Paul Gilbert 721b619398 HOPKINS: Added explicit int16 cast to all READ_LE_UINT16 accesses.
I've already previously fixed two initialisatoin errors for data reading that expected int's to be 16 bits and signed, so adding the explicit cast everywhere will likely fix other similiar issues.
2012-10-11 22:58:04 +11:00

498 lines
12 KiB

/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "common/system.h"
#include "common/file.h"
#include "common/textconsole.h"
#include "hopkins/font.h"
#include "hopkins/files.h"
#include "hopkins/globals.h"
#include "hopkins/graphics.h"
#include "hopkins/hopkins.h"
#include "hopkins/objects.h"
namespace Hopkins {
void FontManager::setParent(HopkinsEngine *vm) {
_vm = vm;
void FontManager::clearAll() {
for (int idx = 0; idx < 11; ++idx) {
Txt[idx].field0 = 0;
Txt[idx].field12 = 0;
Txt[idx].field3FC = 0;
Txt[idx].field3FE = 0;
Txt[idx].field400 = 0;
Txt[idx].width = 0;
Txt[idx].height = 0;
Txt[idx].field408 = 0;
ListeTxt[idx].enabled = false;
void FontManager::TEXTE_ON(int idx) {
if ((idx - 5) > 11)
error("Attempted to display text > MAX_TEXT.");
TxtItem &txt = Txt[idx - 5];
txt.field0 = 1;
txt.field408 = 0;
if (txt.field400 != g_PTRNUL) {
txt.field400 = g_PTRNUL;
void FontManager::TEXTE_OFF(int idx) {
if ((idx - 5) > 11)
error("Attempted to display text > MAX_TEXT.");
TxtItem &txt = Txt[idx - 5];
txt.field0 = 0;
txt.field408 = 0;
if (txt.field400 != g_PTRNUL) {
txt.field400 = g_PTRNUL;
void FontManager::COUL_TXT(int idx, byte colByte) {
Txt[idx - 5].field40A = colByte;
void FontManager::OPTI_COUL_TXT(int idx1, int idx2, int idx3, int idx4) {
COUL_TXT(idx1, 255);
COUL_TXT(idx2, 255);
COUL_TXT(idx3, 255);
COUL_TXT(idx4, 253);
void FontManager::DOS_TEXT(int idx, int a2, const Common::String &filename, int xp, int yp, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9, int a10) {
if ((idx - 5) > 11)
error("Attempted to display text > MAX_TEXT.");
TxtItem &txt = Txt[idx - 5];
txt.field0 = 0;
txt.filename = filename;
txt.xp = xp;
txt.yp = yp;
txt.fieldC = a2;
txt.fieldE = a6;
txt.field10 = a7;
txt.field3FC = a8;
txt.field3FE = a9;
txt.field40A = a10;
void FontManager::BOITE(int idx, int fileIndex, const Common::String &filename, int xp, int yp) {
int filesize;
byte *v9;
const byte *v10;
int v11;
char v13;
char v14;
int v15;
char v16;
int v17;
int v18;
int v19;
int v20;
int v21;
int v22;
int v23;
char v24;
int v25;
int v26;
int v27;
int v28;
int v29;
int v30;
int v31;
int v32;
int v33;
int v34;
int v35;
int v36;
int v37;
int v38;
int v40;
int ptrb;
int ptrc;
byte *ptrd;
byte *ptre;
Common::String s;
int v49;
int v50;
int v51;
int v52;
int v53;
int v54;
int v55;
int v56;
int v57;
int v58;
byte *v59;
byte *v60;
byte *v61;
int v62;
int v63;
int v64;
int v65;
int v66;
int v67;
int v68;
int v69;
int v70;
int v71;
int v72;
int v73;
int i;
int v75;
Common::String file;
Common::File f;
v73 = xp;
v70 = yp;
v58 = 0;
if (idx < 0)
error("Bad number for text");
_vm->_globals.police_l = 11;
_vm->_globals.largeur_boite = 11 * Txt[idx].field3FE;
if (Txt[idx].field408) {
v34 = Txt[idx].field3FC;
if (v34 != 6 && v34 != 1 && v34 != 3 && v34 != 5) {
v72 = yp + 5;
v38 = 0;
if (Txt[idx].field12 > 0) {
do {
v40 = idx;
TEXT_NOW1(xp + 5, v72, Txt[idx].field14[v38], Txt[idx].field40A);
v72 += _vm->_globals.police_h + 1;
idx = v40;
} while (Txt[v40].field12 > v38);
} else {
v35 = idx;
v36 = Txt[v35].height;
v37 = Txt[v35].width;
_vm->_graphicsManager.Ajoute_Segment_Vesa(xp, yp, xp + v37, yp + v36);
} else {
v62 = 0;
do {
TRIER_TEXT[v62++] = 0;
} while (v62 <= 19);
Txt[idx].field408 = 1;
_vm->_fileManager.CONSTRUIT_FICHIER(_vm->_globals.HOPLINK, filename);
file = _vm->_globals.NFICHIER;
if (strncmp(file.c_str(), oldname.c_str(), strlen(file.c_str()))) {
oldname = file;
nom_index = file;
//*(int *)((char *)&dword_80AE4DC + strlen(nom_index) + 1) = dword_807C98D;
if (!
