Walter Agazzi 20487eb9f4 AGS: Remap GameDataDirToken to saves directory
Games may attempt to create files in %appdata%, which is not supported.
Redirect to the saves directory, prepending the gameid.
This fixes an immediate crash in "Beat the Buzzer" and "There's Something in
the Pipes", which create .ini files using the iniFile2 module.
2023-05-30 11:51:39 +02:00

728 lines
24 KiB

/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "common/config-manager.h"
#include "ags/engine/ac/asset_helper.h"
#include "ags/shared/ac/audio_clip_type.h"
#include "ags/engine/ac/file.h"
#include "ags/shared/ac/common.h"
#include "ags/engine/ac/game.h"
#include "ags/engine/ac/game_setup.h"
#include "ags/shared/ac/game_setup_struct.h"
#include "ags/engine/ac/global_file.h"
#include "ags/engine/ac/path_helper.h"
#include "ags/engine/ac/runtime_defines.h"
#include "ags/engine/ac/string.h"
#include "ags/engine/debugging/debug_log.h"
#include "ags/engine/debugging/debugger.h"
#include "ags/engine/platform/base/ags_platform_driver.h"
#include "ags/shared/util/stream.h"
#include "ags/shared/core/asset_manager.h"
#include "ags/shared/core/asset.h"
#include "ags/engine/main/engine.h"
#include "ags/engine/main/game_file.h"
#include "ags/shared/util/directory.h"
#include "ags/shared/util/path.h"
#include "ags/shared/util/string.h"
#include "ags/shared/util/string_utils.h"
#include "ags/shared/debugging/out.h"
#include "ags/engine/script/script_api.h"
#include "ags/engine/script/script_runtime.h"
#include "ags/engine/ac/dynobj/script_string.h"
#include "ags/ags.h"
#include "ags/globals.h"
namespace AGS3 {
using namespace AGS::Shared;
// object-based File routines
int File_Exists(const char *fnmm) {
ResolvedPath rp;
if (!ResolveScriptPath(fnmm, true, rp))
return 0;
if (rp.AssetMgr)
return _GP(AssetMgr)->DoesAssetExist(rp.FullPath);
return (File::TestReadFile(rp.FullPath) || File::TestReadFile(rp.AltPath)) ? 1 : 0;
int File_Delete(const char *fnmm) {
ResolvedPath rp;
if (!ResolveScriptPath(fnmm, false, rp))
return 0;
if (File::DeleteFile(rp.FullPath))
return 1;
if (_G(errnum) == AL_ENOENT && !rp.AltPath.IsEmpty() && rp.AltPath.Compare(rp.FullPath) != 0)
return File::DeleteFile(rp.AltPath) ? 1 : 0;
return 0;
void *sc_OpenFile(const char *fnmm, int mode) {
if ((mode < scFileRead) || (mode > scFileAppend))
quit("!OpenFile: invalid file mode");
sc_File *scf = new sc_File();
if (scf->OpenFile(fnmm, mode) == 0) {
delete scf;
return nullptr;
ccRegisterManagedObject(scf, scf);
return scf;
void File_Close(sc_File *fil) {
void File_WriteString(sc_File *fil, const char *towrite) {
FileWrite(fil->handle, towrite);
void File_WriteInt(sc_File *fil, int towrite) {
FileWriteInt(fil->handle, towrite);
void File_WriteRawChar(sc_File *fil, int towrite) {
FileWriteRawChar(fil->handle, towrite);
void File_WriteRawInt(sc_File *fil, int towrite) {
Stream *out = get_valid_file_stream_from_handle(fil->handle, "FileWriteRawInt");
void File_WriteRawLine(sc_File *fil, const char *towrite) {
FileWriteRawLine(fil->handle, towrite);
// Reads line of chars until linebreak is met or buffer is filled;
// returns whether reached the end of line (false in case not enough buffer);
// guarantees null-terminator in the buffer.
