rsn8887 f14a7f15d5 SWITCH: Force fullscreen always on
Windowed mode never worked correctly and is pointless since the
Switch operating system doesn't have a window manager.
2019-08-18 17:03:51 -05:00
2019-08-18 17:03:51 -05:00

ScummVM-Switch README

 - The latest daily version of ScummVM for Switch is [here]( (needs to be unzipped).
 - Copy the scummvm folder to your SD card into the folder /switch/ so that you have a folder `/switch/scummvm` with `scummvm.nro` and other folders inside.
 - Launch ScummVM using your favorite method to launch homebrew on the Switch

 - This README may be outdated, for more up-to-date instructions and notes see
   the Switch Port Wiki:

Building the source code
This port of ScummVM to the Switch is based on SDL2. It uses the open source SDK provided by devkitPro.

To build ScummVM for Switch:

 - Obtain the ScummVM source code (

 - Install the development tools for Switch following the official instructions (

 - Install libraries via
sudo dkp-pacman -S \
switch-sdl2 \
switch-libmad \
switch-libogg \
switch-libvorbis \
switch-flac \
switch-libtheora \
switch-libpng \
switch-libjpeg-turbo \
switch-zlib \
switch-freetype \
switch-sdl2_net \
switch-curl \
switch-libtimidity \

 - Create a subdirectory somewhere outside the source folder for your ScummVM build and cd into it

 - Execute the command (once a curl-config script exists for devkitA64, the --disable-libcurl could be omitted)
../scummvm/configure --host=switch --disable-libcurl

 - Execute the command

Port Authors

[devkitPro]( devkitPro) and [Switchbrew]( teams