
if (checkEventWaiting()) {
return IR_CONT;
// combination of fnPause and fnCheckForEvent
// - ie. does a pause, but also checks for event each cycle
int32 Logic::fnPauseForEvent(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's logic structure
// 1 number of game-cycles to pause
ObjectLogic *ob_logic = (ObjectLogic *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
if (checkEventWaiting()) {
ob_logic->looping = 0;
return fnPause(params);
int32 Logic::fnClearEvent(int32 *params) {
// params: none
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnFaceMega(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's logic structure
// 1 pointer to object's graphic structure
// 2 pointer to object's mega structure
// 3 pointer to object's walkdata structure
// 4 id of target mega to face
int32 pars[7];
pars[0] = params[0];
pars[1] = params[1];
pars[2] = params[2];
pars[3] = params[3];
ObjectLogic *ob_logic = (ObjectLogic *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]);
// If this is the start of the walk, decide where to walk to.
if (!ob_logic->looping) {
StandardHeader *head = (StandardHeader *) _vm->_resman->openResource(params[4]);
assert(head->fileType == GAME_OBJECT);
// Call the base script. This is the graphic/mouse service
// call, and will set _engineMega to the ObjectMega of mega we
// want to turn to face.
char *raw_script_ad = (char *) head;
uint32 null_pc = 3;
runScript(raw_script_ad, raw_script_ad, &null_pc);
ObjectMega *ob_mega = (ObjectMega *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[2]);
pars[3] = params[3];
pars[4] = ob_mega->feet_x;
pars[5] = ob_mega->feet_y;
pars[6] = whatTarget(ob_mega->feet_x, ob_mega->feet_y, _engineMega.feet_x, _engineMega.feet_y);
return fnWalk(pars);
int32 Logic::fnPlaySequence(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to null-terminated ascii filename
// 1 number of frames in the sequence, used for PSX.
char filename[30];
MovieTextObject *sequenceSpeechArray[MAX_SEQUENCE_TEXT_LINES + 1];
// The original code had some #ifdef blocks for skipping or muting the
// cutscenes - fondly described as "the biggest fudge in the history
// of computer games" - but at the very least we want to show the
// cutscene subtitles, so I removed them.
debug(5, "fnPlaySequence(\"%s\");", (const char *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]));
// add the appropriate file extension & play it
strcpy(filename, (const char *) _vm->_memory->decodePtr(params[0]));
// Write to walkthrough file (zebug0.txt)
debug(5, "PLAYING SEQUENCE \"%s\"", filename);
// now create the text sprites, if any
if (_sequenceTextLines)
// don't want to carry on streaming game music when smacker starts!
// pause sfx during sequence
MoviePlayer player(_vm);
uint32 rv;
if (_sequenceTextLines && !_scriptVars[DEMO])
rv = player.play(filename, sequenceSpeechArray, _smackerLeadIn, _smackerLeadOut);
rv = player.play(filename, NULL, _smackerLeadIn, _smackerLeadOut);
// check the error return-value
if (rv)
debug(5, "MoviePlayer.play(\"%s\") returned 0x%.8x", filename, rv);
// unpause sound fx again, in case we're staying in same location
_smackerLeadIn = 0;
_smackerLeadOut = 0;
// now clear the text sprites, if any
if (_sequenceTextLines)
// now clear the screen in case the Sequence was quitted (using ESC)
// rather than fading down to black
// zero the entire palette in case we're about to fade up!
byte pal[4 * 256];
memset(pal, 0, sizeof(pal));
_vm->_screen->setPalette(0, 256, pal, RDPAL_INSTANT);
debug(5, "fnPlaySequence FINISHED");
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnShadedSprite(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's graphic structure
setSpriteShading(params[0], SHADED_SPRITE);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnUnshadedSprite(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 pointer to object's graphic structure
setSpriteShading(params[0], UNSHADED_SPRITE);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnFadeUp(int32 *params) {
// params: none
if (_vm->_screen->getFadeStatus() == RDFADE_BLACK)
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnDisplayMsg(int32 *params) {
// Display a message to the user on the screen.
// params: 0 Text number of message to be displayed.
uint32 local_text = params[0] & 0xffff;
uint32 text_res = params[0] / SIZE;
// Display message for three seconds.
