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/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* Additional copyright for this file:
* Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Revolution Software Ltd.
* This code is based on source code created by Revolution Software,
* used with permission.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Include headers needed by this class.
#include "engines/icb/common/px_string.h"
#include "engines/icb/common/px_common.h"
#include "engines/icb/common/px_bitmap.h"
#include "engines/icb/player.h"
#include "engines/icb/icon_list.h"
#include "engines/icb/icon_menu_pc.h"
namespace ICB {
// Use globals as it reduces rdata storage on PSX
extern const char *global_nothing_selected;
#define ICON_MENU_LOG "icon_menu_log.txt"
// This defines the maximum number of icons that can be in the menu.
// This is the standard number of frames in each icon.
// Controls how fast the highlight flashes.
// This controls the flash rate of the added medipacks and ammo clips.
// This controls the flashrate of the email-waiting symbol.
// These define the names of the off-screen indicator arrows.
#define ICON_MENU_OFF_SCREEN_LEFT "left_arrow"
#define ICON_MENU_OFF_SCREEN_RIGHT "right_arrow"
// These are names for the ammo and healthcare stuff.
#define ARMS_GUN_NAME "gun"
#define ARMS_AMMO_NAME "ammo"
#define ARMS_HEALTH_NAME "health_pack"
#define EMAIL_ARRIVED_NAME "mail"
// Used for telling which way we are scrolling / if we are scrolling
// struct _icon_menu_duplicates
// This structure must be passed into the icon menu upon activation, whereupon the information in it
// will be used to add a count to the number of each item currently in the menu.
struct _icon_menu_duplicates {
uint8 s_nNumItems;
uint8 s_pnItemCounts[ICON_MENU_MAX_ICONS];
// Initialisation.
_icon_menu_duplicates() { s_nNumItems = 0; }
// This class presents a set of icons to the user and runs the selection interface. It is packaged as a separate
// class because it is used by the Remora, the speech system and the inventory.
class _icon_menu {
// Default constructor and destructor.
~_icon_menu() {}
// If the menu is up, call this to process its logic and draw the menu.
bool8 CycleIconMenu(const _input &sKeyboardState);
// Draw the special armed inventory
void DrawArmedMenu(const int32 nBullets, const int32 maxBullets, const int32 nClips, const int32 maxClips);
// And this draws it each cycle.
void DrawIconMenu();
// Call this to close the menu down.
void CloseDownIconMenu();
// This is the main function for running a menu selection.
void Activate(const _icon_list *pIconList, const _icon_menu_duplicates &sDuplicates, bool8 bAllowEscape, uint32 nSelected);
// A funstion to recreate/load the icon surfaces after task switching
void ReActivate();
// This reports whether or not the icon menu is active.
bool8 IsActive() const { return ((m_eIconMenuGameState == ACTIVE) ? TRUE8 : FALSE8); }
// This says whether or not there is currently a valid selection (i.e. player is 'holding' something.)
bool8 IsHolding() const { return (m_bValidSelection); }
// This draws the current selection for as long as it is still 'held'.
void CycleHoldingLogic();
// These handle the logic and drawing for adding medipacks and clips.
void SetAddingClipsCount(uint32 nNumClips);
void SetAddingMedipacksCount(uint32 nNumMedipacks);
bool8 IsAdding() const;
void CycleAddingLogic();
void DrawAdding();
// An icon needs to flash when an email arrives. This mechanism borrows the logic from the medipacks and clips above.
void SetEmailArrived();
void ClearEmailArrived() { m_bEmailArrived = FALSE8; }
// This reports the last menu selection if one is available.
const char *GetLastSelection();
uint32 GetLastSelectionHash() const;
// This clears the selection.
void ClearSelection() { m_bValidSelection = FALSE8; }
uint32 GetTransparencyKey() const { return (m_nTransparentKey); }
void SetTransparencyColourKey();
// These are used for PSX smoothing. (Won't do any harm on the PC.)