static bool File_ReadRawLineImpl(sc_File *fil, char *buffer, size_t buf_len) {
if (buf_len == 0) return false;
Stream *in = get_valid_file_stream_from_handle(fil->handle, "File.ReadRawLine");
for (size_t i = 0; i < buf_len - 1; ++i) {
int c = in->ReadByte();
if (c < 0 || c == '\n') // EOF or LF
buffer[i] = 0;
return true;
if (c == '\r') // CR or CRLF
c = in->ReadByte();
// Look for '\n', but it may be missing, which is also a valid case
if (c >= 0 && c != '\n') in->Seek(-1, kSeekCurrent);
buffer[i] = 0;
return true;
buffer[i] = c;
buffer[buf_len - 1] = 0;
return false; // not enough buffer
void File_ReadRawLine(sc_File *fil, char *buffer) {
File_ReadRawLineImpl(fil, buffer, _G(MAXSTRLEN));
const char *File_ReadRawLineBack(sc_File *fil) {
char readbuffer[MAX_MAXSTRLEN];
if (File_ReadRawLineImpl(fil, readbuffer, MAX_MAXSTRLEN))
return CreateNewScriptString(readbuffer);
String sbuf = readbuffer;
bool done = false;
while (!done) {
done = File_ReadRawLineImpl(fil, readbuffer, MAX_MAXSTRLEN);
return CreateNewScriptString(sbuf.GetCStr());
void File_ReadString(sc_File *fil, char *toread) {
FileRead(fil->handle, toread);
const char *File_ReadStringBack(sc_File *fil) {
Stream *in = get_valid_file_stream_from_handle(fil->handle, "File.ReadStringBack");
if (in->EOS()) {
return CreateNewScriptString("");
size_t lle = (uint32_t)in->ReadInt32();
if (lle == 0) {
debug_script_warn("File.ReadStringBack: file was not written by WriteString");
return CreateNewScriptString("");
char *retVal = (char *)malloc(lle);
in->Read(retVal, lle);
return CreateNewScriptString(retVal, false);
int File_ReadInt(sc_File *fil) {
return FileReadInt(fil->handle);
int File_ReadRawChar(sc_File *fil) {
return FileReadRawChar(fil->handle);
int File_ReadRawInt(sc_File *fil) {
return FileReadRawInt(fil->handle);
int File_Seek(sc_File *fil, int offset, int origin) {
Stream *in = get_valid_file_stream_from_handle(fil->handle, "File.Seek");
if (!in->Seek(offset, (StreamSeek)origin)) {
return -1;
return in->GetPosition();
int File_GetEOF(sc_File *fil) {
if (fil->handle <= 0)
return 1;
return FileIsEOF(fil->handle);
int File_GetError(sc_File *fil) {
if (fil->handle <= 0)
return 1;
return FileIsError(fil->handle);
int File_GetPosition(sc_File *fil) {
if (fil->handle <= 0)
return -1;
Stream *stream = get_valid_file_stream_from_handle(fil->handle, "File.Position");
// TODO: a problem is that AGS script does not support unsigned or long int
return (int)stream->GetPosition();
const char *GameInstallRootToken = "$INSTALLDIR$";
const char *UserSavedgamesRootToken = "$MYDOCS$";
const char *GameSavedgamesDirToken = "$SAVEGAMEDIR$";
const char *GameDataDirToken = "$APPDATADIR$";
const char *GameAssetToken = "$DATA$";
const char *UserConfigFileToken = "$CONFIGFILE$";
void FixupFilename(char *filename) {
const char *illegal = _G(platform)->GetIllegalFileChars();
for (char *name_ptr = filename; *name_ptr; ++name_ptr) {
if (*name_ptr < ' ') {
*name_ptr = '_';
} else {
for (const char *ch_ptr = illegal; *ch_ptr; ++ch_ptr)
if (*name_ptr == *ch_ptr)
*name_ptr = '_';
String PathFromInstallDir(const String &path) {
if (Path::IsRelativePath(path))
return Path::ConcatPaths(_GP(ResPaths).DataDir, path);
return path;
