390 lines
16 KiB

/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "common/array.h"
#include "common/stream.h"
#include "watchmaker/render.h"
#include "watchmaker/types.h"
#include "watchmaker/3d/types3d.h"
namespace Watchmaker {
// defines
#define T3D_PI 3.14159265358979323846f
#define T3D_2PI (3.14159265358979323846f*2.0f)
#define DEGREE_TO_RADIANS(x) ((x)*T3D_PI/180.0f)
#define RADIANS_TO_DEGREE(x) ((x)*180.0f/T3D_PI)
#define T3D_NAMELEN 32 // default name len
#define T3D_MAX_LEVELS 5 // max bounds level per room
#define T3D_MAX_PATHNODES 1000 // max path nodes per walk
#define T3D_MAX_WALKSTEPS 4000 // max walk steps per walk
#define T3D_MAX_BLOCK_MESHES 3 // max block meshes per room
#define T3D_MAX_CHARACTERS 26 // max characters
#define T3D_MAX_SHADOWBOX_PER_CHAR 10 // max shadow box per character
// Normal Array Define; used in flag field
#define T3D_NORMAL_INVISIBLE (1<<0) // invisible
#define T3D_NORMAL_VISIBLE (1<<1) // visible
//Matrices flags
#define T3D_MATRIX_IDENTITY (1<<0) // is identical
//Faces flags - additional to T3D_MATERIAL_FLAGS
#define T3D_FACE_VISIBLE (1<<13) // is visiuble
#define T3D_FACE_CASTSHADOWS (1<<14) // cast shadows
#define T3D_FACE_RECEIVESHADOWS (1<<15) // receive shadows
//Mesh flags
#define T3D_MESH_CASTSHADOWS (1<<0) // Mesh cast shadow
#define T3D_MESH_RECEIVESHADOWS (1<<1) // Mesh receive shadows
#define T3D_MESH_NOLIGHTMAP (1<<2) // Mesh without lightmap
#define T3D_MESH_VISIBLE (1<<3) // Mesh visible
#define T3D_MESH_NOBOUNDBOX (1<<4) // Disable BoundBox check
#define T3D_MESH_NOPORTALCHECK (1<<5) // Disable Portal check
#define T3D_MESH_HIDDEN (1<<6) // Mesh Hidden
#define T3D_MESH_DEFAULTANIM (1<<7) // if takes animartions from the default set
#define T3D_MESH_CHARACTER (1<<8) // set if mesh is part of a character
#define T3D_MESH_PORTAL (1<<9) // mesh is a portal
#define T3D_MESH_MIRROR (1<<10) // mesh is a mirror
#define T3D_MESH_INVISIBLEFROMSECT (1<<11) // mesh is VISIBLE form the current sector
#define T3D_MESH_RAYBAN (1<<12) // mesh reject ray detection
#define T3D_MESH_ABS_ANIM (1<<13) // se animazione e' assoluta o relativa
#define T3D_MESH_LAST_DEFAULTANIM (1<<14) // if last frame was DEFAULTANIM
#define T3D_MESH_RECEIVERIPPLES (1<<15) // Mesh accepts ripples on it's material texture
#define T3D_MESH_WAVESTEXTURE (1<<16) // Waves textures on all the material textures
#define T3D_MESH_POOLWATER (1<<17) // Mesh accepts swimming pool water fx
#define T3D_MESH_PREPROCESSPORTAL (1<<18) // Preprocess portal for mesh visibilities
#define T3D_MESH_CASTREALTIMESHADOWS (1<<19) // Mesh calc realtime shadows using shadows-volumes
#define T3D_MESH_UPDATEVB (1<<20) // needs to update materail VB
#define T3D_MESH_ONLYINMIRRORS (1<<21) // appears only in mirrors
#define T3D_MESH_VIEWONLYPORTAL (1<<22) // if it's a View Only portal
#define T3D_MESH_PORTALPROCESSED (1<<23) // if it was just processed by another portal
#define T3D_MESH_ALWAYSVISIBLE (1<<24) // if this mesh is always visible
#define T3D_MESH_SOLARVARIATION (1<<25) // if change when sun moves
//Light flags
#define T3D_LIGHT_SPOTLIGHT (1<<0) // is a spot
#define T3D_LIGHT_LIGHTON (1<<1) // light is on
#define T3D_LIGHT_ATTENUATION (1<<2) // is attenuated
#define T3D_LIGHT_CASTSHADOWS (1<<3) // cast shadows
#define T3D_LIGHT_PULSE (1<<4) // is flicking
#define T3D_LIGHT_ALLLIGHTSOFF (1<<5) // turn off all the lights in the room
#define T3D_LIGHT_FLARE (1<<6) // is a flare
#define T3D_LIGHT_CANDLESMOKE (1<<7) // light from a moving candle
#define T3D_LIGHT_REALTIME (1<<8) // affects realtime objects
#define T3D_LIGHT_SUN (1<<9) // if it's the sunlight position
#define T3D_LIGHT_SOLARVARIATION (1<<10) // if change when sun moves
#define T3D_LIGHT_OFF_MORNING (1<<11) // disable during the morning
#define T3D_LIGHT_OFF_AFTERNOON (1<<12) // disable during the afternoon
#define T3D_LIGHT_OFF_EVENING (1<<13) // disable during the evening
