2021-12-26 18:48:43 +01:00

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/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Based on the original sources
* Faery Tale II -- The Halls of the Dead
* (c) 1993-1996 The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co.
#include "saga2/floating.h"
namespace Saga2 {
// gPanel
// gControl
class ContainerView;
class ScrollingContainerView;
class ActorContainerView;
class ReadyContainerView;
class SmallContainerView;
class EnchantContainerView;
// gWindow
// DecoratedWindow
// FloatingWindow
class ContainerWindow;
class ContainerNode;
class ContainerManager;
struct ContainerAppearanceDef;
class CMassWeightIndicator;
class ProtoObj;
class GfxCompButton;
class GfxCompImage;
class GfxMultCompButton;
struct TilePoint;
/* ===================================================================== *
Class definitions
* ===================================================================== */
// The base class for all container panels
class ContainerView : public gControl {
friend class ContainerWindow;
friend class TangibleContainerWindow;
friend class IntangibleContainerWindow;
enum imageData {
selectorX = 10,
selectorY = 25
ContainerNode &node;
Point16 iconOrigin; // of the top left icon.
Point16 iconSpacing; // The spacing between icons (in both X and Y)
// The number of rows and columns of icons that can be seen
int16 visibleRows,
// The total number of rows, and the scroll position of the control
int16 totalRows,
// Pointer to the object that this control is showing the
// contents of.
GameObject *containerObject;
// Mass and bulk indicators
int16 totalMass,
// Number of visible objects currently in the container
int16 numObjects;
// Constructor
gPanelList &,
const Rect16 &,
ContainerNode &nd,
const ContainerAppearanceDef &app,
AppFunc *cmd = NULL);
// Destructor
// redraw the panel offscreen
virtual void drawClipped(gPort &port, const Point16 &offset, const Rect16 &clip);
// draws the mereged object multi-item selector
void drawSelector(gPort &port, Point16 &pos);
// Draw the quantity indicator below the object if quantity > 1
void drawQuantity(gPort &port, GameObject *item, ProtoObj *objProto, int16 x, int16 y);
// returns true if the object is visible for this type of
// container.
virtual bool isVisible(GameObject *obj);
// total the mass, bulk, and number of all objects in container.
void totalObjects();
// Get the Nth visible object from this container.
ObjectID getObject(int16 slotNum);
void setContainer(GameObject *container);
// get the slot the point is over
TilePoint pickObjectSlot(const Point16 &pickPos);
// Get the object in a slot (u/v)
GameObject *getObject(const TilePoint &slot);
// Get the object that the point is over
GameObject *pickObject(const Point16 &pickPos);
// Get the object ID that the point is over
ObjectID pickObjectID(const Point16 &pickPos);
protected: // actions within a container
// These are the actions when there is no Item in the mouse
virtual void clickOn(gPanelMessage &msg, GameObject *mObj, GameObject *cObj);
virtual void dblClickOn(gPanelMessage &msg, GameObject *mObj, GameObject *cObj);
// this gets a merged item
void getMerged(GameObject *obj);
// drop Physical Object into container
virtual void dropPhysical(gPanelMessage &msg, GameObject *mObj, GameObject *cObj, int16 num = 1);
// Use Physical Object on other object in container
virtual void usePhysical(gPanelMessage &msg, GameObject *mObj, GameObject *cObj);
// Use Concept or Psycological object in container
// note: only valid container use is to drop into
// center characters's ready container.
virtual void useConcept(gPanelMessage &msg, GameObject *mObj, GameObject *cObj);
// Use Spell or Skill on other object in container or
// drop into center characters's ready container.