FSLocation PathFromInstallDir(const FSLocation &fsloc) {
if (is_relative_filename(fsloc.FullDir))
return FSLocation(_GP(ResPaths).DataDir).Rebase(fsloc.FullDir);
return fsloc;
String PreparePathForWriting(const FSLocation &fsloc, const String &filename) {
if (Directory::CreateAllDirectories(fsloc.BaseDir, fsloc.SubDir))
return Path::ConcatPaths(fsloc.FullDir, filename);
return "";
FSLocation GetGlobalUserConfigDir() {
FSLocation dir = _G(platform)->GetUserGlobalConfigDirectory();
if (is_relative_filename(dir.FullDir)) // relative dir is resolved relative to the game data dir
return FSLocation(_GP(ResPaths).DataDir).Rebase(dir.FullDir);
return dir;
FSLocation GetGameUserConfigDir() {
FSLocation dir = _G(platform)->GetUserConfigDirectory();
if (is_relative_filename(dir.FullDir)) // relative dir is resolved relative to the game data dir
return FSLocation(_GP(ResPaths).DataDir).Rebase(dir.FullDir);
else if (_GP(usetup).local_user_conf) // directive to use game dir location
return FSLocation(_GP(ResPaths).DataDir);
// For absolute dir, we assume it's a special directory prepared for AGS engine
// and therefore append a game's own subdir
return dir.Concat(_GP(game).saveGameFolderName);
// Constructs data dir using rules for default system location
inline FSLocation MakeDefaultDataDir(const FSLocation &def_dir) {
// Relative dir is resolved relative to the game data dir
if (is_relative_filename(def_dir.FullDir))
return FSLocation(_GP(ResPaths).DataDir).Rebase(def_dir.FullDir);
// For absolute dir, we assume it's a special directory prepared for AGS engine
// and therefore amend it with a game's own subdir (to separate files from different games)
return def_dir.Concat(_GP(game).saveGameFolderName);
// Constructs data dir using rules for the user-specified location
inline FSLocation MakeUserDataDir(const String &user_dir) {
// If user-set location is inside game dir, then form a relative path
if (is_relative_filename(user_dir))
return FSLocation(_GP(ResPaths).DataDir).Rebase(user_dir);
// Otherwise treat it as an absolute path
return FSLocation(Path::MakeAbsolutePath(user_dir));
FSLocation GetGameAppDataDir() {
if (_GP(usetup).shared_data_dir.IsEmpty())
return MakeDefaultDataDir(_G(platform)->GetAllUsersDataDirectory());
return MakeUserDataDir(_GP(usetup).shared_data_dir);
FSLocation GetGameUserDataDir() {
if (_GP(usetup).user_data_dir.IsEmpty())
return MakeDefaultDataDir(_G(platform)->GetUserSavedgamesDirectory());
return MakeUserDataDir(_GP(usetup).user_data_dir);
bool ResolveScriptPath(const String &orig_sc_path, bool read_only, ResolvedPath &rp) {
rp = ResolvedPath();
// Make sure that the file path has system-compatible form
String sc_path = orig_sc_path;
sc_path.Replace('\\', '/');
// File tokens (they must be the only thing in script path)
if (sc_path.Compare(UserConfigFileToken) == 0) {
auto loc = GetGameUserConfigDir();
rp = ResolvedPath(loc, DefaultConfigFileName);
return true;
// Test absolute paths
if (!Path::IsRelativePath(sc_path)) {
if (!read_only) {
debug_script_warn("Attempt to access file '%s' denied (cannot write to absolute path)", sc_path.GetCStr());
return false;
rp = ResolvedPath(sc_path);
return true;
