ScummVM for iOS 7.1+

This is a quick fix of the latest ScummVM (1.8.0) for iOS 7.1. It has been tested on real iPhone 6S+, and iPad Pro, and also on all the available Xcode simulators.

I tried to use all the latest iOS features to replace the old code. For instance, it uses gesture recognizers most of the time, it supports the new iPhones 6 / 6+ / 6s / 6s+ resolution, and you can copy your game files using iTunes.




The game data files can be copied on the iOS device using iTunes. Once done, add your games in ScummVM as usual.

Here is a list of the in-game gestures:

Gesture Description
Two fingers swipe down Display the ScummVM menu for loading, saving, etc.
Two fingers swipe right Enable / disable the touchpad mode
Two fingers swipe up Enable / disable the mouse-click-and-drag mode
Two fingers tap Simulate a right click. You should tap with one finger, and then tap with another while keeping your first finger on the screen.
Two fingers double-tap Skip the cinematic / video

The iOS keyboard is visible when the device is in portrait mode, and hidden in landscape mode.