#define T3D_LIGHT_OFF_NIGHT (1<<14) // disable during the night
// Character flags
#define T3D_CHARACTER_HIDE (1<<0) // is hidden
#define T3D_CHARACTER_ENABLEDINMIRROR (1<<1) // is in first person but enabled in the mirror
#define T3D_CHARACTER_CASTREALTIMESHADOWS (1<<2) // cast real time shadows
#define T3D_CHARACTER_REALTIMELIGHTING (1<<3) // needs realtime lighting
#define T3D_CHARACTER_VOLUMETRICLIGHTING (1<<4) // needs realtime volumetric lighting
#define T3D_CHARACTER_BNDHIDE (1<<5) // don't use char BND
#define T3D_CHARACTER_DIARYDISABLE (1<<6) // diable diary
struct t3dM3X3F {
t3dF32 M[9] = {}; // Matrix 3 x 3
uint8 Flags = 0; // flags: if identity
constexpr t3dM3X3F() = default;
struct t3dBONE {
t3dM3X3F *Matrix = nullptr; // matrix list
t3dV3F *Trasl = nullptr; // traslation list
Common::Array<int32> ModVertices; // modified vertices list
struct t3dBONEANIM {
t3dBONE *BoneTable = nullptr; // bones list
t3dF32 *Dist = nullptr; // distanca form start frame (for walk and default)
uint16 NumBones = 0; // num bones
uint16 NumFrames = 0; // num frames
struct t3dMODVERTS {
uint16 NumVert = 0; // vertex indices in mesh
uint16 NumBone = 0; // modified by bone number
t3dMODVERTS(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) {
NumVert = stream.readSint32LE();
NumBone = stream.readSint32LE();
struct t3dMORPH {
struct t3dMORPHVERT {
uint32 _index = 0; // vertex indices in mesh
t3dV3F _v; // new vertex coords
t3dMORPHVERT(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) {
_index = (uint32)stream.readSint16LE(); // Legge indice vertice
_v = t3dV3F(stream); // legge nuova posizione
Common::Array<t3dMORPHVERT> _morphModVertices; // morph verteices list
t3dMORPH(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) {
int morphNumModVertices = stream.readSint16LE(); // Legge e alloca numero vertici che si muovono
if (morphNumModVertices) {
for (int j = 0; j < morphNumModVertices; j++) {
struct t3dVERTEX {
t3dV3F p; // Coordinate vertice in Obj-space 12
uint8 r = 0; // Preilluminazione R vertice 1
uint8 g = 0; // Preilluminazione G vertice 1
uint8 b = 0; // Preilluminazione B vertice 1 15
struct t3dPathCamera {
uint8 PathIndex = 0; // path number in room
uint8 NumCamera = 0; // num destination camera
int8 Direction = 0; // path direction: source->dest or dest->source
explicit t3dPathCamera(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream);
struct t3dCAMERAGRID {
t3dV3F TopLeft, BottomRight; // world coords of camera grid
uint16 Row = 0, Col = 0; // number of cells
t3dV3F CellDim; // cell dimensiom
Common::Array<uint8> Grid; // grid
struct t3dCAMERAPATH {
uint16 NumPoints() {
return PList.size(); // num points in path
Common::Array<t3dV3F> PList; // points list
uint32 CarrelloDist = 0; // if carrello: max distance from the target
explicit t3dCAMERAPATH(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream);
struct t3dCAMERA {
t3dV3F Source; // camera eye
t3dV3F Target; // camera target
t3dV3F MaxTarget; // original 3dsmax target
t3dV3F NormalizedDir; // cam direction
t3dF32 Fov; // cam field of view
t3dV2F Center; // cam center
t3dM3X3F Matrix; // cam view matrix
t3dF32 NearClipPlane, FarClipPlane; // camera planes
uint8 Index; // cam index 9in room
Common::Array<t3dPathCamera> CameraPaths;
uint8 NumAvailablePaths() const {
return CameraPaths.size();
t3dCAMERA() {
explicit t3dCAMERA(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream);
void reset() {
Source = t3dV3F();
Target = t3dV3F();
MaxTarget = t3dV3F();
NormalizedDir = t3dV3F();
Fov = 0.0f;
Center = t3dV2F();
Matrix = t3dM3X3F();
NearClipPlane = 0.0f, FarClipPlane = 0.0f;
Index = 0;
void normalizedSight();
struct t3dVolLights {
t3dF32 CellsSize = 0.0f; // cell cube dimension
uint32 xcells = 0; // number of cells for x dir
uint32 ycells = 0; // number of cells for y dir
uint32 zcells = 0; // number of cells for z dir
Common::Array<uint8> VolMap; // volumetric map
struct t3dBODY;
struct t3dParticle {