error("Error opening file - %s", nom_index.c_str());
filesize = f.size();
for (int i = 0; i < (filesize / 4); ++i)
Index[i] = f.readUint32LE();
if (filename[0] != 'Z' || filename[1] != 'O') {
if (!
error("Error opening file - %s", nom_index.c_str());
v69 = 2048;[fileIndex]);
texte_tmp = _vm->_globals.dos_malloc2(0x80Au);
if (texte_tmp == g_PTRNUL)
error("Error allocating text");, 0x800u);
_vm->_globals.texte_long = 2048;
} else {
v69 = 100;
_vm->_globals.texte_long = 100;
v9 = _vm->_globals.dos_malloc2(0x6Eu);
texte_tmp = v9;
v10 = _vm->_globals.BUF_ZONE + Index[fileIndex];
memcpy(v9, v10, 0x60u);
v11 = 0;
WRITE_LE_UINT16((uint16 *)v9 + 48, (int16)READ_LE_UINT16(v10 + 96));
v59 = texte_tmp;
v63 = 0;
if (!v69)
goto LABEL_43;
do {
v13 = *v59;
if ((byte)(*v59 + 46) > 0x1Bu) {
if ((unsigned __int8)(v13 + 80) > 0x1Bu) {
if ((unsigned __int8)(v13 - 65) <= 0x19u || (unsigned __int8)(v13 - 97) <= 0x19u)
v13 = 32;
} else {
v13 -= 79;
} else {
v13 += 111;
*v59 = v13;
v59 = v59 + 1;
} while (v63 < v69);
v60 = texte_tmp;
v64 = 0;
if (v69) {
while (1) {
v14 = *(v60 + v64);
if (v14 == 10 || v14 == 13) {
*(v60 + v64) = 0;
// v11 = (int)Txt;
if (!Txt[idx].field3FE)
if (v69 <= v64)
goto LABEL_43;
Txt[idx].field3FE = v64;
_vm->_globals.largeur_boite = 0;
v15 = 0;
if (v64 + 1 > 0) {
do {
v16 = *(v60 + v15);
if ((unsigned __int8)v16 <= 0x1Fu)
v16 = 32;
_vm->_globals.largeur_boite += _vm->_objectsManager.Get_Largeur(_vm->_globals.police, (byte)v16 - 32);
} while (v15 < v64 + 1);
_vm->_globals.largeur_boite += 2;
v17 = _vm->_globals.largeur_boite / 2;
if (v17 < 0)
v17 = -v17;
Txt[idx].xp = 320 - v17;
v73 = _vm->_eventsManager.start_x + 320 - v17;
v58 = 1;
v18 = 0;
if (v64 + 1 > 0) {
do {
Txt[idx].field14[v18] = *(v60 + v18);
} while (v18 < v64 + 1);
} else {
if (!_vm->_globals.largeur_boite)
_vm->_globals.largeur_boite = 240;
v65 = 0;
v61 = texte_tmp;
do {
v19 = 0;
ptrb = _vm->_globals.largeur_boite - 4;
while (1) {
v57 = v19;
v11 = *(v61 + v65 + v19++);
while (v11 != 32 && v11 != 37);
if (v19 >= ptrb / _vm->_globals.police_l)
if (v11 == 37) {
if (v19 < ptrb / _vm->_globals.police_l)
goto LABEL_55;
if (v11 != 37)
goto LABEL_57;
v11 = 32;
if (v11 == 37)
v57 = v19;
v20 = v58;
v21 = v11;
Txt[idx].field14[v20] = Common::String((const char *)v61 + v65, v57);
TRIER_TEXT[v58++] = v57;
v65 += v57;
v11 = v21;
} while (v21 != 37);
v66 = 0;
do {
v22 = TRIER_TEXT[v66];
if (v22 <= 0) {
TRIER_TEXT[v66] = 0;
} else {
ptrc = 0;
v23 = 0;
if (v22 - 1 > 0) {
do {
v24 = Txt[idx].field14[v66][v23];
if ((byte)v24 <= 0x1Fu)
v24 = 32;
ptrc += _vm->_objectsManager.Get_Largeur(_vm->_globals.police, (byte)v24 - 32);
} while (v23 < TRIER_TEXT[v66] - 1);
TRIER_TEXT[v66] = ptrc;
} while (v66 <= 19);
v67 = 0;
do {
v25 = v67;
do {
if (v25 == 20)
v25 = 0;
if (TRIER_TEXT[v67] < TRIER_TEXT[v25])
TRIER_TEXT[v67] = 0;
} while (v25 != (signed __int16)v67);
} while (v67 <= 19);
v68 = 0;
do {
if (TRIER_TEXT[v68])
_vm->_globals.largeur_boite = TRIER_TEXT[v68];
} while (v68 <= 19);
if ((unsigned __int16)(Txt[idx].field3FC - 2) > 1u) {
