Pawel Kolodziejski b71391a6f2 sync with scummvm
2008-07-23 21:48:28 +00:00

544 lines
15 KiB

/* Residual - Virtual machine to run LucasArts' 3D adventure games
* Residual is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the AUTHORS
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* $URL$
* $Id$
#include "common/file.h"
#include "common/fs.h"
#include "common/hashmap.h"
#include "common/util.h"
#include "common/debug.h"
#include "common/hash-str.h"
#include <errno.h>
#if defined(MACOSX) || defined(IPHONE)
#include "CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h"
#ifdef __PLAYSTATION2__
// for those replaced fopen/fread/etc functions
typedef unsigned long uint64;
typedef signed long int64;
#include "backends/platform/ps2/fileio.h"
#define fopen(a, b) ps2_fopen(a, b)
#define fclose(a) ps2_fclose(a)
#define fseek(a, b, c) ps2_fseek(a, b, c)
#define ftell(a) ps2_ftell(a)
#define feof(a) ps2_feof(a)
#define fread(a, b, c, d) ps2_fread(a, b, c, d)
#define fwrite(a, b, c, d) ps2_fwrite(a, b, c, d)
//#define fprintf ps2_fprintf // used in common/util.cpp
//#define fflush(a) ps2_fflush(a) // used in common/util.cpp
//#define fgetc(a) ps2_fgetc(a) // not used
//#define fgets(a, b, c) ps2_fgets(a, b, c) // not used
//#define fputc(a, b) ps2_fputc(a, b) // not used
//#define fputs(a, b) ps2_fputs(a, b) // not used
//#define fsize(a) ps2_fsize(a) // not used -- and it is not a standard function either
#ifdef __DS__
// These functions replease the standard library functions of the same name.
// As this header is included after the standard one, I have the chance to #define
// all of these to my own code.
// A #define is the only way, as redefinig the functions would cause linker errors.
// These functions need to be #undef'ed, as their original definition
// in devkitarm is done with #includes (ugh!)
#undef feof
#undef clearerr
//#undef getc
//#undef ferror
#include "backends/fs/ds/ds-fs.h"
//void std_fprintf(FILE* handle, const char* fmt, ...); // used in common/util.cpp
//void std_fflush(FILE* handle); // used in common/util.cpp
//char* std_fgets(char* str, int size, FILE* file); // not used
//int std_getc(FILE* handle); // not used
//char* std_getcwd(char* dir, int dunno); // not used
//void std_cwd(char* dir); // not used
//int std_ferror(FILE* handle); // not used
// Only functions used in the ScummVM source have been defined here!
#define fopen(name, mode) DS::std_fopen(name, mode)
#define fclose(handle) DS::std_fclose(handle)
#define fread(ptr, size, items, file) DS::std_fread(ptr, size, items, file)
#define fwrite(ptr, size, items, file) DS::std_fwrite(ptr, size, items, file)
#define feof(handle) DS::std_feof(handle)
#define ftell(handle) DS::std_ftell(handle)
#define fseek(handle, offset, whence) DS::std_fseek(handle, offset, whence)
#define clearerr(handle) DS::std_clearerr(handle)
//#define printf(fmt, ...) consolePrintf(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
//#define fprintf(file, fmt, ...) { char str[128]; sprintf(str, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); DS::std_fwrite(str, strlen(str), 1, file); }
//#define fflush(file) DS::std_fflush(file) // used in common/util.cpp
//#define fgets(str, size, file) DS::std_fgets(str, size, file) // not used
//#define getc(handle) DS::std_getc(handle) // not used
//#define getcwd(dir, dunno) DS::std_getcwd(dir, dunno) // not used
//#define ferror(handle) DS::std_ferror(handle) // not used
#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
#undef feof
#undef clearerr
#define FILE void
FILE* symbian_fopen(const char* name, const char* mode);
void symbian_fclose(FILE* handle);
size_t symbian_fread(const void* ptr, size_t size, size_t numItems, FILE* handle);
size_t symbian_fwrite(const void* ptr, size_t size, size_t numItems, FILE* handle);
bool symbian_feof(FILE* handle);
long int symbian_ftell(FILE* handle);
int symbian_fseek(FILE* handle, long int offset, int whence);
void symbian_clearerr(FILE* handle);
// Only functions used in the ScummVM source have been defined here!