// +2 to skip the encoded text number in the first 2 chars; 3 is
// duration in seconds
_vm->_screen->displayMsg(_vm->fetchTextLine(_vm->_resman->openResource(text_res), local_text) + 2, 3);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnSetObjectHeld(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 luggage icon to set
uint32 res = (uint32) params[0];
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnAddSequenceText(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 text number
// 1 frame number to start the text displaying
// 2 frame number to stop the text dispalying
assert(_sequenceTextLines < MAX_SEQUENCE_TEXT_LINES);
_sequenceTextList[_sequenceTextLines].textNumber = params[0];
_sequenceTextList[_sequenceTextLines].startFrame = params[1];
_sequenceTextList[_sequenceTextLines].endFrame = params[2];
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnResetGlobals(int32 *params) {
// fnResetGlobals is used by the demo - so it can loop back & restart
// itself
// params: none
ScreenInfo *screenInfo = _vm->_screen->getScreenInfo();
int32 size;
uint32 *globals;
size = _vm->_resman->fetchLen(1);
size -= sizeof(StandardHeader);
debug(5, "globals size: %d", size);
globals = (uint32 *) ((byte *) _vm->_resman->openResource(1) + sizeof(StandardHeader));
// blank each global variable
memset(globals, 0, size);
// all objects but george
// - this is taken from fnInitBackground
// switch on scrolling (2 means first time on screen)
screenInfo->scroll_flag = 2;
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnSetPalette(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 resource number of palette file, or 0 if it's to be
// the palette from the current screen
return IR_CONT;
// use this in the object's service script prior to registering the mouse area
// ie. before fnRegisterMouse or fnRegisterFrame
// - best if kept at very top of service script
int32 Logic::fnRegisterPointerText(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 local id of text line to use as pointer text
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnFetchWait(int32 *params) {
// Fetches a resource in the background but prevents the script from
// continuing until the resource is in memory.
// params: 0 resource to fetch [guess]
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnRelease(int32 *params) {
// Releases a resource from memory. Used for freeing memory for
// sprites that have just been used and will not be used again.
// Sometimes it is better to kick out a sprite straight away so that
// the memory can be used for more frequent animations.
// params: 0 resource to release [guess]
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnPrepareMusic(int32 *params) {
// params: 1 id of music to prepare [guess]
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnSoundFetch(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 id of sound to fetch [guess]
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnSmackerLeadIn(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 id of lead-in music
// ready for use in fnPlaySequence
_smackerLeadIn = params[0];
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnSmackerLeadOut(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 id of lead-out music
// ready for use in fnPlaySequence
_smackerLeadOut = params[0];
return IR_CONT;
* Stops all FX and clears the entire FX queue.
int32 Logic::fnStopAllFx(int32 *params) {
// params: none
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnCheckPlayerActivity(int32 *params) {
// Used to decide when to trigger music cues described as "no player
// activity for a while"
// params: 0 threshold delay in seconds, ie. what we want to
// check the actual delay against
uint32 seconds = (uint32) params[0];
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnResetPlayerActivityDelay(int32 *params) {
// Use if you want to deliberately reset the "no player activity"
// counter for any reason
// params: none
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnCheckMusicPlaying(int32 *params) {
// params: none
// sets result to no. of seconds of current tune remaining
// or 0 if no music playing
// in seconds, rounded up to the nearest second
_scriptVars[RESULT] = _vm->_sound->musicTimeRemaining();
return IR_CONT;
// The original credits used a different font. I think it's stored in the
// font.clu file, but I don't know how to interpret it.
// The original used the entire screen. This version cuts off the top and
// bottom of the screen, because that's where the menus would usually be.
// The original had some sort of smoke effect at the bottom of the screen.
enum {
struct CreditsLine {
char *str;
byte type;
int top;
int height;
byte *sprite;
int32 Logic::fnPlayCredits(int32 *params) {
ScreenInfo *screenInfo = _vm->_screen->getScreenInfo();
uint32 loopingMusicId = _vm->_sound->getLoopingMusicId();
// This function just quits the game if this is the playable demo, ie.
// credits are NOT played in the demo any more!
// params: none
if (_scriptVars[DEMO]) {
return IR_STOP;
// Prepare for the credits by fading down, stoping the music, etc.
// There are three files which I believe are involved in showing the
// credits:
// credits.bmp - The "Smacker" logo, stored as follows:
// width 2 bytes, little endian
// height 2 bytes, little endian
// palette 3 * 256 bytes
// data width * height bytes
// Note that the maximum colour component in the palette is 0x3F.
// This is the same resolution as the _paletteMatch table. I doubt
// that this is a coincidence, but let's use the image palette
// directly anyway, just to be safe.
// credits.clu - The credits text
// This is simply a text file with CRLF line endings.