virtual void useSpell(gPanelMessage &msg, GameObject *mObj, GameObject *cObj);
// Event-handling functions
bool activate(gEventType why); // activate the control
void deactivate();
virtual void pointerMove(gPanelMessage &msg);
virtual bool pointerHit(gPanelMessage &msg);
virtual void pointerRelease(gPanelMessage &msg);
virtual void timerTick(gPanelMessage &msg);
void dblClick(GameObject *mouseObject, GameObject *slotObject, gPanelMessage &msg);
// Container manipulation functions
void add(ObjectID newObj);
void remove(ObjectID obj);
void swap(ObjectID newObj, ObjectID oldObj);
// Determine if the mouse is pointing a new object, and if so,
// adjust the mouse text
void updateMouseText(Point16 &pickPos);
void setCursorText(GameObject *obj);
void setDelayedCursorText(GameObject *obj);
// sub class for ready inventory items
class ReadyContainerView : public ContainerView {
void **backImages; // pointers to background imagery
int16 numIm;
ReadyContainerView(gPanelList &,
const Rect16 &,
ContainerNode &,
void **backgrounds,
int16 numRes,
int16 numRows,
int16 numCols,
int16 totRows,
AppFunc *cmd);
// redraw the panel offscreen
virtual void drawClipped(gPort &port, const Point16 &offset, const Rect16 &clip);
void setScrollOffset(int8 num);
void timerTick(gPanelMessage &msg);
// sub class for enchantment container panels
class EnchantmentContainerView : public ContainerView {
EnchantmentContainerView(gPanelList &list,
ContainerNode &nd,
const ContainerAppearanceDef &app,
AppFunc *cmd = NULL);
virtual void pointerMove(gPanelMessage &msg);
virtual bool pointerHit(gPanelMessage &msg);
// The container window is simply a floating window with an embedded
// container view panel and a close button control
class ContainerWindow : public FloatingWindow {
GfxCompButton *closeCompButton; // the close button object
ContainerView *view; // the container view object
ContainerWindow(ContainerNode &nd,
const ContainerAppearanceDef &app,
const char saveas[]);
virtual ~ContainerWindow();
ContainerView &getView();
GameObject *containerObject() {
return getView().containerObject;
virtual void massBulkUpdate() {}
// Base class for all container windows with scroll control
class ScrollableContainerWindow : public ContainerWindow {
GfxCompButton *scrollCompButton;
ScrollableContainerWindow(ContainerNode &nd,
const ContainerAppearanceDef &app,
const char saveas[]);
void scrollUp() {
if (view->scrollPosition > 0) view->scrollPosition--;
void scrollDown() {
if (view->scrollPosition + view->visibleRows < view->totalRows)
// A container window for tangible containers
class TangibleContainerWindow : public ScrollableContainerWindow {
GfxCompImage *containerSpriteImg;
CMassWeightIndicator *massWeightIndicator;
Rect16 objRect;
bool deathFlag;
void setContainerSprite();
TangibleContainerWindow(ContainerNode &nd,
const ContainerAppearanceDef &app);
void drawClipped(gPort &port, const Point16 &offset, const Rect16 &clip);
// this sets the mass and bulk gauges for physical containers
void massBulkUpdate();
class IntangibleContainerWindow : public ScrollableContainerWindow {
friend void setMindContainer(int index, IntangibleContainerWindow &cw);
GfxMultCompButton *mindSelectorCompButton;
IntangibleContainerWindow(ContainerNode &nd, const ContainerAppearanceDef &app);
class EnchantmentContainerWindow : public ContainerWindow {
GfxCompButton *scrollCompButton;
EnchantmentContainerWindow(ContainerNode &nd,
const ContainerAppearanceDef &app);
/* ===================================================================== *
ContainerAppearanceDef: A record listing container appearance info
* ===================================================================== */
struct ContainerAppearanceDef {
StaticRect defaultWindowPos; // default position of window
StaticRect viewRect; // position of view within window
StaticRect closeRect, // position of close button
scrollRect, // position of scrolling button
iconRect, // position of container icon
massRect; // position of mass & bulk indicator
hResID closeResID[2], // resource ID's for close box
scrollResID[2]; // resource ID's for scroll indicator
StaticPoint16 iconOrigin,
uint16 rows,
/* ===================================================================== *
ContainerNode: records the fact that a container was open for a
specific player
* ===================================================================== */
// ContainerNode records the fact that a container was opened for a
// specific player
// REM: What about the ordering of windows?
