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synced 2025-03-05 01:38:36 +00:00
680 lines
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680 lines
19 KiB
/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter
* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 The ScummVM project
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* $Header$
#include "common/stdafx.h"
#include "gui/browser.h"
#include "gui/chooser.h"
#include "gui/newgui.h"
#include "gui/options.h"
#include "gui/PopUpWidget.h"
#include "gui/TabWidget.h"
#include "backends/fs/fs.h"
#include "common/config-manager.h"
#include "common/scaler.h"
#include "common/system.h"
#include "sound/mididrv.h"
#include "sound/mixer.h"
#if (!( defined(PALMOS_MODE) || defined(__DC__) || defined(__GP32__) || defined(__amigaos4__) ) && !defined(_MSC_VER))
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#if !(defined(MAXPATHLEN))
#ifndef PALMOS_68K
#define MAXPATHLEN 1024
#define MAXPATHLEN 256
namespace GUI {
// TODO - allow changing options for:
// - the save path (use _dirBrowser!)
// - music & graphics driver (but see also the comments on EditGameDialog
// for some techincal difficulties with this)
// - default volumes (sfx/speech/music)
// - aspect ratio, language, platform, subtitles, debug mode/level, cd drive, joystick, multi midi, native mt32
enum {
kMusicVolumeChanged = 'muvc',
kSfxVolumeChanged = 'sfvc',
kSpeechVolumeChanged = 'vcvc',
kChooseSoundFontCmd = 'chsf',
kChooseSaveDirCmd = 'chos',
kChooseExtraDirCmd = 'chex'
enum {
kChooseKeyMappingCmd = 'chma'
OptionsDialog::OptionsDialog(const String &domain, int x, int y, int w, int h)
: Dialog(x, y, w, h),
_gfxPopUp(0), _renderModePopUp(0), _fullscreenCheckbox(0), _aspectCheckbox(0),
_multiMidiCheckbox(0), _mt32Checkbox(0), _enableGSCheckbox(0),
_musicVolumeSlider(0), _musicVolumeLabel(0),
_sfxVolumeSlider(0), _sfxVolumeLabel(0),
_speechVolumeSlider(0), _speechVolumeLabel(0) {
void OptionsDialog::open() {
// Reset result value
if (_fullscreenCheckbox) {
if (ConfMan.hasKey("gfx_mode", _domain)) {
const OSystem::GraphicsMode *gm = g_system->getSupportedGraphicsModes();
String gfxMode = ConfMan.get("gfx_mode", _domain);
int gfxCount = 1;
while (gm->name) {
if (scumm_stricmp(gm->name, gfxMode.c_str()) == 0)
if (ConfMan.hasKey("render_mode", _domain)) {
const Common::RenderModeDescription *p = Common::g_renderModes;
const Common::RenderMode renderMode = Common::parseRenderMode(ConfMan.get("render_mode", _domain));
int sel = 0;
for (int i = 0; p->code; ++p, ++i) {
if (renderMode == p->id)
sel = i + 2;
// Fullscreen setting
_fullscreenCheckbox->setState(ConfMan.getBool("fullscreen", _domain));
// Aspect ratio setting
_aspectCheckbox->setState(ConfMan.getBool("aspect_ratio", _domain));
if (_subCheckbox) {
// Music driver
const MidiDriverDescription *md = MidiDriver::getAvailableMidiDrivers();
int i = 0;
const int midiDriver =
ConfMan.hasKey("music_driver", _domain)
? MidiDriver::parseMusicDriver(ConfMan.get("music_driver", _domain))
while (md->name && md->id != midiDriver) {
_midiPopUp->setSelected(md->name ? i : 0);
// Subtitles setting
_subCheckbox->setState(ConfMan.getBool("subtitles", _domain));
if (_multiMidiCheckbox) {
// Multi midi setting
_multiMidiCheckbox->setState(ConfMan.getBool("multi_midi", _domain));
// Native mt32 setting
_mt32Checkbox->setState(ConfMan.getBool("native_mt32", _domain));
// GS extensions setting
_enableGSCheckbox->setState(ConfMan.getBool("enable_gs", _domain));
if (_musicVolumeSlider) {
int vol;
vol = ConfMan.getInt("music_volume", _domain);
vol = ConfMan.getInt("sfx_volume", _domain);
vol = ConfMan.getInt("speech_volume", _domain);
void OptionsDialog::close() {
if (getResult()) {
if (_fullscreenCheckbox) {
if (_enableGraphicSettings) {
ConfMan.set("fullscreen", _fullscreenCheckbox->getState(), _domain);
ConfMan.set("aspect_ratio", _aspectCheckbox->getState(), _domain);
if ((int32)_gfxPopUp->getSelectedTag() >= 0)
ConfMan.set("gfx_mode", _gfxPopUp->getSelectedString(), _domain);
if ((int32)_renderModePopUp->getSelectedTag() >= 0)