if (sc_path.CompareLeft(GameAssetToken, strlen(GameAssetToken)) == 0) {
if (!read_only) {
debug_script_warn("Attempt to access file '%s' denied (cannot write to game assets)", orig_sc_path.GetCStr());
return false;
rp.FullPath = sc_path.Mid(strlen(GameAssetToken) + 1);
rp.AssetMgr = true;
return true;
FSLocation parent_dir;
String child_path;
String alt_path;
if (sc_path.CompareLeft(GameInstallRootToken) == 0) {
if (!read_only) {
debug_script_warn("Attempt to access file '%s' denied (cannot write to game installation directory)",
return false;
parent_dir = FSLocation(_GP(ResPaths).DataDir);
child_path = sc_path.Mid(strlen(GameInstallRootToken));
} else if (sc_path.CompareLeft(GameSavedgamesDirToken) == 0) {
parent_dir = get_save_game_directory();
child_path = sc_path.Mid(strlen(GameSavedgamesDirToken));
// Remap "agsgame.*"
const char *agsSavePrefix = "/agssave.";
if (child_path.CompareLeft(agsSavePrefix) == 0) {
debugC(::AGS::kDebugFilePath, "Remapping agssave.* to ScummVM savegame files");
String suffix = child_path.Mid(strlen(agsSavePrefix));
if (suffix.CompareLeft("*") == 0) {
Common::String file_name = ::AGS::g_vm->getSaveStateName(999);
Common::replace(file_name, "999", "*");
child_path = file_name;
} else {
int slotNum = suffix.ToInt();
child_path = ::AGS::g_vm->getSaveStateName(slotNum);
} else if (sc_path.CompareLeft(GameDataDirToken) == 0) {
// the shared data dir should be remapped to the savedir otherwise some games
// are unable to create additional files
debugC(::AGS::kDebugFilePath, "Remapping %s to save folder", GameDataDirToken);
parent_dir = get_save_game_directory();
child_path = sc_path.Mid(strlen(GameSavedgamesDirToken));
parent_dir = GetGameAppDataDir();
child_path = sc_path.Mid(strlen(GameDataDirToken));
} else {
child_path = sc_path;
// For cases where a file is trying to write to a game path, always remap
// it to write to a savefile. For normal reading, we thus need to give
// preference to any save file with a given name before looking in the
// game folder. This for example fixes an issue with The Blackwell Legacy,
// which wants to create a new prog.bwl in the game folder
parent_dir = FSLocation(SAVE_FOLDER_PREFIX);
if (read_only)
alt_path = Path::ConcatPaths(_GP(ResPaths).DataDir, sc_path);
// Sometimes we have multiple consecutive slashes or backslashes.
// Remove all of them at the start of the child path.
while (!child_path.IsEmpty() && (child_path[0u] == '\\' || child_path[0u] == '/'))
// For files on savepath, always ensure it starts with the game target prefix to avoid
// conflicts (as we usually have the same save dir for all games).
// Also flatten the path if needed as we do not support subdirectories in the save folder.
if (parent_dir.BaseDir == SAVE_FOLDER_PREFIX) {
debugC(::AGS::kDebugFilePath, "Adding ScummVM game target prefix and flatten path");
child_path.Replace('/', '-');
String gameTarget = ConfMan.getActiveDomainName();
if (child_path.CompareLeftNoCase(gameTarget) != 0)
child_path = String::FromFormat("%s-%s", gameTarget.GetCStr(), child_path.GetCStr());
// Create a proper ResolvedPath with FSLocation separating base location
// (which the engine is not allowed to create) and sub-dirs (created by the engine).