// '^' is not shown, but used to mark the center of the line.
// '@' is used as a placeholder for the "Smacker" logo. At least
// when it appears alone.
// Remaining lines are centered.
// fonts.clu - The credits font?
// FIXME: At this time I don't know how to interpret fonts.clu. For
// now, let's just the standard speech font instead.
SpriteInfo spriteInfo;
File f;
int i;
// Read the "Smacker" logo
uint16 logoWidth = 0;
uint16 logoHeight = 0;
byte *logoData = NULL;
byte palette[256 * 4];
if (f.open("credits.bmp")) {
logoWidth = f.readUint16LE();
logoHeight = f.readUint16LE();
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
palette[i * 4 + 0] = f.readByte() << 2;
palette[i * 4 + 1] = f.readByte() << 2;
palette[i * 4 + 2] = f.readByte() << 2;
palette[i * 4 + 3] = 0;
logoData = (byte *) malloc(logoWidth * logoHeight);
f.read(logoData, logoWidth * logoHeight);
} else {
warning("Can't find credits.bmp");
memset(palette, 0, sizeof(palette));
palette[14 * 4 + 0] = 252;
palette[14 * 4 + 1] = 252;
palette[14 * 4 + 2] = 252;
palette[14 * 4 + 3] = 0;
_vm->_screen->setPalette(0, 256, palette, RDPAL_INSTANT);
// Read the credits text
// This should be plenty
CreditsLine creditsLines[350];
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(creditsLines); i++) {
creditsLines[i].str = NULL;
creditsLines[i].sprite = NULL;
if (!f.open("credits.clu")) {
warning("Can't find credits.clu");
return IR_CONT;
int lineTop = 400;
int lineCount = 0;
int paragraphStart = 0;
bool hasCenterMark = false;
while (1) {
if (lineCount >= ARRAYSIZE(creditsLines)) {
warning("Too many credits lines");
char buffer[80];
char *line = f.gets(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (!line || *line == 0) {
if (!hasCenterMark) {
for (i = paragraphStart; i < lineCount; i++)
creditsLines[i].type = LINE_CENTER;
paragraphStart = lineCount;
hasCenterMark = false;
if (paragraphStart == lineCount)
if (!line)
char *center_mark = strchr(line, '^');
if (center_mark) {
// The current paragraph has at least one center mark.
hasCenterMark = true;
if (center_mark != line) {
// The center mark is somewhere inside the
// line. Split it into left and right side.
*center_mark = 0;
creditsLines[lineCount].top = lineTop;
creditsLines[lineCount].height = CREDITS_FONT_HEIGHT;
creditsLines[lineCount].type = LINE_LEFT;
creditsLines[lineCount].str = strdup(line);
if (lineCount >= ARRAYSIZE(creditsLines)) {
warning("Too many credits lines");
*center_mark = '^';
line = center_mark;
creditsLines[lineCount].top = lineTop;
if (*line == '^') {
creditsLines[lineCount].type = LINE_RIGHT;
} else
creditsLines[lineCount].type = LINE_LEFT;
if (strcmp(line, "@") == 0) {
creditsLines[lineCount].height = logoHeight;
lineTop += logoHeight;
} else {
creditsLines[lineCount].height = CREDITS_FONT_HEIGHT;
creditsLines[lineCount].str = strdup(line);
// We could easily add some ScummVM stuff to the credits, if we wanted
// to. On the other hand, anyone with the attention span to actually
// read all the credits probably already knows. :-)
// Start the music and roll the credits
// The credits music (which can also be heard briefly in the "carib"
// cutscene) is played once.
int32 pars[2];
pars[0] = 309;
pars[1] = FX_SPOT;
spriteInfo.scale = 0;
spriteInfo.scaledWidth = 0;
spriteInfo.scaledHeight = 0;
spriteInfo.blend = 0;
int startLine = 0;
int scrollPos = 0;
bool abortCredits = false;
int scrollSteps = lineTop + CREDITS_FONT_HEIGHT;
uint32 musicStart = _vm->getMillis();
// Ideally the music should last just a tiny bit longer than the
// credits. Note that musicTimeRemaining() will return 0 if the music
// is muted, so we need a sensible fallback for that case.