ConfMan.set("render_mode", Common::getRenderModeCode((Common::RenderMode)_renderModePopUp->getSelectedTag()), _domain);
} else {
ConfMan.removeKey("fullscreen", _domain);
ConfMan.removeKey("aspect_ratio", _domain);
ConfMan.removeKey("gfx_mode", _domain);
ConfMan.removeKey("render_mode", _domain);
if (_musicVolumeSlider) {
if (_enableVolumeSettings) {
ConfMan.set("music_volume", _musicVolumeSlider->getValue(), _domain);
ConfMan.set("sfx_volume", _sfxVolumeSlider->getValue(), _domain);
ConfMan.set("speech_volume", _speechVolumeSlider->getValue(), _domain);
} else {
ConfMan.removeKey("music_volume", _domain);
ConfMan.removeKey("sfx_volume", _domain);
ConfMan.removeKey("speech_volume", _domain);
if (_subCheckbox) {
if (_enableAudioSettings) {
ConfMan.set("subtitles", _subCheckbox->getState(), _domain);
const MidiDriverDescription *md = MidiDriver::getAvailableMidiDrivers();
while (md->name && md->id != (int)_midiPopUp->getSelectedTag())
if (md->name)
ConfMan.set("music_driver", md->name, _domain);
ConfMan.removeKey("music_driver", _domain);
} else {
ConfMan.removeKey("music_driver", _domain);
ConfMan.removeKey("subtitles", _domain);
if (_multiMidiCheckbox) {
if (_enableMIDISettings) {
ConfMan.set("multi_midi", _multiMidiCheckbox->getState(), _domain);
ConfMan.set("native_mt32", _mt32Checkbox->getState(), _domain);
ConfMan.set("enable_gs", _enableGSCheckbox->getState(), _domain);
} else {
ConfMan.removeKey("multi_midi", _domain);
ConfMan.removeKey("native_mt32", _domain);
ConfMan.removeKey("enable_gs", _domain);
// Save config file
void OptionsDialog::handleCommand(CommandSender *sender, uint32 cmd, uint32 data) {
switch (cmd) {
case kMusicVolumeChanged:
case kSfxVolumeChanged:
case kSpeechVolumeChanged:
case kOKCmd:
Dialog::handleCommand(sender, cmd, data);
void OptionsDialog::setGraphicSettingsState(bool enabled) {
_enableGraphicSettings = enabled;
void OptionsDialog::setAudioSettingsState(bool enabled) {
_enableAudioSettings = enabled;
void OptionsDialog::setMIDISettingsState(bool enabled) {
_enableMIDISettings = enabled;
void OptionsDialog::setVolumeSettingsState(bool enabled) {
_enableVolumeSettings = enabled;
int OptionsDialog::addGraphicControls(GuiObject *boss, int yoffset, WidgetSize ws) {
const int x = 10;
const int w = _w - 2 * 10;
const OSystem::GraphicsMode *gm = g_system->getSupportedGraphicsModes();
int labelWidth;
if (ws == kBigWidgetSize) {
labelWidth = 150;
} else {
labelWidth = 100;
// The GFX mode popup
_gfxPopUp = addPopUp(boss, x-5, yoffset, w+5, "Graphics mode: ", labelWidth, ws);
yoffset += _gfxPopUp->getHeight() + 4;
while (gm->name) {
_gfxPopUp->appendEntry(gm->name, gm->id);
// RenderMode popup
_renderModePopUp = addPopUp(boss, x-5, yoffset, w+5, "Render mode: ", labelWidth, ws);
yoffset += _renderModePopUp->getHeight() + 4;
_renderModePopUp->appendEntry("<default>", Common::kRenderDefault);
const Common::RenderModeDescription *rm = Common::g_renderModes;
for (; rm->code; ++rm) {
_renderModePopUp->appendEntry(rm->description, rm->id);
// Fullscreen checkbox
_fullscreenCheckbox = addCheckbox(boss, x, yoffset, "Fullscreen mode", 0, 0, ws);
yoffset += _fullscreenCheckbox->getHeight();
// Aspect ratio checkbox
_aspectCheckbox = addCheckbox(boss, x, yoffset, "Aspect ratio correction", 0, 0, ws);
yoffset += _aspectCheckbox->getHeight();
_enableGraphicSettings = true;
return yoffset;
int OptionsDialog::addAudioControls(GuiObject *boss, int yoffset, WidgetSize ws) {
const int x = 10;
const int w = _w - 20;
int labelWidth;
if (ws == kBigWidgetSize) {
labelWidth = 150;
} else {
labelWidth = 100;
// The MIDI mode popup & a label
_midiPopUp = addPopUp(boss, x-5, yoffset, w+5, "Music driver: ", labelWidth, ws);
yoffset += _midiPopUp->getHeight() + 4;
// Populate it
const MidiDriverDescription *md = MidiDriver::getAvailableMidiDrivers();
while (md->name) {
_midiPopUp->appendEntry(md->description, md->id);
// Subtitles on/off
_subCheckbox = addCheckbox(boss, x, yoffset, "Display subtitles", 0, 0, ws);
yoffset += _subCheckbox->getHeight();
yoffset += 18;
_enableAudioSettings = true;
return yoffset;