parent_dir = parent_dir.Concat(Path::GetDirectoryPath(child_path));
child_path = Path::GetFilename(child_path);
ResolvedPath test_rp = ResolvedPath(parent_dir, child_path, alt_path);
// don't allow write operations for relative paths outside game dir
if (!read_only) {
if (!Path::IsSameOrSubDir(test_rp.Loc.FullDir, test_rp.FullPath)) {
debug_script_warn("Attempt to access file '%s' denied (outside of game directory)", sc_path.GetCStr());
return false;
rp = test_rp;
debugC(::AGS::kDebugFilePath, "Final path: %s", rp.FullPath.GetCStr());
if (!rp.AltPath.IsEmpty())
debugC(::AGS::kDebugFilePath, "Alt path: %s", rp.AltPath.GetCStr());
return true;
bool ResolveWritePathAndCreateDirs(const String &sc_path, ResolvedPath &rp) {
if (!ResolveScriptPath(sc_path, false, rp))
return false;
if (!rp.Loc.SubDir.IsEmpty() &&
!Directory::CreateAllDirectories(rp.Loc.BaseDir, rp.Loc.SubDir)) {
debug_script_warn("ResolveScriptPath: failed to create all subdirectories: %s", rp.FullPath.GetCStr());
return false;
return true;
bool CreateFSDirs(const FSLocation &fs) {
return Directory::CreateAllDirectories(fs.BaseDir, fs.FullDir);
// AGS custom PACKFILE callbacks, that use our own Stream object
static int ags_pf_fclose(void *userdata) {
delete(AGS_PACKFILE_OBJ *)userdata;
return 0;
static int ags_pf_getc(void *userdata) {
if (obj->remains > 0) {
return obj->stream->ReadByte();
return -1;
static int ags_pf_ungetc(int /*c*/, void * /*userdata*/) {
return -1; // we do not want to support this
static long ags_pf_fread(void *p, long n, void *userdata) {
if (obj->remains > 0) {
size_t read = MIN(obj->remains, (size_t)n);
obj->remains -= read;
return obj->stream->Read(p, read);
return -1;
static int ags_pf_putc(int /*c*/, void * /*userdata*/) {
return -1; // don't support write
static long ags_pf_fwrite(AL_CONST void * /*p*/, long /*n*/, void * /*userdata*/) {
return -1; // don't support write
static int ags_pf_fseek(void * /*userdata*/, int /*offset*/) {
return -1; // don't support seek
static int ags_pf_feof(void *userdata) {
return ((AGS_PACKFILE_OBJ *)userdata)->remains == 0;
static int ags_pf_ferror(void *userdata) {
return ((AGS_PACKFILE_OBJ *)userdata)->stream->HasErrors() ? 1 : 0;
// Custom PACKFILE callback table
static PACKFILE_VTABLE ags_packfile_vtable = {
PACKFILE *PackfileFromAsset(const AssetPath &path) {
Stream *asset_stream = _GP(AssetMgr)->OpenAsset(path);
if (!asset_stream) return nullptr;
const size_t asset_size = asset_stream->GetLength();
if (asset_size == 0) return nullptr;
obj->asset_size = asset_size;
obj->remains = asset_size;
return pack_fopen_vtable(&ags_packfile_vtable, obj);
String find_assetlib(const String &filename) {
String libname = File::FindFileCI(_GP(ResPaths).DataDir, filename);
if (AssetManager::IsDataFile(libname))
return libname;
if (!_GP(ResPaths).DataDir2.IsEmpty() &&
Path::ComparePaths(_GP(ResPaths).DataDir, _GP(ResPaths).DataDir2) != 0) {
// Hack for running in Debugger
libname = File::FindFileCI(_GP(ResPaths).DataDir2, filename);
if (AssetManager::IsDataFile(libname))
return libname;
return "";
AssetPath get_audio_clip_assetpath(int /*bundling_type*/, const String &filename) {
// NOTE: bundling_type is ignored now
return AssetPath(filename, "audio");