uint16 ParticleIndex;
uint16 Num;
t3dF32 Lung;
t3dF32 Size;
t3dF32 Seg1;
t3dF32 Seg2;
t3dF32 Dim1;
t3dF32 Dim2;
t3dF32 Speed;
t3dF32 Speed1;
t3dF32 Speed2;
t3dF32 Caos;
t3dF32 Caos1;
t3dF32 Caos2;
uint32 Delay;
uint8 OR1, Type;
t3dF32 R1, G1, B1;
t3dF32 R2, G2, B2;
t3dF32 R3, G3, B3;
explicit t3dParticle(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream);
struct t3dAnimLight {
Common::Array<gVertex *> VisVerts; // pointer to visible vertices from lights
uint16 NumVisVerts() const {
return VisVerts.size(); // num visible vertices from lights
//t3dU32 *SavedLightColor; // pointer to original vartex illumination
int8 LastRandomizer; // randomizer for flicker effects
struct t3dLIGHT {
uint32 Type; // light type
t3dV3F Source; // source
t3dV3F Target; // target
t3dF32 Multiplier; // light multiplier
t3dF32 NearRange, FarRange; // attenuation ranges
t3dF32 HotSpot, FallOff; // spot ranges
t3dV3F Color; // orig color
uint8 Flicker; // flicker activated
uint8 FlickerDelay; // flicker delay
int8 LightRandomizer; // flicker randomizer
Common::SharedPtr<t3dParticle> Particle; // paticles attached
t3dF32 FlareSize; // flare size
gMaterial Material[2]; // flare material
t3dAnimLight AnimLight; // animation attached
t3dV3F SolarColor[4]; // Ambient color value for solar movement
t3dV3F SolarPos[4]; // Position movements due to solar movement
t3dLIGHT(WGame &game, t3dBODY *b, WorkDirs &workDirs, Common::SeekableReadStream &stream);
void setupVisibleVerticesFromLight(t3dBODY *b);
void SetVisibleFromLight(gVertex *v);
typedef t3dLIGHT *LightPtr;
struct t3dPLIGHT {
uint8 Num = 0; // index positional light in room
t3dV3F Pos; // position (world)
t3dV3F Dir; // destination (world)
explicit t3dPLIGHT(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream);
struct t3dPAN {
t3dF32 x1 = 0.0f, z1 = 0.0f; // point A position
t3dF32 x2 = 0.0f, z2 = 0.0f; // point B position
t3dF32 bx1 = 0.0f, bz1 = 0.0f; // back to point A
t3dF32 bx2 = 0.0f, bz2 = 0.0f; // back to point B
uint16 near1 = 0; // panel near to A
uint16 near2 = 0; // panel near to B
struct t3dPATHNODE {
float x = 0.0f, z = 0.0f; // path node position
float dist = 0.0f; // distance from start
short oldp = 0; // last panel hit
short curp = 0; // cur panel hit
struct t3dSTEPS {
t3dV3F Pos; // position
t3dF32 Angle = 0.0f; // angle
int16 curp = 0; // cur panel
int16 Act = 0, Frame = 0; // cur action and frame
void reset() {
Pos = t3dV3F();
Angle = 0.0f;
curp = 0;
Act = 0;
Frame = 0;
struct t3dWALK {
t3dF32 LookX = 0.0f, LookZ = 0.0f; // Point on the bounds
t3dF32 CurX = 0.0f, CurZ = 0.0f; // Point perpendicular
t3dPAN *Panel = nullptr; // pointer to cur panel struct
t3dPATHNODE PathNode[T3D_MAX_PATHNODES] = {}; // path nodes list
t3dSTEPS WalkSteps[T3D_MAX_WALKSTEPS] = {}; // walk steps list
int32 CurrentStep = 0; // current step
int32 PanelNum = 0; // num panels
int32 NumPathNodes = 0; // num path nodes
int32 NumSteps = 0; // num steps
int16 CurPanel = 0, OldPanel = 0; // current panel
int16 CurAction = 0, CurFrame = 0; // cur action and frame
int32 Check = 0; // intersection check
struct t3dMESH;
struct t3dCHARACTER {
char Name[T3D_NAMELEN] = {}; // character name
t3dBODY *Body = nullptr; // caracter body
t3dBODY *Shadow = nullptr; // shadow struct
t3dMESH *Mesh = nullptr; // shortcut to first mesh
t3dBODY *CurRoom = nullptr; // character cur room
t3dV3F Pos; // char pos (world)
t3dV3F Dir; // char dir
t3dWALK Walk; // walk struct
uint8 Flags = 0; // char flags
SHADOWBOX *ShadowBox[T3D_MAX_SHADOWBOX_PER_CHAR] = {}; // active shadows
t3dF32 Radius = 0.0f, Height = 0.0f; // char dimension (for shadow)
int32 CurExpressionSet = 0; // current expression face set
uint8 BlendPercent = 0;
int32 NumPathNodes = 0;
int32 CurrentStep = 0;
int32 NumSteps = 0;
int16 CurAction = 0, CurFrame = 0;
int16 mCurFrame = 0;
t3dF32 posy = 0.0f, mposy = 0.0f;
t3dM3X3F Matrix;
} // End of namespace Watchmaker
#endif // WATCHMAKER_T3D_H