#define fopen(name, mode) symbian_fopen(name, mode)
#define fclose(handle) symbian_fclose(handle)
#define fread(ptr, size, items, file) symbian_fread(ptr, size, items, file)
#define fwrite(ptr, size, items, file) symbian_fwrite(ptr, size, items, file)
#define feof(handle) symbian_feof(handle)
#define ftell(handle) symbian_ftell(handle)
#define fseek(handle, offset, whence) symbian_fseek(handle, offset, whence)
#define clearerr(handle) symbian_clearerr(handle)
namespace Common {
typedef HashMap<String, int> StringIntMap;
// The following two objects could be turned into static members of class
// File. However, then we would be forced to #include hashmap in file.h
// which seems to be a high price just for a simple beautification...
static StringIntMap *_defaultDirectories;
static StringMap *_filesMap;
static FILE *fopenNoCase(const String &filename, const String &directory, const char *mode) {
FILE *file;
String dirBuf(directory);
String fileBuf(filename);
#if !defined(__GP32__) && !defined(PALMOS_MODE)
// Add a trailing slash, if necessary.
if (!dirBuf.empty()) {
const char c = dirBuf.lastChar();
if (c != ':' && c != '/' && c != '\\')
dirBuf += '/';
// Append the filename to the path string
String pathBuf(dirBuf);
pathBuf += fileBuf;
// Try to open the file normally
file = fopen(pathBuf.c_str(), mode);
// Try again, with file name converted to upper case
if (!file) {
pathBuf = dirBuf + fileBuf;
file = fopen(pathBuf.c_str(), mode);
// Try again, with file name converted to lower case
if (!file) {
pathBuf = dirBuf + fileBuf;
file = fopen(pathBuf.c_str(), mode);
// Try again, with file name capitalized
if (!file) {
pathBuf = dirBuf + fileBuf;
file = fopen(pathBuf.c_str(), mode);
#ifdef __amigaos4__
// Work around for possibility that someone uses AmigaOS "newlib" build with SmartFileSystem (blocksize 512 bytes), leading
// to buffer size being only 512 bytes. "Clib2" sets the buffer size to 8KB, resulting smooth movie playback. This forces the buffer
// to be enough also when using "newlib" compile on SFS.
if (file) {
setvbuf(file, NULL, _IOFBF, 8192);
return file;
void File::addDefaultDirectory(const String &directory) {
FilesystemNode dir(directory);
addDefaultDirectoryRecursive(dir, 1);
void File::addDefaultDirectoryRecursive(const String &directory, int level, const String &prefix) {
FilesystemNode dir(directory);
addDefaultDirectoryRecursive(dir, level, prefix);
void File::addDefaultDirectory(const FilesystemNode &directory) {
addDefaultDirectoryRecursive(directory, 1);
void File::addDefaultDirectoryRecursive(const FilesystemNode &dir, int level, const String &prefix) {
if (level <= 0)
FSList fslist;
if (!dir.getChildren(fslist, FilesystemNode::kListAll)) {
// Failed listing the contents of this node, so it is either not a
// directory, or just doesn't exist at all.
if (!_defaultDirectories)
_defaultDirectories = new StringIntMap;
// Do not add directories multiple times, unless this time they are added
// with a bigger depth.
const String &directory(dir.getPath());
if (_defaultDirectories->contains(directory) && (*_defaultDirectories)[directory] >= level)
(*_defaultDirectories)[directory] = level;
if (!_filesMap)
_filesMap = new StringMap;
for (FSList::const_iterator file = fslist.begin(); file != fslist.end(); ++file) {
if (file->isDirectory()) {
addDefaultDirectoryRecursive(file->getPath(), level - 1, prefix + file->getName() + "/");
} else {
String lfn(prefix);
lfn += file->getName();
if (!_filesMap->contains(lfn)) {
(*_filesMap)[lfn] = file->getPath();
void File::resetDefaultDirectories() {
delete _defaultDirectories;
delete _filesMap;
_defaultDirectories = 0;
_filesMap = 0;
: _handle(0), _ioFailed(false) {
File::~File() {
warning("File::~File on file '%s'", _name.c_str());
bool File::open(const String &filename, AccessMode mode) {
assert(mode == kFileReadMode || mode == kFileWriteMode);
if (filename.empty()) {
error("File::open: No filename was specified");
if (_handle) {
error("File::open: This file object already is opened (%s), won't open '%s'", _name.c_str(), filename.c_str());
String fname(filename);
const char *modeStr = (mode == kFileReadMode) ? "rb" : "wb";
if (mode == kFileWriteMode) {
_handle = fopenNoCase(filename, "", modeStr);
} else if (_filesMap && _filesMap->contains(fname)) {
fname = (*_filesMap)[fname];
//debug(3, "Opening hashed: %s", fname.c_str());
_handle = fopen(fname.c_str(), modeStr);
} else if (_filesMap && _filesMap->contains(fname + ".")) {
// WORKAROUND: Bug #1458388: "SIMON1: Game Detection fails"
// sometimes instead of "GAMEPC" we get "GAMEPC." (note trailing dot)
fname = (*_filesMap)[fname + "."];
//debug(3, "Opening hashed: %s", fname.c_str());
_handle = fopen(fname.c_str(), modeStr);
} else {
if (_defaultDirectories) {
// Try all default directories
StringIntMap::const_iterator x(_defaultDirectories->begin());
for (; _handle == NULL && x != _defaultDirectories->end(); ++x) {
_handle = fopenNoCase(filename, x->_key, modeStr);
// Last resort: try the current directory
if (_handle == NULL)
_handle = fopenNoCase(filename, "", modeStr);
// Last last (really) resort: try looking inside the application bundle on Mac OS X for the lowercase file.