AssetPath get_voice_over_assetpath(const String &filename) {
return AssetPath(filename, "voice");
ScriptFileHandle valid_handles[MAX_OPEN_SCRIPT_FILES + 1];
// [IKM] NOTE: this is not precisely the number of files opened at this moment,
// but rather maximal number of handles that were used simultaneously during game run
int num_open_script_files = 0;
ScriptFileHandle *check_valid_file_handle_ptr(Stream *stream_ptr, const char *operation_name) {
if (stream_ptr) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_open_script_files; ++i) {
if (stream_ptr == valid_handles[i].stream) {
return &valid_handles[i];
String exmsg = String::FromFormat("!%s: invalid file handle; file not previously opened or has been closed", operation_name);
return nullptr;
ScriptFileHandle *check_valid_file_handle_int32(int32_t handle, const char *operation_name) {
if (handle > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_open_script_files; ++i) {
if (handle == valid_handles[i].handle) {
return &valid_handles[i];
String exmsg = String::FromFormat("!%s: invalid file handle; file not previously opened or has been closed", operation_name);
return nullptr;
Stream *get_valid_file_stream_from_handle(int32_t handle, const char *operation_name) {
ScriptFileHandle *sc_handle = check_valid_file_handle_int32(handle, operation_name);
return sc_handle ? sc_handle->stream : nullptr;
// Script API Functions
// int (const char *fnmm)
RuntimeScriptValue Sc_File_Delete(const RuntimeScriptValue *params, int32_t param_count) {
API_SCALL_INT_POBJ(File_Delete, const char);
// int (const char *fnmm)
RuntimeScriptValue Sc_File_Exists(const RuntimeScriptValue *params, int32_t param_count) {
API_SCALL_INT_POBJ(File_Exists, const char);
// void *(const char *fnmm, int mode)
RuntimeScriptValue Sc_sc_OpenFile(const RuntimeScriptValue *params, int32_t param_count) {
API_SCALL_OBJAUTO_POBJ_PINT(sc_File, sc_OpenFile, const char);
// void (sc_File *fil)
RuntimeScriptValue Sc_File_Close(void *self, const RuntimeScriptValue *params, int32_t param_count) {
API_OBJCALL_VOID(sc_File, File_Close);
// int (sc_File *fil)
RuntimeScriptValue Sc_File_ReadInt(void *self, const RuntimeScriptValue *params, int32_t param_count) {
API_OBJCALL_INT(sc_File, File_ReadInt);
// int (sc_File *fil)
RuntimeScriptValue Sc_File_ReadRawChar(void *self, const RuntimeScriptValue *params, int32_t param_count) {
API_OBJCALL_INT(sc_File, File_ReadRawChar);
// int (sc_File *fil)
RuntimeScriptValue Sc_File_ReadRawInt(void *self, const RuntimeScriptValue *params, int32_t param_count) {
API_OBJCALL_INT(sc_File, File_ReadRawInt);
// void (sc_File *fil, char* buffer)
RuntimeScriptValue Sc_File_ReadRawLine(void *self, const RuntimeScriptValue *params, int32_t param_count) {
API_OBJCALL_VOID_POBJ(sc_File, File_ReadRawLine, char);
// const char* (sc_File *fil)
RuntimeScriptValue Sc_File_ReadRawLineBack(void *self, const RuntimeScriptValue *params, int32_t param_count) {
API_CONST_OBJCALL_OBJ(sc_File, const char, _GP(myScriptStringImpl), File_ReadRawLineBack);
// void (sc_File *fil, char *toread)
RuntimeScriptValue Sc_File_ReadString(void *self, const RuntimeScriptValue *params, int32_t param_count) {
API_OBJCALL_VOID_POBJ(sc_File, File_ReadString, char);
// const char* (sc_File *fil)
