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563 lines
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/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* $URL$
* $Id$
#include "m4/dialogs.h"
#include "common/file.h"
namespace M4 {
static void strToUpper(char *s) {
while (*s) {
*s = toupper(*s);
static void strToLower(char *s) {
while (*s) {
*s = tolower(*s);
const RGB8 DIALOG_PALETTE[8] = {
{0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xff}, {0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0xff}, {0x70, 0x70, 0x70, 0xff}, {0x9c, 0x9c, 0x9c, 0xff},
{0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xff}, {0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0xff}, {0xDC, 0xDC, 0xDC, 0xff}, {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff}
#define ROR16(v,amt) (((uint16)(v) >> amt) | ((uint16)(v) << (16 - amt)))
const int DIALOG_SPACING = 1;
* Handles any dialog initialisation
void Dialog::initDialog() {
* Adds a new line to the dialog output
void Dialog::incLine() {
_lineX = 0;
_widthX = 0;
_lines.push_back(*new DialogLine());
assert(_lines.size() <= 20);
* Writes some text to the dialog output, taking care of word wrapping if the text size
* exceeds the dialog's width
void Dialog::writeChars(const char *srcLine) {
char wordStr[80];
char line[80];
int lineLen, lineWidth;
const char *srcP = srcLine;
while (*srcP) {
bool wordEndedP = false, newlineP = false;
char *destP = &wordStr[0];
Common::set_to(&wordStr[0], &wordStr[80], 0);
// Try and get the next word
for (;;) {
char v = *srcP;
*destP++ = v;
if (v == '\0') break;
if (v == '\n') {
newlineP = true;
if (v == ' ') {
// Word separator
wordEndedP = true;
} else {
// Standard character
if (!wordEndedP)
// Still in the initial word
else {
// First character of next word, so time to break
if (destP < &wordStr[0])
destP = &wordStr[0];
*destP = '\0';
lineLen = strlen(wordStr);
strcpy(line, "");
if (_lineX > 0)
strcat(line, " ");
strcat(line, wordStr);
lineLen = strlen(line);
lineWidth = _vm->_font->getWidth(line, DIALOG_SPACING);
if (((_lineX + lineLen) > _widthChars) || ((_widthX + lineWidth) > _dialogWidth)) {
} else {
if (newlineP)
* Appends some text to the current dialog line
void Dialog::appendText(const char *line) {
_lineX += strlen(line);
_widthX += _vm->_font->getWidth(line, DIALOG_SPACING);
strcat(_lines[_lines.size() - 1].data, line);
* Adds a line of text to the dialog lines list
void Dialog::addLine(const char *line, bool underlineP) {
if ((_widthX > 0) || (_lineX > 0))
int lineWidth = _vm->_font->getWidth(line, DIALOG_SPACING);
int lineLen = strlen(line);
if ((lineWidth > _dialogWidth) || (lineLen >= _widthChars))
else {
_lines[_lines.size() - 1].xp = (_dialogWidth - 10 - lineWidth) / 2;
strcpy(_lines[_lines.size() - 1].data, line);
if (underlineP)
_lines[_lines.size() - 1].underline = true;
* Adds a bar separation line to the dialog lines list
void Dialog::addBarLine() {
if ((_widthX > 0) || (_lineX > 0))
// Flag the line as being a bar separator
_lines[_lines.size() - 1].barLine = true;
* Retrieves a specified vocab entry
void Dialog::getVocab(int vocabId, char **line) {
assert(vocabId > 0);
const char *vocabStr = _madsVm->globals()->getVocab(vocabId);
strcpy(*line, vocabStr);
if (_commandCase)
// Move the string pointer to after the added string
while (!**line)
bool Dialog::handleNounSuffix(char *destP, int nounNum, const char *srcP) {
char srcLine[40];
// The next source character must be a colon in front of the first verb
if (*srcP != ':')