uint32 musicLength = MAX((int32) (1000 * (_vm->_sound->musicTimeRemaining() - 3)), 25 * (int32) scrollSteps);
while (scrollPos < scrollSteps && !_vm->_quit) {
bool foundStartLine = false;
for (i = startLine; i < lineCount; i++) {
// Free any sprites that have scrolled off the screen
if (creditsLines[i].top + creditsLines[i].height < scrollPos) {
if (creditsLines[i].sprite) {
creditsLines[i].sprite = NULL;
debug(2, "Freeing sprite '%s'", creditsLines[i].str);
if (creditsLines[i].str) {
creditsLines[i].str = NULL;
} else if (creditsLines[i].top < scrollPos + 400) {
if (!foundStartLine) {
startLine = i;
foundStartLine = true;
if (!creditsLines[i].sprite) {
debug(2, "Creating sprite '%s'", creditsLines[i].str);
creditsLines[i].sprite = _vm->_fontRenderer->makeTextSprite((byte *) creditsLines[i].str, 600, 14, _vm->_speechFontId, 0);
FrameHeader *frame = (FrameHeader *) creditsLines[i].sprite;
spriteInfo.y = creditsLines[i].top - scrollPos;
spriteInfo.w = frame->width;
spriteInfo.h = frame->height;
spriteInfo.data = creditsLines[i].sprite + sizeof(FrameHeader);
switch (creditsLines[i].type) {
spriteInfo.x = RENDERWIDE / 2 - 5 - frame->width;
spriteInfo.x = RENDERWIDE / 2 + 5;
if (strcmp(creditsLines[i].str, "@") == 0) {
spriteInfo.data = logoData;
spriteInfo.x = (RENDERWIDE - logoWidth) / 2;
spriteInfo.w = logoWidth;
spriteInfo.h = logoHeight;
} else
spriteInfo.x = (RENDERWIDE - frame->width) / 2;
if (spriteInfo.data)
} else
KeyboardEvent *ke = _vm->keyboardEvent();
if (ke && ke->keycode == 27) {
if (!abortCredits) {
abortCredits = true;
if (abortCredits && _vm->_screen->getFadeStatus() == RDFADE_BLACK)
_vm->sleepUntil(musicStart + (musicLength * scrollPos) / scrollSteps);
// We're done. Clean up and try to put everything back where it was
// before the credits.
for (i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
if (creditsLines[i].str)
if (creditsLines[i].sprite)
if (logoData)
if (!abortCredits) {
// The music should either have stopped or be about to stop, so
// wait for it to really happen.
while (_vm->_sound->musicTimeRemaining() && !_vm->_quit) {
if (_vm->_quit)
return IR_CONT;
if (loopingMusicId) {
pars[0] = loopingMusicId;
pars[1] = FX_LOOP;
} else
screenInfo->new_palette = 99;
if (!_vm->_mouse->getMouseStatus() || _choosing)
if (_scriptVars[DEAD])
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnSetScrollSpeedNormal(int32 *params) {
// params: none
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnSetScrollSpeedSlow(int32 *params) {
// params: none
return IR_CONT;
// Called from speech scripts to remove the chooser bar when it's not
// appropriate to keep it displayed
int32 Logic::fnRemoveChooser(int32 *params) {
// params: none
return IR_CONT;
* Alter the volume and pan of a currently playing FX
int32 Logic::fnSetFxVolAndPan(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 id of fx (ie. the id returned in 'result' from
// fnPlayFx
// 1 new volume (0..16)
// 2 new pan (-16..16)
debug(5, "fnSetFxVolAndPan(%d, %d, %d)", params[0], params[1], params[2]);
_vm->_sound->setFxIdVolumePan(params[0], params[1], params[2]);
return IR_CONT;
* Alter the volume of a currently playing FX
int32 Logic::fnSetFxVol(int32 *params) {
// params: 0 id of fx (ie. the id returned in 'result' from
// fnPlayFx
// 1 new volume (0..16)
_vm->_sound->setFxIdVolumePan(params[0], params[1]);
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnRestoreGame(int32 *params) {
// params: none
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnRefreshInventory(int32 *params) {
// Called from 'menu_look_or_combine' script in 'menu_master' object
// to update the menu to display a combined object while George runs
// voice-over. Note that 'object_held' must be set to the graphic of
// the combined object
// params: none
return IR_CONT;
int32 Logic::fnChangeShadows(int32 *params) {
// params: none
ScreenInfo *screenInfo = _vm->_screen->getScreenInfo();
// if last screen was using a shading mask (see below)
if (screenInfo->mask_flag) {
uint32 rv = _vm->_screen->closeLightMask();
if (rv)
error("Driver Error %.8x", rv);
screenInfo->mask_flag = false;
return IR_CONT;
} // End of namespace Sword2