int OptionsDialog::addMIDIControls(GuiObject *boss, int yoffset, WidgetSize ws) {
const int x = 10;
int spacing;
int buttonWidth, buttonHeight;
if (ws == kBigWidgetSize) {
buttonWidth = kBigButtonWidth;
buttonHeight = kBigButtonHeight;
spacing = 2;
} else {
buttonWidth = kButtonWidth;
buttonHeight = kButtonHeight;
spacing = 1;
// SoundFont
_soundFontButton = addButton(boss, x, yoffset, "SoundFont: ", kChooseSoundFontCmd, 0, ws);
_soundFont = new StaticTextWidget(boss, x + buttonWidth + 20, yoffset + 3, _w - (x + buttonWidth + 20) - 10, kLineHeight, "None", kTextAlignLeft, ws);
yoffset += buttonHeight + 2 * spacing;
// Multi midi setting
_multiMidiCheckbox = addCheckbox(boss, x, yoffset, "Mixed Adlib/MIDI mode", 0, 0, ws);
yoffset += _multiMidiCheckbox->getHeight() + spacing;
// Native mt32 setting
_mt32Checkbox = addCheckbox(boss, x, yoffset, "True Roland MT-32 (disable GM emulation)", 0, 0, ws);
yoffset += _mt32Checkbox->getHeight() + spacing;
// GS Extensions setting
_enableGSCheckbox = addCheckbox(boss, x, yoffset, "Enable Roland GS Mode", 0, 0, ws);
yoffset += _enableGSCheckbox->getHeight() + spacing;
_enableMIDISettings = true;
return yoffset;
int OptionsDialog::addVolumeControls(GuiObject *boss, int yoffset, WidgetSize ws) {
const char *slider_labels[] = {
"Music volume:",
"SFX volume:",
"Speech volume:"
int textwidth = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(slider_labels); i++) {
int width = g_gui.getStringWidth(slider_labels[i]);
if (width > textwidth)
textwidth = width;
int xoffset = textwidth + 15;
// Volume controllers
new StaticTextWidget(boss, 10, yoffset + 2, textwidth, kLineHeight, slider_labels[0], kTextAlignRight, ws);
_musicVolumeSlider = addSlider(boss, xoffset, yoffset, kMusicVolumeChanged, ws);
_musicVolumeLabel = new StaticTextWidget(boss, xoffset + _musicVolumeSlider->getWidth() + 10, yoffset + 2, 24, kLineHeight, "100%", kTextAlignLeft, ws);
yoffset += _musicVolumeSlider->getHeight() + 4;
new StaticTextWidget(boss, 10, yoffset + 2, textwidth, kLineHeight, slider_labels[1], kTextAlignRight, ws);
_sfxVolumeSlider = addSlider(boss, xoffset, yoffset, kSfxVolumeChanged, ws);
_sfxVolumeLabel = new StaticTextWidget(boss, xoffset + _musicVolumeSlider->getWidth() + 10, yoffset + 2, 24, kLineHeight, "100%", kTextAlignLeft, ws);
yoffset += _sfxVolumeSlider->getHeight() + 4;
new StaticTextWidget(boss, 10, yoffset + 2, textwidth, kLineHeight, slider_labels[2], kTextAlignRight, ws);
_speechVolumeSlider = addSlider(boss, xoffset, yoffset, kSpeechVolumeChanged, ws);
_speechVolumeLabel = new StaticTextWidget(boss, xoffset + _musicVolumeSlider->getWidth() + 10, yoffset + 2, 24, kLineHeight, "100%", kTextAlignLeft, ws);
yoffset += _speechVolumeSlider->getHeight() + 4;
_enableVolumeSettings = true;
return yoffset;
#pragma mark -
: OptionsDialog(Common::ConfigManager::kApplicationDomain, 10, 40, 320 - 2 * 10, 140) {
const int screenW = g_system->getOverlayWidth();
const int screenH = g_system->getOverlayHeight();
GUI::WidgetSize ws;
int buttonWidth, buttonHeight;
if (screenW >= 400 && screenH >= 300) {
ws = GUI::kBigWidgetSize;
buttonWidth = kBigButtonWidth;
buttonHeight = kBigButtonHeight;
_w = screenW - 2 * 10;
_h = screenH - 2 * 40;
_x = 10;
_y = 40;
} else {
ws = GUI::kNormalWidgetSize;
buttonWidth = kButtonWidth;
buttonHeight = kButtonHeight;
_w = screenW - 2 * 10;
_h = screenH - 1 * 20;
_x = 10;
_y = 20;
const int vBorder = 5; // Tab border
int yoffset;
// The tab widget
TabWidget *tab = new TabWidget(this, 0, vBorder, _w, _h - buttonHeight - 8 - 2 * vBorder, ws);
// 1) The graphics tab
yoffset = vBorder;
yoffset = addGraphicControls(tab, yoffset, ws);
// 2) The audio tab
yoffset = vBorder;
yoffset = addAudioControls(tab, yoffset, ws);
yoffset = addVolumeControls(tab, yoffset, ws);
// TODO: cd drive setting
// 3) The MIDI tab
yoffset = vBorder;
yoffset = addMIDIControls(tab, yoffset, ws);
// 4) The miscellaneous tab
yoffset = vBorder;
#if !( defined(__DC__) || defined(__GP32__) )
// These two buttons have to be extra wide, or the text will be
// truncated in the small version of the GUI.