for (i = xp - _vm->_eventsManager.start_x; _vm->_globals.largeur_boite + i > 638 && i > -2 && Txt[idx].field3FC; i -= 2)
Txt[idx].xp = i;
v73 = _vm->_eventsManager.start_x + i;
} else {
if (_vm->_globals.nbrligne == (SCREEN_WIDTH - 1)) {
while (_vm->_globals.largeur_boite + v73 > 638 && v73 > -2)
v73 -= 2;
if (_vm->_globals.nbrligne == (SCREEN_WIDTH * 2)) {
while (_vm->_globals.largeur_boite + v73 > 1278 && v73 > -2)
v73 -= 2;
Txt[idx].xp = v73;
_vm->_globals.hauteur_boite = (_vm->_globals.police_h + 1) * v58 + 2;
v56 = v73;
v55 = yp;
v53 = _vm->_globals.largeur_boite + 10;
v51 = (_vm->_globals.police_h + 1) * v58 + 12;
v26 = 1036 * idx;
if (Txt[idx].field3FC == 6) {
v27 = v53 / 2;
if (v27 < 0)
v27 = -v27;
Txt[v26].xp = 315 - v27;
v28 = _vm->_eventsManager.start_x + 315 - v27;
v73 = _vm->_eventsManager.start_x + 315 - v27;
Txt[v26].yp = 50;
v70 = 50;
v55 = 50;
v56 = v28;
v29 = Txt[idx].field3FC;
if (v29 == 1 || v29 == 3 || (unsigned __int16)(v29 - 5) <= 1u) {
v49 = v51 * v53;
ptrd = _vm->_globals.dos_malloc2(v51 * v53);
if (ptrd == g_PTRNUL) {
error("Cutting a block for text box (%d)", v49);
_vm->_graphicsManager.Capture_Mem(_vm->_graphicsManager.VESA_BUFFER, ptrd, v56, v55, v53, v51);
_vm->_graphicsManager.Trans_bloc2(ptrd, _vm->_graphicsManager.TABLE_COUL, v49);
_vm->_graphicsManager.Restore_Mem(_vm->_graphicsManager.VESA_BUFFER, ptrd, v56, v55, v53, v51);
_vm->_graphicsManager.Plot_Hline(_vm->_graphicsManager.VESA_BUFFER, v56, v55, v53, (byte)-2);
_vm->_graphicsManager.Plot_Hline(_vm->_graphicsManager.VESA_BUFFER, v56, v51 + v55, v53, (byte)-2);
_vm->_graphicsManager.Plot_Vline(_vm->_graphicsManager.VESA_BUFFER, v56, v70, v51, (byte)-2);
_vm->_graphicsManager.Plot_Vline(_vm->_graphicsManager.VESA_BUFFER, v53 + v56, v70, v51, (byte)-2);
Txt[idx].field12 = v58;
v75 = v73 + 5;
v71 = v70 + 5;
v30 = 0;
if (v58 > 0) {
do {
TEXT_NOW1(v75, v71, Txt[idx].field14[v30], Txt[idx].field40A);
v71 += _vm->_globals.police_h + 1;
} while (v58 > v30);
v54 = v53 + 1;
v52 = v51 + 1;
v31 = idx;
Txt[v31].width = v54;
Txt[v31].height = v52;
v32 = Txt[v31].field3FC;
if (v32 == 6 || v32 == 1 || v32 == 3 || v32 == 5) {
v33 = idx;
if (Txt[v33].field400 != g_PTRNUL)
Txt[v33].field400 = _vm->_globals.dos_free2(Txt[v33].field400);
v50 = v52 * v54;
ptre = _vm->_globals.dos_malloc2(v50 + 20);
if (ptre == g_PTRNUL)
error("Cutting a block for text box (%d)", v50);
Txt[v33].field400 = ptre;
Txt[v33].width = v54;
Txt[v33].height = v52;
_vm->_graphicsManager.Capture_Mem(_vm->_graphicsManager.VESA_BUFFER, Txt[v33].field400, v56, v55, Txt[v33].width, v52);
texte_tmp = _vm->_globals.dos_free2(texte_tmp);
void FontManager::TEXT_NOW1(int xp, int yp, const Common::String &message, int transColour) {
for (uint idx = 0; idx < message.size(); ++idx) {
char currentChar = message[idx];
if (currentChar > 31) {
int characterIndex = currentChar - 32;
_vm->_graphicsManager.Affiche_Fonte(_vm->_graphicsManager.VESA_BUFFER, _vm->_globals.police,
xp, yp, characterIndex, transColour);
xp += _vm->_objectsManager.Get_Largeur(_vm->_globals.police, characterIndex);
} // End of namespace Hopkins