return false;
// Copy the remainder of the line into a temporary buffer to get the seperate verbs
strcpy(srcLine, ++srcP);
char *altP = strchr(srcLine, ':');
if (altP)
*altP = '\0';
if (*srcP != '\0') {
while (*srcP != ':') {
if (!*srcP) break;
if (*srcP != '\0')
char var_FC[40];
char tempLine[40];
strcpy(var_FC, srcP);
char *tmpP = &tempLine[0];
char *tmp2P = tmpP;
uint16 _vocabIds[2] = {1, 1}; // FIXME/TODO: Proper vocab ids
getVocab(_vocabIds[nounNum], &tmpP);
if ((*(tmpP - 1) != 'S') && (*(tmpP - 1) != 's')) {
// Singular object
tmpP = &var_FC[0];
} else if (!strcmp(tempLine, "a ")) {
// Pontially plural
char ch = tolower(*tmp2P);
if (!((ch > 'U') || ((ch != 'A') && (ch != 'E') && (ch != 'I') && (ch != 'O'))))
strcpy(tempLine, "an ");
strcpy(destP, tmpP);
return true;
* Sets up an area within the dialog for textual input
void Dialog::setupInputArea() {
_askPosition.x = _lineX + 1;
_askPosition.y = _lines.size();
* Checks whether the start of an extracted command matches a specified given command constant
bool Dialog::matchCommand(const char *s1, const char *s2) {
bool result = scumm_strnicmp(s1, s2, strlen(s2)) == 0;
_commandCase = isupper(*s1);
return result;
Dialog::Dialog(MadsM4Engine *vm, const char *msgData, const char *title): View(vm, Common::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)) {
const char *srcP = msgData;
bool skipLine = false;
bool initFlag = false;
bool cmdFlag = false;
bool crFlag = false;
bool underline = false;
_screenType = LAYER_DIALOG;
_widthChars = 0;
_dialogIndex = 0;
_askPosition.x = 0;
_askPosition.y = 0;
_lineX = 0;
_widthX = 0;
_dialogWidth = 0;
_commandCase = false;
char dialogLine[256];
char cmdText[80];
char *lineP = &dialogLine[0];
char *cmdP = NULL;
while (*(srcP - 1) != '\0') {
if ((*srcP == '\n') || (*srcP == '\0')) {
// Line completed
*lineP = '\0';
if (!initFlag) {
initFlag = true;
if (!skipLine)
else {
addLine(dialogLine, underline);
if (crFlag)
// Clear the current line contents
dialogLine[0] = '\0';
lineP = &dialogLine[0];
skipLine = crFlag = underline = false;
} else if (*srcP == '[') {
// Start of a command sequence
cmdFlag = true;
cmdP = &cmdText[0];
} else if (*srcP == ']') {
// End of a command sequence
*cmdP = '\0';
cmdFlag = false;
if (matchCommand(cmdText, "ASK")) {
} else if (matchCommand(cmdText, "BAR")) {
// Adds a full-width line instead of normal text
} else if (matchCommand(cmdText, "CENTER")) {
// Center command
skipLine = true;
} else if (matchCommand(cmdText, "CR")) {
// CR command
if (skipLine)
crFlag = true;
else if (!initFlag) {
initFlag = true;
} else if (matchCommand(cmdText, "NOUN1")) {
// Noun command 1
handleNounSuffix(lineP, 1, cmdText + 5);
} else if (matchCommand(cmdText, "NOUN2")) {
// Noun command 2
handleNounSuffix(lineP, 2, cmdText + 5);
} else if (matchCommand(cmdText, "SENTENCE")) {
// Sentence command - loads the title into the line buffer
strcpy(dialogLine, title);
lineP += strlen(dialogLine) + 1;
} else if (matchCommand(cmdText, "TAB")) {
// Specifies the X offset for the current line
_lines[_lines.size() - 1].xp = atoi(cmdText + 3);
} else if (matchCommand(cmdText, "TITLE")) {
// Title command - specifies the dialog width in number of characters
skipLine = true;
crFlag = true;
underline = true;
int id = atoi(cmdText + 5);
if (id > 0) {
// Suffix provided - specifies the dialog width in number of chars
_widthChars = id * 2;
_dialogWidth = id * (_vm->_font->getMaxWidth() + DIALOG_SPACING) + 10;
} else if (matchCommand(cmdText, "UNDER")) {
// Underline command