RuntimeScriptValue Sc_File_ReadStringBack(void *self, const RuntimeScriptValue *params, int32_t param_count) {
API_CONST_OBJCALL_OBJ(sc_File, const char, _GP(myScriptStringImpl), File_ReadStringBack);
// void (sc_File *fil, int towrite)
RuntimeScriptValue Sc_File_WriteInt(void *self, const RuntimeScriptValue *params, int32_t param_count) {
API_OBJCALL_VOID_PINT(sc_File, File_WriteInt);
// void (sc_File *fil, int towrite)
RuntimeScriptValue Sc_File_WriteRawChar(void *self, const RuntimeScriptValue *params, int32_t param_count) {
API_OBJCALL_VOID_PINT(sc_File, File_WriteRawChar);
RuntimeScriptValue Sc_File_WriteRawInt(void *self, const RuntimeScriptValue *params, int32_t param_count) {
API_OBJCALL_VOID_PINT(sc_File, File_WriteRawInt);
// void (sc_File *fil, const char *towrite)
RuntimeScriptValue Sc_File_WriteRawLine(void *self, const RuntimeScriptValue *params, int32_t param_count) {
API_OBJCALL_VOID_POBJ(sc_File, File_WriteRawLine, const char);
// void (sc_File *fil, const char *towrite)
RuntimeScriptValue Sc_File_WriteString(void *self, const RuntimeScriptValue *params, int32_t param_count) {
API_OBJCALL_VOID_POBJ(sc_File, File_WriteString, const char);
RuntimeScriptValue Sc_File_Seek(void *self, const RuntimeScriptValue *params, int32_t param_count) {
API_OBJCALL_INT_PINT2(sc_File, File_Seek);
// int (sc_File *fil)
RuntimeScriptValue Sc_File_GetEOF(void *self, const RuntimeScriptValue *params, int32_t param_count) {
API_OBJCALL_INT(sc_File, File_GetEOF);
// int (sc_File *fil)
RuntimeScriptValue Sc_File_GetError(void *self, const RuntimeScriptValue *params, int32_t param_count) {
API_OBJCALL_INT(sc_File, File_GetError);
RuntimeScriptValue Sc_File_GetPosition(void *self, const RuntimeScriptValue *params, int32_t param_count) {
API_OBJCALL_INT(sc_File, File_GetPosition);
void RegisterFileAPI() {
ccAddExternalStaticFunction("File::Delete^1", Sc_File_Delete);
ccAddExternalStaticFunction("File::Exists^1", Sc_File_Exists);
ccAddExternalStaticFunction("File::Open^2", Sc_sc_OpenFile);
ccAddExternalObjectFunction("File::Close^0", Sc_File_Close);
ccAddExternalObjectFunction("File::ReadInt^0", Sc_File_ReadInt);
ccAddExternalObjectFunction("File::ReadRawChar^0", Sc_File_ReadRawChar);
ccAddExternalObjectFunction("File::ReadRawInt^0", Sc_File_ReadRawInt);
ccAddExternalObjectFunction("File::ReadRawLine^1", Sc_File_ReadRawLine);
ccAddExternalObjectFunction("File::ReadRawLineBack^0", Sc_File_ReadRawLineBack);
ccAddExternalObjectFunction("File::ReadString^1", Sc_File_ReadString);
ccAddExternalObjectFunction("File::ReadStringBack^0", Sc_File_ReadStringBack);
ccAddExternalObjectFunction("File::WriteInt^1", Sc_File_WriteInt);
ccAddExternalObjectFunction("File::WriteRawChar^1", Sc_File_WriteRawChar);
ccAddExternalObjectFunction("File::WriteRawInt^1", Sc_File_WriteRawInt);
ccAddExternalObjectFunction("File::WriteRawLine^1", Sc_File_WriteRawLine);
ccAddExternalObjectFunction("File::WriteString^1", Sc_File_WriteString);
ccAddExternalObjectFunction("File::Seek^2", Sc_File_Seek);
ccAddExternalObjectFunction("File::get_EOF", Sc_File_GetEOF);
ccAddExternalObjectFunction("File::get_Error", Sc_File_GetError);
ccAddExternalObjectFunction("File::get_Position", Sc_File_GetPosition);
} // namespace AGS3