// Save game path
new ButtonWidget(tab, 5, yoffset, buttonWidth + 5, buttonHeight, "Save Path: ", kChooseSaveDirCmd, 0, ws);
_savePath = new StaticTextWidget(tab, 5 + buttonWidth + 20, yoffset + 3, _w - (5 + buttonWidth + 20) - 10, kLineHeight, "/foo/bar", kTextAlignLeft, ws);
yoffset += buttonHeight + 4;
new ButtonWidget(tab, 5, yoffset, buttonWidth + 5, buttonHeight, "Extra Path:", kChooseExtraDirCmd, 0, ws);
_extraPath = new StaticTextWidget(tab, 5 + buttonWidth + 20, yoffset + 3, _w - (5 + buttonWidth + 20) - 10, kLineHeight, "None", kTextAlignLeft, ws);
yoffset += buttonHeight + 4;
addButton(tab, 5, yoffset, "Keys", kChooseKeyMappingCmd, 0, ws);
yoffset += buttonHeight + 4;
// TODO: joystick setting
// Activate the first tab
// Add OK & Cancel buttons
addButton(this, _w - 2 * (buttonWidth + 10), _h - buttonHeight - 8, "Cancel", kCloseCmd, 0, ws);
addButton(this, _w - (buttonWidth + 10), _h - buttonHeight - 8, "OK", kOKCmd, 0, ws);
_keysDialog = new KeysDialog();
GlobalOptionsDialog::~GlobalOptionsDialog() {
delete _keysDialog;
void GlobalOptionsDialog::open() {
#if !( defined(__DC__) || defined(__GP32__) || defined(__PLAYSTATION2__) )
// Set _savePath to the current save path
Common::String dir(ConfMan.get("savepath", _domain));
Common::String extraPath(ConfMan.get("extrapath", _domain));
Common::String soundFont(ConfMan.get("soundfont", _domain));
if (!dir.isEmpty()) {
} else {
// Default to the current directory...
char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
getcwd(buf, sizeof(buf));
if (extraPath.isEmpty() || !ConfMan.hasKey("extrapath", _domain)) {
} else {
if (soundFont.isEmpty() || !ConfMan.hasKey("soundfont", _domain)) {
} else {
void GlobalOptionsDialog::close() {
if (getResult()) {
// Savepath
ConfMan.set("savepath", _savePath->getLabel(), _domain);
String extraPath = _extraPath->getLabel();
if (!extraPath.isEmpty() && (extraPath != "None"))
ConfMan.set("extrapath", extraPath, _domain);
String soundFont = _soundFont->getLabel();
if (!soundFont.isEmpty() && (soundFont != "None"))
ConfMan.set("soundfont", soundFont, _domain);
void GlobalOptionsDialog::handleCommand(CommandSender *sender, uint32 cmd, uint32 data) {
switch (cmd) {
case kChooseSaveDirCmd: {
BrowserDialog browser("Select directory for savegames", true);
if (browser.runModal() > 0) {
// User made his choice...
FilesystemNode dir(browser.getResult());
// TODO - we should check if the directory is writeable before accepting it
case kChooseExtraDirCmd: {
BrowserDialog browser("Select directory for extra files", true);
if (browser.runModal() > 0) {
// User made his choice...
FilesystemNode dir(browser.getResult());
case kChooseSoundFontCmd: {
BrowserDialog browser("Select SoundFont", false);
if (browser.runModal() > 0) {
// User made his choice...
FilesystemNode file(browser.getResult());
case kChooseKeyMappingCmd:
OptionsDialog::handleCommand(sender, cmd, data);
} // End of namespace GUI