underline = true;
} else if (matchCommand(cmdText, "VERB")) {
// Verb/vocab retrieval
int verbId = 1; // TODO: Get correct vocab
getVocab(verbId, &lineP);
} else if (matchCommand(cmdText, "INDEX")) {
// Index command
_dialogIndex = atoi(cmdText + 5);
} else {
error("Unknown dialog command '%s' encountered", cmdText);
*lineP++ = *srcP;
if (cmdFlag)
*cmdP++ = *srcP;
Dialog::Dialog(MadsM4Engine *vm, int widthChars): View(vm, Common::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)) {
_widthChars = widthChars * 2;
_dialogWidth = widthChars * (_vm->_font->getMaxWidth() + DIALOG_SPACING) + 10;
_screenType = LAYER_DIALOG;
_lineX = 0;
_widthX = 0;
_askPosition.x = 0;
_askPosition.y = 0;
Dialog::~Dialog() {
delete _palette;
void Dialog::draw() {
assert(_widthChars != 0);
// Set up the palette for this view
_palette = new RGBList(8, NULL);
_palette->setRange(0, 8, DIALOG_PALETTE);
// Calculate bounds
int dlgWidth = _dialogWidth;
int dlgHeight = _lines.size() * (_vm->_font->getHeight() + 1) + 10;
int dialogX = (_vm->_screen->width() - dlgWidth) / 2;
int dialogY = (_vm->_screen->height() - dlgHeight) / 2;
// Create the surface for the dialog
create(dlgWidth, dlgHeight, 1);
_coords.left = dialogX;
_coords.top = dialogY;
_coords.right = dialogX + dlgWidth + 1;
_coords.bottom = dialogY + dlgHeight + 1;
// Set up the dialog
fillRect(Common::Rect(0, 0, width(), height()), 3);
hLine(1, width() - 1, height() - 2); // Bottom edge
hLine(0, width(), height() - 1);
vLine(width() - 2, 2, height()); // Right edge
vLine(width() - 1, 1, height());
// Render dialog interior
uint16 seed = 0xb78e;
for (int yp = 2; yp < (height() - 2); ++yp) {
byte *destP = this->getBasePtr(2, yp);
for (int xp = 2; xp < (width() - 2); ++xp) {
// Adjust the random seed
uint16 v = seed;
seed += 0x181D;
v = ROR16(v, 9);
seed = (seed ^ v) + ROR16(v, 3);
*destP++ = ((seed & 0x10) != 0) ? 1 : 0;
// If an ask position is set, create the input area frame
if (_askPosition.y > 0) {
// Handle drawing the text contents
_vm->_font->setColours(7, 7, 7);
for (uint lineCtr = 0, yp = 5; lineCtr < _lines.size(); ++lineCtr, yp += _vm->_font->getHeight() + 1) {
if (_lines[lineCtr].barLine) {
// Bar separation line
hLine(5, width() - 6, ((_vm->_font->getHeight() + 1) >> 1) + yp);
} else {
// Standard line
Common::Point pt(_lines[lineCtr].xp + 5, yp);
if (_lines[lineCtr].xp & 0x40)
_vm->_font->writeString(this, _lines[lineCtr].data, pt.x, pt.y, 0, DIALOG_SPACING);
if (_lines[lineCtr].underline)
// Underline needed
hLine(pt.x, pt.x + _vm->_font->getWidth(_lines[lineCtr].data, DIALOG_SPACING),
pt.y + _vm->_font->getHeight());
// Do final translation of the dialog to game palette
bool Dialog::onEvent(M4EventType eventType, int32 param1, int x, int y, bool &captureEvents) {
if (_vm->_mouse->getCursorNum() != CURSOR_ARROW)
captureEvents = true;
if (eventType == MEVENT_LEFT_CLICK) {
captureEvents = false;
return true;
void Dialog::display(MadsM4Engine *vm, int widthChars, const char **descEntries) {
Dialog *dlg = new Dialog(vm, widthChars);
while (*descEntries != NULL) {
int lineWidth = vm->_font->getWidth(*descEntries, DIALOG_SPACING);
dlg->_lines[dlg->_lines.size() - 1].xp = (dlg->_dialogWidth - 10 - lineWidth) / 2;
dlg->_lines[0].underline = true;
void Dialog::getValue(MadsM4Engine *vm, const char *title, const char *text, int numChars, int currentValue) {
int titleLen = strlen(title);
Dialog *dlg = new Dialog(vm, titleLen + 4);
dlg->addLine(title, true);
// TODO: How to wait until the dialog is closed
} // End of namespace M4