void PreloadIcon(const char *pcIconPath, const char *pcIconName);
int32 GetScrollingPosition(const int32 nInputX, uint32 &nIconIndex);
enum IconMenuGameState { INACTIVE = 0, ACTIVE };
IconMenuGameState m_eIconMenuGameState; // Current state of the icon menu object.
const _icon_list *m_pIconList; // Pointer to the list of icons to run the selection for.
uint32 m_nLastSelection; // Stores the last selection made by the chooser.
uint32 m_nSelectedIcon; // Stores the icon currently centred in the screen.
uint32 m_nHighlightCounter; // Used to control frequency of highlight flashing.
const char *m_pcSelectedIconName; // Name of the currently selected icon.
uint32 m_nSelectedIconHash; // Hash of the currently selected icon.
uint32 m_nIconClusterHash; // Icon cluster hash value.
_icon_menu_duplicates m_sDuplicates; // Count of any duplicate items.
uint32 m_nGlobalClusterHash; // Hash value for the global cluster.
uint32 m_pnIconSurfaceIDs[ICON_MENU_MAX_ICONS]; // IDs of surfaces where non-highlighted icons are stored.
uint32 m_pnHiLiteSurfaceIDs[ICON_MENU_MAX_ICONS]; // IDs of surfaces for storing highlighted versions.
uint32 m_nLeftArrowID; // The left-off screen arrow.
uint32 m_nRightArrowID; // Highlighted version of it.
uint32 m_nLeftArrowHiLiteID; // The right-off screen arrow.
uint32 m_nRightArrowHiLiteID; // Highlighted version of it.
uint32 m_nAddedClipsSurface; // Surface for the flashing of added clips.
uint32 m_nAddedMedipacksSurface; // Surface for the flashing of added medipacks.
uint32 m_nEmailArrivedSurface; // Surface for the email-arrived icon.
uint32 m_nMenuY; // The y height to draw the menu at
uint32 m_nTransparentKey; // Use this colour for transparency in blitting.
char m_pcGlobalClusterFile[MAXLEN_CLUSTER_URL]; // The global cluster file.
char m_pcIconCluster[MAXLEN_CLUSTER_URL]; // Icon cluster name.
bool8 m_bValidSelection; // Gets set true when a selection is made and false when it is read.
bool8 m_nKeyLock; // Stops key-repeat.
bool8 m_bHighlightVisible; // Whether or not the highlight is visible on the selected icon.
bool8 m_bAllowEscape; // Allows backstep to escape from the menu if true.
bool8 m_bWiderThanScreen; // Set to true when the icons won't all fit on the screen.
uint8 m_nScrollCycles; // Count of how many game cycles we have been scrolling
uint8 m_nLastIconIndex; // the last selected icon index used for scrolling
uint8 m_nScrollDirection; // which direction we are scrolling
uint8 m_nAddedMedipacks; // Gets set to cause flashing of added medipacks.
uint8 m_nAddedClips; // Gets set to cause flashing of added clips.
uint8 m_nAddedSymbol; // Indicates which 'adding' icon to display.
uint8 m_nAddedFlashCount; // Used to control the flashing of added medipacs and clips.
bool8 m_bEmailArrived; // Used to flag the arrival of an email.
uint8 m_nMaxIconsDisplayed; // Holds current maximum icons that can be displayed.
uint8 m_bPad2;
uint8 m_bPad3;
// Here I block the use of the default '='.
_icon_menu(const _icon_menu &) {}
void operator=(const _icon_menu &) {}
// Private functions used only in this class.
void CloseDownIconMenuDisplay();
void SetUpOffScreenArrows();
void SetupAdding(const char *pcIconName, uint32 &nSurfaceID);
void CloseDownAdding();
extern _icon_menu *g_oIconMenu;
#endif // #if !defined( ICONMENU_H_INCLUDED )