#if defined(MACOSX) || defined(IPHONE)
if (!_handle) {
CFStringRef cfFileName = CFStringCreateWithBytes(NULL, (const UInt8 *)filename.c_str(), filename.size(), kCFStringEncodingASCII, false);
CFURLRef fileUrl = CFBundleCopyResourceURL(CFBundleGetMainBundle(), cfFileName, NULL, NULL);
if (fileUrl) {
UInt8 buf[256];
if (CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(fileUrl, false, (UInt8 *)buf, 256)) {
_handle = fopen((char *)buf, modeStr);
if (_handle == NULL) {
/* if (mode == kFileReadMode)
debug(2, "File %s not found", filename.c_str());
debug(2, "File %s not opened", filename.c_str());*/
return false;
_name = filename;
warning("File::open on file '%s'", _name.c_str());
return true;
bool File::open(const FilesystemNode &node, AccessMode mode) {
assert(mode == kFileReadMode || mode == kFileWriteMode);
if (!node.exists()) {
warning("File::open: Trying to open a FilesystemNode which does not exist");
return false;
} else if (node.isDirectory()) {
warning("File::open: Trying to open a FilesystemNode which is a directory");
return false;
} /*else if (!node.isReadable() && mode == kFileReadMode) {
warning("File::open: Trying to open an unreadable FilesystemNode object for reading");
return false;
} else if (!node.isWritable() && mode == kFileWriteMode) {
warning("File::open: Trying to open an unwritable FilesystemNode object for writing");
return false;
String filename(node.getName());
if (_handle) {
error("File::open: This file object already is opened (%s), won't open '%s'", _name.c_str(), filename.c_str());
const char *modeStr = (mode == kFileReadMode) ? "rb" : "wb";
_handle = fopen(node.getPath().c_str(), modeStr);
if (_handle == NULL) {
/* if (mode == kFileReadMode)
debug(2, "File %s not found", filename.c_str());
debug(2, "File %s not opened", filename.c_str());*/
return false;
_name = filename;
warning("File::open on file '%s'", _name.c_str());
return true;
bool File::exists(const String &filename) {
// First try to find the file via a FilesystemNode (in case an absolute
// path was passed). This is only used to filter out directories.
FilesystemNode file(filename);
if (file.exists())
return !file.isDirectory();
// See if the file is already mapped
if (_filesMap && _filesMap->contains(filename)) {
FilesystemNode file2((*_filesMap)[filename]);
if (file2.exists())
return !file2.isDirectory();
// Try all default directories
if (_defaultDirectories) {
StringIntMap::const_iterator i(_defaultDirectories->begin());
for (; i != _defaultDirectories->end(); ++i) {
FilesystemNode file2(i->_key + filename);
return !file2.isDirectory();
//Try opening the file inside the local directory as a last resort
File tmp;
return, kFileReadMode);
void File::close() {
if (_handle)
fclose((FILE *)_handle);
_handle = NULL;
bool File::isOpen() const {
return _handle != NULL;
bool File::ioFailed() const {
// TODO/FIXME: Just use ferror() here?
return _ioFailed != 0;
void File::clearIOFailed() {
// TODO/FIXME: Just use clearerr() here?
_ioFailed = false;
bool File::eof() const {
if (_handle == NULL) {
error("File::eof: File is not open!");
return false;
return feof((FILE *)_handle) != 0;
uint32 File::pos() const {
if (_handle == NULL) {
error("File::pos: File is not open!");
return 0;
return ftell((FILE *)_handle);
uint32 File::size() const {
if (_handle == NULL) {
error("File::size: File is not open!");
return 0;
uint32 oldPos = ftell((FILE *)_handle);
fseek((FILE *)_handle, 0, SEEK_END);
uint32 length = ftell((FILE *)_handle);
fseek((FILE *)_handle, oldPos, SEEK_SET);
return length;
void File::seek(int32 offs, int whence) {
if (_handle == NULL) {
error("File::seek: File is not open!");
if (fseek((FILE *)_handle, offs, whence) != 0)
clearerr((FILE *)_handle);
uint32 File::read(void *ptr, uint32 len) {
byte *ptr2 = (byte *)ptr;
uint32 real_len;
if (_handle == NULL) {
error("File::read: File is not open!");
return 0;
if (len == 0)
return 0;
real_len = fread(ptr2, 1, len, (FILE *)_handle);
if (real_len < len) {
_ioFailed = true;
return real_len;
uint32 File::write(const void *ptr, uint32 len) {
if (_handle == NULL) {
error("File::write: File is not open!");
return 0;
if (len == 0)
return 0;
if ((uint32)fwrite(ptr, 1, len, (FILE *)_handle) != len) {
_ioFailed = true;
return len;
} // End of namespace Common