class ContainerNode {
friend class ContainerManager;
friend class ContainerView;
friend class ContainerWindow;
enum ContainerNodeOwnerType {
readyType = 0, // This is a player ready container
deadType, // The "dead" container
mentalType, // A player's mental container
physicalType, // Physical container
enchantType // Enchantment container
enum ContainerNodeOwners {
nobody = 255 // owner = 255 means it's on the ground
enum containerAction {
actionUpdate = (1 << 0), // Refresh this window
actionDelete = (1 << 1), // Delete this window
actionHide = (1 << 2), // Refresh this window
actionShow = (1 << 3) // Refresh this window
ObjectID object; // Object being viewed
uint8 type; // type of container
uint8 owner; // which brother owns this container
Rect16 position; // position of window
ContainerWindow *window; // window, which may be NULL if hidden.
uint8 action; // What action to take on container
uint8 mindType; // mindContainer type
// Nested structure used to archive ContainerNodes
struct Archive {
ObjectID object;
uint8 type;
uint8 owner;
Rect16 position;
uint8 mindType;
bool shown;
ContainerNode() {
object = 0;
type = 0;
owner = 0;
window = nullptr;
action = 0;
mindType = 0;
ContainerNode(ContainerManager &cl, ObjectID id, int type);
static int32 archiveSize() {
return sizeof(Archive);
void read(Common::InSaveFile *in);
void write(Common::MemoryWriteStreamDynamic *out);
// Hide or show this container window.
void hide();
void show();
void update(); // Update container associated with this node
// Set for lazy deletion
void markForDelete() {
action |= actionDelete;
void markForShow() {
action |= actionShow;
action &= ~actionHide;
void markForHide() {
action |= actionHide;
action &= ~actionShow;
void markForUpdate() {
action |= actionUpdate;
// Find the address of the window and/or view
ContainerWindow *getWindow();
ContainerView *getView();
// Access functions
uint8 getType() {
return type;
uint8 getOwnerIndex() {
return owner;
ObjectID getObject() {
return object;
Rect16 &getPosition() {
return position;
void setObject(ObjectID id) {
object = id;
// returns true if the object represented by the container can be
// accessed by the player.
bool isAccessable(ObjectID enactor);
void changeOwner(int16 newOwner);
// A list of container nodes
class ContainerManager {
Common::List<ContainerNode *> _list;
enum {
kBufSize = 60,
// used to ignore doubleClick when doubleClick == singleClick
bool _alreadyDone;
// this will be used to determine if the cursor has been
// held over an object long enough to qualify for the hint to be displayed
bool _objTextAlarm;
// determines if the cursor is in *A* container view
bool _mouseInView;
ObjectID _lastPickedObjectID;
// number of items to move for merged objects
uint16 _numPicked;
int16 _amountIndY;
// this will be used to hold a value of uint16 plus a -1 as a flag
int32 _lastPickedObjectQuantity;
int32 _amountAccumulator;
// merged object currently being gotten
GameObject *_objToGet;
// selector image pointer
void *_selImage;
// buffer for the mouse text
char _mouseText[kBufSize];
ContainerManager() {
_alreadyDone = _objTextAlarm = _mouseInView = false;
_lastPickedObjectID = Nothing;
_numPicked = 1;
_amountIndY = -1;
_lastPickedObjectQuantity = - 1;
_amountAccumulator = 0;
_objToGet = nullptr;
_selImage = nullptr;
memset(_mouseText, 0, sizeof(_mouseText));
void add(ContainerNode *cn) {
void remove(ContainerNode *cn) {
void moveToFront(ContainerNode *cn) {
ContainerNode *find(ObjectID id);
ContainerNode *find(ObjectID id, int16 type);
// Set which player is viewing the container windows.
void setPlayerNum(PlayerActorID playerNum);
void doDeferredActions();
void setUpdate(ObjectID id);
ContainerNode *CreateContainerNode(ObjectID id, bool open = true, int16 mindType = 0);
ContainerNode *CreateReadyContainerNode(PlayerActorID player);
ContainerNode *OpenMindContainer(PlayerActorID player, int16 open, int16 type);
/* ===================================================================== *
* ===================================================================== */
void initContainers();
void cleanupContainers();
void initContainerNodes();
void saveContainerNodes(Common::OutSaveFile *outS);
void loadContainerNodes(Common::InSaveFile *in);
void cleanupContainerNodes();
extern void updateContainerWindows();
extern APPFUNC(cmdCloseButtonFunc);
extern APPFUNC(cmdMindContainerFunc);
extern APPFUNC(cmdScrollFunc);
} // end of namespace Saga2